THE MORNING tSTAR, WILMINGTON, N. G,. FRIDAY, APRJL 26, i9l&V. eleven; SAUONAL COTTON BREAK lrct Sell Off to 25.00 While --.l List Closes 100 to ISA of heavy general semng.m the if .itional break m prices. July con old off to 26.00, jmaking ade ' .... from the high record of April ' Tho close was at the lowest level . n-i1 thfl rflnP TQ 1 lie f tht 0aJ' CT - ncaa n(t losses oi iw io w points. , The opening, was irregular at a de- .!:rf 01 -l" L v -."-ajr icia w x- - .. . .I- iisv owinji iu me circulation nf . ' J . . . J -4. 1 ...... 1ft f n ,'ire" esiimaicu n. u -rr ecu j.u,uuu ana r00 bales. Spot houses; bought May Vits premium overjuiy narrowed to ... ni nnints. but the eenc.ral Ho IiSOU. A .-..j utinued weak and unsettled and mod erate rallies strcuicu .vj meci .increased jjerings from one source-or another, (omerous reports from the South de- rumors of increased snot nfrr-. iv-ub - , ,,.- : i or oi iri o i c-ocmug appear. htomaKe iuub impression on senti- I' - -in thA lata tra In 1 1-ijHl auu ' .. """'fa mere Irts southern semng or July which nS believed to oe against actual. Thre was alBO iurtner Heavy licm! - ,it:on by Liverpool ana omex long iterests wim me marKet reacning the jWesc levels 01 tne aay m the late rading. Mai' Broke to 26.04 or 176 ints net lower and no less than :39 per bale below the high record ihroA weeks aero. New cron rlpliv- ;je were relatively steady, reflect in je uniavoiauic maiauici ui recent :.ui ' . . . 3.5 or 110 points net lower Futures. 27.2o 27.50 26.04 27.18 27.45 26.00 26.00 26.00 25.55 25.33 25.15 IJaly Ixt. 26.45 26.50 25.55 I Dec .....26.25 26.30 25.33 iJin. 26.10 26.10 25.15 Spot weak; middling 27.55. PORT MOVEMENT. New Orleans Middling- 30.50; re belpts 1.8S7; exports 4,800; sales 2,003; h;ock 432.504. Galveston Middling 29.25; receipts i.733; sales 100; stock 278,777. Mobile Middling 31.50; stock 12.012, hivannah Middling 32.55; receipts - 2, :S7: stock 259,099. Charleston Middling 32.50; receipts h: stock 42,612. Wilmington Receipts 36o; stock 34,' IS. Texas City Stock 41,842. Norfolk Middling 82.50; receipts E34: stock 87,721. BaIt;more Exports 3,476; stock 32,- til Boston Middling 29.40; .receipts 179; kports 3.000; stock 17,000. Philadelphia Middling - 27-80; stock 571 New York Middling 27.55; exports Si; stock 162,830. . - , Minor ports Stock 22,733. t Total today Receipts 7,007; exports (.530; stock 1,432,488. Total for week Receipts 43,837; ex- y.-ts 32,003. Itotal for season Receipts" 5,578,453; torts 3.474.778. ' Interior Movement. Houston iliddling 28.15; receipts. 2,- :1; shipments 7,336; sales 142; stock 57,312. ' - '' Memphis Middling 32.00: receipts 1.201; shipments 6,176 r sales 250; stock Augusta Middling 31.25; 'receipts : shipments 1,755;- sales 400rsetock 24.534. . .. St. Louis Middling 32.00; receipts 159; shipments 5,162; stock 17,033. ; unclnnati Receipts 742: shipments 35; stock 18,350. . "tUe Rock Middling 32.25 : receipts '6; shipments 1,688; sales 1,688; stock 5.797. Dallas Middling 28,85.' Total today Receipts 15,859; ship- ients 22.822: stock 751.169. - ; CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago. Anril 2S. Wncs TTnanttleir mlk 16.85 17.40;. light 16.95 17.50; "a W 17.50: heavv. 5.80 : 20: rousrh 15 sn a ifi sn- nan isnn Cattle Weak; native steers 10.20 Storkpra an1 faaAara S 3rt (rh ;; cows and heifers, 6.85 . 13,85; "es s.uo 13.50. 