V IIIVAIIIII IVIIIIIAVAII MU Hi 1 111 If I A I H IfIL: 1 1 IN liin.miuniiiHimiiuiuii i mine Tur nnrbinniT n mm . mw wm-m w a a LnUUU HIL I IILUIULIII Agree on Many More Matters Than They Disagree On. Majority Leader Praises the Chief Ex ecutive for His Constructive Rec ord and for Keening Nation Out. of War. (Special Star Telegram.) Kinston, N. C, Oct. 17. Claude Kitchin. addressing an audience' of en thusiastic constituents in Kinston this afternoon, declared that he and the President had agreed on so many more matters than they had disagreed upon that he was supporting Wilson as earn estly as he possibly' could, and lauded the Chief Executive "for his construc tive tendencies and his tact in keeping the Nation out "of foreign troubles Lenoir county, ; proud inits proprie torship of the Democratic leader, flocked to the court house to hear him. His auditors drank in every word with hated breath, every word Kitchin ever spoke in Lenoir was gospel' truth to his ; looal adherents. Among his hearers was W. O. Dixon, the Greene county Republican who Is his legal opponent. v Dixon came in for some "Jollying" from the floor leader, arid took it lit" fine spirit."' He would prefer a division of votes to a division of time with the Halifax statesman. He said he could "stand for" Kitchin. He professes great admiration for the majority headland. their admissions of friendship are mutual. ,. But he could not tolerate Mr. Wilson,, he had the courage to tell his political enemies in the audience. Nominee for. Congress Dixon admits that it is an empty honor that has been bestowed upon him.x Mr. Kitchin spoke on no special sub ject. He defended the administration and asserted that -Hughes-had never yet actually condemned the one act of the Democratic Congress that- he was striving . to make" an Issue," the Adam son eight -hour law. He stated that North Carolina has the most capable superintendent of education In the country In Dr. Joyner and told of the progress of the Com monwealth And the , Improvements wrought in certain lines, especially in The present price of cotton, he said, has exploded a favorite Republican fiction. .The distinguished visitor remained over to address a gathering In East Kinston, populated in large part by mill workers, tonight. - MINISTER APPEALS FOR A WAYWARD SON OF A MINISTER Durham Young Man Is In the Tolls of the Law In Richmond. Richmond, Va.,' Oct. . 17. Rev. F. T. iuor ituen, ui me rirsi riesujieriun church, appeared in police court today on behalf of .W. T. Hammett. 21. of Durham N. C, recently arrested In Ra leigh with an automobile stolen here. He said that Hammett' s mother is the widow of a Presbyterian minister and he believed he is the innocent victim of circumstances. Hammett; was held for the grand Jury. The court decided to send him on after Detective Sergeant Bailey, who brought him' back from Raleigh, pro duced a written, confession alleged to have - been made : by the young man. Hammett was employed in - a drug store here when' the automobile disap peared. The -polrce -of Hampton, Va., say -that they want him- for a similar theft. ' ' HALF OF 5,MHMQ0 ESTATE TO SUPPORT. MISSION CHURCHES Will of Late Chuk K. Smith, oH. Phila- delphla, Admitted to Probate. Philadelphia, Oct. 17. The income of one-half of the estate, valued at$5, 0(10,000, left by Charles. K. Smith, weal thy oil man and "art patron of this city, who died last Thursday, is to be ap plied to the " erection "and support of mission churches in the United States and Mexico after the death of his son, by - the terms of the will admitted to probate today. The founding of thes churches is to be under the supervision of the General Assembly of the Pres byterian church