v. I . .is Two v""'t:'V;-V-- 'jr-J'rV-J''' ';'-"'1l-,'V i mi'.'"-'' ' '' ""ipf ''"''; " ; ' ' , ,. GERMAN PEOPLE MISLEP ASJTO FOOD SITUATION iirniccQ nr n . 51 linluti i nuu uuLinu - HOBNOB AT BANQUET LaFOLLETTE BRANDS J iWAPfTRS AS LIBELOUS Denies' Circulating 0ritn - .of His, ExceiJr jptkt nditims Speeches In Knon . . . 'w-j- frrr; rtr Bono ar , i . " - ", 'Glorious Deeds'iof. Turks Pife v ' , tufed by Wilhelm. Wy German find Turks. With Their Allies, Will Persevere Until the Knemy Sees That It Is Useless to Continue War. . TJL woci.ir.o-ton Oct.- Zl. senator i uopennageni,.: ucu . . .... . li. . ,. . i Follette issued: -d.j statement iraigni censored report oi ineijQiscusiuu . vi denying , and denjuncingv as r'ljlrelouS the food :conditVn by the" budget com- "iaOL .mendacibn'.ir'' that -.He has mittee "of the' Prussian Diet, the ses- been attempting W' obstruct the Lib-, sion of ?which was held behind closed erty bond sale by circulating certain doors, shows tba except for the potato speeches made by him in the Senate crop which-promises to be satisfactory, riurlne- the war revenue bill debate. the-food situation is by no. means as The senator asserted he had . circu- j rosy as the government has been try lated only three pamphlets, printed at 1 Jng tQ p,n it his own expense t,vu..e, Th. min .it.iiatlon is auch that only strongly '"" Constantinople, Thursday, Oct- 18. '(Via Amsterdam) Emperor . William tonight attended a banquet at the palace of Dolmabagtche. The guests .included Sultan Mohammed V., all the Turkish princes and members of the cabinet and Dr .Richard Von Knehl- mann, the German foreign secretary, j Kespondlng to the Sultan's toast the j 'German emperor satd: , "Yesterday it was my privilege to :stand on. ground where Tflrkish forces . .-by . land and sea performed immortal, glorious deeds, victoriously frustrating - the enemy's assault on the heart of the empire and rendering immense ser vice to our common cause. - "Anafarta, Ari Burnu and Sedd-Ul-Bahr will ever remain glorious pages in Turkish history. It is a proud hon or for me to come in personal touch "with such an army through my ap pointment as field marshal. "I eather from your majesty's words that the Turkish army and peopled shave the same resolute connaence as have the German army and people to i continue the war to a happy conclus ion which will assure the rights and interests of our empires. -- In unshake- able loyalty the Germans and Turks . ;will persevere, shoulder to shoulder I with' the Austrlans. Hungarians and -Bulgarians until our enemies recog nize the uselessness of their continu ance of the war. In peacetime, our . bpeoples will be welded still more iflrmly on peaceful work of kultur." 1 - , v HohatA fori xne grain siiuanun is uui mo., of what he said duringthe debate for certainty, could beexpness the sole reason xnat "e.nc"c"';bliC Ud that the bread supply will last the would "aid in awakening ., a PiDiic . nr.e. the "sole reason that he would -aia in w.i..b . - entire vear. and in any case the pres interest and in orguumg -nt bread ration can be maintained opinion wiiiuu. nuui" " i at the next sess' ly and justly plus incomes. .J.,. rent of the erain. Conditions have not These pamphlets, nesa,Q inuUC .- - imnrovement of the! fiout part of a speech in wmT ne rerx exhaustive milling. r , t Core Tadeauate- oftly' by. the use of surrogates, further iesTvi to 'J6"" affecting the quality of the bread fort r tax war profits and sur- c . q y to the mnuence wmcn l"x';aln Bread and potatoes will be the bulk rntiuress to DroDerly tax weaiin i i, A, i i ww p . x a i or tne ration, as me mcaL miunauvc might have upon tne next . - nlmnEt certainlv be reduced. Milk 1Ce, he aaaea, woum - - .