FORTY MEXICANS KILLED AT PARRAL (Continued from Page One), word from Washington has arrived that indicates the administration de sires any alteration in the orders that placed the punitive force in Mexico. It is understood that General Fun ston has notified the War Department that effective pursuit cannot be car ried on unless radical means are taken to assist General Pershing, who is at the extreme southern end of his line of communications from where the de tached columns of cavalry are in oper ation along the trails to the south in the direction of the Chihuahua-Duran-go state line. Villa is believed now to be in the state of Durango. The Parral incident served to dem onstrate the difficulty of communica tion. The field wire General Pershing has laid behind him has been cat scores of times and his equipment for wireless communication is exceedingly limited, according to official admission. PRIVATE MESSAGES RKP6RT CONDITIONS MORE TRANQUIL El Paso, Tex., April 15. Two private messages received here today from Par ral served to allay to some degree the apprehension which had grown deeper with every hour's continued silence on the part of General Funston and Wash ington. One message received by an English man with large mining interests in Parral was from his wife and merely said his family was well and that there was no cause for worry. The second "received by the American head of another Parral mining con cern, said conditions were gradually be coming more tranquil. At the same time unofficial reporf s from Mexican sources were more gloomy than at any time since the first news of the fighting was made public by General Obregon. One of these re ports was brought by a Mexican su perintendent of a Parral mining plant. He declared that he. had knowledge that the fighting at Parral had been on a very large scale and that a majority of the American force had been wiped out. The report was made by the superin tendent to an American employer who said that the man had worked for him 20 years and he had the utmost confi dence in him.. During the..Iast few days the cen sorship at Columbus has been screwd down to the last notch and nothing id regard to military affairs has been per mitted to come across the wire. The sixth infantry brigade and parts of three other regiments stationed in Douglas, Ariz., have been ordered to. prepare to move at a moment's notice, rations and ammunition being served out last night. The only explanation offered by army officers here of the military activity along the border is that normal pre cautions are being taken in view of the diplomatic crisis which has arisen between Washington and General Car ranza. General Gavira, the Carranza com mander at Juarez reiterated tonight his belief that no serious friction would arise between the two coun tries. QUIET PREVAILS. ALONG LINE OP COMMUNICATION. Columbus, N. M.. April 15. Military reports reaching Columbus tonight tell of quiet prevailing along the American line of communication between here icKd Casas Grandes. General Arnulfo Gomez's command, the whereabouts of which had puzzled intelligence officers, was located today, but nothing con tained in the dispatches was revealed, other than the Mexican forces are not advancing in such way as might men ace the supply route. It was admitted h.ere that all pre cautionary steps ordered by General Funston to guard the line and meet any eventuality have been taken, "and detachments at Boca Grande, Espia and Ascencion have been reinforced. A rumor- that a truck train had been fired upon norht of Casas Grandes was dis credited generally. Trucks with drivers stood in readi ness to carry troops rapidly to any threatened point. For the first time in several days communications were received here over the army wireless from General Pershing, but the contents of th; mes sages were not revealed. Quartermasters' reports here indicate that the hardships which some advanc ed expeditionary detachments have ex perienced as a result of inability to obtain supplies have been overcome ( and that all of the troops now in the ' field are