8heen wMic- Shn i a on R '17 in- Nbs 18.25 21.65. ... . -VEW YORK MONEY MARKET. xe wTork. ADril 25. Mercantile na- ?H months 6;'six months 6; sterling ay bills 4.72; commercial 60-day ' on banks 4.72; commercial 60-day 3 4.713:- dpmnnr? 1 75 7.1R-. cahlest . . -. . . w w, , I railroad bonds irreerular. Time HS stearlv n r. ctz. 5i c- on " and 6 months 5, 6. Call mon- caay; h:gh 4; low 3 tuling. rate CSing bid 3 offered at ; 4: last pan, 4. ' ' " XEW ORLEANS COTTON. Orlpanc orz T-u Jtcet here opened at the decline to- it .u cu al tne aecime- tnrojngn- - ana closed at tne oot- n a barely steady tone, at a net ire Was fplt l.. i, ii.. : ai , - - . . jf ail cii 3 uiuv. uui- unfavorable construction placed 4 war nt-c j i , . f nations. . " . culati i . 1 1 1 r i "j fcz r 'j 1 1 u u .1 , i u on of May notices, but tender "6 est mated at only 100 bales which, 41 --wi n UHIJ 1UV UdlCO IV1UU1 inemselves, could not have exerted ''"mental etrAr: of sl'ght German gains on the stem hati i- c.,;. -"i;.nuiii were vieweu in a rwmistie wav t t- . usnt ahonf k- ..1 1 1 n '"U niat iv. xi - o 4- v. ' TnarlrA ... ... ... xi 05 t persistea until tne upoi prices were lowered by 160 al8 IthU -i j x.- on ca Bllish tr .,-x.:i... 1.1V. bi """is caiiea attention ii iiic that thiB compared with 25.83 . as iow priCe of the day on May, mak- nt. Premium on. spots nearly 5 jlll . """'u out tnis, togetner- im !4th claims o an over sol d market . l"at the decline will be progress- . l00 Rwiftl,. . i 3J it Via . -' ( lit fin . . . T - Tl f . . t - -wii miures closing Dia; mj .1 Tl 1 , O - . - m . ... . n . mo - rn V uct. z.4; uec. ' spot cotton J quiet; . 150 n'. Sales on the 6I'ot' 8: to ar" miadiing 0.t0. - J A ; . ' - ' p ' II COOL WAVE AFFECTS CORN More Than Counter-Bailee. Eet ot Wanner Weather-Priees Are . Slightly Higner. -. , Chicago, April 25. Forecasts of a cool wave more than counter-balanced in the corn market Jtoday the fact that first the prevailing warmer' weather seemed likely to facilitate planting. Prices closed firm at the same as yes terday's finish to higher with May 1.27 and July 150 to . Oats de clined to lit net. In provisions the outcome was unchanged to 20 low er. , -; , , . . Closing: -' .Corn May 1.27; July' 1.50. .Oats May-83; July 74. Pork May 47.25; July 46.95. Lard May 24.80; July-25.17. - Ribs May 22.72; July 23.30. - ' Cash corn No. 2 yellow 1.75; 3 yel low 6D. 1.70 72; No. 4 yellow.. 1.52. WILMINGTON MARKETS. (Quoted Daily by the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce.). STAR OFFICE, April 25. SPIRITS TURPENTINE 38 c. CRUDE TURPENTINE $4.00, $4.00, $3.00. - ROSIN $4.80, $4.50. TAR $3.00 13 c. Quotations tame day last year--Splr- its turpentine, 46c rosin, nominal; tar,.'$2.90-13c; crude turpentine, $3.60. $3.60, $2.60. ' RECEIPTS! Spirits Turpentine ........... ... ( ) Rosin ( ) Tar ... ... ... :..(-) Crude Turpentine ..( ) Receipts same day last year Spir its turpentine, ( ) casks; rosin, ( ,) barrels; tar 17 barrels; Jbrude turpen tine, ( ) barrels. COTTON MARKET. Quotation 32 cj years 19 c. . 'same day last Receipts ( ) bales; same day last year ( bale. Total receipts since August 1 to date, 65,283 bales. - - Total receipts to same date- last year, 64,747 bales. PRODUCE MARKET. April 25; 1918. (Prices Paid by Wilmington Dealers.) SWEET POTATOES Tarns, $1.75. PEAS Blackeye. '6o to 7c lb.; lady oeas, 10c lb.; ueia peai firm Sc tb Cuit.N .c t.2a per bu. BEEF Native dressed. 