-MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH 8, .1917.' THE TWO PQSTISIERS T! FACE EM Those of First, Second and Third Class Will be Appointed Un der New Rules GOES INTO EFFECT APRIL 1 BIB. DBVINB DENOUNCES ACTIOS OF SENATOR STONE Richmond -Va., March 7. Miles J. p nside of ; the- Cook County gemocracy of Chicago, peaking to night before thai sixty, members of the organization -.-which accompanied him here en route fro roth inauguration, and a large gathering of local peop e. denounced the attitude of Senator Wil liam J Stone, , of -Misspur in opposing iiam J. - j.-jtia -neutrality president upu, .' " he measures. . ' : ,o. PnnV county Democracy, -"" - i said, "comprising some 01 me known Democrats of the West, has no sympathy whatever with the attitude of Senator Stone in, this crisis. We are solidly behind the President. His nMimBo ar. our policies, ana wo .xc COOK PORK WELIi. .; issues n,.i-n nf Animal lnaunirj "Fresh warning. (Wasftington Special,) .. 'W.fli.nr rinrk uroducts un l,ss thlyreoKed,D woda be certain of avoiding irivu the warning issued ny ine -Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture The w ing lias been, issued so often .tfcajMt would appear-thUt it had been accepted bynLrWybhdy an im?rt"! rule of eating, but every year the feu .! is called-to numerous cases which indicate th the j""' R. A. Evans Tells How Her Daughter Gained rouuvw v HAPPILY TELLS OF rjork products to .be eaten raw are pre pared for the market under, the super vision of- government Inspectors the ! packers are required 10 " against any man who tries to cripple euff gently to destroy harmful organ Zf in .tm critical hour. In s3 1 ,am or to subject it for a considerable Roundly c Ttmocratie headers Denounce the Plan, Bat Ir. Bur leson Tells Them It Is No Use to Protest. him in this critical hour. this I speak for the entire organiza tion." ' I Washington, March, 7 Postmaster period to extreme coiq, "7 T pTishes the same purpose. This treat irll is not to be construed as lUCUt, iwv t - i.-.o,, nf ail Ah. TO INSPECT SOUTHERN SITES ! an dorsemey t ' FOR PROPOSER NITRATE FLAJIT , ulc;.7;;-ent.8 supwis!on of raw . . 11 tt.j f hA psts n- Tanlac After Suffering for 3 Years. ''She Looks and Feels So Much Better," Parent Says. I Washington, March 7- Secretaries -:t, i limited to the estab Ushtnents which prepare ch products It can exer- . "recommend" Teniae because it has. helped my daughter, Mrs. Clem.mons, so much and is the best medicine she has, Mrs. TR. A. Evans, of 1015 South sSecond street, this city, to the Tanlac Man. r , . For the past three years my oaugu n a. detail intnrst.a.t.e shipments Baker, Lane ana fr .r1 tV 'I" ,Tiwu on whatever over - nnnnced today that ; of army engineers. ! "J!f " 1" u 7ats.hll-hment8 which uenerai Duncouii t,.t, w 11 determine iuo iuv" counucoo o... ..Ana i jui mi - . . j after April 1 the appointment of al J i.Joo? government nitrate ;8erVe 1- C thrown !S opL5!UJ?i.?w ' to? ! wtt first, second ana , . . Washington wmgni who kui unu i sura., iiivans. &ne wo ,M - ; postmasr w.- - pi h, ; " - in South Caro- i use. it is among farmers inai vc ! and tried various remedie third class would be subject cu.- t?W oi Pwn;. Alabama, about hog-killing time there is n : nttlp Ratisfaction. S petitive will examinations. Nominations , na 'gSV aid.