32 .Soiith.; Front Street CORNER FRONT AND DOCK Starts JDo ' -' 31 fTM 9 Febo This high grade stock of well-known quality Union made Merchandise, slightly smoke and water damaged will be almost given away Cost Net Con idered-Everythiii v Must Go- MEN'S SUITS -MEN' S WORK CLOTHES Money is no Object- We Must Dispose of This Stock in 10 Days ' i "' ' BOYS' SUITS . ' - ' HATS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR " MEN'S. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES MANY ARTICLES NOT EVEN SOILED ALL PRICED TO SELL Gome?; Early , , V- -v - - !I?ridayTn v- ' . . . ., Go Omickly Time MsBrairice -- - V( ;.V 's , t '- ' - ' Go LUMBERTON ALIVE WITH CANDIDATES Political Gossip Is Practically Confined To City And 7 County 'Races' j. 7 (Special to The Star) . Lumberton, Feb. 25. One hears much politics talked in Lumberton of late. However, the talk so far is confined chiefly to town and county affairs. Not much discussion of national politics Is heard. Hoover is perhaps the most talked of candidate for President. Some re for him and others are titter against him. ,. , ..t ;: '"' ' The greater interest seems to be in who will be the next recorder of the Lumberton district. To date there are five candidates for this office. The latest to announce that he is in the "running" is A". Travis Bass. All the five candidates hail from Lumberton, while the district takes in' several townships. - '..:' fusion was made by pr. I. -T. Cldughi', of the Johns Hopkins hospital, Balti more. ' '" ' : "' " ', Mrs. B. F.'Britt,-aged twenty-seven years, died Friday at her home, near Fairmont. Robeson county, of influenza and ; complications. Interment was made Saturday afternoon in the family burying ground. ' SOUP KITCHENS FOR ARMENIANS There are two candidates for solic itor of the recorders court In this 'dis trict. These are W. Lennon, president solicitor, and W. Bert Ivey, both young attorneys of Lumberton. J- A. Barker of Lumberton says he Is seriously considering making the race tor sheriff of Robeson. The incumbent, Robert E. Lewis will offer for re-election. "T.-: " V ' v Friends of Ex-State Senator-Frank yugh are urging ; him to -"come out'f rr state treasurer- Wheh asked'.by your correspondent, how 'he felt about entering the race. 'MrrtSo-uarb-refused to commit himself, but stated that -he was givine the matterserious. consid "ation. Mr. Gough" hasvreceritry re; ceived letters from all parts of. the state urging him to offer. Mn'Gough " well fitted for' the office, being an expert accountant. News has reached Lumberton of: the death near Rowland, Robeson, county, or Mrs. R. F. Martin and Miss . Sarah uliams, sisters, the two having died L,e same day of influenza-pneumonia, "here were forty members of the Wil liams family connection down with n at one time, it is said. : ': - - , A double marriage took place in the omce of Register of Deeds M. W. Floyd nen Miss Vera Branch was married to Henry w. B. Shaw and Miss Ettie 'ttman to David J. Simmons. .Justice v:,, rover B"tt officiated. Both brides "ai from the Globe Swamp section of Robeson county, while both grooms live at Boardman. Twenty Thousand Being , Y Fed Daily. New York, Feb. 25. A cable des patch from Colonel William N. Has kell to the committee on relief in the near?i east I'. states?, that - soup kitchens atV- Erivani Armenian. Turkey, ' now are feeding. 