SEVEN. Y .yuel AdministrationBelieves'-' in Preparedness ' . ' EP ' t 3 V Cities Can Get Throiurh Tmis Winter Wit Jnt Much Hardship Rub Cornea aiext winter. Appeal Issued. r MR. GOODMAN MANAGER OF nv v AiUJ'W JILrS OOMPASY Bnyi Interest in Theatrical Concern and Will Have Oversight. nr. 1.0U1S Goodman .vastftrilav K cime general manar fnr the tr. ard-Wells Amusement company and in .uUulc m nave general charge of the activities of the five local theatres op- Dy The cnmruiiu . or,! v. I - --.fu.. m amp theatre at Camn Greene, Thr Following the receipt of a letter r0jn state Fuel Administrator A. W. jIcAlister, calling attention to the ur ,ni need throughout the , state ? - or making preparaions now for getting 8rewood next winter," the New Han over tnel administration yesterday is sued an appeal to the; general public to besrin now, so far -as possible, ':-to wnvide wood for use- later. Consid erable wood has . been stored at th. municipal woodyard in' Wilmington ind this can be had at prices which it is believed will be much more reason vi- than will be the case next wlntoi- Tha next 60 days is the best nerfod of the year, says the state fuel admin- istrator, ana no uenei: puouc service can be rendered than to .urge, every one to lay In a full supply. The United States department or agriculture after careful investigation has declared that it is now impossible, to say with any certainty now mucn coai wiu De a van able nexi. Anneal to Public. The following statement was issued vesterday by the New Hanover" fuel administration: ..' To the 1'ubllc: "-. The indications are- that coal nexi winter will be even more difficult to obtain than it has been this, year. It Is also possible that the government may require fuel dealers to secure .cer jjed statements from consumers ae to this winter's consumption of 'coal aua order them to cut out the suppxy". for next winter to a certain percentage of tie amount used his winter. This., of course, will force a greater demand for wood. Most of the wood cutting is done during the time when" farming operations are not active. At present a large quantity of wood is being of fered for sale and it can be bougnc m& more reasonably than it will be possible to buy It next winters The municipal wood .yard has a large stock of wooa on nana ana is aoout to cease its purchases on account of- the falling off or demana. .we wouia ure-e n wv n are able to do so to "buy now-as large quantity as they can and sroTe it for next winter's use. Tf the txrnoi which is now being cut by farmers Is brought to market and sold it will re sult in an additional supply being cut before next winter and thus the :hAit.. aee may be relieved to some extent. The municipal wood yard is. ready1 u supply any one and at prices which are reasoname. Telephone Mr. R. C. Cantwell. CAtv ruei Agent, foot telephone No. 10. . "M. S. "WILiLiARD, Chairman; "C. W, WORTH, "J. R. HANBY. "Xew Hanover Fuel "Administration. WILMINGTON AND LXJMBEETON w-Showinffs in OnitU a Niimhr f Q; r'-.j. r- i-.' i broidery Sale for Two Days, This You Should Take AdvantaS DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT as moroicienes ,up to 40c a Yard Will be Sold at a Big Keduction. Also New ' ' 5 Millinery and Dry Goods. One lot of Crepe de Chine in several winter shades; CULTIVATE YOUR v HABIT I TO TRADE AT OUR STORE. WE ' SELL FOR. CASH AUD YOU SAVE THE DIF FERENCE. . . This is without a doubt the biggest sale of the season. Large and neat designs ';. also flounc ing; up to 27 inches wide, all for 10ayard.- Note our window and be on hand Monday at 9 o'clock and get your pick." 10 LACE, EMBROIDERY AND FLOUNCING SALE Attractive Children's-. Ging ham Dresses in sizes from 5 to 18; beautiful plaids, 'priced from 98 up'. - Get your pick vtf these; they will be much higher later on. Pretty Wash, Suits for little boys in military I style, in white and khaki; also Russian blouse styles. We have a small select ship ment. Dont ' miss getting your share ; from .......... ... .... j.soup White Voile Waists in all sizes; pretty tailored' and lace trimmed models; for Monday and Tuesday at reu Bargain price; each .'