- 4 THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1917. NINrTV FINANCIAL SCORES NET GAIN About $2.0O Per Bale Fol- Rar ft Irregular Fluctuations Spot at 21.35. .-..i, spDt. 10. A ralftr of (iq- per uaic ivir t J'ir'r'eguT;ar i fluctuations and closed .j5 with the general list closing 'f -t a net advance of 12 to 23 ;tS. market- opened steady at un- ed prices IO ail auvemto ul 11 with active montns seuing 9? to -7 points net mgner ngnt ! the call. The extent of last seemed to have created ks . .. '- . (j deal oi reauiionai y ocutimcin, j c0vering was siirauiaieu uy . re- . . icfnrhonPA in t Via increased crop . com- f ' ihn Smith, a.nrl rpnnrtu .;-ts III"" -m tne " .:w -..,.:;i rht out enougn iciuiam 101 come firMiti null uui, oiiguk co.- XteVe MJf 1 cue TVCU I" rh with a late iorenoon advance Ices?1" . , O A A 1 T ,-ir'Z I'CTOi'er up lu u.io ttuu ua.li- pu- no in . 1.ti jn 20.31 or iu iu puiiua iiisuer. hi level the marlcet seemed to bst increase" om.... "-"e ovl""5 - d ras another bulge Ltrhile there w r .A the afterri "jT in the afternoon on the fear of t tropical storm and reports of trade r n? the market eased off in the l The close showed reac. 3 i; a u i -- ' - - .,s 0f is to -o. poims irum me dcsl of last weeK, liyerpooi DOtn Wht and sold here this morning. COttOn IULU1CB LdUiC. upen iig-n ixiw uiose Uihc- .. -...-u.v Z.A zv.vo ZU.25 Umber . ...2012 2037 1999 2015 2008 2025 203 oaary 1933 C ...2025 2060 2022 Spot quiet; middling 21.35. PORT MOVEMENT. Se Orleans Middling 20.5S; receipts exports S,40; sales 607 : stock Galveston Middling 21.20; receipts 1.141: exports 13.109; sales 1,100; stock Habile Middling 20.13; receipts 273; iles 150; stock 12,158. Savannah Middling 20.13; receipts MH; sales 1,950; stock 79,379. Charleston Middling 20.00; receipts :;J; sales aO; stock 4,061. Wilmington Receipts v 352; stock tirsi. Texas City Stock 90. Norfolk Middling 20.38; receipts 430; bek 56,917. Baltimore stock 26,802. Boston Middling 21.20; receipts 382; Ksck 7.900. - , Philadelphia Middling 21.60; stock Xew York Middling 21.35; receipts 1.1; stock 59.S25. Minor Ports Receipts 1,155; exports 42S; stock 13,145. - , Total today Receipts 28,013- exports IL'93; stock 483,539. Total for week Receipts 50,256; ex torts 29.313. Total for season Receipts 453,866; ons 440.410. Interior Movement. Houston Middling 21.30; receipts Pi"; shipments 15,405; sales 6,851; :ock 52.014. Memphis Middling 22.50; receipts lii;-shipments 5,425; sales 25; stock Mil. Augusta Middling 20.13; receipts 2, f;s; shipments 1,659; sales" 2,597; stock pi. I St Louis Middling 22.00; receipts 1, E"3: shipments 1,662; stock 3,631. Cisc'nnati Rerfiints 409: shinments stock 22,755. Little Rock Middling 20.75; receipts isnipments mg- sales 109: stock 4.494. Dallas Middling- 20.45- sales 12.692. I Montgomery Middling" 20.13; sales Total today Receipts 22,753; ship- pats 24.41S; stock 169,126. COTTOX SEED OIL MARKET. I SeT York, Sept. 10. After starting R partial gains of 1 to 9 points on hi strength in lard, cotton oil suffered narp reaction under scattered liqui- mdueed by reports of lower pi pnees and rumors of government I Ration. Final net losses were 19 '29 points. Januarv declined from N to 15.20 and rlnsort at IS.Sn Sales l-OO barrels.. Prime crude 13.87 nonv pie market closed steady. Spot none; pemoer lo.S5; October 15.70; Novem- February 15.32; March and April LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. "pool, Sent. 10. Cotton snot i demand, rices 30 points lower; - 