provided amply with food and equipment. "WOULD TAKE OATH TO OBEY ORDERS OP THE PRESIDENT. Two More Provisions for Federalizing .National Guard Adopted. Washington, April 15. Two more provisions designed to strengthen the Federal status of the National Guard were written into the Senate army bill today. . In the course of debate, enlivened by the charge that Federal funds provid- A person said to us the other day : "I don't use the clas sified ads. because they're so small nobody would see my ad." Big city dailies print several pages of want ads. The people read them. Then how much bet ter the people of our town read the ads. in this paper, where they are not xonf used by a mass of type. ed the National Guard' in. past years had been foolishly thrown; away and in some cases embezzled, . the Senate adopted amendments providing that all officers of the guard above the rank of captain be paid $500 a year by the Federal government and that all guardsmen on enlistment be required to take an oath to obey orders from the President, as well as the governor of their respective states. The attack on guard officers for their use of Federal funds was made by Sen ator Borah, in a speech opposing the Reed amendment for Federal pay. The Idaho Senator declared that $8,000,000 available annually for use of. the guard under the Dick Militia law had been shamefully utilized by officers . to the exclusion of enlisted men and that some of it had been "embezzled." Senators Reed, Pomerene and others defended the guardsmen, and the Fed eral pay amendment was adopted 41 to 14. Business Locals Advertisements inserted under this bead. One Cent yer word for each Insertion, but no advcrlUemeDt ta ken lor lea tnan 25c Additional words more tnun 2o, One Cent per word. Uuies tiie advertiser ua a regular account, all advertisement unuer tnia to end are S'i'mCTLx' CASH IN ADV AACE, the amount be ing too small to warrant a enarjee. '1'ne Star will send without charge a Western Union ileweager to any ad dreatH in tiie city, tor auvertisementa In this department, upon request by 'phone to No. ol. aiesaeugera will also call for telegrams tor tne West ern Union Telejcrapn Company, or tor notes or smaii packages to be de livered anywhere in the city. No charge tor collecting; the telegrams, or auvertisementa tor the Star, but a small charge tor Strictly Aleaaen g;cr Service.. Telephone subscribers may at any time telephone their telegrams and bills will be rendered to suit the sender, daily, weekly or monthly. for this serviee, call Western Union," but tor advertise ments always call the Star office. No. 51. Advertisements cannot be taken over the telephonebut upon request messenarer will be dispatch ed to any part of the city for them. Contract advertising inserted "till forbid" will be discontinued only on written notice troin the advertiser. WANTED TWO FIREMAN FOR SAW mill. One man to roll logs on car " riage. "H. W., care Star. apl6-lt YOU MAY ENTER YOUR SUBSCREP tion for stock in tenth series at once and settle the first installment Sat urday, May 6. Saving money is a habit. Try it. The City and Su burban Building and Loan Associa tion. Milton Calder, President; W. A. McGirt, Secretary. ap6-lt SEVENTH STREET COTTAGE WE have for sale a new cottage of five rooms, modern conveniences for less than $2,000 located on Seventh, street near Red Cross.' Look at it today and see us early Monday. The terms are easy. J. G. Wright & Son, Agents. ap6-lt AN SCO FILM BE SURE OF GETTING best results by loading your camera with Ansco Film. Sizes to fit all makes of cameras or kodaks. Green's Drug Store, Agents. apl6-lt SAVING MONEY, ARE YOU? THOU- sands of men, women and children are using the Building ana Loan as a me dium for weekly savings. New Se ries opens Saturday, May 6. Take stock nqw. The City and Suburban Building Association. Milton Calder, President; W. A. McGirt, Secretary Treasurer. Masonic Temple Building. ap6-lt WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH COTTAGES for rent. See James and James, Inc., Southern Bldg. apl6-lt WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN private family at once, by a nice young lady, at a reasonable price. Ad dress "At Once," care Star. apl6-lt OUR RENT LIST IS ONE OF THE most complete in the city. It will be to your advantage to see me before renting. James and James, Inc., Sou thern Bldg. apl6-lt FOUND WHITE FOX TERRIER puppy, about one year old; black head; brown spots over eyes, black bob-tailed. Owner can get same by calling at 1001 South Front street and paying for this ad. apl6-lt FOR SALE PEPPER AND TOMATO plants; price 30 cents per 100 or $2.50 per 1,000; undelivered at this price. Address all orders to J. B. Dempsey, Wallace, N. C. - apl6-lt MR. RAILROAD ' MAN WE HAVE listed for sale that fine two-story house No. 1003 No. Third; a little down and balance weekly will make you a freeholder. J. G. Wright & Son, agents. ap 16-lt A FEW BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOM- modated at 410 North Front street, with nicely furnished rooms; excellent table service and all modern conveni ences. Price $4.50 per week. Misses Sprvey. apl6-lt TELEPHONE US - THE TELEPHONE puts our store right at your elbow. All you have to do is call us, and our messenger will -be right over with what you need. Green's Drug store. apl6-lt WANTED - TO BUY SECOND HAND , bicycle. "N. J. T.," care Star. . apl6-lt CAROLINA PLACE COTTAGE A nice five room cottage on Peary ave., all modern conveniences, can be bought for $1,750.00; the first to call Monday will get this cottage at less than cost. Let us show it 'to yoUi J. G. Wright & Son, agents. apl6-lt WANTED 500 PANAMA, STRAW and felt hats this season, to be clean ed and blocked like new, for 50 cents. The only experienced Hatter in the city. Cleaning and Pressing. Ameri can Practical Hatter, 128 Market st. ; . apl6-it FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED room in private residence One block from the Post Office. 'Phone 773;. 216 North Second street. . - apl6-t 50 CENTS PER WEEK; PER SHARE, B. and L. stock maturing 3 1-2 years; Carolina B. & 1j. opens ' new :- series May 6th. Can get stock tomorrow at 123 Princess... L. W. Moore," secy; E. T. Taylor, pres. apl6-lt HAVE ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE proposition in exchange ' of city - for country property. I Also will exchange 125 acre tract land for city property. See L. W. Moore, Real Estate' Agency, " 123 Princess street. - - aplS-lt ATTENTION, AUTOMOBILE OWNERS I Use Gaso-Toriic. Reduce your gas bill 25" per cent and rid your engine of carbon... One Jrial will convince you ; two ounces 'Will treat ten , gal lons of gasolene. Dr. D. W. Gaines, of Cincinnati, says: "I used 50 gallons of gasolene treated with Gaso-Tonic with the following results: 1st, 10 gali Ions, 93 miles; 2nd 10 gallons,. 108 miles; 3rd 10 gallons, 118 miles;; 4th 10 gallons, 130 miles; 5th 10 gallons, 143 miles. . My engine works like new and I would use Gaso-Tonic for the effect it has on the engine, regardless of the increase in mileage." .We guarantee results or refund your mo ney! Price, $2.00 per quart. Special price to dealers. Cape Fear Hard ware Co. apl6-lt LOST ON CASTLE : STREET, BE- tween 13th and 15th; lid off old fash ioned breast pin. Liberal reward for return to Star office. apl6-2t FOR RENT TWO OR THREE FUR nished or unfurnisned rooms. Apply f 210 Walnut street. apl6-lt ROOMS WANTED THREE OR FOUR suitable for light- housekeeping. Give description and price in first letter. Address "House," care Star. apl6-lt SCREEN DOORS, WINDOWS AND porch screening made to fit; complete ly installed. If you have any screen ing to do, will be glad to furnish you samples and estimates. Address Cromwell-Curtis Mfg. Co., No. 603 Campbell street, Wilmington, N. C. apl6-2t LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED AND repaired; keys of all kinds fitted; um brellas repaired and covered. Work guaranteed. A. D. Cashwell; .'Phone No. 711; 2nd and Market streets. apl6-lt FOR SALE TWO TURNPIKE LOTS at "Carolina Place," this side of Or ange street. Price- $600.00 each; can arrange terms; also, two on Metts avenue, between 