in" the United States. "VT r Smith nri ti' n m 7A .r An .11 began life as an oil wagon driver in this city. ' : MR. ROBT. G. D'RQSSET DEAD Passed Away This Morning at 1:30 O'clock at HIm 1tnlil,i. Bmw Was a Prominent Mason. Mr. Robert C. DeROsset, 44 years old, one of Wilmington's most" prominent and highly respected citizens, died this morning at his home, No. 518 South Third street, about 1:30 o'clock. Mr. DeRosset ; was . a . prominent Ma son, being secretary-treasurer of the Masonic Temple Corporation. He was for many years in .the 'stationery bus iness here, but of; late had devoted most of his timj to bis work as .presi dent of ythe Rural Building & Loan As sociation. , .'. :- . '..' .' , Besides his widow, 'Mrs. Ellie Bella my DeRosset, he is 'survived by three sons, Robert C. Jr., Marsden Bellamy -and Louis DeRosset. He "is also sur vived by his mother, Mrs. J. D. '.DeRos set, and two sisters, Mrs. W. D. Mac Millan, Jr., and Mrs. A. M. Wadflell. : - ' i i i i ' i ' i i i There is a Real Difference , Cream of tartar, . derived from grapes, is used in Royal Baking Powder because it is the best and most healthful ingredient known for the purpose! Phosphate and alum, which are de rived from-mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, instead of cream of tartar because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking . powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the food. - ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. . ' ' ' New York terial progress .had been; made. ' The Mexican 'members' Reiterated confl dence that? the' campaign being started against - Villa would be a success and serve- to demonstrate Mexico's ability to restore and-' maintain, peace ' along the frontier. ' . Peace and prosperity-' call for a lib eral, contribution.' '.Give;' the Wilson club your subscription' today. WANTED JVKWS AGENTS TO RCI on passenger" trains. Van Noy In terstate Co., Hamlet, N. C.; ;. se27-tf SPECIAL NOTICE WB HAVE AN unlimited stock of fire-boards and all kinds of stove supplies. Call 'Phone 431 and expert stove man will be. on the job in a short?, while. W. B. Klander, S South 2nd street sel7-tf J. D. TALIAFERRO SHOT; ASSAILANT IS IN JAIL (Continued from Page Five.) aferro was lying down, and said that on the. contrary, he was standing in the door when, the shot was fired. He-admits, joining Boswell and Milli ken at the furnace, and then returning to the house. He stated that he pick ed up the gun and remembers little more about the matter. After 1 the shooting he claims to have boarded the same train that brought his victim to Wilmington, at Atkinson, and come on to the city. After going into thex woods near Greenfield he says that he fired up the remaining shells that he brought away, and then went to his home. He said that he was informed yes terday afternoon that he was wanted on a warrant Issued by Judge Harriss, and that he started to the office to give himself up and met Officer Thomp son and surrendered. He still carried Taliaferro's gun. . : Question of Jurisdiction. ' Justice Harriss, who committed Whitaker to jail, stated last night that he would consult County. Solicitor George Peschau before deciding to give the prisoner, a preliminary hearing himself or not. As the alleged crime was committed in Sampson county while the alleged assailant and the wounded man are of New Hanover, some question seems to have arisen as to. whether a New Hanover committing magistrate has jurisdiction to conduct a preliminary trial of the case. Jus tice Harriss said he was unable to communicate with Solicitor - Peschau last night and therefore would leave the matter over until this morning. Hence it is not settled whether the preliminary hearing will be in this county or Sampson. J OUBERT IS FOUND TO , HAVE NO NEGRO BLOOD OSCAR MEL VIN BREAKS JAIL. Rocky Mount Negro Held for Highway Robbery, Gets Away. (Special Star Correspondence. ' Rocky Mount, N.