1.CL11, .1. .;,. VSVU line 17 3' m .' ,3 l 1 n 11! OC. Innr Miaiine ifiii. j j: 1-en. nary ISCiA n nnn v,l. f.: " ' oaieo, UdlCS, Hf t 1,oftrj American. No receipts. "'i October and N'ovemhpr 15 (15: re- I-ser-January 14.40; March-April 1,7,: ay-june 14.06. - "we are nxed prices. XEW ORLEANS COTTON. I Orleans Sot in tt: n W'-Xu r lllg Cl iJl ivoo fciilr Stered in cot-ton today as the sat of a demand stimulated by re- of crop deterioration, fear of Vim ij ui tne .uarriDean ssea CC0UntS of a ct AamanA utnem markets. Private bureau ! indicated a fa.ninp- off In th iln!n ?f the crI -nd led to pre- oi a bullish showing in Sep- uer norfcmt . . i the a ? -i ne opening was the ,ance a"d prices were steady the h V,ance the session through, to 44 -!1C31 trading months were ; 4 Po.nts up. Toward the close ' Payers n-c.r. j es Pred the gain down some- s last prices showlnir a. net rise :ear,,SPSS1,)ri of 19 to 24 points. In . tradmg there was much hedge Wt,aPParently chiefly for foreign ;on futures closing bid: October Uecernhbr 1 a o . -r n j 4 . rft Hc u.oo, January .C1 J-62; May 19.78. nnC0"r,T1 f4uiet and unchanged. 5 On tv, lv-aiiu uucnangcu. mno- r.e..sp0L 30'. to arrive 300. ttS 20.25, 0X THE FRONT PORCH afte rnoon, or evening is made :tful ""g with "Bobs," the de- hearts oi perfect chewing HI AND COMMERCIAL ftnnil t ... UUHN PKIUtS JUMP HIGHER I Frost Prediction. In Two States Chiefly Responsible for Advance Oats Also Go TTpwrnrd. Chicago, Sept. 10Corn jumped up in value as much as Ave cents & bush el today and closed strong, 3 to 5c net higher at 1.19 to 1.19 for De cember, and 1.16 to 1.16 for May. Predictions of frosts tonight in Illinois and . Iowa were chiefly responsible. Oats gained to lc and provisions 5 to 40 cents. Grain and provisions closed: Corn December 1.19; May 1.16. Oats December 58; May 61. Pork October 43.30; January 42.80. Lard October 23.77; January 22.67. Ribs October 23.77; January 21.75. Cash grain: Corn No. 2 yellow 2.20 to 2.23; No. 3 yellow 2.23; No. 4 yellow 2.19. WILMINGTON MARKETS. (Quoted Daily by the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce.) STAR OFFICE, Sept. 10. SPIRITS TURPENTINE 38 c. CRUDE TURPENTINE $3.60, $3.60, and $2.60. ROSIN $4.80, $4.60. TAR $3.50-1 6c. Quotations same day last year Spir its tupentine, nominal; rosin, nominal; tar, nominal; crude turpentine, nominal. ' . RECEIPTS I Spirits Turpentine Rosin .....i Tar Crmde Turpentine . 1 6 15 11 Receipts Same day last year Spir its turpentine, ( ) casks; rosin, 2 bar rels; tar, 30 barrels; crude turpentine, 2$ barrels. COTTON MARKET! same day last year, day last nominal. Receipts 348 year, 950 bales. bales; vsame . Total Receipts since August 1 to date I, 083 bales. Total receipts to same date last year, II, 956 bales. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Cotton and Naval Stores at This Port Yesterday. Wilmington. Sept. 10. Atlantic Coast Line-348 bales cot Ion; 1 cask spirits turpentine; 6 bar rels rosin; 15 barrels tar; 11 barrels crude tupentine. WILMINGTON, PEANUT MARKET. (Quoted by J. S. Funchess & Co.) Wilmington, Sept. 10. North Caro olina peanuts, new crop, farmers stock, fancy handpicked, $1.75; No. 1 ma chine, $1.65 per bushel. Virginia peanuts, farmers' stock, new crop Jumbos; fancy hand picked, $1.00; No. 1 machine picked, $1.00. Spanish peanuts, farmers' stock, new crop No. 1, small, machine picked, $1.75; -Jumbos, $1.65 per bushel. PRODUCE MARKETS. (Quoted by W. J. Meredith These Quo tations Represent Prices Paid to