& ft Millinery Department This Department Has a Real Spring Annear- ance. Milans and Milan Hemps of All Descriptions, Pretty Ornaments and Ribbons and Floral Effects. Our Milliner Will Gladly Suggest a Suitable Hat for You. You Know We Sell For Cash and Do Sell For Less. . Special, per yard Beautiful quality of white " Waistings in neat,, figures and checks, also self stripes and -various designs; per yard from ........ up ....... ...$1.10 Fine ...quality, of Black ;Ba- .: tiste and Voiles, very sheer from . .. 18 up Flaxons and Organdy at the old; price ; also Batiste and Dimities, from . . . t8 to 48 Spring Patterns in Percales' arid Ging hams; these, are most suitable ma terials for every-day wear; .our prices still remain at from. ..15c to 25c Hydegrade Middy Twill; a real strong, v good looking white cloth, fine for middy suits and skirts. Spring wiU soon be here; you better lay in your . supply before stock is exhausted; per yard . .' . . . . , Kx 27 Vic and 35c rr Our competent staff of clerks are at your service. Don't hesi tate to make known your wants Our motto is better service for finr natrrms - - . . 1 v i ' ' ' ' ' ; AGE.TS FOR LADIES' HOMB JOURNAL PAT TERNS 10c and 15c Why Pay More J. W. H. Fuehs' Dep't Store THE STORE FOR SERVICE PHONE 272 NOTICE. Take advantage of our Register; Conppn Savings. This means 5 per cent to you in real money. , V. S.' GOVERNMENT THRIFT ' STAMPS May be Pureaeaed Here 'He starts your Thrift Savings Card. Buy 25 cent -Thrift Stamps as often as you can. When you have 16 stamps add a few- cents and ex change them for a War Savings Cer tificate. ' ASK ABOUT THEM Si w 'UtSiflMOSfXlMPS 4UKDSTTKft cwtkd, 8tats8 oovssjcmmt Ml ' M J".. I "" "' WWWWW.WW.IiaJI! ! Ml "-' J I I I m i..,. 1. 1, -.MaWJ W.- ,,,, ... $T . lyini mmZ I I . . . r ; . . . ; . : ; . ' " I . - . v R. C. Cantwell. City -v -v . . - , of Wright street. P U. ClerKS A Shifty Negro AFTER. MONEY ORDER DISAPPEAR ED i THEY BAITED A DEADFALL "WITH CAMOUFLAGE CASH . AND CAUGHT HAMILTON. Postoffice clerks are not supposed tljQ I ordinarily to be Sherlock Holmeses st I snf1 ' "William T Rnrnooc Tint ? tha.a !'tte, as well as all nthor'ni..c - " . .". . . a concern. Including -Kl nXZl any OM JDS OI "tecuving that plights In a number of southern WilmInSton ' folks need done, they H'-iteS. I mlcrkt baa . r-w T'aVa TTt 1 T1 "T. Goodman has acnniroil an ln..I 1.1 . . Iain tv - i ion-y ciers, or Jir. raui ooraan, super- in the company and will take over I. 'tamber of the di,i-i ,i.i. i-I intendent of mails, at the postoffice, in pre been looked after by . Messrs. I & hours. Events yesterday having a ana wells, senior members of to do with the detection and arrest of .ae nrm. xrh n mi i t. . , . I . - . , " uracu ou enaoiea an auegea rorger ana cnecKraiser. leitTnn 1 C "lcu "me ana ai- aemonstrate Deyona cavil tnat tne pn::on to other nh9,.. .,i,. i j L,,,,.., . . . uMaain u i.irr t iimi i i i w i m n irrnn niiur nirtfu t u a r a ti a pniie theatm hnsin. ; u .v.l . .. . londuct . . tuejr I piace lo.puu on snaoy transactions, iz s!m mS?,-? 13 a graduate of the Sometime in December, Mary Hall, "iiivri si l v Ann Yaw m t . . tear. i,o . 1 - uumuw. oi a. coiprea .. woman living on MCKae an w , 8 Ifl Iaw in walming- street,-was the happy recipient of a I late n A na a A rv a I . - ....... ork in f. .: " iwapapci money;oraer. sue leic it lying on nur . m the city as a memhflr rf thAU.Ki. oi.. . .an nf TKft t-- , . - I muic - auu xt. uioaucaicu. ouc wciii ace in r mM- ' salnInS experi- down to consult Mr. Colwell about the to Hi Tjllnllflfv w-k n 4-4- At -A. I . . nd him in .,' - oss aPd discovered had been and -Mrs. John W. Bolles. must fee? Ntion. Possessed of information e cased a yfUn5 ngr man distinct personal loss In her death,' and trna.: "i "IJ-UI raauon ana I ruirooontlnc himsolf to V A hftr bnn . . k-fittP,i i" b"s!ne8s he Ma'ry went home and cogitated over Rch will h. i,,. manaseai 'work the matter for several weeks. The loss in.-1 W1U "e his from now on. .