.,'4 ..: - THE MORNING STAR; WILMINGTON NCm.SATURDAY, MAY5,' 1918. THREE. i-. BMOU - v r - ? . 8. sal 125, . ; ... -w- !. - r I. A I . I i v .3 1 1 . 1 . sAVB TBANSPOR'EA.TJON. , as truly as you save coal . In .'JS . .ron vnn ntholr vni atntrA I' whole skuttle,. eo truly 'do you uiitlon's coel .;: Buonly when 'rt vegetables f rom . your - own be transported to ,"you from gardens or greenhouses. gianu w iitoo; uB, uoen con- a -little ostentatious, for "the . n V a lavleli "lid A - l! S ffricans eager , to.. how. .oft . their A"1., m'n often been r.rttloui - Aviv x.Va. . .it. 1& T'(rlich fnlV wVift ntava extravagant, English .2node . of till fruits ah4. vtfetiiblei'wArA '-asoii before prtttig:them to -arty markets Jt reapy Is fool rush the season, try, requiring 5Sf nearby markets .ii reijiy is fool "; rh the -season, bv reViniririi :Jfc!a- that has tabe-broueht from ..a indeed they are very, much better . tv,ov may be In our kLtchftna vvrv ;6ortiy after they have been picked utlier zones iib -w- b Buwrai nays BeLnnes usms up wnen- we re- 1 m' we use man . pawp and', this is (patriotic at ft ;ra uxe xms. bo Ifyou live In a i part of the - country where you do , not get green1 peas ;tlll 7 J"? ln yourown - neighborhood, wait till 'mid JuneAJtfelor'eV permitting oi. -co crave mem. -; ir you see a .v w in Mne marKet at an exhorbitant price instead of thinking how good they would taste and what a treat they wpuld be to your family think . how much better peas will taste that are grown within a few blocks of your own house or at least only a, short dis tance away.. r" m Study the other market situations in your part of the country. Try and make use of eggs raised near your h.ouse. Even if you have to take a seonf-weekly !. or weekly- excursion to the country to get these ggs it is worth while because you are saving expense of; transportation and what is more important you are saving the transportation itself. If you live near a large lake or near the ea find out the nearest flshiner denot and mnta arrangements to get fish in that way instead of fish that has had to ie ship ped from a distance.. Always Use the article of food that is raised near at hand. Make it a . rule for-your sum mer management. In a way it Is just as. important for you to do taht as it is for you to but Liberty bonds and thrift stamps. -If you Wouldn't afford to help out as much as you wish you had on the bonds, make up and do your bit by saving transportation and get ting your oeghbors to do'the same. tony T HiE A T R I C A L sr Cour' rrm,l HuaW or. H Plllatt ha Sh Lde in ary te- sw Htr appoin perty i will, 5.' ' st bid; or in ,, the al eati ngton B follO ine of : 190 il atern 1 wenty-4 l with b; en sou' y parti hree ftj th , stnj line; tls i line ife of t i parai; i soutlis six inch rt LotI an "! nd altiw id Wditf nly 4Mii j widtHl 1MP1B. issioner. The second partbf Jthe-Fathe News pictures of the great' strugglerin Pic udy is the headldner jon today's issue ,f that great news weekly at the Bi- Jjoa today. It. shows the . price the Kermans paid 'in dead 'and wounded, laptured and -otherwise ,put. out of ommissiont of thousands of their, men. t shows the degenerate - character of he men captured-r-representing , Ger- Inany's army of today. It shows the Lwerful onslaught of the HIndenburg egions where, death was not consid ered, men meaning nothing to Ger Inany In the desperate effort to win The latest two reel L-Ko Komedy, jfi-pam, a roar with Ambrose In the ading role, the latest chapter of the eat patriotic serial 'A Daughter of cle Sam" and also the- latest of the oncho ' Billy . Revivified . dramas. kes today's big bill at. the Bijou, one four big all-star features, not a gle. reel on the show but would do to head the program. You are tting more expensive bill at the Bi- lu these Saturdays than were ever esented at, any Wilmington theatre any price. . .... 13 .Grand..