THE ;t ;',.- :- , V .-. ;. Fair Monday and: probably Tha without decided temperature chinf - . : . ;VJ UM rJHSTB ?OERYICB l";t 4 hZw& r$ '5; i.5s : tSfe ?-:r A - op tup ' "3A- ' Press VOL. CI-NO. 163. RUSSIA WabLEIJMB22R 39,341 : TO BRITISH "TANKDBOME'.' SOMEWHERE OK; THE WSS GERM A N AfTA CK CM AND INVASm sWPS 111 MM 1A - ' - T AMERICANS. PLANNED TO THE last bkt Ail - - u .'Vs -V, jolshevik Commissioners Sn Treaty of Peace Before' Gep. mans Demand More . GIVE TURKS . TERRITORY German Socialists Have Attacked . . . . - - N . . , the Peace Treaty and Charge Pacts Withheld. WESTERN FRONT PIGHTIN"G Immediate Effect of .Russo-Ger- man -Peace WiU Be to Tell Ja : y - pan to Take Charged I Priceless Venice Art Treasures AiCA Viscount Motono Declares Jaan wiu Take Steps of Most De- cided, Adequate Character.' Washington, March 8. One (Associated : Press Summairvl. Russia has bowed to the Teutonic allies, xne itolsheviki ; commissioners sent to Brest-liitovsk have-sismed th treaty of peace presented: by the ''Ger mans, accoramer tt an official t . . '.uiuuciv marca s. one or jucuv. wicu aaas " tnat I ueaiie effects of - the slimlnp- f , muuary movements in Great Russia Germany's Deaoe.term.hv th. Dnu. have ceased. , '"; r , I Bolshevifci : renraRAntaitivaa I "ttS iCuca on isaiurtiav bv thA do to Driofir tn iif ..u. ; - v - 1 s - " wuviuaivu Bolsheviki commissioners that ; they netiatIons among the-allies and the were a.hont tn aAtm t..i IInito1 Onto. .. . . o. . i,ci.jf. Aiusi : -wv wo uYBf Bps, io De. taKen report was telegraphed to Lenine and ( in Siberia to protect mliito of Trotzky after the delegates sent to er and check any more, the Teutons wMi-iuwioji. na.ix mti me lierman J uai qirectionw -i . emissaries. There is little , inf orma- There still is every indication Uhlt non available aatn t-ha itPtiiio fk. tha a.o, .. ' . ... . . - - " j auiewwu . soyenuneM will "-'lorn , j.vurw uwitftaiiUUa I XS7-1TM si -- tat tne Bolshevik! said they realised ; T. ' . r"""5" reeang to . action that any further delay would mean 7 JaDan alone, an understand- more onerous conditions and they ing as to . the scope of any operations would sign the .treaiv with-nnt fni-tha. to be undertaken " iv. discussion. ' " ; - .. beenS ni-announcemm f : . ...J? Trolzk v' Sttiniiiiii.1ilii ' iCl!.2w 1 but 'evivn ! hefnrA -u . At . ' when Trotzky announced that the war, I German terms came, it was unde ALLIES TO BRING , ; - . . ; . , . ,v QUICK CLOSE TO ; 1 -s $ JAP AGBEEMT ' f -s : ' i. - F' 1 5 .V'Thia nffivi-i di-. .. . .v: ',' .." ... '. ; , i ;r;;" rjj,;"" 1 tne I ILII I I LUL HIM III II' f II LHILluu I LflL kl I - lih I niinirn fl.'I I ; w HU LUNUtli Altl) . -J aubcrisu ma uerTnan tprm q n m . . -i . v. i.ui. vt a.i . i ixit it. wtiB unfiareuuui bo far as . Russia- was concerned j' that the exchanges- on - the subject ended .but refused, to sign, the formal were .about concluded.. uwewflgi ueen I olio win r breaking up of the" first Brest-Litpvsk pne'- nuapoblh" Russia refy closely! 0 . w uoju iaio - rwuoo .in ciogB TOlft. week, the central powers added mate- j tio-n to the. important, step proposed by rially to the demands' which were out-1 JaPan. There'. have been -sueireatloTiJi lined -when the now famous, "Hoffman Hnat V might appear before congress line was drawn by'the commands f I soon to make a stfttemont nn tv. German forces on the eastern j although no one prof resses to TT - .1 lfTI A W ts ' n -------- Increased e;oo ctixin J and E?Prt Demand . for - yhieat r Jf: Cause; Changkl Rules? r- V- ' . GIVE 'ALLIES MORE BREAD