T.H;Ef:R'JCA'L "The Seekers,'V tody- . great -.Red Feather production at.theiRoyal, star ring that fascinating little Broadway star of renown, , Flora Parker DeHa. ven is one of the most vivid pf all the Bed Feather production -,sp,4 far preS ented. - - .- r-- This is the second picture that Flora Parker DeHaven has starred In since she was put under . the direction :. of ntis Turner: ' The whole projductibri shows the mark of Mrs.. p"e'? Haveh's- personamy as weif as in' stamper, Mr,,v Turner's faultless prosdtiitij&hV The Seekers are portrayer inalltheiri pe culiarities of dress and' jnannerism. The Seekers are portrayed ' in' all theirpe-j fine detail. A feature of - the picture is Lem Heck's escape from prison. He is packed in a case by one of the other convicts and smuggled ovut.v The box is put on a train, from which Lem rear capes by jumping on to the trestle while the train is moving and then dropping many feet into , the river, be low. ' - v . The character Of old Rev. Mont ; is very well drawn. The man sees that' Ruth and John still love each other after the estrangement, so when John great Heinle and Louie, scream," "The Bravest of the Brave;"" and another big comedy, too. . . - - "Te Grip of Evil Today. v 'The Butterflies',"1 . the seventh great chapter- of "The Grip of Evil,',' that "Kreat?.fall Pathe . serials featuring Roland,, Bo ttomly and Jackie Saunders in: the leading roles with 'an all-star supporting cast; is', on "today at the Grand and promises to rival all past chapters of this'great serial in bring ing , interest and 7 thrills galore to the large audiencees that are following1 the adventures if johnn Burton" , in his quest to get 'an answer, to the question 'Is the World in the V Grip of Evil 7" Tou want to follow, John Burton in this week s chapter in which he " runs afoul of the Society" Butterflies of modern daysr--;;'5..;; . ;': :V" " - Theserenth great chapter, nearing the .turn , in which John Burtbn will start to ascend the ladder after his Unpleasant experience, should be" seen by every one who -4s following this great story. 1 Tense .dramatic acting by Mies Jackie Saunders, 'The Maude Adams of the Screen is an outstanding , feature of today's" great r chapter of this great serial, and it will hold you spellbound - CSpecial Star Telegram). '. Lumberton, N."' C.? Sept. 2 8. The Robeson county veterans met here to day in annual, session, ' over a hundred-being . present. The feature of the day was the. address by Rev. Dr. H. G. ' Hill, , of Max ton, : a captain in : the war; v Dr.Hiirs subject" .was "National 'Safety',"' He ' showed "that though war- 'sliips :arenecVssary" ''protest: nations, L the -frportant vthing:s was y havlnfe - the right kind; of soldiers. The meeting was' opened with pray er by! Rev, C. L. Greaves. Mr. V. Len ndn . welcomed the veterans and Rev. Wesley Thompson responded to the ad dress of welcome. Dr. .Hilf was introduced by A. W. McLean, who stated that Dr. Hill was 84 years old and had been preaching 54 years, often preaching three '.times a day this late in life. The meeting seemed to be much en joyed by the old soldiers, a number of whom were present from' other counties.. TIM ' y -t . J V , I g t-lm BOLAND BOTTOMLEY in "THB QBIP-01 EVIL' Pathe Seventh Great Chapter Tlie Bntterfl le, . at t&e Grand Theatre Today. is chosen as the one to, go out that year to found the new colony,, he shy ly substitutes for the slips with differ ent girls' names, slips with Ruth Heck written on each. Thus he brings his son toe"ethr with the s'lrl fiik . Invei and their difference is" Sooh forgotten. The Stocking Hahiw:;f Miss May , Collins, the "iridescent tBino-ino o Vk4t.il otMn r " eAittMiariA1 nAiv ; radiating .with, the . Billy S.V Clifford 'Xinger Longer Lucy" company, is said to have; a very, bad case of the stocking habit. Most of the stage di vinities are-noted for the elegance and abundance of their hosiery,- but dainty . tree in this respect. , ; , Her collection is simply bewildering in its profusion and .unlimited" variety. Some of the colors, are; sweet-16 pink, Egyptian black, canine ochre, 'crushed strawberry, peaches and cream, Asiatic elephant, circus-wagon red, -Coney Island blue, County .. Antrim . v green, striped tiger, Panama fever yellow, Confederate gray, Elgin cream, stu dious brown, Jamaica ginger, absinthe opalescent, California