- ; Celi'grhtful, piquant Bjllie - Burke." in ,er latest Paramount picture, 'The psterious Miss Terry,;, is a whimsi- tuy cnarming as ever, ana irom' tne ry first scene" that flashes across the sittenUon and interest of the spec- tot. It will be on at the Grand again "Tie Mysterious Miss Terry', is an wajlation of a story by Gelett' Bur ies, the well known author and hu- ff5t,-and marks his . entrance into pfeld of photoplay writing. Billie Burke, as . Miss . Terry, clever- demonstrates a . novel method of nding both happiness and a husband. lie latter she does by a process -of fimination that is: she goes incogni to a nearby boarding-house where fe takes up life of an ordinary work- g girl although she Is in reality an elress. Here she meets, fliree young pn who promptly , fall In , love with Each of them is poor and struggling F a living-, although far superior to pe types of. idle men she has ?! known ner former sphere. Finding out the pcret ambitions of each she - is able p gratify them and thus discover h'ch is really worth while and In arnest. ..,..'' In accomplishing this purpose, the ioth, in 474,000. 888.0 3.S72.546J i ooo.ooo. S70,S8 -615,000 .'; 888,00"' 1,825.421. 8,68,11 .8.SS5.427. determined young heroine involves herself .in ; many thrilling and humor ous .situations such as a " narrow es cape from being arrested for robbing her own house, and later for giving away some of . her ? own gorgteoUs gowns. ... Grand Monday. The United States government through its various departments has given substantial evidence of deep in terest, in the great Metro screen stvap. tacle "Lest .We Forget." starring Rita Jolivet, which opens at the Grand tneatre Monday.' T- .. . ' because tms stupendous spectacle shows many incidents "which bear di rectly on the entry of the United States into the. world war, cordial co- uperauon nas Deen extended to the producers by. both military and civil departments. General Lester, in command of the national army camp at Tankers, New York, furnished a detachment of three hundred troops . for service - in . con structing the trenches used in the bat tle scenes. These scenes were staged in and near the French village built for this picture. These troops working under the supervision of an American army officer had had become thoroughly-familiar with trenche construction InT-iFrance, built the elaborate trench system, employed b ythe allied forces in defending this village from the in vading Germans. So successful was the duplication of the trenches actu allyused on the French battle front, that the complete work was pronounc ed perfect when inspected by an offi cer of the French army. c V J -A To Make a lldiiiP ave to Biiildl'a He iase- n rr , tt 111 if.LMIJ a ' ! L2rfp Make Wilmington Growl Build More Homes! To Make Wilmington a Great Ship Building City, Build More Homes! To Make Wilmington the First City in the Old North State, Build More Homes! To Make .a PMce They Caff Call Home for the Ship Builder, Build Houses! Wilmington ig, about to Enter upon a New Era. A Great Industry has come to stay. Men of Jill trades and professions will soon be seeking a place to live; A place to call home. Let us profit by4 the mistakes. of others who have failed to provide these needed ' homes. - Subscribe, to 'the Building and. Loan,---Jf: you noware 'a subscriber -invest again. "Wilmington arid its people have been called upon to house many new-comers. Wilmington is npt going to fail in its task. You are taking a great step forward in your duty to your country by building a homei Ii not for yourself, for one of these workmen that will build the ships to make -Wil-mington grow to help crush the Hun horde. .The building and loan associations ill gladly lend the money to build these homes. . ; ,Tday is the day to take action. Send in tha subscription. The situation is not one for thinking Action is wanted. PATHENEWS iHimd peat of thm mt vtras tmmtm of tk Otimm to win be. totem ott th OoraMus to win b. foro taoMC AiMflauM oome. The 4esnrat type, ot men eap tared. Tao . Price Germany PaUU L- KO KOMEDY ... IVm two-nil Seroam with Am brose and the Glria. BRONCHO BILLY In the lateat zelense-Xtevl-vlfled Drama. "A