- C; Oct.- 17.L.ocal police officers are agreed that there is no such thing as discounting a negro's Ingenuity or certainly not that of Os car Melvin, a young negro convicted of highway robbery -who - last- night made the . city's1 new calaboose look like little more than a paper bag as a station of confinement, when he broke jail and away for his liberty again. The capture of this negro for his part in one of the most daring highway robberies to occur hereabouts in many a day wasn't by any means an easy task, for with three bluecoats In the chase and one of them on a bicycle, this negro stole a bicycle in the race and was on a fair jw&y to making a get-away through his ; hundred yard lead of the other wheeled cop, but an automobile was'commandeered aftd the negro finally chased' to' cover under a negro house in another part of the city. ' Shortly 'after midnight last night Oscar Melvin smashed the toilet in the cell and with" a "small piece of -Iron probably sfx inches in length succeed ed in prizing the lock open and. made his way to. liberty; " .- (Continued from Page One.) casians. The'rector and keeper pf hi archives, of St. Augustine's testified a pencilled .letter "C," which he under stood signified colored, was written, b&l side the marriage record of Joubert's parents, and that, the marriage haCd been recorded in that part of the book which contained records of negro mar riages. The keeper, of the archives at St. Louis cathedral testified that the marriage record Of Joubert's grand parents was contained in the book' f or negroes'., He ' said in former "days births,-marriages and deaths of Indian also were entered in the book for ne groes. . Dr. W. T. O'Reilly, president of the city board of health, testified that in the old birth records an abbrevation "col." had been added after the names of Blanc Francois Joubert, the defend ant's grandfather, and two other mem bers of his family. The abbreviation, the. witness said, was Written in differ ent' ink from that used in the Original record. " '. - Joubert recently filed charges - of criminal libel against 43 employees of the Public Belt, who signed a petition to Mayor Behrman, in which they al leged Joubert was colored. A.slmtyar charge was also filed against P. HenVy Lanausee, recorder of-births and- mar riages for the city board of health. STORM IS STILL MOVING . . NORTHWARD ACROSS GULF Probable Point For Striking. Coast Not "et Determined. ; FOOD SITUATION DEBATED IN THE HOUSE. OF COMMONS Members Complain of Inndeqnate Meas ures of the Government. Rheumatism is completely washed out of the sys tem by : the celebrated Shlvar Mineral Water. Positively .guaranteed by money-back offeri ;. Tastes fin; costs a tri fle. . Delivered ' anywhere by our . Wil mington Agents, Elvington's Pharmacy, cor. 2nd and Princess sts. " London, Oct. 17. In the House of Commons today a debate arose over the food situation, a number of the mem bers complaining of the inadequate measures of the government to control food supplies and prevent an excessive rise in prices. Walter Runciman, president of the board of trade, said he was hungering for a practical proposal for preventing evils that were largely due to he in creased food consuming capacity, not only of the army, but of munitions and other workers, and the decreasing sup plies of food. ". Mr. Runciman said there was no evi dence of serious manipulation or ex ploitation of foodstuffs. He added that there, would be no extension of the