r THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON; N. C; SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918. NINE.'. to ie se3: bat lei". is ire. OTP INANCI AL AND COMMERCIAL y iTON IS IMPROVED Farther Recovery " Reports of Crop uewnoraiwn auu. Good War New. Xewr York, Aug. 9. There was a fur- Jther recovery in me conuu mn v . today owing to the continued reports of crop deterioration in Texas and en couraging war news. October contracts !eold Up to 29.30, making an advance or e cent a pound from the closing price Sesterday while active months gen- Uints of Tuesday's high records fluctuations Knt the n.Mhpr and snowea Later were somewhat irregular, close was steaay at za.i xor a net advance oi 7S to S9 points on" the general list. The market opened sieauy at u auvunte ui "4 to 43 points on Dumsn weamer re- cc-rts irom ovui.tvw. v. i : j offerings were verj nam u.ux mo mar ket worked up. At a net aavance oi creased sufficiently to cause setDacKs of 20 or 30 points, Dut tney were wen .Hr.rbed and tne market was very CORN PRICES RECEDE Improved Weather and the Gratifying War Newa Largely Responsible , for the Decline. Chicago, Aug. 9. Corn receded in price today, largely due to improved weather .nd the. gratifying war news. The close-was unsettled to 1 net lower with September 1.61 to 1.56, and October 1.63 to . Oats finished to down and pro visions oft 17 cents to 50 cents. Grain arid provisions closing: Close. CORN September 1.61 October -1.63 OATS September .69 October 70 PORK September . .44.00 LARD September 26.60 October -. 26.60 RIBS September 24.40 October "...24.55 RAIL ISSUES GO UP Other Stock Gain Owing to Good War Jiewi and Prospect of Adjusting Railroad Dispute. New York, Aug. 9 Gratifying war news and prospects .Of an early and amicable adjustment of the dispute be tween the railroads and federal author ities gave a distinct unward impetus to the stock market today, the harden- J Day's !ngth THE WEATHER. United i tatee Department of Agricul ture Weather Bureau Wilmington, Aug. 10, 1US. Meteorological data for the 24 hour ending: yesterday at 8 P.M. Temperature at 8 A. M., 78 degrees; at 8 .P. M.. 83 degrees; maximum. 92 de grees; minimum, 76 degrees; mean, -N8A ' degrees. . Rainfall for the day, .00 inches; rain-' fall for, the month to date, 2.07 inches. Stage of water m Cape EVar river at Fayetteville at 8 A. M. yesterday, 3.9 , feet. THE WEATHER, For North Carolina: Pair Saturday I and Sunday, except, thundershewers -ml the mountain districts. The Port Calendar, Aug. 10, 1918. Sun rises 6:29 A. SI. Sun sets -. 8:06 P. M. 13 hrs. 37 min. firm during ine iinuuic vi i iin n 9C OA a r, A noon jjeceinoci -" J ' , . . . . rt, a n " : a . i Tannarv to S.8U or at lu no puiiiLa net vip-her and the close was within 'a f ew l points of the best. Futures. )ctober fpecember ... yanuary (March la y Spot cotton Open. .27.43 .27.22 .27.27 .27.33 .28.23 High. 29.30 28.90 28.80 28.73 28.70 Low. Close. 28.40 29.18 28.15 28.84 28.09 28.74 28.15 2S.65 28.20 28.65 steady; middling, 3.05. PORT MOVEMENT. WILMINGTON MARKETS. (Quoted Daily by the Wilmington . Chamber of Commerce.) STAR OFFICE, Aug. 8, 1918. SPIRITS TURPENTINE 53c. CRUDE TURPENTINE ? 6. 50-? 6.50 $5.50. TAR $4.00-18(5. ROSIN $9.25-$8.50. Quotations same day last year -spirits turpentine, 36; rosin, $4.65, $4.45; tar, $3.50-16c; crude turpentine, $3.50, $3.50, $2.50. New Orleans Middling, 28.75; re- fceipts, 9(6". sales, o; siutu, avo,xoo. Galveston Middling, tv.io; receipts, fl,544; sales, luu; stocK, lii.aos. Mobile Middling, zs.ou; receipts, 2; 'stock. 