Pro ducers and Not the Selling Price to Dealers or Consumers.) Wilmington, Sept. 10. SWEET POTATOES-New crop, $1.00 and $1.25 per bushel, dull. CORN $2.25 to $2.30 per bushel. BEEF Native dressed, 10c to 12c. PORK 14c to 15c per pound (small). WOOL Burry, 35c; "first class white wool, 60c. HIDES Green, salt, 17c to 18c lb. NORTH CAROLINA BACON Hams, 28c to 30c; sides and shoulders, 24c to 25c per pound; good demand. BEESWAX Firm, 35c per pound, good demand. , POULTRY Chickens, grown, 55c to 60c, good demand; spring, 20c to 40c head. EGGS 40c, good demand. SHEEP Lambs, 7c to 10c per pound gross; old sheep, 4c to 5c per pound, good demand. TETEROBURG PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Rodgers, Flummer & Co., Inc. Petersburg, Va., Sept. 10. Spanish Farmers' stock Market stronger, $2.30 per bushel. Virginia farmers' stock Market firm. Fancy Jumbo, 8c; Extra Prime, 7c per pound; Prime 7c per pound. NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. New York, Sept. 10. Beeves steady; steers 8.50 to 15.60; bulls 6.50 to 9.50; cows to 8.50; choice Southern 9.00 to 9.50. Calves Firm; veals 1300 to 17. 5Q; culls 10.00 to 12.50; fed and mixed 10.00 to 13.00; western 11.50 to 12.50. Sheep and Lambs Strong; sheep 7.00 to 11.00; culls 5.00 to 6.50; lambs 16.00 to 19.25; culls-12.50 to 15.00. Hogs Firm; medium to heavy 16.50 to 1.10; roughs 16.75 to 17.00. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago," Sept. 10. Hogs strong. 25 to 35c above Saturday's average; bulk 17.25 to 18.60; light 17.00 to 18.70; mixed 16.90 to 18.80; heavy 1.80 to 18.80; rough I6.8U to iy.uu; pigs x.ou to 17.25. , Cattle-Unsettled; native beef cattle 7.25 . to 17.40, -new high price record; western steers 6.40 to 14.00; stockers and feeders 5.90-to 9.40; cows and heifers 4.65 to 12.70," calves 12.00 to 16.00. Sheep Firm; wethers 8.50 to 12.10; ewes 7.60 to 11.40; lamDS 11.50 to 17.75. SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Sept. 10. Turpentine firm, 39c; sales 378; receipts 490; ship ments 19 stock 32,841. Rosin firm; sales 998; receipts 1,41; , , ; oit. .fnlr R7.fi9fi. Quote: B D E F G H, 5.40- L 5.50; 5.60; M 5.80: N. 6.80: WG. 7.10; WW. 730. NEW YORK PROVISIONS i New York. Sept. 10. Raw sugar nom inal; centrifugal 7.02; molasses 6.14; refined quiet; cut loaf 9.90; crushed 9.65; mould A 8.90; cubes 9.15 to 9.25i XXXX powdered 8.60 to S-70; powdered 8.55 to 8.70- fine granulated 8.40 to 8.50; diamond A" 8.40; confectioners' A 8.30 to -8.50; No. 1, 8.10 to 8.35: Butter and Chees Firm Coffee Spot dull; Rio 7s, 9c; San tos 4s, lOo. . STOCKS SHOW IMPRdVFMFNT Although Transactions Were On a . Smaller Scale the Undertone of the Market Was Good. New York, Sept. 10. Improvement in sentiment was evident from the course of the stock market today. Transactions re on a smaller scale, but the undertone was good. The re cet, heavy selling appeared to have resulted in a considerable, strength ening of. the technical position and at times were evidences of a good inquiry for high grade securities. The buying was . neitner insistent nor sustained, and as a rule" he net changes were comparatively small. A number of is sues made gains of 1 to 3 points in the early trading but weak spots de veloped late in the day and the whole market eased off. At the close the tone was heavy, and a good deal, of the forenoon's advantage was lost. The steel and copper shares made a particularly good showing on the early rise. These stocks, as well as the list in general, benefitted