POLITICS PLAYS . DASTARDLY TRICK ON CAROLINA MEN Sensational Bubble Promptly Ex plodes After An Inves , ligation . (Special to The Star.) Washinirton. Feb. 25. Recently there appeared a somewhat sensa tional article sent irom wBsningiuu in a North Carolin'a newspaper re vealing that certain federal office holders in that state were to be re moved from office on account of per- nicious political activity on their part. It was stated in this article that the Information came hot from Director Rogers. Naturally federal office hold ers became a little nervous over the. r. matter, .and politicians generally sat up and. took notice,' they all won . dered what crave offense had been committed that 'Mr. Rogers should thus serve notice that there ' was go ing to be a decapitation. ' - This Eerisation was short lived, how ever, for it must be understood that Mr. Rogers had not made any 'such - ruling, but that the story was writ ten on" what an aggrieved candidate for congress had said. It was based upon complaints filed by C. L. Aber nathy against a federal office holder who had held the candidate for con gress up to ridicule in a refreshingly pertinent letter for Having claimed special honors for himself because of having been a guest at the Jackson Day -dinner in Washington with two thousand other good democrats. , Representative Samuel M. . Brinson, of the Third North Carolina congres sional district, was naturally much concerned over the report that a demo cratic federal office h-olderin his dis trict was to be -turned out of office on account of pernicious political activ ity, and he forthwith sought an In-, terview with Director Rogers. The re sult of this conference was gratifying and reassuring to ... the congressman, for he came away with full knowledge of the basis for the sensational story. Furthermore he had It from Director Rogers own lips that the published statement was not .only unauthorized but that it was without-foundation in fact.. . .. " -" . Mr. Brinson' Statement f When asked about the matter, Mr. Drinson said: "Yes, I read the statement that Mil -R. D. Johnson, supervisor of the census of the Third district, ; is likely to be reprimanded by the director of the census, Mr. Rogers, and that Mr. .D. M. Prince, assistant supervisor, would hA.illuml.aail Kit fr" tlA "fn.f tVlSlt t Vl O duties of the office have already ended. 'It seems that Mr. Johnson's off erfse is his activity in the interest of Mr. Gardner for governor, while Mr. Prince's offense is the fact that . he answered Mr. Abernathy's recent let ter . addressed to him and the other voters of the district, In which letter Mr. Abernathy boasted that he was an invited guest at the Jackson IDay banquet here and was also an invited guest at a private luncheon given by Mr. A. W. McLean. He tells of . tlSese invitations ajid of having met tniny r,S ifce toff -'ifn of the. natlo,, atHJp the oasis or this association witn inese' big men, declares that he has r an in creasing desire to come to congress. As to Mr. Johnson's offense,' I never knew .whom he favored for, governor until I 'saw this recent statement in the paper relative to chargeirragainst him because of activity in that con test. I am sure that he could not have been very active or I would have heard ofit. ;. ....; ' ' ; .- .. - ' Fine Bit of. Humor "I have learned that Mr. C. L. Aber;. nathy has. filed charges here agaiiist Mr. Prince because he (Prince) an swered this letter of Mr. Abernathy and. made sport of his claims for con gressional honors based on his asso ciation here with some of the big men of the nation at a banquet and luncheon. "Up here when we read Mr. Prince's artiftle in the papers we regarded it as fine humor, and ; expected, of course, that Mr. Abernathy would hurry again Into print his usual pastime and en terprise but ; we did not think he would rush to Washington and make a vigorous effort to have Mr. Prince turned out of office. . ' "Good sportsmanship would have prompted him, to answer Mr. ' Prince in kind or admit that Prince had him beat at letter writing. ; "Friends of, mine send me all o Mr. Abernathy's literature, and I read the letter which Mr. Prince answered. It was amusing to us all up here because we knew that two thousand ' tickets were issued to the banquet and they to those who paid six dollars, and every ticket holder paid the six dol lars or had.it paid, for him by some friend. Of course, too, that splendid gentleman, Mr.,' McLean, was sur prised to learn that the courtesy he extended Mr. Abernathy was being used by him to eiploit