HEGFS WIFE TELLS OF : ALLEGED : RELATIONS Trial -of Lexington Man' for Mur der, in' Progress.. . iu Both Mam and Woman Swear J. F. ' Tkalavla1r VIoIMmI Hri'i Home and Was Killed In ' Sell e- . feme- by, Hege. y. -"-i , ' .Lexington,. .N. . C, i June- 4. Mrs. . J. Graham Hege today went on the stand In defense of her husband who is on trial Deris' charged with the murder-of J. Franklin ' Deaderick,' cashier of ' a txington bank and told the jury that illegal relations between her and the. banker had , . existed for- more r than three years. H X Hege, when placed oh "trial 'yester day declared that he 'shot1 in defense of his own life. He also -testified that Deaderick admitted, when confront ed by Mrs.' Hege that illicit relations had ..existed between Deaderick and the defendant's wife over, a period of four years, but he ' asserted that: he Bid-not make up his mind to shoot Peaderick until the latter seized a piano stool with the evident purpose of attacking him." It was then, de clared Hege. that y he drew from ; a drawer in the library table a revolver and emptied its contents into the' body Of the bank cashier. Mrs. Hege told when the intimacy betwen them started and how their subsequent meetings were arranged. She said that Deaderick, vjsl ted her on an average of once a" week for , more than three- years. Deaderick usually called to see her at her home at noon, she swore, after her husband had gone to his. factory, or . he visited her- fclght and rang the door bell In a way agreed on between them. If her hus band was at home, she testified, "it was a neighborly call." V , V It was on Monday, February 4, last, that Hege's suspicions were aroused when he came home and saw her and Deaderick talking over the garden fence. Mrs. Hege said she confessed to her husband then that Deaderick had kissed and hugged her and 'she swore that the , banker In conference with her husband admitted this" much. She testified that Deaderick offered to leave Lexington forever, under the pretext of a nervous breakdown and that the matter would remain a: secret between the two men and their wives. Mrs. Hege declared Her husband did not ask Deaderick to leave' Lexing ton. Later, she testifledV Peaderick went to Asheville. About two weeks before Deaderick returned from Asheville and f aft r h arid Hege had exchanged letters, the witness -testified, sbe confessed to her husband the full extent of their rela tions. ' ; , ..''"'? . .. Mrs. Hege corroborated her husband in his statement that Deaderick on the forenoon and wa ssubjected to a theatened Hege with a piano stool, i , Mrs. Hese was on the stand most of the forenon and was ' subjected to "a grilling cross-examination by the state's attorney. . (.-';, . - BICKETT VISITS LADIN, r -AND VIEWS BIG PLANT Lake There 1 ine" Mile Longr and 200 Feet Deep "in Spot -MakinarV" Aluminum for Airplane. - " ,- - . - . . - . - .- ;; "Raleigh, ' June.. 3GoverhorBickett will' be in the '-executive offices 'here most of this " week' after spending most'- of the ' past 'several weeks in special campaign' work" for war 'sav ings in various partsor the, state In his rounds last. week"' he 'spent' some time at Baden where ' he; made a 4 war savings speech an 'dinspected, the "great aluminum extraction, 1 plant -.thati has been in : process of ' development; for several years with mudh ; t.te, .con vict, labor utilised-af or'.'theV construc tion of -the great Yadkin1 river, dam. " . This plant ' is now ; In , operation -on a large scale much of the output of- the aluminum being used by the govern ment t in. aeroplane 1 construction;, and other .war equipment manufacture, i . The, great lake-:- at- Baden is .'1 1-4 miles wide and 9 miles .long and 2(M feet, deep, in places.". It: estimated to have thirteen- billions cubic -feet of water. The plant. is generating a sur plus of electric : current, now, the Southern- Power Co., tndwi getting ten' thousand horse, power of this .current for its commercial , purposes, ; . . ; . . , . Governor Bickett. N-finds, a. splendid spirit , among,,'; the pepple.,. wuere ever he goes .in: , the. war. savings campaign - and he is confident; that a most creditable showing in this class of war Investment will be made in the final round up of this- country wide campaign. ?;V ''' r-' -' , The Hearne';. Manufacturing Go.,, of Sanford,-.' was 'chartered" today with $50,000 capital authorised ;anJ $4,000 subscribed -by J. ' H. Hearne, C. L:, and W. B. Williams 'for' the manufacture of cotton mill loom : shuttles and other mill supplies. "- ;.. WHITEVILLE. UWYERS. WORK WITH HOE AS WELL AS TONGUE. COMMUNITY SERVICE HELPS OLD ; SOLDIER TO FIND GRANDSON. Reached Southport Almost Too Late. i rouo HI Boy, (Community Service Bulletin;) ; New York, June 4. The old Confed rate veteran who lost hi? leg at Get tysburg was at his home-- in a city far away from Fort Caswell at South port, N. C, where his beloved grand son was training - for - his journey i.iwaa me seas, jtiig heart hungered tor a sight of the boy. He forgot the distance, forgot his age, his rheuma tism disappeared like matrix. night he boarded the train for the long trip across the state. The next-night he arrived at Southnnr. w.- u found rest in the community house of war camp community service, but there were no, passes that night and no way of communicating with his ' boy. '; :X-k:- , , ' ' - The next morning after breakfast , u oia man went out on his crutches to see the little town. MHe- found arm ed guards stretched from the whaf to -the railroad station,, and saw. before the station a long tarin of cars. Soon ne neard the sound, of bugles, the sharp command nf nfflM.. . .i. - .ypiiB ui men mat reminded him of the old days. He knew at once that were moving toward 1 the f ront,- and nm i njs Doy was among them. , . witn shoulders a little more erect o ximae ms way .to the railroad sta Vyx., Uui ueiure, nim was a great . crowd of people and a line of armed oldler guards. He looyed at the long line of Pullmans into which earnest ,MCU young ; soiaiers - were - climbing He wedged himself through the crowd, only to encounter the guard to whom orders were orders. No civilians were allowed to pass. The old veteran scan ned in vain the faces of the men who .oaiicu uui ui me car windows. - The "8'uc onoriea ana snufied as if eager , to be away. Gor a moment it seemed as though the long journey had been In vain. . -;. . J. With a-heavy heart he made his way back to the community house. -There no xoia nia siory io the community-or ganizer, in a moment a messenger was in search of the commanding offl . ' cer. The latter is an old soldier. , As soon as he heard the story found the car, in which the younV soldier (h is a volunteer) was anil YtnM ,M- that his grandfather was waiting to see him, and gave him permission " to leave the 'train ' i. . V . A few minutes later in the little par lor of the community house the young volunteer found his, grandfather. And no one can tell who' was the happiest the grandfather, the soldier, : or the community organizer who Abroueht . At " . ' i . Business Men of Columbus Capital Go . to the tiardena 'pally. (Special Star jCorrespondence.) , Whiteville, June 4. It i is evident that the people .of .Whiteville are not going to let the shortage of labor make any . material difference in . the production of food "stuffs '.so'-, long as the lawyers, merchants, and all pother business men maintain - their; physical fitness, for manual labor. It i sa rath er ; common thing .. to see- a lawyer spending- three days of the week on his farm and three, In-his office often the merchants an- dhorse dealers are seen raking their, own oats and "bust ing" their own v : middles. ' Although this is not an absolute necessity, the people-in this community, as in; others. realize the importance of feeding our selves .as well as ' the boys who are daily leaving us for- service. Geo. E. Burton and family, who have for the past two years been -residents of Whiteville, leave Moday for Wil mington, where they will : make their home. , Mr,. Burtonj moVedf hls. lumber mill to Lanyale in Brunswick county a few weeks ago, and he is moving his family in order that he, may be closer to his