Daughter of Uncle Sam" . Latest Chapter of the Great Patriotic Serial. SANTFORD MARTIN PRESIDENT . OF WAKE FOREST ALUMNI Raleigh, May 24. Santford Martin, private secretary to Governor Bickett, returned today from Wake Forest col lege where . he was last night elected president of the alumni association. He also, last night, presented for the alumni a. splendid" 'oil portrait of Dr. H. A. "Brown, Wake Forest alumnus, and' for, 40' years pastor of the First Baptist" church of Winston-Salem and now pastor emeritus of all six of the Baptist churches ot that' city. When he assumed the pastorate there was only .one church with fifty members, Now there ! are jbIjc churches with 3, 000 members.- i For the Stomach and Liver Just try one 50c bottle of LAX-F(Js WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative. Pleasant to take, ton Iron; Works. r t ' - Ml MMHNi " :vmmmr ii-. ; I:" PiV I " Store . . :W:im, i Brooklyn Building and Loan Association. Carolina Building and Loan Association. - Citizens' Building and Loan Association. City and Suburban Building and Loan Association. Co-Operative Building and Loan Association. Hahover Building and Loan Association. r Mechanics', Building and Loan Association. North Carolina Home Building Association. Orton Building and Loan Association. -People's Building and Loan Association. Progressive Building and Loan Association. ' Rural Building and Loan Association. Wilmington Homestead and Loan Association. Metropolitan Trust Company. ' Workers Building and Loan Association. HEMENWAY DRUM AND BUGIE CORPS AT FORT CAS WEIL M04.H m 46.22 MS6.U3 resided siden ihir t cash1'! ant C, YOTignter Soend Day and 'Night on a Pleavtnff Onttnar (SpecialStar Correspondence,),. Southport, -May 24 The Henienway drum and bugle corps arrived . at Fort Caswelis yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, presented a beautiful .basket of flowers to Colonel Chase In the nam of the Wilmington Red- Cross chapter, paraded through 'tnegrounds of the army post, ined with tlie sol diers "as' guests' of 9th company, at tended an entertanment given at the army Y. M. C. A., and left the fort at 10 o'clock p. m. tor Southport where the- organization bunked for the night. The party left this morning and ar rived in city 10 a. m. after spending They were accompanied by J. Shepard Bryan,-- principal -Hemen way . ' school. and R. C. Piatt. Leaving the city Thursday - morning on the steamer "Wilmington the party enjoyed a most refreshing trip to Southport,; the ride, being complimen tary to the drum and bugle corps. Up on arriving at Southport the ' young sters were escorted to the Army and Navv club where they remained as the honored guests or tne city uniu 5 o'clock. During their stay In the sea" port the boys staged a parade for the Red Cross workers which- bore splendid results. Judging from the crowds which came to the rally that night. - . The boys and the chaperones board ed one of the government boats in the aftttrnoan. and arriving at the fort about 5 o'clock they marched straight up to the colonel' ; headquarters, and the commanding officer was sent for. Soon after, when' Colonel Chose step ped into view, David -Harrlss, spokes man for the boys, approached him with a beautiful basket of flowers sent to him by the Red Cross ladies, and presented them in a very appropriate little .speech. Atfer thanking the boys and saying that he was glad to have them down, the colonel invited them to parade over- the post anywhere they wanted to go, and they did. They paraded through every thoroughfare of the army post, receiving cheers and applause wherever they went. Return ing to' Test" headquarters v the boys placed their drums and., bugles, away and were carried through the .entire fort They inspected the trenches, the Pits, tbe Mg guns; they, asked about the Raiser, and, the ammunition, tP After a pleasant' tour of inspec-UoC- ntheV went in for ss." bejng invited guests o,f the 9th company. -After ess-' - they were invited by V M C A. secretary to give an Pxhlbltlon ' of their talents at the en, tSSnment to be given - f or ; the sol dters that night.