V! II i i' 3: 3? i :;; - 1 ( ! i ' !.:f ! ; : .i 1:1 i : 1 1 ; . - V F t TWO. mmwmse ana srmm m m m -? -,- - . at s a m t f III -.- ' sbk gj v. H ; - . -V'-.-.: ' '' . -t - All consumers of col who will give us their application for next obtaining and delivery of same. ; v It is important that all consumers make application at . Everybody should arrange to receive their coal The above WHOLESALE toBBERS Licensed by U. S. Fuel Adminis- tration ''VYY'y -a. PLANS ARE Oil FOOT TO SPEED OP DRAFT Men to be Called More Rapidly v Than FirsInte&edMi ;;Tfce ';Fan9w ! itlie Emcrgen- I .' er Ii FcBe Aiertcn ' Abroad r Mar UMr 1500,00 By Next , :. ':j-;-T:'';' ; : ; ; Washington. .Apiil.3Ma8uries to ; Sjeed a up : tbe . flraft rogrram ) ar in contemplation, andr iaji . official ' "announcement-is expected sdbnSThe:t4 ' teotion is to meet. th ieniergency In j ; JYioce, .Fors.thaCraason .800,000 call-' - edi this irear,. will be called more rap-, si idly . than , was" previously . plinned-ii Ar .rangremeaits (to .tWsven4..arjS'in.pro--jrrsa,'.ut.'tto fiugKestion' that ihe -800.--figure' be exceeded .during this -year as. been ,put forWard " atr'the ' . "rr-department. . , ' ' Reports that the" draft would be , "raised from 800,000 i men-, to' 1,500,00(1 "wvo denied, - ; ;' :r . : ; Officials- do not regard it as possible this year, than the department already a : naa arranged to. -aiifmtm, , even with ' additional-; Brifiali-- shipping made available as-" trotpX,tr--.nspbrts. There are noif-tmder. arms liere and",In;Eu- rope morethajs v. 1,500,000 ;; American -1 soldiers.?, !f he;- number ,will have been ;' raised -to; about 2,500,000 y the end of the year, "counting drafted men,, ' -volunteers . 'and speciil' technical vl forces, to be unlisted. ; .. ; -If It Is. possible" tb gef a total of 1, - O0,OvO .men 'to: France, by." January. 1 "OS-tt the best' previous hopes of the ,3 war:rdepartment will, have been 're alized and there still will be a force f almost egual size in training here. . The present effort is directed more to- wards getting the men ' to France early , in the year tor meet the emer r, gencles " there than towferd increasing .' the number . to be sen during the . year. Many factors, it was said, enter Y- into any proposal to increase the num--ber of men under training here. , They .- must be drawn largelv from agricul ; ture and Industries and the allies' sup-. ply lines as well as the Americans p . ; are largely dependent upon American . food and supplies.. ' BANK ROBBERS' RETURN ALL Entire Amouat of 9&0OO fcaken From ' Bank of Everett i Found. Bocky Mount, April 3. Recovery of the entire sum, representing approxi mately ?3,000, taken from the bank of , s , Everett, Everett, N. C, yesterday after- noon by masked robbers, was made this ;:r morning when Noah Robertson, one of r the three men captured 'by a posse -charged with the hold-up, led officers . Into the woods where the money had been left, end 11,200 in cash and. $4,950 in. government bonds was found. This, ; augmented by $800 recovered when the . ' three men were arrested, is believed to cover the. entire amount takn from the . bank. ; The three men who are alleged . to have participated in the robbery are -' Noah Robertson, Church Robertson and -Clyde Bo wen. ' : Another development in the case this morning was the arrest of J. R. Rob ;.. ertson, father of Church and Noah Rob-;-' ertson, on account of alleged suspicious - -fcctions just before the bank was loot-. . ed. The authorities say that Robert r ; son. - prior to the - robbery, withdrew - -funds belonging to him from the bank. . " Church Robertson, . wno received a wound in the head from a- rifle bullet ;'' and also is suffering from a shot in the ;'; stomach, remains in a serious condition. Noah Robertson is sid to be a de ". '-' serter from Camp' acksoh, Columbia, 6. C x ;;;:": ;. :.;-'. . :?? Toc'Carde,, In France, : : . Paris, April; 3. The first tobacco ' "cards" have made their appearance in France. The ; town of Auhin has taken , the Initiative and it is expect- ed that many other towns ' and cities - will follow suit. No card will be de livered" to youths ujider sixteen yea-is i of age. fya provision is- made for women. " There has been a shortage of ;; tobacco in France during the - last 4rthree - Months.; :-? ";; ,;; V V.