work. ; " " ' Warden F. Spears, ' who" has for two years been .general- manager of the Peoples garage, has .resigned his posi tion and will soon join' the colors. Misses Annie May and . Elsie Mills, of New York, are. the . guests of Mr and Mrs. C. R. Splvey. ' . '-.:r C. C. Holmes has returned to his home at Council -after completing his year's work in the high sehol. V Miss Zackery Richardson," -of Kins ton, arrived in town yesterday to be with her mother, Mrs.Volley Richard son, who Is critically iil, 5 Walter P. High,who' was this year a freshman at Bingharh Asheville," has returned home. " - ; ;' -; H. A: Smith left today for Sellers. S C, where he will -spend a: week "with his father. From, there he will go' to Waycross, Ga. ' i Child THREE DROWNED IN CREEK NEAR' KINSTON DURING MONDAY Dock Johnson, HI Wife and ; All Found in Contentnea. ; '(Special Star Telegram.) i jvinsmn, ,june.i. xne Dodlea '.of pock Jackson 5 and wife ' and., their Small son were recovered from Bia; vv"vnmmco vitcn aumo mits irom here last night. ; Th three were vi iting ' "a flsh trap when they were drowned. No person jsaw the triple tragedy. . . ,- It is presumedV that the Aild fell' overboard- and thej parents mea to , rescue it. - . i . LaxFoa With Pepin. ' ? A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasan to take. . Just - try one - 50o ' bpttle - for STEPHEN B. KING DEAD. Highly , Esteemed . Cltlsen of V Armour Section Died Yesterday. ..(Special Star Correspondence. Acme, June 4. Stephen B: King, Sr., died at his home near Armour this af ternoon at 2:30, aged 74 years. . The funeral will be held from Weyman M E. church, Wednesday afternoon at 4 Mr. img was one of the'best known men . of Columbus -- county ahd wa widely known in Wilmington 'and had hundreds of warm friends throughout this section of the state. His passing will be a cause of deep regret. to them "He was a man of fine character an one. of the best, citizens. He served the Confederacy during four years of war, and in civil life -served his .coun try, being recorder at the time of his death. ' -:: - He is survived by six children-Mes- dames J. D. Burney, of Charleston: S. O. Meredlth of Hamlet; J. D. Cassidy of Laurlnburg "and S. A. Robblns who lived with her father; E. A: King, of the S. A. L. .at Hamlet, and' CaDt. S.."B. King, Jr., of Norfolk. Mrs. King be fore her marriage, was a prominent woman of Bladen county. She died 25 years ago. . ; - . TELEPH 5 i ii And . a Western .Union Messenger wUl call for yor Advert Uemsnl for this column withont- Extra Cost to Yon. v -It Tou . Want to Send a Telegram or Desire Mes senger Delivery in the City, call the Western '.Union ; Direct. v.-. The charge for this advertising: Is only one cent per .word, out no ad taken-for 'less than i5o. Oeh with order unless advertiser, has a regular account.- ,:.; Speoial 15 for cent, dlsoount oa Business. Locals for seven eonsec utive lssuss or longer. - v ' Advertisements running tilt or dcred out must bo dlsoonunuod t writing. ' - -- "Business Lscals" have been a regular department of The Morn, tne- Star, for .more Chan: 40 years.; They are Business Goiters at; a. "minimum' oost. ' '.'"' ..V' SALESMAN WANTED; POSITION AS .. city, salesman with wholesale gro , cer; would sonsideriposition as ship- - Ping clerk,- ii order to learn stock; r" over draft age!. Address. Box-318. - - - r. Ju 5-lt WANTED BY EXPERIENCED MAN, y position 5 as - city vor" traveling-- sales ;r man; A-l references.- Address P. O. ' Box 1081. ' n t Ja5-4t? WABjfTED-wfGOOD POSITION WANTED ' by young man' who is now employed, r but would like to change. Address " VCL A.",-care - Star. -. " Ju 5-lt FOR SALE A DODGE AUTOMOBILE in first class shane and has - good Keily Sprinarfleld tires; this car is -'.for; sale. for ,$350. pj reasonable terms. , Appiy to.' Clarence ' W. Howard, uts . North 7th Btreet: " Ju 5-lt HUNT DUCK, ' FOX, SQUIRREL, FISH , and oysters;to your hearts content . We are developing the Dr.. Frink plS.ce ; of . about. 