4 . i h y - (En fee Heart of the City) A, M , TRACT No. 1 That magnificent lottadjoihmg the Mur chisoh National Bank (thelarigfest blank iii the two GarDlinas), fronting 52 etVotfFrpnttreet, sub-. dividedtQ suit. ; -SW'P-TRACT No. iixty-seven 'ftqi ad joining the American eressffice. f : . 1 The sale will be made in tHelordef named, begin- . -0 , . ning at the Murchison National Bank and proceeding ta Location No. 2 immediately ieNoJlis sold. JaqthS qmmg sales you buy one lot with privilege of as frontage as desired. f: :S . The property will be sold on easy terms..f;,ine)wnr; ers of these properties, aside from othr good reasons, are selling because they realize that f or ;the good of; our r city these two vacant pieces of property lould be puf to; : work, not only for the purpose of amngliaMsbiei idends for the1 purchasers, but giving new business en terprises which are aching to come here and find suit able locations, a home in which . to do .business. You know that none of our business housesre vacant; that lessees are scrambling to tie-up all business property on . just as longJeases as they; can get, and that there is a crying need for business houses. Iiyypu believe in the; future, attend this sale, arid back your judgment. After these two lots are absorbed the business willh to go to Second andThird streets. Get on Front street in the ; v heartme dty ; V ' ' 1 of our magnificent, city, and he who would enter MUST PASS here;' and -lie who ?would reach the city's heart MUST GO to Lot No. :JWhysayjnore? Atteiid this sale and own your own ' business home ;onFront. street. . '.. V:..-' TheJot&will be soldm units' of 15 feet, with privil- 'gnegef-Aifa .moredjoining as desired, in units of Sj; fivefeet 1 , , . ; ' : "v: 5 We do-not hve io remindyoti of the growth and pixisperity and- oelbnousfuture of Wilmington; y ; you $a6t look ot think in any direction without being , f reminded of it. 'iu,0tp': ' - -v ' For further information, see ii 1 , .7 W. (Li O 1. y-i- AW3 V V . A f suffragists urge , Ratification at big mass meeting Three Men Speak for the Cause -But Woman Shows Power Of Feminine Mind Three men spoke for -woman suffrage bt th3 mass meeting: last night, and all of them spoke ajttently and with convincing: power; but It was a woman who- showed the audience by her grasp of the subject and her power of pre senting It that a woman's mind Is capable of . grappling with the "weighty problems which beset the masculine voter. Miss lola Trait, field secretary of the national committee, displayed a knowledge of suffrage facts which .which were a revelation. She sketched the history of the movement since re quest was made that women be speci fically mentioned in the constitution of the United States, and the failure of the Irameri'to do so. ... As a landmark she cited' the first convention ever called to Indorse the cause, an event which occurred In Cen ter Hill, New York; In 1848, at which time the mother of one of the five wo men attending took a special train for the scene of , action to determine whether or not her daughter was In sane. Pleasure and Irony V "It is with pleasure - and a. tinge of irony," said Miss Trax, "that we who have worked, and waited so long for the. privilege of voting .view the scram ble of the political parties' to keep the other man from giving it to us. , "It is nearly here, and the time has long gone by when a man who is a Buffraglst can pat himself on the back for his progressive ideas, and with a catch of breath admit that he is .a rad ical. "Those who get on the band wagon nW are simply trailers at the end of the procession; and I would like you women to take note of the prophecy that every politician- in the country will soon be telling you that he has been a suffragist silnce the time he was six years old. "The constitution says,' 'We, the peo . ple,andthe: supreme court haaTgraci ously deoided that women are people. Delaware may beat us to being the SI thirty-sixth stateCrbnt, as one advo cate has put t, Pelawtre has acted so badly about the matter that we would " like to .