himself politi cally. " ' Will Be No Reprimand "Mr. Johnson has not ' been repri manded nor will Mr. Prince be dis missed from office , until the office ex, pires by operation of law. I am cure' Mf. Abernathy, in his cooler moments. after his campaign is over, will regret' mat ne iook a course toward Mr. Prince which; would have' been cruel had it succeeded. ' ; 1 "Mr. Prince does not cringe, but has the same manly qualities which dis tinguished his son, the late Lieuten- ane. Prince, "who fought.' bravely in France and " then lost his life: in an effort to . save a child from drowning in Goldsboro -some months ago. Mr, Abernathy's resentment, expressed in unmanly ways, cannot, hurt men' like R. D. Johnson and D. M. Prince." FEDERAL AGENTS WORSTED IN CLASH w (Continued from Page One) Dalrymple's r contemplated "armed In vasion" first, came. . ,: -."We took? 'our supplies but In tlve woods and buried ' them," citizens laughingly admitted today. .. .When ttio , federal- officers ..left for Chicago at 6:30 pi m. but few per sons were ' at the : station. Major Dalrvmnlft announced ; that he would I return with Mr. Gaylord if he learned the assistant prohibition commis sioner already was en route to , Iron River. Otherwise Major V DalrymP said, he would continue to "Washing ton and lay all the facts concerning the case before Mr. Kramer. He denied that he. intended to re sign unless the support he had askea for. was forthcoming.1 ' "I will make my report and let the facts speak for- themselves," he saic. , r Demand Investlaratlon. . Prosecutor McDonough made no at tempt to have his warrant- for Major Dalrymple's arrest served. He de clared he was waiting for the arrival of District Attorney Walker, "wnen i will" demand r'TE'- complete investigation of this affair land of Major Dalrymple's part in giving the United States ;.the impression that' Ironr county is in -'revolt' and is inhabited by savages." McDonough served during the war as a captain and is an officer of tne Iron River post of the' American .Le gion; :Iron River is -loyal to the gov ernment, he declared. - CLEARANCE AT PAR: - HELD IN ABEYANCE , .- Georgia Country Banks Have Taken Matter Into Federal . ' ' v'"': ; Courts -; ;. 0. MAX GARDNER . TALKS POLITICS AT CHAPEL HILL , -J i '. j f Candidate's Platform Is "More Abundant Life For Caro lina Folks" PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH ' Tells.How To Open clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. Tou fnel fine in a - few moments. Tour cold In head or "caarrh will b gone. Your clogged nostrils' will open. The air na Mar- a nf vnnr. . ..1 9 j iicai: W1U clear and you can breathe freely. Nd more dullness, headache; no hawking snuffling, mucous discharges or dry ness; no struggling for breath at night.- ' ' "'v (';, Tell your druggi. t you rant a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Ap ply Mttle of this fragrant, antisep tic cream in -your nostrils, let impene trate through every air pass' 0f the head; soothe and heal th "swoj-1 len, inflamed mucous membrane ahd relief comes instantly. v ' It is Just what every cold aid ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay fluff ed-up and miserable. ; (Special to The Star.) - Chapel Hill, Feb. 25. Speaking from a platform from which his best speech was as a member Tf a victorious Caro lina football team in -1905, O. Max Gardner tonight drew , repeated , ap plause and cheers from students of the University of North Carolina, who crowded into Gerrard Hall to hear the first of the gubernatorial candidates to present the campaign issues to them. ' Brought to Chapel Hill by the stu dents who, thought the campus cabinet, have invited all the candidates, he will be followed on March 5 by Cameron Morrison and on March" 11 by Robert N. Page. 'rf- , . Invitation -has been extended : also to. chairman 'Frank ,Binney, of the re publican committee, to have republi can candidates come.";'' Mr. Gardner's Platform - "If I were to attempt . to write my platform." said Mr. Gardner, "1 would sum it up in this phrase:" "Life and more abundant life for all the people of North Carolina." , To this .platform .he related th,r)rhV- ieni of . edupation. public Vfaealtlk, .and good roads; .all of, which, he saidon. tributed to" more abundant and w male some life for all the people. "The most distressing' problem " in North , Carolina," said Mr. Gardner. "Is the illiterasy of her people. It Is holding back this state in her ffght for life. .