THE MORNING STAR. WILMINGTON. N. CMONDAY,' JANUARY 5, 1919. TWO f! d if 3 q o t 1 t i tl fli ill a I 1 . At The Theatres Academy : -Bijou : Victoria : Royal : Grand Ere of the WorM" j There has been no more remarkable character portrayal in the history of the photodrama than that, of Conrad . LeGrande In the current production at the "Victoria theatre on Thursday of Clune's great picturization of "The Eyes of the World." Down to the last minute detail Vt ts a triumph in that branch' of the actor's' art that in these days is mastered by so few players. So startling is the characterization at many points. that , a. dramatic, re viewer in the west referred to this, work of Monroe 'Salisbury as an ac complishment as worthy of stpdy as if it had been done - on canvas by an artist of the brush. This critic re viewed Salisbury ' on the general theme, , "How to Paint . a , Portrait, in Grease Paint." and Salisbury's reply throws an, interesting light on one of the fascinating phases of the actor's. : art. .: He. said: ' "It is'-hard to say Just how a cer tain role lsrplanned and executed, but I do know this while I was study ing, a new role the character that T ' am to portray' is visualized In my mind. I can see the character' -pert ectlv;" he .becomes very real to me,- and there fore I know exactly hpw I must , ap j.'pearf Each and. every movement comes naturally, as -for the time I am play insr I am not acting1, I am that char acter." v Onnd The thrilline adventures of asien tist among the avare natives of the South Sea Islands are realistically set ' x J,J BLANCHE SWEET In "The Hushed Hour At The Victoria Today. forth In "Choosing a Wife,' the First National attraction -which will be shoVn at the Grand theatre beginning , today for two days. ' Andrew Quick is an explorer backed . by wealthy interests which send him into the South Seas to study the na ' tlves and various aspects of the coun try. Traveling; in one of ) the remote islands with a' small bodyguard, he is set upon by fierce savages who kill .off his followers and take Quick pris ' oner. " . ; , Held by the natives he is visited by ft dartc-sklnned girl who longs to go ' to the lands of the white men, of which : ehe has heard in a vague and distant way. She begs to be allowed to go with him, and secretly gives him the means of freeing himself. A native 'lover of the woman witnesses his es- cape. Killing the woman who wag re sponsible, the huge savage chases Quick to the top of a high cliff, -where they fight to the death. By super-human effort: Quick throws the savage into -the. sea.. Later he Is rescued by a relief expedition. It is " then he goes back home to face the "most remarkable situation Imaginable, that of answering to - a woman who thinks he has proposed to her, while In truth he - had been . trying to pro pose to her niece. Lou TllCTeu l'ni' . As was to be expected when the first announcement of the- appearance of Xiou Tellegen at the Academy on next "Wednesday was made, the local Inter est has been aroused to an extent that Indicates an engagement that -is sure to prove one. of the really worthy events of theNcurrent season. ! , Theatre-goersNare always assured of ,an artistic presentation of whatever this gifted actor offers, and In his lat est vehicle, "The Lttat of Gold," he is said to be fitted witha- part that af fords him every scope Xpr his rare at tainments and with an especial appeal to the American audiences. .The role Is consistent, dramatic, forceful and the situation reasonable. . Mr, Tellegen is now under his own , , ; '- ' - - ' ' - - .