-. ; ;? --.-- Recro! Day for War Savings. . ..Washington. Apr.il 3. The war sav-'- ings campaign made ft new, record to day with $4,120,932 ; recorded - at, the -, treasury for r the day's receipts : from - stamp sales.' The previous high rec - erd was ;t,04,000. Tho total receipts are; 13t.000.000.--v;r';t 6 .;;;;----f T " Old i People Wl Are Feeble and " " 'Children .Wne Are Pale and Weak -" would be greatly benefited by the gen eral strengthening'. tonic: -effect .- of. GROVE'S TASTEIiESS chill TONIC, It ; purifies and enriches, the blood ..and - builds up the whol5 system. A general - . strengthening - tonle for adults and v 'children.- 0-Adv, ; -; ; ;-r ; is in accordance GODWIN SAYS THIS CITY J WILL YET BUILD SHIPS Proapecta For f AVIlmimjrton iwiii-ng Government Shipyard ' Constracta Never So Good Aa Now. By PARKER. R..ANDE2RSOX. Washington, rApril s. Representa tive Godwin declared; today- that the door of hope for shipbuilding at Wil mington has not- been'- closed. Repre sentatives : to econVr aryv; notwith standing; ;nVbTottrf : -the sixth district congresSma4i'f the; chances of ships being built af' - that" port were never better and.he believes that con tracts will" be let for tnework' within a;shoi:time;;-.;v-;';' ' , "There never ' Was avtime when the prospects f orf. shipburldlng '; at Wil mington were ' as bright ?as they are today,", paid; Mr. Godwin,, "I am not favoringahy individual -or set of men who - desire , contracts. " I want to see ships built? at : Wilmington, and I want contracts given to;theien who can make good. v . The govern.mnt is : In need of . ships i and we waat men to have ship contracts -at ' Wilmington who can produce results. ' I have every- reason to believe that contracts willjbe let ship men at an early date." Mrs. H. Li. -Godwin, who has been here for a f ew days with Represen tative Godwin;haewrettrned to Dunn. ANOTTTFIT?. TT.TTTi'NTr! PI? Am? I OFFENSIVE IS APPARENT ' " (Continued From Page One) which "s closely connected with the general "Dolitical situation," said: -TWithtthe conclusion of peace with Rumania - the war in the east ended. Before, however, turning to Individu al .peace treaties and discussing them in detail, I would like to revert to the declaration - 61 the President of the United Statesman which he replied to the speech delivered by me on Janu ary .24. ';; J r ' - . - - In many prts of the world Presi dent Wilson's speech was interpreted as an attempt to " drive'- a wedge be tween Vienna and . Berlin. V I do not believe that, because I ; have too high an opinion of :.the president of the United States and his, outlook as a statesman to believe' him -capable of such a way of thinking. President Wilson is no more able - to ascribe dishonorable action - to. us than we to him. - "President Wilson does not desire to separate -Vienna -from-- Berlin, and he knows, too,.thathat would be im possible. Perhaps President Wilson says to himself, however, that Vi enna IS more favorable soil' for sow ing the seed for a general peace.- Per haps he says to. hlmself that the Aus-tro-Hungarfan" ' monarchy ;-has the good fortune ; to .possess a lruler who sincerely and" honestly .desires a gen eral .peace; but who "vv-Ill never com mit a breach of -faith or conclude a dishonorable peace, and that behind the emperor-king there ere fifty-five-million people. .. ; J - , "President Wilson skys, 'perhaps, to himself that -this-' united 'mass repre sents a force which.: is not to be un derestimated and that, this honest and " strong desire for . peace which binds the monarchs governments and peo ples of both states is capable of being the bearer of that great idea In the service of which. he has placed him self." ' ";; ;: ;;. ;, Referring to his last speech,' Count Czernin explained the: misunderstand ing of his remark that the text was already in,. the .president's possession by declaring that . he . had previously arranged for. the text, to be telegraph ed, to Washington f rem - an unofficial source in a neutral country, in order to prevent any misunderstanding or distortion. It subsequently transpir ed, however,' that ; the text only - ar rived at its destination some days later. Nevertheless, he said, the ob ject was attained. - - ';- : " ; He then continued: ' ''. ; ' ; "I canv only ' say ; that I : esteem7 ' it highly that he German chancellor, in his excellent speech of : February 25, took the words Out my' mouth by de claring that the four "principles : de veloped in Prefrfdent Wilson's speech of February 11 -formed the basis upon which " a general-- peace could be dis cussed. "; I "am fn entire - agreement with this. ZA-f-"The four "points; laid; down by the president v are .