10.214. Savannah Middling, 29.7o; receipts, to 27S ; exports, 1d,71; sales, is; stocK, 1154,602. Charleston Middling, 23. u; receipts, hg: stock. 31,116. Wilmington Stock, 39,409. Texas City Exports, 2,278; stock, 17,- B10. Norfolk Middling, 30.50; receipts,! 76: exports, 2iS; stocK, 6d,7bi. Baltimore Stock, 16,000. Boston Middling, 31.15; stock, 17,944 Philadelphia Middling, 32.30; stock. 6,621. New York Middling, 32.0o; stock, 115,248. Minor Ports Receipts, 94; stock, 20,- 409. Atlanta (Weekly) Stock, 18,510. Total today Receipts, 4,988; exports, 17.995; stock, SS1.S87. Total for week Receipts, 33,558; ex ports, 84,300. Total for season Receipts, 41.&04; exports, S4.300. Interior Movement. Houston Middling, 29.25; receipts, ,199; shipments, 2,751; sales, 2,142; stock. S7.364. Memphis Middling, 30.00; receipts, 23; shipments, 1,36; sales, i,uu; biock, 269.857. Augusta Middling, 30.00; receipts, 8; shipments, 60: sales, 346; stock, 4.2,406. St. Louis Middling. 30.50; receipts, il; shipments, 41; stock, 12,535. Cincinnati. .Receipts, 168; shipments, 254; stock, 14,435. Little Rock Middling, 30.00; receipts, 444; shipments, 2,073; sales, 2,073; stock. 132.782. Total today Receipts, 2,889; ship- Itnents, o,555; stock, 4o,379. Dallas Middling, 29.30; sales, 4,556. Montgomery-Middling, 29.50; sales. 6. RECEIPTS 1 Spirits turpentine ( ) Rosin ( ) Tar , ( ) Crude turpentine ( ) Receipts same day last year Spir its turpentine, 44 barrels; rosin, 116 barrels; tar, 296 barrels; crude turpen tine, 36 barrels. last COTTON MARKET. Quotations 29; same day year, 25 c. Receipts, ( ) bales; same day last year, ( ) bales. Total receipts since August 1 to date, 66,435 bales. Total receipts to same date last yea 66,060 bales. PRODUCE MARKET. HESTER'S WEEKLY COTTON STATEMENT. Wilmington, Aug. 8, 1918. (Prices Paid by Wilmington Deal era.) CORN $2.10 per bu. BEEF Native dressed. 18c to 20c lb. WOOL Burry, 40c; flrst-claas white. 55c to 6O0 lb. HIDES Green, 11c; green, salt. 12o. 2MORTH CAROLINA BACON Ham Arm 33-35c; sides and shoulders, 32-33a BEES WAX Firm, Sio lb. TALLOW FIrm,15c lb. EGGS 40c dozen. HENS 20 to 22c lb. BROILERS 30Mo 35c lb. FRYING SIZE 30 to 35c lb. PEACHES $4. 00 to $5.00. HUCKLEBERRIES -15 to 20c qt. POTATOES $3 to $3.50 bbl. BEANS $2.00 to $2.50. ing process extending to bonds. Active rails, Including standard shares, scored extreme grains of one to two points, that range also- applying to industrials and specialties. U. S. Steel pointed the way through out its extreme advance of 1 points to 1.11, the highest price In several weeks and retaining1 all but a small fraction. . Baldwin Locomotives was next in fa vor, its steady accumulation at a gross advance of 2 accompanying the fa miliar report of prospective dividend action. Exchangj&'Tvas firmer all around re flecting, the more confident feeling re garding the foreign situation. Sterling and francs were higher, likewise to neutral centres, Spain excepted. For the first time this year liberty 3 '8 sold at a slight premium, touch ing 100.02. Foreign flotations also stiffened.fractionally on. an appreciable increase of trading.- Total sales, par value, aggregated $7,450,000. U. S. bonds, old issues, unchanged on call. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. American Beet Sugar 70 American Can 47 American Car and Foundry 83 American Lbcomotive 67 American Linseed 42 American Smelting & Refining.. 78 American Sugar 110 American Tel. & Tel 91 American Tobacco . . . 