-WeBt.Vlreflnia. ThejoutDreak of trechinosis-a jerisus. t timeB, wnen stomach spells ;n tvia : Jventucity, u"', . . i,,-,!. , a non fatal disease, onen r . . HVpP6 rains in.; She but with was all I 9 Rsoum' B.RednsiKa.703-$3iO At All Dealer d;;;REaUSP:..;: i ' - Back an4 Proot'I-ace y FOJl STOUT FIGURES Make large kipe disappear; bulky waist-Bnee more Saeefoljawkward Imtt-Uaes maller and bave tke 01d Certer comfort with firt weanng. Both medium himI low bt ! $3 50 $5.00 N U FXXR M i Back and .Front-Laee rt SLENDER and AVERAGE FIGURES Gire Style, Comfort and perfectly fittmg Gown at most Economical Price. .' $1-00 to 3-00 WEINGARTEN BUOS., Inc New York W.B.Naform.No.929-$2.00 Chicago San Frandco came on her. She had severe pains In., selections the tiast but in making TrAsifJent will be of examinations and will; send jn me names at the head of the lists. w..r the Civil Service Commis- i4--WAv . under which lourui-w Euldea by the . results ! p.eted-March tour wui mo - . j : EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD. GIRI ' MISSING NEARLY-A MONTH TkeTrS wU bVcom:j?.T dlretiy to -10 Xny 7d of food -emimstn nfter which another ' rk. In euch oases it is usually found c and ghe was very reports that mkw had severe , or.a ftf.th- P;rew perished. Berlin kind of fooa Memea Vhe Russian armored cruU eion, post masters are now named, will eonauct the examinations has not been deter mined. The President's forthcoming order will provide for a form of modified civ il class classification unaer ' vacancies, whether caused by resigna tion, removal or death, will be filled by competitive examination. Those al ready in the service will continue with out examination until the expiration of four years term begnnng wth ther last appontment and wll. then, t s under stood, have to undergo the competi tive test. . T A hornet's iiest was stirred up by the announcement at the capitol where scores of members were m I preparing to leave for home. The Or der was roundly denounced by some 01 the Democratic leaders-"and several members construed it as a move to get combined Democratic and Republican , 11.. in a politically uumi necial forms of sausage, which are eat en without cooking. All pork should be cooked thorough ly. The organisms cannot live at a temperature above 100 degrees, hence if the pork is well cooked they ere killed and rendered harmless, A practical r"Sle is to cook pork until it has lost . its i ti,rrirhnnt all portions, or, It reu cuiui ..vu0..: r at of this color is stin picodi., . New York, March 7. A reward of $1. 000 to arouse public interest in tne search of Miss Ruth Cruger, 18-year-nia vmVi school Kvaduate, whoidisap- oeared from her home in ww - f - fluids of the meat have February 13, ,was oww "tV i ?"nrl or less jellied. The bureau Ryurik 'has been badly damaged by that farmers have maae raw"o l" ! weak . and nervous and. of course, aian t , TnV ln the Gulf of Finland, sleep well. An operation was u66- - -, . , . . ed, but ' we saw Tanlac aavercu j father, Henry D. Cruger. xne Bm "Vr u sh0uld be made plain not been seen by her parents sincehe advises that it should be .a p left home to go ta a :tm. gooa , .H Sat the warning store disappeared after he naa pg wtmv questioned by detectives. hfs LITTLE. BUT A CAVE MAN. -When "BIW Johnson' Wile e1 Yanked Her hck, (Chicago News.) ' , irk.: ... nati is not extinct. Bill u,t "H - i- tft the fact ,0It that Holland is determmea Johnson is.a cave ." T . 7, Vniur Sffer f?om8 mer? in her stomach ; she j 0 " the sJuthern Railway 12 miles east 2? earanVthingynow her strength is of here haa necessitated ; the devouring can eat anytning 0. ? .ained BeVen of trains over a branch line .between Sdl-Mr? dE?knshSd!S ilgly.i SoSlUe nd Morristown. Mines in the P Ginulne Tanlac is sold in Wilmington : vicinity of Mascot also were flooded to- exclusively by tne Ben'" ----- . Each town has its Tanlac dealer. Adv, ENGLAND IRRITATED OVER REPORTS FROM HOLLAND. support House. , ,, Representative. Carlin and Glass, or Virginia, were in a group of Demo crats who called on the Postmaster General toda and wha were told about the plan. Democratic Leader Kitcnin, v,a nr,R( delaved his departure for North Carolina to go to the Postoflice nenartment to register his protest M.t nf tho r-onsrressmen who saw Mr. RnriARon went on the latter s in vitation to discuss the new play for crctomtkine' postal accounting by es tablishing central auditing postoffices .