8,000 acres on the -i ost-'.na- JsrunswtCK.. - county into a : splendid .winter clubV Membership limited, to .fifty: booklet. upon appli - catiom v Virginia- Dare Hunt Club, Box 391, City. Ju 5-7t 1 1) " M if r r 3 AMERICAN BANKS: TRUST CO. T " . ; " (Corner .Front, and' Markev Streets); WILMINGTON, N. 0. Capital, Surplus, Profits Resources f 235,000.00 3,500,000.00 Commercial, Savings and Trust Accounts. 4 Paid On Savings. Tnos. KCooper, President; Chas. E. Bethea; ( Cashier ; Milton Calder, Yice-President. ' WANTED MAN OR LADY TO KEEP I" b04) k'7 cecbrds : one "- with - knowledge of i stenography preferred. Salary $88 to ; begin. Apply in own hand- L writing. Box 401. . Ju s-n TO THE PUBLIC THE ROOF Ex perts, Young and . Gorman are still located at 10 L-2 South Second street. They solicit new and old work; radi ator repairing a specialty. .All we ask is a trial. Satisfaction guar anteed. Phone 431. ma 29-tf WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOG- i rapher,. male' preferred; salary $116.00 pet . month. Apply "Stenographer" .care Star.-.,.' ju 5-lt ATTENTION WHILE THEY LAST we will furnish one can steri-form with one commode brush, a 50c value for 35c. Schutte Brothers, t'hone 983. ma29 f STOLEN YESTERDAY - from in front of Bijou, Oendron bi ,.cycl No. 62948, 22 inch Truss frame, 1 painted, red; cement tires, Mussflam '.'Cpaster brake, mud" guards," .large leather-padded saddle. 'Reward if returned to ; R. R. Bel'amy'S Drug Store. - Ju 5-3t. AFTERNOON 1 WANTED ;TO " BUYBROKEN BANK- er pony of good else;. give price, age 'and ' description in answer. Address "Pony? care Star. 1 . ju 5-2t WANTED . SMALL SECONDHACVD ice box; state price. Box 947. ' - - " ' Ju 6-lt, RESTAURANT PRIVILEGE AT . Greenfield Park wili be leased to re sponsible parties who will erect first class place. Also concession for drug ''store line and accessories for rent. Open about July 4th. Apply P. W. "Wells; Ro-ai Theatre. Ju 5-3t. BOOKKEEPER WANTED MALE preferred. - Box 194, Wilmington, N. C. - - , Ju 5-2t. UNDERWOOD' NO. 5 FOR SALE PER- V feet .condition, twol color ribbon at- , , tachent,. back spader, tabular, , cenj- ienng scaie, etcfetc. A rare ,bar gan ito quick purchaser. Price' $40 cash. Address Boxv523, City. M - V ; , ju fi-2t LOST BOW-SHAPED GOLD PIN with amethysts: and turquois sets, "between. 18th and 20th streets on Woolcott or Perry Avenues. Return to 1916 Woolcott Avenue, ju Pit. PEMBERTON-BILLINO 7 ADJUDGED NOT GUILTY Member of Parliament Was Charred , With Llbel-Amed German : ' Had Book of Engrllsh People. : FRUIT ; SEASON' DEWBERRIES, peachesrpiums, banana's, eat plenty this season of the year; extra nice ; native cucumbers, beets, beans, full half peck today if you come after them", : 25c: potatoes, 35c peck; na tive spring lamb today, a shipment of fancy Baltimore steak arrives 10 o'clock today, the kind that melts " in "your mouthu " Phones 816 and 817. Wr H. McEachern, 6 and 8 N. Front. ' -. ' ju 5 -It. London, June 4. Noel Pemberton- ICE BOX WANTED STATE CONDI tion and price. Address "Icebox" care Star, . ju 5 It Billing.? who -has been tried on charge TISHEI BOOMS TO RENT NEW ' 1 fiimiiihlnni mnt - .lrv: bv dav. week or month. Men only: 114 Princess of libel preferred by Miss Maude Al ien ana J. T. Grein. manasrer of the Independent theatre, was found . not guilty today. -The judge in -summing up frequent ly 'was interrupted by. the defendant, who, after - his own speech, took his place in the r dock, and . by Captain Harold Sherwin Spencer . and Lord Al fred Douglas, two of the witnesses. lora Douglas and 't Captain Spencer were removed from the court, -the for mer calling the judge' a liarn i ..'j,ne' judge also- was hissed by friends "of the defendants in the ga,l- wrjr. street. sV.-A. Jones, proprietor. ; . . ' ju 4-2t LUMBER WE ' HAVE A COMPLETE stock for building houses or small -repair, jobs. Wynnewood Lumber co. ' . v.- . 