A 1 JJ'v I. THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N.G.; TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21, 1916. Three. 'it f3 m Helen Holmes, the great Blm .dare devil, made famous by her great work that thrilling rsnrgaa ...serial, Toe irl and the Game, and. coming soon in a new and great serial, T,A" Lass of the Lumberlands," mattes i he '.third appearance in big features" at " the jioyal today, playing, the title role in -a marvelous flve-eot fllmfiation. of 'ths great novel by Alice McGpwan, 'jui dith of the Cumberlarids." , ; . s In "Judith of the Cumberlands.7 Hel en Holmes, the redoubtable heroine f maav thrilling escapades,' is called up on to play a role entirely different from anything previously registered on the screen, but one that "Just as oreatly makes demands -'upon her for performance of those thrilling, stunts which have made her name famous, It is a great story of the Kentucky hills, as many who have read the book, will jjpow, and the feuds that characterized this portion of the countryat a! point not so far back. -; , . " - There is an all-star cast in support Pf Miss Holmes, which includes - J P. jlcGowan, and the origlnaj'cast iwhich Jvas seen in her support in. "The Girl ;nd the Game", and-it is a production that deserves capacity business. obody Home" Tpmstron.. The following criticism of "Nobody Il.jriie" which comes to the Academy of 'Vanity- Pair,' f though it seems tao bad to .have- to. say it .of her. - Roy.Torrey sang pleasingly in the role of .the the dancer's manager. t ., 'Thefe -was a . perfectly :. charming dance. Miss Bennett with Joe Hess she of the; applegreen . costume with, white swa'ftsdown. Stie was graceful, amllingy nimblei altogether delightful. John Paulton . made a clever English servant,- amusing to American eyes.: i "The dancer's apwiment,- said to have been designed by Miss . Elsie de Wolf, was-an artistic modern arrange ment of gray, orange and black, with interesting electroliers in the shape of fruit baskets. . . . VA little Hawaiian music and danc ing was thrown in. for good measure, but the regular music -of the occasion was more-enjoyable, ..ror a very sophis ticated chorus makes - a' poor back ground, for Hawaiian reyelries.; "Mr. ' McNaughton was prevailed up on to repeat his old and famous recita tion from the 'Spring Maid' concern ing the i hare, and.the- hunter and the three trees. It was applauded as great ly as ever." The "popular matinee prices will be from BO, -cents to $l.-with a. few seats at $1.50. . The night prices will range from 50 cents to $2. Seats are now selling for both performances at El vington's. . , Maude Adams Thursday. The sale of seats - ror "the '-appear- 4 ,MIi v -i . , " y ' " " ' X- V ' m j - A. SCEXE IN "THE LI TTLE MINISTER." In Which Maude Adams Will be Seen if t the Academy of Music " Thursday, Music tomorrow, matinee . and "night, v.as clipped -from "the - Reading (Pa.)' Saple, of November lst::- '-5-'f ' " "It is necessary, to be.' rather 'local minded' like the chief figure in 'No body Home' in order to appreciate jo much English atmosphere as -Monday evening's play at the Academy of Mu sic afforded. English mental process es, especially in a musical comedy set ting, are likely to become .rather pro longed and exagscrfttfxoiifrtHe Amerjt can stage, with the high' lights 'too' high, and the local color a bit too col ored. However, a clever - man like Charles McXaughton can1 do wonders with any role and these 'miracles of fun and absurdity 3tr. McNaughton did achieve to the delight of the big audience. As the newly imported vil lage Englishman, -entranced by a. New To-k dancer, he was really very! funny, and was encored times without num-f ber. One wondered-ojv this domestic life prospered after .the "Cancer return-' ed as his wife, to --Ippjean,;, England: But. it never does to inquire too close ly into such detaila,)'03Coinance and story. Though, as Mr. Goldberg wiseiy says, the siren an vampire business never works - outside tbeuaoviee; and vives generaHy. have;..tOi;dbthe chores, one way or 'another.;' iigt . , ' "Gay and charming Zrre "Barnett, as the dancer whoahiexddvthe innocent Englishman,; made a - Moip,- attractive siren, however, arid .was. so avell dress ed ,so nimble and jso y bright that no one need , trouble. -laaout, saer jfuturei ith or without matrimony. he was the life Of the musical, comedy aid was especially- liked -in