THE MORNING. STAJlJ. WILMINGTON, N.' C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1920. ) TEN v: A PORT COLUMN News and Gossip of the Wa , ter front Movements of Craft, Reported Locally And j By Telegraph. The American Steamship Lake Glas fco, under command of Captaln'Mar tln, -which came to this port severa days agro with a cargo consigned to Heide and company, left yesterday , afternoon at 3 c-clock for Jackson ville. ... making the trip light. Dredging started at the foot of Market street for the new ferry slips has been temporarily held up. on "ac count of the piling not having been "removed. The Diamond Steamboat and Wrecking company will " begin work on the removal of the piles thi3 morning. , The' dredging will be resumed ecross the nver today. - The ferry landing place on the Brunswick side from today will be opposite the foot of Dock street. The ferry has been using the Dock street landing for the New Hanover side since the dredging first commenced. This will be the last change in the ferry route until the work is com plete and it moves baack" to its per manent quarters. For the land ap proach to the Brunswick side, - ar rangements have been made with J. ,"W. Brooks forva permit to cross his yard. The road leading up to . thlf landing is-now being-put. in commis sion. ' The steamer Tempaisen Malu an chored off Cape Fear bar last night and will come up this morning. The eteamer brings 7.000 tons of nitrate of soda and will unload at the .Wil mington compress. Owned by Wessel, Duvall & Co., of New York city, the steamer Is, consigned to Heide & Co. VESSELS IS PORT steamskip ? City of Omaha (Am.) 9,600. tons, Carolina Shipbuilding Co. City of Winston-Salem (Am.) 9.600 tons, Carolina Snipbullding Co. Lake Flume (Am.) 1,606s tons. Oap ,tain Dawson, Clyde Steamship com pany, n v Schooner W. H. Richard, Captain Moore, iZZ tons, C. J. Mafflt and Co. SHIP NEWS BY WIRE . , Charleston Arrived: Str. 'Sacan daga, from Hamburg; Norfolk, from Cuba for New York. , Norfolk Arrived: Strs. Bonne JTerre, La Palomas; Lake Fairlle, Phil adelphia; Lake Sopor, Newport News; .Lancaster. Castle (Br.), New York; Iake Fluvanna, Boston; Wachusett, j;ew York; Rexmoore (Br.), Newport Kews; Camito (Br.), Avonmouth; Al sace (Br.), La Pallice; Corrales, Porti land, Me.. Sailed: . Strs. Lake Fluv anna, Newport News;. Corrales, Man fcanillo; Wachusett, Manzanillo; Cam ito (Br.). Kingston; Lancaster Castle (Br.), Montevideo; Ryufuku Maru (Jap.), Rio de Janeiro; Jufuku Maru (Jap.), Baltimore; Alsace (Br.), Iqui-. que. . Newport News Arrivedr Strs. Bell atrlx (Du.), Norfolk: Wallowa, Nor folk; Nashotah, Marseilles; Vildfugal (Nor.)." New York. Sailed: Strs. Schiedijk (Du.), -Rotterdam via Bos ton; Singapore Maru (Jap.), Baltimore; Lyngo (Nor.), Korseor; William C. Warden, Port Lobos. Jacksonville Sailed: Strs. Tripp. Yokohama, via Cristobal; Juniata, Bal- tivnore, via Savannah. Savannah Arrived: Str. Lake Ben bow, Texas City. Cleared: Strs. Emilia (It.), Venice; Ozette, Bremen. Sailed: Strs. Western Wave, Liver pool, via Charleston; Merrimack, Tacksonville. MOMI T. A -TOTAL WRECK Norfolk, Vsu, Jan, 27. Going ashore In the gale and snowstorm last night the four-masted schooner Moml - T-. 475 tons net, is tonight a total wreck and fast going to pieces Just south of Currituck Inlet on the North Caro lina coast. The crew and one wo'raan on -board the vessel were rescued by 'the .coast 'guard of station No. 170. . ' The schooner struck the beach last flight and it was not until this morn ing that the life-guards from No. 170 assisted by the crews from other yiearby . stations, were able to get . a lifeboat through the surf. The cap tain, the other members of tlje crew, and a woman, understood to be the captain's wife were rescued. . ; LENAPE IS FLOATED Jacksonville,' Fla., , Jan. Z77 The Clyde Line steamer LenapeJ which yesterday morning went on the south ; jetty when her steering gear broke as she was entering the river '.from --New York, was floated this morning -and came up to her