THE MnPNiKft STAR. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 35, 1gi7. TWO 40 GERMAN FLIERS VOTE Oil THE BROUGHT DOWN KY BRITISH MACHINES (Continued' Fron Page One). d, deliberately stalled their engines, and standing the machines on tnejr tails, slid backwards through the air. BILL HOI III Debate Continues in Both Houses With Many of the Members Still to-be Heard CLARK IS AGAINST DRAFT His Announcement Kncouragc Oppon ent of Administration Measure. Volunteer Advocates Mainly Heard. Washington. April 24-DCbato on the war army bill continued in Con gress today with the desire to talk about the methods the United States should use in raising her million of aghting men unabated. Leaders m neither house could predict with con fidence when a vote might be reached. The House hopes to vote by Friday, but there are more than sixty mem bers waiting to speak. In the -Senate only a few senators have been heard and Chairman Chamberlain of the mili tary committee tonight said many had Indicated their .intention to discuss the bill before agreeing to - vote. il probably will sound out sentiment to morrow! however, on an unanimous . ,r,t for a. vote as consent ejiinisuv. - - - Boon as possible. The way the Sen ate takes this suggestion may have much to do with thelposition of admin istration leaders. Wy are l".10 resort the Senate's new . cloture rule, or to appear in any way anxious to curtail debate. - Opponents of the administration s se lective draft plan found new hope dur ing the day when Speaker Clark let it be known that he shade their views and would make a speech tomorrow in favor of the majority House cumn.. volunteer amendment. In the Senate, Senator LaFollette in troduced a substitute for the adminis tration bill proposing to eliminate the draft feature and submit the questions of raising an ary to a referendum, through the Director of Census and postmasters. . i Discussions today in both houses came largely from the friends -of the volunteer system. It was not heard by large crowds either on the floors or in the galleries. The longest speech of the day was make by Representative Fields, of Ken tucky, a Democrat, of ' the military uf.o who arerued for the volun- teer plan and declared that the War Departments proposal w uiin j, under 21 years of age involved a.prin v wiih be would not be guid- ed by the military experts of this or any other nation. IvTT-MTST-RR VIVTANI HEADS THE PARTY but all to nv avail. It probably was the most wonderful air auet wo has yet seen. .. . The British pilot reported today that several times he felt sure he would get his adversary between his sights, but the latter invariably wriggled out -of the line of fire. The Br tish flier him- i w..n.r oirniriirie the Qer sen was tsept ; " -.t .3 -v,D huH to dive almost man, auu .v . v-nia rlv. . The combat did, not break off until both pilots had fairly . xj it,.WM and their petroi. Strangely enough; later in the day nis.i. xiini Timintereo. me same German machine. The Britisher was winging his way " hard days work, but ne Jcr the German for nearly a quai.." hour before flying on. In strange contrast to this was the experience of one British Pilot. ho somewhat peevishly complained last night that "I only got rabbit. He explained this by saying that while his i a a-nnA machine, ne was a Clumsy fellow and could not fight at all. and was sent spinning with the first burst of gun' fire. German Falls 10,000 Feet. Still another pilot mounted a . fat new machine and deliberately allowed a German to get on his trail. Then he suddenly looped behind his adver sary and caught him aust withm the sights, the burst of fire killing the German instantly. " The machine swerved and the dea man pitched out 10,000 feet from the ground. . The fighting yesterday was all with in the enemy territory. ,Several-Brit-ish machines had bullet holes through their wins, but sailed home unaided and took the air again this morning. in UMiil 3"Z5 SIZE&X&U INCHES) 3Z5 SLACK SAFETY TREAD TIRES m i it 1 m it (Continued From