the.ftng; A Ques tion of Bait:' ? ---;'Jy-"-:h:W ; "Bollin ' Grimes, Jr:', ' wits ' a," society dar.cer with attraction'attdifMsco De Vere was his lightf t footed, pleaisins sweetheart. . ' . ' . . "Tkp?e was an" app'a,lling bar maid, who looked like a 'cover;" design for ance of Maude . Adams m "The Litile Minister" tit the Academy of Music on next Thursday will open this morning. As the announcement of the engage ment of the actress in Mr. JJarrie's play has awakened much interest there is every reason for believing that the sale will be a heavy one. To many people the charming tale of the, love affair of Lady Babbie and Gavin Dis-fl hart, who was affectionately known to hrs congregation asthe little minister, will, be .new .and to them the comedy is sure to afford an evening of fasci nating delight in following the vary ing fortunes of the elusive and prank ish young: woman and the. sedate young divine who is so closely spied upon by the inquisitive members of his flock. As'a novel, "The iLiittle Minister" had an enormous number of readers and as a play in the hands of Miss Adams it ha-f. hadvan overflowing measure of success. , ";-irotnIs success many things contributed. The sentiment of the work i. appealing, there is spontaneity ito -its" numor, .quaintness to its char acters,. "truth' . in . its -reflection of . hu manity -and :in-'-a.dditipn it has Maude Adams, to 'gv;e .life Jto' qneof . the most lovable and winsome heroines that has come .outf ;of Ttne imagination ' ot the j gifted Scojtchr dramatist. The four acts. of the comedy are handsomely staged and there "Is" a" stro tig' company in Miss Adams support. - The prices wilj range from 56 cents (gallery) to 42. "tickets will go.. on -salei: this 'morning at 9 o'clock at." El ving'to'n-s. Big- Crowds 1 at - Victoria. , Fox Reilly's- Farnrous' Globe Trotters came 'and conquered, agairr. yesterday, playing Vb.oth yesterday afternoon - and last nightto-a. . day's crowds ithat broke all previous records ror this . theatre. It is safe rosay' that .Wilmington 'nev er has, . had , an . aggregation of amuse ment ;malters that haye pleased more thorougniy tlian' this'b'unch of all-sta performers and it -really- seems that very different- play they put on gets bigger and better and draws bigger crowds." '',.- ' " The crowds last night simply' laugh ed themselves into fits oyer the-inimitable comedy work of Ernest Liinwood, who ' is . without doubt '-, the greatest blackface performer ever seen in "Wil mington. Everything he does is funny and you only have to take a slant at his . features to go into . convulsions. Then the Empire ' Quartette who an swered five separate encores last night, Were better, than eyer before present ing almost everything In their whole repertoire it seemed, before the crowd was satisfied. - . . - Harold- Paite the Wilmington boy with the big voice, thoroughly delight ed with a new, bunch of bass solos, and the chorus, of course was there with a . big bunch of new song and dance numbers, chief among; 'which was a Grecian dance that was the; prettiest ever seen anywhere! ','" ".The Fortune Hunters," yesterday's bill, in which Fox Reilly fs lead in the title role, will be presented "for the last times today ahd "tonight. Mammoth ' Four-Rel B11K The Grand for today ' presents a mammoth four-reel bill of pictures for five, cents that has never been sur passed. in point of .great stars present ed ,a bill that should pack, the theatre and certainly would if the patrons of this theatre, could only realize that a real big show it is, and what a big money's worth they are getting for five cents. E. H. Calvert, with beautiful Mar guerite Clayton, one of filmdom's most entrancing and beautiful stars, present the leadingroles in a great three-reel Essanav dramatic feature, "Beyond the Law," that for dramatic p.owr ami I tense thrilling action has never been surpassed in three reels of film. j W.A story, of treachery and false heart- . edries3, a. beautiful romance entwine:! throughout its every scene,' "Beyond 1 the Law,' is bigger than many features : which you see padded out to. Ave or ; six reels. Its every moment is ' tense with thrilling action and - unexpected j flevelQnmenls and the . finale is one of the strongest, ever seen oil the screen. ; proving a delightful surprise . to the audience. Remember, E. Hi Calvert and Marguerite Clayton in' a great three- ; reel Essanay, "Beyond the