THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON. N. CTHIHISDAY; ; JANUARY 22, 1920, TWO i At The Theatres Academy : Bijou : Victoria : Royal Grand "; Victoria . ' "The Thunderbolt- the first of Katherlne MacDonald's First National attractions, and her first starring ve hicle since "The . Woman Thou Gavest ".MeV a. story of the strangest marriage v. on record, is the attraction at the . Victoria for three days opening this afternoon with matinee, and at regu lar Victoria prices. katherlne MacDonald has been ac corded the distinction of being the - most beautiful woman on the Ameri can screen,, and her Initial First Na tional attraction has been anxiously awaited, and is One of the sensations of the year, telling the story of a : man, who deliberately married a wo , man beautiful and cultured-ir-whom he hated, to deny her the sacked right ; to motherhood for her whole life. " Uncomplainingly. Ruth . is forced into - the marriage to Corbin, fully knowing that she hates him and that she loves another man, whose affec- - tion she is denied. However the meekness on the part of the girl is : turned" into a stubborn resistance "when she is told that Corbin married her not out of admiration but to make - good on his father's charge that he "get the last of the Pomeroys." How the girl, fighting for the honor of the Pomeroy's, bests the man fighting for the honor of the Corbins, makes one of the greatest picture sensations of the year. - Grand "Wallace Reid, who is "You're Fired!" a new picture which comes to starred in Paramount the Grand himself as theatre today, expresses being delighted with this opportunity 4j ytt $'px 1 1 . n WALLACE REID 5 In the O: Henry story "You're Fired," at the Grand today. - again portray a comedy role. Sew ;t eral of his recent productions have been dramatic, but the star's talents are Just as effective In a light comedy role. In this production Mr. Reed plays the part of a young man who wants ' to marry the daughter of a railroad . magnate. But as a general rule, rail road magnates are inclined to be par- ticular about the qualifications of young men who want to marry their daughters. , This particular magnate, however, v agrees that the hero shall have the . girl if he can work three months without being fired. How, after re- signing several jobs in the nick of time to keep from being fired, the hero ; turnb a little trick that means millions to prospective father-in-law and thus ; wins lhe old man's consent, is one of the most, amusing situations ever provided, the star. Coming to Victoria , The friendship of two men which ; went so far that one begged the other to kiss his fiance. In order to win her over to the idea of kissing before mar riage, is one of the startling forces of "The Beloved Cheater" In which Lew Cody will be seen at the Victoria theatre for three days starting on next ". Monday. This is a Robertson-Cole : special picture which was produced by L. J. Gasnler. The central character of the film vs j Bruce Sands, a fascinating bachelor about .whom the girls are "crazy," :He is approached by his bashful : friend. Kingdom Challoner, who says that his (Challoner's) fiance, Eulalie Morgan, objects to being kissed even . after she is engaged. What shall he ; do to make her see things aright, he asks of this man versed in the nature of women. , "Kim Her" Ailvlu f Sands suggests that his friend just naturany kiss Miss -Morgan, holding : that after it once has been done jt will not be so hard in the future. Challoner says he would not dare, and suggests that matters be so arranged -that his friend can- act as prqxy and ' kiss the girl for him. This is finally " agreed upon. " : ' - . Bijou 1 The great submarine sensation at ' the Grand the past two days will go down to the Bijou today for one day's showing, and those who missed the ' official - pictures of the escapades and ruthless destruction wrought by the features, each one of which Is worthy craft will have an opportunity to see , It at the Bijou today. sAn all-star bill of big pictures will - be shown at the Bijou today, Tfdur big .'"features, each one of which Is worth of first mention on tha bill. A special big attraction for the dav 1 . TT . ' "KT ll . - J - -is nearet iicwo, mo greatest of all -'screen newspapers, with wealth of bie ' ' . - B bsflUT? 