- "Russian passion called Bolshevism is nothing IbTit : illiteracy set on fire," he said. "In North Carolina the com pulsory school law and the six months terms are leading 1 the people away from illiteracy."' , . On national issues Mr. Gardner came squarely out .for "Drastic restriction of all immigration for at least five years; for the deportation and Jailing of all those who, are tearing nat the vtials of the nation's life, and for the doctrine of Americanization to be spread among all the people." V , ' Touching labor, Mr. Gardner said: "This country cannot expand under an autocracy of labor any more than under an autocracy of wealth. The righ'of both capital and labor to or ganize should be. subject to lawpor the autocracy of wealth will lead to des potism and the autocracy of labor to Bolshevism." . Dr. Archibald Henderson introduced Wr Gardner, C. P. Spruill, Jr., president the campus cabinet; presided. - , m NEGRO BRICK MASONS " ON STRIKE AT DURHAM Fight Will Be Waged To A Finish Atlanta,-:Ga,. Feb. 25.-r-No steps looking to the extension, .of . par clear ance inthis district Will JrrJ taken by the- federal Teserve bank1 qt . the sixth district at this time, according " to., a statement sent out today to all banks in the district by M. B.Veilbor.i, gov ernor of the sixth federal' reserve dis trict. .V---.-.-v i A f suit to enjoin ' the federal . bank from enforcing par-clearances on all banks in the district was llled-by the Georgia Country Banks association in Fulton county court, ini l.ttfr trans ferred to t the -:: United . State court, where the case now. awaits adjudica tion. Banking associations in prac tically all the states comprising the sixth district opposed the acton of the federal reserve bank an4-re awaiting action of the courts in. .the casa of the Georgia organization. V 1 ' i . In his statement Governor Wellborn said:.;. ; f-xi--i: "As ypu probably know. ta large number of 'country banks located in this district ; have challenged Mn -rthe courts what. we xionsiderod, i our legal rights in the premises. This bank and. its officers, charged with the. proper ad ministration of its, affairs, wishng to give due respect .j the courts and to abide in4 all respects by its orders, will takeAOu st3p& look'ng to the fur ther extension -f par clerranco jn this section until fully author'zod. so. "to ,io under a future decree 'or order enter ed in the litigator." ' . . " i' NAME mm MEANS ASPIRIN ;IS GENUINE " r . ' " - . "V" 'f. - -tf - . ''-L' r --'', nr ".!.:;-' -Vi- For N Pain, Colds, Headache, To6t,Lache, Neuralgia Lum bagd, Rheumatism. ; A few tablets of "Pape's Diapepsin" bring relief almost as soon as they reach the somach. t "Pape's . Diapepsin" by neutralising the acidity of the stomach, instantly relieves the food soaring and fermen tations which causes the misery-making gases, heartburn, 'flatulence, full ness, or pain- in stomach and intes tines." - - . "Pape's Diapepsin" helps' regulate disordered stomachs so. favorite food can be. eaten without causing distress.. Costs so little at drug. stores. .. ' . , adv. DANDERINE' FOr : FALLING HAIR For a feyr cents you can save ,your; hair and .double . C its beauty i - To- stOO'falllhc halr nnrA nml riA the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan derlne" at any drag or toilet counter for a few cents, boura little in vour. hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usuatv stops 'coming cut and , you can't.. Una any vaanarun.-:.' Help "your hair erow strong, thick .. and long and become soft,' glossy and twice as beautiful ami abundant. -Adv. Tou want relief quickly and safely! Then Insist on "Bayer; Tablets of As pirin," stamped wjtl the "Bayer Cross." - .-,.v , , The name "Bayer" means you are getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, ajid proved Safe- by millions of people. : For afew cents you can get a handy tin box of Kehuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspjrinl J containing twelve tablets. Druggist &ls& sell . larger : "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Hahufacture of - Monoacstic acldester of "SalicylicacldcT-adv. ' v SAGE TEA TURNS i ' GRAY HAIR DARK It's Grandmother's Recipe .."to . Bring Color, IiHstre" and Toothf ulness to . Hair When Faded, Streaked or ' i . Gray. - ' - ' That beautiful, even shade of darn, glossy hair can onlyfbe had by brew-' ing a mixture" of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. . It makes or . mars ; the .face. When- It fades, turns gray or streaked. Just an application or two of Sage and. Sul phur enhances : its appearance a hun dredfold. ' - v . Don't bother to , prepare the mix ture; you pan get. this famous pld recipe improved..