- . hft' -VAtlable evenvin reposed in harmless security in than now, and even Uongressionar u " reDresenting war pronts interests nau demanaed ah Congress to propeny - -V" rotinn. as the meat allowance This reference, he added, "would have wi "". "i1,""-' J. j;" Vt' ' ' . . I n W nil T T S3 T" X urity in tne i . ' 1 iantler amo the infants' milk allowance has been not brought it out 'with their charge reauea . that n wa,l0irBa"tn was made in open discussion; announce that they yTll hecaVse will spj,ak freely when the debate on the S?enate. the senator saia, Deuauoe he thought it ought to appeal to sen ators as a reason for voting higher taxes on w to fight for such higher taxes SENATOR HUSTING DIES food is held in an open session of the Diet. Advices from Budapest say 1,1113 tdUlUCl D i anviiiuv slight, owing. to the adverse attitude of fount Andrassv. who has sent a memorial to the . king - against the FROM GUN-SHOT WOUND ! -J'v.,6 ,,Tln tlt Xihe 7rZl ure, is thereby placed in a critical position. COLONEL REVEALS THAT HE CAN SEE AVITH BUT ONE EYE Passes' Away . in Farmhouse Where He , Was Taken After Being Accident ally Shot by Brother. Milwaukee, Wis., Oc. 21. United States Senator Paul O. Husting of Wis consin died at a farmhouse near Rush Lake, Wis., late tonight as the result of wounds accidentally inflicted upon Lost the Slight of the Other In Friend ly Boxing Match. Stamford, Conn., Oct. 21. Col. Theo dore Roosevelt, who is finishing a fort-mts-Vifo traininir at a. rest camD here. him with a shotgun by his brother, t da received a delegation of news- while hunting ducks today. paper men and stated that his stay at - 'EXPECTED IX BERLIN TODAY FOR. THE EMPRESS' BIRTHDAY London, Oct. 21. Emperor William tls expected to return to Berlin Mon day for the birthday of the German -'' iEmpress, "'according to - a - dispatch from Amsterdam to the Exchange Telegraph Company.' While in the capital the emperor will have a num-l , rber of political conferences, to which 'Prince Von Buelow and Dr. Von Beth-mann-Hollweg, the former imperial chancellors, have been ihvited. Arrangements have, heen -made,,. the. (dispatch adds, for the emperor t visit ' the German naval . bases, and be also probably will go to Helgoland. ; " Senator Husting recently returned to I tho rn m n was slhinlv for relaxation. He his home atMayville after the close of J refUsed- to talk about the war or New the extra session of Congress, wnere ns York mayoralty politics. Mayor jvnt- was one of the leading supporters of cnel was one Df his guests for the day. the Administration's war program. The Colonel expects to return to Oy- With his brother he had gone on a tser BaJ- Tuesday next, hunting trip to Rush Lake and the two col. Roosevelt, in telling of his box were in a boat when the accident oc- ng exploits of former times, made the curred. He had sighted a flock of ducks disclosure that since he retired from and called for his brother to fire and at the White House he has not had the the discharge Of the .shotgun he rcsi sight of his left eye as tne result oi slightly, receiving the full charge of a blow received in" a friendly boxing the' gun in his back. He was rushed to match in the White House gymnasium, the farmhouse, where all efforts to save "i dn't think many persons knew his life were unavailing. , this," he said, "but the fact is a was having a lively doui one aay wnu husky young captain or arunery wnen STATE COLLEGE NEWSPAPER KAISER. DINED WITH KING FERDINAND AT HIS CASTLE Amsterdam, Oct. 21. A Sofia dis patch states that Emperor .William ar - rived there Friday from Constanti nople. The emperor dined with King Ferdinand and the royal family at Castle Vrana, near Sofia, and resumed his Journey to Germany at midnight, Friday.- - . 1 , POLITICS FIGURE DftHK 2 STRIKE 3oF -SCHOOL CHILDREN Will Get Out "The Alumni News" Ev ery Month Physical Examinations. x (Special Star Correspondence.) West Raleigh, "Oct. ?21. About the first of November the State. College of Agriculture and Engineering will be gin the publication of a monthly pa per, to be known as Alumni News. It will endeavor to keep graduates and all other former students posted as to what the college is -doing and' the ac tivities of the student body. '. It " will also carry fall -news regardlifg the movements ofithe graduates an4Onder- graduates away irpm tne institution. he crossed me with a nara rignx. owing hnd landed on my left eye. The punch broke some of the blood vessels of vi v and T haven't seen from it since." 