claret and jaun dice tan. In brief, the . colors of the. rainbow have to take a rear seat when brought. into comparison "with the mul . tifarious hues of Miss. Collins' hosiery. Mr. Clifford says that if the;, young lady continues blowing in - her money on stockings that the railroads' will compel him to pay -for ah extra bag gage car, and he hasmildly.; yet firmly,, requested Miss Collins Ho try-! to curb her mad propensity .or-cornering all the hosiery in the country. ? Miss Collins will be seen in "Linger Longer Lucy", at the Academy of Mu sic, matinee and night, .tomorrow. : 3few Bill ait Victoria. Another brand hew and . still ' bigger bill goes on at the Victoria' today, Ar thur Hauk's Sunshine Girls "presenting "Klovinsky's Kort'Y, a . rattling farce comedy in one, act that- is v bound to bring forth much praise from every patron of the theatre who goes there today. . . . "Klovinsky's Kort" is pure unadul terated comedy from start' .to finish, starring inimitable Teck 'Murdock in the role of "Slippery Sam" Aa"bad man from Boston; Clarence Tidehce as Isaac Klovinsky, the judge otS the rkort, and Iris Kennedy as "The Sunshine Girl." There will be many new.- specialties v and vaudeville numbers . on this bill, and some of the biggest; song hits you have yet heard, including "Yipsilantl,''' "Easy Money," "Scaddle di loochV, 'I Don't Want to be a Hero,' 'and "Down at His Bungaloo," which you-will read ily recognize as some of the current season's biggest Broadway hits. ". The Three MusicaJ Kings will :pre sent an all-new specialty action e that cannot fail to please -It Is a big show for today and tomorrow? many will say it" is the best of the week: - Hank Mann at Bljoo ' y i'r- The. Bijou -presents again today, an other rousing two-reel L-Ko ' scream, "A Tale of Twenty Stories," one of the greatest two-reeV L-Kos : ever filmed, starring the whole bunch, including in-1 imitable Hank Mann, the Durham, N. C, boy, who is now 'making1 good with Triangle. . . v u , Hank Mann, as a knockabout come dian of the L-Ko type, never has been bettered and some of the greatest hits ever released by L-Ko .featured -this inimitable comedian- with the funny mustache and the funnier get-up" all around. In this great v comedy: fcei is supported y the entire L-Ko bunch-In one of the greatest, screams thy have i ever pulled off, featuring .AmoBg; other.1 Etars the famous L-Ko police jsquad and their equally funny; autb;mobUe. "A Tale of Twenty Stories" contains! more hair breadth stunts than -y'ou - have ever seen in a motion; pfcturet beiore The most of the actlon -'.'takes, place along the roof of 'a kyrj!eraer.jrand the stunts they pull ?off - With, 'thegap ing crowd 20 stories below will simply make you hold your breath with awe. . There will be other big, features--at the Bijou itodayi -: Including -"another for the half hour that ( it is on the screen. Don't miss it today. There wtll be other great features at the Grand today to make it a great bill for five cents. KILLED BY G. B. McLELLAN Finding of Coroner in Dunn Homicide. iiHaraett . Democrats Active. " (Special Star Correspondence, ' Duinnr it.' C, Sept. 28. Last week about 200 bales of cotton per day were sold., or this market, at prices ranging from 16 -4-4 cents to 15 3-4 cents, and the seed from75 to 80 cents per bushel. A bale of -cotton' and seed out of it will . bring about ? $1.10. More than $100,000 was paid out for cotton last week here. . , Coroner Green, of Lillington, held an .inquest Monday over the,body of Ever ett" Wheeler, the. man who- was shot here with, the Lang Show Saturday night and killed. The investigation found that a. young man named G. B. McLellan killed him In the show with a pistolVa dispute having arisen be tween the, two parties. McLellan worked t with the Tiighman Lumber Co., near Newton Grove, and had been in this section about a year.- He made his escape. . ; . - The ' Democrats of this county are making a thorough , campaign in Har riett V this i year. Friday Congressman H L. Godwin and G. K. Grantham will address ', Jhe voters of Johnsonvile township; at " Swan Station. ." Saturday night" Hon. N. A. Sinclair, elector-at-Iarge, will address the voters at Duke. Monday night, October 2rtd. Hon. A. LfBroaka.