1 , ju 4-4t WANTED ROLLER TOP OR FLAT ; ton desk, cheap for cash. Address P. O. Box. 781. Wilmington, N. C. ju. 2t ; : 1 , . ' ... WANTED A NO. 1 BOOKKEEPER TO report for duty at once. Apply P. O, Box 78i; Wilmington, N. C. ju 4-2t WANTED A RELIABLE COOK TO GO to the beach. Apply 412 Market street. -." ,. Ju 4-7t The acquittal of Noel Pemherton- miang, . member oft parliament and publisher of , the newspaper, Vigilante. followed, a trtal .which was marked 'ISM. WANTED YOUNG LADIES WHO UN- been wieldpdpyer Influential Eng lishmen and women by the German gpvermnent -whose agents had col lected what ; purported to be data on immorality ifiJ England and had plac ed it in a bopk: Which.: was said . to. ve in possession :or a certain German prince. . ':J:i-. r - - Miss Maudje'v Allen, an American ' dancer, figured in v the case ' because she had . played a prominent-part - in the presentation of Oscar Wilde's Salome.- ; The yplay was given atthe Independent! theatre, , which ,has been under the management of J. T. jQrein. The Vigilarlteu4, which had printed the story "of ;the secret "book, alleged to be held, by xthe Germans, in its .next1 editidnf asserted that if Seotlan4 Yard were to deise the list of the memhers subscribing to the Independent the atre", there -was "no doubt they would secure t the" names of - several thous andg of f.the; 47,000" which .was' the number of names contained In "the book, the "contents of which weer sup plied by German, agents. . .-: derstand the operation of calcula tiin machines. Address P. O. Box 569. Wilmington, N. C, stating sal ary expected. - Ju 4-3t WANTED USED AUTOMOBILE. Must be in good running condition. Ad dress with particulars and price, P. O. Box 907. : v. , Ju 4-2t THE SUNBEAM CLUB OF MISS AL derman's school will give an enter tainment .at the Academy of Music Thursday night. - Proceeds for the National Special Aid. Seats reserved at Yates Wednesday, morning. , ' . ju 3-4t WANTED TWO NEWS AGENTS FOR . A.- C. L. trains; good runs and go3d nav. AddIv to Union Isews Co. Wilmington, N. C. ; Ju 2-3t ALMOST DAILY WE SECURE A GOOD position for some of our pupils, we will do the same for you. The Motte Business ..College. ma 16-tf CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter, if broken. We pay up to $15 per set. We also buy crowds, bridgework and platinum. Will , send cash by return mail and hold goods ten days for sender's approval of our price. Mail, to Maker's Tooth Special ty, 2007 S. 5th street. Philadelphia, Pa. ju l-16t - STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE---TWO hundred thousand feet short" leaf pine timber in Duplin county, on 400 acres, bordering North East river. Four miles haul to Wallace, N. C, taking 9o rate to Norfolk. Price $600. Address "Timber," Box 167. Burgaw, N. C. ' Ju 2-7t ORGANIZATION MEETINGQF VICTORY HOME COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the fii st meeting of the Incorporators and subscriber to the stock of the Victory Home Company Wjn be held at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Friday, June 4th, 1918, at rooms of Cham. ber of Commerce in MurchisoA National Bank Building in tho City 0f Wilmington, N. C, for the purpose of perfecting the organization of said .Oompany,. adoption; of by-laws, election of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the said meet ing; . '"'" J. ALLAN TAYLOR, . .. W. D. MacMILLAN, Jr. JAMES O. REILLY, B. B. CAMERON, T. B CARROLL, L W. COOPER, L SHRIEK, x - MARSDEN BELLAMY, Incorporatora, Wilmington, N. C, this the 6th day of June, 1918. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20,000. WOMEN clerks at Washington." Examinations everywhere in June; experience un necessary. Women desiring . govern ment positions write for free ,par tlculars .to J. 'C . Leonard (former civil' service examiner), 796 Kenbls Buldg.,- 'Washington. ju l-llt PROMPT- SHIPMENT NANCY HALL and Porto Rico -sweet potato sprouts, $3 per thousand; ten thousand and over, $2.75 per thousand f. o.-b. Flor ida. Cabbage plants, $1 per -' thou sand. F. E. Hull. Rock Hill, & .C;. .. , ma SO-Jt GET A. COPY OF "BVfiUY WEEK", 50 'at .all news stands; published by the same .publisher, -who publishes the American Magazine. See Gordon Bros.. 17 Princess street. Phone 745. - mh 30-tf WANTED TWO OR MORE ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping in good neighborhood, running water, electric lights, etc.; southern expo sure. References exchanged. Ad dress Box 794, City. , - Ju 4-2t WANTED 60 CARLOADS NO. 1 ,Svreet gum logs. 16 feet iri length. 