-r. -n.intv or district groups. One Southern member asked if the Dn.tmoQtor General" had called them there to ask their views or to tell n.v, wimt iiad been done. "I am tell- to happen," he O'VW 11 C3 T-oniiPrt The postmaster general told them that it was too late to protest as the order had hn determined upon and would be carried out. He intimated that he was ' Wnt the author of it but that it was efficiency and economy Another member suggested that the order would put many Republicans in office and still another wanted to know what would happen if the one mtu cCl ;fl from ihe examination were a ne 'gro The Postmaster General, accuiu ' ing to those present, replied tha,t the examinations would have to take place ' and there would be "no special priv ilege to anyone." , London, March 7, The report cur- t H01ianCl IS Uew I U UIlllOUl j tit nrv11lT-. wagon for. a grocery, cam home and T " 'ia h snrnris- U,,t In Calumet avenue, piii, wpo ar. mat i- "vuw r- ----- i x.. mnt5 of the liintenie a waeron ior. . 6u' ing n me Buww-. - r a vn?: should adopt retaliatory m . 700, Mabel!" SUVUiU - , . less negotiations between London and The Hague reach a successiui sioni . - ' L. Saturday is "Heart Day." Asheville, N. C:, March '..Mayor J. E. Rankin has nameu uca-i. oa'' March 10, as "heart aay", ior m uce- fit of the Carolina Chimren s bureau. In a proclamation, the mayor seis iori.ii the objects of the bureau, declaring V,,, it i Hnine a creat.worK ior crip pled children Jn the State and ends with $,n authorization to sell hearts in r,r,aif nf the association. The iunas raised through the sale of hearts will lows sro toward carrying on the work of the cave Man bureau. War News Summary ! STOMACH ACTS IE HO IKDIGESTIQU, GAS, Bill" : went rforth with ; a paieosoiu connected. Slie. Mabel, wfalayltlie .Ln m a State street "movie" house. spotted her- The show was n.e.ar- . - RHt,aV, machines were felled i -.,ro ; aA Approaching i . v,- lv over iiiu w. . . - . , HEARTBURN, ACM Pape's Diappsin' fixes sicfc sour, upset 'stomachs in five minutes, j Momentarily there is a cessation In the attacks by the British forces along the Ancre and Somme fronts which re p.ftntlv have eiven to King Qeorge's men considerable ground held by the Germans at varoius points. Bombard ments alone are reported in these re gions and also along the line held by the French. . Considerable aerial activity nas slow remedy when place between the British and Germans. y0ur stomach is bad or an uncertain T.rtwinTi rnortB that three German raa- one-or a. harmful one your stomach m00 ..K;M1iM wTi and three is too valuable; you mustn't injure it . . a. j. j , j.vo a hut with drastic drugs. ouiers lorwuiu ua-a i.: 4 i- nted .for its by the Germans and that seven others her at last, he sf ole 7Xo'bv the are missing. and dragged her from her place oyjinti THere is littlo fighting of moment hair. . . . ' i . .., i,,. except the usual artillery duels and in- Thus MabeUquit ner joo, r'"" fantry actions by reconnoitering par- ever, was apprenenucu. ties. in progress on any of twe oiner front of .Judge Mahoney with ; his wire. front8 The rout of the Turks toward who Produced a black and blueeye a Ba&dad i5 being kept up Dy the Brit torn UP na v? l"" ! -i'foi. ish who have now advance to wiinin jLne W9M' - - t.n mile- of Ctesiphon, wmcn is as Bat Cave Folk Rejoice. '-'Asheville. N6 C ," March 7. People , of the tsmeralda-Inn and Bat Cave section .are rejoicing over the . action of the Legislature in passing the bill to place evidence . it frnm Raardad. The British re- "Bill" Your Honor, my r": a u heinir demor- - niar rMiM i mw - 5 J3An4-ar1 mA Till llULiUUb . -. . , lOVITi L-rw wnen sne o vc found her playing in a bad place took her away, . . . , .,.. vv.f Petroerrad reports that the Russians Judge You Deat ner p, " -y h'v. captured the Asadabad summit, a t sir for her strategic -position ten esouthwest i u.Moitan pw-k a. irom me auia-"" iiamuuw', " ' ' . L" I . . . . . , V. . 