-Vi gupply Greatly Strained during Five WeeKs 01 isaxue. ... h.tmIi Enormous Loufi fnrci ; Either by l)inicuuu ir vPive the Germans Something; of Output Revealed. " VTHE MOVING TS IF nil sow caught . ? InmSiffiaiDOUB w wt mam. lllMi SEVEN, f ??5fh?r Of, Enar"ah Bible In the Mood? (Copyright. 917. Wetern Newspaper Union.) WESSON PttR Jeana Rebukes Selfishness. London, April 25. Winston Spencer urchill. introducing in the house; of CbUmons' today the estimates for the C0II1ixtr- of munitions, of which Jie Is eks since the battle in France had ed they had been passing; .through eD eate3t strain regarding the' sup- . f war maieiwi i-""' v,.. ovnerience OI tne rainisiry. : t 1! r - Not ony had tne consumPtlon and ipstruction of munitions of : all kinds leen proceeding at the greatest, rate. e.t there also were Very heavy losses !v capture by the enemy. 'TVe lost," the minister said, "nearly ,hnu,ana guns by shell fire or cap 8 between 4,000 and 5,000 machine 1 J have been lost or. destroyed and ? quantity of ammunition, apart laem that which has been fired and f? which has been lost in the dumps. Inted to something between one three weeks' total of manufacture. an Los-es Now Made Good, nther war material have been used fndon1 similar scale .but by tbeend 7,! week all the losses had been tade good and in many cases more than maao . . vAn ino nr left behind. .aiVl the demand has been, the Dili B , ,. A I A not lditure in ie , ,Y7 . LESSON TEXT Mark 9:30-50. -GOLDEN TEXT-lr-anv man desire to be first, the same'shali be last of all, and servant of all. Mark 9:35. , DEVOTIONAL, - READING I Corin thians 13. r , ; ADDITIONAL. MATERIAL. " FOR TEACHERS Matt. , 8:41-42; 20:20-23; Luke 22:24-30.. - - . v - PRIMARY 'MEMORY VERSE Be MATERIAL. Mark . 9:30-37. -, PRIMARY MEMOR YVERSE Be kind one to anothe. Spheslans 4:32. JUNIOR MEMORY VERSE I John 4:21. ; ELI t M FAR iftlilOHE ir Lady,; Well Known in The Carolinas, Suffered Terribly For 16 j Months Lost 7Q Pounds. VTis Different story; .in ow. Vast quantities of small arm ammu . vove been iobi or ieu icium ereat as the demand has been, the expenditure v t-,1 the British factories without touch ing enormous reserves which had -accumulated against such a contmgency, Se wastage of rifles was very , great, but the losses were quite easily and nromrtly made good. - 'Our preparations had contemplated a neriod of supreme battle intensity from the third week of Februarys in stead of the third week of March, so we are at present from one to threv weeks to the good. Those calculations allowed the artillery to fire during the whole fighting season a considerably heavier volume of shells than was ex pended weekly .during the offensive battles of last year and more than double the volume of shells Jlred dur ing the terrific bombardment which characterized the Somme offensive of 1916 They also provided, for the car rying forward into 191 J of sufficient rrves to allow the British total to mount one step higher then in power and intensity. v- ' . r.i-pnt Alralane Production. "We are making in a single week. mnrn airolanes than we made in the whni of 1915: in a single month now more than we made in the- whole of 1315; in three months more ; than we made in tne vnoie oium.' " are;going to make this .year several ime what we made last year. Mr. Churchill said that owing to the tnnnatre reauired for importation to this country, coal to France and Italy. and the assistance whicu Engiananaa to give for the transportation or. tne American army he haa to accept a con iHerahift reduction in the tonnage budget, upon which he had hoped to build his plans. But, ne aaaea -Enough is as"good'as a feast.' "Just last year we had more ammu nition than the guns could fire, . con ;o,i tvia minister. "This year we- shall have sufficient guns to flre alld and more than all the ammunition which the tonnage, and tonnage alone, allows us to manufacture. All. xt great armies in the later, stages of this campaign will be fully supplied with trims and shells. -but tne-gunners will be the limiting factor in artillery development." - -s German Claim Exaggerated. Referring to the German, war mm- ister's claim . to ; the capture. :6f more than twice the