X'-S . is; PMle. v Strday,'i One j Ueatle. JUeal Dally; Abolished a v V , tne ( forces nn bMffbdUl ' ' . front. ' ,.: .. . - j know his; plans.. xurwey is juementteo. - " 1 -: - y - Turkey was the benefl P.i a rv nf tharia ! JAPAN TO TAKU! TW6rIA wm i'vn' changes iu the peace terms. -The new! -ADBftUATE STEPS, SAYS MOTONO demands included that . Russia relin- London, - March 3. In his speech at quish the regions of Batoum, Karsi TMo February 24, in. reply to inter ana Karaband Kaabal'k tn pejlations of:renrAQntgiiiu. in- lUrKS. These ree-inns arA .in Ti.o-r.n I motono.': the .TananAga fMi i " - ' cigu munis- reported by Reuter's Tokio cor respondent as saying that, some I dis crepancies were to be found in the va rious reports of the " Russo-German '5iCe if eotiations- - It was- therefore difficult at that time, he pointed out. to form a , definite idea of the actual r ,' ujr me iwo . coun 'houl'd peace be actually conclud "aucasia and matt a nAnii.hi. dition to the sultan's dominions in that section of the world. The doc trine of the right of peoples to self aetermination wan tii which the new terms were added to ine treaty, it is probable that the Bolsheviki delegation acceded to the While it is understood that all the , "'"ts nave signed the form al treaty ending the war -with Russia, I 1 " 0"u economic and ' legal pnases of resuming peaceful relations country tak6n individually by each Socialists Bitter Agalnit Treaty. . ' -erian socialists, have bitterly attacked the peace treaty with Rus- wL a d6bate in the reichstag there trfa? a i arf 63 that Germany ; and Aus ini alreadv are- -t 3 so0f,war and that the real truth kentfr5 Uttlon in tne east is being wVfi r the German Public v erliA' Says that tne -German have Z ha.s ceased. Austrian troops LkraiCUpi,ed three more towns in vHans faSd lh-aVe caPtured .three di the fr R"ssian infantry as well as Eectnr t j. uwiniul m various fla tSpn 54s the n-a' front, 'have is for tl S fflcial r6POrts from Par raid nL6 of W- m one Pied a c V, ms' 1,10 Germans occu- their ojr me jrrencn. in ZnlntT3 the French beatoff X wv " Ameri Sector. W on thl Ar fiehtinS has been report ttemia deMAerican held sectors near SemLffi -ames and-north of Toul. statemeSClal Germa and "Austrian betwJa7 vthat Peace negotla manfa11 .the central powers and One of , d Progressing favorably." tons wTfls made by, the Teu ttanian r!Sat ?in& Ferdinand of Ru- Washington, 'March : inn'd suspension of -the meatless; meai'and of the special t restriction . against the use of porki on Saturday was announced by the food ' administration tonight "as a " ot us. rpodv conservation veiiMI1. increased nieat ' nrA,,.! and the necessity, for still greater sav ing .in wheat, it was declared, make the ua.xise aavisablei r' : x .; , .- 4 r The suspension is - for i,!:. period. and . probably, will last three months, or-longer. . . . ; . - Since all restriVfnrii? ": - . .' ' of mutton - 7:ZZ" U8umPon Previously, - the food admTnistraf on now asks the public for the time beinS todeny itself in meats only beef and Pork on' one dav .-.i,oflin,l' ! ?a Woman' CandidaFor t :V ' -4 .V.i 5 ,,V A' . , t Late Senator lewlands' Martin of Jle vada, yce-chairman ; of the "NationAI i .. Wnm an' a'' ly-'!. it - night announced her candida;cy for thfe: unexpired term of Jthe iatS6rt Ator jNewlands..v;:' Ibelieve. - she T said. that pthe rucial,.ptebieins which thls; naSioW now; faces are problems which wo- men Can 'hfiln anlrra iwt.i.i.i.. ' tice- demands- they, shrould .have vv voice in solving." .v :r v ; ; -.miss Martin, who; Is 42 years old e vada and;.: LclandH Staitf brd was professor bfrhistoryatithe: Uttiver- ltV: nf MonoJo Mjt.'m.. ' . - .