6 Beuiams JU)rv Wot wate r cTVI Sure Relief LJ Fan INDIGCOTIOH , news events of the past week shown in pictorial form as photographed by the Hearst - news gatherers in every part of the civilized globe. A' big new Mabel Normand Keystone comedy, with a cast of Keystone stars it would be impossible to assemble ftfr a new picture now. Paths Review, the big magazine reel, containing .among other things the marvelous - Pathe slow motion photography and the beautiful color scenlcs, will be another feature, and a thrilling Tom Mix western drama completes the bill. "Puck and Judges-Academy ' For completeness, originality, catchy melodies, beautiful girls, run . and splendor the ltftest offering -of Gus Hill. "Puck and Judge and the Bathing Girls," which will appear at the Acad emy of Music. Saturday, matinee and night, January 24 is sure, to create moretalk than any attraction seen here this season. It is a farce comedy with a musical setting in three acts and each a veritable howl in itself. Fun of the rampant kind, laughter that will rock the theatre from endto end are only a few of the ingredients con tained in this particular entertainment. It is something amerenv m tne .nmww comedy line and that alone should suf fice for its cleverness and qualities to amuse. The management promises a splendid cast of Broadway players and a very attractive array of of beautiful bathing girls who will .wear the, latest French creations. The matinee prices will be from 50c-to U. Night prices will range from 50 c to $1.50. Tickets will go on sale at Elvlngton's tomoi roy morning. JEW POLICY FOR BEDS HELD FOB DEPORTATION Bostdn, Jan., 20. A new 'jpolicy lor handling the cases of persons detained at this port, for possible deportation as radicals by which the suspects will be released on nominal .bonds af ter brief hearings was announced to day, by Henry J. Skeff Ington commis sioner of Immigration here, ? r The 350 person now held at Peer Island should be at liberty -by Thurs day or Friday under the' new plan, he said. Bonds will be set at $1,000 each -except in the cases of certain individ uals who will be asked to give security in greater amounts. , HUNGARIANS OBJECT TO TREATY.. Buda Pest, Hungary, Jan. 80. -Resentment- over the terms of the peace treaty recently presented to the Hun garian delegates at Neullly is con tinuing to be voiced by the president and by political leaders.' In a speech yesterday Premier Hussar said: "Hungary's coffin is-being built ' at Neuilly. We are impotent, but never for a moment wlll we renounce our claims. We will wait until we are strong again and then convert bur enemies by diplomacynot by arme- confident in our historic powers of resistance and endurance." t t, 4 SENATORS RELEASE THREE Minneanolls. Minn Jan. - 20. Hce Davis, infielder. and Molly Craft and Clarence Fisher, pitchers, have': been obtained from the Washington Amer icans by the Minneapolis American as sociation , team, it was announced to day, . - M. P. Jones and Lee Priest were in the city yesterday for a Jew hours, on business. . - FOGGY? if Bilious, Constipated or Headachy take "Cascarets." Tomorrow the sun will shine for you. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright. Your system Is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head s foggy and achingr. . Your meals are turning Into poison, gases and acids. . You can not feel right. Don't stay bilious or constloated. Feel splendid always by ( taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without grip ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel. Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too Cascarets work whil$ you sleep. Adv. ' . Inventive Genius Makes Aspirin Safe for Heart Improved Tablet, Called Aspi tone, Retains All the Medici nal Virtues, But Is Slightly Stimulating Instead of De pressing to the Heart Does Not Upset the Stomach, ; Physicians an4 druggists are de lighted with Aspitone, the Improved aspirin tablets, that do . not depress the heart nor upset the stomach. All who have tried th new tablet are. de lighted with its quick and agreeable effect and claim that it Is much more effective and in every way superior to the old style aspirin. Physicians, main tain that ita sifetv a.1nn t Lit preference ? over all other remedies ior headache, neuralgia, rheumatism and especially for severe colds and In fluenza, In all of which diseases the heart is said to be weakened and should Via ntlmnlotorl vatvn . t -..i.oa inuref WIAU i up pressed. t , .; - . ) The new Aspitone is slightly stim- . ulating instead of depresslug to ; the nean. w relieves pain, fever, and the tendency toward congestion of pneu monia quicker and more completely than does aspirin, and la entirelv free of the heart depressing effect.' Many person: of. weak heart whose Hps be come pale and bins' or who- are de pressed and made sleepy by aspirin nnu Aspitone zree trom f.ese objec tionable qualities. - Aspitone tablets may liow be hafl at all jprst clas- rug stores everywhere, In sealed packages, uric , thlrtv-flve SOUTHPORT LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS POR THE YEAR - Johnston Post "No. 32, American Legiqt, at Southport, held a meeting for the election 'of officers In the Army and Navy club Saturday night at 8 o'clock. The : following . officers were elected ' for the ensuing term: Post commander, Mr. Davis r adjutant, Ser geant Balaz; finance officer, Mr. Berg; historian Sergeant James; chaplain,. Dr. Dosher; n executive committee, Sergeatit Hanlon,1; English. Taylor, Mich Klise, B. E. Newton. V ' - Following the business meeting, refreshments were served the legion by the women; of the post. An enjoy able , dance was the next thing taken up at this meeting, and from reports coming through seems , to have car ried unanimously. - ' . The Southport legion -is perfecting plans for another dance' to be held en the night of ;February"83, to which the Wilmington post 'and : other Wilming ton friends will be Invited. ,This is to be a masquerade dance, and elabo rate preparations-- are beiiig made for it. The -Wilmington legien is' asked to bear the date, in mind. 'v;.; WILDES AGAINST ERTLE lilwaukee JWis., 'Jan.. 20. Jimmy Wilde, " English flyweight champion boxer, will meet Mike Ertle of St. Paul on January 29 before a local club. Ertle is to , weigh .115 pounds, accord ing to agreements , Ertle takes the place of Fran&ie Mason of t Indiana, who ' originally was , booked to meet Wilde- .- : .-, - ' HE ROPE WITH MORGAN Greenwood, ..S. C-, , Jan, . 21. James Rogers, 75, reported to. have partici pated n every raid made, by Morgan's men during- the Civil war, died here today. He was a native-of-Kentucky. --. ' . 'mi A Safe Treatment For Croup Thouaods of children die every year from this swift and terrifying disease. ; Every mother should keep on hand a reliable first aid remedy, and. there is no safer or surer treatment for croup and congestion than to apply ' Mot: Salve It is harmless and Ing. Von Just nib it in and can apply it to the tender. est i tin with out irritating effects. Keep Moth er's Joy Salve on hand for emergency cases. Doctors and nurses re ommend , It. Good drug-gist sen it. Indigestioa Sleeplessness V Neryonsness v4 TjTr Ailments Corrected by ; : Paw Paw PlLIS Don't suffer another day with consti- Estion. Don't be a victim of indigestion or ver troubles. These ailments are unnec essary. Mnnyon's Paw Paw Pills pot the liver into activity, carry off the bile and regulate the boweIs.,They stimulate di gestion to one may eat anything they want without distress. All druggists. 