20,000 daily. This is in addition to the care of orphanages, hospitals, refugee camps, etc. : Over 600 sets -of 'Clothing 'are ,. being dis tributed at Erfvan daily . These ' ac- tlvities at Urivan are declared to be typical of what is being done through out Armenia. " Colonel Haskell cables that , there remains much to be done, and that the siduation as , ,toi. -food, clothing, etc., for tire- orp'hariagesj hos-; pitals and either-institutions -is 'being met with limited resources.. ' h SERIOUS RISK OF FOOD SEDUCTION Movement From The Land To The Cities . Become Much j-J- More Pronounced ; MARTIAL 'liAW DECLARED IN SOUTHERN HONDURAS washingtonr Feb. 25. Martial x law has been declared by the Honduranean congress in -the ; southern department of the" republic, -Including the lty of Tegucigalpa; the - state, department is adyised -in a dispatch ,: from the Honduranean capital. v The dispatch did not explain the, reason, for the ac tion; ?y but recentv' adviceiajy from Hon- duras have contained reports of dem onstrations resulting from the elec tions a few weeks ago. .- Roanoke, Va., .Feb. 25. Charles R. Hicks, of Norfolk, was chosen president meeting Monday, of the Virginian Railway at a of the directors in Norfolk according to information received here tonlghi.-. ' ' '"":' : 1 ' v SEES LITTLE IN . CLAIM OF JAPAN . V;. 1. ErigldiHopillNot uiaim. t Owing to the influenza conditions in p!ffcC0Unty' the union meeting of the ooeson Baptist association, which was 27 oVl been held at Bozier,.February "m, has been postponed. , ; I - ' ' -. - knft condltion of'R.'D. Caldwell, well ttrp Ti1 Lumberton business man. has eauy improved since the transfusion i blood from the veins of another Mr on,l the veins o Mr.-Caldwell. ro,m v wel1 has been, confined to: his om hefe since Christmas. The trsrns- Sydfteyj. 1 Australia, - Feb; 25i-SirJ'ds;ij Cook; ministerA" 6f the navy,'-' aesert'4d ;in - a" speech the-' other ; day that there was 'little ';in Japan's;; claimthat ; she was ; being; .deprived: of ? privileges . sie had,' en joyed , under -Geiroan rule; in the Pacific, Islands.- ' ;:. .'; - . 'J ..-'.-- v V-'SKe ;thaak : slmiiar mandate'., over the" islaiid horth-Df theEquator,", con tinued Sir Joseph, "Here she has the same rights . and privileges that f we have in ours. I hope the point will not be pressed. Jit is vital to us In ev6ry way and goes right to '" the hert of pur life In these seas. I hope the in cident1, will ; pass and ; that ' ln the fu ture we will live in good ; fellowship. Japan told us at the peace confer ence that she would reserve the rignt to raise the question of racial equal ity again in the league of Nations. She is, however,' a little, previous in raising it bow before- the league has begun to. function." . : . 7 -.: ? -, : - , RUSSIAN WAR LOSSES ' Libau, Letvla, Feb. h 25. Russian soviet ' newspapers received ; here estimate the Russian losses through the war at thirty-two billion rubles. Russia, the newspapers say. Is, unable to export anything at the present time, but. on the other hand; finds,, it; neces sary to ' import provisions valued ; at One Oiwroii iuww. Washington, Feb. 24. Warning; that serious risk of reduced food production Impends because of high wages de manded by farm laborers, high cost of farm equipment and supplies, and pronounced movement of people from the farms to the cities, has been given' by the department of agriculture on the basis of reports and letters from all sections. N - ' "The most definite of these reports come .from .'New York state" the. de partment's announcement said, "where records of the population on 3,775 rep resentative farms on February 1 this year and February 1, a year ago, were made by federal and state workers. It l Mras disclosed that during the past yea"f the number of people on these farms decreased hearty three per cent, and the ' number ; of hired men . de creased more; than seventeen per cent. If r.the.tjsame. ratio holds for all farms in" the tate,;abou t ' 35,000 men and boys left; farmingto go into Industries, ; w.hile,.only-about 11,000 have changed from, other, industries to farming. This la. a more rapid movement from farms .to .other; Industries than took place in ,h'6 early; part of the, war. . ;, , CThe same ' conditions in varying , de- : grees "exists in , all sections, accord ing, to - the federal "bureau of crop estimatesvalthugi' they are not so -acute farther. fr6rt"industrlal centers." ".:? - V .. SEND FEDERAL TROOPS ? 