20th and 21st streets, price $400.00 each. Five-room house on Woorcott avenue, new, gas, hot and cold water, lights, renting for $240.0.0 annually; price, $1,850.00; terms. How about' two nouses in Brooklyn, rent ing for $10.00 per month; $500.00 each, or $950.00 for the two; $150.00 casty, balance, easy. We have a beautiful seven-room house at Winoca for' $4, 200.00; lot 55x112 feet; good terms; will be glad to show you. - One Sev enteenth street, lot between Dock and Orange; price $525.00. Four room house on Thirteenth street, renting for $8.00 per month. Price $800.00; $100.00 cash, balance like rent.. This street is now being improved. Call or 'phone. H. F. Wilder, Agent. apl6-2t SEVERAL NICE HOMES FOR RENT, by L. W. Moore's Renting Agency, 123 Princess street. ap!6-lt 26-ROOM ATLANTIC YACHT CLUB hotel, Wrightsville Bearch, for rent by L. W. Moore's Renting Agency, 123 Princess street. apl6-lt COTTAGES ON BEACH FOR RENT, 4 rooms, 6 rooms, 10 rooms; partly fur nished. See L. W. Moore Renting Agency, 123 Princess street. apl6-lt $100.00 CASH, BALANCE EASY monthly payments, will buy nice cot tage; macadam street. L. W. Moore, Real Estate Agency, 123 Princess st. apl6-lt LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN POINT er dog, white with large brown spots, brown head, end of tail clipped; has owner's name and address on collar. Any information will be highly appre ciated. 'Phone 6S5. M. G. Saunders, 401 South Front street. ap!6-lt LOST BETWEEN THIRD AND OR ange and Woolworth's Store, lady's open-faced ' plain gold watch, with chatelaine pin, oft gold fob. Liberal reward if returned to Dr. Murphy's office. " apl6-lt FOR RENT GOOD, COMFORTABLE rooms, with or without board; mod ern conveniences; situated in the best , part of the city. Across from Post Office Park; 119 Chestnut street; 'Phone 1125-J. apl6-lt WANTED A GOOD, ALL-AROUND man for repair work; also boy as helper. Apply Monday morning C. C. Hopkins, 1015 South Front St." apl6-lt THE LADIES' AUXILIARY OF TRIN- ity Church Lot Fund will give an Easter Egg hunt Saturday afternoon, 4 P. M,, April 22nd, at the residence of Mrs. J. W.' Brooks, Carolina Place. Grown folks, as well as children, are cordially invited to attend. Admis sion, 5 cents. apl6-lt FOR SALE CHEAP ONE HORSE AND buggy, in good condition. Apply D. F. Toler, 1002 Nortn Sixth street. ap!6-lt WALL" DECORATIONS WE HAVE the newest, most artistic line ever gotten out. Visit our show room and let us show you a classy line. Get us to estimate on your work, if you want quality. C. H. Crockett; 'Phone Noj 771; 26 North Second street. apl6-lt NEW PIANOS FOR $250; FULLY guaranteed. Agents for Gibson man dolins and guitars. Yopp and Woody Music Co.; 217 North Front st. . . apl6-lt COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AND BEC ords. We . have accepted ' the agency , for . this leader of talking machines, and we have a large supply of ma chines and the latest records on the way. Don't buy until you see our goods, which , will arrive the ' middle of this week. Yopp & Woody Music Co., 217 North Front. ? 'Phone 313. t apl6-tf LOST LADY'S BROWN AND WHITE checked sport coat, between Front and , Red Cross and Second and Market. Finder please return to Star office Or, 'phone 1127-J. i . apl6-Jt SUBSCRIBE FOR STOCK NOW NEW series will open Saturday, .May;. '6th, and we want you with us. Save your money through : the Old and Reliable City and Suburban Bldg. Association. W. A. McGirt, vSec-Treas.; ' Masonic Temple Bldg. '",'"'' apl6-lt . " - - ' " ' " CANDY FAMOUS LADY ' FAHIFAX Candies are all one price, 50c. the "pound Received fresh1 from the fac tory each week. : Green's Drug Store, Agents. .'; v , apl6lt VISIT WIN jCA TODAY.-AND INSPECT the two'new houses on .Thirteenth St a small payment will stop your, house rent. ' Let us help you. , J. G.