from favorable reports regarding the ultimate adjust ment of price schedules by official ac-' tion. The decrease of 437,000 tons in unfilled orders shown in the monthly report of United. States Steel was about in . line with forecasts and ex erted little influence on market trans- actions. The spiling movement of the last hour affected a number of high prices investment issues,- some of which had not reflected the severe scaling down recently. American Telephone drop ped to the lowest point since the be ginning of the war, una General Elec tric Fold down to the lowest points since.-l.913. Harvester, Pullman, Con solidated Gas, Air Brake and New Hav en also developed weakness. The favorable bank statement of last Saturday was not reflected in the. tone of the money market. Call money-ruled at 4 1-2 per cent with a top rate of six, and quotations for time funds were l-2 to 1 per cent higher. In the exchange market the decline in rubles continued. Bonds were irregular. Liberty bonds sold at 39.82 to 99.98. p Total sales were $4,110,000. United States 4s coupons off 1-4 on call. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. American Beet Sugar 86 American Cai 42 American Car & Foundry ". . 72 American Locomotive 62 American Smelting & Refining ... 96 American Sugar .- 110 American Tel. & Tel . ...115 Anaconda Copper '71 Atchison , 96 Atlantic Coast Line 100 Atl. Gulf & W. I. S. S. L .96 Baldwin Locomotive ". . 59 Baltimore & Ohio 66 Bethlehem Steel "B" 102 Canadian Paslfic 156 Central Leather 83 Chesaeake & Ohio ". 56 Chicago & Great Western 9 Chicago, M;l. & St. Paul 63 Chicago, R. I. & Pac. w.i 25 Colorado Fuel & Iron 45 Corn Products 26 Crucible Steel ". 69 Cuba Cane Sugar 31 Erie 20 General Electric 138 General Motors 96 Great Northern pfd 104 Great Northern Ore Ctfs 33 Illinois Central 100 Inspiration Copper 53 Int. Mer. Marine 29 Int. Mer. Marine pfd ". 87 International Nickel 35 International Paper 30 Kansas City Southern 18 Kennecott Copper 41 Louisville & Nashville" 120 Maxwell Motors 31 Mexican Petroleum 91 Midvale Steel . 53 Missouri Pacific 28 National Lead 51 Nevada Consolidated 22 New York Central 76 N. Y., N. H. & Hartford 24 Norfolk & Western 114 Northern Pacific 99 Ohio Cities Gas 49 Pennsylvania .. 51 Ray Consolidated Copper .". 2 6 Reading - - - 83 Republic Iron & Steel 81 Seaboard Air Line , 10 Seaboard Air Line pfd 25 Sinclair Oli & Refining 37 Sloss, Shef. Steel & Iron 45 Southern Pacific 91 Southern Railway 26 Southern Railway pfd 57 Studebaker Corporation 43 Tennessee Copper , 16 Texas- Company '. 165 Union Pacific 128 United Fruit 126 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 131 United States Rubber . 60 United States Steel 108 United States Steel pfd 116 Utah Copper Virginia Caro. Ciiem. . Virginia Coal & Coke . Wabash pfd "A" ....... Western Union 99 36 58 47 90 45 Westinghouse Electric Pittsburg Coal Ctfs. ............. 51 NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. New York, Sept. 10. Mercantile pa per 5 to 5; sterling 60 day bills 4.72; commercial 60 day bills on banks 4.71 ; commercial' 60 day bills 4.71; demand 4.75 9-18; cables 4.76 7-16 bar silver 97; Mexican dollars 77. Government bonds easy- railroad bonds irregular. Time loans strong; 60 days 5; 90 days 5; six months 6. Call money strong; ruling rate 4. DRY GOODS MARKET. New : York, Sejj!t. 10. Cotton goods and1 yarns were" quiet with an easing tendency. Raw'Sllk was easier. Dress goods were quiet. : ; Jobbers report a fair business. , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. .; Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Benjamin L. Hosklns, deceased, late of New Hanover county, North Carolina -this la to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased .to exhibit- them to the undersigned at. , his office in wilmineton. on or before the 15th day of September, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar or tneir .recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. W. P. MANGUM TURNER, Administrator of B. L. Hoskins. This - the lvth day. of September, 1917. i - in nut vv iiAiUAA. i r V United States Department of Agricul ture Weather Bnreau. September 11, 1917. Meteorological data for the day end ing at 8. P. M. yesterday. Temperature at 8 A. M., 71 degrees; 8 P. M., 67 degrees; maximum, 76 de grees; minimum, bi aegrees; mean, 72 degrees. , Rainfall for the day, .02 inch; rain fall for the month, to date, 2.63 inches. Stage of water in Cape Fear River at Fayetteville at 8 A. M. yesterday, 4.5 feet. THE WEATHER, For North Carolina Partly cloudy Tuesday, probably east portion, cooler south portion; Wednesday fair. The Port Calendar, Sept. 11, i917. Sun rises 5:53 A. M. Sun sets 6:24 P. M. Day's length 12 hrs. 31 min. THE TIDES. High water Low water A.M. P.M. A.M P.M. Wilmington 5:52 6:23 12:48 1:02 Southport 3:b6 4:36 10:07 10:51 Masonboro Inlet .3:45 4:25 9:47 10:31 WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. September 10, 1917. Temperature: STATIONS Abilene , Ash evil le Atlanta . . .cldy '.pt cldy . . . clear 84 70 84 84 62 84 60 82 76 52 92 92 68 90 88 92 62 86 56 74 86 84 62 64 72 62 68 72 68 50 74 66 48 80 74 64 74 72 76 54 72 46 64 74 72 54 58 .12 .02 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .10 .02 .0 . .04 .92 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .10 .0 .12 .24 .0 .0 .0 Augusta ... Baltimore . . . .clear . . . clear Birmingham .clear Boston clear Charleston Charlotte , Chicago . . Galveston . . .cldy . . . cldy .pt cldy .cldy Jaxville rain Memphis cldy Mobile , cldy Montgomery .clear N. Orleans . , New York . Palestine . . Pittsburg .. Raleigh . . . Savannah . . cldy .clear . .cldy .clear . .cldy . .cldy Shreveport.pt cldy St. Louis clear Washington .clear COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For 24 hours ending 8 a. m. Sept. 10. Charlote. Goldsboro Greensboro Lumberton New Bern" . Raleigh . Weldon . . Wilmington Oheraw,S.C. Florence . cldy 74 77 73 89 . 85 72 86 88 86 91 66 67 61 69 70 64 63 70 69 70 .02 .51 .04 .03 .0 .12 .03 .94 .0 .62 cldy .cldy . cldy cldy cldy cldy cldy cldy . cldy Averages 82 66.9 Mlmimum temperatures are for the 12 hours ending 8 a. m. Monday. Summary for Cotton Region. New Orleans, La., Sept. 10. Temper atures abovei the seasonal average were reported Sunday and Monday with maximum of ninety degrees or above at several stations in all cotton grow ing states except North Carolina and Tennessee. . Scattered showers were reported Sunday in the Carolinas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and northwestern portions of Texas, north ern portions of Georgia and Alabama. Moderate to heavy rain reorted Monday In the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, north ern Texas, and portions of Oklahoma. SENSATION OFTHE YEAR IN MEDICINE ON SALE HERE Calotabs,the New Calomel Tablet That Does Not Gripe, Nauseate Nor Salivate, Proves an Inter esting Surprise to Local Drug gists. The horrors of Saturday night calomel-taking are a thing