it mm": THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1917. rrwo mm--- HIGHLY ESTEEMED PHYSICIAN SAYS: . "1 1 GLAD TO RECOMMEND PEPLAC TWO DAYS f BEGINNING i I THE REALM OF SPORTS ft- 12a The Story of a Woman Who Knew How to Love and Hate en) 4 v. ii't ! . , I UUAI pip- mm-:- t:-.:M " A I. . ill ' 1 a-r j ts m?$i- - v. i fi MM : t. f : -- .t-f ft-:-" ; ,5 initio l'iffi-?'fi - ' f v iisj :. t jrl i .8.f" til-:-: 3 r -! m m 'Mr- Only Four Games In Major Leagues TIGERS SHUT OUT BROWNS AND WHITE SOX SCALP INDIANS CUBS BEAT PIRATESREDS CAPTURE TWO. Detroit, August 12. Hard hitting and excellent pitching gave. Detroit-an easy victory over St. Louis today, 8 to 0. Cobb got a triple, two doubles and a single in his first four times up, but failed on" his fifth appearance. The score: St. Louis 000 000 000 0 5 2 Detroit 120 041 00 3 10 0 Sothoron, Hamilton and Severeid; Mitchell and Spencer. White Sox Win In 13 Innings. Cleveland, August 12. Chicago won the first game of the series from Cleve land 4 to 3 in thirteen innings. The winning , run was scored on Jackson's eingle. Felsch's safe bunt, an infield out an tne squeeze play with Risbe'rg at bat. Scott hurt a finger at bat in ninth and retired in favor of Danforth. Chicago .. .001 001 010 000 14 12 5 Cleveland ...000 002 001 000 0 3 10 1 Scott, Danforth and Schalk; Bagby, Lambeth, Wood, Boehling and Billings, O'Neill. Cubs Get First of Series. Cicago, August 12. Kilduff's single following an error by Boeckel on Merk le's grounder in the eighth inning gave Chicago the first game of the series with Pittsburg today 3 to 2. The lo cals, bunched hits off Carlson in the first inning for two runs. The visi tors got a single and a triple off Vaughn in the third after an error by Driscoll and tied the count. The score: Pittsburg 002 000 0002 7 2 Chicago .. 200 000 01 3 8 3 Carlson and Schmidt; Vaughn and Dilhoefer. Toney's Twentieth Victory. St. Louis, August 12. Cincinnati twice-defeated St. Louis today 7 to 0 and 7 to 6, and moved into third place in the pennant race. Toney shut out St. Louis in the first game. It was his twentieth victory, for which he re ceived a bonus of ?1,000. He gave the locals only six hits while Watson and Horstman were easy for Cincinnati. The second game was a slugging match which Cincinnati won in the seventh when Doak was driven from the mound. Errors were mainly responsi ble for St. Louis' loss of this game. First game: Cincinnati ,. . ..,,.010 120 030 7 9 1 , St' Louis . . 000 000000 0 6 1 Toney and Wingo; Watson, Horstman and Snyder. Second game: Cincinnati .. ....000 030 400 7 12 3 St. Louis .-. ...000 121 110 6 12 4 Ragan and Wingo : Doak, Packhard, May. and Gonzales. MINOR LEAGUES AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At Louisville 4; Columbus 5. A.t Minneapolis 1; Kansas City 0. At Indianapolis 5-4; Toledo 4-3. At St. Paul-Milwaukee, rain. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. At New Orleans 0-11; Mobile 4-1. At Nashville 9; Little Rock 4. At Chattanooga 5; Atlanta 4. At Memphis 2; Birmingham 3. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. At Newark 3-2; Toronto 5-7. At Providence 3 ;l Montreal- 3. No others scheduled. JOE JACKSON IS SUMMONED BEFORE EXEMPTION BOARD Greenville, S. C, August 12. Joe 'Jackson, star outfielder of the Chi cago Americans has been summoned ito appear before the local exemption board in the district in which he reg istered here for examination for the National Army. Notice to Jackson was mailed out today summoning hn to appear before the board on August 18. Jackson's number Is 3778. WILD BILL Tukce Manager, Wke Team ''' r ' I ('VfN' ?