-. f ,.fVUox ww mere. '&n loolc up i spew cial course . Cambridge- unlyfersity; SOCIIST CALLS . fir ;,',., ". FllJfll URTIflfJ TlfJ EVei7 ce Trench and I lllnL nUIIUIl Ull Depression in Battlefield . Carefully" Mapped Out. ' ' ' HELD . POUR - REHEARSALS RAILROAD BILL IS nnPT nil nnnn nana nnai unrnuunam . . - ". i. 1-. : . -.- - v ' . .. . Congress Expected .to Put Control Measure Through Substantial ly. As Wilson Wants It. WAR FINANCE IS NEXT New ; Draft' Measure ; and Various Bills - Complete Varied Activi ties of (Week. ; American Survivors Tell Thrilling -Stories of the. Heroism of . Their Comrades. ' ; Herr, Vogtherr Quoted . As De : - nouncing Russian Treaty in : '.Vfe oaie in Jt&eicnstag. ATOUTH iIS NOT GIVEN iif.j'.jti f j r. ed." he concluded, "it goes without ,vn "8Clf ln ineats only beef sayinif that JftTJ Sf Wiou! pork on oe day a week tL., the jnort decided, most aieouate char- adf?6?, ;nwat consumption, "food acter to meet the: occasion! ui w a.i oi uUD tu me. unsetueu and to the MsfTii,. i i.o aaa ffnn.dteM Prevailing there, agafnsV 22 in. : force :r xx, a rupture with Rus- -: st,-; "V. . "Regarding ri -. 1 1,1 statement tonight setting rZx. 1 " :. Ui uHia s the reasons frr i,0 r, . ine luil8t understand- p00d 'Admi nr.VT Vn Program. ca and the othe rallies! Th : Toe -"ies.'have made further' aWn fi4 "? represent: Japrmes:,; . amoaasaaor ucWda's with- T m- "v-i"a"u ueing- caused drawaL" : ; S WUtt to some degree; by shortage in arrival. S ' from thA '4T.o.r,t - t?. ".aUVdl5 V, i' THE :H6SiPiTALT0DA PMysfcian tMeetot; TeilW k New York:.: MarnK-; a :ti, ' Aajiu.. r , . . . . . uwr WUUiUgil I of - ?1nel rTheodpVe Rooe velt. who xwr some . time asbeen a ;patlent 4t Roosevelt Jioaplt4,'.jiaslprogressedf so favorably thati forTOfcrpVeaiflent will leave ' the rhdsMtal -tnmn. take up quarters: xla. '. local hotel.:Here it 1m ' trTttrt ftTl -' Vii viwlj-'-i :l - : - - eral- days unde. me fObsef vation of his r. " convalescence continues as ' it has fo rthe lkit week. " -w o ojnjs in vyster 'Bay, ' v - In the annonnp'pmnt ' tooa J-dl . .-.-v i a,!,, i. XI t3 nOSDital tOrtalV; i- rrrtnai4.l' ' jt.i l-. Roosevelt's condition, the fear, was ex Speaker ; Got-Too Warm He Was f.iJafledi vifo Order : c'ttt Tit ' n r . s -- .1. .- ?.,.- .T 4 f'. tSfiii meet ocoTli- or Ambassador TJchidA. fMM tMO UBO i wneat.and foriT 1, a.u reauit'Oi tne td is due to the unsetSed and 6 tPtr.eS6nt there i3 no Mention to us conditions pre?Jiilng ?he?a HJt restrictions already : in : force fl la f We dDtnat 1 V wU1 be- necessary nAt-mA. - tEer against the use of rior :. h r6 for,.ColoneMio'o-8eVett to - rk - a i uijii rr - - .vix - . lurmigni in order that he may fully: ' recover. 'Colonel ..VVOv..xi. ,iia.a -AprcHsea ,nis"- determi nation ,te -flill, M&king. engagements, in Maine on ; March 2 8, and , his. physi cians say they beileve, he will be able cautfott. -.'X-l' - C-- oue 11 THE 1W FOR PEACE PEH1EHT . . " - . civiiiiixia La.Lion to urte a. t ir fnriha. : r . - 'us j. cuucuoa m tne use of. bread and hreadstiifra 'n.-A.' f wa ' a T-a - , - .--T 7 ; , j--". ""v wui-. export necesst iin uw i j 1 1 . n n m ii va u t-ma i . .-- viiai,. .