-, . iae srainA...! - i ox xier . monej aim nie mat u. e foes i I , rpany young man was passing himself off as Vi. , -v. vi LliC inoSL rftmaTir. I . . , , , . . . . uie ous neos rATiown. ,7.,, , " ner son, grievea ner aeepiy. jw.ary :m ' concerns in Wilmington. a Mr r-rtiwii jprin? tv, be?an in a tent oc- n5(.ion, nad taken root in her riTTnd. She m theatre now .i"S..fn PSSK told them to the registry clerk and he siana at Front and . Market streets, giving in payment a check for xn 1,1 payment for $6 worth of tools, receiv ing in change 58. The check was no good, it le alleared.' and the nnii hv. been looking for him since. 5 HELEN BIARION BOLLES. (Contributed.) Analyzing human nature and .thus being able to differentiate between those, tender impulses, that so often surge through the hearts of God's children,' some one proclaimed that "sympathy is born of a like feelincr As' we , realize the correctness, of this conclusion those of us who have not sustained a' similar' loss cannot, appre ciate the poignant grief of those wlxo have. Yet. caDable of est? value of human life that had, been so manifestly considerate . of and tender towards others,: that had possessed sweetness of character that could-, send forth influence-waves of. thought to an ever, widening circle of human lives and . that had held within ' its grasp many accomplishments, readv t h of service ;to humanity, we can and must bow our heads in sorrow when the White Winged Messenger summons one of this kind, and those whose fam ily circle has not been broken in tms way can feel deeply and tenderly for those at whose home the Stir run Pnr... has. stopped to bear away a loved oue.i &o tnose io .Knew. Helen Marion Bolles, daughter anif.-only child of Mr. and -Mrs. John W. Bolles, must feel a roftt Rfro. iwaa. smirien wirn a. siroKe or cenius. Nls anh;....,SSr?- :.?.ward nd A. m'-n snrune full oanonlled from his notice m attained and has held mind and. he sat about putting it into a a. movie thMtro. on J o I E:ye ago thev Ser.r ;:;rr stating h ent r. . . r r -i-uiarity as a . i . , "Wars ago thev .r i stating that a valuable registered - entire theatrical business of the Packase had come to. her and would 0116 picano tail auu 0.511 iui liio oaiiic. tv a "-"ccttncai m aaaition to the B4- " rr" "VT. . r: " yal, which they built: Marr too.Kne nT"c? no?ana "a 1C li tue victoria, which n "C1 """ xu.. Faont fiand lmProved - and is now Providing ample opportunity for it to fasic ea; ana the Academy of De s,e" " " w""'" "cl hen Camp Greene was estab- suspicions had come to rest, a boy 'cn has nwv.j . xc' I UomlUnn "Pridav afternoon It rtisnn. r ' ' a, ouccessiui vsn- r Tha pearea. ?raenrCpany Planning the devel- ' Yesterday morning shortly, after the :li se the auto movie idea and registry window opened at 8 o'clock Tt . "umuer. ox towns With I v.c.w' ICtures hv ,..;ist tlia 9-tnn window. Acnin rlslmln-or inn. - ill t na7n a M v k.. . icbiu Ttures by utilizing the auto- tIce at v the window, again plalming " ""is a numb- of promis- that ne was jMarjrs eon ana aesiring 1.C rr I "4ii IXJII Ilf-- . nT T 1 rnm 1Q. I t. ----- V . rJShts' .n,,ti. . the letter to be jriven him. Mr. Col- is one iatripm : . . U1 ine most Important r of SUCh , -aeration of the af- nae general snnai.u. LIVGWORTH OPTIMISTIC. V Day. , ox England tb rL - ."708aster General if.,,,... . ' MKjana will E,t "Aho-.,. - staining food until l. . -ftL. nit x - ... r ' re oui(i b'"X - r tliat' h said, N ri v. De an improvement -hi. sh'Pbulirt1!idy ana continuous, for Uirh;riiaiy and was verv nrlv. K counts -Aie' e?ual to the losses Hfinp, ' "as sufferinE- fm J'ts he added, -our nvaft a Iran ?.CreaSin; a"d ur tonnage would ! coUrs6 nfi2"lnS to be felt and. in tput o- a net . month 0ifr... -i.u. next mnnth yBlrfv America an ti.:t. Is. will V v. Jtill.lEll A, " hbrWne-. are sint7 'Z fnn nere thn na.