pier. The vessel ' , wasonly , slightly damaged. WOULD OFFER $100,000 , v FOR WEEVIL REMEDY Resolution Introduced In South v Carolina House '. Columbia, S. C... Jan. 27. A reward : of $100000 Is offered for the state of - South Ca.rolina to the person who dis ' jovera and. provides a successf ul rem v. edy"for the cotton boll weevil, In a Joint .resolution offered in , the house of representatives of the general as sembly today by Representative Mor . ison of Charleston. . ; ' The, resolution -provides that persons Ending toll weeyil remedies will de liver them to the commissioner of agri culture, that official to appoint a com- i mission of ten or more reliable persons to test them. . ' V For Itching Eczema, V - Old Spires and Piles "I guarantee . ra.y ; liniment," says Pete-son of Buffalo, "to Cure, f ff.ama " : to stop the itching at once: and any reliable druggist will cheerfully re fund your money if PETERSON'S OINTMENT' doesn't do Everything I ,i 111 -a n ' . say 11 win uv. - William A. Carley of . Franklin, N. Y.', is surely -a wise maul. - He writes: T ur.ed PETERSON'S OINTMENT n a little boy suffering with eczema, it . A the work." J ' Then there is Alex Lcuttel, a brave, --fireman of Buffalo. who is glad to write as follows:. "I had an old sore on my leg for many years. The best doctors failed. PETERSON'S OINT- ' mrnt entirely healed the sore aniir. ' ly." And from over in Canada comes a letter from A. i Blockeby, stating: "TVi bARt'thinel fever hit for itch in r piles Is PETERSON'S OINTMENT." A . big .box for . 60 cents. Mall 'orders . fl led by Peterson Ointment. Co., Inc., ' R.'lFt. Pellamy will - supply,, you - iadv. , ' . 1 CHARGES NEGLECT y OF DISABLED MEN Says Sick And Wounded Faring Poorly . ' Washington, Jan. . 27. Sick " and wounded soldiers ' are not receiving the treatment "guaranteed .them by law," Representative . Johnson, repub lican, South Dakota, who -served In the A. E. F., declared today in tell ing the house of "his recent visits to government hospitals. "Because of ignorance or negli gence or wilful disregard of the laws by Carter Glass, secretary of the treasury, pr Rupert Blue, surgeon general," . Baid Representative John son, sick' and wounded American sol diers are not receiving treatment that can be . justified by anyone who has any regard for the well-being of the men v who fought to maintain the country." TAPPE thumper quits THE DIAMOND ONCE MORE "Home Run" Baker Says He's Through With Game New York, Jan. 27. Miller Huggins. manager of the New York Americans, announced today that J. Frapklln Baker, the hard-hitting "third .. base jnan of the Yankees, has probably played his last league ball. Huggins returned here today from a visit to Baker's farm at Trappe. Md.,. where he tried to induce Baker to play one more year with the club. "Baker gave me little hopes that he 'would again put on a big' league uniform." said Huggins. - "He said his Business Interests in Maryland required him to stay there. 'Though Baker will be very wel come if he should change his mind I shall make plans for the - coming season without considering him for third base. 1 shall play Wilson Few ster at third base and hope to get another man for the outfield." f6reign exchange slumping sharply Another Collapse Brings New Low Levels , - T New York, Jan. 27. Another col lapse of more sweeping dimensions attended local dealings in foreign ex change today. 1 - Rates on - all the important. Euro pean countries sagged to new levels of discount, carrying .long remits tances . to the Scandinavian centers, heretofore immune. Today's low rate of-$3.55 In sterling exchange against the par of $4.86 5-8, represented a discount of thirty per cent. The low Paris rate of 13.02 francs to the American . dollar, im plied a discount of sixty per cent. Belgian francs at .15.14 were almost seventy per cent under par. DANIELS TO ATTEND CUMMINGS DINNER Governor Edwards vNot- Among The Speakers New York, Jan. 27. Secretary of the Navy Daniels, it was announced tonight, has been