number of guns than he Tiad announced. Mr. Churchill said that the German claim was a' gro- tesaue exasreeration and untrue. - The suooly of airplanes had been for some time in advance of the dBvelop. ment of squadrons' and drained pilots, and this susply had enabled tne.min istrv to meet all the needs of the- great battle and the wastage- result-' ing therefrom and in addition to carry, forward the program " of .expansion to vhich the government was "cojnmilted.) The output of tanks had been o accel erated that the ministry -Was-ifh" a rpd sition to replace everytank; 'Wl'ost by one of new and better- pattern"': fast as the army could take the delivery. , , - i , Today is Liberty Bond Day; Buya Bond and Get Your Name, on-the Honor Roii. -. ; : "- , : GIRLS! HAVE I'M, THICK, GLOSSy FREE FROM DANDRUFF , I. The Study ef Selflshnew. (w. 30 82). Jesus with his"disclples .is on;ni& way to Capejnaum fo.r the last time. He is soon to leave 'for- Jerusalem, where he is to die on the cruel cross for the world's sins He still seeks the way of retirement in order to be alone with his disc,ipes, his object be ing to lead them into the apprehen sion of the meaning of the crss. The teaching which was interrupted at Caeserea by Peter's rebuke is now re sumed, and with definiteness "he de clares the future event as already present. , L "The Son of Man is-delivered into the hands of men." . - 2. : "They shall kill him." . 3. "He shall rise the third day." While - pressing upon them continu ously the fact and necessity of the cross he ; never , failecf to v show them the bright side his triumphant vic tory oVer death Mn the resurrection. The hearts of the -disciples were so steeped in selfishness that they failed to understand his teachings . If the disciples had more definitely attended to his teaching concerning the cross, they would-have been better jprepared for the hour of temptation which was so soon to overtake them. ir. The. Wrangling of Selfishness, (w, 33-37).' . - - . 1. The searching question (v.. 33)., The omniscient Christ knew the se crets of their hearts." The fact that the disciples were wrangling about official position while the Lord was t . If any person , has reason to believe! in Mantone' that person is Mrs. Eliza beth Riggsbee.H Her experience with Mantone is .little short of -wonderful and he story brings hope to the num berless,people, especially women, wlvo are discouraged,- having tried medicine after medicine without receiving any benefit from their long, drawn-out suf ferings. ' ;..,:, J;.' ' --. .v- . - Mrs. Riggsbee is well known in the Carolinas, having lived in both states. For yeara she has been' identified with the work of the Methodist church and the Daughters of the Confederacy, be ing a member of the Winnie Davis Chapter. She now lives at Bynum, N. C. Her husband, the. late s.-M. Ttletrs- bee, as a member of the Wm. G. Hill Lodge, was active in Masonic circles. Her story follows: ."Were.it not for Mantone I feel that I 'could not. have lived much longer For ib months I suffered terribly. My blood was poisoned with - impurities. I had a. complication of liver, kin nfv una nerve trouble, also a severe . case of intestinal Indigestion.- My sleep was broken and did not rest me. My weight fell off from 212 to 142 pounds in a few weeks.' I suffered from headacheB. My blood pressure was s high. " There -" was numbness of the hands and arms... My; back ached. I was nauseated, my. ton gue was coated' and spells of dizziness attacked me frequently. I was in this distressing condition-when I learned how Mantone helped an oldl, friend. "I took the full treatment of Man-, tone. The headaches lert. me, my di gestion has improved, numbness has disappeared, .my nerves are stronger, I do , not suffer from backache arid dizziness has gone and . I sleep well. . ' "Mantone, I am thankful to say, has done' all of this for me and. while I have never before given praise to. any medicine -1 feel it . my duty , to make known my story for thelbenefit of oth- The proof of Mantone is in the tak ing of it. : It is all medicine and fre.e from alcohol. It does the work, that's 'why it is -sold on this guarantee no benefit, no cost. You can't get: stuns on Mantone. . " . Mantdn "Makes You Feel Good 'AIJ. Over." Men marvel at Mantone, women wonder why. At all drug stores.