- by the addition of other ingredients at a small cost, all ready for use. It is called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be . depended upon to - - bring back the natural color ana lustre of your hair.' " Everybody' uses "Wyeth's", Sage and Sulphur, Compound now . because It 'darkens po naturally and evenly Vhat nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with ft and draw this . tnrougn the. hair, taking one small strand at a time,; tiy Iho.rriing' the I gray t hair t has disappeared; and after another appli cation,, it becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous.Adv. t v M L Springer & Co. WhVfesiieAV'lfeipH ware Merchants . Can give employment to two good Hardware Salesmen for Services behind the counter" and pn. the;. road; permanent mploymeht'arid good salary to the right kind of men. Pur-; cell Building, Wilmington, N.C. Ill n n r' - n At an times the' artistic dwelling is in demand, whetner large or small, expensive s ot inexpensive. An at tractive, inexpensive nouse, however, is an exception. QUlCTKBTIiT Bunga lows combine beauty and economy.. M'ii 4i TTTv K QBted WJ BUNGALOW NO. 4 3 thoroushly.eoverine the needs of the average renter; Is especially, built for renting, purposes. It is well built, coxy, conTenient, well lighted, well rentihited, attractive both inside and out, and small, -but cozy. It is inexpensive in construction, but will bring a , " good rent.' A house too large Is as .much a drawback as a house too i ' small. This one is just the right size. Bungalows are always in -- demand. QUICKBILT Bungalow No. 43 is neither cheap nor elab . orate. - It is especially designed to make the best investment from 9 rent standpoint. ... In ertettng this bung alow you. will , SAVE - . -'v fVfATF A11 the niateriai is already prepared and the large rriJitiwalte piles of scrap lumber are thus eliminated. Every foot of lumber is used. , vyou buy no surplus material.. TIMW Every! piece of material has Its own place. Everything 1 is numbered and systematized. The Instructions to the carpenter" 'are complete and the order of erection is simple. "No tlm Is lost in looking for material." The time ordinarily re -quired in preliminary cutting and trimming is saved. ' As a forgo portion of the house is built in panels, just that much time and , cost la eliminated la construction. s, f A ft f)f? Wlta he entire process of erection systematized VJV and complete, the great building "Bugaboo" pre- - wminarypreparatioD-elim!nated, the labor in the erection of a QUICKBILT Bungalow is reduced to a rnlnhnum and therefore a minor considerations A carpenter of average speed and experience with two laborers can erect the house in 7 days.--The ordinary' Tiouse will take almost as many weeks. , : ; V T . . . MCiNFYd A aving in, waste '-of maierlal, time and' labor, la uv(fii a gating in money. With the QUICKBILT Bunga low the expense of erection is cut In half, but that is not all. You need not pay a contractor's fee. , The erection is so simple and systematic that any carpenter of average intelligence can erect it with ease,' -Many owners build them themselves. You pay no architect's fee, : The complete plana with all specifications ' and Instructions are furnished FREE. And yet the plans are made after, careful study by the best and most experienced of archi tects. with a view to eliminating waste and gaining the greatest f - poMlble-convenience economy and strength. The cost -of the material s further reduced by the fact that you buy it from the mill, manufacturer and forest in' one. Our complete plants cover the entire process, from the tree tto tbe completed house. You pay " no middle-man a profit You buy direct from the source of material. The price la therefore rock bottom .In our complete plants in which hundreds of houses are built simultaneously every short .. cut to perfection is used and every waste avoided.