-me,.., con sumption .of breadstuff s .is. Intimatelv associated ; with" the 's consumption 1 of plies -of meat -fortha next . twor three monms are conslderahiv. nii.d meat ' whicn transnoi-rati nn'.' "iri . w . LI " . SUUUX V LIIH . H.1 1 1 PCI iWtth , Oil 4.1. render necessary and at the same tinie" - r -uuauiupuoB. xnere- fore. the, food administration cen'slders r - - t , -c i w rwaj, restrictions on voir former President Calls National C-1 un.tary meat consumption with the ',ob ventlon to Kin fi i,. a liect of. reducing bread enriHiimntinn J . "Wjvu6;.a eaent qpnmtions 1 con irOm thA A rtronfUo ' - ti . ; . .3.- - - - s""V4o. .it is tnerefore; ' " ,( .1.- " i v necessary "for the' food : i BOOSBVia4TSvAihPi Ruin ; to urge a still further rriH-i .-..-1 STILL.- CArrrriT.rv: v Rallying Cry. in the Present Crisis - .. . Says Taft. ventlon to Wlp la the Bud Any Hmn campaign For Early or Prema v': 'ture. Peace. j- Mother " his throne to his lern. wimam of Hohenzol- GnT't n Finland.' been sent r?0ps are reported to have thfh? a n Fila. - and, It Is . said ashe L? j1 lslands are being used are nnfll P6rations. - The Alands 'tthePA K8ruard of Swedish troops sian faction! agrreement with the Rus- 7 treasures of art , in , Venice tonic air e.ravely damaged -by Teu !elect h;1la.lders w,ho appeared to neata l ??e, bu"ngs and - imbnu- lesvhe?;ss- Petrol "jy?u ' A.SK STILL, 31 ORE New Yorlf f Wiwh - 9 : nri- M.tZZ 2 1 1- for -permanent peace" is thH.M f "Th fare of the United States are permanent peace , is the title for a resppnding to. the., national cail to in- national Convention . e-.altati t ns n - -!v. I 9A hnir Tmrtr,n 't-. ' rm. j ' ? . i tlnue the onl v. mAio v' rnt'.f : . - iiwuB v we bjv la to meatless ana porKless Tues xut3 liiDaueHH mm. Ann . t ho '-nAKb-iM Saturday : are : no longer' asked. - U - ; - - WV o - . . , , . . - ' ittiuo w ma unjiea states are lai dele-- onerous terms, , the -Rus-tea : at Brest-Litovsk has i0Qs and it v German Peace -condi- ieQt aeon- Ulil 8lsn an agree he efe2,rim ?. a telegram from mlY In im. a " toaay - the havf ? k Tne demands - al-0rted.- Deea .increased, they re- PrerSerf6'- which ff addressed lte we anticinat ..' weafy of n(,ar -u ilDerauon8 on iOoatinua af absolutely : use- "... - t' national convention called toav . h crease hoe nrodnntinn Thoir tormer resrdent.Taft and a committee 1 10 appearances is being attained or prominent men and women to meet " 1 WI more immeaiate im- in Philadelphia froxn Marches -t? aJi0 vivjv- wmou jisve enectea an im mediate increase in meat - supplies f -.-' Varloiu Factors in Meat Snpply. f J : "The . transportation shortage, before the , -government- took f over - the ; rail roads, the, bad weather in January and early in February. the large percentage of Immature corn ; in the last harvest and the necessity of-feeding' this . corn as rapidly , as possible to save ;lt from Tne name, '.according to' Mr. 'Taft was cnosen Because it offers a Rallying cry in the present war crisis." y i; : S The convention will hn )iaT1 n -n a a 4.1. r , - u V. Ui VUQ Peace and Mr. Taft, as head of the or ganisation, will preside. r Other; mem bers of the committee include Cardinal CriMlrtTia flamiial. lAmtsAKH Jl T . . Lrfiwell, president of. Harvard univer- aitv T - rr. i - . - .. r;df?.--rGW. yon , Lu roU"- w-,.wpwinet v.. and , former ti.i,irr ." jiaasea Henry-Jackson; i reported itonightr Mr Mevfir 4 an 6lfl -t .s . J1' Cordih:' TTi ,?.V'.'C-- conditional- f HI, bowvAtTT?; , r""0 critical. 1- Mi--'. TRBVBITDOlTfi' BOOTlr.TAKEX ' i1 . Berlin: i; .; t'w .,',. l- f- ;? German t ; The headquarters. ,v,800 officers and- iT ul J0;1! ot.brr-vehicIeso-S: motlves, and . 'thousand- i i .-5. . .. . : -.