r THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 19 16. (Two. 'J i -I tl -1 s 1 '1 II' 1 t 1 ml- BRITISH GGHDUGT IF WAR DISCUSSED Under-Secretary Tennant Replies to the Criticisms Made by '. Colonel Churchill. IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Churchill in His NSpeech Criticized the Army Administration, Saying; Too Many Troon Were at Home Doing: Nothing: London, May 31. The vote for the salary of Sari Kitchener as secretary .'for war, in the House of Commons to day, led to a discussion of the general conduct of the war. In introducing the vote Harold J. Tennant, parliamentary .Under-Secretary for war, replied to the speech made last week by Winston Spencer Churchill, in which he said the position of the British lines at several points was disadvantageous and that there were large numbers of men on duty as grooms and officers' servants who might be used to augment the fighting forces. Mr. Tennant pointed out that a large number of men was reauired behind the lines to move up necessary sur- plies. The war office, he said, already had adopted the plan of replacing younger soldiers with older ones, al though .this could not be done in every 'case. Servants Must Enter Fight. As to Colonel Churchill's complaint in regard to the large number of offi cers' servants Mr. Tennant said these men, like all others, had to take their iPlaoes in the firing line. With regard Ito the criticism respecting the great ;force of men kept at home, he ex plained they were being trained with a view to being sent abroad. Mr. Tennant then referred- to Colo nel Churchill's recommendation that large bodies of troops be drawn from Asia and Africa, saying it was an illu sion to think such a thing possible. In the first place there was not a large number of men in those regions Euitable for service as Soldiers in Tt LEuropean war and even if there were it would be impossible to procure offi cers who knew the languages and were able to command them. Moreover the value of black troops was a very un certain quantity and if Colonel Church fill would look at the German papers lle would see how pleased the Germans fwere at the idea of having these troops employed by the Allies. In reply Colonel Churchill said that . when he made his speech he had con templated having these armies ready .by September of 1917. He believed offi cers could learn the languages by that time. WAR'S END NOT TO BLOCK PROSPERITY (Continued from Pace One.) purposes of peace for the re-construction of ruined industries and cities, and for the relief of the stricken markets of Germany and Austria. In addition to that, if we are in the least intelligent and enterprising, the great markets of South and Central America, which have been clamorously seeking us for the past two years, will more than offset any possible loss of war trade." Defends Tariff Law. Secretary McAdoo defended the Un ider wood -Simmons Tariff law, declaring that it transferred "a part of the bur dens of taxation from the backs of the ;masses of the people to the ample shoulders of wealth, which had never (under the Republican system borne its '0ust proportion of the burdens of gov ernment. The Democrats system is the fcjust system," he said. "The Republi can system is the privilege system." , Delighted with his trip to Chapel jHill to deliver the commencement ad ydress for the University of North Car olina. Secretary McAdoo was charmed )this afternoon with his reception and entertainment in Raleigh. In company with Mrs. McAdoo, Mr. Talcot Williams, !of the Pulitzer School of Journalism, and Mrs. Josephus Daniels, they came from Chapel Hill by automobile and Mr. McAdoo and Mr. Williams were the guests of the officers of the cbam i'ber of cemmerce and other prominent (citizens for a dinner at the Yarborough. Opening- Dance at Lnmina teaturday night. Don Richardson's Or chestra, Advertisement. Our 30-foot channel enables lirrfl tehips to come into our port. Godwin fcas worked hard on that proposition. How well the British fraternize with the new. Russian soldiers in France is illustrated in this photograph of a Cold Stream guardsman exchanging ji , .... ....... , , I BRITISH SOLDIER EXCHANGING HATS WITH A RUSSIAN. - - - ; HON. JOHN BARRETT S PEAKS His Address at Davidson College Com mencement a Treat to the Students. (Special Star Correspondence.) Davidson, N. C. May 31. One of the greatest treats that has come to Ia vidson college recently was the address yesterday morning by