15 to 17c lb. PORK IS to 21c lb. WOOL Burry. 40c; first-class white, 55c to 60c lb. . HIDES Green, dull. X0c; green, salt, 11c NORTH CAROLINA BACON Hams, firm, 32c? Bides and "shoulders. 30c. ' BEES 'WAX Firm, 32c lb. : TALLOW Fir m. 1 5 c lb. r FOWLS Roosters, 80c to, $1.00 each: large Tall r V. 1 .If avi a CAn in' 7tn V. - spring chickens. 35c to 50c each, Heniff xi!n petrol.eHm 80c to $1.00. Turkeys, alive, , 30c lb.; dressed- undrawn, 35c; dressed, drawn, 40c lb. - jtCGGS 30 to 32c doz. . . ., WILMINGTON PEANUT MARKET. (Quoted by J. S. Funchesa & Co.) ' Wilmintong, April 25. North Caro lina peanuts, farmers' stocK, No. 1 ma chine picked, $3.10; extras, $2.00. Virginia peanuts, farmers stock, fan cy Jumbos, $2.20; No. 1 machine picked, $2.10; extras, $2.00. Spanish peanuts, farmers' stock. No. l sma'l machine picked. $2.25; Jumbos, $2.20. DRY GOODS MARKET. New York, April 25. The cotton goods market here was easy and woolr en goods steady. Raw silks was steady. Government requisitions for cloths in creased steadily and loans were taken from civilian orders rapidly. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, April 25. Spot cotton quiet; prices- lower; good middling 22.69; middling -22.17; ' low; -middling 21.64; good ordinary. 20.64 7 Sales 4,000 bales -including 3,300 American. '.No receipts. ' Futures closed barely steady. New contracts: April' 22.21; May 21.69; June -'21.36; July 20.96; Aug. 20.52. Old contracts, fixed prices, April 20.62; April May 20.54;. May June 20.46; June July 20.38. - ' v . NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York, April steady; centrifugal 25. Sugar-r Raw, 6.005; fine granu- lated 7.45. . Butter Firm. Cheese- Irregular. Coffee Spot, . Rio 7s 8; Santos 11. ; ' 4s NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. New York, " April 25. Beeves No trading. Calves, steady; veals 11.00 15.50; bulls '9.00 10.00; southern veals 10.75 -12.00. ' r; Sheep and lambs-r-No trading. . Hogs Steady- at. 18.0; pigs, 18.00 18.25; roughs 16.75..V .' ALLIGATOR KILLED. Soldiers at' the Fort Get Big- Saurian tn Cane Fear River. (Special Sta rCorrespondence.) Fort Caswell, April 25. A nine-foot alligator Tas killed in the Cape Fear river near the fort yesterday by Lieut- Joseph Schoenfelt assisted by Ser geant Foard. The two men were in a boat when, they sighted the big ; "'nsh and immediately opened! fire with rifle- They succeeded in getting ropes fas tened " ground it and af ter -' . a hard foughta battle-brought It ashore;.: An enjoyable entertainment "was given in the Y. M. C. A. hut last night by the Berkeley sextette, a-lyceumat trection ,and was repeated, tdnlghti, The men at tbe post greatly appreciate the liberality of Wilmington citizens which made " it possible to erect the Y... M. C A. building. It provides 'a. place for these occasions that helps to break the monotony of post life..-; '- Lieut. Tracy C. Dickson .has reported for duty.. et the post. '' ,' -.'Vr: Today is Liberty Bond Day.., Buy,. a Bond and Get Your Name on theHonor ROll.' " ' ' - -:'0 Swat the flies an early fight means an' easy fight. . .. " " RAILWAY ISSUES SLUGGISH Some Go Unquoted wkile Other. Low ! : ne 0,Ir P4ntSpclaltle K' ''S'-'.y "..Variable".