IT - -THE MORNING: ST AR,i VyiLMINQTON, N. C, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1917. TWELVE 11 i: $ - 4 '1 : . i HI ', . I I i 1 WEEK'S HEWS OF THE RO 0 METnOPOLS Offices to be Opened for Free Phys ical Examination Three Deaths In the County Several Army Recralts--Zebbie Hardin Wanted As ' a Deserter 31. G. . . '" Shooter Burned to Death. : (Special Star Correspondence) . Lumberton, Dec. 15. Offices will be opened at an early, date in five Kobe- son county towns for the purpose of giving free physical examination, to the people of the .county. . Offices will be opened at Maxton, Rowland, Red Springs, St. Paul and Lumberton. ' When these offices are opened any citizen of the county between the ages of 20 and 65 may be examined -without cost to them. The examination which will be given would ordinarily cost from $5 to $10. Application cards have been distributed throughout the county and already many of them, are being returned to County Health Of ficer W. A. McPhaul. Prizes to. School Children. Dr. McPhaul has also offered three gold prizes to the school children of the county. The prizes will be award ed to the three boys or girls who write the best papers on "how to keep well." The prizes are offered for the purpose of stimulating health work among boys and girls to study the .question of "how to keep well." Dr. 35cPhaul is being assisted in the health work by Dr. A. J. Ellington of the State board of health. Two Inches of Snow. This section has been in the grip of a cold spell this week. A two-inch snow fell Tuesday night and a good part of the now is, still . on the ground. This is the first . time snow has visited this section so early in the season since 1912, when a snow , fell on the night before Thanksgiving. There had been ginned in Robeson prior to December 1 this year 43,718 bales of cotton, as compared with -26,-923 to same date last year. The crop is practically .all harvested. Superior court for the trial of civil cases closed Tuesday afternoon, after a two-day's session. This was perhaps the shortest term of Robeson court held in years. This was Judge Tv. i. Bond's last court here. No judge has made more "friends in Robeson than Judge Bond. Fair Prises Ready". Those who won prizes at the county fair are asked to call upon Mr. W. O. - Thompson, secretary-treasurer of the fair association, and get their prizes. Many of the prizes , were offered by the state department of agriculture and fn order to get these prizes a win ner must call-in person, and give Mr. i receipt for the money. Three Deaths. Mrs. John H. Johnson, of Barnes ville, died Monday night o :f this week. Deceased is survived by her husband and two children one of which is sick with pneumonia. Mrs. Johnson, had been sick for several months with tu berculosis another death had been ex pected for some. time. Mrs. Hester Ivey, aged S2 years, of Proetorville, died Tuesday morning. Death resulted from pneumonia. De ceased was well-known and had many friends. " , ' Mr. Morrison Taylor, aged 27 years, died at his home in Wishart township Thursday morning. He had been sick two weeks with pneumonia. 'Mr. Tay lor was a young man of sterling vorth and had many friends. : , Cotton Grader's Worfe. To date the local government cotton grader, Mr. T. W. Trogdon, has graded 9,000 samples. Of this number 7,000 samples were graded for Robeson farmers. : The office wiIl;lose Decem ber .21. Last year only 4,500 samples were graded for Robeson growers. No doubt tne grading has saved the farm ers jnuch money and it will mean : a bigger saving when they all get" the habit of having their cotton graded by a government grader. North Carolina day will be observed irf the Robeson ,county schools Friday, December 21. Addresses will be made in a number of the schools. The speak ers will put special emphasis on thrift, conservation and patriotism. . Army Recruits. The following have enlisted in the U. S. army at the local recruiting of fice this week: A. P. Page, Ed.' J. Glover. Clarence A. Moore, of Lumber ton; Jjimes T." Barker and Andrew E. Kure, of Wilmington; C. W. Seymour and Jas. B. Moon,, of Laurinburg; G. M. Davis and Archie F. Britt, of route 2, Lumberton; R. W. Alford, Carson F. Williams, Sam J. Clark. Jimmie B. Culbreth, Columbus county; Clifton P. Ashley, Fairmont. The First Baptist church of Lum berton will be dedicated Sunday, De cember 30. Rev. Ch'as. H.. Durham, of Winston-Salem, former pastor of the church, will preach the dedicatory ser , mon. v Marriage Licenses. License has been issued in Robeson this week for the marriage of Willie Hanchey and Katie Denton; Jno. H. West and Florida Floyd; Gregory G. Phillips and Mary Howard; Montgom ery Evans and Mary Ivey? Carl N. Dunn and Emma Bell McRae;' Frank A. Jones and , Tula Yarborough.' If egrro . Breaks Jail. Ben Hicks, colored, an escaped con vict who hAd recently been re-arrested, broke out of jail Sunday, night. Hicks was allowed to leave his cell and go out into the hall to warm and while Jailer A. H. Prevatt was eating supper he. tore through the brick wall. . Small shipments of sugar have slightly relieved the sugar shortage ' here. However, the supply was lim ited and many who wanted sugar have been unable to get it. One merchant sold, a barrel of sugar in 28 minutes, 5 pounds to a customer. People living in the northern part of town say there has been much chicken stealing going on during the last while. Some families have miss ed practically all their chickens. An effort is being Tnade to apprehend the guilty parties- ' . ' Charged With Deserting.' Zebbie Hardin, of - Barnesville. ha,s been reported to the local army ...exr emption board as a deserter from the army and a reward of $50 has been offered for', his arrest. f.Hardin failed to report for duty when called by ths board. Any citizen has a right to ar rest a deserter. Burned to Death. ' News has been received ;here to the effect that Mr. M. G. Shooter.,who left Lumberton- some.- 25 years : ago;" was burned to death in a hotel ' fire at Many. La., on November 'tl5. TFotir other men lost their lives' in the "same -fire. Mr. Shooter is well remembered Jiere 'by -a number of -the older jclti- CQHSERV1N6 THE MAN POWER OF THE NATION How,, the '-Public Health Service ' ' Operates - Against; Disease Surgeon General , of .. Army and Navy "" Work;' In Harness Together and V Health . Brigade - is Right ' ; MOn tie Job. Washington, ' Dec 15." Dri-. Rupert Blue, surgeon ' general- of the United States army, : in ' a communication to the National Geographic society, re-: veals -some of the methods , employed by .the government to "protect the J health of -the-new national army while it was, being .assembled at the various cantonments and during . tis period of training. The following excerpt from the communication is issued by the National Geographic society as a war geography bulletin: "n order to attack an enemy, it is necessary to know where that enemy is. One of the-functions of the public health service is to collect data relat ing to the prevalence of communica ble disease, in order that sanitarians throughout , the United States: may know what' diseases to guard against. These reports are received daily from all-parts : of the. United" States, and,' in addition, American consuls through out the world keep the public health service informed as to the sanitary conditions prevailing-at-the points at which they are stationed. . This latter information is used in the operation of-the ' maritime quarantines. Once a week this material is published in the public health reports, and s thus made available for immediate use. As soon as war was declared an ar rangement was made wit hthe surgeon general of the army and the-surgeon general of the navy , whereby they were forwarded dally a-: complete re sume of ihe -reports received by- the public, health service. It soon became evident, however, that in the adminis tration of the extra cantonment zones it .'was necessary to establish a series of i model sickness 4 registration areas, so- that prompt and effective steps might be taken to stamp out diseaes among the civilian "population before it-had opportunity to spread to troops or- to ain a foothold in the extra can tonment community.- ;'-".- "Each officer in charge was. there fore, Instructed to - make all necessary arrangements with the physicians within' his zone, to report immediately air casest of certain communicable dis eases occurring in theirpractice. Card forms and franked envelopes were supplied them for forwarding, this in- ! formation. A ' similar arrangement was made with the undertakers to check up those cases whichrdled with out, medical attendance or 'In which a report had not beerT- made. ' A recipro cal' daily' interchange" of information regarding the occurrence of communi cable 'diseases -in the 'cantonment and in' the extra cantonment zone was ar ranged " with the sanitary officer in charge of the camp. . The information received of disease occurrence among troops is regarded as confidential and is used only as a means of checking up diseases in the surrounding area. - - "All - of the data collected in- this way is summarized ' in a" morning re port' and f forwarded to ' the public health service bureau in Washington. J nere it is careruiiy- spottea on maps and- collected -into one. daily ? report, copies 'of which - are- forwarded to the medical departments - of the "army and the navy. - - .