- a; suitable v basis on which to begin the discussion for a general " peace.; Whether, however, the president will succeed In his en deavors to rally his allies on this ba sis or not-is a question; .- ' V God is my witness that we have tried everything, possible to avoid a fresh: offensive, but the. entente would not have ithus ;' , .' - . : . - "Some time, before the Western of fensive began, Ml Clemenceau address-' ed to-me an inquiry and upon what basis I was, prepared tonegotiate. In agreement with -Berlin..!; immediately replied that I was prepared to nego tiate and that-Jas far' ait France was concerned the. only obstacle I .could see in the ,,way of .; peace, was the French-desire, for Alsace-tiOrraine. S The reply, from Paria was that ' It Lavneklng of ,Commaek :. I Animated -weekly-Bl jou ; today. Advj tain it by treaties ; and lamentations, ?' -. - -. . ... '.'..... . .. ; - THE MORNING STAR, with demands of the United States Fuel Administration. 1 he Foot of Chestnut Street was Impossible to negotiate onS this basis. Thereupon - there was oo choice left. . . .r-v -v.;.; "The colossal struggle in the -west has already broken out. Austro-Hun-garlan and German troops are; fight ing shoulder ; to ";. Shoulder as '" they fought In Russia; Serbia Rumania .and Italy. We are fighting together i for the defense of Austria-Hungary-and Germany.' The aspirations of France and Italy are Utopia's which will rbe terribly avenged; " ; V "Come what may, we shall "not sac rifice Germany's interests any more fthan she will leave us in the lurch. We are not fighting for imperialistic or annexationist ends for ourselves" or for Germany, , but we shall go for ward together" to the last' for our de fense, for our existence as a state and for our future. - . v " "The first hreach in the will of our enemies for war has been made by the peace idea.-' It 's evidence of childish dilettantism . to 'overlook : the inner, connection oetween,' the vari ous conclusions of peace. The con stellation of enemy powers in ' the East resembled a net; when, one mesh was- severed the others gave way. . . . . . : . ... . . , , .. "ThB-., Ukrainian" peace led, to peace with .Russia, vand' Rumania, hecomlng isolated, : was obliged . to conclude peace. The future will show that-the conclusion of peace with the Ukraine was a blow at the heart of the rest of our enemies. .. ... .. ; ; . ; "The peace concluded ' wth - Ruma nia, It is calculated, will be the start point or friendly relations. The ing point of .friendly relations. The we receive are not annexations. "From Russia I did not demand a single metre, ; but Rumania neglected the favorable.; moment, ; -The .. protec tion of .mercantile shipping in . .the-: lower Danube" gua'rdln. gthe Iron Gate is guaranteed by the extension of the frontier. The new frontier has been so far removed from Rumanian ground as military reasons required. "The . rectification - east .- pf Cxerno wlts v has protected, .the . city . against future attacks.. ; ,1V : " 0- "At the ". moment when 7 we 'are "suc cessfully endeavoring A to renew friendly and neighborly relations with. Rumania, it is unlikely that we would open old wounds, but everyone knows the history of ; Rumania's ' entrance into the war and will admit that It was my duty , to "protect the. monarchy against future surprises of. a. similar kind. I consider the safest guarantee for the future - International . agree ments. to prevent "war. -In such agree ments if they : are framed -In. binding form, . . I should", see r much' i stronger guarantees ' against surprise .' attacks by neighbors than" In frontier