- x , w.v,,;: X .v " , " :K:::Jt- Giants and White Sox Still Leading WORLD'S CHAMPION'S HOWEVER, ARE RIGHT AT CHICAGO'S HEELS MHSRAW'S MEN HAVE SAFE MARGIN. New York, August 12. Chicago In the American League is meeting diffi culties in holding on to first place, while New York in the National has brought to a close its victorious trip through the West. The White Sox, winning only one game out of six, last week, saw their lead cut down to virtually nothing. Today they gained slightly on Boston by defeating Cleve land 4 to 3 in 13 innings. The Giants by taking five out of six games In creased their lead still further. For a league-leading team, Chicago played poorly In its gamer-against Philadelphia and Washington, second division clubs. Monday's and Tues day's games were lost to Philadelphia, the first after eleven innings. Against Washington in four games the White Sox could make only five runs and fif teen hits, and they won only one game. In contrast to Chicago's poor work, Boston and Cleveland Improved their play and gained on the leaders. The Red Sox broke even in two games with Cleveland and then won four out of five from Detroit. Cleveland traded third place back and forth with Detroit early in the week, but by winning four out of five from New York gained a fair lead over the troublesome Tigers. New York and Detroit fell back slightly through their poor work in their re spective series against Cleveland and Boston. In the National. St. Louis failed to stop New York, after the league lead ers had taken three out of four in the series with Cincinnati. Three times in succession St. Louis fell before the Giants, but on Saturday th Giants met their only defeat of the week at the hands of Goodwin. Philadelphia regained second plac during he week, notwithstanding two defeat at the hands of Pittsburg. Cincinnati continued in a 'slump, the scoring power of Mathewson's club having weakened greatly against the Eastern clubs. In a doubleheader with St. Louis today, Cincinnati won both games and went into third place ahead of the Cardinals. Chicago and Brook lyn battled hard for possession of fifth place the last of the week and the Cabs, through winning eleven victories on both Friday and Saturday, gained the Ieadesship of the second division. CARDINAL GASPARRI STILL HOLDS POST AT THE VATICAN Reports of Change In Office of Papal Secretary Are Denied. Rome, August 12. Reports from for eign countries that Monsignor Freder ico Tedeschkii had succeeded Cardinal Gasparri as the Papal secretary of state were denied today at the Vatican. It was stated at the Vatican that Car dinal Gasparri enjoys the full confi dence of Pope Benedict and that no change in the office of secretary of state has taken plac. The official French bureau of infor mation in New York made public Au gust 10, a cable message, received from Paris indicating that Monsignor Tedes chini, the under-secretary of state at the Vatican, had succeeded Cardinal Gasparri as Pope Benedict's prime min ister. The Rome correspondent of a Madrid newspaper, according to the message to the French bureau of in formation, quoted Monsignor Tedes chini, whom he describedas the "new secretary of state of the Vatican," as declaring for "a peace of justice." There had been reports that Cardinal Gasparr." had resigned, but the semi official Vatican organ denied that the Cardinal had retired. Play, for 21 Innings. Lincoln, Neb., August 12. Lincoln and Joplin of the Western League played 21 innings here today before Lincoln won, 2 to 1. The game was set to set a season record for length. Gregory pitched the entire game for Lincoln allowing 12 hits, and was given errorless support. Joplin used three pitchers and made two errors. DONOVAN ia Proving: a Diaappointment. Doctor John B. Walling1, of Binghampton, New York, took Peerless Tonic When All Other Medicines Had Failed to Help Him Now He is Well and Happy. "Of the numerous endorsements to Peplac, given by people of high stand ing, 1b one of particular Interest from Dr. John B. Walling," asserted the Pep lac Expert, who Is meeting many WI1 raiagtonians daily at the leading drug stores of this city. "Dr. Walling," continued the Peplac Expert, "la one of the leading physi cians of Binghampton, New York. He 1b a man of honesty and integrity and his word is his bond. Surely, even those inclined to beskeptical could ask for no stronger proof of Peplac's merit than the word of the learned and es teemed Dr. Walling." A copy of Dr. Walling'3 letter pro duced by the Peplao Expert follows: "Having suffered for years with acid fermentation nervous dyspepsia at times lasting 14 days with great pain (gastralgia) taking medicine without relief, I was asked one day to taka Pep lac which, in my