- of Greensboro, 'will speak at tjaepepa house 'in Dunn. ROBESON VETERANS fEET Gatheriagr in Lumberton featured by Address by . Venerable Dr. H.' G." Hill. ; ' 1 JAKE NEWELL AT CLINTON. Says Eight-Hour' Law is No Such Thing; Scheme to Raise Wages. (Special Star ' Correspondence.) - Clinton, N. C, Sept. 28. Jake Newell, one of the drawing cards among the Republican spellbinders of the State, sermonized ' before a fair, sized Samp son county audience Tuesday during noon recess ' of court. ' He made a speech that was very pleasing 'to the Republicans; one that delved way back before the "war and- bolstered' up his party's record from that day until, this; but he paid' some attention to recent sins of the Democratic party. He was the first, speaker of "th& campaign here who has aired the Republican dislike to the Adamson eightrhour " law, re cently - enacted by Congress. He said that it was ; not an eight-hour law at all, but a. scheme to raise wages 25 per, cent, : Many, of the members of. the Repub lican party in Sampson were sorely disappointed at the turn 1 affairs took in their convention, when the reaction ary element, led by 'Mr. Tom Owen and Mr. Jim Kennedy, got the upper hand and nominated their county ticket, and they say openly that they will not sup port the present nominees. .There are many Republicans who say that they put, their pride of citizenship before their party loyalty, and- they will not vote for a candidate who .has risen to power through an abuse of progressive measures. HEAVY SALES AT GOLDSBORO. Both Tobacco v and Cotton Being Sold in Large Quantities. J Special Star. Correspondence.) Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 28. The to bacco market has again enjoyed heavy breaks this week, the prices ' seeming to be very satisfactory to the farmers, in . fact,', local tobacco buyers say this has been the best season for tobacco in the history of the local market, near ly double -the-- quantity of -. the - golden weed having been sold here up to the present date that was sold at this .time last season. Much cotton is, also being sold on the local market and the farmers are working both night and day with tobacco 'and cotton In order to reap the reward of the prevailing high prices. BURNED HIS .WAY OUT. Prisoner Escapes From Fremont Lock . ;Up in Unique , Manner. ' (Special Star Correspondence.) Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 28. A farmer from lEremont was a visitor in Golds boro todayand told the writer of an unusual escape, made from the Fremont lock-up .by a colored prisoner. Cad Newsome. According to the story Newsome entered the express office and it1 is alleged stole a case of beer and later, was ' arrested and tried before 'Squire J. H., Best and bound over to the higher-court and. In default of his bond; was placed in the town lock-up. Puring the . night Newsome - made his escape , by.-setting fire to the door of his .celL When he had burned a - hole large enough to get tnrough he extin guished the flames and made good his escape. - - . - . . ONLY THREE MILD CASES IF YOU NEED A URIC ACID SOLVENT WRITE FOR A 50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) F REE Just because you 'start the day wor ried and tired, stiff-legs and arms and muscles, an aching head, burning and bearing down pains in the back worn out "before the day begins do not think you have to stay in that condition. ' Be strong, Well and vigorous, "with no more pains from stiff joints, sore mus cles, rheumatic suffering, -aching back or. kidney disease.. For any form of bladder trouble or weakness, its action is really wonder ful. Those 'sufferers who are in and out of bed half a dozen .times a night'will appreciate the rest, comfort and strength this treatment gives. To prove The Williams Treatment conquers kidney and bladder diseases, rheumatism and all other aliments, when due to excessive uric acid, no mat ter how chronic or stubborn, if you have never v tried The Williams Treat ment, we will give one 50c. bottle (32 doses) free, if you will cut out this no tice and send it -with your name "and address, and 10c. to help pay distribu tion expense, to The Dr. D. A. Williams Company,' Dept -693 F, Post Office Block, East Hampton,' Conn. Send at once and -you will receive by parcel post a regular 50c. bottle, without charge and without incurring any ob ligation. Infantile Paralysis Patients at Goldsboro About Well Again. (Special Star' Correspondence).' Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 28 For sev eral days past gossip in Goldsboro has been running riot on infantile paralysis rumors. :. An official statement - given out today following a thorough can vass' of the city says that-there have been only three babies, now well again, whose "symptoms" had been diagnosed -infantile paralysis, all being in a mild form.,"' The - patients, while' considered V -convalescent, . are -still, 'under strict quarantine. The rumors that smallpox was "also' .spreading over, the city re sulted "In-only one ? case -being - found, the - case being under quarantine. ' "'r r j '-:-;' t-, ; MAY. ORGANIZE WILSON CLUB r "DavldsoB Strong ffor the Re-election of -;T"V"'.'i v f the President. x " ' -(Sp&il Star Correspondence).-; Pavldson N". CSept. 28. Thejre is on- the -campus a feeling, that - not' only pessiply but also probably will, r'esult vi'n 'theorranizatlon'. Of a- club'.-ln" favor of the re-election of Wcodrow Wilson. Davldson.vthe President's'" once ' alma1; mater, will - not fan to showthim, that she approves of his , policies and would like to see them in vogue' another. four years. f . T, - lr RttYAL Red Feather Photoplays Present Flora Parker ' De Haven 'The Fascinating Little Broadway 1 Monday $s the pate of the informal Opening ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' - . . - v .""." ' .'" 4t nine o'clock Monday morning, Oct, 2, the, new Bon Marche becomes a reality. Merchandise has been arriving for more than a month until now we can. thro wopen our doors and say: Come in, and choose from' one of ihe most complete and thor ough stocks in the South. While there may be an item or two short, the assortments are remarkably com plete, considering that everything is new from; beginning to end. Think of being able to purchase from a stock as large as this one, ojf absolutely NEW merchandise. And we mean to keep it new. You will find - that each, week brings something that is novel, that is strictly up-to-date. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH OUR ADVERTISING. V ' This is a rule that will be strictly adhered to. Along with the ONE PRICE SYSTEM goes the rule of "No Goods Sent on Ap proval," -' ., ' ' ; " . ,: , . .Tahesanitary side of it. It was formerly the habit of some stores to send out sleeping garments, underwear, corsets, dresses, and the like, on approval. Of course, it's: perfectly all right if they were sent to you; but if they are sent tp you Ihey are just as likely to go to someone else. They are tried on. Anybody and; everybody gets the same privilege. Did you ever consider the danger? : ; In this store, you can depend upon it that you are the first person to take the mer chandise into your home. No danger of infections, diseases, etc. : We are servants of the public, and it is our duty to protect their interests. In order to make it uniform and without confusion everything must be embraced, so when we say: "No goods 'sent on approval" you will know we are doing it for your benefit as well as ours. " ( This is only one phase of the approval problem, but it is sufficient to prove the wis dom of the Bon Marche rule, . ' - . Wilmington. If.C, jTshevitte.tf.C, Y. M. C. A. MEETING AT DAVIDSON To be Conducted by Mr Charles . G. Hounshell This Year. (Special Star Correspondence). Davidson, N. C, Sept. 28. The Y. M. C. A; has seeured for-this fall's meet ing Mr. Charles G. Hounshell, tVaveling secretary for the' Student Volunteer Movement, together" with Rev. H. -F. Morton, of Roanoke Rapids, N. C, who will lead in the singing.. Chapel will not . be held on either Friday and Saturday morning but the 'THE GRIP OF EVIL" Seventh Thrilling Episode En ; i titled "The Butterflies" TWO OTHER BIG FEATURES - TOOl . Admission - 5 Cents students will assemble for a service at 11 o'clock and another service will be held each night at 7:30. Sunday morn ing and evening Mr. Hornshell will speak at the local church. Thursday Star, in i 1 "The Seekers if t " V:- . The Story of aA Masterful Young JWomaa Who Found Her: Master, Adults' 10c - Children 5c VICTORIA NEW BILL TODAY ARTHUR HAUK'S SUNSHINE GIRLS PRESENT . "EOVINKSY'S KORT" PURE FUN FROM BEGINNING TO "END.. . . r. 4-ST. THE MUSICAL KINGS In a Brand New . Act. v DANCING AND SINGING Some NUtV Musical Acta.. AMAWEWCOSTpM.ES. Matinee. -3 KM . . . . .' . . ,16-20e Night, 730 and.DtOO ... .lGv-2030e