principle of rationing, and that, the government had no intention o2 put ting the country in the position, of a blockaded city. , " , Washington, Oct. 18. The Weather Bureau tonight reported the tropical storm still moving northward, across the Gulf of Mexico, but Its exact ' lo cation and probable point of striking the coast could not be "determined. Storm warnings were continued' from Carrabell, Fla., to the mouth "of . the Mississippi, river, but it was said no further advices would'be issued to night. " ' . " . A wireless message this afternoon from the battleship Nebraska, about 125 miles north; of Yucatan, said a south wind was blowing 90 miles sn hour. ; ( , . . , - Low pressure and moderate "winds were recorded"" along the ' Gulf coast with rain between' Pensacola and New Orleans. - : . ' - - At Burtwood. La., nine inches of ram fell during the day. Heavier winds were -forecast for later tonight.-" Late tonight the Weather Bureau anhbunc-ed--that? no hurricane -warning wdutd be issue dtonight, -bu tsaid the'storm apparently still was of :. a ryery .danger ous, character, though .small indiame ter. Its ceftter. could not be. definitely located. .' ' ;!'.". T ..i .1;' FARMERS' CONGRESS OPES;, Oflcial Delegations From Forty-States . -". ." In' Attendances ; i ,. -- ; Indianapolis, ;Ind., . Oct. 17T-Ofncial delegates from 44) 'states, were register ed tonight (f or the 36th annual Farm- ers -National Congress which .opened here today. In addition to the .official delegates, appointed -by.-the . governors of .their : respective states, many visit ors were present. , i . . : . "??- An invitation to President Wilson to address the cpftigress was declined by him in. a telegram received today by H. E. Stockbridge, of Atlanta, Ga., president of the congress. The Presi dent, however, said in his message: "I have requested Carl Vrooman, as sistant Secretary of Agriculture, to at tend your session and convey to you my personal greeting and assurances of sympathy and-good will." ' NO MATERIAL' PROGRESS AT BOARDMAN LAST NIGHT. Messrs Godwin and MeCnsklll Heard by Large Andlence- (Special Star Telegram.). . Boardman, N. C, Oct. 17. Hon. . H. L. Godwin and Mr. A. L. McCaskill pulled off one of their joint debates here tonight before a large "audience. Mr. Godwin was first introduced and filled his allotted 50 minutes discuss ing the real Issues of the day, achieve ments of the Democratic party during the past 16 years, and pointing with pride to its record. ' Mr. McCaskill then spoke for one hour referring to the ludicrous side of the question and getting . off -r comic jokes, but utterly failed a bring out a single real live issue. In his rejoinder Mr. Godwin brought out in a very pleasing manner his ap preciation of the good order maintain ed and the attention given to each' of the speakers. ' " The candidates speak at Fair Bluff tomorrow afternoon and at Tabor, to morrow night. MR. INVESTOR LET YOUR MONEY earn over 6 per centi' nef. The, Caro lina B. '& L;. Assrn offers the opportu nity in"' their new' .series, Saturday, Nov.'4th, payable 60c. per share week-? ly maturing' aboyt 3 i-2 years. We pay the taxes. L," W. 'Moore, Sec'y; X123 Princess. : t' ocl8-lt CASHIER i WANTED IN GROCERY store. - Girl. . Who can , make change answer 'phone arid' write a. business letter.-. Reference required. Address P. 0. Box 971. - ,; ocl7-2t PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR MAGA zines and iiews'p'apef s with Gordon 'Bros:, 17 Princess' street. 'Phone 745. i aull-tf NOTICE TO HUNTERS' WE HAVE A full line of shot guns of all makes; new and5unredeemed'.