of the past. Ac cording to local druggists, the new de nauseated calomel tablet is a grand success, the triumph of modern phar macy. Not the slightest danger or un pleasantness attends Its use and yet it exhibits all of the liver-cleansing qual ites of the old-style calomel. There can be no doubt that calomel is the most valuable and universally useful of all medicines and now that its objectionable qualities have been removed its popularity will have no bounds. One tablet on the tongue at bedtime, a swallow of water, nd taste or unpleasantness whatever. The next morning you are feeling fine, liver clean, splendid appetite. Eat what you please no danger. In ordering the new de-nauseated calomel tablets ask for "Calotabs." Sold only in original and sealed packages containing twenty doses, price, 85 cents. Your druggist has authority to refund your money if you are not - perfectly delighted with Calotabs. Adv. mm nuuii y when yoa'can buy for 25c a box of EXELENTO WiXSSl It is a hair grower and makes kinky, nappy hair grow kmz. soft and silky. It stops falling hair at once and you can the results after using several times. Thousands of eoloredpeople have beauti ful hair from using Exelento Quintal Poratc't. Every pseknee guaranteed. Price 3J&c by mail on receipt of stamps or coin. AOENTCT WANTED tnflEltYYHERX exkumto mkdicink co. Atlanta, cut. 5 CO FT alftfl'! ! 1 . . s a a) S u T" ' J, Temperature - - 3 STATIONS 2S' tS - 5 n) n A - . to - i m tc s t5 a 3 ATLANTIC Arrival and Departure of Trains mt ArrtvalSdienlea ana OonneetloM tf DEPARTURES TO AND FROM ARRIVALS No. 61 Florence, Columbia. Pullman Sleepers, No gA 6:80 A. M. Wilmington and Columbia open to 12:23 A. M. receive passengers after 10:00 P. M. Xo 48 Goldsboro, . Richmond, Norfolk . and 8:00 A. M. North. Parlor Can WIlmtostM p .I?Br Fayetteville Sanford and ML Airy. . J. 8.45 A. M. h . 8:oo P. M. osT6xr Jacksonville and New Bern. 8.05 P. M. 12:3 P. U, Florence, Columbia Augusta, Atlanta No. 65 and the West. Charleston, Savannah No. 84 and Florida points. Pullman Cars 2:45 P. M. Wilmington to Atlanta via Augusta 12:60 P. M. and to Asheville via Columbia. Richmond, Norfolk. Washington and No. 42 New York, Pullman Cars to Norfolk No. 41 6:45 P. M. ' and Washington. t:60 A. M. For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc.. call 'PBOHB 100. W. J. CRAIG. T. C. WHITE, Paeeenger Traffle Ktustr, General Passenger WILMINGTON, If. C. KEPT HER AWAKE The Terrible Pains in Back and Sides. Cardni Gave Relief. Marksville, La. Mrs. Alice Johnson, of this place, writes: "For one year I suffered with an awful misery in my back and sides. My left side was hurting me all the time. The misery was something awful. I could not do anything, not even sleep at night. It kept me awake most of the night ... I took different medicines, but nothing did me any good or relieved me until I took Cardui ... I was not able ; to do any of my work for one year and I got worse all the time, was confined to my bed off and on. I got so bad with my back that when I stooped down I was not able to straighten up again ... I decided I would try Cardui . . . By time I had taken the entire bottle I was feeling pretty good and could straighten up and my pains were nearly all gone. I shall always praise Cardui. I con tinued taking it until I was strong and well." If you suffer from pains due to female complaints, Cardui may be Just what you need. Thousands of women who once suffered in this way now praise Cardui for their present good