1 n th.m 1 11 FCfl nfr Tlai-zea ana -leaving ueuim ih' . - 1 1 quantities oi b tux oo -...- guns. son.'"' - - Cave Man -Bui Pane's Diapepsin speed in giving relief; Its harmlessness; Ita certain, unfailing action in regulat ing sick, sour, .gassy stomaens. xts quick relief in indigeBtion, dyspepsia and gastritis, when paused by acidity, has made it famous the world over? , Keep this wonderful stpmach sweet ener in your homekeep- it handy-rget a large fifty-cent case from, any drug store ..and then If anyone snomp, eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forme- gas; pauses headache, dizziness and nausea; eructations of aeidWd undigested food remember as oq as Pape's Diapepein come in coatacjt with f he... stpmach it hAins to neutralize the excessiye .acjdity. then' all: the stomach distress caused by .niv.fim i-nnvicrs at worn, uii mo o . t j. i,.,,. -onu aci&ii.j-'v - - i n ira - i rkVi n won. w iiul iia visjvi, - . .. i. Tf ri.n marl Th p. prospect OI juagB-mio. tfyu . .. . MnHltisrranean patrol uoa-ia, l ko,!nr a rnarl to AStieVUie. aiwr KUI cv .. h(TI MI1K DY I. BUDilittl inc. ' "r;"r;ti;anVRince the flood Mrs. Johnson-WMK - inelud nit the caDtan, and ueiiis uui, i,.. - i ..v. Ti;ir if hp.'ii taice me. im ou' j i last July, has caused the people oi tnose - Judge Call the next. has 100 and ease, in overcoming such stomach disorders' is a revelation to "those who try it. sections'to take a new lease of-, life. WAS CONSTRUCTIVE v AND PE0GRESSIVE CHINESE KLOUT DUTCH. Snub Attempt to Win Them for VM Indies Defense. 1 i (Dispatch from - The Hague.) - The attitude .of the Chinese inhabi- n - wnf.nx AT TARBORO, - . . w wnAV AVIIjI GO UI i Itl.' Face Charge of KHJlng Two PoUce-1 men and Wonnnins T.o-Krt tj March. 1, R- C. Nel t Charged Avith the Killing oi vxi- eaten coia of the family I " (Continued from Page One.) taxation some assets now escaping their share of the tax burden and maite the measure apply on a lust and equita ble .basis to till and render more effec tive various sections of the law that experience showed to be in need of re adjustment for effective administration, and make more certain the actual col lection of the taxes due the btate. He said that one of the .most pro gressive measures the committee put through, and one that ig generally pro nounced especially important,; is that providing for an entirely new and uni form and up-to-date system of ac counting for the State departments and the State ' institutions. Special Tax Commission. He regards the provision that the 'committee procured for the creation of a special commission to investigate the ' ta-xine svstem of this State and of oth er states and the devising of a modern svstem for North Carolina to be recom " -mended to the Legislature for adoption as a most important movement. This ' rnmmitt.ee can report '.to the next Gen ral Assembly or a special session if one is called. The present system of ' taxation, he says, is generally admit ted to be antiquated and entirely , un suitable for the best interests of the State and the people at large, and the desire is to give the people an up-to- ' date and,, equitable system of taxation. As t9 Fisheries Law. In the inatter , of State; fisheries leg islation Senator McNider aid that the legislation at this session has granted adjustments of the law that the State Fish 'Commission was especially desir niis to obtain. The burden of fish taxes has- been .reduced materially for the .small fishermen and maintained with ' some downward tendency on the larger fishing interests. The commission-as how constituted has been left intact and its : control and regulation of the industry strengthened instead of weakened as various bills were intend ed t'o' do. The tax on fishing vessels 1b 'r-to ' gross instead of net ton iv .A tax of five cents per gallon is imposed on the scallops industry, which Is developing considerably in this State. 