added to the list of speakers .who have accepted invita tions for - the- testimonial dinner to Homer S. Cummings, chairman of the democratic national committee, to ' be given here February 5 under the au spices of "the National Democratic club. . - A revised list of speakers did - not include Gov. Edward I, " Edwards, of "New Jersey., . as had been ; announced. His name appears among the accept ances as gnests of honor, together with- Joseph. P, Tumulty, Assistant Secretary of..the Navy Roosevelt, Nor man , E. Mack, national committeeman from New York; and Charles F. Mur phy, leader of Tammany Hall. PRE-SEASOX GAMES ARE SCHEDULED BY SENATORS 'Tampa! Fla.,' Jan. 27. Twentv-six pre-season " games have been sched uled oy the Washington .Americans who will train here, . It ' was ' an nounced today. Seven will be nlaved here with the Indianapolis American association club, the Havana club, champions of . the Havana winter league and the Cincinnati Reds. Two games, may be added with xthe local Florida state league club. The first contingent of the Sena tors will arrive March and the re mainder March 10. The schedule. In dianapolis tt Tampa, March 15, 16; Cubans at - Tampa, -March . 17, .18, 19, 20; Indianapolis at St. . Petersburg March 22; Cincinnati at Tampa, March 23, 24; at Orlando March 25; Miami, March 26, 27. Brooklyn at Jacksonville, March 29; Cincinnati at Charleston. March 30. Columbia, March. 31; Greenville, April i; Kaieign, April ?; Washington, April 3, 4; Richmond, April 5; Portsmouth, April 6; Danville, April 7; Roanoke, April 8; Clarksburg, April 9; Cincin nati, 10, 11. , U CLAIM CONCENTRATION OF FINNISH TRANSPORTS Archangel, Jan. 27. -A North TRussia government communication issued to day saysf -v. : "A force of 2.000 Finns with ma chine guns and a long train of horse ana reindeer transports, have con centrated on the frontier near" Petch enga, the main body of which, ordered to advance in the direction of Petch enga, already has crossed the Russian frontier. The inhabitants of the bor der villages are fleeing, panic-stricken , for refuere In Norwav. (If is feared it Is the intention of the Finns to loct tjie treasures' of the Petch enga monastery." " The' Petchenga region . is in north ern Finland, where the river of the same name "empties into, the Arctic ocean, a short distance east of the Tromsoe district of Norway. -PATTERSON WINNER Chicago,. Jan. 27.? A . surprise "was sprung in the national amateur . three- cushion billiard championship tonight when W. B.- Huey, of Chicago, former world champion,, was defeated by-C. E. Patterson, also of Chicago, 50 to 47 in seventy innings. Huey was expected to make a strong showing. Both jnen Arthur Newman. --of "Brooklyn, is the had a high run . of four. ' V. ; titleholder. : i ' " ' ' GOODRICH NOT RUNNING . Indianapolis, '. : Jan..'' 27. -Governor Goodrich, of . Ohio, in , a. statement . Is sued tonight, declined to allow his name t- be used as a : presidential possibility - in the republican preferen tial primary - in Indiana-, in- May,-; RODMAN WAN AMAKER ir ' a AND PARTY RESCUED Spend Hours In I Storm-Tossed ' Seaplane - West Palm Beach; Fla., - Janl 2?- Rodman . Wanamaker II, 'of Philadel- d the othr five ttiembeirs of his nirv arrived tat '.Palm Beanh late to- night after having spent twenty-fou? j hours during a storm at sea In a six- I Heat is abso passenger seaplane piloted; by, Lieut".- i lutely. : necessary Comander David H. McCHlloch. a mem? ber of the NC-3 crew during her -trans- Atlantic flight. . '' f r. . t 'V;v--,' ' J- A later telephone message' " from Lieut. Commander;McCulloch. said that engine ' trouble .forced him to alight in a rough sejT and heavy wind thirtSV miles off Palm. Beach and that they drifted all night, and all : today. They were without .food .and had -very little water, his message to. the Aera Limited, a commercial .company operating aero planes between this city and the Bar hamas and Cuba,, -tonight -said. When he finally repaired his - . motors' sufr flciently to