Law." Then there will be a great Vitagraph ; comedy feature," full of big laugh sit- j uations that is sure to please.' j' Grct Bill Jit Bijou, ' .It is a great bill of movies that is to be presented at the Bijou today an ! all-star line-up, headed by the third great chapter of that thrilling Kalem serial, ""Grant, Police Reporter." star ring dare-devil George Larkin, with beautiful Ollie Kirby, in the" two lead-i ing roles. George Larkin is making I new records for dare-deviltry In -this j great chapter; and it-was made from the story which appeared in the Even-; ing Dispatch last wees under the title , of "The Man From Yukon." You who; remember reading this story of thrills, in print may imagine what could be done with .it in the hands, of t such capable, thrill artists as George Lar- j kin and Ollie Kirby, an you wont be . a bit disappointed to raise your expec tations to the highest pitch. It is sim- ply there with the thrills,' such as no other serial has ever had in the-past. Then comes a great two reel Essa- , nay dramatic comedy, "Easy Ed" star- ( ring the inimitable Harry Dunkinson i with all-star supporting cast .including ; the, far-famed Essanay beauty girls. i And still another, a Biograph single reel drama, ?The Masterrul Hireling, ! a tense -dramatic gen. iA. big biU.to day for your five cents. had sobered up.. The story leaked out late , Saturday -.andi-Mr. Walston is un-r der a 500 bond for his appearance next Thursday morning before ' ;Squire Barnes. ' L ; : 'THIRD INCREASE IN WAGES IN A' YEAR AT NEW BEDFORD Another lO Per Cent Advance Given Op v era tive of Cloth MIH. "New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 20. The Cotton Manufacturers Association of this cityi today voted to grant a 10 per cent, increase in pay to their 33,000 operatives to'-be effective for a period of six months beginning December 4. The increase, the third within this cal endar year, brings the-total advance I within that time to 27 1-2 per cent, and 1 will increase the total annual paj roll of the mill froms about $17,300,000 to approximately $19,000,000. The association includes " only the cloth mills always have followed the cloth mills in the past, . so that labor leaders expct the increase to be gen eral throughout the city. v . Just Across prom the Post Office No. Tfeis a prescription prepared eepedflHv (or MALARIA or CHILLS i FEVER Five or six doies will break any case, and if taken then as tonic, the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel a nd does set gripe or sicken. 25c CONSTABLE UNDER SERIOUS CHARGE IN WILSON . COUNTY Arrested Man and Escorted "Him , Town Without Warrant. to (Special Star. Correspondence). Wilson, N. C, Nov. 20. A warrant has been served tn Constable G. D; Walston for his appearance bef6re Squire Ellas j Barnes next Thursday at 11 o'clock to answer the charge of an assault upon 'Mr. Nathan Watson with a deadly weapon and of disturbing the public peace with - profanity ' and disorderly conduct. The main charge, however, is included under the first head. " The whole trouble was the result of intoxication. .On Tuesday, while in a drunken state, it is alleged, Mr. Wal ston arrested Mr. Watson, accusing him of the murder, of Mr. James Lewis, and brought Watson to town . under the point of his gun, and after failing to get a Justice 'to give him a warrant for Watson he (Walston) released the pris oner. 1 The "warrant-sworn out by Mr. Watson against Mr.. Walston was with held from serving until Mr. Walston Judge these Bon Bons by a trial BLOC ICS CHOCOLATES MasMsiBiMMBBBaaaBaaas'iBaMaBiBaaaBaBMBBaMBHBnBi Extra Superb No Creams contains only Nougats, Nuts, Fruits, Nutted Caramels, Maras chino Cherries, etc 80c per pound La Triomphe de Perfection In a beautiful hinged top box. Contains no reams only Nougats NuterJExuits, - Maraschino Cherries, Nutted Caramels, etc. The last word in the confectioners art. $1.00 per pound Special Package, - $1.25per pound Not on sale unless Absolutely fresh -' ... There it a store in your town tht sells Block's Candies. It will pay you to fisd this store. Green's Drug Store 109 Market Street 'few Joyal Society Packages Just Received Hardly More than a month until Christmas. Do yoij realize the importance of making up little gifts now? Royal Society packages permit wide selection for the f art needle workers. There's range of novelties that will work in nicely with your list of