2 MARINE ROOKIES : RECORD Broke Camp and Packed Up in Less Time Than Veterans. . (Special Star Correspondence.) Port Royal, S. C.. Oct. 21.-r-Although yoking men training to become "Sol disrs - df 'the Sea" axe beltfg rushed througartheir;: courses rapidly, they throusrtiout, as is . . s - "' A -. . . ' ' -'! 'r-- , . 1, ssszi ' !Nf?ERS A f our root tecine urm 9 e ram yes terday One of the special Carey repair products will exactly meet your need, save further damage and cut the cost of repairing. For small leaks of any kind in practically any sort of roof Noahs Pitch is effective.. It can be applied by anyone without heating and will adhere to wood, metal, or mineral, whether wet or dry. Comes in cans of convenient sizes. To renew old roofs use Carey Fibre Coating. It adds years of wear and security. For Metal surfaces use Black Asphalt Paint. A pure preservative that protects the metal and de fies climate. For preserving composition and prepared roofing Magnesia Roof Coating has a national reputation. For Wood or Metal use Universal Coating for gen eral clean-up and paint-up purposes. For smoke stacks, boilers, chimneys, and super heated surfaces use Carey's Carbon Paint. For economical repairing of all kinds consult us todav Charlotte Supply Company Sole Distributors For the Carolina. Charlotte, , North Carolina General Mill Furnisher, Leather Belting and Machinery Being;' Coached -- By Certain Socialist Candidates, It Is Said. , - New -.York, . Oct, 21. Merchants of the East Side held afmeeting today to ' discuss plans, to ; stop " street disturr bances lay children ' in that section of the .city who have refused .to go . to school as ' a protest against the - Gary eyetenv ; Harry Schlaeht, chairman of the East Side" Protective "Association; declared he had . investigated the re cent . demonstrations in which school buildings and: policemen "were stoned r and had. learned that the children "are . being coached -by certain .; socialist -can-didats..for office in this cjjty", to make - seditious soapbox speeches and start disturbances. . - , . ;"During.the nejst few days a general bombardment of puhlic schools on the East Side will be in order, some of the boys told me," Mr. Schlaeht as serted. "The subject will be taken up 'a with the -district attorney and police commissioner tomorrow in an effort to (prosecute those responsible." ' j For the present the paper wilt be in sh0wn by the rec6rd for "making and charge of the registrar of the college. X.6cal and distant aluni are invited and evnArteil to eive such assistance to this new publication as possiDie. breaking" carap. -established by a companyof- marine "rookies" at this na tion today. The routlae calls for rftfhiner shelter tents. digging en- The "red and white," the college j trenchnients, mounting guard, cook ' LIBERTY LOAN DRIVE WILL STAET ON THE : HOME-STRETCH TODAY . t ' ' (Continued from Page One.) German-American bodies, including -' any who supported the first loan, are striving hard to make the second loan - - a success. - . "'Special efforts are being put forth V"" ' by many societies to thwart the perni cious and seditious attempts to inter -fere with the success of the loan. '"Approximately 250,000 clergymen today urged the purchase of Liberty bonds in sermons dealing specially wi,h the loan and its purposes. The Star Spangled Banner also swung in 'alost every church -in tne country." . . FIFTH; DISTRICT BANKERS . URGED TO INCREASE EFFORTS Richmond, Ya.', Oct. 21. Urgent ap peals to every banker In the Fifth Fed (eral. Reserve District to redouble their efforts for-the second' issue 'of the Lib erty loan were sent out today by the central committee in charge of the cam paign. The appeal states that unless i there is far greater activity and much riheavier subscriptions the district will tno come up to its quota of $120,000,000. At; the close of business on -Saturday " ,.bout $54,000,000 had been subscribed. ' The central committee also issued a statement in which it expressed sur prise at the tardiness of Norfolk" and Kewport News in suuscrioing- ror the honds. Norfolk, with an apportionment of 5,789,720, is, said to have subscribed to only "plfi&0 or the bonds, , while . -Kewport News, with an apportionment' of $907,ZOU nas wnen oniy o.duu. it is . s possible, the statement contlhues, that subscriptions in' these two cities . are . being held back until the closing days . V ; 0f the campaign,' but if they are not the ' . srtuation is serious and memoere pf the ? committee feel that both cities are- by " no means shouldering their part of the - burden; ' . -i? - while ' offlcial reports showHhat the S ; ftftfx district is f af behind in its .sUb . .tong .the committee is hopefulvthat - ' voiotAri reWrts kwIU , make a, better In practically every church in-Rlch--- Trtond and th district today, appeals ; . ' fOT the Liberty loan ,were made from .. -the. pvupiw . , semi-monthly, will hotb published this term' but ;the stair i-ijl help in the publication of the new paper, "Almuni Newsi The "Agromeck," the college annual; -ill be published " as usual by the senior class. Mr. t. v. Perry is editor of the 191 Agromeck and Mr. W. G. Comba is business man ager. The annual will go . in press about the first of February in order to be ready for delivery iday 1st. A physical examauon given the members of the' senior and junior classes' at the beginning , of Iheir mili tary course at the '"StateOollege found them as a whole a very neaitny Duncn. Out of these two classes only six men failed on account of pobr physical con dition. Aside from the Denents mat each student received from this ex amination the colleges now has ,a cor rect physical basis upon which to work. It knows where and what are its ing dinner, inspection;, the. gathering of equipment; and preparation .for return. They accomplished the ; required task in 51 minutes. The previous record was held by a company' of veterans no wservin'g in Haiti. Their time was 55 1-2 minutes. RU9SIAN FLEET MAKES ITS ESCAPE FROM MOON SOUND Petrograd. Oct, 21. The - Russians have succeeded' in getting' all their ships i except observation'' elements out of "Moon sound without losses and in perfect order, according to an official communication issued by the marine department. The communication says that Oesel and Moon Islands have definitely passed into the hands of the Germans but that the military opera tions on Dago Island are being hamp- rAil hv tonoeraDhical conditions, no- weak points and how to protect the j taDiy the marshy ground. student bodyr A sound body is as es sential as a sound mind especially in the present war crisis. wakeVorest campvs now miniature training camp Wake Forest, Oct. 21. The military training class has completed its or ganization and the seventy-five mem bers are rapidly learning the rudiments of military science and tactics under the Instruction of "Mr. Walter E. Jor dan. The ' campus looks more like a training; camp new than at any time since the opening of tne session, all of the men in the company being equipped with a khaki uniform? leggins and ser vice hat. Other equipment will be add ed as soon as overworked factories can supply vthe material neeneer. Co-operating with the military training class, Dr. J. Hi Correll, nead of e Department of Modern Languages, is teaching mili tary French to his classes in connection with tneir other worK. v Strike Called Off. ' Globe, Arli., Oct- 21. An -announcement calling off the strike of copper miners in the Globe-Miami district was read tonight by Charles H. Moy- r. international president ;of the Mine. Mill and Smelter Workers' Un ion at a meeting of miners here. The men have been on strike since July 2. Formal announcement of the term nation of the strike and the terms under which th men will return lo work is expected to be made tomor row by Secretary of Labor William B, Wilson. MUSIC RECITAL . AT ELON. Tnlented Artists Delighted Blsr Audi