- - - - ' - a alii tiui tZ: .V f London,, Saturday, V March i "2. The German "government's - "infamous war pblfcy asassailedrin the .reichstag in i the courser of - Friday's . debate : by HerrVbgtheri-,- an V indeipepdentc so cialist, -.accordine to '. Berlin advie.i sent ' trovii. Amsterdam by- the ' Reu ter correBuonaertt tnere. t r : . : "The German ' ultimatum . ia .not " 9Ulated'""t6"" create! conditions of peace' -irteuusxiip wnn - itussaa. -t liexi y ogtherr declared. 'In ' the case . ol the-Ukraine - peace Germany' and An tria: already are auarrelinsr over the booty. The war .we are now wArtne in i,aerenseiess Russia . serves only the niUtfflAvllA l n M . , - y(i. uvu i-jnaaca ol me aispuxea ter ?itpry.3 jn Lithuania we have; made no .WuHiiwi0,. i.xe- rj Juiinuaniane Jong tqrbe back in Russia.-; ... ); ''s" i:intmow War Policy. : . wt,e -are ;not, allowed v to , know the xrutni '.M The i fatherland :.nrv; i . -.. V: - t ' J XT V J . u ua. suing v a . bloodthirsty t i pronaeanda against . , foreign. ? countries, s We are sold body and , soul to the military uttoxc. ,.yveare pursuing, an infamous war policy." i(. .; ' t ; ClTST- Saturday MT i W iS sity ; Dr' ?Anna Howard ShSdE animAls-partlcularly , hoks e fear that arnmL - ZT , ' States Senator Joto -Sharp Wilkains of "n tne 'arms for a . longer period of 'an rtci .. UUCIUUS terms, i thft-RUS-I jr n -,.-.-,;:. InnWlIJ' l .thi F airai-o .. ' i, vjrrus n. jv. . uurtis, Jfniladel-1 -' w' wgut sna a publisher. , . ; ; ; . .. . . . j will result,-, with Jmprovea . transporta- ?he call for the convention states the I tion' conditions which appear in larger sas. nhla Tne call for the convention-states the xKA.4 n. 4.11. . . . . . ' . - . ' v -'I Against . Premature Peace.7':- ':,M-. 'To sustain the determination of our people -to fight until Prussian militar ism has been defeated; confirm opposi tion to." a. premature peace and serious at t P. n tA rtrx linrkTi tHa' nnlv difv.ntaM 4-1.. American people are hoping1 to gain from : the i war a "- permanent- peace guaranteed5 by a league of nations." - - - - iCoatioued-Oa Pase-Swoi - : -IA iCUgr than normal arrivals at mrvt 4.W. next two -or three monthar: i ; rThe response . of the public to, oqr requests . for reduced, consumption - or meat 'during the past few months ha!s been; most1 gratifying and this service alone has . enabled the government" dur ing this period to provide , 'such ' sup Dlies ' as transportation . tn t tva .nu. permitted, v -1 . -t The administration, also-, suggests .... iContiauea ga Page Two.) . , , ilf Dillons CaWnred. London )--The . staffs 'of -two .Russian surrenders ha "fwf Wn n? r, '7 3; rr, r" orees, -ac- a.tvuciar. statement i!eivn the -war4 office.-' .r. . - - vvjjo 4rescneo. ljach ce Proskurdwand I4pkanta.'say the statement - "W&eh Chotin-. and ernment of Podolia) were, occuiiedtha fJ7 -. corpSTaSdJ ;'ta"'"J' ujvisions surrendered,- tjd 5 to T. ' , 'Ul'' " sun B large quan - titles: rmunltiotfsVand othewaKlna ierlals have, fallen, into, our. hands."' " :-.-' - ' ' " " ' .UV .:: - .c:.: i : FIRST "MEETING : OF , BELGLAW i STATESMEN SXNCJB! WAR BEGAN -' v!-i :! 4 -:t ? v i . Pftlgiar senators and i deputies- residing : r toiiandiwilj ?e ldJn Pais this months accordlnk r ? , - ""5Kiy'wru nave qn3offlcJal haracter it , la stated,- and ajl the iBelgianihAsters: at.Havre'wlH attend. ' Resolution will , bev presented to King. Albert for- ratfifi catioh. :-' . ' .. ,' r ,- "i-y.-- - s -Thl S is t h a" ffr'at . t irn'a "o ' V' 4 4. if 1 V 1j- beenmade toehold gneral .meetingTof tne Belerian T.arHjTnB'rit s;.' i.i OX. Antwerp, 4 -' . - - . 