--Adv. EUGHS CASE 2$ SOUTH FRONT STREET mehtftofiGrecfe Georgette, Wadsts Big assortment of colors in waists, crepe de chine, in all the new styles, spe cial at . $3.50 Pretty Georgette "Waists, each for $5.75 Big line of Voile .Waists, all styles, each only . . .$1.00 . . ZEEBRU6GE RAID DARING EXPLOIT (Continued' from page one.) ' riddled. A "considerable ' pr6portion of our casualties were caused by splin- Lters from these upper works. "Meanwhile 1 the Daffodil continued to push, us against, the wall as if no battle was on and if the Daffodil had failed" to do this none of the members of the landing- party would have been able to return to the snip. ' , ' !Twenty-flve minutes after the Vin dictive had reached the wall the first block ship passed in and headed for the canal. Two others followed in leisurely fashion-while we kept up the flgtiton the mole. One o fthe block ships" stranded outside of the canal, but the two others ot two or three hundred yards inside where they. were were successfully sunk across the en trance. - "One difficulty we had in' preparing this expedition was that we could not have open practice of what we con went clear through the Iris. Of the casualties on board this vessel more than a third were killed. Funeral services .for the men- who were lost will ,be held here tomorrow, A memorial, service for Captain H.. C. Hallihan, who commanded the sea men's storming party, ; was held to day. ' .. ' ; . . . ; JOHN T. SCOTT PARDONED. facing humiliation a death . for them "7 - "VU aAd the 'whole world, shows how com pletely-the Lord was alone in his sor row. 2. The silent disciples (v. 34). They were ashamed in his presence, because the selfishness of their hearts was revjpaled. To realize the presence of the Lord would shame us of much of our selfishness. 3. The stinging rebuke (vv. 35-37). "If , any . man , desire to be Jlrst, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all." .The greatest among men are those who are willing to take the-low- est place and serve others. This truth His Divorced Wife and Others Asked -It Charged Witlf Bigamy. ( (Special Sta rCorrespondence.) : Raleigh, April 25. Governor Bick ett grants a -pardon for John T. Scott, serving three years , from ; Buncombe county for bigamy. " ; His . first' wife, who is divorced; the solicitor of the district, two ministers and . others urged that the governor pardon the man, who, according; to a statement by the divorced- wife, was "nervous, irritable, and at times his mind was almost ' a blank." - ' " Ht's Wasteful lted to a certain amount of intensive training at night fighting and bomb ing, while officers were carefully drill ed in dealing'with all exigencies like ly to occur. "The men were tuned up to a , high pitch and it was with very anxious! hearts that-we waited for a suitable J time to strike, knowing mat every day we waited there was a greater chance of our secret leaking out. TJif teen minutes after the Vindic tive arrived alongside the mole, our rinn eVnloded under the viaduct 'Jng a child in their midsU This chlldlchftect4ng tlier mole wlth--ther-aln- w. .n niuitratinn rT Trfriflnrft and u.il TV (Iprman R tiau. BeiiL a. cuu- ignorance. jay example anu worn no shows that true greatness is expressed by willingness to aid the weak; to in struct the ignorant ana to serve those in need. All such render service not merely to those in need, but unto Christ -and God. True greatness, there fore, consists not in self-seeking, but renderings, cheerful service to the needy in the nam eof Christ. HI. The Intolerance of Selfishness (vv. 38-41): " 1. John's guilty conscience (v. 38). Inxthe light of the teaching of Jesus John was a little disturbed over, hav ing "forbid" a worker for Christ who did not follow, after him. Doubtless" this intolerance was 4n part 'due tb jealousy for Curist, but also a selfish ambition. Many times Christians mis take bigotry for zeal for Christ.' ' 2. Whom to tolerate (w. 39-41). (1) Those who are casting out dev ils (v. 39). We should really satisfy ourselves that supernatural works are being, done.