Christmas presents. The packages come complete stamp work, materials for embroidering, threads everything that is necessary for the completion of the article. . They are priced at 25Cp 35g 50d 75Ci 85c and $. In sealed packages from the maker to the consumer. ifew Kid qioves Came yesterday This store urges its friends to buy kid gloves now. They are certain to be scarcer, and higher later. If you intend to give kid gloves for Christmas, take a tip from us, and buy now. . . Kid gloves of the best grades, priced while they last at $1.25 to $2.00 pair. ffhe J4ome of lovelties This store will be known this Christmas as the "Holne of Novelties." Every express, every freight, brings something new, some thing original and especially nice for gir ing. Ribbon novelties, little rosettes for the lin gerie, sachets, neatly boxed, etc., are among the new things, priced at 250 to $1.50. Other novelties of hand painted wood, lea ther goods, ivorywear, etc., are shown profuse ly on the main floor. R 0 A L will heal this rash .1 never worry if i have a little rash or other eruption break out I just put on a bit of Resiiiol Ointment. That takes out the itching, and burning instantly, and soon, dears' -the trouble away. I learned of Resinol Ointment through our doctor prescribing it for my brother. 'Tom had been almost frantic. with ec zema for months ,buf : that ointment -healed his skin- rjte magic,. ,:' XUsIsc! Oi-- - ' - T ' : - -V d,rrdu....' d ACADEMY S, 23 Charles Frohman Presents MU-DEbAHiS In-if. 3I. Barrle. Cflmdy "The Little Minister " WILLIA3I BiiAISDALiiJ AXD MISS MARION LAMGDON 'Jc Screcittiugiy jpjinny' Musical Co me4y, " OX Music fio vember r. Kolody HomeiSt, th Academy , V Price I 'S'JSc. to ;$a., XSallery-, rCOc. -and T5e.' . Ticket at Klvlnston'a Todar- Free List. Suspended Slenal Film Corp. Presents THE FILM ' DARE-DEVIL HELEN HOLMES In n .Mammoth Five-Act Thriller 'Judith of the Cumberlands A Marvelona Fflmlaatlon of ! the Famous Novel by Alice McGovran. Marguerite . Clayton irltU E. H. Calvert In a Great Three-Reel Bttsanay Drama BEYO ND THE LAW A ' Tense, 'Exclttnfir Human-Inter- ( est Film. ALSO A. GREAT V1TAGRAPH . ' r- COMEDY..; . . - AGAIN TODAY Will the .Multitudes be Delight ed With REILLY'S Famous . Globe Trotters PresentiBa- ' THE FORTUNE HUNTER" The Blg-grest Show They Have Yet Presented Here, With Ernest Onwood Empire Quartet Harold Paite And the Niftiest . Slngrlnn- and . Dancing- Chorus on the Road. (1 ACADEMY r! I ADMISSION 5 CENTS mmxi "GEANT, POLICE REPORTER.' Third Great Chapter, Entitled "The Man From Yukon" Starring- George Larhln and Ollie Kirby. Easy Ed A Great Two-Reel Essanay Com edy Drama, with Harry Dunkin son. ' . "The Master ful Hireling" A Biograph Drama. F MUSIC MATINEE AND NIGHT 'TOMORROW John P. Slocum, Presents (No. 1 Original Company) The Smart, Jolly, Syncopated Musical Comedy Success 1V With MR. Charles McNAUGHTON, MISS ZOB BARNETT, Frisco DeVere, WlUiam Blalsdell, Lew Christy, John Pn niton, RolUn Grimes, Delia Nlveoi, Helen Jost, and CHORUS OF FASHION-SHOW MODEL! SPECIAL NOVELTY ORCHESTRA, Including Saxaphones," Banjos, Cymbalist, Yylophone and Many Odd Instruments Sel-:- dom Heard Here. EXTRA ADDED FEATURE JOE O. HESS and GERTRUDE BENNETT (Di rect from Maxim's, Paris) the Hawaiian Huln Hnln and the Last Word in Whirlwind and Modern Terpsichorean Art. Popular Matinee Prices t BOe, 75c, and 91.00 1 and a Few at 91.60. Nln-ht Prices will be 50c, 76c, 91.00 91.60 and f2A)0. Tickets now selling- at ElTlngton's. - 7 Miller Antiseptic Oil, Known as SNAKE OIL Will limber "you; up. ' JL new. 'creation, tmtiseptlc and pain-killer combined. For,, stiff and swollen joints, aches and oans, -cuts ana buris Should ' be in Isvery home. ' Guaranteed, 25o and 50c at leading druggists. , . - ;- . HARDIN'S PHARMACY - '.Eead ' Star . ' h osiness ' Locals. BALE BRAND - ,fVmuM,,K -" . RUBBER BOOTS The Best Boot Made for Money, in All the Different Styles. . Other Grades, if Desired. Anything You May Want in Rubber Boots and Shoes. Prices, Right, at PETERSONS JLFS WILMINGTON'S LARGEST ANpEST SHOE STORE Everybody Reads the Stai Business Local - 6 I 1 'V i : 1, 'i1 it ! ' m fin- u si i- ' 1 f "S. " i 4 ' 1 rirf i u, 'It1-'1 1 r1 I Ml r 1 4 -t rv,f j s V 1 1 1 i? ti- III I- h'3 LIS i Ji'1 i'i i!? 7'r Hi If a;. ft 41 Ax - , ' If i A-1 ;. tin i ,-1 2 V, - v - 'it" - r-.-t.r'i- J,V ' ' " A 1 s :

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