y- 1 ! . m, -r.-t ... j-, '-.'t---t-- THE M9RNING STAR. WILMINGTON, N. C.; FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920! THREE AE WS OF LUMBERTON ;nrrlal to The Star.) tnmberton,1 March" ll.-Charles and u'.toe, aged 14 and 15 years. lively, sons of Mr. amd -Mrs. W. reSp! toe , 'who live near Lumberton, K' bitten by a cat supposed to, have Were rabid early this morning Before beCn .... v,c tha' rat. "hit kavati lttac ... Qri a dog belonging to the 0l0 .... s. to oqM Tha nt urna 3 l' 1 hol sAnt. to :Rfl.leleh for killedan determine whether n ea, waS rabid. In the meantime r 1,0 r. ,ir of Lumberton, is treat- v- 0 . i .jvw " two ooys hoci- t0,. vrnd always before been mas !t" W Kpetoe, and "cleaned up" a me ter o thc house. - - weddingrs, one following: imme- diateu . ,n nmCB, here when -Miss ie R harae the bride; of Harold oliv and Miss Flora Tyner became Ahrlnri'rte of Henry Z. Ward. Justice the frlnB nffir.fa.tBd. I Both h-ridps F iv lived in the Raft Swamp sec for par Lumberton. Mr.lAhrens is a "n' "of Detroit, Mich., having recent mtlZn discharged from the army at y Brag?, Fayetteville, while Mr. Cam5 lives In East Lumberton.. Each m gently kissed his new wife with- uSted. T tCly .after they Robeson : officers today" captured an up-to-da vrhiskey making plant three jmiles 'east of Lumberton. it was a copperoutflt of .40.&allon"8 capacity and was Bet up. ready for Operation, Sixty gallons ot beerand a' small supply of HnSty r1Um'" was'foa about the still. Tho plant -was. located. in a swamb near the; hotae ot Richard V siephens While the officers were at ' the still Stephens , drove near them with his auto, but upon seeing them he aban doned the car and vamosed into the swamp. . This was1 one of the best equipped plants ever "brought in" bv Robesoji officers. - , Many tobacco plants have been killed by the recent , cold in Robeson, accord ing to the tobacco growers. It is feared the acreage will be reduced by a short age of plants as a result of theTun usual March weather. Seed sown now would not produce plants in time for gorowing a tobacco crop this year. To Cure a Cold In One Day. ' Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tab' its). It stops the- Cough and Headache and works off the Cold E WV . GROVE'S signature on each box! Is It Price or- I .... . .- .,-,(,. .... Clothes Value ..'You -Seek?- -4- Girsh Tailored Quality Clothes for Men If all a nian wants-in a suit of clothes ris a coat, a v,est'and a," pair of trousers, and in an over coat just a garment to wear over his suit, anytbody can sellthem. to him : - , '.v Girsh suits and overcoats .are made for men who want some- thing more, men who seek qual ity, workmanship and quality, woolens. - ' y c i C O r ' v It -is false economy' to buy clothes on a price basis quality , is the! only' safe standard -to go by and Girsh' tailored clothes are the best buy in the world to dayat the price. ' :, ': - - You ought to see them : if you like fine clothes. - ' . " $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $56.00 up to $75.00 No Better ClotKes r?r w rv ) r)y CAROLINA SMOKER -: 'A FESTIVE EVENT ' AT CHAPEL HILL y Many ' Spectacular And Unusual V Stunts Pulled During ':. . Evening. , ' : 7 - 1 1 WEEK OF EASTER ; BE BUSY TJME FOR ? UNIVERSITY TEAM Several Important Games Have Been Scheduled For That 'L : Period. - (Special to The Star.) , Chapel .Hill, r March 11. Eight hun dred -students at the r 'University 'Of -North Carolina jammed theix way into the big , dining room at Swain Hall Tuesday, night for. the Carolina smok er, the-annual Young, Men's' Christian association cabaret show the biggest merry-making event of the year on th hill. They enjoyed three hours of composite carnival ranging from the introductions of TProfesof " Collier Cobb,' who, perched on; h4gh, presided as master of. ceremonies, through many kinds of musical and - vaudeville stunts, and burlesque on events of the college year to toasts ' by Professor Chase and others. There is nothing in the university like ,the smoker,": said President Chase. The ... crowd, under clouds of confetti and- streamers, believed, him. The Kitchen Chorus, a song and dance act Vut on by. the co-eds of the univer sity, drew most applause, followed hy the grand revue of college types, with us ouriesques of students . and memi oers of ,the f acuity . - The glee club Sang j- a'lot, and jazz bands soulful Piuartets, , piano artists, and mandolin clhbs "tuned out all' the'music between "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" and the