- As the houses - are made in great quantities, you gain the advantage of tbe low cost of quantity productioa . : ... . , QUICKBILT Bungalow Dept A.A-w 1 uxbury Lumber Co., Charleston, S. C. v -:A. Safe Profitable Investment H . One of the best, investments obtainable is thn .m.. servilieable, rentable' house. That is, if the cost of t " is imt too great. It is difficult to lower the cost withoiTt ,h m ening the house. It is possible, however, with the OUirni1.1!: Bungalow.No. 43, for it is built for just that DurD0 a uBlLT lot costing 51,500.t)0 and renting for an averar ?r nonth, is bringing 20 per cent, interest. Taxes imnLJo cs, and per month iv.uuo, .v.. , . ,cv.uv ( w aiuub in per cent. Can make a better investment? The rent Incomes from an .tf.. ?ou QUICKBILT Bungalow at this time of high rents and untt demand for houses, will make it a profitable investment Build On Tour TJndevelopsd Lot. .; . WRITE -TO-DAY for further information Tand a copy of our attractivn ni... . book, "QUICKBILT Bungalows" No. C-29.lt will exobdn In No. 43 and many other attractive QUICKBILT BmrniL. a,bout FREE for the asking.r Merely fill out the coupon below inn . n ,ls Better still. If Bungalow No. 43 pleases you, tell i V.0!?1'1 sired and instruct us to ship -immediately. 6 00101 d- , Popular for its Convenience. The house is shipped P. 0, B. Charleston, complete with . essary material except brick work. Size V nef." 21-ft. x 30-ft, There are two large bed rooms, one 12-ft J io and one 12-ft. x 9-ft., a spafcious living room, 12-ft x is 4 ' kitchen, 15-ft. x 9-ft., closets and an attractive front nnrrh iV..a x 6-ft. The construction is largely of North Carolina Pin. "Wood Universal," thoroughly kiln dried. Excellent floorC ceiling. . Walls built ia-panels of siding lined with heavv mL with Uinta sreen or red finish Kr.Alln V? s?lnfi'1 les. ex- niesRa.rv nails and hardware furnished Tim... . . A'l terior walls stained any one of a tu number of .standard colors, 'or painted with one heavy coat of priming paint. Exterior trim and inside finish painted with one heavy cpat of priming paint. Durham, N. C, Feb. . 25.--Only two out of seventeen local contractors, it was announced tonight In a statement eigrned by the contractors, have agreed to terms laid down by negro brick masons, whp have . entered Into a strike. The' strikers walked out yes terday. They demanded eighty cents an hour for a nine-hour day and time and a half for Overtime. They also? set forth six holidays In each year' and require double time' for work on holi days. The contractors in their state ment assert that building .operations will notvbe materially held up, and say that no compromise will be sought. To Heal A Cough ' Take ' HAYES' HEALING HONEY, 35c. - Ady. . ; "I AM THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD" . "I am the sole support of millions of widows and: young children. I support ' million's of old men who trusted me in youth and gave me some of their earnings to, save. - .1 put cash into a business when a valuable life goes 'out and new prob lems spring up. I am the only sinking fund that will provide a certain sum at an uncertain time. ' ' ' . - I prolong the dead bread winner's in come. , 1 I educate .he nons and daughters.' ',, I pay -the, mortgage on the home. - " - I start the-sons In business. . I do more for the world-than any thing else In it. . I replace worry, misery, trouble and wntf with Joy cheer and a clear con science. - - ' . I free the business 'world from the death risk overhanging its credits and plans. .1 ' . - !. . " .. I am Legal .Reserve- Life Insurance, "r I am the, strongest financial institu tion on earth. ,. I am the greatest thins In the world." THIS KNOT, AND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP BOSTON Chartered 1835 The Oldest' Chartered Life Insurance Company In America DAVID . OLIVER, District Mnnairer JOa CluMnut Street Wllmlngrton. H, C, Mow much have WM got in the TJ l a ui 7 WC UIIETI UUU. UIC andS if W If .111 ft.YvVLN , 'iJ 'IM,ii.J 'r. if' I ff : ' FA : TM . iltf . - -VKW ' Uf 7 -If' ' illl'ITPrtrirtihfirmiwfllJI Lmi t : : r .. .. , . ' . , , . .. ....... ... 9 a .v 1 im m a i QUICKBILT BUNGALOW DEPARTMENTS v ... ' -.a I TIIYRI IRV I IIMRPR O.d ChaplavfAIV. B ft . At.denflemeif: Ireaie 'slni'me yettBi6kfVtluiciqiLT BWWlsC J"; No. C-29. Am especially Interested io a ..., room house. I' NAME .(l,ll,tlMMIMiniliMIIIIMIMIMIHIHIHIHMMH ADDRESS NE W INTEREST QUAR TER : ;, '.'r..r . .MARCH 1ST " ' .I 'V Deposits made now and through March 3rd draw interest from the first. Put your money in our bank; Start Today ! W7. Kmc Home Savings Eanlr Corner Front and Chcsnut Streets A for the Parlor or Library. .... mite . , ..... a. -a. . . - . MaHo gamy, : Gane and picfs veiou J it V - - f r; Combined- In a beautiful t of Rocknig" Chairs . and Davenports for the li- vjj, . iajLiiM..,wi uviii roonu ino prettier : J?iraiture has been brough t to Wilminon f , wide, deep . cushions, covered with silk yelour and tapestries to match the cane and. mahoganycombination. . It will be a pleasure to show you this -Furniture." Come. in. ' . . . v A. ...V Mbufoc & Co. No. 15 S. Front Street I