Hon. John Bar rett, director general of the Pan American Union. Mr. Barrett delivered a strong address on the subject, "The Broader Responsibility of Our Country for Young Men." He expressed his pleasure and ap preciation of the honor bestowed upon him by saying that this was one of two of the total of 25 invitations that he had received to speak at commence ments. In the course of his address he .complimented Davidson for the men, she had sent out from her walls dur ing the 80 years of her existence, sug gesting that no one can tell just what influence the year that our honored. President attended wielded to make him the man of the hour for this great land of ours. Mr. Barrett spoke briefly of his own younger days after he had made tfce, statement that it was not the building, endowment nor fame that means most to a college but the men. Out of col leges like this, he said, would come the men that would be leaders in the Nation.- Education Is the crying need of the country. Twenty years the United States was a land as it were, wrapped in swaddling clothes, now she is a world power. The Spanish war awakened this country and in a few years we caused the world to realize our position. This position leads us to the necessity of preparedness prepar edness in education. "Although I am a thorough born Yan kee, yet I have a great interest in the South," he said- "My mother taught school in the South-before the War Be tween the States and learned many tales and traditions of the Southland which she imparted to he children and I first became interested in the South. I spent one term at Vanderbilt to learn Southern men." Because' of these rea sons Mr. Barrett - said that he felt a peculiar interest in the South. SUPREME COURT OPINIONS IN 30 CASKS KIIiKD YESTERDAY. trinal Batch Delivered, the Court Ad- jouraa for the Term. (Special Star Correspondence.) Raleigh, N. C, May 31. The Supreme Court delivered a final batch of opinions disposing of 30 appeals, and adjourned for the term at 1:30 o'clock this after-, noon. The full list of opinions follows: Lynch vs. Johnson, Tyrrell, .petition dismissed; Brown vs. Harding, Pitt, pe tition dismissed; Tilghman vs. Seaboard Air Line, Wake, new trial; Armour Co.. vs. Laundry Co., Wake, affirmed; Car ter vs. McGill, Cumberland, petition dis missed; Duke, Watts, Stagg and Cobb vs. Spray Power and Land Co., Rock ingham, reversed; Oil Co. vs. Telegraph Co., Montgomery, no error; State vs. Carlson, Henderson, no error; Adicks vs. Drewry, Buncombe, affirmed; Pur geson vs. Amusement Co.. Buncombe, no error; Zageir vs. Express Co Bun-, combe, no .error; Moore vs. Harkins, Buncombe, affirmed; State vs. Dockery, Cherokee, reversed; State and Town of Andrews vs. Davis, Cherokee, reversed; State vs. Wiggins, Graham, no error; Bryson vs. Lumber Co., Jackson, new trial; Williams vs. Hiawassee Valley Railway Co., Cherokee, no error; Adver tising Co. vs. Pain & Howell. Cherokee, new trial; Reed Coal Co. vs. Fain, Cher okee, no error; Cozad vs. Johnson, Gra ham, reversed; Novelty Import Cx, vs. Moore, Macon, no error; Terrell vs. Ter rell, Orange, affirmed; Ballard vs. Sea board AirLine Railway, Gaston, affirm ed; Beaufort County Lumber Co. ve. Cottingham, petition dismissed; Stewart vs. Stephenson, motion for certiorari al lowed and motion dismiss denied; Poe vs. Lennon, motion to dismiss appeal de nied; Burris vs. Harrell, Anson, petition to rehear dismissed; Thurston vs. Sou thern Railway Co., motion allowed for judgment oft mandate from United States Supreme Court. HISTORICAL RESEARCH FUND IS ESTABLISHED "Contiuned Prom Page One.), this State in the very front rank at American progress. J. A. Hartness, here tonight in the roundup of his campaign, said he has finished a visitation to every county in the State, having talked persona to Democrats in each of them, and that he believes there will be but one pri mary for Secretary of State and he would be the nominee. t In making this statement he says h feels that he is sufficiently informed to know his own strength and that of his opponents. his cap for that of a Russian. This photograph was taken in Paris before Russian soldiers, recently sent to France, were moved to the battle line, IS ST IDEA OF MEETING KNIFE Preferred Tanlac to Operation States: "I Gained 9 Pounds and Work Every Day. " One of the strongest evidences of the rapidly growing popularity of Tanlac and of the wonderful results it is ac complishing is in the large number of letters .that are being received daily from well known men and women throughout North Carolina. Among recent letters received was one from W. B. Moore, well known man of Dortch's, near Rocky Mount. It readsj Rocky Mount, N. a, 522-'16. Mr. E. H. Drum, Greensboro, N. C. Dear Sir: About a year ago my doc tor said I had a tumor and must be op erated on. - This I did " not do not in Love with the hospital and knife. A month ago I consulted another physi cian and he took me to a hospital and had an X-ray examination, and put me to bed and "phoned, my wife to come, as I had cancer, and must be operated on. They told me of it, and tried to make me agree and stay, but I. did not. My friends of Franklin County so strongly advised taking Tanlac that I bought two bottles. That was May 2d. I have gained nine pounds, am resting well, working every day, eat and sleep like a well man. My neighbors are as delighted as my wife at the remarkable change. I have advised many of my friends to take Tanlac, and all are satisfied with the results from it My brother in Wilson County is as staunch a friend of Tan lac as I am. I trust the benefit I have had so far may be permanent. Yours very thankfully. . (Signed) W. B. MOORE. R. P. D. No. 3, Dortch's, Nash Co. There can be no doubt that the doc itors are mistaken in the case. How- ever, like the writer hopes, his relief may prove permanent. His testimonial forcefully illustrates Taniac's qualities as a reconstructive tonio appetizer, blood and system purifier and invigor-ant- Mr. Moore tells how he is able to get general results from the proper amount of food, rest and assimilation of food and good sleep, through this won derful new medicine. Tanlac is sold exclusively in Wil mington by the Bellamy Drug Store; Burgaw, C L. Halstead; Southport. There is a Tanlac druggist in every town. adv. CARRANZA ONCE MORE ASKS WITHDRAWAL OF AMERICAN EXPEDITION (Continued from Page One.) pursuit of bandits under the reciprocal condition that like permission would be granted the forces of the United States should a case similar to that of Colum bus be repeated at any other point along the frontier line. "As a consequence of this proposi tion, made in the Mexican note of March 10, the United States govern ment, through error and precipitation, thought that the good intention of the Mexican government was sufficient to authorize it to cross the frontier and without awaiting a formal agreement ordered a large party of Americans to enter- Mexico in pursuit of Villa and his party. ' Because of this act, the Ameri can government made most emphatic protestations that it was acting in good faith ahd that its only purpose, in crossing the line was to pursue, cap" ture or destroy the Villa band, and that the act did not signify an invasion of our territory nor an attempt to vio late the sovereignty of Mexico, and that as soon as a practical result was shown by the expedition, the American troops would be withdrawn from Mex ican territory. Had fio formal Agreement. '"The Mexican .government had no knowledge that American troops had crossed the border- until March 17, and this came from private sources in El Paso. This' government then directed a note ...to the American ; government stating that inasmuch as no formal agreement had been entered into be tweert the two .governments the Amer icans could not be considered as au thorised to. send such an expedition. "The Washington government ex plained the sending of such an expediT tion. . saying that , it regretted the at titude of the Mexican government regarding- the passage of troops across the frontier ' in pursuit of Villa, and that it was done in the understanding that the former interchange of .notes plainly implied the consent of the Mex ico government without further for malities. "The government of the United States explained also that its attitude was taken in view of the necessity for rapid action and explained its willing ness to receive any suggestions of the Mexican government relative to -a for mal agreement for the crossing of rthe international line by forces of either country. America Refawea to Agree. "Both governments then hastened to tTMir 11m TMfh.il 1-flKOTl'n OrehMrt-ra at Lumina Saturday night. Opening dance of the season. Advertisement. Vote for H. L. Godwin for congress man. Jtie nas ten years experience ana that's what counts. No. 68 This it a prescription oreBared emeefilt. for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER Five or six dotes will break any case, and If taken men as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and docs not gripe or sicken. 