-7. A call will con- . vlnce you at Uncle Charles Pawn Ship, 6 S. Front St.; 'Phone'642. ocl-tf WHERE IS YOUR LAND t 'WE CAN sell it at Auction. Get more for your land this way. Southern Auction Co., Ayden, N. C. pctl5-10t LET US HANDLE YOUR COLLECTIONS Prompt attention given all claims. Bank 'reference. "Merchants' Credit & CollectionCo., Box 783, Hopewell, Va: ocl3-4t I 1 YOU PONT NEEdI - 1 U4 If WANTED AT ONCE, YOUR ORDERS for rubber stamps. "Our work and service, the best." Pittnmn-McColl Co., Printers, Engravers, Stamp Mak ers; 16 Princess, Wilmington, N. C. oc!7-lt COTTAGE FOR SAJ-B PRACTICAL ly new six-room obttfg,e on Wrights Ville avenue, Carolliia Place. Lot.66x . 113. Modern in every respect, - and . built of very "best ' material. Excel . lent neighborhood; one block fronrcar line. Price is attractive for anybody ,- wanting an- ideal home. Address P. . O. Box 348. . - : : oc!7-6t WANTED TWO; ;, EXPERIENCED ' cylinder press feedersyApjpily by let . ter.' sta.ting experience. T'he- Stooe Printing & Manufacturing Co., Roa nok'e,' Va.' : . t "-- ocl57t PUBLIC- SERVICl. COMMERCIAL - prlntingr multigraph- f ac-slmlletype-written. circulars; expert, typewrit ing; notaries public; aU yours for the asking. Harris typewriting & Adv. ' Co. , se21-tf BE. WITHIN THE LAW.. USE WAR ner Lens in your electric headlights. Help the other fellow. We have a full stock at present ' time. W. D. MacMilJan, Jr., 108-11? North Second ; s.treet- , ,. ocl5-7t FOR RENT; MODERN BUNGALOW, on acre of land, on car line and turn pike, at Winter Park station. Apply : 'Phone ,626-J. ocll-tf Ship us -y Our - poultric and eggs. We' get toV prices. Let us1 have your ; orders on fruits arid vegetables. Charleston Fruit Co.f Charleston, S. i'': '--. ap9-su,w-tf FOR RET RESIDENCE, NO. 206 ' GVaoe street 'seven rooms, with all nioderft. co.nvenJences. " Possession at once, 6r Oct. 15th or SOth. 'Phone 145. ' W. -A. McGirt, Masonic Temple Bldg. ocl-su,w,f-tf THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GUAR ' antees delivery of every piece of Di rect Mail Advertising, multigraph letters and printed forms, when prop erly handled. Certain, sure, effect ive. Harriss Typewriting & Adver tising Co., printing: and direct mail advertising. se22-m.w.f-tf Help the Wilson fund grow, tribute today. Con- Mexican-American Joint Commission Hold Only One Session. Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 17. The Mexican-American joint commission held only one session today, the mem-i bcrs admitting at its close?-that no ma- J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG CO.S ; SUCCESS. -', - V Great Popularity of Plan to Sell Medi cine at Hall-Price and Gnaran- 'tee -a-Cure. " ;.J..H4cks Bunting Drug Co., the enter prising druggists, rather than await the ordinary methods of introduction;-urg- ed tfee Dn Howard Co. to secure a 'quick sale for their celebrated specific - for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia by offering the regular 50c bottle at half price. : So much talk feas been caused by this offer, and so many new friends have been made for the specific that the Dr. V3T,d have authorized dr.uggistS J. Hicks Bunting Drug Co. to continue thi special half-price sale for ;ninK ited time longer. , t ' -In addition to selling a 50c bottle of Dr. Howard's Specific for 25c. J rfleks euniing Wug.Co. have xr mn I in the remedy that they ' will refund curemny t0 anyon whom it tloes pot an achs- your tpraaeh: does not digest food easily and nature ally, when there Is corisun.Hrt ; before the yes, tired feeling. glddTneVs, Z wuia. eoatea tongue. heartburn,; sour, stomach, roaring ' or ringing In the ears, melancholy atf d liver troubles, - Dr. Howard's' specific will cure you. If It" does hot, it ' will GENTLEMEN'S SUITS AND OVER coats thoroughly cleaned and pressed,- 11.00. Suits and overcoats spong ed .and pressed, ; Z5 cents. Ladies work a specialty.. Prices, moderate. Prompt and efficient -service. ; Enter prise Cleaning arid Pressing Works. Phone 717; 114 1-2 Princess st. . ; ocl,0,11.13.15,16.18.20-7t FOR RENT ONE . CHOICE ROOM r with excellent table board. .