- -Are demons being cast out? However, this is not final, as there is - a supernatural work not of God. - (2) Those who are not doing this work ii Christ's name (v. 41). Any worker -going forth inx the name of Chrrst, and-for the grory. of Christ. 'should be'.eiven Godspeed. If - he- is .doing a - good work, even though not in ; your ' way, "or if - not a member of your -church -or school,- "Forbid him not," - . " - ; - ,. p IV. TheAyful Iune of Selfishness, (vv. 42-50). . ' ' : - ' Selfishness results in, ruin to -others, (y. 42), and and to the individual' (vv. 4QA5K and:.47).- In either- case the Is sue is eternal torment - in helL '- Selfishness'- isooposed to1 Cod, .and that which'is opposed. to Coc jnust be eter nally separated- from 'him. Self-renunciation should be so complete that we should be willing to,, abandon the most . necessary and lawful, things in life hands,, feet and eyes--when .they become 'occasions for stumbling either to ourselves or to others. I www to let 'bar soap lie arouna in water. Kx travagant too. Use GRANDMA'S powdered Soap. Measure, it out with a spoon no waste. Cleans penrthinSf injures nothing. Try it. and Larger Packages GRANDMA'S Borax Powdered Soap Ask Your Grocer For It! Millinery Depaftment1 i -r eY f hipment pi Midsummer Hose HairBrakT and Lace Edge Hats, also a big assortment of dead white shapes and sailors for midsummer wear. These are priced very reason . able. We have trimmings suitable and our milliners will take pleasure in helping you select the most suitable styles. Veils at all pricesr-see usjbefore you buy. - Can make your hat to order on short notice. V ... . Men's Dimity Check Union Suits, per suit a Men's $1.50 grade Union Suits ot cross--: bar muslin, per, suit . . . . . . .$1.00 Men Athletic Shirts and Pants, each ; 'only, .. ...... 50 Men's Poros Knit style of Shirts and - Drawers, each . ; . . . . . . . . . .50 Men's Balbrigan Shirts and Drawers, each ........ . ......... . . . . . ... 50 ' Men's Cygolf union-made Shoes and Ox- ; fords, a pair . . . ... . . $5.00 to $7.50 Complete stock of Ladies' Home Journal Patterns for Summer. The prices of them: arc only 10c. and 15c each. These are the best why pay more ? J; W. H. FUCHS, DEFT STORE V The Store For Service'! HAIR Save your hair ! Double its beauty in a few minutest try this ! -: . . . if you care". for heavy hair, that listens with beauty : and is jVadiant ith'iife; has an incomparable soft ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Dah- ieriae. y ' . .. Just one application' "doubles . the iiately dissolves every partigle of dan iruff; you cannot have nice,'.r heavy.' wealthy hair if you have dandrulfz-This destructive scurf robs the hair of its ,ustre, its strength and its very, life, nd if overepme it produce's -afever-shness and .tching' of the scalp; .the aair roots famish, loosen and die; then, ne hair falls outcast,. . - . " your hair has been neglected and 's thin, faded, dry, scraggy - or too uy. get a small bottle of Khowlton's anderine at any drug store or toilet counter for a few' cents; apply a little directed. and ten minutes after you 111 say this was the best investment you ever made. J - sincerelv hellnvn.' rpe-a.rdl"ess of everything else advertised, that if you I pire soft, lustrous, beautiful' hair and ts of it no dandruff no' J itching aip and no- more falling hair you ""ist use Knowlton's.Danderine. If entuallyMfhy; ot .nowAdvld" : Eastman Case Goes to Jnry. -New York April 25 The case- of Max EastmanWand others asaociatea with" him in the publicatiof of ; the socialist magazine, The Masses, wtto have been on trial on a charge of-cpn-spiring to defeat the action of, the draft act, went to the jury In the fed eral court .here late today: " v , , Biderable force to this vlaauct as soon as the submarine arrived and these men were gathered on the viaduct at tacking our submersible with machine guns. When the explosion occurra the viaduct and Germans were blown up together. The crew of the subma rine, consisting of six men, escaped on a dinghy to a motor launclu . . "Early - in the fighting a German Shell knocked- out our howitzer, ; which had been -getting In spme good shots on ft-big German seaplane station