ence Friday Night. ' (Special Star Correspondence) Elon College, Oct. ' 21. The Faculty Music Recital occurred Friday even ing. The Faculty Recital is the mu sic event of the season, and this year exceeded its former reputation for good music. The College chapel was filled to its utmost, every available seat belne: occupied. Five members of the Music Faculty participated, and the appreciation accorded cacn num ber attested to the popularity of these talented artists. Encores followed ev ery number. Mr. Edwin Morris Betts delighted the audience with his splendid exhi bition in piano. Miss Mabel Blanche Harris aquitted herself with honor with her soprano voice. Miss Edna Constable, the new vio lin teacher, achieved success in her first appearance before the i.lon pub lic. Mr. Floyd Alexander with his ban tone' voice gave several selections which were received by the audience with much appreciation. Miss Ava L. B. Dodge performed in a manner worthy of her former repu tation, giving several selections in her mezzo soprano voice. MOVEMENT OF SELECTMEN TO CAMP SEVIER IS COMPLETED 31,000 Transferred From Camps Jackson nnd Gordon. Greenville, S. C, Oct. 21. The move ment of 21-Otro selectemen from Camp Gordon and Camp Jackson, recently as signed to fhe 30th division, Camp Sevier, to bring that division to war strength was completed today with the arrival of the last contingent from Camp Jackson. The contingent today was composed of 392 men from the two Carolinas. npv-TiSTs ETKriTTiVE COMMITTEE i made, ami from the interest ad en- Tnusiasm niaiuiei.eu n. FiVj"". The 30th division is still short about 1,00 men, according to the estimate of I session of the State Dental Held Meeting; in Raleigh Last Week At Oceanic In June, The executive committee of the North Carolina Dental Society in ses sion at Raleigh last week, with Dr. -G. K. Patterson of "W ilmington present, among other members, discussed plans for a better education of the people along dental lines and impressing the public with the necessity and impor tance of conservation of teeth and 4he oral structures as a means of safe guarding health. - Tentative plans for programs, sched ules, clinics and lectures for the annual Society tion of these up-to-date matters in:: meeting promises to be the most in teresting and instructive of any o? ml nature ever held in North Carousa. SURVIVORS OF THE ANTILLES ARRIVE AT A .FRENCH POET army officers today. The men needed j which meets at Wrightsville . Beach, will be secured, it is expected, through the camp recruiting station, June 19th, 20th and 21st, 1918, with headquarters at the Oceanic Hotel were (Continued from Page One.) -oo enno tt-K vail . nersons who casl X V, UL, O -. should buy Liberty bonds. "The money to pay both compensation! onrl inciiranr " it WSS Stated. "IS H" i t r.mo in lartrp measure L'oeI the sale of bonds of the secor.a L:ie.- ty loan," v 150 PERISHED WHEN NINE MERCHANTMEN WERE. SUNK London, Oct. 21. One hundred and fifty lives were lost on Wednesday wh,en five Norwegian, one Danish, and three Swedish vessels were sunic by two German raiders in the North Sea. 4. v. - t nnvj. ro kHaIi 'liave, it. is - so rnla in The rLibertr Bond ; Sacrifice something and buy yours The British Admiralty statemet on Saturday stated that a total of 135 officers and men of the British destroy ers Mary Kose and strong . Bow were lost when the two vessels were sunk by raiders. The Mary Rose and the Strong Bow were convoying ' the merchantmen when the atack occurred.'? RUSSIANS REPULSE ATTEMPT OF GERMANS? TO FRATERNIZE . Petrograd. Oct. ?I (British Admiralty per Wireless' Press).-Attempts made by the Germans yesterday to fraternize wit nthe Russians on the northwestern front, near Lake Narocz, and on the Rumanian front were repulsed by the Bussians, the war office announced to day. . ' ' - -A ' ' ' No naval operations were ,unaertaen bv the -Germans in the Gulf or jiiga yes terdav. thJ Statement aas ,na me Teuton vessel' wegot slghted by the Russian scout' boat. i- - , inaflm Rewis lPHeJsy. Paris. Oct. 2i."