- Just before the cur tals were puned for the. "magic and St" performance the boys mounted the rostrum and gave the. soldiers a tJjZ "wtAf of ' the' wellr known IZm and bugle', calls put In proper Hm The soldier, boys responded with housing cheer and many .encores. - After !he: pert ormance the . Wj boarded a waiting transport and went back to Southport. where they spent The'whle party was in great: glee the entire time.v Ntoishaps occurred, and every xne Returned -to -the city this mining after having . spent a . most pleasant day. . !. . -. ' .jkjJ - ARE " m ' ILD AND FRAGRANT THEY ASK YOU R DEACER THE P. E. HASHAGEN COMPANY Distributors. ' " LADIES When, irregular or delayed use Tri umph Pills. Safe and always dependa ble. Not sold at drug stores. Do not experiment With others save disap pointment.i Write for "Relief" and par ticulars, its free. 1 Address: National Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wis. Notice of Meetingr North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners. The next meeting of the'Norh Caro lina State Board of Dental Examiners will be held at Wrf ghteville Beach, N. C, beginning promptly at 9 o'clock Monday morning. June 17, 1918. For further information and applica tion-blanks, address the secretary. . DR. F. L. HUNT, Secretary, 4-snwiille,' N. C. ..i PW :--"" ' , . BILLIE BURKE. ir,t Paranwont prodnetloii he Myseriow " Whenever You Neew a General , : .-- - Strengthening Tonic i Take the Old Standard GROVES TASTELESS chill TONIC -It contains the - Well knwwn. tohic properities of QUININE and It. Ci , iVi- - general strengthening tonic. It purifies and enriches the blood and you 'can -teei , its '1.,7".;"v' . : i . . .r, ttncr.;ffecL; 69&-vf'V.-W-?' CAWTWELL DANCING SCHOOL THE WW. Hold Its Regular SATURDAY MGHT DMCE Air TONIGHT' f- f, .-W' 'aii-!. j-t. ;....-; A W 3k. mission PlxxsWar Tax of 5c 50c Cars 7:15 if 8:15sand 9:15 Last Car Leaves Beach At 11:30 ...... --r-,,; . 7 ROYAL r - lUlile-A-lilinute. Girls PRESENT "A Rli IV1ERRY IX-UP" A roaring Farce Comedy with New Specialties, Dance and Costumes. "THE MYSTERY OP THE DOUBLE CROSS? lalllivl TODAY LAST TIME Paramount Pictures Present ..." .i BILLIE BURKE In- Her Initial Paramount Production I "The Mysterious Miss Terry" It Will Fascinate Yon. -. . A NERVOUS WRECK ; From Three Teart' Suffering. Sayi Cardni Hade Her Well Texas' City, Tex. In an interesung statement, Mrs. O. H. SchUl, of this town, says: "For three years I suffered untold agony with my head. I was unable to do any of my work. I just wanted to sleep all the time, for thatwas the only ease 1 could get, when I was asleep. I became a nervous wreck just from the awful suffering with my head. I was so nervous !hat the least notee would make me Jump out of my bed. I had no energy, and was unable to do anything. My son, a young boythaTta ' do all my household duties. I was not able to do anything until I took Cardui. I took three bottles in all, and it surely cured me of mose awful headaches. That has been three yean ago, and I know the cure is permanent, for I have never had any headache since taking Cardui. . . Nothing relieved me unto I took Cardui. It did wonders for me.' Try Cardui for your troubles made from medidnal ingredients recommended in medical books as being ot benefit in female troubles, and 40 years of use has proven that the books are right Begin -taking Cardui today. NC-134 UNITED STATE MARSHALL'S SALE. Eastern District of North Carolina Bvvirtue of an Order of Sala issued out ; of the United States District Court for the Eastern V1" .c Yr . ' ri Jr ""r on the 10th day of May, 118. notice U siven tiat I will sell by pubrlo unction, for cash, on Saturday,- the 1st dar of June, 1918, at 13 o'clock M., at the Postofflee in the City of Wilming ton. one Chevrolet - automobile, Model 490T No. 231017, N. C. No. S584. W. T. Dortch, United States Marshal. By A. U KeUy, Deputy, , : W5-10t " 0 I, .3 -Mi -J j f , . Again Today; 4 m.