distress, I was glad to resort to any thing. "Much to my surprise I am relieved no pain in my stomach any more. "I am a very grateful man and, being Who Is Jno. Smith In Selective Draft? THERE ARE FOURTEEN SUCH NAMES IN THE CITY AND A WORLD OF SMITHS BESIDES ANCIENT PATRONYMIC. Ever since Pocahontas ;made the name of John Smith famous by inter posing her lithe form befween the spiked club of Powhatan and the dauntless explorer, there have been John Smiths world without end, and Saturday night the old, old problem of "who is John Smith," serenely bobbed up :when young Mr. John C. Smith came to town and heard that "John Smith" had been notified to ap pear Monday morning and be exam ined as to his physical fitness for military service. "John Smith, Wnmlngton, N. C," is the way the notice reads, and is the way that particular John Smith reg istered. His order number is 59 and his serial number is 2684, w'hich means he was the 2684th man to register in Wilmington and was the 59th man ir the drawing at Washington. Mr. John C. Smith came in Satur day from Chadbourn, where he works, and was disturbed when he heard that he had been drafted. He is a son of Mr. W. R. Smith, 818 North Fifth street. He went to police headquar ters and inquired about it, stating that he wasn't even registered be cause he was under 21 years of age. The selective draft board knew noth ing about it, and the young man's fears were set at rest. He isn't "John Smith, No. 59." There were 14 John Smiths when the new city directory was made this summer and nine of them are colored men. There are three "John W's" one "John O." one "John J." one "John H." one "John C." and seven plain "Johns," all colored. These last are located in the direc tory at Nos 116 South 11th, 712 1-2 South 9th, 204 Marstellar, 1117 Ran kin; 817 South 8th. 1007 North 9th, and 110 South 11th. The John Smith expected to appear today is manifestly one of these sev en plain Johns, but if he doesn't show up it should require some shrewd "detecative" work to trail him q.nd identify him. "John Smith" Wilming ton. N. C," is as indefinite, apparent r ly, as the name, "Mr. Buck .Shad, Cape Fear River, N. C." would be in the spring o' the year. "Who hit Billy Patterson?' 'Is comparable to "Who is John Smith?" The Smiths are most excellent peo ple, as a rule, and many extraordinary Smiths have " embelished the- pages - of history, even before John Smith was knocked down to Pocahonitas, for many years before his landing on Vir gianian shores his kinsman, Johanit Schmidt lived and throve in the Fath erland, aa doubtless did countless other John Smiths in Albion. It is possible that there are more persons bearing the patronymic Smith than there are wearing any other trib al designation. In this city alone there are nearly 300 persons listed under the name, and as the Smith average is six children for every di rectory name, "we have," as the school teacher would SRy, announcing the result of six times 300. eighteen hun dred persons named Smith in this fair city, not counting the Smith-Form-a-Truck. Of the total number of Smiths in the city, 117 listed are white persons. The business and professions repre sented by the persons of both races listed include clerk, policeman, pov ter, boatman, mill hand, laborer, boiler-maker, stenographer, chauffeur, shoe polisher, machinist, engineer, cook, domestic servant, driver, usher, grocer, barber, machine operator, waiter, preacher, collector, teacher, laundress, executive, manufacturer, stu dent, bookkeeper, flagman, conductor, manager, druggist. doctor. cooper, foreman, fireman, learier. ship build er, insurance, wood worker, painter, housekeeper, bellman, section hand, superintendent, sawyer, drayman, car penter. REPORTER, butler, mairine engineer, lawyer, city employe, plas terer butcher, stone dresses, huckster, and horse trader. It will be noticed that nowhere is one In the undertak ing business for the motto of the Smiths is "Never say die" but hold! Come to think about it. there is a recent addition to the family, lately come to town, and, in sooth, he is an undertaker So. every useful or needed business, trade or profession is represented, and if everybody else