- -' "The value of this service-' cannot be overstated. It was - reported," for ex ample, that an epidemic of 'typhoid fe ver had -broken'- out at . a city- from which 100 drafted men-were about to depart to a cantonment in a neighbor ing" state. There were about 15 new cases each day, and two cases occurred among .the drafted men. ''Immediately - the laboratory car Wyman, with its full complement of officers and meru was dispatched to that point. All - water, "supplies, ice cream and -milk -are carefully investi gated. ' The source of the epidemic from a .leaky, storage Teservoir was discovered, a - chlorination plant was installed while- repairs were being made, and -the outbreak, promptly snuffed out. In the --meantime, the surgeon general of the-army ordered the drafted men held' until' their vac cination against typhoid should have been completed. "During this period it was possible to discover other infect ed individuals.' Thus, not. onjy were measures taken ' for the prevention ' of the 'introduction, of typhoid -fever into a .cantonment, .. but, what is perhaps even more important, infected individ uals - were prevented from - traveling interstate and spreading Jthe disease among civilian communities. - "In July, a typhoid fever epidemic broke, out in, the" immediate vicinity of an army post at .which some 12,000 so.ldiers were stationed. A survey de veloped the fact that' the sewage dis posal system in the city's -civil com munity was primitive and the water supply, extremely insanitary. There was no local health code; the milk supply was uncontrolled and, the scav enging system extremely bad. . "Operations were immediately be gun. The bad conditions obtaining at the pumping station, settling basing, and reservoirs were corrected; plans were put in force for the extension of the sewer and "water mains; the food depots were put in a sanitary condition; the .dairies were inspected; epidemiological investigations were mide of the cases of. typhoid fever; over 4,000 people ' were vaccinated against the disease in the first week of ' operations; the medical inspection of school children was instituted, and the entire community placed upon a sanitary basis which it never knew before and which it will probably nev er forget. ... ."At another place, which" is visited weekly by severkl thousand officers and enlisted men; of the army, there was an explosive outbreak of typhoid fever. The death rate was high. The bulk 'oil. the cases were traced to . a single ice-cream factory. Several oc curred 'among persons who had 'been vaccinated 'against typhoid fever. . "This simply ..means that while these individuals were protected against the aose or typhoid bacilli - which they would ordinarily receive from infect ed water, in this instance the dose in the vice cream was 't so- massive, as to zens. ' He " was : a - brother of the late Ed Shooter..; r. :'; - Capt: J. B. Bowen end. Lieut. R. A. McLean left this week; forltJielr posts in.' the army after;-siperiding' several days here ; with .home, folks. Both Capt. Bb wen arid - Lieut.'' McLeani .were commissioned ' , after 'aittending ' the second ' officers' training camp at Fort Oglethorpe,5 Ga. r ; ; l ' - nrcSt-i ' I And a Western Union Messenger will call for your Advertisement, for - this column Without .Extra Cost to You. If You Want to Send a Telegram or Desire Mes-' senger Delivery -in the City, call the Western Union Direct. - The charge for this advertising. Is only one cent pc word, bufao. ad taken. for less than 25c. Cash with order unless advertiser: has a regular account. Special 25- per cent, discount'o Business Locals for seven cohsec? utive issues or longer. . - . - Advertisements -running till pr dered out must be discohtir.'ued lot -writing. "Business Locals" have been a regular department of The Mem. insr .Star for more Chan 40-years. They are' Business i "Getters at. ai minimum cost. FOR RENT CLEAN, NEAT- ROOMS - on second floor;, good beds, plenty.'of covering, privilege " of 'fire, -use of bath. Also a furnished apartment on first floor, for housekeeping on 'Janu ary 1st; , good kitchen, with useof wood or gas stove; back yard. .Apply 313 North Second street. d'e WA?fTED-rA TBICYCLE. MtTSTv BE in good condition. Address "Tricycle" care Star. ' . de 16-lt FARM FOR SALE ONE IN WILLARD, 116 acres. Will sell ' whole - or sub divided into truck farms of 5 to 10 acres. Good house. Also one 9 miles west of Willard, 8.5 acres. - Cheap, easv terms. R.