-,,.ia . mK f starvaUon." , . well made as if to comply, meantime signalling Mr. joraan to come out into the lobby and be ready to grab the negro. ! I Meantime Clarence had got a hunch that all was not well, and that per haps he had better not wait for the letter. , .Mr. Jordan' made a grab for him but. missed, Clarence going under a desk and making for tne Chestnut street entrance, Vlth Mr.. Jordan In hot pursuit. He reached the door about a jump and a half ahead, of the pursuer. There was no time to squander in opening : the door. Clarence . took the BUV1 VW 1U b kill VVU. ..w .www (fUiUB, taking a large ;sectIon of it with him. The aperture made in the glass was insufficient for egression and the fupi- ilvA. -FaII .rto m . a sn t Vl floor UTr Jordan and the janitor, and "Mr. Coir well fell upon him and made him cap tive. He was hastily carried to the cty hall and locked up. . Tater he was turned over to U. S. Deputy Marshal At L. Kelly and Impounded in the county' jail." , . ... - ;It Ittanspired . at the city hall that Clarence was -wanted by the city aur thorities on a charge of check flashing and' forgery. : Some time: ego, It .la claimed, he bargained with 'Mr. War an even greater loss to man and wo man-kind, because such characters a hers compose the firm foundation oi tlve world. The world does not know each by name, but it is -the contribu tion made by'tjiose like her of whom ! write contribution "of sweetness. . ten derness, understanding and .'accom plishment that exerts' the Infl of ."inspiration, encouragement and re-1 wara, maxing tne wona Brighter, hap pier end better. - Born in a foreign land, having first seen, the light-of day in the Orient In Hongkong China where 'her father was located at the head of the vast in terests of the Standard Oil company iu that part of the world,- she was yet an American In every fibre of her betng, but, then, the spirit of American inde pendence ana aemocracy. coursed through her blood, because her ances tors 'had, helped tb create and sustain this American republic. The noted Colonel Jack Walker, aide to General George Washington,, was her great, great uncle, and her great, great grandfather was General Thomas Da vis, who commanded the famed Fay etteville ' Independent 'Light Infantry during tne war of 181Z,-while her-pa always with beautiful Christian for tude and with resignation to the will of the Father. :, All earthly aid within t;he power of man ' war summoned to her relief, but to no avail, and so just about the twilight hour she fell, asleep In. Jesus. Thus, just at the threshold of a life that held out so much prom ise, for personal achievement and for service to others, the earthly chapter was closed by the Master's hand. She had Just, reached her twentieth year. 1 Heler Marion Bolles was a. vnnmr woman not only of unusual charm aim sweetness, but of unusual accomplish ments. She was a finished and a linguist of remarkable ahintv speaking and writing a number of lan guages ;with fluency. . Opportunftles for her had beemmany and golden and she never-failed to' take ad tjiem to their fullest. She had twice been around the wprld with her pa rents and thus gained vast knowledge of the world and ' of human nature. During .her infancy she was brought from China by her parents to be christened, in historic' church, this city; the beloved church of her great grandparents,-Major and Mrs. John Walker, of Wilmington. Though apart from the world during; ima trreat crisis, iiavinsr to rmai-r , her room while others of her SAY wora busy on the outside, her thoughts and prayers were always for the American soldier boys and no one took keener interest than she in the American Red Cross. Kot-only did this work com mand her interest, and - heartfelt best wishes.-but in her robm she had those FIRST DEATH IN TWO YEARS Remains of Private Leash, Who Died at Fart Caswell, Are Sent to Home In Pennsylvania. MANY SEE "HUMAN FLIES." The death of Private Edward Leash, a member of a party of recruits ! sent ten days ago to, Fort Caswell, who died In the hospital at the army post at Fort Caswell at 2:40 o'clock Friday morning, was the first to occur in two years at this fortification. Fu neral services attended by every en listed man and officer, who could be spared from active military duty, were held yesterday afternoon at the fort. Aiie. remains were sent on the 6:45 train last night to his horn in York, Pa. Death was caused by cerebro-spinal meningitis. Private -Leash, who en listed January 9th,. was . sent to Fort Thomas, Ky., and with a number of other recruits was transferred to Fort Caswell, ten days ago NO. CORN SHOW THIS YEAR Executive Committee Recommends Thla In View of War ConditionswTo Sell, the Tabernacle. ... - - Strotb,er Climbs Trust BuUdHiir and With Polley, Climbs Hotel. About the easiest thing in the world to do is to get-a crowd to gather if there is a promise that there will be a possibility that serious misnap may befall somebody.