30c a bottle, COMMISSIOVEB'S SALE By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover County made In the case therein pending, entitled, "Nellie Bell, Administratrix of George Bell, deceased, versus Janle Bell Braw ley and her husband. E." L.. et. al.," the undersigned will sell, . to tne nignest mader, at publlo auction, fSr cash. at the Courthouse dnnr n ik. My of Wilmington, on Saturday,- the m aay oi eoruary, i20, at 12 o'clock noon, the followine dascrihArt in land situated In Cape. Fear Township uouniy pi nw .anoverv 8tate-of Korth Carolina, to-wit : "BEGINNING at the edge of the Chair. Road at a stake in the Carr line.- the Sou corner of -Xot 12; runs, thence North 18 1-3. degrees, East 18 78-100 chains, tor a stake In the back line; thence witn saldline Nerth 73 degrees, West 13 1-2 chains, to a stake, the corner, of the Trask - land; thence with safd Trak's line South 17 degrees. 55 minutes West 18 3-100 , chains to a -stake. Trask's upper corner, near Chair Roadj thenoe with Carrsi line South e degrees, iuast 13 1-3 chains to the Beginning, containing twenty;flye-(25) acres, more or less. ; . 53- , - i This 7th of January, -1020, .'"": - A -: WILI4AM M. BELIAMY. ' adv3a-lB22-29 w y ? Commissioner, Who Fllhi'Yoii PBESCBIPTioxST. Call DEPENDABLE DRUG STOBE'V - . i ;. ... S .. - Phones 181-183 u . 117 JV. Front St. Pine Diamonds ; CoBsiipatiosn -wa a mm . , j ...... llttttJttt A. 0. SCHUSTER, ,tr-;: '2-A:'r- JEWELER PBONT AND PBINCE8S - BETTER THAN WHISKEY -F0I. -GOLDS ANDIFLU New- Elixir, Called Aspironal, Medicated With latest Scien tific Remedies, Used and En dorsed by European and Amer ican Army Surgeons to Cut Short a Cold and Prevent Com plications. s ';- . Every Druggist in ? U. S. In , ; structed to Refund Price I WhiU ! You Wait at Counter If Relief Does Not; Come Within Delightful Taste, Immediate Re- Uef, Quick Warm-Up. The sensation of .the year. In - the drug trade is Aspironal, the two-mih-ute cold and cough reliever, authori tatively, guaranteed by the lahorato rles; tested, approved and most en thusiastically 'endorsed fey the highest authorities, and : proclaimed by . the common people - as ten times as quick and - effective, as whiskey, rock and rye, or any other cold and cough rem edy they have, ever tried. - . . All . drug stores are now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so all' you have to do to get , rid of ' that cold Is to step into the nearest drug store. hand the clerk half a dollar for a bot tle i of "Aspironal and tell, him to serve you two teaspoonfuls . with ' four -tea- spoonfuls of water in a glass. .With your watcti in your : hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you cau not feel your cold fading away like a dream within the time limit. - Don't be bashful, for all druggists invite you and expect you to try it. Every body's delng It. . When your cold or cough Is relieved, take the remainder of the bottle home to : your wife and babies, for Aspironal Is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most agree, able cold and cough remedy for infants and children. Advy : - : . r. : DOCTORS USE CAL0TABSF0R C0LD?ANDFLU Influenza and Grippe, Like Ordi- nary Colds, Require' Calotabs, : the" Purified and Refined Cal omel ablets That Are Nau- ' sealess; Safe and Sure, " Physicians and druaelsta claim thai the great fcidemic tf influenza has con clusively "demonstrated that the aulck est relief 'for a cold and. the feeet. pre ventive -of -Influenaa and -pneumonia is to keep the.llver active so that the di gestive organs, may be in perfect, con dition. For this purpose Calotabs,. the new naQsealess calomel tablets that are free from the sickening and weakenlnSsr eff ectsj ,ij ' the most thorough and de pendable, as well as the most agreeable laxative; : - ! ' - ,-,: Calotabs have the special advantage of. not making the patient sick and weak.' as they do not upset the diges tion and appetite. One Calotab at bed time with. a, swallow of v water that's all. No salts, no-nausea, nor. the slightest Interference with your eating, pleasure, or work. Next morning your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system is purified, and you are feeling fine- with a hearty appetite for breakfast. For your protection. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, price is 85 tfents. Sold by all druggists- and" your money Dac you are not ae - lighted with them. -Adv. Cured His Rupture I was: badly ruptured, while lifting, a trunk several years ago-. Doctors said my only hope of cure- was an . opera tion. TruBsesa did me no jeood Finally I got hold of something, that quickly and completely cured me .Tears have passed and the rupture has never re turned, although I , am doing hard work at Ka carpenter.. There was no operation," no lost time, no" trouble. - i have nothing -to .sell, but will give full Information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, if you write to .me, , Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 196 E.' Marcellus Avenue, Manasquanr N. J, Better cut out this notice and show It to any others wlxo are ruptured you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation. SKE CUR Wrist W ate h es ; : Cameos ' i La Vallieres v Pearls "' .;and Diamonds Our Things For -Men ; J. T. BURKE The .Reliable -Jeweler Get the Genine ana avoiq Waste Economv in every v9Ke ni or Hir.-iii I: Ojh 27 . Vront Street ' fXl ti nrjf 1 Matinees 3:30 10c, 15c, 25c THE ROMANCE The Father' Revenge The Empty Cradle Happy Southern -Days The Strange Marriage A Husband's Hate - A Wife's Subterfuge The Lightning Storm And the Thunderbolt Miss MacDonald's ; first stellar ap pearance since in : The Sensation of the Season THE OFFICIAL- - 1 1 J . 1 i 0 ft 01 The official pictures of the 7L n . SENSATIONAL REALISTIO, Every Gruesome Detail Is Shown In These . Someone Who Saw It at The Grand v REGULAR BILL IN ADDITION Hearst News : Tom . . Review : Keystone Comedy '', SSL. See our Invisible Bifocals, near and far vision in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young is looks as well as In usefulness. tVe can save jrau money. .. Try uil ' DR. VINEBERG MASCXIO TEMPLE. v The Cash Market Polite gervice '.Q.ulck Delivery - f W. t. BOGGAN v Phon 2229. -1- 418 A. X'ront St. WaddeU Watters GROCERIES Telephones-7 arid 8 OPENING TODAY- "THE AMERICA.T" BEAUTY" M n OF THE STRANGEST MARRIAGE ON RECORD . i destruction of allied ships by thet 5 Mix Western ,: Pathe Income Tax Service By Prentice-HaU,ancN. yj Will help you to avoid overpay ments 'and penalties. ; Complete, ' Authentic, Economical. X Pos- ' , ; tal vrlll brlnar a demonstration. . H. H. FORD, Agent. P. O. BoV 967 . WlLmlna-ton, ft, C. SAVE COAL By buying Sweaters and .:. ' . - Overcoats . We have a bi assortment L. W. DAVIS & CO., ina 18 Sootb Front Street. -.-..-. v f..5.v;.t v - - wmm 1 mw wm lJ 1 TO DAY ON L Y 3 ; BICYCLES! , . Cask or .Weekly Paymeats "PAY. AS YOU niPE r ,;Nevradvred Slacklaes Wilmington Cycle Go. ;. SIB Market St. A s Pkeae SM .. ' Nights 7:45-9:30 ;Nl5c, 25c, 35C sielPonaid IN"' mHE story of a man who 1 deliberately married a beautiful woman to deny her the sacred right to motherhood, and how Prov. idence thwarted his wicked plan of revenge. A First National Attraction G R -A N D Paramount Pictures WALLACE REID 1 In : From the Famous Story Bt O. Henry lie Agreed to Work for Xothlng . For Three Months To Get The Girl He Wanted! tnm DAVE NEWMAN I' - And Ilia TABARIN Gl RLS A 9Ilulatare Musical Comfdr " 1 Kxtravncanxa Five Big Vaudeville Acts Kound and Gagged"AS1 Today .1 aI A ACADEMY of MUbiu VU. O.X.I " VACUUS BAIi". ratlon : , PHTCES ! Matinee .v' Kvenlnar .'. . Seats on Sale rrtrf R TOITNKS AND LUiAr You Fired ROYAL .9 r . J noe, 70? Ziit Wc.75c.l:'H.r, GOODS FOB LESS Starkejr& Goldbetf. aAMi. irront 5tre 233 . Market I tree t. ; .-4, H(l . - uvvtH SS3 ...... 1. . -'u. -: .:, r: Telepaoae Read Star Business Locals

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