-- F. Highsmith, Wil lard, N. C. de16-su.t.u,th-3t BOOKKEEPER WANTED ONE WHO has had experience. S. & B." Solo mon. . . :de lB'-lt FA'CY WINESAP APPLES AND FLQ- rida oranges, London layer ' raisins', mixed nuts, complete line bfsholiday fruits and candies. - Bear Produce S Mdse Co., -Phone 452-453.' t No. 14 Market street. - .. "de 16-tf WANTED WORK IN "MORNINGS OR until noon. -Would '-'consider any thing. "Work." care Star. de,16-lt WANTED A VORTEX HEATER IN good condition. Phone 1912-W. de-16-lt FOUND ONE CAR FLORIDA ORAN. ges at C. D. Gilbert's, 212 Market St. Try them; they. are juicy and sweet No. i cocoanuts,, $7b0'. per bag. Mail or phone, me" your.-order's. C. D.-Gil-bert, phone 772., v de;16-lt break . down entirely the. immunity which had been artificially created by the vaccination. The epidemic was im mediately checked.! but a campaign'for better .health is still being intensively waged. in this zone. "One thing-this war has taught us: men are not - so cheap as we once thought them. Human life arid-human efficiency ..are the two most precious things on earlh. If ,out of . this awful labor of "war a strong public senti ment to rthe entire mation can be born then will our sacrifices not "have been in vain." - AUSTRIA-HUNGARY'S AR3IIES. Man-Power ' of the " Latest Enemies of America. With the French Armies In France, Friday,. Dec. 14 (By The Associated Press). The total man-power of ' Austria-Hungary's armies, the .latest ene mies of America, now has, reached 1.170 battalions of Infantry; 240 squadrons of cavalry, 2,950 -field guns. 1.500 -light Howitzers and 922 heavy guns, accord ing to approximately exact figures ob tained today by the correspondent. . DESERTER DRAWS TWENTY YEARS; AT "HARD LABOR Camp Meade, "Dec. 15.. A sentence of 20 years imprisonment at hard labor, dishonorable discharge from the army and forfeiture of pay was today imposed upon Private Lawrence" W. Trefenphen, of the 154th depot bri gade, charged with '.desertion. . Trefenphen. was absent from Octo ber 1" to October 27 "w:hen he.' was ar rested at Staunton, Va. '. - Reserve Bank Statement. Washington, Dec. 15. Aggregate gains of $19,000,000 in gold reserve of $90,000,000 bills on hand and of $112.'' 000,000 in member banks' -deposits are features of -. the - Federal- Reserve Board's weekly statement.. HOOVER REPLIES . IN SHARP TERMS (Continued From Page One)- ' who will feel- the same tvay, 'no doubt, and no doubt can entertain the public by assaulting the food administration. While many feel badly, still- the vast majority of men and women of our business community and "of our - farm ers are sacrificing their profits daily to the' nation's necessities without com plaint, for many are-sacrificing more than their money their sons. k "We have had two months of partial sugar "shortage October' arid. Novem ber and will also" have December bei. fore relief from - the new crop. .The American people have had 500,000 tons of sugar 1 in these two months that, is 70 per . cent.' of ' their " normal supplies in each month, and .if 'cars' are available they will have '70 per cent.; in December. "This 70 per cent; is twice the French ration.. In the meantime we have given France a good part' of - the 36;.per,: cent, and are proud of 'It.' This 'supply to France was given deliberately and the American people were told of it at the time. . we have also asrreed to 'draw 10,000 tons for our.fHenffs in "Canada . "As to the food administration : stop ping the source'of supply; "The.fabt that all available supplies, have beep brought here that ships 'and ' cars could -bring, and that it has "already been' "eaten,' Is sufficient answer. ' . v : "if Mr. Spreckels;vrtlltelirus Twhere there is any. sugar today that ships can be obtained to carry or cars, can b' ob tained to deliver it will be delivered at once with the" same res0iutip:j,.tnat''we have requisitioned- or dlstrlbuted-over 60,00Q,u00':poun-ds- or'emriargoed sugar llnPtto1 In tKe :antime,the 900,000- tons of -sugar -Jn .Java. jisasV re mote as cheese out of ;th'e,moori-uriless we wish to take, bread ; ships ftpnj ; our own, sold ersan4l..the allies' toVprovide ourselves with candy." - v ' ' FOR" RENTEIGHT R-OOM HOUSE :andtflve acres pt good land, fruit trees , and.; grape" vines included, at Audu bon Nursery!.' . Apply . C. H, Bonham, ; Phone 479-4.: : v ' ; HELP " ; WAED--CIVIl4 SERVICE aad -Commercial' positions for stu ( dehts.from. 45 " schools. ., Salary guar anteed by written contract $600-$1200. Tuitlon'note 'paid ' $10 'monthly from salary. ' Railroad fare deducted.' 