- Not;,that tney .wish to see a man hurt; they merely want not to miss anything unusual If. It enouia nappen. , j Some thousands-i-slt would- be .diffi cult to say how many neraed to gether in t SL ninsa that- ' fyo-nr ' r, m. "..., 7s;J " 7 ox me. w nmington corn shov condition of life, forgot everything' In decided at rLil . the suspense of seei ne a man itmr .m ",-- ".Tiay alter straight walls, and when he. got ' to the f noon in the Chamber of Commerce top of a nine story building .stand oi i rooms to recommend to the underwrlt his head on the very, edge of the soof. I ers that no fair be held In Wilmington --" w A'AWvau.viu., lUi 111B. 1 fhtfl -Foil TirU ! 1 . . i . . - . - made one foreet to hreth fnr "c me-iair last rail was a On account of the conditions brought about 'by the war, the executive com mittee of the. Wilmington corn show made one foreret to breathe .for. an i. stant ,and mayhap turned some - sick from overwrought "nerves. The only cool man in' the crowd was totrotner, who did the climbing. He went calmly up the Trust building, great success In -- wvw auu uictj with the .fullest co-operation of local business interests, it -was felt that in view oi tne numerous demands for finances that are now being made that As an extreme measure of protec- J?8rS thehat amon the crowas, part on aeainst infection from contagion .f the collections going to the Red tion against infection from contagious diseases, an newly arrived recruits or soldiers are kept isolated and under a special guard, so that they cannot come in contact with any of the other soldiers in the camp. A standing or der provides that every soldier arriv- - . j v tuus1 In' fltt.n.anrt. vMIrA . , . . . -..vuuouvD inxn.o up vnnsimas dos- ,7 - .... co lor me Doys uver There". It was I v. ...o . ... tse ouiuici , wuu iias oeeu away the spirit of the American; it was the wfcy of the Christiari. 'Indeed,- the world has lost some 4f its sweetness In; her passine awav.TfTit it because she lived.' f .. "ONE WHO ADMIRED. Cross. DR. R. LEE PAYNE DEAD. Well -Known Naval Surgeon of ' Lex ington, N. C, and Norfolk Passes. Durham, Feb, 8. Dr. R. Lee Payne, prominent naval surgeon of Norfolk, dropped death at a" local hotel early this mornihsr. He had snnt fh nivht j here and was enroute to ' Raleigh to I r. H rm A i . 1. .. - " BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR 1 WORK. Miss Bennett. Home Ajent, Making j Fine Progress With Classes. Miss Mary Clifford Bennett, city home demonstration agent, has', her work well organized for. the season and the' several classes in. home eco nomics, which are co-operating with her, In this important work, are mak ing,, rapid progress. She has secured tw$ colored assistants, both being ca pable women who have taken -readily to the plans for the season. . They have had some previous experience in- home economics and Miss Bennett Is in structing the mln their duties. -Each of the colored home - dam strators has classes in tor more tharr 4S bonra shall vann- - - - - h..m... . w?vr. throuerh the sureeon for examination The health conditions at the fort are nre 5na was enroute to ' Rale excellent and the onlv trouble renort. 1 attena court there " a witness. ed has been a few cases of dlsases! t. . ' " -. ' that were contracted from outside I , r-, .ayne formerly practiced: medi sources. The most rigid measures areJ r 1Tieton' NrCl' "but ha llved being taken to protect the health : of! Jorfolk for many years: It will us j .-- ; . i be recalled that he and hln fa thAr lO . i . ,ow a puyeician at- lwexington, many years varioiiB I... " . " , - Aiiivj uci . ..una vm. kiiQ wijr auu Luc " coioreu WO- ..a.. &i nuuiaiuci rao iuttjor- iiBries i auu gins 01 tne cny are greatly fc.wv.. . ' , " w . m.