rectlfl--cations..; But I thus far except in the ease of President , Wilson have been unable ; to discover; amongst- any of our enemies serious inclination to ac cept this idea.' However, despite the small . degree "of approval t this , idea receives, I consider that' It. will hever theless be realized. "2 r . "'" - - "Cal9ulatlng the burdens with which the states ; f. the : world will emerge" from this V war, I " vainly ask myself how. they will cover military expenditure if competition '.; in arma ments remains unrestricted... I do not believe that It wjll-be possible for the states after jnra waT Adequately ? to meet .. the increased requirements due to the wari I think rather that fl nancial ' conditions will ' compel 'the states .to enter Into a compromise ' re garding -the -. limitations of arma ments. 7 '; ; -X:fY . ;' ; -' "It is obvious that' In ,th .peace 'with Rumania' we. shall, take precautions to have 'our interests' in the ; question ' of grain,1 food supply and petroleum ful ly respected. We shall further take precautions "that; ths Catholic,, church" and our schools receive, the State .; of ' protection they. need ; a9d-we ' shall solve the Jewish questin iTher . Jew shall . henceforth be a - citizen-; with equal" rights .in" Romania, ; ;: 1 ; "The 1 irrdentitfCrP-ropaga,nda,' Sviillch: has produced bq .macft' evil M 'Hupgery will, he T;etsrairie.,andF finally precau tions will he taken', to: bbtafh';indemn.ifi catlonTor the ihjasttce inhocently uf fered hy. many of our Countrymen ow ing to;the wrf ZCATZUY " "We shall strive, by.me.ans' of a new; commercial treaty; an appropriate set tlement; of . the railway . and shipping questions to duly protect our .economic interests In Rumania' " ' ., -; r . The minister ' said that the Ukraine would! deliver tho. .central powers , one millions tonsj of grain .under ftha -near treaty '.and ...that," Rumania; -must aiso immediately provide .us' with 800,000" sheep and 100,000 pigs. V i"- ' S :t lt Is clear from . this' thaT "every thing will .be done to obtain from the exploitation tof 7 the regions which peace has opened for. us in the .East whatever Is . ,obtainaible,. ;. he added. 1 explaining that : the, difficulties were great .oecauae or-iacjs :qi .oraer in mo Ukraine:;;: v. ;iii;?-' ": .vv?:. ."The forcible ahnexatlon of foreign peoples 'would place difficulties' in. the waj' , of - a", general peace ;and such' ex tension of ;;tn1tortes-l would. ; hot strengthenw the empire,",, he . said. ., Creation .of a 'situation of lasting order in, thev Balkans.1?.' pount Csernin said,' was ; the aeslre'.. of Austrla-HUn-eanr. hut; Serbia must; give to Bulgaria -certain districts. inhabited .1 by Bul- Jn concluding he said : o not", fn tend to go bagglng-fo rpeaee or to ob- WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL, 4, 1318. 5 V -- . - v. . .1-4 ". once as required by the United States as soon as deliveries can be made: v - - . .. ' . : ; '- . ; - ' but td. enforce? it by . our moral and physical strength" and asserted that "a general? honorable peace is nearer than the. public imagines." .'. ; MARINES TRAINING PIGEONS. Will Make Trial Fligbta From Wash fnston 4to Parts: laland. Paris Island. Ji. C, April 3. In re sponse 'to i General . Pershing's recent call for 5,000 Carrier-pigeons, U. . S. Marines here, who have aided the government in nearly - every . conceiv able manner hertofdre, again have come to bat with a pigeon-raising campaign, v. . ; -Ths carrier is , an - Invaluable little weapon in the. war eut' is far too scarce for -thev immediate needs.' . So the MaTliies have begun the 'training of them on the island, having secured 300 of., the birds . from the homes of various .members of the Marine Corps. Starting with short flights on the Island and. increasing the distance to neighboring towns, plans are now being made for trial .flights from Washington, D. C, to this camp. Meanwhile, although several- have been lost in training, the carriers are rapidly increasing in numbers, and the Marines are hoping to be able to fill General Pershing's order by them selves, and in adidtion, sending the pigeons across the water already trained In their line of duty. - . DESERTER IS RESCUED FROM -; ; : . . . y OFFICERS BIT HIS FRIENDS Glenville, Ga., April 3.