200 Pae catalog free. ' Piedmont Busi ness. College,' Lynchburg, Virginia. - v. . de-16-su-4t FEMALE-HELP WANTED WOMBN- . Secure, an independent -Income, selling-genuine guaranteed wear proof hosiery tq . wearer. .Salary or com mission.' Experience unnecessary. Permanent. - N International Hosiery Mills, Norristown, Pa... de-16-lt WAIffTEp--BY''LADY OF REFITVE ment position as companion, gover. nessior. housekeeper. Reference fur nished. V Address "A. B.," Box 286. Co lumbia1, S. C '. . - de-16-lt FOR , SALE -ONE DAVENPORT, ONE kitchen cabinet,' one dining table and six chairs. All new. 14 South Sixth Street. " . ... . . . ' ' ,de-16-lt BOOKS FOR. SALE HARVARD CLAS- aicsl George EKot's,-Tolstoi's. -Encyclopedia Brittannlca, Memoirs of the Courts of Europe and Dumar's Cele brated Crimes. "At a sacrifice. Ad dress "Books,"; care Star. de-16-lt FOR SALE ONE GIRL'S BICYCLE. Cheap for cash. 323 South Fourth Street.. ' ' de-16-lt NOTICE-1-ON ACCOUNT OF ENTERING our Government service, I have dis posed.; of my Brokerage business to Mr;-Jas.-1. Metts; To my friends and . patrpns-I take, this means of express ' yig- myv thank's : for your past favors and .1 ask that you give Mr. Metts trie opportunity to supply your future wants. W. P. Applewhite. de 16-lt WE NEED SEVERAL HUNDRED TEL- ephono electricians. Steady employ ment; . good wages; bonus; liberal sickness, disability and pension plan. Must be 19 years of age with high school V or equivalent education. No experience necessary. We -will teach you with - full, pay , while learning. Write a . H. .Burton, 925 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa, . de 16-su-tu-2t BUY ' THE MARTEX BATH TOWELS and rugs;-sold only by C. H. Fore & - Co., : , de 16-lt THE MOTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE'HAS just issued Its'-flrst cata.logue. It's a beauty. Write for one. New classes will be formed Jaduary 1st. Arrange to. enter j on-that date. de 16-tf SALESMAN CAPABLE , SPECIALTY man for North Carolina, Staple lne on new and expectlonal terms. Va- - cancy now.. Attractive commission contract. $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 18850 Carlin Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. de 16-lt' PREPARE FOR THE . COLD - WEA ther. A shipment of wool blankets, and comfortsjust; received, which we are -offering at moderate prices. C. H. Fore "& Co. ' de 16-lt SERVANT , PROBLEM SOLVED GET an Apex Suction Cleaner, electric driven, no dust or sweeping, demon stration free at your home, fully guaranteed. Phone 771 New Home office, 223 Market St. de 16-lt OST OR STRAYED DARK BAY mule and cart. Last seen at 506 Red Cross street. . Any- information will be appreciated by owner, Joseph Pickett.' Scott's 'HHL Phone 4812. de 16-lt GENTLEMEN'S PURE LJNEN HAND- kerchiefs at iScOc and 25c. C. H. Fore &,Co. ., de 16-lt JEWELRY FOR CHRISTMAS IF YOU - want to give a. nice pieqe of jewelry or cut glass be sure to see. what we have. " H. J. Culclasure, Jeweler. 305H'-North Front. de 16-lw BARGAINS WE HAVE NOTHING BUT bargains for your Christmas buying. Two cars fancy "Florida oranges, wholesale and : retail prices lower than the lowest; 5,000 pounds extra nice huts; 100 barrels New York scaie apples the best we have seen this year prices low; 100 boxes -grape fruit; 500 ' special fed turkeys the best we -have ever offered on -this market. We can sell these turkeys in another market for more money but will not do so' if we can book or ders up to Wednesday. Think it over, let us have your order early; this will insure you a good Christmas dinner at lowest cost. Just 300 pounds of that.45-cent butter left; if you want any more, let us hear from you early. Phones 816 and 817. W, H. McEach ern. 5 per: cent off' for all schools and churches on fruit and nuts for their Christmas trees. de 16-lt FOR .RENT THAT ELEGANT BUNGA low. 107 Wrightsvllle Ave. Six rooms, bath; pantry; ; immediate possession. L. W: Moore, Agent. de 16-lt YOUNG MAN WANTED GOOD