- - .i -. ;- :' ' '": ' A: -- -i : -fr . v',, . ., I 1 ' ,m lw ' ' ' 111 I J J , , , ... - 1 ' f a 'i r Three Ql the peaches In the choms ot the Million Dollar Doll la ' Paris" at r rtho Academy next Satardar matinee and nlsrht. . - management, which allows him to ex ercise his artistic tastes to the utmost, both Tn the selection of a perfect cast and in thekproper presentation of some marvelously beautiful stage settings. ' -The1 supporting cast -embraces .the names 6f Margaret Linden, "Zola Lama, Ralph ' Locke, Robert Stevens and others. .Discriminating play-goer are assured of an- evening's 'worth when spent in the company of such, notable artists. The prices ' will be from 75 cents to 2. First . three rows $2.50. Tickets will go on. sale at El'ylng ton's tomorrow morning. v"- ; v "'Tea For Tfcree"-lAa4einy . - The attraction fori the ; Academy - of Music tomorrow night will be "Tea For Three,", by Roi Cooper Mergue, and presented1 by" the Selwyris; i , "Tea For Three' comes here backed by the unan imous apprpval of hundreds of critics and with a record of one entire year's engagement af .Maxine Elliot's theatre. New York," where It -proved the most successful play of Itskind produced last season. The forthcoming engage ment, is distinctly one, of the worth while things' of ; the ; present': tv. year. The prices will range from of cents to S2. Tickets will go On sale a Elvington's this morning. -' Victoria - " ' " Blanche Sweet, star of Harry vl. Garson's special , production, "The Hushed Hour." adapted from Gertrude Brooke Hamilton's popular story of the same title,-by Charles Malgne, and produced under the direction of :Ed- mund Martimer, is the strongest at traction ehown during the current year at the Victoria theater, opening today. In the opinion of the critic, Blanche Sweet, whom patrons of the picture theater ill remember -as , the star of "The Unpardonable Sin," .also pro duced by Mr, Garson, gives the finest performance of her lontf aid success- iui career before the camera. Her versatility .has never before been bet ier mustratea than in the portrayal oi ner :oie or Virginia Blodeett. Over the scUe of dramatic emotions, Miss Sweet runs with all the artistry of an expert pianist In drawing from the secret recesses of the piano its sweet est and most vibrant harmonies. The supporting cast, including such well-r.nown artists as Wilfred Lucas, Milton Sills, -Harry t NorthruD. Wvnd- ham- Standing; Mary Anderson,' Rose mary Theby, Gloria Hope, Winter .a Lyaia Knott, Ldttla . Ben Alex ander, who was seen to . such fine ad vantage m D. w. Griffith's "Hearts of the, World," and Kid McCoy, who has prov d himself as efficient before the camera as ie am in the. roned nrfrt. gives excellent performances and U is to be doubted if ever before there has been seen on , the screen of the Vic toria theater a more notable assero hiage of .screen, a; cists. Altogether, "The H -shed Hour" represents a pic- vmo mat a.iLQrua o :e nunared per ceEii. entertaining - qualities., : Royal Printing a big new ehow with six teen people Guy Johnson's well Known -xjouy wimple Girls" open at the Royal for the veek, Tielnning to day. xney nave not Deen here m. ; some time and their many friends will all pe present this week to , t est them Gay claims that he has the best show that he has ever had. 1 Besides the Johnson family-Guy Elsie and Marie he is featuring the Versatile Comedy Four, a quartet j?t male artists; Al ureen, Mike Mllholland, Andy Whit and; Walter Witzgail. Another fea Thel Sonners ." Mr. Sopper is well known as one of the arrangers of the music j that was - used -with the': '.'Birth of a i Nation." Mr. ' Sopper is producing all j the musical numbers, r which are all of the-latest Buccesses, some of which i have never been placed on the mar- j ket. The - scenic and electric -effects are all new this season. .The bill for today and ' tomorrow" will be a new musical comedy, entitled "Money Mad," and - the cast will be one of the strongest ever.'presented by an attraction of its kind. WED. JANUARY 7 At 8:15 Engagement Extraordinary Under His Own Management Pre - . vents .Himself In . , Hi Tke Dramatic Treat of the Year Price 75c, f 1.00, f 1.50, $2.00 and $2J50 - for first three rows. Ticket wtt Elvinrton, Waddell Watters GROCERIES Telephones 7 and 8 25 -. Xarfcet , Streetr" I Climax COLD Tablets Act Like Magic No Discomfort , v 1 25c Gaaranteed-Honey Refunded J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG J. COMPANY r .: SECOND AND PRINCESS ' BICYCLES! Caak or Weekly Payment "PAY AS YOU RIDE" New and Ued Macklne Wilmington Cycle Co. 210 Market St. it Pkone 5d "Ml ture ; Mr- Johnson presents is ACADEMY mm Why should men of 4tt or 50 seek brides of 20 - r Is too much modesty advisable in unmarried women : Tlioa vaacAn 4Yi lrtvrA nnca mnci ivuraa jlfo wiie-seeKing men accora women iair consiaeraiion Dpn'iGet Mcriried XJM You See This One The experience of one man in seeking a wife who was his ideal is graphically pictured jn-f V v 'A A dramatic presentment of Life's Greatest Problem From the well known novel of the same name A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTIONr-SEVEN REELS H E Th u rs d ay Fr i d ay ---Sat u r d ay Three Shows Daily, 3:30 P, M., 7;45 P. M 9:45 P. M, flUI mnoLQ VICTORIA: THEATRE Academy of Music TUESDAY. JANUARY 6. AT, 8x15 The Selwyna Present v H n tlk I cure for Xh& iae& ax& jealous Jtasbands B Roi Cooper Megrue Thc 3(mtioAL Ccnov Hit Direct from a YearV Run at Haxinl Euiot.t Theatre, New York- ' One Night; Only ; : 'PRICES 50c TO $2.00 Ticket-at Elvington's Helen Holmes In the Great, Thrill Serial "The Fafal Fortune 53 100 Per Cent of Entertainment . . Value ., rr- Two Big Comedies Today WATSON TRANSFER CO. I. '--I , Motor Truck Service I? T. A. WATON, Manager Telephone 50 Four -Trucks TOWNSEND & SMITH Civil and Mechanical Engineers : Complete ENGINEERING -.0 E R V I C E. lncludlnn; . tt ',1 U E: P R I N T S 512-13 . Southern Building;, phone 2127 ....... . .i. -. j Wilmington, N. C. Today and' ToTnor? The Marriages , (question 9$ J 59 RE PILLCD tzz&m 7uzzYt:; Ml C? IDVS AOVCHTUD COMEDY PAY MO pan wright Wi tell U outiSiS! i . m : Wife CA DEM V OF MUSkC SATURDAY, -v JANUARY ' 10 MATINEE- ..I . . . . . . . , .. .3i30 NIGHT ...8tl5 Harvey D. OrrTa L.Atet and' Beat The New Third Edition a night . .i .4. . . .. .. .8,15 Hm:4?Tsy icA.:raoii7 jfMf&m'uw miiL v . , . i- ... tr- . - m m a mm nw m w m m w m mm v a - mm. . m m mr srr w mm : wUmrnrT m 'Prsm& vmmm mwm II PEOPLE .. f-, SONG HITS j j - gt 4 t ' SSSKBS: 1 I ; j Seats on Sale Friday at Elvlagton's it m 'l&L''', Ift ' : 4 : -i-: - h . -s f! i . , . ' , ; - &0 ;;risl$i ; DOLLY DIMPLE lt Tr ninnn - M Ml UltlliD -NV7 a 5 J?v " - U ' I With an All-Star Line-up of Spe- j l N ? ' 7 li. I claltles, Feararlns ,wlir!"Blll esnMMTllillli nil ill 1 1 nmns 1 I THE BIG COMEDY FOUR J I One "of the Highest Salaried At I ' ' . . , . . J U - : JV'""; :.-- m - : 'W-. Th R, AW SAVE COAL I6i!: 7---i6 I neon :6oc tea i By buyfe!ers a"a 7 j - lLvr We have a big assortment 1 1 L S -j-J 'I C. D. KENNY CO. l. w. davis & co ta " j . ' IS . Fromt St. -f Pkoae 67 . 18 South Front Street. . I I ueaq Mar iinsiness ixcai3 1 1 n j ' B B I B " - i . t' . . J S . .... ----, Prices for spring are most assuredly going to be consider able higher than they were during the season just . closing, sa if you really want to be economical the BR0TAN CLEAR ANCE SALE ertainly affords you a dandy opportunity to practice what most of us are preaching, and that is--Reduce Old H. C. of L. through the Seriously, though the dresses that we are now offering are just as good style and better in quality than the new spring numbers. You isimply cannot go wrong on ..selecting at least two of them while they are being offered at a discount of 5 A t-, Mess I 24 Suiti Too Are Offered VICTORIA. OPENING TODAY iii til - I s. j'-t iAb j-, .. .j'k.v ....-ji-i.- i.. ..... all admirable policy of strict economy Than Cost The suits that remain in our stock are simply dandy vai ' ues, and they are actually being offered at less than the same : identical; suit, can be bought, for on the New, York market to- ;day. This is not - just "talk," but real, honest-to-goodnes8 facts, and you'll realize it's truth next spring when you come :in to select a new spring suit Better cdme in and take ad vantage of thesejnore than unusual offerings, you'll thank us later. for the suggestion, . ! ; . lr iua n. f ont Wilmington, N, C. MATINEE 3:30 ; 10c, 15c, 25c NIGHT7!45-9:30 15c, 25c, 35c per cent o2) 3 a 2s.- ' :.,:.-. - . . N . - 1 . ' ' '. - . . , - f ' ,r "