Page One). naval attache of the French embassy .. i m i,jr,,Tnv1 sfonhane Lauzzanne, aL aouiub" p confidential representative of Colonel c.w rnthv TT. a. A., assigned as uorrhoi TnfTrs aide. came aboard 1U1 w ,,wn ofr. witvi Hisnatches and to greet iral Mayo, commarfd- er-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet, called later. There was no saluting, the for salvos of guns having been dispensed with by agreement. "We are saving our powder for the Germans," remarked the commander of the French ship. All the commissioners returned Ad miral Mayo's call later in the morning. Thev lunched on board their own ves sel, finishing just in time to receive ' Ambassador Jujsserand. Major-General Scott. Chief of Staff of the Army; As sistant Secretary of State Long, As sistant Secretary of the Navy Frank lin Roosevelt, and several -other offi cials, who arrived from Washington on board the Mayflower. Upon his arrival, Ambassador Jus serand went into conference with Mr. Viviani and the leading members of the mission. Two hours later Mr. Viviani. Marshal Joffre. Admiral Cho cheprat, the naval representative, the Marquis de Chambrun (Lafayette's - era d son I ; Mr. Hovelaaue, counsellor. and Joseph Simon, of the ministry of ftn9nii. went on board the American v.acoi witb Ambassador Jusserahd and h American officials and remained there until their. departure for "Wash l-ntrtmn I The technical advisors and staff offi cers' of the mission came ashore late tnHav from the French ship to spend he nieht at a hotel. They will leave Vfti. WflKhlnsrton tomorrow morning ' The mission will place itself at the flinnnsal of the President during- the entire period of its visit to this coun trv it he desires its members to re main in Washington for continuous conference, they will do so. They have received invitations to visit many cities in the east and west, however, and they may make several trips, pro- viding they are not needed in Wash ington all the time. 4 TO RUSH ORGANIZATION OP DIVISION OF NAVAL RESERVES Navy Department Wirea N. C. National s Guard ieaaquaricr. (Special Star Telegram.) RaleighN. C, April 24. At North Carolina National Guard headquarters here today, a telegram was received from the Navy Department authorizing the completion of the formation of the division of Naval Reserves, the organi zation of. which was started some weeks stmetions are for the divl- ' sion to be organized just as quickly as possible and proceed with its equipment and preliminary xraiiijiiB" for early enlistment in the service. The three other divisions - in this - State. Washington. New Bern an4 Elizabeth - City, are already in active service on shipboard. tittt n APTAW annTAT.ISTS mwwm rr i fflTAT0 SEND COWerJiATUAiAXAJAAio (Continued from Page One.) a group of political exiles in. Brussels to return to Russia and release a nninD- number of interned civ- ilians in Russia. The newspaper. So cialdemokraten. commenting on -the ovhsTirK of interned civn- - hc rsnsnn to believe that no obstacles from Germany will be in th wav of return of the tnioc rr.Tirftrninff the presence ot the Russians in Belgium, the newspaper says: .inm "It is to be recanea mat oc6" was an important ante-bellum center for Russian revolutionists, a band of whom at the capture oi weB". ed a university Duuaing Germans until the building was demol ished over their heads by artillery. PTVAT. PF.flF.PTION X ' . . -n-r-ri GIVEN MB. JSAiiii uutt (Continued From Page One). ..pentinn Hoe uasoeu f "6 . - . ceiving line with otner memucio i. Congress and was cordially greeted by Mr. Balfour ana me oluoi honor. . , . President Wilson remamea a snun time after he had shaken hands with the commissioners, and found oppor tunities to talk with Elihu Root. Sena tor Lodge and. others. Cost Little More These handsome, husky tires at little more money make DE LUXE F0PJ CAR. Price Ecb 375 (31x3) $13.95 -J- lilV- sue) - - - o.ov I I ERE is the Big News of the Year for the owners of Fiprd Automobiles. The J3. F. Goodrich Rubber Company, having