-' 5 . New. York. ' April 25. Variable strength among specialties, mostly of obscure origin, and the sluggishness of investment issues, notably rails were the contrasting features of today's Perflcial stock market. " ' Only in ne noteworthy instance did foreign affairs find direct reflection. conn,,f 3 Points, presumably In S Tith the tense diplomatic manJ w b,efwreen Holland-and Ger 'aS ? completely eclipsed, many while otn?UeS remaining unquoted, Chiif o 8 reacted one to four points. cific,nf?,ng t?2ese were Canadian Pa- uito"pVarrta"" also theefr1 ii,ue"8-ro-i i to 2 Points in ciDkttnn "00' wlOy in anti cipataon of favorable dividend action, !i?6r?,s?ndra th?ir gaina mo" Derore the close. . Popular industrials, including equip WMre disPsed ease, but ferti '"" distillers, Industrial Alco hol and low priced utilities were 1 to wnJniSxbetter at tImes' yielding later with motors and tobaccos. Sumatra To bacco reacting from Its new maximum. iionds were irregular and featureless on reduced offerings, liberty issues easing-slightly,i Total sales par value aggregated $4250,000. U. S. bonds, old issues, were, unchanged on- call. - XBW YORK STOCK LIST. American-Beet Sugar American Can ..... . .. . American Car and Foundry'."!.' . American Locomotive ... ... . American Linseed ... ... American Smelting & Refining' American . Sjigar . ... American Tet; TeL r. .-. ... American Tobacco . ..... Anaconda Copper ..." .. Atchison ........ Atlantic Coast Line '"."!! ' .43 . 73 64 - 32 76, . 104 . - 98 .165 . 63 83 S8 .106 80 . 51 79 .137 65 . 55 . 37 . 18 42 . 40 . 37 64 . 28 - 14 . 141 .116 89 29 . 109 95 . 51 . 23 . - 40 . 32 111 ..24 . 92 V 28 45 . " 20 . 68 . 103 . 83 . 38 ..44 52 24 . 80 . 80 - ' 7 . 15 . 2-7 . 58 .82 . 20 ,58 35 . 18 ... 144 :3 .118 . 89 .121 .123 . 57 . 94 AtL Gulf & w. Indies Baldwin Locomotive ... Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel "B" Canadian Pacific . . i Central Leather ... . . . . Chesapeake & Ohio ... ... . Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul ... Ch'go. R. i & Pac. ... ... .. Chino Copper, ....... ... ... Colorado iTuel & iron , Corn Products ..... v. . ; . . . . Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar ... ... Erie ......... ... General Electric ". General Motors ... Great Northern pfd ...... . Great Northern Ore Ctfs ... Gulf States Steel .... ... ... Illinois Central . ... . Inspiration Copper ........ Int. Mer. Marine Int. Mer, Marine, pfd .... International . Paper '. . ; . Kennecott Copper .. . . Louisville & Nashville ... . . Maxwell Motors i .V Miami uopper ... Midvale Steel .......... Missouri Pacific ... ... ... New York Central ,C . ; .' Norfolk & Western .. Northern Pacific .... Ohio Cities Gas V . . . .'. Pennsylvania. . . . . . i ,.; Pittsburg Coal ... ... Ray Consolidated Copper Reading. ... Rep. Iron & Steel ... Seaboard Air Line ...... Seaboard Air Line pfd . .'. . Sinclair Oil & Refining". . . Sloss. Shef. Steel & Irorf . Southern Pacific ... ... . Southern Railway ....... Southern Railway pfd, ... Studebaker Corporation . . -Tennesee Copper . '. . . Texas Co. ... . ;. Tobacco Products . . . . Union Pacific ... ...":;.. United Cigar Stores" .... ; United Fruit ... ... ... U. S. Ind. Alcohol United States Rubber United States Steel The Will cause many to be sick. 520. .We will fill and return THE PAYNE ' PHONE 520 ' v Chang From Now Until .. .