-' Wright and Son, Agents. ' . . J, apl6-l WANTED EXTRA ? WORK EVEN ings; experienced stenographer and typewriter. . Commercial or legal , work called for and delivered prompt ly. '"X. Li.,,' care Star. ? apl6-lt PRESCRIPTIONS-i-BRING YOUR PRE- : scriptionsto our "store;- they will be ' promptly and accurately compounded from the purest of drugs and chemi cals.' Our prescription record is over 263000! Green's Drug Store. apl6-lt FOR RENT IN A FEW DAYS. TWO or three-rooms, nicely furnished; hot water and electric lights. Convenient to bath Apply to 314 North Seventh street. apl6-lt SATURDAY, MAY 6TH, THE OLD ,AND Reliable City and Suburban Building Association opens its 10th Series. Sub scribe for Stock at once; 'Phone 145. W. A. MeGirt,- -Seeretary-Treasurer, Masonic Temple Bldg.- apl6-lt FOR. SALE NEAR SECOND AND Red Cross - On Red Cross, near Sec ond we; have lor sale a splendid two story home;1 the price is less than $5, 000.00. We can make, terms. J. G. Wright and Son, Agents. apl6-lt sl50.00 WILL BUY YOU A FIVE-ROOM cottage, vitlvbath; at Carolina Place; balance: small monthly payments. James and James, Inc., Southern Bids. apl6-lt KODAK FINISHING" TO GET THE most out of the pictures you take, 'send your films to us to be developed, and printed. You'll like our 24-hour service." .Prices right. Camera Dep't; Green's Drug Store. , apl6-lt $200 AND THE BALANCE LIKE RENT will give: you a pretty "little cottage fronting on Wrightsville Turnpike, a bargain, i James & James, Inc., Sou thern Bldg. ; " : . apl6-lt FOR' SALE COTTON SEED FOR ' planting. Selected stocks of Reim proved" Cook, Cook, Cleveland, Perry, Simpkins,' Ideal and Prolific and King. W. A; Myatt, Jr. & Co., Raleigh, N. - C. :mh 12-eod-15t PANAMA HATS FOR BOTH. MEN AND women- cleaned and blocked . for fifty cents. ' Monthly pressing rates, $1.00 up.' Coster's, li2 Market street. "'Phone 148. . ap5-w,su-7t SHIP US -YOUR POULTRY .AND EGGS. We get top prices.' Let us have your orders on fruits and. .vegetables. Charleston Fruit Co., ;Charleston, S. r C. . . , . ap 9 sp we-tf WANTED AGENTS FOR EVERY township to handle fertilizer product. Used by thousands of farmers, most effective, product on the market; method has government endorsement. No investment required. Permanent business with good pay and promo tion features. .Apply to R W. House & Bros., State Agents, Oak City, N. C. ap 9su tu th su 4t WANTED MAN FAMILIAR WITH machinery to work on farm. Only those not afraid of work need apply. A. M. Lucas, Councils, N. C. ap 14-fr-su-2t FOR SALE ENTIRE EQUIPMENT, band saw mill and planing mill. Loco motives, logging cars, skidders and loaders. Planing mill - equipment throughout; Berlin machines. Price and terms reasonable. Address "X. Y. Z.," care Star. t; . apl2-w,f,su-6t FOR SALE 40,000,000 . FT. TIMBER, mostly short leaf pine and cypress; 17 miles railroad; 130 - acre deep water mill site; Horry county, S. C, "B" 609 E. 42nd SU Baltimore, Md. mh26-su,w,f-13t WANTED SICK AND ACCIDENT I In surance agents in North Carolina. Write tu C. McCabe, Winston-Salem, N. C. mhl9-su5t U. S. GOVERNMENT WANTS CLERKS. Men, Women, 18 or over. $75 month. Write immediately for free list of positions now, obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 296 N. Rochester, N. Y. mhl9Su5t WANTED FIVE BRIGHT, CAPABLE ladles to travel,, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 per week. Rail road fare paid. Goodrich Drug Com pany, Dept. 472, Omaha. Neb. ap 2 Su 5t FOR SALE ONE OLD COLONIAL BED stead. Mrs. T. J. Keenan, First farm on Market street -road, Wilmington, N. C. ap 9-16-2t MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Address P. O. Box 1065, WiJmington, N. C. . apl2-w,su-2t QUALITY PRINTING FACSIMILE EM bossing, and engraving; multigraph 3g, typewriting; Notaries Public. H&rriss Typewriting & Adv. Go. fel7-tf UNREDEEMED SINGER DROP-HEAD sewing machine, at a vfery low price, at Uncle Charles' Pawn Shop, No. 6 South Front street. 'Phone 642. mh29-tf SWEET CREAM AND MILK FOR SALE Pine' Grove DsJry Farm. Adolph G. Ahrens, proprietor. 