16 inches and up in diameter; highest cash prices. P. O. Box 627. Ju 2-tf ICE CREAM AT HALL'S DRUG STORE daily. Send the children along for a delicious sanitary ice cream cone. ma 30-tf INTEREST PERIOD Our regular- interestperlod June 1. Deposits made now and through June 2nd draw interest from June 1st and your account will receive 1 tull months' interest September 1st. HOME SAVINGS BANK (Security and"Service) START THAT ACCOUNT TODAY INTENTIONS DO NOT EARNVoR DRAW INTEREST. SAMPLE OF. GERMAN ; NEWS. Message Caught Belnjr Sent Out' for Home . Consumption. Amsterdam, June - 4. The -( French resistance at Rheims . , appears to ! be highly unpleasant , to the Germans, according to a semi-official i. telegram frown Berlin. The .4. mesasge-' which doubtlessly Is intended for the ' ears of the credulous in Germany, .tries to divert attention from .the German fail ure there by plain-tively-fuhraiding the French for not abandoning the city. . ' - Rheims, it Isasserted has rio ?tac- tleal or strategical t -. value whatever. The Germans desire to spare it but are. forced , to shell c , it- becauseN. the French . will not .evacuate it . t; The message asserts j that -the v defense of the city "has been left entirely to negroes from Senegal, and (Msdagasc- a-rr." ' -.;-..' s - - These troops-are reported, as belng In a state of despair because they had been ' told.' the - Germans i'C"would torture them to- -death;" Au attempt is made to mollify thsns by the State- men that he negroestrs-" seated ' by Germany 'like- othefr ,prraoners,'S -"WHITE"; RUSIAN REPUBLIC a-J - RECOGNIZED BY UKRAINE. Amsterdam, June "4.-i-The ?,;UkraThe government has r recognized the White Russian republic, aisordlng- to- a tele gram from Kiev.: S - -'' - - 1 . A dispatch received .in -London on May 24 reported that. -the? white .Rus elan republic " had- been ' proclaimed with : the consent t of - Germany White Russia .roughly' includes- tne, region north o fthe Ukraine." . Poland and the Baltic nrovines - are- on fthe fireat Rus sia on the north and'"sast'. Itvincludes Lithunia which' is populated' mostly by wWtta-RuseiMiaV ' Hesdlagr Oft German Strikes. ' : In order to prevent the recurrence of strikes in the industrial districts. the 'German authorities have estab lished a rigorous system whereby , the towns of - over 100,000 inhabitants are forbidden to obtain food supplits -for more than - three days in advance. Hence, -if a strike occurs the food sup ply can be almost Immediately stoppw ea ana tne striKers- starved into sub mission. ' ... ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING TO OUR new store, will" dispose of. whole stock of canned goods and groceries at cost. $l.jf worth of goods for $1.00; no goods charged or delivered at this -price-Now is ths time to stock up .your pantry shelves, as there will be a shortage of canned goods. next season ani prices will be higher. ; Sale starts Monday ; morn ing; no discount cn delicatessen. .Come early. -May's Delicatessen. , , - r - ' ju 2-7t ; MOTHER! ARE YOU- GOING AWAY t SEE Chas. Finkelstein for trunks, suit cases and hand bags, 6 South Front street. Phone 1642. . u . .- . - ma 24tf FOR SALE BALIS RING TENT WITH - side walls and poles seating capacity about SCO people. Price F. O. B. Wil- i mlngton, $100. Don't writ . unless - you want -a bargain. -Address Lock Box No. 778, Norfolk,. Va. f . . Ma 28-tf. OOII'T TAKE CKAtlCES IF CHILD'S 10IIGUE IS COATED If Cross, Feverish, Sick, r Bilious. ; jitsmi juibue iver Ana i Sr v Bowels ' A laxative- today; saves a sick ch!lfl tomorrows "Children simnlv "wiir ian.c nio , iuita ;tiviu via,? " iAH -empty their bowels, which become r"e'logged up -with -waste, liver- gets , sluggish, stomach sour. Look-' at ' the tongue, another ! 1 If coated. jor your. .child i is listless, i cross feverish breath bad restless "doesn't eat Xheattilyi- full , of eoid or : has -sore throaty or any ; others children's . ail meht,;ive a teaspoonful, of rcallfor nlaVSyrP :of ;Flgs J then ' don't -worry, because, it is. perfectly harmless, and In a few -hours'; ail this constipation poison,.