- .0.1. latUD ' - . " ?ki.v;i. ill Clio WV1 K. and the ' builder , of - the historio Bolles battery, at that great Conferedate fort ification. ' General W. H.- C. Whiting, of ' the Confederate army, was also an uncle, j Falling heir to such" a precious heritag'e of daring deeds - and rusrg-d American courage, she always cher ished it. . - ' - " . :Hftvlnff had the "ad van ta ire of admir able private English schools in. Hong- Koug, ant? was ocni. aiiiornia, wnero - kl. 1(1 KJ s half. - Classes have bee noreianized during the . past week and demonstra tions have Deen given in the prepara tion: of fats, wheat, meat and suga. substitutes; v The .work next week will 'embrace courses in wheat substitutes for bread making. Excellent kinds of breads havebeen made' "from wheat flour and various cereal products In the -propor the soldiers and those suspected any degree .of having come in con tact with any contagious diseases are separated. j The death of Private Leash cast a pall of, sorrow over the entire post. A military escort for the remains was proviaea oy tne aecona company and the pallbearers were selected from the Fifth company, the funeral arrange ments having been in charge of Capt. James CV Ruddall.' Services were con ducted at 1 :15 o'clock yesterday af t ernopn by First Lieutenant Thomas J. Lennan, The casket was covered with th A folds of a. laree American flae- a n a large number of beautiful floral de signs. It was borne by the pallbearers with the chaplain and the military escort following and was carried !to the steamer Wilmington to De Drought Wllminetrin. The nallhearera so. comparided the remains to -this city and went with the casket to the station, remaining in charge until the train departed. .Not more than ten days ago the young soldier had taken out the full amount of war insurance anowed to every soldier, thl sbelner SiO.OOo. Thia will be paid to the mother of the sol dier, who. lives at 115 Pattison street, York, Pa. . ; " .. . mt . uunaing, nuances mat are now being made that stood on his head and then cijmbeC ilie it wpuld be best not to have a corn flag pole and threatened to stand on I show this year. f . the top of it, but It was not secure. Another Teason for makinjr the rec- T.ater in the Hov ih. I vmmav,n.A .. caw -oiiey i v.uuiimiUuU 13 me necessity for con- and Strother race up the sjee of the servatlon of both time and products hv .. o ..v-vi. .ou vi uaa j uiiiora i - .u.tio, coiiecc a creaitablA display of field produntM wnniii much time, and work .and since the pro ducers of foodstuffs have been urged to utilize all available means of increas ing the supply, it was thought best to dispense with the fair , in order more effectually to carry out that request. Since it is not expected that the fair will be held this year, it was decided that it would be best to dispose of the ' tabernacle. Fourth o n i nwhich. the coro shows were held for. the last two years; as the lease on the lpt will expire after this year. The building . was purchased by . the c?rn show management but not tne sue, with the understanding that it-was to be sold at or before the expiration of, the lease." ' " . While the structure was built only for temporary use with the expectation that it was to be torn down, it 'con tains a great, deal of lumber, which can be used. to advantage in constructing other buildings. . maj. yos. w. Little, chairman of com mittee, presided at ' the meeting Fri day afternoon. Those in attendant Included Messrs. Louis T. Moore. J. F Roache, E: T. Taylor, Guy A. CardwelL J. R. Morris, Addison Hewlett. J. p! V,?nd John H- LeGwin and Mrs. J. M. Solky .and Miss Margaret Gibson. "' t ' - W . " . .J JOSlo ago became involved in a street fight with Baxter Sliemweir on a street in Lexington, ' and that Shemwell shot and mortally - wounded . the elder Dr. Payne, and1 subsequehtly, after a no table trial .in Davidson county, was acquitted. ; "t - Dr. Payne married Miss Hanklns, a sister of former ; State Senator G. F Hankins,- of Lexington, and it Is stat ed that his family at. this time is at Lexington. ' -i G RAW "FED RIGHTS FOR 99 YEARS Horn Family . Now: Wealthy ly Lease oi Acid Iron Mineral Rights to Corporation. . 