'Phone 936. m'u28-tf THE HIGHEST, CASH OFFER IS Go ing to, buy a thirty-three foot lot in 'two blocks of Coast Line offices. See me, F. A. Lord, Insurance and Real Estate. ' ap aht-lt PROSPECTUS OF THE NORTH AMER- ican Peanut Co., Inc., Wilson, N. C, will be mailed for the asking. Excel lent opportunity for safe investment. . ( apl3 4t 004 MARKET. STREET, FOR RENT, partly furnished, 7 rooms and mod- ;, ern conveniences. See M. C. Darby & Co., Real Estate. ap 16-lt SPRING IS HERE HAVE THAT OLD bicyple repaired, ride a bicycle and ; be healthy. We send for and' deliver. ' Full line of the very best new bicy .cles just received;' also have about 100 good second-hand ones for 'sale cheap. - - Anything In the sundry line. . Prices right. Phone No. 526. Wil mington Cycle Co., 215 Market street. . " y ' ? ' ' " ap 16-7t FAMILY LEAVING 'THE CITY DE- sires to sell a Kimball self -player pi ano; also twin-cylinder Excelsior mo tor cycle and some house furnishings. 'Phone 1958W. . apl6-lt FOR SALE STEAM- VULCANIZING u plant outfit -r air bag cistern: T. J. . . Naughton, R. ,F. D. No. 2, Wilmington, . N- c- ,;' " apl6-lt STATIONERY, A COMPLETE LINE - of fine stationery, in --variety of fin ishes, packed in attractive boxes, al ways on hand. Green's Drug Store. ' , f ' -,-'. apl6-lt DRESSED CHICKENS VERY BEST of season, giblets go with" chickens. Good beef, veal,- native lamb and pork. All kinds of early .vegetables. Phone No., 72, Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market street.- ' - ap 16-lt IF YOU ARE WELL, KEEP WELL BY v drinking Lltreoln Lithia Water; - If ' sick, get . well by the same route. Your dfuggist has" it-; The Lincoln Lithia Water Co., Lincolnton, N, C. , apl2-7t FOR SALE A GOOD SOUND MARE, 8 years old. Bargain. Can be seen at C. H. Daniel's Stable Monday, Tuesr day and .Wednesday. . ap 16-lt WANTED POSITION BY FIRST class band sawyer. ..Can saw on eith er side. Strictly sober. Address 5-A, are Star. ap 16-4t WANTED POSITION AS SUPERIN- tendent of.' saw mill, or log woods. Will contract. Now employed. Good reason for change. R. No."l, Box 22, Wade, N. C. ' ap 16-2t WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH COTTAGES We haveseveral particularly desir . able cottages. Price from $200 up ward. Come and see our list. J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate and In surance agents. ap 16-lt FOR SALE FARM CONTAINING 52 1-2 acres, 17 acres cleared, under good wire fence; four room house; good outbuildings. For terms and price '. apply A. K. Mallard, Atkinson, N. C. ap 16-lt O. I. C. PIGS FOR SALE FROM THE L. B. Silver Co., registered stock, ten weeks old, $10.00 each. Can be seen .at my farm on Castle Haynes road, J. H. Hinten. . ap 16-4t FOUR-O-FIVE WRIGHTSVILLE AVE. Carolina Place, for rent. Very pleas ant and convenient location. Phone 836 tomorrow. ap 16-lt ENJOY LIFE AND SAVE THE DOC tor bill. Live in one of our desira ble Wrightsville- Beach cottages. We V have several to tell you of. J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate and' In surance Agents. . ap 16rlt FIFTY SECOND HAND COMMON doors for sale. No reasonable offers rejected. Could be used on the farm for various purposes, such as pig pens, poultry, shelters, etc. . Clark Lynch Lumber Co. ap 16-lt WANTED POPLAR, CYPRESS AND ash. lumber, ; Inspection made at mill by Wayne Lumber Co., of New York, N. Y, Resp.. John S. Mitchell, No. 715 34th street, Norfolk, Va. ap 16-3t QUANTITY OF OLD HEART PLANK, 3 and 4 inches thick, suitable for bulk-heads at beach. Price this week $8.00 per thousand feet. " Also sec ond ' hand inch boards, $5.00 to $8.00 per M. Clark-Lynch Lumber Co. ap 16-lt WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF lumber we have ever before carried. , That means we are in a better posi tion to take care of your business. Try us. Clark-Lynch Lumber Co. .. ap 16-lt NEW YORK CITY SUBURBAN RES? dence property for sale or exchange for Wilmington property, at Mont clair, N. J 8 rooms; all conveniences. P. O. .Box 1074, Wilmington, N. C. ap 16-2t LOST BUNCH OF KEYS BETWEEX Water ana Grace and Eighth and Market , streets. in leather case. Please return to F. P. Turrentine, 223 North Water, or 814 Market street. ap 16-lt LIBERAL' REWARD FOR INFORMA- tidn' leading' to "the recovery of my coop of chickens mostly setting hens, and positively no" questions asked of anybody or . 