'v .'7:v"v-'i, .: . . i. At - tnis point the vice president called v the... speaker, to-order, but he luaisiwj on continuing nlS' speech. :. -.'iligh . wages In , the : munitions 'in dustry." .'' Herr Vogtherr declared, "are corjuptiwages., for the '-".pmrppMC' of the Interests, of . carrying; on the war. . -.uv; xuta ; iooa sent r luereoy lnirinjr 444S. U ......... ,: .'-' ., ' After flnnthcr ntai-Vn.nln.'. tv. ' j - j. v ... v. . . v., kivu . - DUtV aCCHRRd nn oHmit-ol . - . r .IM1U ' - wll manaant at, Swinemunde of approprl atlhg ."confiscated foodstuffs adding: " W e must ahnliVi V. ri,Ai. . mill . . - ;v,.n4Hi..4 . LZ1-18 iuiuu&ei im. b.miiiim . in a n.n rm a mm n a ... - uiauaBcuiEUU ., . IflB DIttmann VasA mittmann' ,nnli- j - -- . - - i"iua u a i an- leal-socialist , member , of :the reichstag ui uaoti iii. ' i-.iiiiiif.i'i i nn nrir n . k a . r v"-w.-,"wi kuo Tjrcr Tl V ' mi chit ' n Ms . - it. r"y uuo, wna can, Dy. arresting vpuxAUA-Auun x mil ii ut i.uci . . i " . . . - ....w,uo:vij uuj UBO? .uonuittiB m reicnstag. - - Skl. -i declared Poland la 4.J wors than any enemy cohhtry, whei-e- unon ;TTnderi SAAr-Atoi-ir - y.'u ' (.- -. , the. Germans have done ."an immense in Poland" 'In 'th -mmw -v-i , . : " ' ' , v. All ministration; and , similar activities.' He . aamitieo.-nowever, that--the hearts u.t0: ,,w,,ie ,in& are with Russia." ONE DEAD. AND THREE HURT ' '. '. 0Md l.i:ip5Hl5: Occidents Washingtoh, 5XaVchl 3. -Final . enafit- j ment" of the itadminitration railroad control blllr substantially as proposed by President Wilsoh two months ago, occupied' fiVst:' place on & varied pro gram of, 'ngr essohai: activity i this weK. aena-te ; and -bouse . conferees met again tonight, ; cbhfi dent , of , early agreement , ' Before the; week-end it is deemef certain - that'; the legislation will go ;to . the , "president for his ap proval. .:'' " : ' r -. .5. '- . . : Next comes A the v- administration measure to create a , war finance cor poration: whiych, probably will: pass the senate ; early: j this ;week, : to, be taken UD ft few! ("inrB'flitaFiln' tv. v'- t - :iuci uvuDc im portant ; amehdments - arousing i'consid- tomorrow hv th .' Ana ; v.. . 1 j expept its approval by?aji ;ovrwhelm-! ing -vote...;;..-., ; ,'; .: y--y s.4i ire, jfcLn lj natron - Dills are 4flubfimevilx army , and flavy legislation... The an- filial k A InllMV! iTna . .i. I . i - : - , J. - v - T-- , .wwyvi 'aV ,41.1.1 tne war? jBnattce-; corporati on measure la Ollt" nf tllft'lraii" fi i..;.-' . n;.;iUO UVU9B 19 . WUTlt- ing on the legislative executive and the ' senatA'. iinnTiTn'iiiHnn.'.'.nmmitt.. ! smaKto AMmi -i i ' . I -w kuiuiiioic revision - 01 . ana report the bllHok ddll'ar - urgent . ficiency bJllwlthTi several hundred bil lions -of new " war estimates added. . W"v ; A- Newv-Daft;BnL.''''''; .'. t-K Among -f the . army- bills which their sponsors plan - to press this week - is uo - uoparinieni';measure,; unanl mouslv annrnvpil .liv''ik nt - i- - j . ocuaLc ixiiii tary committee,'-; to ?i)rovIde for ' the rPtrl Otro t.fnn . ' iii.i - r c3.v. u.wvu V. mcu aLiauiing zx years ing the basis of draft from total state population f to the . htrmheri vif mor. in vyaoa . ' . '-V.: . . . "- .., The senate "fpreign . 'relations, com mittee may; recommend -during, , the week' ratlfirwj-tlnn ' rt4-Vii' :.4-.4.i. "!i. - u wira wim Great . Britain and; Canada for recipro cal ura.ii .privileges, v ; Tomorrow "the Senat-A imml orr-iftAn J n 1 ' ... ".e.i..uit 1 tec ' will hear : Representative : Burnett" of Ala bama, chairman nf ). , - . " . ; uvueg 1111X111- srration fiommittim wA n- er bill recently tiaAsAd w t,a . - y- uwuoc . The soldiers' and srailors civil rights or rriorator'iim - hilt ; nri.ti. n - i. u : -. v ",- : una ueen .17 ''i : 1Ui verai montns, probabli " D5Ui m rresiaent wilion. be- lOr8 tnA.tnil nf '4lii...1.' m . , w ecu. con- ;. (Continued on Page Two.) '; PRAISE THE RED 'CROSS MEN; " v, - - ? 