health. Give it a trial. NC-133 FOR SALE Straubel's Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese. Summit Auto Tires. Summit Inner Tubes. We also have a stock of Auto Oil. S.000 Sacks 100-lb. Salt t Car Serv-Us Laundry Soap. A. full stock all grades of Flour in self-rising and plain. A. full stock 'of Rice and Coffee. Please write for prices samples. and D. L. Gore Co. Wholesale Grocer WILMINGTON, N. C GET THE BEST The Royal Standard Typewriter is used by the United States Government and many of the largest corporations. The "Corona" Typewriter is used by traveling men and others who want a compact, light weight machine. Call Phone 69, or write C. W. YATES CO. 117 Market St., Wilmington N. C CAPE FEAR MACHINE - - WORKS - Best Equipment for Best Service Machine, Engine. Beilev Repairs t Iron. Brassy Aluminum Castings. Make Boiler, Tanks, Stacks. On R. R. Track and River Front. v Foot Church - Street WILMINGTON. N. C. COAST LINE Wilmington, Effective July 8, 1917. ven a Information, not mot Aceat. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE Effective September 4th, 1917. Lv. Wilmington - .1 6.25 A. M. Leave Beach ! 6.05 A. M. 6.40 " I 7.10 " 7.40 " i! 8.15 " .1 8.45 " 9.15 " 10.15 10.45 " 12.15 P. M. 1.50, " 2.45 " 3.15 " 3.45 " 4.15 4.45 " 5.15 " 5.45 " 6.20 " 6.55 " 7.30 " 8.00 " 9.00 " 10.00 11.00 " 12.00 " ,4 Sunday only 6.55 " ! 7.25 " ! 8.00 " 8.30 " 10.00 " 11.30 " " 1.10 P.M. 2.00 " 2.30 " 3.00 " 3.30 " 4.00 " 4.30 " 5.00 " 5.30 6.10 " :t. 6.40 " 7.15 " 8.15 " 9.15 " 10.15 " 11.15 " 12.10 A. M. ! Daily except Sunday FREIGHT SCHEDULE. Dally Except Sundays. v Lv. Ninth and Orange Sts. 9:30 A. M., 3:30 P. M. Lv. Beach 12:15 P. M., 5:15 P. M. Freight office open from 8:00 A. M. to 9:30 A. M., and from 2:00 P. M. to 3:30 P. M. ' SUNDAYS. Lv. Ninth and Orange Sts., 11:00 A. M. Lv. Beach 12:45 P. M. Freight Office open Sundays from 10:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. RUBBER STAMPS MADE TO ORDER ON -SHORT NOTICE We make the kind that give lasting satisfaction. Mail orders given prompt attention. LeGWIN PRINTING COi 8 Grace St. none 230 BURETT H. STEPHENS ARCHITECT SS38 GARRELL BUILDING WILMINGTON. M. C SHELL Spectacles or Eye Glasses We have Shell Rim and bows of beauty and elegance, made to meet the mode. Come in and set them. WE will save you money. Spectacles or eye glasses cor rectly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 up. EYES TESTED FREB DR. VINEBERG MASONIC TEMPLE. SPECIALS Now Is the time to contract for Hindoo No. 2 Bagging, all new Jute. New No. 45 Arrow Ties. Standard SO1 by 80 Burlap Cotton Sheets. - Genuine Maine Grown Seed Pota toes for January-February Delivery. Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese. Get our prices before buying. Mcflair & Pearsall Wholesale SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Prosresslve Railroad of the Seata ffeetlve Nov. 12th, IBIS. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ""'j No. 12--8:55 P. M Charlotte' and Interv mediate points. Pullman Parlor Cac to Charlotte No. 195:00 A. ML, Charlotte and Inter ' (mediate points. Sleeper to Charlotte' open 10:00 P. M. . ARRIVAL. OF TRAINS No. 1412:30 P. M., Charlotte and In termediate points. Pullman Parlov Car. No. 20 12:10 A. M., Charlotte and la, termediate points. Sleeper may J occupied until-700 o'clock A. M. For' detailed Information and reserva tions, call on City Ticket Agent, Or ton Hotel, or 'Phone 17. R .