-Near Glenn ville last night Connie Todd, an alleged deserter from the United States army, was rescued by his friends arter he had been captured by S. ,0. Watrs, chief of police,, of , jSlehnyille- and Wallace Per kins, -an -ex-soldrerwho had put him under arrest.. .Perkins found that Todd was a deserter from Camp Wheeler and ge'tting authority to arrest him, called upon the chief of police for aid. They found Todd last night asleep in an old slab pile near an abandoned, saw mill. They -caught him and Todd began screaming for help. ' More than a dozen responded "and forcibly .ook him from the officers, threatening to shoot them if they, did not release him. A call has been sent to Savannah for th3 United States deputy - marshal. - , CPIWBEPJANP MEN GO. '. - .: :' i ... i. Sixteen H Selectmen Leave for Camp - Jackson Crowd Sees Them Off. (Special Star Correspondence.) Fayettevtlle, April 3. The first con tingent ? of Cumberland county men to be sent to the national army under the second draft entrained for Camp Jack son: late yesterday.; As Is usual a good sized -crowd was at the station to see them off. ''- The -16 men who composed the Cumberland hoard's first contribu tion under the second draft 4vere: v . William Edward Fisher Rowland Thomas-Hall Douglas Robert Thomas, Homer Carlton ; Simmons,': William B. Raif ordV Charles Miller Buie. Sandy Beard, Owen Allen McCasklll, Edgar S. ; W. Draughon, Walter Schade Pow ers, Frederick .1: Huston, B. R. How ell, Ronnie A. Klniaw.'M. Lee Tatum, William 5 Alton -Barnes ;and Daniel ,B. Harris. ;v-:; ; ; ...v - -: . - - ,v. : ' -Lean Than 250 -Arreata. . -' . Washington, April 3. Less 4 than 250 Germans " have heeh arrested for failure to register In the enemy alien census taken 1 in February and few of these have been interned,' the depart ment of Justice announced today. The tabulation , of Germans registered has not been-completed,, but it is estimated ahout - -SOO.vOO were recorded. - TO BUILD LARGER . ; SHTPS HEREAFTER ; -'(Continued From Page OAe) bills introduced today by Senator Flet cher -of Florida, chairman-of . the com merce "committee. , after ." conferences with. Chairman Hurley. The fPreSident: would be authorized by th legislation to prescribe through the shipping board charter and freight rates' and to' take over ships, docks, wharves and terminal' facilities in one bill, and the second measure amending thelaw creating the shipping board, would extend its authority overowner ehip and transfer of vessels, -existing or under construction. -Both bills have been referred 'to - the commerce com mittee. n , '- GERMANS BRINGING UP MTKJH ARTILLERY -- ,' rf; , . .. .. " ; Oontinaed From Page One) ; hie promotion which they might secure were they . fighting ; under ; their own command.. -The American trnnna , looked upon as being among the best men in xne neia ana it is believed they will fall, immediately into their niches, thereby swelling each British division affected. . .: . . . ; . .. -. - -..- ' LIEUT. C. R, HOTM;S 19 ONE V v , WHO RECEIVES WAR CROSS : With the American Army in France, April. 3. (By the Associated Press) Lieut. XL R. , Holmes of South Carolina, and Sergt. James A. Murphy Jiaye been awarded! the. French war cross'. Lieu tenant Holmes la thtf man who renntlv (captured la, German sentry ;from -his man, while , he was trying to shoot an . f. v. winter's supply : CANADIAN HEAVK AND LIGHT GUNS SMASH HUN POSITIONS Germane May Make Another Attempt ' At Arras and Vimy- Ridge. Canadian Army Headcruarters in the Field, via London, April 3 (By Ca nadian Press Limited -Again this morning our- guns, heavy and light, have smashed up the enemy, trench es, communications' and assembly areas, our artillery co-operating with the - infantry nu 15 minutes of barrage before, while. our machine guns swept No Man's Land and the opposing trenches. Our "stokes", and trench mortars ; added the weight of their fire to the program which gave the enemy further grim notice ofour readiness to; meet his offensive oper ations. AH night long, too, our guns maintained a slow fire .on enemy areas, punctuated with" harraasing fire programs at intervals. ' ; -. ., While