'We'll Pay Iritz for the Captain's t Death," They Vow. - Ft: Worth TflT TWa i-h" VT ... . and- three . seriously injured - la Sun day's toll of : the , spinning nosev dive at aviation fields near Ft. Worth.- All thej victims are members of the Brit ish .. roval V fl vi ; Mechanic -W. ;A.i Hayes., i : "i The Inlured: Tiirt i . : ' ; I Franl5; ,F1ynn ; a,nd Cadet Flyer ' E. , A. w w- wreases , or - the ... men vuuiu aui u j.eamea . tonight. 1 :. ' - r Hayes. and Lleutii Bates werel'rldine in x. the.- same machine at Hicks field Hayesdied at a hospital, an -hour la ter. Bates - sustained a fraetured- lee fnA Jpt?1'?3-1 injuries from - which it 1R Raid HA fannnt fan-m ' -.V ;Wewt...Flynn and Cadet Carroll . also were in : one.- machines CorrolJ was being, instructed by, the - officer. "This Plane . was -vwrecked .-;' at ? Penbrook Five's;, face v and rhead,; were badly crushed,; Carroll, received a fractur ed Jaw.- aV broken knee, i' broken hi) GERMAN ATTACKS ARE BEATEM W FRENCH ' -: Strong Efforts to Break :Thrbuffh 1 ; " . Put Down. ' - v ' French War Office Reports' Numerous .neavy Assaults and Bombardment --AJons; the Line by German " a" ' . '" ,; Forces. " -". Paris, Saturday. March 2. Rtrono- forts made by German troops n Friday to debouch from -V the -Neufchatel sali ent, northwest 1 of Rheima. trated. the French 4n J its noon-day: statement today. V The enemy likewise failed; to reach t the Ponipelle fort; southeast of Rhlms, suc ceeding only in gaining a foothold with some small details to the west of it. A.French counter-attack itonn German advance, on a front of nearly a'mile in .the Carnlllet : sector of t-h Champagne. .; The French temporaril v evacuated their trenches under mvior. W A 0 nut quickly drove' In again and re- esta'oiisnea tne position. . Tr The text of the statement follows ' - "The artillery -battle reported yester day at several poltns -on the French froht, from - the Chemin dear Dames to the. MetiR4 nontliriTAI aii t... ... marked intensity accompanied by Mve- j i .uxauw . tne course - of which the French ' troops, retained the j "Enemy raids on small French posts, ui isia .snu soutn of Juvin Court, were repulsed, -i - - , ... ; . "The aggressive enenW i.r fsted itself notably in the ma .(Coutlaued oa Paga Twoj - With the American Army . in France, Saturday, March 2 (By The Associated Press).-iA plan of attack, including' a V map of the American positions inclu'd Ing every dugout, which ) was removed1 from the. body of ' the Prussian on.i. . - . - - 4 - Who led thB .Vsunf '- ... ..J. ( j i"'":; "Boamw , upon.T;n4 sector northwent nt ' fr v v. . BUVWB 'HOW' " thoroughly: the Germans: prepare foi raids; if in fact 'this was but a raid not having, as its ultimate object the capture of a portion of the salient. The map goes into such detail as to show, every machine gun emplacement,' every trinch ythe- ground withinuhe American ixnesl , " - - w mibi o is - simply a line drawn labeled ."our front line." Along 2e-a,:e flve asa portionseach marked i-neat-'' , s - - . Huns Rehearse Attacks. t ' Four rehearsals - . - . . . .. , "oiu iux me at- - tack anfl ithevtronrx m .