160- Anaconda Copper 66 Atchison, ex-div 84 Atlantic Coast Line 92 Atl., Gulf & W, Indies 103 Baldwin Locomotive 95 Baltimore & Ohio 54 Bethlehem Steel "B" 84 Canadian Pacific 153 Central Leather 67 Chesapeake & Ohio 56 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 45 Chicago, R. I. & Pac 24 Chino Copper 39 Colorado Fuel & Iron 46 THE TIDES H Igu . crater . Low . trater A.M. . PJ;. AJH..P.M . Wilmington ....1:05 1:00 8:17 8:36 Southport ..11: 11:12 5:05 5:20 Maaonboro Inlet. 10:49 11:01 4:45 5:00 WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. August 9, 1918. T Temperature: 4.' ' , 1; . 2 '3! M ?e (B) 43 67 30 15 145 153 91 32 81 97 52 26 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Comparisons are to actual dates not to close of corresponding weeks. In thousands bales: In sight for week, 23. In sight same seven days last year, 76. In sight for the month, 41. In sight same date last year, 89. In sight for season, 41. In sight same date last year, 89. Port receipts for season, 42. Port receipts same date last year, 50. Overland to Mills and Canada for sea Bon, 12. Overland same date last year, 35. Southern mill takings for season, 75. Souther nmill takings same date last year, 68. Interior stocks in excess of Septem ter 1st (minus), 87. Interior stocks last year (minus last year), 64. Foreign exports for week, 84. Foreign exports same seven days last year, 46. Foreign exports for season, 84. Foreign exports same date last year. 73. Northern Spinners' takings and Can- oa for week, 34. Northern Spinners' takings and Can ada for same 7 days last ye-r 15. Northern Spinners' takings and Can ada for season, 37. Northern Spinners' takings and Can ada to same date last year, 46. Statement of Spinners' Talttngs of American Cotton Through out the World. This week, 133. Pame seven days last year, Hi. Total since August 1, 212. Same date last year, 232. Statement of World' Vtaihle Supply. Total visible this week, 2,81ft. Total visible last week, 2,959. Total visible same date last ear, 2,663. Of this the total American this week, 1.761. Of this the total American iast week, 1,872. Of this the total American last year, 1,361. Al other kinds this wek, 1,049. other kinds last week, 1.097. All other kinds last year. 1,302. "Visible in the United States this "'eek. 1.426. Visible in the United States this date last year, 805. Visible in other countries this week, 1,384. VlSlblft in r.t Vit- New Orleans, Aug. 9. War news was again the one great factor in the cot ton market, although the drought in Texas still attracted attention and it Lcaused enough buying to put prices up nearly a cent a pound. ine opening was at the advance and a wide im provement in values was maintained throughout the session, although there was considerable .profit-taking at times and moderate reactions were frequent. At the best of the session the active months were 90 to 95 points over yes terday's close. Last prices showed net gains of 82 to 85 points. Favorable war news caused the high er opening. The dry weather map and the forecast of continued fair weather for. Texas increased the demand after the call and during the morning the inquiry w-as further stimulated by re ports of fresh successes by the allies. These reports throughout the day kept the undertone firm. Offerings by sat isfied longs were constantly absorbed by the new buyers. Mill takings for the week were small, 133,000 bales, but bearish traders were unable to make use of them because of the excessively small into-sight movement into sight for the week which amounted to only 23,066 bales, causing a decrease in the visible supply of 110,889 bales. Spot cotton, steady and unchanged. Closing bid. October 28.07 December 27. 85 January s 27.89 March .47.95 May 27-95 " Middling, 28.75. Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar . , Erie General Electric General Motors Great Northern, pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs Gulf States Steel ...... Illinois Central Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine Int. Mer. Marine, pfd 99 International Paper (B) 34 Kennecott Copper 34 Louisville & Nashville (B) 114 Maxwell Motors 26 Mexican Petroleum 101 Miami Copper 28 Midvale Pacific 23 New York Central 72 Norfolk & Western 103 Northern Pacific 87 Ohio Cities Gas . . . Pennsylvania Pittsburg Coal Ray Consolidated Copper Reading Rep. Iron & Steel Seaboard Air Line (B) Seaboard Air Line, pfd Sinclair Oil & Refining 33 Sloss, Shef. Steel Iron 61 Southern Pacific 85 Southern Railway Southern Railway, pfd (B) Studebaker Corporation Tennessee Copper Texas Co. Abilene .Clr 9-6 72 ".0 Asheville ....Rain 90 66 .84 Atlanta .Clr .92 76. j .0 Augusta .....Cldy 96 76 .10 Birmingham- . . .Clr 96 76 0 Boston .......Cldy 68 66 .20 Charleston ....Clr 90 78 .0 Charlotte ....Rain 98 74 .04 Chicago Clry 68 64 .0 Galveston Pc 88 82 .0 Jacksonville Pc 96 74 .0 Memphis Clr 96 78 .0 Mobile Cldy 92 78 .0 Montgomery .Cldy 98 76 .0 New Orleans ...Pc 92 76 .0 New York ...Cldy 88 78 .0 Oklahoma Clr 98 74 .04 Palestine Clr 98 74 .0 Pittsburg ....Cldy 88 74 .34 Raleigh Cldy 96 74 .0 Savannah Pc 94 76 .01 Shreveport ....Clr 94 74 .0 St. Louis Pc 90 74 .06 Washington ....Pc 94 80 .0 Wilmington ...Clr 92 76 .0 COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For 24 hours ending 7 a. m. Thursday. : 75th Meridian Time, Aug. 0, 191S. STATIONS -4- Temperature. 05 e 5 O v4 C o 01 39 43 51 24 89 93 7 19 23 62 45 19 153 Tobacco Products 70 Union Pacific 121 United Cigar Stores 101 United Fruit (B) 126 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 128 United States Rubber 61 United States Steel 111 United States Steel, pfd. ... 110 Utah Copper (B) 80 "Virginia Caro. Chem. 51 Wabash Pfd. "A" 38 Western Union 77 Westinghouse Electric 41 Willys-Overland 20 Total sales, . Charlotte, N. C..C1t 96 I 74 I .0 Goldsboro Clr 102 77 , .0 Greensboro ....Clr 100 74 .0 Lumberton Clr 98 ' 73 .0 Newborn Clr 98 76 .0 Raleigh Clr 98 74 . .0 Weldon Clrl 97 73 .13 Cheraw, S. C Clrj 99 71 .0 Florence .Clrj 97 j 75 .0 Averages 9S.0-74.3. New Orleans, La., Aug. 9, 1918. Unseasonably high temperatures con tinue with ' the maxima mostly from ninety-four to one hundred degrees. Light to moderate, showers occurred in central and western Oklahoma and in a few localities. elsewhere. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. New York, Aug. 9. Cottonseed oil, in-; active; prime crude, 17,60; prime sum mer yellow, nominal; no other quotations. LIVERPOOL COTTON STATISTICS. Liverpool, Aug. 9. Weekly cotton statistics: Total forwarded to mills, 44,000 bales, of which American 25,000; stock 237,000, American v 109,000. Im ports, 50,000; American, 49,000. Exports, none. PATRIOTIC PROGRAM RENDERED. So- U8tt SKKSMSE (0UM3 SHOVE HHTfWtt I I --want ads---. Trnfm A fSlr mad bath; foreMe. electric H(tt, fc an4 XpM it mM ' cold water. Large. Judo, lot t ihad . 'mlTrr. ADT f iimn i i u 1 S1 V Running the Blockade You Business Men, hampered by high prices 6nd the shortage in labor and equipment should - how your resourcefulness by solving these ; difficulties with Want Ads. !; ' Many a firm in this city, beset with difficulties like yours, has ibund oiir Classified; Advertising Section a means of getting good help quickly, of finding USED, machinery i that answered the purpose wonderfully, well and in this way cutting costs that were eating away profit margins. Tell What You Want Like This .WANTED To tray