both the enemy's weight it artillery . and infantry Concentration potat to another attempt against Ar ras and' Vimy Ridge, nothing more than patrol activity has characterized our front line, save for one raid north of Acheville against" an , enemy - post and as a result of which we captured one prisoner. . " .. ' v In visits to batteries," battalions and brigades and divisions, the correspon dent found high spirits everywhere. It is felt that Germany has lost - the first play in her desperate gamble for victory and while further bitter fight lag is anticipated there. Is no convic tion anywhere '( that; the; enemy, can succeed in the future where" 'he has failed in the past. - . ' .'. -. SPEAKERS. IN DEMAND. University ; Fncnlty .Members, to ; Fill Many Engagements " : '. V -- (Special Star- -Correspondence.) ' :,' , Chapel Hill, April '3 -Mahy members of the -Universlt yof North Carolina faculty have been asked to deliver ad dresses for commencements and other public - occasions during . the coming months. Prof . C L. Raper will speak at a Red Cross meeting In Burlington on Friday night Prof, Collier 'Cobb gives an illustrated lecture in Greens boro .on April 12 on "Beautiful -Italy, Mother of Civilization." : Dr. Raper will speak in Greensboro a week later on "Some Economic Results of the Great War." - . . Prof. M. C. g. Noble Is to deliver addresses at.' Fremont, Oak Hill and Teachey Prof.'G. M. McKie in Hert-ford,Prof.;"'E.-' C- Branson in "Greens. Tor6V; Prof. Collier". Cobb has recently spoken fin Southern- Pines, Jackson Springs,- Moyock, Poplar Branch, Cur rituck, -Remseur, Winston-Salem ; - and Red OakV " " ' '. ' . : " Principal F.' W. " Morrison, of the Chapel Hill Graded fecnool, has recent ly been drafted Into the. army f.n& will report to Camp Jackson" soon. His de parture is regarded here as a big loss for the schooL- . ' . .- . . President Graham has been speaking to , the students for ' several; mornings at the chapel hour on the part of the young man in the present war, and the after period of reconstruction. . .Thursday and Friday of this week will be observed'a's the regular "Easter holidays. The senior "stunt; 'will be presented by members of the class on Thursday night. - The Junior Oratori cal contest will.be held on Wednesday nlghf. r'. . ; :;;;.;- '- "; :;;. DAYLIGHT SAVING MEANS ' i -,-v . MORE SLEEP FOR SOLDIERS .Kr :;sv- '. - , v .'-a -. v-, , - . (Special Star Correspondence.) i ; Camp Sevier, Greenville, Si C. April 3. The - principal result here of the day lightv saving v plan will bethat the Samples .will get -.half - ah hour more time to sleep each night. ; As the army has jalways ; planned its day to- fit the1 sunlight, pushing up the clocks hasn't affected; It, and. reveille- has -been shoved i-ttp?: aa Ixour so i as to ; tnake 1t come at the. sa,me; actual tirae. It how tkestiaeeiait ;3i " m instead ojf 5 :3)?".m.v ,"n-3the:her hand; -taje has ' been advahcedv only -aif an hour? coming-'at -.11 ;n. m. initmd f v in-an p. m sd,- that the soldiers wili -have 30 minuses more nne,:' -for. sleepingl whether f they- wafetrioli not -' 4.; :;;-j- ;.w - i,-' Vr.T; MeDNALEL N45IED TR,EUSTJRER ; ; X i vshgtOiJprilvittgui Dohs.ldf Ne"Yorfc,-vice, president and. controller .of the rfoUthern ,;Pacificj .was- appc4nted - today .Tsv. Director 0nJ eraVMoAdooas treasurer., for the; rall f charge 'of.:. the7; 3500,009,000 revolving fund and, of .financial' transactions ;be4 tweei? . Individual --companies ;and th4 railroad administraiipn A :; ,v FORD.iybw. TURNING. OCT AW ! J - N LD3EItTV; XfVTJERSi DA8: w asnington.?,: Apry .Hef y sFord; of Detroit,' came i here i today ior' con ferences wlta 'ofito.iais - of the"warAand navy -departments ivUh the .spd?t -that his ; i?lant jMvr v js: -turnings ouf. nf'eV thingr' like J,000: Liberty motors -cylinders, day.-w . I - Anatrinn Drive indlented. ; ILondon, April .3.-nxeTe: are indica tions that an Austrian attack on Italy is in preparation ahd we shall uoCbe surprised, if -It develops- before", long; said; Mai. Gen- F B. Maurice, -chief di, rector of military operations at the War office, in his weekly talk today; V r ; will; receive our; - ; Fuel Administrator. . ; Coal NO MUNICIPAL FIGHT. ' Payetteville Will Ease Through the -i: Sprlnar Politics. (Special Star Correspondence.) v v Fayettevllle, April . 