JOB; short hours" and good pay. Apply to Union " News - Co., Union Station, Wil mington, N. C- ' de 16-lt TWO VERY DE SIRABLE NEW HOUS-es-fOr rent: No. 1414, -a cottage, and NoV 1418, a two story house. Price very reasonable . Wright's Realty and Insurance Agency. - ' ' de 16-lt THE - COMFORTABLE CAROLINA apartment house; rentals are moder ate and include heat, artesian water, elevator service 'and etc One apart ment for rent.. Wright's Realty and Insurance Agency, 1 de 16-lt WE ARE TURNING RENT RECEIPTS into receipts. for.. a home. Why not ' own your own home and. let the rent -money, pay? it? -We have desirable property in. various locations and at various prices. . Wright's Realty and Insurance Agency. : : . de 16-lt FTRE ,: INSURANCE BUSINESS ; Wright's Real Estatef; Agency, which for-over 20 years: has-rented to the - people of Wilmington, also run an - actiye and, growing Insurance Agency.- Only, strorig companies represent ed and vw get and give the lowest rate Wright's -Insuraoice and Realty :. Co.- . . : i . : - ,.': ' de 16-lt CREAM--COTTAGE-CHEESE, SUBSTI- tute f or;meat; sweet cream for whip-ping;--fresh" ground cocoanut, angel food the all cream Ice cream. Daily . sweet separated milk, 8c quart, or 30c gallon at store. -: Warren's. Phone . 485. V .. , ' . - T -de 16-lt THE . PARISH GUILD OF ST. JOHN'S : church sala . of fancy, articles, Tues , : day,; December 18, -rain or snow. Be . ginning 10:80 A.-M. Ton't miss it. - ..' '--' -' .y,- - ' . -de 16-lt FOR,:? SALE ONE COAL HEATER, f, : good, ja,eCnew,'; 9, a sacrifice. Apply 7 303 North. Second 5tjOr phone 1805-W; ;.;.c";'- - Nle 16lt Total . MILTON C C. E. BETHEA, Cashier. FOR SALE BUILDERS LIME, AGRI- cultural burnt unslaked, slaked and ! oyster shell lime in bags or bulk, car or cargo lots. Clyde, MacCallum, Hertford, N. C-. State Agent for Limestone-Products Corp., and Chesa peake Shell & Lime Co. oc 28-su-we-19t PLACE YOUR FRUIT TREE ORDERS with The Holland Nurseries, Castle Kayne, N. C. This local nursery knows your wants better than the far-away salesman. We will be glad to serve you with advice and quota tions. Ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. We do the planting and laylng-off if desired. se 2-su-wetf BUSINESS CHANCE 47 OIL WELLS, earning $252,000 yearly;, settled pro duction; now paying IS per cent divi dends. Oklahoma field; immense pos sibilities. Shares $1.25; advance sopn. Information free. Globe Oil Co., Com merce Bldg:, Kansas City, Mo. de 16-lt NOTICE! ON ACCOUNT OF THE LATE arrival of the Christmas Trees in the Northern markets, also the conges tion of the roads, it is not nossibli- for me to handle same this. year. C' B. i Bellois. . de 16-lt THE MOTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE has just issued its first catalog. It's a beauty. Write for one. New class es will be formed January 1st. Ar range to enter on that date, de 16-tf LOST ON .THURSDAY PAIR TRUCK skids between our store and A: C. L depot. Finder please notify N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ' d'e 16-lt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WILL you Invest $90.00 under absolute i guarantee; pay you steady in-1 come, amounting $180 first year, and i increasing every year thereafter? Write for particulars. Victor Irons, Ideal Bldg., Denver, Colo. de 16-lt FOR SALE FORD AUTOMOBILES. r Two 60-inch touring .. carl; two 56- inch touring cars; two 56-:nch road sters; all in first class condition. Can be seen at C S. Burnett's Tire Sta tion, 10 North Third street, Wilming ton. N. a de 16-lt TOWN CREEK LUMBER CO. A SAW i mill foreman with experience, able to handle men and get results. Wanted, A good sawyer who can handle shot gun feed. Apply at i office of Town Creek Lumber Co., Town Creek, N. C. de 16-7t ANNUAL MEETING SECTION 221, IN surance Department Knights of Py thias, MOnday, December 17, at 7:30 in Pythian Parlor. F. M. Little, Sec. de 16-lt WE OFFER FOR MONDAY 40 LBS. khaki yarn. Kindly; let us have your orders as early as. possible. C H. Fore & Co. de 16-lt FOR SALE FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, modern improvements, on hard street. Payments less than rent. James & James. de 16-lt FOR SALE FARM ON CASTLE HAYNE road, 3 miles of city, good land; two houses; cheap price. James & James. de 16-lt FOR SALE BUNGALOW " ON OR. ange street; good neighborhood,. block car line; $5.50 each week buys it. James & James. de 16-lt FOR SALE 35 ACRES; RUNS FROM hard road to sound; good water front; 20 