should disappear from Wilmington, the Smiths could take the city and run It. A company on full war footing could easily be raised and sent to France, every man from captain to cook a.' Smith; and the Bosches would know it when . they charged. There are. ay. 30,000 persons In the city. One fifteenth of them are Sntlths. Thare are In the United States, say, hundred millions of peo ple, in round numbers. Of -this inum- "Children Dance Tonlprnt. at Lumina. Regular dance follows. adv. . . a physician, I am glad to recommend Peplac to any one suffering as I did. (Signed) JOHN B. WALLING, M. D. Continuing his talk the Peplao Ex pert said: "While Peplac is practicallj' new in this city, not a few men and women already are enjoying results much the same as those reported in the letter of Dr. Walling. "But, the good work of Peplac al ready accomplished is comparatively small to what this Peerless Tonic will achieve as time continues. Peplac -Is the result of years of study and is de signed to combat those ills from which millions of Americans suffer today stomach, liver and kidney ills .nervous ness, catarrh, loss of strength and en ergy, lack of weight, sleeplessness and the like." Today a Peplac Expert will be hi attendance at the Bellamy and Hardin Drug stores to explain to the people at first hand how this really wonderful medicine should be taken and the re sults that may be expected from its use. Peplac also Is on sale at the follow ing drug stores: Elvington's, Payne's. Hanover, Greene's, Bunting's, Jarman & Futrelle, Fentress and Southside. ber, fully ten millions are Smiths, be cause in some places they sro easily more numerous than in Wilmington, most of them prefering to live in higher altitudes because they love to be close to heaven. On very page of human history the Smiths have left the trail of their marching feet. There is no known spot on the globe that has not been trod at one time or another by the foot of a Smith, mostly John Smith. It is not incredible, indeed, that if the Garden of Eden had published a directory, or "Who's Who," and giv en his name in full, the first man would have appeared, "Adam Smith.'" The man who- wrote "America" was named Smith, and somebody slandered Fate by saying she "tried to conceal him" by naming him thus. Fate has more gumption than to attempt to conceal a Smith. Adam Smith of Scot land put political economy on the map, and the Smiths have been in politics ever since, and are thrifty withal. Joseph Smith but why try to count the stars of heaven? Let it be enough to say that the world owes more to the Smiths than it can ever pay or they collect; that they are a great and goodly tribe with but one fault, and that is their fondness for the name of "John," which brings us back to the starting place "Who is John Smith?" THifi GAME AT A GLANCE AMERICAN LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. At Detroit 8; St. Louis 0. At Cleveland 3: Chicago 4. Only two scheduled. Where They Play Today. St. Louis at Detroit. Chicago at Cleveland. New yiork at Washington. Boston at Philadelphia. Standing of the Clubs. W. L. Pet. Chicago 68 42 .618 Boston 64 41 .610 Cleveland , 60 52 .536 Detroit 57 52 .523 New York 53 52 .505 Washington 48 58 .453 Philadelphia 40 63 .388 St. Louis .40 70 .364 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. At Chicago 3; Pittsburg 2. At St. Louis 0-6; Cincinnati 7-7. Only two scheduled. Where They Play Today. Philadelphia at Boston. Brooklyn at New York. Pittsburg at Chicago. Cincinnati at St. Louis. Standing of the Club. W. L. Pet. New York 66 32 .673 Philadelphia. 