centered its 48 years' experience and knowledge Oirecuy on ineTuw making the best tire for the Ford Auto mobile, has brought forth a tire that fulfills the special needs of the Ford Automobile, and doubles its virtues. It is the tire for which Ford drivers have been wait ing a Ford car tire of HEROIC SIZE: GOODRICH "Three.Seventy.Five,, This husky tire of Supefsize and Superstrength lifts the Ford car to the sum-total of perfection. V Generous in rubber and fabric, it is a 31-inch by 3 inch v , ' . . -ii. .t C T31olr S-afrofrr TVf!3n tire, DuiiL wiui uic rcguiai aivc 151, to fit 30-inch rims on a Ford car. , That extra inch on the circumference ant? full three-quarter inch in the cross-section are just -what the Ford car tire needed. Treat your car to longer life and yourself to more enjoy- : : r . ot-?-rta xrr-ir Hi?a1f.r for the Ford Car Tire mTTTMTNT CT7T 7T?rTTa7 TJixE1 . of HEROIC SIZ Ji: uaoancn s x nrj-oi v xi a a t The B F. Goodrich Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio nn WR.NMENT TO PUSH HOUSTON'S FOOD PLAN Continued From Page One). ifirnwn behind the rec- tlUII AO v . ommendations of Secretary Houston to in strenethen the govern ment machinery for controlling the food situation. THE WILMINGTON PRESBYTERIAN Grand Secretary Bonftz and Grand Chaplain Mendelsohn Go To Raleigh. tvi 9th annual convention of the Grand Council, Royal Arcanum of North Carolina, will convene today in 1.1, tn ho in session lor iwo unj d. Wilmington delegates left last night. The delegation is composed of the fol lowing: Grand secretary Jtu xu. xjuh- itz, Grand Trustee w. J. xoomer nu Meesrs. H. E. Robertson ana juuus Sternberger, representatives ot tne two local councils Cornelius Harnett and Catolina, and'Dr. S. Mendelsohn. Grand Chaplain. Among the special topics xo ue ui- cussedare tne receni stppumi-iMOin. . a received for the Arcanum and later modified, and a report of the Supreme -,.on in csinn to which x)r. Mendel sohn was a delegate at Saratoga, N. Y. BIG MEN LIKE THRILLERS Best in the Long Run j 1 w r 1 ; s i i -1 i v A. i u - in UJ tere Tat See Tbia Sga t&j CootWcto Tba ra Stocked pQ. Ai Dntei W Ilea Summer Pleasures without Summej Dfecomfortsl Indoors it's sticky and mnist. On the porch it's coo when the Vudors are down. Whv not eat sleep, live there this summer t Thousands do it The cool air gives PPf W forces you to dreamless sieep Dccauow . vv- nerves -wlulo you sieep. vum . : . . Vudor Porch Shades cost little. They give air but Iceert out glare. Yon can look oaf through Vudors, but not in through them. They they.keep "that new look," for they're stained, not painted, nor dipped. i us C. W. YATES COMPANY Wilmington, North Carolk m w . r -la 1 I f It New Universities Dictionary COUPON WILMINGTON STAR T&ree Coupons Sgcotq the DScfionaiy etfi?"-'-' jpRji-nLI;5:IUJiSES!fI"!?6JSI5S5I!jf 1 nTfte.G00DRJ0H "1 H"MBr' SjBTBBK for sfooss Outwears !eaiher-comrbrta-dressywater v ., . s ; . . 1 . - r . 1 Maatnc WATfiHFUL WAITING WAS WISE POLICY (Continued From Page One). fast and how far the American people would keep pace with him and stand up fnr nnv action he TjrODOSed. "From the day the President appear ed before Congress and made that won Hrfl address of his one of the great est state papers in the affairs of the United States since the formation of the government from that moment all doubt, all hesitation, all unwillingness was banished from the mind of all the people and he is now our chosen leader for this great contest. ": Tbmwrow L Day. Max Under at the Bijou Adv. Tomorrow Lafl, ' Day. lia- Linder at the Bijou Adv. Detective Stories Provide Recreation Even Fr Literary Geniuses. ,t (St. Lfouis Post-Dispatch). Somebody has made the astonishing discovery that literary men as well as men of affairs are fond of reading de tective stories. ' ' It is made every year or so and al ways there is what Uncle Remus would call a great, 'miration about it. This it&i w a fmrt mentions the President of the United States and the head of the English ''department at