BIJOU LAST TIMES TODAY "WHO WILL BE MARY" Wilmington-Made Picture Hank Mann In a Roaring Two-Reel Ij-Ko "A Tale of Twenty Stories" Heinie & Louie -In- "Bravest of the Brave" evening Dr. H. B. Arbuckle, professor of chemistry, will conduct the regular T M. C. A. service, which will be pre liminary to the opening of the other series on the next day. The Smbke That f ACADEMY TpMpRRpW Billy "S" Clifford ; ANP A BIG COMPANY IN" A . ' 'NEW SONG SHOW LINGER LONGER LUCY 12 SONG HITS ' COMPLETE PRODUCTION - tADV BRASS I BAND PARADE" -; AND CONCERT, ! i M, :Y tPRICESt ' ' NIGHTS 3EST .SEATS, lllio., ; g ';. . OTHERS, 5c-5ev?,:w - VVAHGAIN MAINEEr si' i : v ? --;" W ---'2' ; i I" ' '. ' r: 'i "-, ' il'y 50O--25C.- ... :;. SEATS om SALE at PLUMMER'S Its stirring appeal to the live, active, youthful spirit makes "Bull- Durhajn the tobacco that goes with energy and en thusiasm. Roll "Bull" Durham into a cigarette and you have a smoke that is full of vitality and vim and deliciously fresh and fragrant. ' GENUINE "Bull SMOKING TOBACCO In ho other way can you get so much solid enjoyment out of a cigarette, as by "rolling your own With "BuuDiirham. Made of "bright Virginia NorthCrna: leaf," Bull Durham has an aroma that is unique and a mellow-sweet flavor mat is. unusual. And "Bull" Durham is the mildest of smokes. . . . " y Start "rolling J your own with "Bull Durham today it's easy' to learn and youll get real smoking satisfaction. fcS?T ?A f k, fori FREE ' 7mT Sf 'RJ-.paekus of paper f THE AMERICAN tOBACCO COMPANY The Weather Today: i Fair - Cooler Cooyrirbt 1916 The Hoom of Kuppenbeimef Some one has said: - A man is worth one dollar a day from his chin down. His sky piece, is the part that pays. The men who design such clothes as Strouse & Brothers', B. Kuppenheimer & Co., and Col -lege Cut" Clothing get salaries that would make some local tall ors dizzy, It8 all in the design', ing and If yu would get the benefit of the highest paid talent in America, you must come here. . FALL Clothes -are Heady. J. M. Solky & Co. ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 9 NORTH FRONT STREET ' ".H - 1 !i-V--"if NOTICE! The New Hanover County Board of Elections met at the Court House Mon day, September 4th, 1916, in accordance with Section 4304 of Revisal of 1905; y Vols. ' I and II, as, amended by Publio . Laws 1907-1915, and fixed the following " Election Precincts and Polling Places: - ALSO In accord with Section 4308 of -the Revisal, the following Registrars and Judges were appointed to serve in the coming General Election of November 1 7th. 1916: r First ' Ward Polling place: Engine House, 4th and Campbell; Reglstrafb R. J. Darden; Judges: S. L. Chinnis, uas. Elkins. Second Ward Polling place: Court House (down stairs); Registrar: W. W. T-Tnr) o-oa .Tnrlp-os- Tl H 'Hnwp.a. -Tr. W. .T-i ."rfft"ii Meredith. . ' - . - - Third Ward Polling place:- Giblem Lodge; Registrar, J. R. Davis; Judges: S. J. Ellis, Coy Hewlett. Fourth Ward Mills' Stables, 108 Dock street; Registrar: J. B. King; Judges: T. D. Love, Sam. Seigler, Jr.' , Fifth Ward, First Precinct Polling " place: Engine House, 5th and Castle; Registrar: J. E. Taylor; Judges: Geo. P. Motte, Thos. Lawson. . :. Fifth Ward, Second Precinct Polling place: Engine House, 6th, and Castle; Registrar: T. G. Landen; Judges, W. B.- Savage, W. W. Ketcham. , Sixth Ward Polling place: Mann'a . Store; Registrar: J. F. Mann; Judges: J. D. Edwards, W. A. Woods. Seven Mile Post Polling place: Shep- ard's Store; Registrar: Garrett Walker; Judges: Geo. T. Smith, W. O.-West. Masonboro Polling place : . Lumsden Store (Whiskey Creek); Registrar, Bla- ney Piner; Judges: Walter Home, Geo, M. Grant, Federal Point Polling place: Burn ett's Store; Registrar: T. J. Burnett; Judges: Garry Mintz, Wm. Piddle. Winter Park Polling place: Humph reys Storei at Crossing; Registrar: A. H. High; Judges: G. C. Mclntyre, E-H. Freeman. Sea Gate Polling place: Rogers Store; Registrar: L. Larkins; Judges: S. Z. Melton, Geo. Rogers. Cape Fear Polling place: Johnson's ' Store; Registrar: J. H. Johnson; Judges E. J. Herring, J. W. Winders. C. W. WOODWARD, - Chairman, Board of Elections. 'J FOR SALE ONE GOOD HEAVY MULE Love & Woody ' Wholesale Grocers. WILMINGTON, N. 0.; V T RITNRR nil .MM. JL A lli II X ARCHITECr t7. 3S.': 2 Garretl ttutUtrnm 1 Am V 'r

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