- Modern conveniences and very good location; 202 Walnut St. 'Phone 1706W. : ; ' ocl7-lt WANTED CAPABLE,. EXPERIENC- "ed stenographer, for 10 or 12 days' . work. Apply P. Q. Box 961. ocl8-lt WOOD FOR SALE DRY PINE WOOD sawed and split stove sixes; big load delivered, 31.00. 'Phone 1910. ocl7-lt - - , ocl8-w,f,su-3t OYSTERS. - OYSTERS OYSTERS The best of beef, veal, pork and lamb. Home made, pork sausages. Country pig pork. Celery, lettuce and toma toes. -All orders attended promptly. Batson's Meat Market, 115 Market. 'Phone No. 72., ocl7-lt NEW WAY MARKET 600 EXTRA nice chickens, alive and dressed; 20 r barrels Buckingham ' apples," 27 cents per peck, if you send your baskets for them. Regular price, 40' cents, if we 'deliver. Veal j-oast, today, 23c. Chops, 23c; fish roe, 3 for 25c; 3 quarts fancy green beans, 25c; 3 cel , ! ery, 25c. Let your orders come via :?Sl6-8lfc.'" : ocl8-lt FOR RENT FLAT OF: THREE UN furhished rooms, bath, sink in kitch en. Cheap rent. 'Phone 1282-J. . ocl8-lt ANGEL FOOD, THSJ ALL-CREAM ICE cream.-Fresh butter milk made daily. Pure-sweet creajn 50c quart. A. G. Warren Ice Cream Co., 'Phone 485. ' ., ocl8-lt LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SUITS cleaned arid pressed, 76c; suits press ,;ed,i 25c. hats cleaned, 50c Work 7 can't. be . beat,' 'Try us. American Practical Hatter. 128; Market street. 'Phone 393. ocl8-lt BRIGHT BOY WANTED FOR OUR Multigraph " Department and office work. Harriss Typewriting-& Adv. Co.; Printing, Multigrsphing, Nota ries Public. .- ocl8-lt FOR SALE, - ERIE .BOILERS AND EN gine. 2 iOO-H. P. Erie boilers only used 2 years and In 'good condition; allowed 125 lbs.: steam; all fixtures. Price $1200.00; l ! 8B-H. P. Erie- en Srtne, used 2 years;. ?rice $350.00; 1 Gordon V hollo; -vtlaTrt trimmer and edger, 3200.00. -Appry to H. Garrett SmJUh, Burgaw, !N. C f Box 188. ' ocis-w,r,us-3t CHAMPION.- SPARK " PLUGS FOR . Ford , cars- r. We carry , the genuine ar- tide. -. Accept no--substitution. They are best lor .Ford carso See us. Price 75c eachi four for $2.50- W. D. Mac , Millan, Jr 108tp Hi' North Second Street. ' . ;'' . '., ', ocl8-7t FOR RENT, i. ON NICELY FURNISH 1 ,ed room; heated ahdall modern con veniences. 'Address "D," care Star, or 'Phone 753-J.- . : ocl8-2t NUTS NUTS' . NUTS. JUST. RECEIV- ed, seyera.1 hundred : bags and boxes all kinds nuts; also fcoeoanuts. Send us your orders.' Bear-' Produce & Mdse. . Co., Wilmington, 'N,' ' . ocl8-7t WANTED ENGINEER FOR MERCH- ants' and "- Miners' Transportation Company's tug "Apollo," Norfolk. Wages, eighty-five dollars per month. Apply E. C. Lohr, Agent, Norfolk, Va. ocl7-3t LOST. LOST. POINTER DOG, 16 months old; white with brown spots. Chain attached to collar. Disappeared the night of October 15th. Finder re- turn to 1419 Market street or call 1758 on 'phone, and claim reward. . ocl7-3t WANTED POSITION AS BOOK- keepe'r or of a clerical .nature. Twelve years experience. Understand ac counting, corporation reports, system- atizing recdrds. Address ; "Book keeper," care the Star. ocl4-8t all you think yau, need, or everything you h-,v learning how, to spend your money wiseiv r; regularly, ajftd by depositing your .'savings in strong bank, at 4 per cent, Interest you can bulla a competency that will enable you to enjoy flnan independence Jn later years. Start with $1.00 or more. American Bank & Trust Co. : Wilmington, N. C MURCHBON NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus : - $1,650,000.00 Resources 8,000,000.00 This Bunk stands ready to furnish oMKoraers every facility and beit possible service. : H. C MCQUEEN, President ' J. W. YATES, V. Prest. ' : T i ' V. GRAINGER. V. Pret C S. GRAINGER, Cashier, 'y J M.'F.ALLEN. Asst. Cash. W. a JOHNSON, Asst. Cash. J. V. GRAINGER, Jr.. Aist Casi. NOTARIES PUBLIC ALWAYS AT YOUR service. .Harriss i ypewrmng oc aq. vertising Co. se21-tf AJAX TIRES. . AJAX TIRES. AJAX Tires. Guaranteed in writing for five thousand miles. They , cost no more. A full line of accessories and parts for Ford Cars. W. . D. MacMil lan, Jr., 108 to 112 'North Secgnd st. . ocl2-7t WRITE STORIES FOR MOVING PICT- ures; producers pay from $25 to $100 each for photoplays."" Interesting and fascinating. No experience necessary. Work In spare time Write for free particulars. Hege & Co., Box 1113, ' Winston-Salem, ' N. C. ocl3-7t L. L. SHEPARD, 817 NORTH FOURTH street, has the goods for you. "Best native meats of all kinds. Also a full line of groceries. Phone 1186. Prompt delivery. ' Always on the job. oc 14-7t DUNNWYCHE NURSES' HOME, BLACK Mountain,' is open to tubercular board ers. Rates moderate. Resident nurse. Apply Birdie "Dunn, Raleigh. ocl2-7t FRESH MACKEREL, JUST RECEIVED. Premium" oleomargarine, 28c. lb.; Pre mier jams, 20c; Unicorn coffee, 25c. can;' try a can. Salted almonds, 25c jar, and a full line of groceries and delicatessens at the lowest prices. 'Phone 1322.' May's Deltctessen. ocl3-7t APPLES APPLES APPLES Just received very fine car fam ous Sunflower Grand York Imper ial . Apples from Martinsburg, West Va. One car York Imper ial from. Virginia. . Send us your orders for Pota toes, Onions, . Apples - Seckle Poars, Almeria . Grapes, Oranges, Limes and Lemons. We also carry in stock a full line of Candies, in Penny Goods and Pails. Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. 'Phone t 328 Wilmington, N. C. COTTON WANTED 1140 Bales Good Middling. 1311 Bales Strict Middling. 1047 Bales Middling. 1843 Bales Low Middling. W. B. COOPER & CO. WilminJon, N. C. IM PERIAL AND TUBES . " , If..'. SEND US YOUR OR DteRS PD.WE WI LL SHIP PROMPTLY. J. W. Murchison & Co. WH OLESALE H AR DWAR E I Phone 1030 Phone 106 HOW FAR AHEAD CAN YOU SEE? It is said that those who look ahead farthest are those who cet ahei fastest. You must SET a goal, if you want to reach one. What do you see ahead in store for you ? ; A struggle for existence or an income over and above yourarnthgs1 . Your course today determlnei your destination tomorrow. A savings . account at the Home Savings Bank always treated with careful consideration, will quicken-your step toward a successful future. ": - ' V SET a definite goal. Theri jaark a straight course to It HOME SAVINGS BANK on, K C. Wilmingt POPULAR NEW FICTION THE WORLD FOR SALE by Gilbert Parkfer. PARADISE GARDEN by. Geo. Gibbs. . : THE WALL STREET GIRL, by Frederick O. Bartlett. PRUDENCE SAYS SO . by Ethel Hueston. THE POWER HOUSE lay John Buchan. THE BRIDE OF" A MOMENT by Caroline Wells. THE MARK OF A BEAST by Reginald Wright Kauffman , FROM THE HOUSETOPS by Geo; Barr McCutebeon. ' . BIG TIMBER - by Bertrand W. Sinclair. JUST A WOMAN by Eugene Walter. THU MAN WHO WROUGHT by Rldgwell CullUm. C. W. Yates Comp'y MARKET STREET. '. ': ,1 r ' CONGRESS TIRES I Guaranteed on a basis of Three Thousand, Five Hundred Miles. Distributing Agents for these goods. Examine our prices.. WL I SPRINGER & CO. Purcell Building, Wilmington, X- C. 1 ENGINES BOILERS PUMPS ry '. '"''' " - ." '' : WILMIN GTON IRON WO RKS TH.$lBOJf. MEN." : Everybody ladsStar Business Locf r V ' A t"'! h" A

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