- . -. ry Libe 4. -" of the Third Liberty Loan - Progressive Building & Loan v 118 North Second Street. EIRST:-BTJY -LIBERTY BONDS AND' HELP: WIN THE WAR.; -r ?r;"hfpt;:. . b. ys'i-y-: r. Second :-It you have any left buy6ur;Building- Material from us. W the prices rigritandiwill deliver the goods.. :"0 y : . :':::::Zs-:,C;.:-' ' ; Seryic;6. counts, and that; is what we offer-s- '- - ' ' " Moore Bog er 206 PRINCESS STREET THE WEATHER. United Statea Oepartmemt of AsrieiU ture Weatber Bureaa. April 26, 1918. ' .Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending yesterday at 8 P. M.: v Temperatures at 8 P. M. 62 degrees; at 8 P. M. 59 degrees: maximum 72 de grees; minimum 59 degrees; mean 66 degrees. ' ' , - Rainfall for the day, .00 inches; rain fall for the month, to. date, 3.60 inches. - Stage of water in cape Fear river at Payetteville 8 A. M. yesterday; 31.5 feet. : . : ' THE WEATHEa. .'; r. For North Carolina: Rain and . warm er, Friday; Saturday fair, except- radn in northeast portion. ' .. " ' : , The Port Calendar, April 26, 1S18. . Sun rises . . .6:28,;M. Sun sets . , . . 7 ;52P. M. Days' length .. ...13"hrs. 24 min. . THE TIDES. High water Low watet A.M. p.m; ajj: ; PJC, Wilmington . . .10:53 11:24 .' 6:16 . 6 :27 Southport .. ... 8:49;-lI .. 3i02-X'O3 Sasonboro Inlet.. 8:38; 9:0 ';2:42 2:43 WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. Temperature; '.ai STATIONS a. Abilene . . . Ash'eville ... Atlanta . Augusta . .'. Birmingham Boston ... . Charleston' . Charlotte Chicago . .. Galveston .. Jacksonville Memphis . . Mobile . .. Montgomery New Orleans New York . - Oklahoma . Palestine rf . Pittsburgh . Raleigh . . Savannah . Shreveport . St. ' Louis . . Washington Wilmington . . .cldyj 78 .. 6S. 76, ;82r 76 .56 72 ' .56 ;'46 78." ' 76 ' ..74."' ,70 - 78 " 78r 58- 68 66 62 58; .r 74 - 68 46 58 . 72 ' ' 40 50!,. -58 - 60. '58. -38 . 64 . 36. "62, 64 " 56 ess:" :58": "64 : 38 44 ' ' 54 " 34 '.52 62. : 58 '42' .V4V - . - .0' '-oi . : .u x22 .0 ' I .0 .0 ,02 2.50 .10 .04 .68 .86' 2.06 .0 .- .0 " .56 .0 .10 .0 ,.36 ' 1.52 .02 .0 . .cdy .rain'g . .cldy .cldy, . .clear . .cldy . . . cldyj .'rain'g . . clear .rain'g . rain'gj . . .cldy .rain'g . .clear . . 61ear " . .cldy . .clear . .cldy ...cldy . . . cldy . .clear .rain'g . .'.cldy . . .cldy United States Steel, pfd Utah Copper. ... Virginia Caro. Chem. ... Wabash Pfd "A" T... ... Western Union ... :..t Westlnghouse Electric Willys-Overland Total Sales .... ....... - . ;110 .i 79 ..46 -.39 93. 40 17 .275.200 . SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah, ; April 25; Turpentine Firm, 38; sales, - 533; receipts' 47; shipments 164; stock )z.3,016. Rosin Firm; sales'l ); receipts 776; shipments 7.51; stock'96.718. Quote B .520 . 525; .D 7 F. G H.I 530; K 650 5.55;' M 5.75 5.80; X 6.00 6.30; WG 6.50 665 ; WW "69 0. " ' ' ; - COTTON ; SEED OIL MARKET, . New; Yprk, April25 -jQQttonseed oJJ was easfer -uhderltfay''llqu were 300 barrels' ;May at l9.25. Prime crude 17.50; prime summer yellow,-spot nominal; May 19.2 5; Jury nominal. v Do yoa want your nair to grow long, soft and silky? Look at the pietura here of Mary Harris, and se What beatrtifal sheham. Yoa.too.caa 1UVQ lona stxalst hair by Deing -, v, EXELENTO ?SJ2i Do not be fooled by usloc soma fake preparation, Exelento is guaranteed to do as wesayoryougetyourmoneyback. . PrlcaUebyinan.Stamp8oreoIn. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Wfti wOf pi' tiCBHsf S CXgLEWTO HfgPfCtMK CO, JfcTlAHTA, Oft. e of Weather First call yourdQCtof,,tlieii call your prescription' promptly. DRUG CO. FIFTH and BED CROSS STS. riy LT s oons ml in May r - SUBURBAN SCHEDULE ' " IN EFFECT KEBRUARY 4, 11S - '-5 WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVILXE, WEIGHTS- ; '. i ' v VVTIJ BEACH CC " EAST BOUND 1 Lfeav - "Electrle , -Center" . - '" .'for ' Leave Eleetrlo Center :-"'for Leave Mfileetrle Center" ' f? - - !, Beaek Winter Park Wrightavflle x6:.50 A.M. x:50 A-MJ 17:30 A.M. 8:0;A.M. !8:30 A.M. !7:0 A.M. , ;00 AM. 18:30 A.M. 13:30 A.M. io:00A.M. 11:30 A.M. " 11:00 P.M. 9:00 A. M. 9)0 A-iL . 10:00 AJt 11:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. - U:30 A.M. !1:00 P.M. - xl:l0 P.M. ol:55 PJJ. !1:00 P.M xl:10 P.M. ol:B5 P.M.! 2:30, P.MM 2:30 P.M. . 3:00 P.M. 3:06 P.M. 3:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. ; 4:10 P.M. , 4:30, P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:3o'p.iL - o:&e f.M. -5:30 r.M. '5:3o'p.M: x:10 P.M. x:10 P.M. 6:40 i.M 6:40 P.M. s.-- 7:15 P.M. 8:15 P.M. 9:15 P.M. 10:15 P.M. 11:15 P.M. : 715- P.M. 8:15 P.M. 9:15 P.M. 10:15 P.M. 11:15 P.M. 4 m j ..... ' " SPECIAL FOR SUNDAYS. . Leave "Front and Princess streets every half hour froi 2 to 5 P. M. . Leave Beach every half hour from 2:45 to 5:45 P. M.. ()., Sunday only:. ) Dally except Sunday, (x) Beach transfer car connected with this train at Wrightsvijle. (o) Superceded by half hour schedule Sunday afternoons. ' - : ) - FREIGHT SCHEDULE (TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS SATURDAYS) Leave Ninth and Orange streets, 3 P. M. . . . Freight depot open Tuesdays, Thursdays and ' Saturdaya from. 2:00 to 3:00, P. M. a' ..' ' -; - . - - . . . . ... . . "-. SPECIAL NOTICE This table sh-ws the time a,t ; which trains may be expected to arrive at and depart from the several stations, but the arriv als and departures are not guaranteed. Bonds the Bonds of Slavery - TAKE YOUR CHOICE! . ! - ( ; ADVERTISING COMPY Printing. Maltla-rapbing, Engmvlng, Typevrrltlng, Rubber. Stamps Just Received iiifEi; PLANT3?ONE SEED" JUST WHERE YOU IT---ANY DISTANCE APART ; Thfsinitchme plants with sures. a f ulllStand without waste, because the seeds are evenly ThiSnachine can be used advantageously in planting COTTON, CORN, SOY AND VELVET BEANS, PEANUTS AND ANY SMALL SEED. WE, CAN MAKE PROMPT SHIPMENTS ORDER NOW T Ledbctter Planting Makes Bigger Crops With Less Cost. This planter is so simple in construction that it- eliminates every chance for trouble, even when placed in the hands of in experienced or. careless users'. , " WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER. T N. 10 and 12 South Front Street. Jacobi r. - - . '. ' ' ; ' - . . . United Stages 4 1-4 Liberty Bonds This Bank will receive subscriptions up to May 4th for these bonds. This issue will be free': of aU taxes except inheritance and surtax on incomes over $5,000.00. ; ' ; - v ; 'Payment 'can d1 made in cash or by installments . ' You .are urged to do your duty by subscribing quickly, to the largest possible "amount. subscription now is worth double one at the end of the campaign. This Bank will, without charge, arrange all details for. yen.; v,' '-"? ' . ' : ' ' : ' ' ; , . Thb aiURCHISON NATIONALBANK Everybody. Reads the WEST HOUND Leave Beack for-; LeaVe Leave UVria-Msvllle Winter -Parte for far nrilmlngton. Wilmington.1 Wilmington. 1:15 A.M. X7:20 A.M. 7:50 A.M. 6:26 A.M. x7:31 A.M. 8:01 -L.M. !8:11 A.M. - 8:41 A.M. 19:36 A.M. 9:41 AJVL !10:41 A.M. 11:06 A.M. 12:36 P.M. 2:01 PJL J2i06 P.M. 2:36 P.M. oS:ll P.M. o3:50 P.M. 4506 P.M. o4:30 P.M. o5:10 P.M 5:36 P.M. 6:11 P.M. 6:56 P.M. 7r21 P.M. 7:56 r.M. 8:56 P.M. 9:56 P.M. 10:56 P.M. !11:30 P.M. 11:56 P.M. "!8:C0 A.M. 8:SO A.M. , 19 M6 A.M. 19:25 A.M. 9:30" A.M. 10:30 A.M. 10:45 A34. 