lathes. stdlUng ' machine, drill preaaea. punches and heart, abapera, turret laifia, miecet- laneouy other tools. All man Oe in good condition. Write or phons N- tional Machinery Co. FOIl SAM) One 12-inch lathe, one drill press, on power hack saw. one 10 h. p. 8-phaso A. C. motor, line shafting:, bankers, pullers, belts. All in food condition. Beit ' cash offer take. ADDRESS: If you are not already making money out of Want Ads begin today. Our Classified Adver tising Section is a great business Clearing House. Read and Use the Want Ads in The Morning Star gLgl Suburban Schedule IN EFFECT. 'SATURDAY, JUNE8r 1918. WEEK-DAYS. 2 Lv. Beach f 5:40 A. Ma.f 6:00 A. M. 7:10 A.M. 7:40 A.M.' 8:15 A. ILi and every, halt ? hour thereafter uniil . 545 P. M; 6:20 P. M. i 6:50 P.M.. 7:15 P. M4 and every; half r hour thereafter until 11:45 P. M. t Water Coolers, Refrigerators Ice Chests Our stock is now com plete, but for -a short while only, and no more to be had this season. Also Wire Screen Doors, Window Screens. WM. E. SPRINGER & COMPANY Pur cell Building, Wilmington, N. C. Lv. "Center 6:15 A. M. 6:55 A.M. 7:25 A.M. 8:00 A.M. -and every half hour thereafter until 5:30 P. M 6"10 P. M. 6:30 P. M. and every half hour thereafter until 11 :00 M. 12:10 A. M. Local trains stopping at all stations (on request) may be expected to leave -the Center and Lumina at the "times indicated. I ' The 6:10 express leaves daily except - " 5th, th. 17 and Market streets, Wlli ; mington, Winder Park Gardens, Sea -Gate, WrlgtUbville and all stations on ; Beach. ' : FREIGHT: ; '' Lv. Wilnuiigton Lv. Beach K.QA A TVT T .nc a c U.UV Z. I ,uu A. ill. f 9:30 A.M. 12:15 P. tei 'i 3:30 P.M. 6:15 Pv M: iv j- dav. from 7:30 A. M. until 1:00 P. M ! and from 2:00 P. AL until ti :0u P. M !. ' v. . U II rj I I A V U . SB . . tJ i. UZ. X K . t, Lv. "Center" 7:00 A. M. 8:30 A.M. and every naif hour thereafter until 11:00 P. M. 12:10 A. M. Local Trains stopping at all stations v (on request) may be expected to leave " the Center and Lumina at the times ; indicated. FBEICtET : Lv. Wilmington Lv. Beach 11 :0QJL M. 12:15 P. Mir cPrelght Depot open 10 to 11 A. M. -Freight Depot Telephone No. 96. During; period of lienvy travel ex press trains will be operated between Wilmington and Lumina stopping only at 5th, 9th and 17th and Market streets, Wilmington, Oceanic Hotel, Srnahorw hotel, Carolina Yacht Club and L niina on the Beach, Le. 3each i v 6:40 A. M. V 7 :45 A. M. 9:15 A. MB and every hal nour thereafter f until - 11:45 P. M,t UNION PASSENGER STATION Arrival and Departure February lat, 191S. of Trains SEABOARD AIR LINE DEPART DAILY ARRIVB 3:45 F.M. Charlotte 1:10 f.ii. Parlor Car. 5:lu A.M..... Charlotte ....12:30 A.M, Sleeper opened 10:0C P. M. For Information Phone 178. II J DUN'S TRADE REVIEW. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, Aug. 9. Hogs Receipts, 10, 000. Market, generally steady; one sale at 20.05; butchers, 19.1519.90; light, 19.4019.70; packing, 18.1019.00; rough, 17.75g18.10; bulk og sales, 18.3019.85; pigs, choice, 18.0018.50. Cattle Receipts, 4,000. Market, gen erally steady; beef cattle, choice, 17.00 18.80; common and medium, 10.0017.00; butchers' stock, cows and heifers, 7.00 3 14.25; canners and cutters, 6.007.00; stockers and feeders, choice, 10.00 13.00; inferior, common and medium, 7.50 10.00; veal calves, choice, I6.50 17.25. - Sheep-Receipts, 10,000. Market, firm to 10c higher; lambs, choice, 17.65 18.35; medium and good, 15.7517.45; culls, 12.00 14.00; ewes, choice, 13.25 18.90; medium and good, 11.5013.25; culls, 4.50 9.50. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. New York, Aug. 9. Dun's tomorrow will say: "A heat wave of exceptional severity this week, extending over a wide area and for several days remaining un broken, affected agriculture-and busi ness adversely, causing further impair ment of crop prospects and repression of trade and industrial activities. Yet the government's grain estimates while unfortunately falling appreciably short of previous calculations, still give promise of large harvests and the pa triotic spirit of many employes in con tinuing at war work in spite of the ex treme temperatures has tended to min imize the check to manufacturing of the most essential character. The re sult of the intensive production efforts stimulated by the special extraordinary demands of -the period are seen in phe nomenal outputs at a time when gen eral and marked curtailment of opera tions is usually witnessed and even more noteworthy achievement in this direction would be possible but for the labor shortage and other handicaps. "Weekly bank clearingsJ5,314,645, 882." NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. la st year, 1,858. MVASXAH NAVAL STORES. savannah, Aug. 9. Turpentine firm, saies, 216; receipts, 174; shipments, stock, 27,490. Rosin, firm; sales. 1,210; receipts, 932; tn'Pments. 1,245; stock, 78,553. yuote. b, 10.0510.20; D, 10.10 tJ-0; E, 10.20; F. 10.35: G. 10.4710.50; .S' I?-501 l- 10.5010.55; K. U.0511.10:J 11.25; N. u.55; WQ U70: WWll.80.1 T.ivernool. Autr. 9. Cotton: Spot, auiet; prices, easy; good middling, 22.09; middling, 21.46; low miaanng, , good ordinary. 19.94; ordinary. 19.14, Sales, 1,000 bales, including 800 Ameri can. Receipts, 7.300 bales; all Ameri can. Futures closed feverish. August, 22.16; September. 21.90; October, 21.65; November, 21.44; December, 21.S2. DRY GOODS MARKET. . New York, Aug. 9. Cotton goods prices named by the government were circulated today in the trade, but busi ness at the new levels started slowly. Yarns ruled quiet. Silks at higher srir.es did not to tlx New York, Aug. . .Mercantile pa per, 4 months, 6; six months, . Sterling, 60-day bills, 4.73; commer cial, 60-day bills on banks; 4.72; com mercial, ; 60-day bills, 4.72; demand, 4.76; demand, 4.76; cables, '477. Bar silver, 99. Mexican dollar, 77. Time loans, strong; 60 days, 6 bid; 90 days, 6 bid; six months, 6 hid. Call money .strong; high, 6; low, 6; ruling rate, 6"1 ; closing bid, 5; offer ed At .6; last loan, 6. Teachey and Wallace Endeavorer cities in Joint Meetlnsr. (Special Star Correspondence.)--Teachey, Aug. 9. A most enjoyable and at same time profitable meeting was held In the Baptist church here Thursday night. The Teachey Chris tian Endeavor society Invited the so ciety from Wallace for a Joint meet ing, the program being of a patriotic nature. The meeting was presided over by Miss Ethel Sloan f secretary, Miss Mabel Rivenbark; organist, Miss Teachey. Rev. Lucian Wells, of Teachey. made a talk on the honor roll and the ser vice flag, oearing yf names, which had Just prior to his talk been, unfurled. As the name of those on this roll of honor were called by the secretary, the nearest of kin to the one in service was asked to rise and answer for the nbsflnt one. At the same time, the leader, Miss Sloan, gradually unfurled the service flag. The songs and quartettes were much enjoyed, as were the several Informal talks. Last, but by no means least, was the talk by Mrs. J. W. Carroll, of Wallace, who In her own made every member of her audience feel thelr responsibility, and be more de termined to meet it in the future than ever before. Mrs. Carroll's reputation as a speaker, as well as Rd Cross worker, is