Washington Uni versity as fond or tnis Kino oi reaamg. The public library has obligingly print ed a list of detective novels it has on hand. The list includes Chas Reade's "Hard Cash" and Wilkie Collins' "Moonstone." with the newest works of vie ia to lamented Thomas W. Hanshew. Of course brainy men read detective efnriM "Rra.lTiv .men also attend' cir cuses or go to baseball games and are fnr, a nf nifl .fashioned moiasses canay an a tevA mrvro fun out oi utinsimas toys that some of their blase children do. That is because tney nave too imiKt un tn bftcome srrown up. The brainiest mart is he who retains the en of TrDetual youth The ma n -who has lost a. love of mystery. excitement, adventure, or who cannot keep the schoolmaster in his mind from chirtiinv illusions has lost a vital "force. Tt ..a vorv well for a. man who re - nnirps oniv a modicum of relief from the cares or sustained inougoi ua-no ii n "Ham tjasn. : -OUT aiier aowts lx b m.TiiiniK .menta.i strain, such as sei- liner a. submarine crisis, for instance. one might with profit turn to that oth er kind, which opens wiin: i-ns Bang! A woman's, shrill scream pierced the midnight air!" v KEGBO TO DIE FOB. MBRDBR GEN. SIR SAM HUGHIIS Renew health l i: - i,Mns with the cele . . .j e:JL. xt;1 .Water. 'Positivel' h.mnnvir.'rkoffer. Tastes nnet costs a trifle. Delivered envwherf fcr out vVilmiBgton Agen.Elvmgton t'narmacv. Cbr.Zhd and f nnces? srjeetB, .nunp. vi vv T a' 1 ffou; to Gee f For Mr NcmM Cott oF Maaufactv mid Dktribtoa secure Ais NEW audieotic Dictionary, bound in real fleriUe Uadjer. illustrated mh full pages in color and duotone 1300 pages. 25 DICTIONARIES IN ONE AUDtctionaries published precir ousto thfa year are out of date Present or mail to tHs papet three coupons Hke tne above with ninety-eight cents to cover cost of hand ling, packing, dale hircctc MAIL ORDERS WILL FILLED Upto15OtBria...07 Up to 300 m&m.. .JO U.tefcOOmao.,.15 WjjjPllUBIMtriWtitct . rri.k Mn will he nrescnteil ' Either old or new suDscrue v"" " . pile e The New University mctirfe. .oiote.y jT.e. - - 1 nreminra nnon he payment vl one year-, motwijiu " , on the yf SsS?N at the regular e.tabli.hed sub.criptipn rate. ole-OO tug h- mail oat of town, or $7.oo ine year ,,indH . WJ. :.. I,- nan. Miitarc to cover mn - xnington i w v - reoiittancet arr OP PATROLMAN WII.L?AMS ' c -v, wnphPK. former Mini- Charlotte. N. C. April 24.At. spe? fo Canada. now in fae clal . term of court at Monroe, N. C., "r.-, state0. paid his respects to this today, Bunk Maske, negro, wassen- uW P the energetic way it has r, no, electrocuted Ma; 25 f of J eounv-r j V . rroblema and isro- kiliing Patrolman Edgar Willlj for the Wingaite, near Monroe. March 7 i'2iU'cau e tlnopie now reallzie and officer was Kiliea wmie wym? n.rn who later wa wound? ed several times by shotsJrcL ,.by .irod Underwood, fposse ,he.,h,eh4 at bay eevcft boul - ' ... aljy cause tMCpeople, now realize and must . effect -9", correevvH'1" ""ik;.1 v" A tribute to those we love finds sweetest expression in a box of Block's Le Triumph de Perfection $1.00 per Pound Made by master candy chefe. are exfiuiate creations of candy perfection. Daintily packed in beautiful, hinged top container, they are thelast vrovd ln th confectioners art, and the "Aristocrats of the Gtn3& World" Made Vy. Frank E. Block Company; Atlanta, Georgia Majestic Canning Outfit Here's what ' you've been needing for a long time A Big. Reliable, Substantial, Guaranteed - " CANN'ER At Low. tost r t 3 Capacity of the above jners are as follows: 24 Canncrs 3$Canner3 -60 Canners . . v..:.-10-0' ...... i01 . These Prices dV;11 cans. We can mak at.ra in-ices on the cans. The .nents to be made' direct fro factory. - ; Wm. E. bpringer & Company PURCSLIi 1BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS FRIENDS- ;o are among the patrons of this bank. Ask -the? they bring their banking affairs to us. THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK ... ., ..... . . .. 'ip'.-i ' .' t .h. a n Atf Everybody Readsthe Star Kusines