'The tax Oh catches of fish for personal or home consumption eliminated. ir.,ilvto' the satisfaction of the fish Commission y whom the tax was re- LVWW"' ...on7 cirri rAft.llv lin- tants of the Dutch East Indies towara n nson Gwatney and Pat RigKm the question of the colony's defense has men na wounng Mayor J. P. been attracting attention in the last few rrhnro last Saturday.. while months. In view of the new schemes fy-'ers were conducting a raid on I for .conscription s of cons.derable the offlcer- 8earch for liqU0r, will be importance, for these Indo-Chinese tomorrow, the grand-jury number several hundred thousand, found a true bill of indictment their industry and intelligence render b S Mayor Keech is-, reported tv.rr a more influential lactor ;vcu than the actual figures indicate. ,TTitiAitn their attitude, has been dis appointing to the Dutch authorities. On the occasion of. the big native demon strations held some time, since in favor . . . ii l.,a rlefp.TISA of strengtnenmg mc j forces, the most widely reaa s vi"n' nt -Rntavla. the eaoital, flatly de- clared that Hoiiana womi uo in any eventual conflict with japan, .uu that it would tftererore oe iy" the Chinese, to take the side of the Dutch; further, that its countrymen were not inclined to support sww movement on account of the treatment meted out to them by the government, desiring rather to be and to remain fVilnoBA ! ! i7r,r tVirftR centuries the Chinese have iinrur tvie Dutch . tri-color, but it i-.r,iw a. fftw years ago that they were recognized as citizens o fthe colo ny. Beyond the happiness engendered v,,,. tv nnssession of riches obtained by their own industry, their position has Vnan fur frnm an enviable one. up to the present day they have been placed iAi with the "subjected" popula- v . t . - . - . rriu tion of the ipaian prpvjuipco, rmtPh rulers have recently made some -.rAcsinns For Instance, Chinese are now at liberty to . move about Java r5tv,nt the special passes formerly obligatory, and to settle outside the special quarters previously assigned to them. ' J against him. Mayor as slowly improving. rfl Y. M. C. A. Bnrne Ttrhiircr. Va., " March. 7. The Yount Men's Christian AesoAitlon T,5iine- at Hopewell was destroyed by fire of unknown origin at. an early hour tnov The loss is estimated. at $50,000. The clubhouse was destroyed, by fire r.tiTr ntailine an auuiuuiwi lc..v.rf . . l rrn-rimatelv S4&,0gu. a-'uvjui " . .T -AT A V. .1 t 1 . nomtinnv erectea tne x. ui. a. ux ing- . , , VILLA TROOPS DRAW NEARER THE BORDER nnntinued from Pace One.) cavalry are now stationed at Fort Han cock. , ' Tii Mexicans." numbering approxi mately 400, have been at the San Martin ranch for three days ana ot tuts wu came to the can Juan mine, ub muv across the border to Fort Hancock yes terday- to buy. supplies. : Ti-i o unnecessary ana reaiiy un iust. Tne po" r - ; buw ! tho . a flfiiinistration of way as " ,t-7 . the cost p the department of the board sto con- affairs has bean amended in 12,000 annually: Baltimore, Mr March 7 United France, who voted IT- - . a - Ceng Tnr, TxZst tie ciotute bill la - the caucus agamt- .