years to pay for it are the very reasonable terms. James & James. de 16-lt LOST A. C. L. MILEAGE BOOK NO. 95089. Return to 1609 Grace and re ceive reward. . de 16-lt WANTED AT ONCE 10 TO 15 HORSE power marine motor. Must be in good condition for work- Asa Bur riss, City. de 16-lt FOR SALE MY 6 ROOM DWELLING; good water, one acre lot in the town of Parkersburg; also 26 acres partly cleared, good school, 2 churches. For particulars and terms apply Post office box 222, Parkersburg. de 16-su-3t FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS . BY day, week or month, at No. 3 . Post office Ave. Phone 1490. de 16-7t EXPERIENCED MALE STENOGRA pher, capable of assisting bookkeep er, would like position January 1st. Personal interview desired.: .Refer ences. Address "W.--A. L." care Star. -: v - de 16-3t ' -' ; . - , WE ARE SHOWING AN EXCEPTION ally pretty selection of handkerchiefs and neckwear.; & H. Fore & Co. . ; de l-lt AGENTS WANTED 233 JPER CENT profit selling Jubilee Spark Intensi fiers to auto owners, garages. Ban ishes spark-plug trouble. Sells like wild fire. ' Exclusive territory. Write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 48 So. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. de 16-su-4t FOR RENT THE DESIRABLE STORE S. W. corner Seventh and Grace, eith- er as a whole pr portioned off to suit TittTit. A 1 n fnttstera nn Rrara srtrAot I adjoining., store. Apply J. H. Kuck, 618 Grace street. de 16-su-tf LOST TORTOISE SHELL NOSE GLAS ses, Walnut street, between Fourth and Murchison Bank. Return 515 Red Cross street for reward. de 16-2 1 WANTED A SPECIALTY SALESMAN, age 25 to 45. Experienced man capa ble of earning three thousand dollars a year commissions. Address, giving age and experience. Shotwell Pump & Tank Co., 21 N. Alabama St., In dianapolis, Ind. de 16-lt FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED OR unfurnished connecting rooms for light housekeeping. Apply 422 South - Front Street. - de-16-lt Condensed Statement of Condition of the AMERICAN BANK & TRUST of Wilmington, N. C. At the close of business Normber 20th, liy. RESOURCES t Loans and Discounts. 2,16.114.83 Overdrafts : 8,049.53 Real-Estate ... 45.770.28 Furniture and Fixtures... "' 16,231.76 Bonds and Securities 317,279.27 Domestic Acceptances .... 98,400.00 Cash and Due from Banks. 773,413.20 ......$ 3.425,258.87 : I Total OFFICERS i THOS. E. ALDER, Vice President xv. j-u REAL FROST PROOF CABBAGE plants From -pedigreed seed sown In the open. Early Jersey and Charles ton Wakefield, Succession', Fiat Dutch; by express, 1,000 for $2.00; 5,000 at $1.75; 10000 at one and one fifty, f.o.b. Young's Island. - Parcel Post prepaid one'thousahd, two-fifty; one hundred, thirty-five cents. We guarantee our shipments. Enterprise Company, Inc., Sumter, S. C. de 2-su,we,fr-tf FOR BEST WAR PICTURES, GET A Sunday Public Ledger. Gordon's News Stand, 17 Princess street. no 25-tf HELP WANTED BY U. S. GOVERN- ment. Men women, IS or over, $S0 month. Hundreds war vacancies. List positions free. Write imme diately. - Franklin Institute, Dept. 325,-K. Rochester, N. Y. no 21-ex-tu,th-30t NOTICE! HAVE YOUR LEAKS IN that roof stopped before Christmas. Stoves put up, flreboards, mats, pipe arid elbow's. For prompt service, call phone 431, Young & Gorman, 10 and 12 S. Second street. . de 9-tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY NIGHT saw mill foreman. One who under stands manufacturing N. C pine. , Ad dress E. P. Burton Lumber " Co., Charleston, S. C. de 14-3t FOR SALE DRUG STORE IN BEST town of 40,000 in Piedmont North Carolina. Good stand; low rent, mon ey, maker, good reasons. Address "Drug Store" care Star, de 7-10 1 WOOL SOAP FOR LACES AND. FAN cy shirtwaists on sale at Hall's Drug Store. . Delivered to any address -in the city for 10c per cake, de 8-lm DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CAMEO broaches, wrist watches, a full line of solid gold jewelry;. guarantee you will save money by buying from Ghas. Finklestein, 6. South Front . street. Phone 642. . de 1-tf GIVE YOUR FAMILY. A DODGE BRO thers touring car for Christmas. See us. W. D. MacMillan, Jr., 108-112 . N. Second street. . de 14-5t WANTED . BY JANUARY 1 ST ONE band mill foreman; one band . saw filer, one band mill sawyer, sawyer must be familiar with steam nigger and must bring 'his .carriage men. Want two locomotive engineers, and a man to contract skidder logging proposition. Write at once to Bruce Lumber Co., care Star.; de 43-th,sa,su-6t