-Tii9 French minis. tariai situation today .remains uneasy. nnnnsition to Alexahdr4.Rih6t, the for elgn mlnUter in thejPalnleve cabinet. persists. Piedmont Wheat For East. Much Davidson county wheat is be ing sent to eastern North Carolina this year. . Mr. W. L- Smith, of Lin wood, shipped five hundred Jmshels to the State Farm at Halifax last week, and expected to make other shipments into that territory. A number of inquiries after Davidson county seed ' wheat haye come from other Eastern Caro lina points. Some of the. best ever produced in "the county was harvested during the past season. Lexington Dispatch. Selectmen Transferred. Atlanta. Ga.. Oct. 21. Approximate ly 2,500 National Army soldiers from Camp Meajjje, ja.a.P)ana ump e, va.. arrived at Camp Gordon today to fill up units in the 82nd. division of the Natioal Army. According to the mili tary authorities more than 8,ouo se lectmen, from Eastern training camps have been ' transferred . to the local cantonment during the last week. Qstend Is Bombarded. Berlin. Oefc 2V (British Admiralty per Wireless ipressy.Te- Belgian port of Ostend, which is a. submarine pase oi the Germans m the North Sea, has bf en bombarded from 'the- sea, It was n-; nnunrAri Viw tti, German war 'office to- day, houses in the. town being damaged. Demaads Nevr Air Mlalstry. London, Oct.. 21.Frl.day nigh t'e Zep pelin raid on -London called forth arti cles In the Sunday Times and Sunday Observer today." demanding no further delay on the part of Zt& drltishovern ment in announclft ' the constltutlori of anew air ministry-' r-;:- ZEPPELINS LOST TIJEIR BEARINGS ffnntinued From, Page One.) this Zenpelin had left Oldenburg on the North Sea at 2 o'clock Friday arterpoon hound for London. It became lost in a , f og- and being unable to reach its ob jective, started to return. The Matin says that signal posts on th French front and behind it reported during the . night that motor soundsv apparently those of zeppeans, couia oe; Murd. It was said this information i war confirmed from Compiege and Mea- saux. The aerial defense of the en trenched camr at Paris took measures to repel an . attack and a preliminary ZeppeHns,, however,, did not come to ward the capital. Rp!lSSoRE, iiii JOINTS . .I-.-.. .. . - ' Patrol roat;Wttt Aekere. '- W8hingtoh,et.'i3l-rA email motor patrol ! boat, the Navy Pepartment an nouneed today; was riyio 'ashore In a storm oft thrJttiatltic coast yesterday. She was not seriously damaged and none of the crew w-as injured. Rul) Tain A way With Small Trial i ' Bottle of Old, Penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil." :;; v.- . - - - vvWhit'i Rheumatism? Pain . only. Stop drugging! Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Bub soothtna-.. nenetrating -"St. Jacobs Oil" direatlv non the "tender spot'' and re lief comes Instantly.,, ' "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which, never disappoints and can not-burn the skln ' v Limber up! ; Qtiit .complaining! Get a : small trial bottle from your drug glsjt,. aiid,lh ' just - acmoment yoji'll be free -from rheumatic.' - and .- sciatic natn'-aarenaslL stiffness1 and swellings Don't . suffer.! , . Helif awaits you. 'Old, honest '-'St. Jacobs Oil" Jias cured mil lions pf rheumatism sufferers In the last half . centuryr and 4s Just as gooa for sciatica,? neuralgia. lumDago, DacK ache, sprain's and welllngs.( 'Slipper Time" U That's the coziest time of the whole day ipi8 Iv for father Slipper and pipe and a book " j p I and "the Perfection Oil .Heater to keep the I ft ISiffe 1 drafts away and add an extra touch of com- j B lxfWr'A I I I lore, ine r-criectiuii s gouu-iuoKiiig, &turuy, MMJMM I reliable, and inexpensive both to buy and tcr 5 j I burnings fuel, Eight hours of comfort from a gallon. ff j Jl Washingrton, D. u baliimurb unanotte. n.u, nmWMm vZffr IfW IF HrfffWi I Norfolkf Va MD. Chsrleston. W Va. mmM&I L 5CJIIf ASI 1 I. Richmond. Va. Charleston. S. C 4pSiSalSr I J&k W VS i hsm wassaww i1 ' ' i rr- ; k jstmasmi -mma i vr"'sM-- , ;.,. j mmmmm S