52 44 .542 St. Louis .. ..56 53 .514 Cincinnati .. .. .. .. .59 54 .522 Chicago -.54 53 .557 Brooklyn ..49 52 .485 Boston 43 55 .439 Pittsburg 33 69 .324 LENINE REPORTED STILL IN HIDING IN PETROGRAD Petrograd, August 12. Notwithstand ing , the reports that Nikolai Lenine had escaped from the country, the Maximalists in convention here are al leged to have made the open declar ation that the Russian radical social ist leader still is in hiding in Petro grad and in daily communication with his followers. In view of this declaration, says the Bourse Gazette, the Petrograd authori ties charged with an investigation of the recent rioting in the capital, have begun proceedings to force disclosure of his whereabouts. The Maximalists elected Lenine hon orary chairman of their convention. HAY CALDWELL Yankee Plteher Recently Indicted On Ckar of Larceny of a Diamond RIm. HERBERT BRENON - Presents Florence Ree THC ETERNAL S1NV SELZNICKG&PinURES A POWERFUL DRAMA LOVE, HATE, INTRIGUE, VENGEANCE Shows Today: 3:0(54:456:3089:30. Matinees 10c. Nights 15c USE YOUR HEAD MORE YOUR PURSE LESS The one who thinks looking towards the future and profits thereby is the one who in old age has a com petency. A bank account helps one to realize the value of money, and the value of saving. Every one should contract the banking habit; the sooner the better. A good place to begin is at the CITIZENS BANK Corner Second and Princess streets. 11 OCEANIC HOTEL WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH, N. C Music by Lumina Orchestra Boats for Channel and Ocean Fishing C. E. HOOPER, Manager is PEACE INSTITUTE For the Education and Culture of Young Women. Classical, Literary and Scientific Courses leading to diplomas. Gradu ate credited by State Department Education for Teachers' ' Certificates. Special diplomas awarded in Music, "Voice, Art and Expression. Excel lent Commercial Course, Domestic Sicence, Domestic Art. Instruction: Specialists in all departments. Situation: Location in capital city gives special opportunities. Delight ful social advantages. Athletic f Supervised indoors and outdoors by athletic director. Special attention, individual development. Climate permits out-door life all winter. For catalogue or further information, write at once to MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM, President. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK Backed by $625,000,000 of assets are offering their Total Disability Policy to the Insuring Public. In case of becoming totally disabled before age 60, either by disease or accident, the premium automatically stop3 and a 10 per cent income on the face value of Policy is paid insured as long as totally disabled. At death full face value of policy is paid. For other information call on A. B. CROOM. JR. Manager Wilmington District Southern Bids:., No. 301. Phone 4 SO 1 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES STORAGE w, t ii n n n r b. I nunrt & COMPANY Pine Grove School For Boys Individual Attention. Correct Disci pline. Systematic Studying. For folders, etc., address. THE PRINCIPAL, Box 746. . Hendersonvllle. N. C Everybody Reads the P Herbert Brenon, Creator of "A Daughter of The Gods" Presents FLORENCE REED In a Magniflcent'Production of a Tremendous Story RALEIGH, N. C. PEPLAC Today is found in most every neighborhood of Wilmington and has won the name Peerless Tonic in offering relief from Stomach, Liver and Kidney Ills, Nervous ness and the like. Ask 'f or It at Elvington's Dependable Drug Store Pottofflee ia Opposite Tito Phones 181-182 Star Business Locals "THE i FREE MOTION P'CTURES Every Night Ex TO.MOHT'S FEATV Res "THE TOUCH THE KEY' A Powerful Railroad Dm,. "The Snow Shovel, ler's Sweetheart" A Big Falstaff ( mely Hlt "Get the HabitSe6 i Movie. Every Mght "THE FATAL RING" Latest Great and Thrilling Chap, ter Entitled "Danger Under Ground" Ford Weekly Scenes About Historic St Aup I ft tine. Fin. Also a Big Pathe Comedy Will Rosemary Theby and Harry Myers. Famous Playerg present MAE MURRAY In Her Most Fascinating Pi mount Production Written By Geor Middled Author of "The House of Thousand Candle" A FAMOUS AUTHOR A BIG STAR A PA RAM Oti ST PRODUCTION SPECIALS tract ft' Now is the time to con 2 Bagging, all ne Hindoo No jute. m.T - ir rmw Ties . on, v... n' PnnaD Lv" cstanaara ev ou " Sheets. . . . rr-r-.n Peed Pu' uenuine Jiaiuc rvnrjitf toes for January-Fear! Delivery. Wisconsin Full Cream Ch?e Get our prices before bu.- McNair & Pearsall Wholale Groee". SHELL Spectacles or Eye Glassy We have She!. - of beauty and eie- . meet the mode. Com them. WE will save Spectacles or ee , rectly fitted to your $1.00 up. cor' tot EYES TEsi" DR,V.NEJG Mil i P .TWWWI "AT FIRSf Read Star Business v

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