AUTOMOBILE OWNERS HAVE YOUR worn out tires double treaded. It makes them better than new. See Fair Two in One-Auto Tire Co., Fourth and Bladen. Phone 738. De 15-7t WANTED 150 STEAM FITTERS AND 100 plumbers, Camp Jackson, Colum bia, S. C. $5.50 per day; 8 hours work; time and half for over-time; double time for Sunday. Transpor tation allowed. Get receipt when purchasing ticket. Walker Electric & Plumbing Co., Columbia, S. C de 15-4t WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH, DON'T matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. F. Terl, 408 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore. Md. . de 14-7t $100 PER MONTH AND CHANCE FOR advancement to experienced auto mobile and storage battery repair men. State age, experience, married or single. Address "Willard," care Star.. de 15-sa,su-4t CHEAP WEEK-END PRICES ON PAN- cy groceries and native meats. Eggs, 44c dozen; seeded raisins, 10c pack age;' citron, 24c pound; English wal nuts, 24c pound; Brazil nuts, 20c lb.; Arbuckles coffee, 18c lb.; mince meat, 10c lb.; native steak, round and loin, . 25c lb; pork hams, 30c lb. Give us your Sunday dinner orders. R. L Burton, corner Sixth and Nixon. Phone.495. de 14-3t DOLL HOSPITXB 4 SOUTH 17TH, formerly at 311N. Fifth. The same care and attention given sick and crippled .dolls as heretofore. Phone 1470-J. no 25-su,tu,th-13t FOR RENT UKFICE9. . ON SECOND floor, in Peterson &' Rulfs building. $5.00 up. Possession given at once. Apply at Peterson & Rulfs. . mh'll-su-tf EXPERT BOOKKEEPER DE SHIES permanent position. . Thorough! Knowledge double entry, controlling accounts, profit and loss, and finan cial statements. Can open books and organize system if necessary. Ad dress "Expert," care Star. de 14-St THE SUCCESS IN LIFE IS TO KNOW how to save money. You can do this by buying from a reyable merchant, where expense does not demand a large profit I make a specialty of eolid gold jewelry, in up-to-date de signs at medium prices. J. T. Burke, the Jeweler, 27 South Front street. .''-..' de 14-tf FOUND PATRIOTIC ONIONS; RED, white and blue; apples, Florida and Porto Rico oranges; Irish potatoes, northern turnips, pork, beef, chick ens and eggs. Mail or phone mo your ordera Prices right; service and sat isfaction, too. C. D. Gilb'ert, 212 Mar ket street.. . de 13-tf WHEN YOUR WATCH NEEDS Re pairing see Culclasure; . all work guaranteed and price always . the lowest. H. J. Culclasure, 305 North - Front street. se 30-su-tf FOR RENT IN GRAND THEATRE Building, offices and furnished bed rooms, with all-modern conveniences, at reasonable price. Apply to J. M. Bolky & Co.. North Front street, v. . je 14-thsu-tf 0. , LIABILITIES Capital Stock Undivided Profits Dividends Unpaid ...... DEPOSITS "!" "; SOl.oo S.185,4S0.33 5 si-o,25S.87 COOPER, President . E. FRED BANCK. Assistant Cask e- ''t T TTT7-XTT -XT M . 1 xixitn, Assistant Cashier. WE STILL HAVE springs and lamp bulb , . Tor r- also a lars-e stocv 4. Tiie ;auiui,K'8'e lie " prices. W. D. MacMilian t- ,,,s h ... . . 7 Ui. KlA It. -r- " ""St choice beef, vesl and nnn, i and spare ribs, fresh Ra,lc.rV-LLKI)0!1M own sausages; fresh select n' oysters every day. BatsonVsX Phone 72. -arke; i-i-t; MAKE A GIFT OF SOLID GOLD elry which has a l a st in JEW. tion. Sep. m v lin nf .Qo,,.:t-, E ? apprecia. in solid e-old mnmtin. Camen to $35.00,-also in rin h. i J, T. Burke, the Jeweler, V7e"M .Front street. . boui WANTED OLD FALSE TElnLDov; matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to S13Z per set. Send by parcel post and viv v-iiorv ujr icluih mail. -Li Vac 2007 S. Fifth St.. Philadelphia pi" de l'.30;. "Everything for the Motorist 30x3 Non-Skid Tires sca 30x3 Non-Skid Tires Auto Wool Robes, 60xS0. $6.75 Springs.-Axles and Bulbs for Fords All we ask is a trial H. L. FENNELL Phone P5 105-07-C9 X. Second $t FOR RENT j Desirable Store, Is umber is Jlarkp. ; street. Three story, Elevator; all mod! ,ciu f v emeu les. x ; . r r .i.'il giVIl aoout January 1st, Apply to Sajnuel Bear, Sr., k 311 N. Front St. WilKdngton, .V C Good Crops Good Business Good Jewelry Fine Diamonds a. 0, sera DiamondsJewelry Front and Princess Sts. Holiday Opening All This Week You are cordially invited to visit our store and see our handsome stock of Christmas Goods of every kind. Full line of Christmas Cards, Booklets, etc. C. W. YATES CO. 117 Market Street W. B. COOPER & C' Cotton Jlerchaiits 1? 11 p - ' II I ;.f-. ;S -1 V; .',-iY.. t-r-

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