3. There will be no municipal -primary; in Fayetteville this year, the- municipal executive committee having announced , that only one candidate for each . office having qualified at the hour for the closing of the primary lists,; these men are Be clared the democratic candidates to be voted for In the city election to be held the first Monday . in May. . ,; The primary, was to have been held on April 8th. There will be no contest at the election in May, consequently the candidates qualifying f or the pri mary ; will compose the municipal ad ministration for the coming year. They are, Oapt. James D.-MoNeill, for mayor'; Marshall Atkinson, alderman first GOOD-BYE BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES For centuries all' over . the world GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has afford ed relief in .thousands upon" thousands ef cases of . lame back; lumbago, sciat ica, rheumatism, gallstones, : gravel and all other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and allied or-' gans. .It acts quickly. It does the work. " It cleanses your kidneys ' and purifies the blood. It makes a new man, a new woman, of you It fre quently, wards off attacks of the dread and fatal diseases of the kidneys. It often completely cures the distressing diseases of the organs of the body, al lied with the bladder and kidneys; Bloody or clondy urne, sediment or "brick-dust" indicate an unhealthy condition. - f?7 ill!u!lHiililiBuwuiMKaiiwtHU)iuimniiMuimfii?nr m the measure bf efTiciency and success is often out ward "appearance, from the b ot torn up. Let Tru e Shap e be the foundation ? and, stand ard of your ineasurei v - Soeka for men S5e to S1J25. . yuitc? usual wear or anofher'pai V Also hose for W5cmB.. . True Shape Hosiery GxPHiladelpHia. Here Is Some ivnowin 'I; - - ll ill 5 . Tho Frice la Moderate. cmm Oy Phone ewJaVftJPons best efforts for , ; . Application ward; J'. J.' Maloney, alderman second ward; H. L:. Hedgpeth, third ward; s. W. Cooper, fourth ward; J. B. Buck ingham, fifth ward; J. W. Tillinghast, sixth ward; R. G. Jones, seventh ward, and D. U. . Sandlih; eighth- ward. Alt are Irfcumbents. " This will' be; Captain McNeill's sixth term as mayor of Fay etteville. ; - ' -: ' - r- ; Tratnloads of Selectmen. " Petersburg, . Va.. April . 3. Several special trains arrived at' Camp Lee to day - bringing i selectmen ' from south west -.Virginia,- .West Virginia and Pennsylvania.: - The complete contin gent of 9,988 men ; (hat compose the first increment of the. second draft or dered into training Is expected to reach Camp Lee by Friday. Two. weeks aga the 80th division needed 10,000 men to fill its ranks. These vacancies will be filled "from -the depot 'brigade. Do not delay a . minute If your back aches Or you are sore across the loins or have difficulty when urinating. Go 4:6 : your druggist at once and get a box of imported GOLD MEDAL Haar lem Oil Capsules. , They are pleasant and easy- to take. They dissolve in the stomach, and. the' kidneys soak up the oil like a sponge does water. They thoroughly cleanse and wash out the bladder and kidneys an throw oft the inflammation which-is' the cause of '.the trouble. Your druggist will cheerful ly refund your - money .if- you are not satisfied afterJ-a -few-days se."f -' Accept only the pulje,? original .GOLD - MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules'. - None other genuine. Adv. '-:. iiyatiiiiHHiiiimiiuiiiiiimimiiii I Coo Phone 42 ";TKe AfaWrerstants WQIliilCW re. sources; pu&t'ri, theost pbp)laah djyre'con i -lni ,heUrrivuum intnfaxkltflj the 1 n3iieneers, 'ft ihe pjtcfc therttvjThey nlake 'tW enttire Clean?- jlnr ilriown tc -'fnier"mrely 1 Vi icnjnotpra YJCVt frpm ''0 antsrrieCoH- isack ;yejry;clrtno Can'yoti afford' to risk, 'your invest 4 meh in;nCTeanr;sBuy;ifie ibesL iV.Bnyrjai machine rthatr;it'As? play to : ttse. : Buy a. machine i that..;wears ' -JiyelL; : Buy a..-machine for, which you s - tan get; repa parte. ' Tou ."will be ;one Of OVfir thFM hiiDri1 thmisand ?,owners of ihe FrapU Iremier - jTka Servlee Vneaalled T ... .... .