-..T.T. Pi.ked.from new " in the .sector. -They were told, that the Americans .were in front-of them. ' - thAl11,6 artuifery aa nearly leveled tne American nositinn. . , . - 52?5-:fnWft.eirifte-t-,'i;-each' of Which. : Crnitto'ii n .1-.. . hl "''tt"vry ana'nve to foll6w it- " Str4W0 0UI8 ' Upoa s the;: American movemL Vv' Carrled ot a - similar movement there. r -j - . r - - niJi"0 : groups, in' the": center; had -Planned to attack directly. , but ' he -American defena 'h. t, : - Plans When, they were met by heavy machine gun .fir ,frA, ' lines, they saw- it would, be impossible -f," footine there, changed their direction and followed the - other -groups around the flank.. The duty of ' the pioneers preceding the Infantry y tne artillery while the Pioneers Who followed - carried laria ' quantities of explosives for the puSof e of .cleaning up. the dugouts. v , . at hT9Pna ' of the, interrogation -oLl pril?oner8 take1 hy the Amerl- CerniW .tnaLa11 dld not Relieve tiat Germany should win the war. One oi n n t0id the .intelligence officers ne presumed ths.tvtha a 7.. " : u. Vt. w AiucricanB, j 11KS w??v,llfl'abr'VMt to fight but had -to. , The rfH.i.o 4-i.i ZL z th rflo-. V H.iy, cnangea . the German's viewpoint by informing him that au nf ft.. . . , , . vivutia : in im at- - tacked positions were volunteers. ' One prisoner, whose home Is in Ger- man Lorratnt.r o.M ; u. . ... . . Fatherland wou";ku5 tte hoped not.. He knew nothing about thl Americans eirATt i.- "t in . , . v.. b uo. were tn printing, much" upVhe" 7u7e?t, said, and beinar . nlMir ir. , .. 1 25.. nes because of mail congeaUon. j This: prlaoner ? said n TOO- . that the recent strikes in Germany " were caused bv A'iiA.1.. . ing that all . Germany wanted the war to end. He was .certain , slve was coming, but did not believe iw vvuu. uo lauiiuaea oeiore April - None of the prisoners had seen any tanks, they said. All ortnem ' added they rwere glad to have ben taken prisoner, especially by the Amer icans, because they believed they Would ' be well treated.',;-..-?.; .-u , The prisoners' accounts showed that the Sector ODOOaltlVrtrij A ,4 . , miuwiUoB VOS1-- tion was commanded by General Stalz- . Savannah Tells: About It. The correspondent - talked witn a dozen of - the American wounded In their: hospital cots. Every one of them ' was anxious to tell of some deed of -m t uiaer periormed by his fel lows but displayed great modesty re gardlnghis town eiploits. One youth, whose home is near Savannah. Ga.. and who looked to be not more than 18 years old, told this story; I, was in the froht iiine" when it seemed like iaverv hn;i ' started coming our way. Where the Germans, got : them . is ;more than: 1 1 . ' know , j never believed that many ,xiB.ted- n burst near where r was. sme of me who came from Texas. The corporal v picked him up in his arms and startedrwith-him nr. a . station in the-midst of a perfect shower ' of dirt and mud which was being kick ed up. i don't know whether he ever got there or. not. ; , ;., '- . . - . By that time I got into a machine -gun emplacement, with - anothercor- ' poraL whose bome Is in Missouri, leay ing my; rifle outside.. Things got so hot we decided to try to get to a steel" . shelter at, the end of a trench.- ' The corporal went first, but a few" feef-"awavi aZ shn Amimiai t " .wv. aluivai on nl mand killed him, I stepped out And ' saw that my rlfle. had . been . blown to pieces. , This left me. defenseless, so I And arifle or. a pistol,' because I knew thA (if.rmarta ron-nlA Ka - ' - 7- - - . " v i wo . aiuuuu soon. ' About' the ''same1 time a piece of shell L: iCpnteusl .ca rse Two.). . -