25c ORIENT 1ODGE, HO. 385, A. V. A A. M. The Stated Communication of the Lrodge will be held this (Thursday) evening. at 8 O'clock. -As officers for the ensuing year are to be elected and other important busi ness to be considered a full and prompt attendance la urged. ' Visiting brethren will be cordially welcomed. By order of tne W. M. C C BROWN, - - Secretary. W.B. AGAIN MOORE 3efln terms of an agreement, two projects of the Mexican government and two counter projects of the Amer ican government being exchanged." In discussing the agreement the Mexican government insisted constantly that the operation of troops In a foreign country must be limited as to the num ber of troops, the class of arms and the territory; occupied. v "The American government refused to agree on these points, but in its last note, presented to . this -government, agreed to accept in part these limita tions, nevertheless insisting that they be not applied to the Columbus expe dition. "This attitude of the American gov ernment caused the Mexican govern ment to send a vote under date of April 12, suspending negotiations over and agreements, in view of the fact that the American government demand ed that the Columbus case should be ex cluded, and requested the - retirement of the American troops," as they were in Mexico under no agreement and as a further reason because the Villa ban dits had "'been dispersed and reduced to Impotency." M'ADOO SPEAKS ON P AN-AMERICANISM (Continued From Page One.) upon the Monroe Doctrine as a policy of all the Americas, destined not mere ly to maintain their political Independ ence but gradually to secure for them that measure of economic and financial self-sufficiency which is the logical and necessary accompaniment of polit ical independence. In the securing of these great ends we must, with each year, lay increasing emphasis on that spirit of international co-operational and mutual helpfulness which was. the keynote of the Pan-American Financial Conference In 1915 and which is now the watchword of American policy. I am anxious that you should see the full significance of this movement. It means that the Americas are sound ing a new note in international policy; that they have not only begun to see but are acting upon the principle that the welfare of each depends upon the prosperity of all. It is your duty, as well as mine, to hold high and un assailable this new concept of inter national relations. By so doi,ng we will be performing a service to our country, to the American continent, and to the civilized world." WEAR WOODEN SANDALS Many Mexican Laborer Never Have Any Shoes. (Indianapolis News.) Wooden sandals ar now being worn to a great extent by the laboring classes In Mexican cities and by na tives enagd in farming, in place of the old form of leather sandals used by the Mexicans for many centuries. They are being substituted for the primitive homemade leather sandals be cause of the scarcity and high price of native tanned leather, because of the scarcity of sheepskin thongs for lacing and because the native Indian is becoming more particular about the appearance of his feet. 'Healthgr ants' On Skin Flashed to Thousands one of Nature's signals is an unhealthy skin. It Is a scientific tact that the skin indicates tha ronditirm rrf th Wood and the blood Is the buJWJng material for the body and all its vital paxta. Unless the blood is nourished attd kept rich anthealthy, itiJl erenuaUy react on the organs it feeds and reduce the indt vidnal to a pitiable condition. Little do people realise the nhvsleal ailments that drain away strength and TltaHty and that can be traced straight to the poor supply of blood. Pimples, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Carbuncles, Boils, Catarrh with its obnoxious IMllllWIUMW wtiiw i awoncca. OWS-A. gaarsrecffKcot "" sjwui i jj jf ft ft jp . ; Merctiants, Dealers, Owners, Agents, r large and small, of every description, have eome to know, use and value Star Busi ness Locals. They have constituted a widely read Department of this pa per for more than forty years. They were never more widely read than now; they were never better "pullers." v T $ Get into the game, and reap your share of the business, as others are doing. They cost but One Cent per word each in sertion ; rnmimum cost 25 cents. Messengers sent anywhere