- our-'. lle and fermenting waste ,-will .. gently v move out of - the bowels, v and. yu: have a welLnisvfni child " -again". -. 'A, thoroueh-- "iniMoi t nient given' in any sickness. J? J V v ' " - HK LP WANTED. SITUATION DESIR ed, to rent, or for rent, you can make your. wishes known hwro at remarka bly; loWj cost. Twenty-five words or less one. time, 2 5. cents, una oem tor j etch addittohal word eaoh insertion. !, Advortisementa by the week, 25 .per J cent' discount. . ah 16-tf WANTED TO BUY .PEANUTS. AICY quantity and kind; qiiote lowest " wholesale prices at once. W. H. Da- ; 'vis. Box 5. Columbia. 8. & ma 17-30t -r EVERY DAY, BUILDING AND LOAN day.' at the Carolina. The new Lib erty? series, will continue open this .week at 4.22 Princess, -so the 25c per share stock can. be, had; get the ; shares..:. Remember we pay the taxes. ,; L?,W. Moore, Secretary; K. T. Taylor, president. ; ' , - ju 4-4t ;; Beware v or counterfeit tig svruW ,Ask your- druggiat .. for, . a , bottl , of "Caiiromia oyrup oi .g," whif h has full . directions for babies, " children 'of air ages - and . for grownups ; plainly printed: ou.the- bottle.' Looker caref oily and', see that itIsfafl v, jjforniftS .WI'Cx)mpany,e;dyJ, . ry ? crates, 32, ouart slse ' standards, 11 100,-each -45o; 250,-each- 44c; 500. each -42 l2c. - standard- corn crates, vea,ch:.l$o;.: peach gaskets, standard .bushel- sise.-each'. 32c?' pickers' bas- kets; standard ,4-2; -bushel- sixe, 36c; barrels-seconds, suitable, for. pota toes, each, 36c.. Cash with order. The ; Cash House,:. Fayettevllle, N. C Porch Shades Why build an extra room? Equip . your porch with Vudor Porch Shades then. eat and sleep in it. Let in air . and light, yet ? keep your porch cool and private. Meals will mean hunger. " Tho air, the great nerve-doctor, brings deep, unbroken sleep, which soothes nerves and '. bathes them V to health, C. W. YATES COiaPfY - Wilmington, N. C. '. ; 1 w. s. Now for the final drive Buy W. S. S. Stamps. V. B. COOPER & CO. -' Wilmiaton, IT. 0. FOR SAbE Field .Peas,, suitable for planting, 93.2S per bushel. 500 bales . Good Hay. CompieVe' Line vof Grocer lea. "" Samuel Bear, Sr., & Sons ..Wilniingtbn.-lf, C, ' ' " THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y OF NEW YORK The Oldest American Life Insurance Company Issues policies em bracing every modern feature, Including 1 Waiver of Premiums and: an Income of one-tenth the face of the policy In the event of total : and permanent disability, with payment of policy in full at death without deduction for premiums waived or income paid. ; " -'-v Double Indemnity for Accidental Death I Dividends Every Year Including the First I Loans After the First Year By Insuring- In the Mutual Life, you will receive all the advan tages1 accruing "from insuring: In 'a standard company insuring only standard lives. j Before niacins; your life Insurance it will pay you to consult me or one of the Company's Agents. A. B. CROOM, Jr. N MANAGER WILMINGTON DISTRICT Southern Building -: - Wilmington, N. C t'. J. A. : B ABJCB3R, Superintendent of Agents, Lumberton, N. C - TAX LISTING ! W will continue at the Court Houbo throughout the" month of June for the purpose of listing Taxes. Saturday hours. 9:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. Other week day hours, 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. B. F. KING, H. K. NASH, s . Tax Listers for Wilmington Township. 3 TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THIRD LIBER TY LOAN Under the Government plan of ' payment 20 percent, of subscription beoomes due on Tuesday, the 28 th. , Please call at Bank "and make settlement. The IV1URCHIS0N NATIONAL BANK B 4 U RING THE PHONE Remember to Call 520 . Just received' a fresh shipment of Milk Emulsion. -Tou eat It l8 Ice Cream. 'Tis a fine" Spring TonlcSHghtly Laxative. THE PAYNE DRUG CO. PHONE 520 : i . FIFTH and RED CKOSS STS. 4 Everybody Reads the Star Business Locals 1 A V v.