weli known and hep talk on the subject, "The.Call. was intensely Interesting and helpful. Iriah FarmeU Hit Hard. Dublin. Aug. 9. With: the. Sinn Fein ers raiding the farmers and taking thlr shotguns and the police in re turn seizing guns to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Sinn Felnere. the farmers find them selves at a loss to. protect their erope from destruction by birds and game. At Ennlscorthy it was decided to make an appeal to th government in reference to the matter. . oiemeneeau'e Daughter Engaged. p,ria Ausr. 9. The engagement of Mile. Therese Clemenceau. daughter of th. irrAneh nremier, M. Georges Clem- .nmnn .to Jules Jung, a member of! the Paris legal fraternity, but now serving as o. sergeant In the French army, has been announced. M." Jung is the wearer of a war cross. OCEAN MOTEL WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. N. C. First Stop On the Beach Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Lumina Orchestra. Excellent Cuisine, Sea Pood Specialty. Write for Booklet and Reservations Until September 1st. C. E. HOOPER, Manager NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York, Aug. .9. Raw sugar, un changed; fine granulated, 6.055; refined, unchanged; fine granulated, 7.50. Spot coffee, dull; rio 7's, 8; Santos 4'a. JLUa. :. - , .. . : LADIES When irregular or delayed, use-.Triumph Pills. Safe and always dependa ble. Not sold at fcrug -stores. Do not experiment with, other, save disap pointment. Write for "Relief' sjjd pari tlculars. Its free. Address: National Medical XnstItate.-imwaukavkWla.- a To Subscribers to Third Liberty Loan Under the Government Plan of Payment final instalment will be due August 15th. Please call at the Bank and make settlement. Bonds are now ready for delivery. . The MURCHIS0N NATIONAL BANK PEACE INSTITUTE RALEIGH, N. C. Fer the Bdneatlm u Culture f Yoana- Women. Classical Literary ind Scientific Courses leading to diplomas. Gradu ate credited by State Department Education for Teachers Certificates. Spe cial diplomats awarded In : Music, Voice, Art and : Expression. Excel' lent Commercial Course, Domestic Sctenee, Domestic Art. Iaatrwetlen Specialists in all departments. ' . situation Location in capital city gives special oppcrtunltlea. Delightful 8AthleScaupervised Indoors arid putdoors by ' athlet!t director. . Special attention Individual development. CUmate permits out-door life all winter. For eatalogue.or further Ittformation'wrlte at onee to Xi :-; ... -: . MISS "5l'AR,Y owbs GRaBwI" reelet.' ATLANTIC COAST LINE DEPART DAILY ARRIVE 5:45 A.M.. .South and West. .12:40 A.M. . Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 P. M. V. A K A TLT TvTnr.V, It-All F Vt S I t ..A.V.A. ........... v.vv . Parlor Car to Norfolk. y 8:45 A.M.. .Fayetteville 8:00 P.M. V OiVO A . . UCIU ...... .wv . 3:30 P.M... South and Wet.. I'M P.M. . Sleepers to Augusta, Atlanta 6:45 P.M...wortft iu:ts A.itt. Sleepers to Washington. Norfolk. For Information Phone 160. Look Over the Paper Nearly all its advertise ments are calculated to in duce you to spend money. We offer you an oppor tunity to save money and increase your buying, powe Home Savings Bank Security and Service. SIX STARS In Our Service Flag All good men and true! Bat we. who are left, Tan serve you- with the same care and attention as ever. GOOD MEN GOOD TOOL GOOD WORK CAPE FEAR MACHINE - - WORKS - - Foundry Machine Shop Mill an1 Marine Work J. B.McCABE&CO. Certified Public Accountants Room 815 Murehison Bank Building. Phone 996. Wilmington, N. C. Head Star Business Locals.:

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