last shimmy-shaking sOul .disturber., The Chapel Hill fire department re ceived special treatment in a burlesqiie. An exhibition . wrestling; match fitted into ; the, program, and ; a dare-devil juggling act by George Whriberley anti Chester Burton drew rounds of ap plause. '' J- J-r-. ' 'i'-'f- 't ; ; Toasts by Thomas . Wolfe, of Ashe ville, . representing v the ; students; by Rev Mr, Moss, from . the -4 community, and by President Chase; formed tfae climax " of the nights : festivities. Re freshments were served' "throughout the performance. The whole smrvr, put on by the Young Men's Christian association, was - under the immeiiia.i.e direction of ? Donnell Van Noppen and R. C Bernau, both of Greensboro. 0 ' (Special to :Tne; Star.) : ! Chapel HilliV March - ll-changes in the TTniversUyof North Carolina base ball schedule,' have rbeen announced j by Graduate Manager Woollen which will enable the Tar Heels -to play Yale -in Greensboro, AprilN 6. ' - On Easter Monday, April 5; Carolina Will play the Winston-Salem .league team in Winston-Salem In agame that is expected to attract - a large crowd. The ; next' "day, April 6, the Tar Heels' will meet Yale in Greensboro, and the following day- will play Davidson in 'Greensboro also;: Thursday, Aprir 8, will ( com - the- .important A. and E, game in Raleigh TThen with one day's rest- will come ; the Vlrglwia game' in Charlottesville, April 10, - ' v - - - It wil be a'fu'.l week 'for the TaV HeeJs. i The- wteam is able tb take 'on these games because the Easter vpa tlon at -the university - extends Walk through the ,week .following Easier and the men will not be missing any time from their studies; ' ' J. Satisfaction has been expressed here,' at having - the Yale game played in -North - Caiolina. Yale did not decide . to come south until many of the south--; ern schedules-were made rp,birt Gridv! uate Manager v Woollen was 'able j.toi make arrangements to meet the new ' situation. Yale will also play A." and E. in Raleigh, : . , - . ' r i j CHICAGO SOCIETY WOMAN v LOSES FINE STRING OP PEABS Chicago, March 11. A rope of pink I pearls valued at 150,000 was. stolen"; from Mrs. Robert P." Carr, Chicago So- v ciety , woman, while she: was a guest -of the Glenn Springs ' hotel, Watkins, . N. Y., March 2, it became known today ', when Lloyd's Insurance agency offered? a reward of $15,000. The necklace was i said to consist of seventy-eight per fectly matched pearls; , ' : '.- ; WOULD DESTROY SALE OF LIGHT WINES AND BEER Chicago; March ;11. The Chicago city council voted -fifty-one to ten to petition 3the Illinois legislature to with draw its approval of the constitutional J 1.!VJ1!. -3 X l. i. . , 1 proniDiiion amenumeui mat liio. ques tion may be submitted to a referendum. 'Aldermen .who drafted "the petition said their purpose was to restore the saies of light, wmes nd beers." ' MEMBER FARM - COMMISSION - Washington, March 11, William -' N. Joyce, of . Berkley,. Cal., was nominated today by President - Wilson to be a member of , the federal, farm commis sion ' to succeed Qeorge W. Norris, resigned.:-", - '- ' " . ; . ' ' ' . - : " i BUILD TANK STEAMERS. 1 - Philadelphia, March 11. Six 12,500. ton -tanfc steamships will.be built at Harriman, Pa., this year. Contracts ror the vessels have justbeert signed. Work; is to start within X few, months. The--entire capacity of . the yard will be required to turn the six; ships out on time. J ".-..J,,- MARRIAGE LICENSE ISUED. ; Marriage license was. issued yester day, to Clearenoe iBonneil and Lueile Murrell. The groom to be is tne son of William Bonnell, of Hull, Englahd. Miss-' Murrell" Is? Ifreda.aghter of J.-P. Murrell, of Brunswick county. . Unusual Display of louses ... . T -'.- A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF VOILE, BATISTE AND 'MADRAS BLOUSES 1 LACE TRIMMED OR TAILORED , $1.25 T0 $4.50 PORTO RICAN HAND-MADE BLOUSES, BEAUTIFULLY WORKED BY HAND $5.08 '$7.98 ;''' GEORGETTE, CREPE DE CHINE OR LACE BLOUSES :, -Jr- $4.50 - - ' - AND UPWARD CHARLES MERRIMAN DEAD Memphis, Tenn., s March i ll. (Charles Merriman, of Washington,, son of the late United States senator from North Carolina, and brother-in-law of Sena tor Overton of that state,, died in his room r in a local hotel-last 4 night. t HOW DOCTORS TREAT GOLDS THE FLU AD First Step in Treatment . Is a Brisk Purgative With Calo 1 tabs, the"Purified and Re y fined Calomel Tablets that x 1 are Najisealess, ij&at e : . x , and Sure o ' ."; r Doctors have,; found ; by experience that no-medicine, for colds "and influ enza