4 FOR CENTRALIA TRIAL .i ;:".-';; '' - V "!"''5 ' General Ligget Authorizes Ac- ' tion '; ' i " ; v 'l . Montesano, Wash., Feb.7 25. Sending of federal, troops to Montesano to remain untii the end ;of the trlai of alleged Industrial Workers of ,-tn L-Wofld members accused of the Cen- tralia armistice day . killings has teen authorized by Lieutenant General Hunter. Liggett,commandlng the western- department of the army, upon re quest of Governor Hart, of . Wasning ton. v . The ' governor's' action, followed a request for troops, by Prosecutor Herman Allen ."as; a purely precaution ary measure.". '"-' ;'.." ; ''V SENTENCED TO PRISON Cincinnati, .O., Feb.; 25. Penitentiary and 'jail sentences ranging from three to fifteen months' were Imposed today by United States Judge Peck upon thirteen- socialists , convicted... of con spiracy to- defeat the military draft. Ml ; "Terrible case of Ecsema contracted m; ; when a mere boy fought diaeaie for ten .. yean, with half dozen ipecialiati. Both ler in terrible condition. Almost m ' j nerrou wreck. It took Just 8 bottles of B. D. D. to clear up this disease." , This is the , late testimony of a prominent, newspaper mir. We hare seen so many other sufferers relieved by this marvelous lotion that we freely f offer you a bottle en oar personal fuarante. Try it today. Wc, oc and $1.00. lotion ibr Skin Disease Rl It. Bella my, Druggist. ; " ' f-. ... e 4 We Offer Subject This 1 Cumulative Preferred Stock With An Unbroken i DivideM Record of 12 Years Wilmington, N. C. - . v;, , V f (Par Value $100.00 Per Share) : " ' , ' ..", P J ' - .; ' ' ! DIVIDENDS PAYABLE MONTHLY ' ' - hh o( mnt Tbis Issue $1,200,000.00. BUSINESSThe company Operates street railway and suburban lines, and serves the community of Wilmington, North 7 , Carolina, with gas, electric lights and power.. ' ; fSECURITY-Based on present-day -values and giving effect to this preferred stock net assets of the company will be $240.00 ' per share. ;'..!- : . '''..- ' - 1 " ' - , EARNINGS- The'cjbfnpaiiy has'an unbroken, dividend record of 12 consecutive years and the net earnings for 1919 were --v about' twice ' the ..amount required for:ther dividend on this issue. The new capital herein acquired should add consid . , erably to the company's-net income - . ' 1'i 1 . ' MANAGEMENT-r-The companyis headed by Mr. Hugh MacRae, and is operated by Mr, Raymond Hunt. The company is considered to be one of; the best managed utilities' in this section. . : " . FUTUfeEYou'r attention is called to the accompanying letter from" the president of the company the growth of the , community, which it serves." ': .V-.'1 PURPOSE OF ISSUE)- The proceeds from trie sale of the preferred stock will be used to liquidate current liabilities, retire S350.000it)Q, of bonds; and to make betterments and additions to the company's plant. ; "TAX EXEMPT IN NORTH CAROLINA AND EXEMPT PROM NORMAL FEDERAL,1 INCOME TAX " All legal details will be approved by Rountree & Davis for the company and by. L.. P. McLendon for - the bankers. Appraisals by Charles A. Hobein and audits by Haskins & Sills.. - , . ' - - . .; ..;.'- . .. -t . ... .. Dividend from Date of Issue Price $100.00 Per Share ..;..;. DURHAM, N. c. :: ; '-'':-' SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR: THIS ISStJE WILL BE RECEIVED AND STOCK DELIVERED THROUGH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING BANKS t ' ' American Bank & Trust Co. Liberty. Savings Bank t A- , Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Vv Home Savings Bank . Murchisoh: National Bank WILMINGTON, North Carolina8 . Peoples Savings Bank Hugh MacRae & Co. The Information contained In thim Circular, While not srnaranteesV t. obtained from ovr-cea wfcteh are believed to be reliable.