12:15 P.M. Vl":45p!iL 10:55 AJJ 12:25 P.M. xl:50 P.M. !1:55 PJd. 2:25 P.M. o3:00 P.M. 3:45 P.M 3:55 P.M. 5:15 P.M. 6;00 P.M. xfr:45 P.M. 7:10 P.M. 7:45 P.M. . 8:45 PJ4. 9:45 P.M. 10:4? P.M. 1J.:45'P.M. I Are Better HARRISS PRINTING & aceuraey and certainty and inr Co. Wilmington, N. C. Star Business. Locals Hardware UNION PASSENGER STATION Arrival and Departure f t TVln j , - February 1st, 118. " ' x SEABOARD XJR LINE DEPART DAILY ARRIVH 3:55 P.M..... CharlotU ;.i.4ia:30 Plj - Parlor Car.. -: - V 1 5:00 A.M.. v.. Charlotte 12:30 A.M,( Sleeper opened 10:00 P. M. For Information Phone 173. ATLANTIC COAST LINE DEPART . DAILY . ARRIVEJ, 5:45 A.M.. .South and West. .12:40' A.Mv Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 P. M. 7;45 A.M... North 6:05 P.M. Parlor Car to Norfolk, S:45 A.M...Fayettevllle ..... 8:00 P.M5 3:05 P.M. . . New "Bern ..12:80 P.M. 3:30 P.M... South and West.. 1:00 P.M. , Sleepers to Augusta, Atlanta 6:45 P.M....North . .'........10:15 A.M. Sleepers to Washington, Norfolk. For Information Phone ISO. STEAMER WIUHiat GTO X. Schedule Effective March. 23rd. ItlS. Leave Wilmington Mondays, Tuesdays. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Frfdays, 9:30 A. M. Leave Wilmington Saturdays, 6:45 A. M. and 1:30 P. M ' Leave Wilmington . Sundays, 9 A. M., and 6 P. M. for Fort Caswell, making no stops between Wilmington and the fort on evening trip. , Leave Southport and Fort Caswell Mon days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs days and Fridays, 2:30 P. UL Leave Southport and Fort Caswell Sat-- ' urdays, 9:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Leave Fort Caswell 3:15 P. M. and Southport 3:30 P. M on Sundays. .The Frantz Premier Js the mod--. ern .wcfman' way .of clean . ing., . -.:", . ., ....... -. Have; one of these machines .- demonstrated." See how. effective ly -and easily it t cleans carpets, rugs and upholstered; furniture. 'It is ideal for- cleaning' carpet ed stairways.; See howasy it is "to handle. - Compare it for light ness with " any - other electric cleaner sold.. You will choose the Grants Premier ' because. :ilti. answers countless ' Cleaning 'problems in your home.- . ' .. Just phone us and we will ar range a demonstration for you. The price of the Frants Pre mier will prove aglad surprise after you have seen the work it does. The cost of operating is but a trifle. . C. W. POLVOGT CO. " Phone 825 TIDE WATER POWER CO. - Phone 28 . , . G. H. C. STONE Y; DUtrlbntor Winston-Salem - i j FRESH-CANDY . 5C to' 95.00 Mary Garden Talc Perfume and Face Powder Djerkiss Talc Face Powder. Toilet Water and Azurea Face Powder Sachet and Toilet Water Houblga'nt's Extract and Toilet Water Melba Fao Powder, Lov" - and Toilet Water . Florida Water Toilet Waters; Etc.' Me J. HICKS BUNTING . DRtlG. company . - . . Second and Princess Streets f "Sans Souci" MEATS Raised, Killed, Manufac tured and Sold in the South Why not patronize a Home Industry? : . , CAROLINA PACKING GO. Meat Packers WILMINGTON, N.4C. 1 Read Star Business Local I' ; ; t i I -f y (1 ; . it 1 I " .J "1 7 ii 1' 0 - !i -f :.. ": ! i--. ii u -1 I , i, I !'' J f!i - ,; ' ( . il iff .if I' ( ; - V I.': ..0". 1". . '

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