get' under way the seaplane had drifted seventy-eight miles north arid he taxied, into Vero - y . i 1 - ,v V .r ; - i .x t-.. - SUSPECT SOCIALISTS OF -r: r ' , - MENTAL RESERVATIONSlck-Lyr'y;"' --V' : Made Basis Of Charge 6f : .' Unfitness. ; ' Albany N. . Y., Jan. 27.r Tactics adopted by the prosecutionat the. trial of the five suspended socialist as semblymen charged with disloyalty served to substantiate, the report that counsel " for the ' assembly judi ciary committee will seek to prove the socialists unfit to . serve ' because they took their ' oaths, of office "with mental reservations." . - v ; -Two new witnesses took the stand oday Willard B; Bottome of Yonk ers,. a shorthand reporter,- and ' Mieh ael J. Driscoll' of New York, a spec ial - agent for the joint legislative committee -Investigating- t radicalism. Four other . witnesses were recalled. All six were used by the--prosecution to-''-; produce documentary - evidencet" none was subjected to le'hgthy exami nation. WILL STILL RECEIVE - . - ' ' " LIQ.UOR INVENTORIES Washington, Jan.. 27. -Commissioner' Roper,- of -. the bureau of -. internal reVe- nue, tonight; instructed internaL reve'-; nue collectors to continue -under cer--tain conditions to receive inventories of -liouor-stocks until Feb. 1.-- Time for filling these reports orlgi- nally 'expired today, but the'- bureau! was unable to prepare all of the forms' required. Mr. Roper's instructions: were that where the liquor 'owner pre-: viously had requested the "forms and had not received them, he would be given until February 10 to comply with the law. j, , EXTENSION ASKED. Paris, Jan. 27j (Havas)-The ' Hun garian delegation has asked for an ex tension of time for. delivery of its ob- servations r on the allied 'peace' condl-j lions, ine requescjsDa8ea cnieny: op the fact that the national assembly will not meet until Feb. 7 and the del egates who for the most part are mem-' bers'of the assembly, desire to par ticipate in the proceedings . in order to explain the situation; to tehjf col leagues. , ' ' :. I t: ' '. ; WOOD PULP DECREASES V. Washington, Jan. ;: 29.' Stocks ot wood pulp of the grade used In - the manufacture of - newsprint paper , at domestic. paper mills was slightly less than nine days average output, during the month of December, the monthly wood pulp reviews of the federal' trade commission shows. The mills supplies of wood pulp of all grades shows a decrease during the month, total stocks on hand at the end of the month amounting, to only, 183,326 -tons. ; ' - - - Dr. M." Buettner PODIATRIST (Treatment Confined - to Feet) 400 Mnrchigon -Bufldinff -Pkone 653 ' 2 ' - - . ... .. f. - ;. .... ' ....... , Was Captured Today and ' Store Is Closed Tomorrow FOLLOW THE TRACTS ... . . A good.'hot rniistarH nlaRter or poul tice is " pretty sure to overcome most rneumaue r pains,' I aji id even . sciatica faVd- gout, .but it's J " -you iwapt; per rnanentf r e 1 i e f. Begy's Musfarine- made of true yei' low mustard, with" pairiTrelieving in gredients added, 1$ just as ;hot,-v is cheaper, , cleaner and more -effective -than the old fashioned poultice r plaster and can--not blister. , . Besides rheuma- tic. pains. ".a n d swellings Begy's ' r . I J .... , speeauy. errective 1 L?fhVUS;f ?' tis. nleurisy. b-rnnchttla -sore throat l chest colds and all aches and pains be- cau?? heak eass. Pain 30 and 60 cents! i q r orn r'P'iMTB , nw r-r a i x -1 - w i i s r. i. 1.1. ta USE : -v FESTliilZERS TBE MOST PROFITABLE RETURNS 4frira your land, either ' :i RIRM I'M For Cotton, Coro, Tobacco, Peanuts, Fmtt-of all kinds, Lettuce', Onions,. "1 t Petatots and Truck of all kinds.-- . . , ; We sojicit your orders and will give careful and. efficient attention to all whether jarc or email.- TTie CMortimer Co. Room S2 Trust Poilding, Wilmington, N. C Phows: 1227 ud 264 v 4 O C7 THE BCSmSS FARMERS 4 AAA lOO i . SYANDARD FOX 63 YEARS LV&V OCR HARDWARE STANDS J : HARDWARE I ; WHOSE HARDWARE? -BRolVN HARDWARE CO. " ' '. ' ' PHONE 232 ': ( 124 MARKET ST. USE THE STAR WANTS 7 4 Sr?ti,,n Aiid Thrilling it PJeturUatlom Of . . h$ -.;t-v i f l 'iXM'rXM y V: "7.