179. John I. Mc Ginnis, Castle Haynes road. , ap 16-lt ANNOUNCEMENT ON SATURDAY, May -6th,- the new series of the Co-Operative-Building & Loan Associa tion will open. This association is 18 years old and has been loaning money to .your friends throughout Wilmington, during all this time. Hundreds of houses have been built and bought through the Co-Opera-tiye. . Each share is 25 cents and everyone man, woman and child can get shares. Let. us give you a free booklet describing Building and Loan, . it Is interesting and instruc tive. Joseph H. Hinton, president; J. VanB. Metts, vice president; Thos. H. Wright, ' secretary. 124 Princess street. ap 16-lt TO BOOK BUYER l I WISH TO SELL set of 30 volumes "World's Best Lit erature," edited by Warner. Original price $90. In good condition, j. Write, , making offer, to "L, I. T." care Star. ap, 16-lt REFINED YOUNG LADY WITH Ex perience desires' position as stenog rapher or clerical work. Temporary or permanent. Best of referertces. Address "X. Y. Z." care Star, or ca 1341-W.: . ap WANTED TO BUY MOVING PICTURE outfit suitable for small town. State full particulars first letter. -Address "Movie"; care Star. ap16-2t NANCY HALL AND PORTO RICO sweet potato plants. Fancy ; stock; good .. pack; immediate shipment. $1-50 per V thousand, Livingstone Globe Tomato plants same price. G. R. Bascom (Grower). B-38, Orlando, Florida. ' . apl6-lt FOR SALE -TO QUICK BUYER, fOOO -will purchase two of the most de sirable ocean front lots at Wrights ville Beach, or $450 for one. Address P.O. Box No. 433, City. . apl6-lt WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER of a farm" or unimproved land fqr sale. O. K. Hawley, Baldwin, Wis. V." '' , . apl6-lt COLORED WOMEN IN EVERY Lo cality. . . Do hair dressing at home or canvassing; free course; make $900 . annually; sample' free. Johnson , and Winn Coy Covington, Ky. apl6-su-3t FOR RENT THE COOLEST COT tage on "Wrightsville Beach; furnish- , ed bed- linen and crockery. Four bed rooms, 12 foot hall, kitchen,-pantry and' bath on first . floor; two large bed rooms on second floor. Servants;; quarters in rear of "prem- ises. Will irent to prlvato family only .Won't- consider boarding house. " Address, LM. Bunting, MuN chison Bldg.t Wilmington, N". C. ' : ;. : ''- api6-it. ; REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT - WE have for sale in Southern part of city two cottages that have been 'put In our hands to, sell this week; pays bet- ; ter than 12 per cent.; in good condi tion;, for price and . terms, see- J. Q Wright -and Son, Agents. ' apl6-lt Til j; " , &3?1J MILTON CALDER. . . . .. ..Vice-President II I :. n 1 Over Two MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $1,650,000.00 Resources, 8,000,000.00 This Bank stands ready to furnish customers every facility and beat possible service. H. C. McQUEEN, President. J. W. YATES, V. Prest. J. V. GRAINGER, V. Prest C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. . M. F.. ALLEN, Asstr Cash. W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cash. J. V. GRAINGER. Jr., Asst. Cash. You'll BeKeve In Yourself When you have shown, by. a year's persistence, that you CAN divert a stated portion of your income regularly into your Home Savings Bank savings account. Self reliance is the best capital in the world. It is a growth Eiore than a gift. Difficulties come with it. Attention to your savings account will DEVELOP it. HOME SAVINGS BANK Wilmington, N. C. Almost every day we are told: "Isn't Winoca Terrace growing and improv ing?" It certainly is, without a doubt. It is even hard to remember that "this, one of the most beautiful parts of Wil mington, was but a wilderness four years ago. V The improvements and the advance ment "will continue. The wise person will buy now, and as the values are made, get his share of it. t . On Thirteenth street, between Chest nut and Grace, we have about finished (one is finished) two splendid modern homes. We are going to sell this house at cost. It will be a bargain, and certain ly very much cheaper than the occasion al builder of homes could possibly ouiid for. The materials are the, best. The workmanship good, and the design splendid. . , . Let us show this to you. Stop paying rent. Own your own home in this rapidly improving section. Come, in and see us. Yours very truly, J. 6. Wright & Son Real Estate and Insurance Agent. YOU ARE READING THIS COLUMN, Many others are doing the same. Your own announcement right , here at a cost of 25 cents for not exceed . ing 25 words, would be read tomor- row morning by just as many as' are reading it today.; likely more. 