can , be depended upon for full effectiveness until the liver is 'made thoroughly active. That is why1 the first step in the treatment, is the new, nauseales calomel tablet- called Calo tabs. and: which are free from the sickening and weakening effects of the old style calomel. Doctors, also point out the fact that an active liver . may go. a, long; way towards: preventing in fluenza 'and" is one of the most import ant factors n : enabling the .'patient to successfully withstand an attack , and ward off pneumonia. - - ' C ,., One . Calotab on the tongue at bed time, with a swallow of water that's all. - No salts, nV nausea nor-the 'slight est Interference - with your . eating, pleasure or, work. Next morning.your cold has .vanished, your liver- is ac tive, your system is" purified uidyou are feeling fine, with a hearty appe tite for breakfast. Druggists sell Cal "otabs only in original sealed -packeges, price ' trlihty-five cents. Your, money -vjjiHae cheerfully refunded, if you do not find themr delightf ul.adv. i: - ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE. f: "v - r , . -. A " '. '' Name "Bayer" is on GenuinexAs .pirin say Bayer ' - Insist on "Bayer Tablets cf Aspirin" in a "Bayer, package," containing the proper .'directions for , Colis, Pain, Headache,.': Neuralgia, I Lumbago, and Rheuniatism. Name f, "Bayer", means eenulne Aspirin prescribad by- physi cians. for nineteen years. Handy tin 1 boxes" of 12 tablets cost-few cents. -Aspirin Is7, trade-mark of Bayer Manu,- facture , -of "Monoaceticacidester. of Salicylicacid. . . . adv. . . v,The Progressive Building and jLpan As ... sociatiqn opened (and closed) its 29th "series of 25 cents per share Building -and Loan stock on Saturday, March 6. This series was limited to 2,000 'shares and every share had been bought arid paid for before the close of the opening day. v The ifirst time in the his tory of Building; arid Loan associations that all shares were sold;the first day, ; " r Everywhere we go we find people who "say that they don't; like to wait six years for the maturity of stock. Many have suggested that : we issue: a class of stock running a - shorter period of time.. - - sociationspJL North Carolina "are, recently said-o "Irivestmeht Shareholders:", ; 1 Investment Shareholders "The main work to , be accomplished by Building and Loan associations is to offer an opportunity for systematic saving and the use of these savings in the erection of homes; but a most important element of the work of Building and Loan . associations is investment shareholders. Citizens who have funds to invest can do so through the avenue of fered by Building and Loan associations, and not only get the direct benefit of a safe investment' and as much or more interest as they coul ptherwise obtain, but share in an in direct benefit of having their cities and Jowns built up, their property enhanced in value, and their citizens made better because of owning their homesV Because usually the need of Investment Shareholders is not so generally understood and the. advantage to citizens of making investments through the Building and Loan associations not appreciated, it is important that the officers of Building and Loan asso ciations should pay special attention to soliciting Invest ment Shareholders and presenting the advantages along this line to the citizens of their towns." j - Hon: James R.l; Young, Insurance Com missioner "for North Carolina, and; under whose supervision -the Buildingand Loan as- To carry out the suggestion of the Insurance Commissioner and meet the wishes of our friends,we willon Saturday, April 3; open a series of stock to be known as - -. - M ; ' - -. :You pay $1.00 per &week and receive $100 at maturity on each share;' This series of stock will be liiriitedfto a small number of shares and you should send in your application at once in order to be certain of getting this stocks ; . ' ; ' - - : : 1'rog ressive, and . W ftim :. v. - " 118 North Second Street 'Btiildmg Association JOSEPH W. LITTLE. Pres. W. N. HARRIS S, VPres. 'FRED 'S. LITTLE, Sec-Treao. -v. - ". .-. ; v . , . . ..- r ' r ..... . V , ' APPLICATION FOR STOCK' " " T,b .PROGRESSIVE BUILDING . AND" LOAN ASSOCIATION (Enclose $1.00 a Entrance0 Fee For Every Share of Stock.) I enclose check for - Please reserve shares of stock for me in your Dollar Series. Name Address . This stock is tb be issued on the usual Mutual Building and Loan Plan. Itvwill run for a period of less than two years, - - ' prouauxv ucuvtccil uiuctj' uiu uuictjr'uri; vtccao 833232