on 4i a mi Vialf a mile away. This is' the largest seaplane station in Belgium. Unfortunately our other guns could not, be brought to-hear effectively on it. '- - , "The shell which disabled the how itzer killed all the member of the gun crew. Many men also were killed by a German shell w.hich hit the mole close to our ship and'scattered fragments of steel and. stone among the marines as sembling on the deck around the gangway. flrhe German' fire was very hot all the time we lay alongside the mole. At times the German guns reached as high as forty shots a minute. During the hottest part of the fighting I left my station in the flame house and went all around tne snip to see now thines were going. The spirit of the men was excellent. All they asked waaA'Are we winning? Half an hour after the block ships went in we re- celved tne signal io wimuraw. xhd Vlndictive's siren was -blown and the men returned from all partsfof the mole and thronged down the gangway. We' put off after having laid alongside just about an hour, me Germans made no effort to interfere with our getaway other than, to continue their heavy firing." The Vindictive was provided with plenty of; defensive equipment -in ease the Germans attemptea to Doara ner. The heaviest casualties of the ex pedition appear to have-been inflicted on the personnel of the iris, many on board being killed by a shell . whlchv burst, on the 5 onage. - Anotner sneu D . - State College Won. - Wake Forest. Aprili 25. -Baseball: Wake Forest 2; State College 5.v " - , Today is - Liberty Bond- Day. .Buy d Bond and Get Your Name on the Honor RolL . - - - LendHim ' 1 t TPTIir I GRANDMOTHER KNEW There Was Nothing So Good j - tor Congestion and Colds - ' j t r as. Mustard , - J 1 But the old-fashioned mustard-plaster burned and blistered while it acted.- Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave,' without the plaster 'and ! Wltnout uie uustcij . Musterole does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard.-; It is scientifically prepared, so -Uiat it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest skin. v-' r' . Just massage Musterole in with the finger-tips gently.. See how quickly it brings relief -how speedily the pain disappears. Use Musterole ior sore throat bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff, neck, asthma. neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rneumausin, iuiiiuuu, auis uiu acnes ox i tne DacK or jomis, sprains, sore musaes, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia), v. 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. v iM AUCT R A STATE SA When yQu sell privately, howdoi you know what price to put on your property, or that some one would not have given more money? If you price it too high, it wonH sell; if you put it too low, you lose the profit the other fellow to-"whom you sell it makes.-- is there a -remedy.' Yes, btiu- 11 AUCTION. ' ; .- ':i:;NV- :' .' , v " ' -'; AT, J - We are entering our 10th year in the business, have sold property of every description jh 22 states, and havef we think,: the best organization in the business; have the exclusive services of Col. W. H. Matthews, the highest-paid and by far the best real estate auctioneer in' the country. We are first, last and all the time, a Wilmington Company; members of the Chamber of Commerce, and back of all local .enterprises for trie Upbuilding and future of the city. Our home, i? here, we expect to remain here and are -thoroughly eqdipped to'take care of the auction business. - . .- v" . We Have Sold Properly For the Following Local People: H0GH -MacRAE & COMPANY TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY . AMERICAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY. D. R. FOSTER & COMPAANY.V ' : ' . i AND OTHERS. JAMES &-J AMES. W. N. ROYALL ESTATE. DN. CHAD WICK, JR. W. A. DICK, TRUSTED, jf you have suburban pmperty youwish developed and sold, business property, or.any kind of prop xerty,youwish't6turnuicklyiseeus. - - , r " 'j- :. - ' " , : ,.v-r- ,r . . - , , TT .1 IIIIJE1 1REA FY COMPANY s O. T. WALLACE, Gen. Manager HOME BANK BUILDING TELEPHONE 1045 .-..' n: A, If i -1 i

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