-- ' - i". ' - ' H . ' ... .- .S3 pAiintnli VUUIILI V Canadian WiId.V ; lne ft American At The r " ' RESOURCES : - Loans and discounts .$2,081,769.97 Liberty bonds and other se- . curities v... .. ".V.:. s 294,515.72 Real estate . . . . V. . . V Furniture and fixtures . . . . . V Cash Resources -Loans on call in New York . .$300,000.00 , Other demand " Loans . . . . . : "Dare ; f r om banks . .. . Cash in vault. . 103,960.00 Total .. ..V. Accounts of USE THE ? STAR1WANTS PACE POWDER Clinging Invisible XT TONDERFULLY Vv and fin it adheres so closely as to seem to belong to the skin itself. Never gives that codrse ttmake-up,,, look. And the exquisite Jonteel fragrance makes . it a delight to use. Have vou tried it? Take a box home today. R 0 Y 'VS Rexial1 Drug Store i Your Stenograi- ' rpher's time is niore valuable than eyer" V ' Save it with a. DICTAPHONE" May we demonstrate GW. TOES & CO. Phone 69 : ."AH the Musi(j of the World, nd Mostlb the Funorit Too." ' -T ; i Winoca PHonograph Record Exchange ; V Room 15, Odd Fellows -, Building - ; ' ' Wilmington, N. C. - ' The . New Way of Buying" - Liberty .Engineering and Construction ; Company , .'(Incorporated) GENERAL CONTRACTORS Reinforced Concrete Work ; : A Specialty : "', i ------ V-. " : . Of flees t 604 Mvrehljsoit Rnlldtns WILMINGTON. N. C. ' . T ' - K l MM JAMES B. LYNCH Architect ' 'ODD FiLtOWS building : V ; WilmingtoiyN. Cr. Telephone 484 - v Statement Of Condition ank & ixiist Combanv OF WILMINGTON, N. C. Close of Business. December J 48,736.30 27,737.58 585,092.08 176,494.68 1,165,546.76 r.v$3,618,306.33r Total1 Banks, Firms, Corporations and COMJYLEKCIAL :: SAVINGS x WAX A. D. WATTs. J. B. GLOVER, JR. SAM N. JOHNSON J. H. COURTNEY The Fede Company of the Carolinas - - OFFICESt 103 Trust Building. Charlotte, N. C. I1"3 Pabue" Bnil' QreeiiyUle, S. C.j Columbia. S. C. INCOME and EXCESS PROFITS tax returns cannot be properly pre- P "pared In .accordance with .tho hAW and REGULATIONS except by , TIvED EE.RTS-, The laree number of returns which are daily be. ing revised and overhauled by the' Internal Revenue Bureau bears out this declaration. Our company is composed of is miu wab ftuvwtcuss t Lne i&w, Keg' illations and experience In Uu? preparation of returns which can be ob- talned only by many years of close CORRESPONPENCE SOLICITED s There is an Italian proverb which says: 'The man that lives by hope will die by despair." Living above one's circumstances certainly courts the danger of -soon living beneath them. The 'safe way the one which, brings greatest peace of mind is to spend Jess than you earn, and to ' systematically deposit the amount of the difference in a savings bank where it will work and earn interest for-ytiu. U . ' INTEREST 4 PER. CENT Eiberty Savings Bank I 110 South FOR SALE or HIRE Just received an assortment of Buggies, Steel and Rub ber: Tires. All kinds of Livery and-Furniture Moving a specialty. " We have some Nice Saddle Horses also. If yu want-any heavy hauling or grading see us. We have some fine young ; Mules and'Hofses ready for work. y Davis-Daniels Company rnllr Sfroof . .I ' Tclonfinni No. 124 Of The 31stif 1919 - LIABILITIES: , . . - - . . Capital, surplus profits 232,723.91 Dividends unpaid 6,36000 Acceptances , . . ........... 22,940.81 Deposits ! ; - ; Banks . .. . . . $1,383,066.40 Individuals . 1,973,215.21 3,356,281.61 $3,618,306.33 t individuals Solicited TRUSTS W. H. ROSS C B. FRICK red Tax Service '4 I I V ft q '4 K SIX1 FORMER GOVERNMENT OFFI- 6 i study an4r application, in execution. I 0 i Front 'Street THE bIsTTER THE STA- ; TI0NERY ' .and office : supplies "fedi,.ttter smoother, : swifter and j gt goes -the work. The ch best stenographer cannot flo "" Let : work with poor materials. vus be -your beadauartera i r.orYott flee supplies of every Kina. will flntbat without extra cosu your office wrk speeds P1US " per cent, ' North Front Street ... Northam sa : -. v. -