in the city for your copy. Get Into the Game. PHONE SI NOW! A 3 CONTESTS WILL BE BROUGHT UP TODAY (Continued From Page On.) tional Woman Suffrage in the Republi can platform. It was reported that the campaign managers of four "favorite son" candi dates met this afternoon to plan an offensive and defensive combination to combat the Roosevelt and Hughes sen timent, but the story was vigorously denied by representatives of all the candidates. "Another report circulated around headquarters was to the effect that at least' some of the , presidential candi dates now in the field would formally withdraw before the convention meets. WILSON TO DECIDE V ON KIND OF REPLY (Continued From Page One.) His orders to give the communication to the ambassador designate for pres entation to the State Department, it was saaid, did not arrive until mid night. rV results and the tendency to easily catch cold, Malaria and scores of other" equally serious ail ments, are all manifestatioaa of had blood. Per over 50 years S. S. S. has been a mighty remedy for these disorders. Thousands of men and women have been relieved or actually cured by S. S. S. Many of them had spent years and hundreds of dollars for other remedies in a fruitless endeavor to regain health a marvel ua tribute to & S. S. S. S. S. is purely vegetable and when taken into the stomach is absorbed by the-blood, supplying certain elo ments which stimulate the action of the blood corpuscles and help them drive out impurities and build up the system. With such a tried and true medicine awaiting you at the closest drug store, wfll you go on suffering and looking badly when so many others similarly afflicted have turned to S. S. S. and found the meaning of perfect health, flnr MsmMaoi nM&m j. gladly advise you about your case without cost to you if you wish to avail yourself of this apecmc Co., Atlanta, Georgia. i ra i in f OOOOOOOCXJOOOOOOOOOQQOgiQQ O xtaA fillet fifA S Ml I want to tett-you what cehred from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes 6 Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. Q j "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds 0 fiver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught 0 saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles 0 tiiey went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's 0 Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no 0 more trouble. I shall never be without Q in my home." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi- 0 ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, S reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. 9 If yon suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- 0 Draught It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five 0 years of splendid success proves its value. Good for 0 young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. jjjj 'GO TO ijz J& TUG1 rAMAlie m crAcunnr W WRiBHTSVlLLE BEACH, H. . s America. Fine beach, splendii fishing. No masqetitos or flies. r 4 Hotel has 240 rooms; about izu 120 5 7a toilet. Through electric trams connect ftf Iii andS. A. L. trains at Wilmington, 17 views fc . oos amnsement3ana E V E. L. HJNTON, Manager,, M$$ This Bicycle is Sold by the QUEEN CITY CYCLE 00. Only, at 209 Market St., and is One of the Best Bicycles on the American Market Today. The Price on the Bicycle is the Same as the Price on Others, So. Why Buy an Imitation, When Yon Can Get the Original for the Same Price? Sold for Cash or 'PHONE 862. STEAM ENGINES IN STOCK 1 9x.lt Center Cruilc Atlas. 1 0x12 Center Crank Wteke. 1 1013 Center Crank O. A S. 1 11x13 Center Crank. O. fc S. 1 10x15 Center Crank Kasle. We also have Boilers of All Sixes to Salt. We are the largest Iron mn M ektaery Dealers in the City. Fhne. Wire or Write, Today. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS 7 "THE IBON MEN." COAL! BUILDERS' SUPPLIES! LARGE STOCKS. PROMPT DELIVERY "LET US SERVE YOU" W B. THORPE & CO 'PHONE 789. FIRST OF THE SEASON WAT1VK SPRING LAMB. CHOICES VEAX. PORK AND BEEF. FRESH VEGET ABIDES, AUKIXDS. DAVIS & HTNTZE PRONT STREET MABXET. wonderful benefit I have r 3 nJlhr' im ITEL 9PEHIIIHE 1st Summer Resorts in surf bathing and good 700 ft. ocean steelpier. rooms i rooms have bath and with all A. C. Wilmington, N. C. and description or tee van Installments. REMEMBER THE PLACE. 1 11x18 Side Crank Geyer. 1 10x15 Side Crank Bay State. 1 14x20 Side Crank Flory. 1 Sx 5 Upright O. & S. 1 7x 7 Upright O. S. (STr