---A tnttieht that when the today., aecurej tjjjjt votft THE PRINCE A GOOD MECHAJfIC Wales Repaired Motorcar For a Wom an Prtver In Ijondon. ; ; . (Chicago Tribune), j The Prince of Waiea. who' was in. London on leave recently, was walking with a brother Officer when I he found ti wnman driver of an official motor car In difficulty owing to a breakdown. rrv, -PriTifiA of Wales spent nearly ?o .T,t. in nerarfetic effort?, which hap- pily ended 4n the engine again thmb. smoothly, , - -. i' - . , , - As she was thanking ner unw looked at his wrist . - , uvn I snail watch ana rem vcu. a v, lot." s the young woman saia. T i anrl l'll taKe vgu i H)T you like. It's the least I can do after the trouble you've pulled me out of. trt cr?" wnere ao yuu wav j. wfullv." was the reply jl uauni ' - "Home, please." i. "Where's home?" she inquired, smil irlgly at the way he had naively imag ...j v, o jiresa would be known. l"Vt "Xwhenthe reolledJ .-Ruck- hat she realised that As An Ai d To Your Digestion You should TRY Grandma knows that Dr. King's Li K.Ta. ritevArir xatiII Rtnnr frhft cougn anq quicKiy tgj.,u jj most stubborn cold. " ;; j r rom one generation to j another it- has been 'recom mended in bronchial affections. until to-day mothers find their chudren. like ur. JSangs rsew ricrrrrv n well a cTandma said 111 ltww . . . n she did when she was a Nearly a half centunr of use recom mends it to you. Try it- Your druggist has sold it ever since he opened his store. :" Just planted O "Eipe a row at a lime Better Results-r- ii 1 II I Less: Labor 'WITH ; It tones, invigorates and strengthens the entire digestive ? system FOR BETTER GARDENS Better results because only "finest, selected seeds from prize winning strains are used, i Thfcy arc property' spaced it thin tissue paper tape which i absorbs and holds moisture, r giving quiciser and better ger mination, and healthier plant life. Less labor, because you plant a whole row at a time, r and ff thinning out is neces ; sary on account of proper spacing in tlie .tape. More economical, " because ab&o lutely no waste of seeds. Pakro Seedtawe U mde by-' the Araericaneedtape Co., 71 Weet 23rd St New York City. Get it at your dea .- ct. Price 10c per package : U YOUR iU St SUIT YOU Get" it at our fountain just as you want it. Try our "Milk Chocolate" (mixed with ice cream and whipped, cream). It's served in a 10 oz. glass and is a liq-id de light. Nothing could be more delicious,', And a full United Certificate goes with every 5c spent. . Skilled dispensers. Courteous Service 112 FRONT STREET, Corner of Prjncess.!Street I -:(' ' jpiMMiMM "Mmmm til 1 new spring of wearing apparei for omen and, cjtiiUdren i3 being dis tribute4 f rae f or the askingy Presenting fashions worn in New York at the time the catalog is issued, many people find that it offers merchandise and a service not always to be had in their home . ttowns . . If this be true in your Case, the reader of this, we shall be glad to send you a copy. .But we always advise looking and buying at home first. Most things in the cata iog are delivered -free in the United States. . : . Write name and address plainly and simply say: "Send Catalog Wo ,45.." A postal will do Address: JOHN WANAMAKER, New York 8th tQ 100i Street, Broadway to Fourth Avenue C. H. BORNEMANN 690 Onm;e St. MR. merchant: 1 We d, Save Ten M?ey o - - P4e ma4 Quality - Rljcht. U WUi be to Yfwwr ateret to ,.et ; TtT Q,90te ,ypn. ::. LOW FREIGHT RATES. Coast Brand Overall Co, - - - MARION. . C CAPE FEAR MACHINE . WORKS - ' Best Servic Best Kauipment for Be.i Iron. Braw, Ataiia Make Boilers, Tanks. - Jli rTpiver Front. On B- R. TracKanu Foot Church Street WILMINGTON. 1- C' DRESSED POULTRY Th9 QuaUtr. Tba Atlel. Taa Prtee, TheBaai. ;Aitay to ft DAVIS & H ($T2 E . PBONEPl 494910. FRONT alrfi InS Stack pad 1,111 mZ iri7 Inat at this time he h esldent,. He said her "prrncipi nmvi.v4 K SSS; . aw.Mt.otre.. . heir -

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