4 ivung, run w oa ociii. iv aiiiunya. wnerei uun; aesignatea oy tne amid the beauty of the Land of Flow-I state food administrations; exs. harmonizing so perfectly with herl Miss. Bennett is keenly alive to the nature, she was .''prepared for Bryn Mawr, which she ; entered' with the highest .honors,; four years-later. But there amid the success 'of ajn' unusually hrllllant career In a.ttlnv rrinA of love and admiration of hundreds of students and in the midst ' of the en joyment of popular favor, the 'lily be gan to : droop. It was not the will of The Master, who doeth all things for the 'best, rthat :the ..flower' so beautiful, so - admired and so treasured,1 .'shoul a rem-Mdin on' earth, bnt TTe had willed it should be transplanted J to t the Celes tial garaens. . .N .For' months the, brave ". little ; soul sla?e Snisxraa"0n aNERAL OF 3IE. SOUTHERLAND IS , AT v , KENANSYILLE importance of the work and' her expert iiicinoas promise io Dring aDout a great change and improvement in tne home economics and culinary arts in Wilmington. - ,' .': .. - j Deatk of a Child. r' AUtrwille. Feb. 9 Mr M..rnr T.. Norris of this place have the sym pathy of their friends in the their infant son. Robert Austin; which occurred Thursday night.. He was just five weeks old. -Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. M. Hugglns and the remains taken' to Antrwnie ceme tery ! for interment." f Clinton - Please copy.) v.. . -." --..:. oiauuou, ue uargaineu wiui u. nr or njoniiw inor Drive . lltxie ; SOUl ren. a crippled man, whoy conducts ra . struggled for earthly 'existence, -bat (Special Star Correspondence) " ' Kenansville, Feb. 8. Funeral ser vices over the remains of the 'late Nerius Sutherland, who died at his home' in Kenansville Wednesday, were conducted" by Rev. W. F. Hollings worth, assisted by Rev.Mr. Hodges, at the home of th'e parents. Mr. and if C. J." Sutherland, Thursday afternoon, arid interment made in the family plot in ,the. local cemetery. The large num ber - present attested the high steejn in which the youns man was held, and the-sympathy of: the entire community is extended to" the bereaved relatives, and much regret is felt for the loss, In its prime, of so promising a life. Most everyone has read of the a-reat medicinal Iron deposit unearthed on the Horn farm down.-near. -Hickory, Mississippi, and today the highly con centrated product is put-up under. the A-I-M - trade mark of - the Ferrodine Chemical Corp., which has .stood for quality and strength in. medicines Yor over thirty years. , ' . Dr. R. C. Johnson, of ; Stringer. Misl slssippl, in a letter some time ago said: "I have used Acid Iron .Mineral in my practice for number of. years and find that it has no equal as . nervine, blood purifier and liver medicine. .lnthe treatment of indigestion and .dyspep sia nothing.;can compete with it." ' Justva teaspoonful or'less of Xcld Iron Mineral mixed with . a glass of water after meals has relieved mn - man and woman of severe stomach ; troubles and pains, indigestion and the various other symptoms of- stomach disorders and after a short treatment not only has their appetite been re vived but uric acid seems to disappear as if by magic, leaving people long troubled, with rheumatism., strong again and free of pain. !" r .. 'Dr. A. L. Johnson, of this place, has prescribed Acid Iron Mineral to me" writes E. C. Keen, D. D. S.,, of Henry, Va., ."and for, the . past two winters I had exdrutiating. "pains .from rheumatism- in my left arm. I could not raise my arm, it was so bad, but after tak ing about .three quarters of a bottle he prescribed for me I was relieved and .haven't been bothered t ray opinion-4t is a wonderful blood pu rifier and, remedy for rheumatism." :E. C. Keen, D. D. S. . ' , Ndte; "Neither Dr. Johnson ..f... to above know, the other or are of any kin. The files have many people of same name who endorse it W. i i drug stores have it or a large bottle will be sent anywhere upon receipt of . 11 by the Ferrodine r?hemiai r Roanoke, Va.Adv. ' ' mi Mil II fi fit 1 nil it; it i ?"U'' K . '' - "''i'-ir' ' v

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