'Phone 51 for rates and information. mh23-tf FOR SALE ABOUT EIGHT HUN- dred bushels sound cotton seed. Make best bid, f. o. b. Fremont, N. C. Cal vin Aycock, Fremont, N. C. apl2-7t HOUSE FOR SALE RECENTLY built; modern, seven rooms; lot, 55 by 112 feet;. ten-foot alley in rear; reasonable price and terms. P.hone 1146-J. Call at 109 North. 13th street .'to examine premises. T ap 14r3t WANTED A OASlr F DYSPEPSIA . or indigestion, that Apex Tonic will not relieve. - We will pay a reward for. any such case. . "Satisfaction' or money back," is our motto. Trial bot ' tie sent to any address upon receipt of 50 cents. Apex Manufacturing .' Company, No. 832 E. Main St., Rich mond, Va. - mh20-28i MANY HOUSEHOLDERS PLAN THEIB ' day's, marketing by this column. Your announcement -here costs only 25 cents for . hot exceeding 25 - words. Others are benefiting; why not you? . . rah23-tt FOR SALE 1.0OO TONS T 1-2 PER cent prime cotton seed meal, at a very . low price. ,1 Wire me, collect, if yon are interested; I can sell you. V. B Sharpe, Max ton. N. C. mh9-tf GREENVILLE JSOUND REMEMBER the Tietjen Place will be sold at Pub lic Auction' oh April 25, at noon,' at the court house to the highest bid der. Contains about 67 acres,, fronts . over 1,000 feet on sound; is on. the new Oreeriville road. : Desirable for summer home. For information' call 1611- - .w : ap l-10t FOR RENT (POSSESSION MAY 1ST) No. - 422 . South ' Front ; 7 rooms,' all convenience" See M. C Darby & Co. . " - . ap 16-lt WHY NOT LIVE IN THK COMFORT A- ble Carolina Apartment House. - All the comforts and low rental. ; We have a few apartments for rent. J. ,r G, Wright.&.Son, Real Estate and. In ' surance Agents. ap l-2t American Bank & Trust Co. Front and' Market Sts., Wilmington, N. c Commercial Accounts Savings Accounts Trust 'Accounts .- SAFE COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE TIJOS. E. COOPER .. .. .. ..President RESOURCES: and One-Half Million DcHn j Pictures For Easter A line line of Pictures and Frames, suitable for presents. Easter Cards and Novelties. Fancy Baskets and Leather Goods. Bibles, Hymnals- Prayer Books and -Devotional Books. C W. YATES COi BOOKS AND STATIONERY 117 Market Street II Your Shipments careiully handled W. B. Cooper & Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD WE HANDLK only the eood drv kind. Call us i- nrln . Phnna No 341. Prompt de livery. Union Wood Company, OscjJ - P: Peo.Ic - Pron. mh 2a--J OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE; FOB wrapping or placing under carp--'tied up in neat "bundles and for sai at this office, 10 cents per hundred- nih-3-'1 BARBERS, ATTENTIO!'. WH1 the middle man a .jtJflt when can buy direct from the n r urer? We make the best Liquid" and "Menthol Cream w us for prices. Apex Manufacturins . uorapany, nu. oo jh. - . oa tri foln .St.. J mli20-2St' mond, Va. ... FARM MULE FOR SALE SKE Bh$ Produce and Mdse Co., i' ,,-t street. Wilmington, N. FOR SALE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE J Winter 'Park; water, seweragnnt u lights; located on highest spo . ; Parkr.just a hundred yards fr on 1 tlon, between shell road and car Lot S9XZ40 ieei. 7 tree servants' quarters and - a j j -or-o star. ' ' A NEW -. WE HAVE RECKi ' - icJl . copies Of the World Almanacs we are selling for 25 cents per by mall, 35 cents per copy x your orders to 745. Gordon Brhl.t PAINTING AND PAPERHAJib L , - M you ,have ,work, you can si & ' having" it dne..y w0r Beasley; 'Phone Ilg4-J- A'pi3-it' l guaranteed. 1 ffCOTTON

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