& KOONCE, T. P. A. JOHN T. WESrD. P: A., Raleigh N. Ct SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the South. Bulletin of Special Round-Trip Rate - Trom Wilmington. N. C V1CKSBURG, MISS. ............ .$3fU54 On sale October 14, 15 ;- limited return ing midnight October 3L, MONTEAGLE, TENN. 920.70 For further information, apply Phone 178 R. S. KOONCE, . T. P. A., Wilmington, N. Q, ATLANTIC COASY LINE The Standard Railroad- of the South. Bulletin of Reduced Round-Trip Fares from WilminsTtott, X. C Subject to corrections and changes to conform to legally filed tariffs. The first dates shown are dates upon which tickets will be sold at these fares and upon which journey must begin. The "final limit" is last date, prior to mid night of which, Wilmington must be reached on the return , trip. WASHINGTON f leOO BALTIMORE ...... 91&OU Philadelphia . ... 220 New York r S26.00 ASHEVILLE, K. C. S154M. WAYNES VILLE, N. C .918.10 LAKE TOXAWAY, N. U, 1&A0 BREVARD, N. C. $1&00 HENDERSON VILLE. N. C S14U5 SALUDA, N. C. . ; , 13JW TRYON, N. C. SISU Daily until October 15, good to stop over; limited returning until October 31, 1917. LOUISVILLE, KY. 930.05 September 14, 15 and 16. Final limit September 26, 1917. PROPORTIONATE FARES FROM IN TERMEDIATE POINTS. . For complete information reserva-' tions, etc., ' PHONE 160 r- W. J. CRAIG, T. a WHITB, Pass. Xraf. Mgr., Gen. Pass. Agt. Wilmington. N. C THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA AND ASHEVILLE. Commencing' Sunday, July 8th, .theV Atlantic Coast Line will inaugurate a through sleeping car line between Wilmington . and Asheville, via Flor ence, Sumter and Columbia, in connec tion with the Southern Railway Sys-J tern, upon the' following daily sched ules: . ' Lv. WILMINGTON ......3:45 P. M. Lv. Chadbournn .. 5:30 P. M. Lv. Florence 7:55 P. M. Lv. Sumter .. 9:25 P. M. Ar. Columbia .. 10:50 P. M. Lv. Columbia .11:S0 P. M. Ar. Spartanburg . . . . .. 2. . :Z:20 "A. M. Ar. Tryon ..v. 4:60 A. M. Ar. Saluda .. 5:15 A. M. At. Flat Rock .5:35 A. M. Ar. Hendersonville 7:00 A. M. Returning: Leave Asheville 4:10 P. M arrive Wilmington 15:50 noon. This sleeping car service which will be operated until Sept. 16th, will afford comfortable accommodatons for pas sengers visiting the Mountains of North Carolina. The old established through sleeping car line between Wilmington and At lanta will be continued via Augusta, in connection with the Georgia railroad, upon the following schedules: Lv. WILMINGTON 3:45 P. M. Lv. Florence 7:55 P. M. Lv. Sumter 9:30 P. M. Ar. Orangeburg 10:55 P. M. Ar. Augusta (eastern time 1:35 night. Ar. ATLANTA (central time) 6:10 A. M. Returningi Leave Atlanta 8:35 P. M., arrive Wilmington 12i50 noon. Passengers may remain in this car, in the Union Depo.t, which is in the . heart of Atlanta, until 7:00 A. M., if they so desire, and on account of the earlier arrival of this train, and the use of the Union Depot, convenient connections may be made with through Observation, Dining, Sleeping Car Coach trains which leave from same station for Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, etc For fares, tickets, etc., apply to T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent. Phone 160. Wilmington, N. Or ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South C 0 A L BUILDERS' SUPPLIES STORAGE w. t ii ft n n r b. inunrc & COMPANY J. B. McCABE & CO s Certified Public Accountant! Beess 818 Unreal Bank Bld 'Pkeaes 99. WILKIN UTON. N. C OLOHKUAnUu !" r '1 ".t... mEMEDYFORirUTT Bead Star Business Local. Ms. Y - -:. tr I .4 - ' 4 r ,'4 '