-.feel we don't' need her. Therefore we look to foTth Carolina. Objections to; woman suffrag were thoroughly threshed pyd by.tne chair man of the meeting,- John DI!Bellamy, who quashed " them one Ty v one. He explained that there were iO&OOO lAore white women than negro women in North Carolina-and that in only two southern states the negro women out number the white, and In like propor tion the negro men outnumber the white. He cited opinions of judges in the suffrage states to prove that not one single divorce has., been granted be cause of political . differences between man and wife. He mentioned the im provements which women have worked in humane legislation in the states where they might yoto, and he showed that the most efficient state educational system in the-country is In Colorado, and had been perfected by a woman superintendent. ' . Mr. Taylor -Speaks Walker Taylor followed Mr. Bellamy, and based his plea for women on the fact : that business conditions had forced them to go out of the home. "You men." he said, 'will either have to give up your women - stenographers. or rtop prating about their place be ing in the home." - ; Mr, Taylor, also mentioned the fact that the city of Wrlghtaville Beach was one of the first in the nation to give : the voting right to "women. , and that Carolina. Heights, th"e most beau tiful! suburb of Wilmington was da signed1 by a woman's brain. Of the two legislators.. of the state who have supported the measure, W. B. Cooper sent Tegrets that he could not attend, but that his vote would tell where his sympathies lay. I Clay ton; Grant, was present to speak for the cause. . - Opponents of woman suffrage he said, have been most curiously identi fied with sections where corrupt poli tics are prevalent, and the four men who once defeated the measure in the ortjh Carofflna .; wetre . noticeable . as those who voted against other uplifting legislation. . , ."Women may, make blunders," de clared Mr. Grant, "but ! they can't do any worse .than have men, and' there Is ho reason to doubt thai their in fluence in politics will be, as it has been! in the world, for betterment." Before adjournment a resolution was passed by- rising vote that this meet ing of some two. hundred , citiseiis go on - record -as favoring ; ratification :. by the North Carolina legislature at the special , sesaion. The motion - was. de clared unanimous, the chairman falling to" recognise the one man who stood against It. VOTERS OF XilLLlNGTON HEAR CAMERON MORRISON iVbfcrf Tenor Com Auspices Of Wilmington Ra Business Houses tjjosed During Hour Orator Was on Stump Special lo The Star.) Llllington, May 4. Cameron Morri son referred -to . Congreeaman Claude Kitchln as the greatest parliamentary' leader who has adorned the house of representatives, since Henry Clay de parted therefrom, during an address delivered to, .a gathering, of Harnett county voters-in the court, house here today, t ,;.',-. . : . The speaker also paid high tribute to Senator . Simmon's and Secretary of the Ncry Daniels in speaking of the part played by southern 'statesmen in the achievements of the democratic ad ministration in the nation.,- i : . - The stores f the 'town closed for two hours while Mr. Morrison was speaking in order that all the mer chants could be present; and many au tomobiles brought people, "from the country into town for the address. Mr. Morrison made a "democratic speech," which a number bf old men who heard it, likened .to the, speeches of.Aycock made, back -in the days of great political battles. " V " ' He was Introduced by Mayor Thomp son, of Lillington. . ' ' . PRESIDENT CARRANZA HEARS ULTIMATUM FROM His miutary ships TRINITY COLLEGE ENDS FINE DEBATING SEASON NoHh Carolina $ ', Emory and Swathmore m M llen McQuede, famous tenor of the jNCetropoHtan Opera company will sing vet Harbof island auditorium during the week "beginning July 4th. " ' Mr. McQueade comes under' the au spices of the Rotary, club, and. will be the first -of the several operatic . stars to appear here. ".Another smger has been practically signed for an October date. " ' ''' - v,i. Announcement of McQueade's coming ' was made -at the regular meeting of the.Rotary. cluh yesterday afternoon by Chairman WUllam ,Q jBroadf oot;-: of the concert pommlttee; - , The. name, of McQueade is.. known to every I lover of ,mukr - in the country, and the news of hls; coming will be r cel ved with pleasure 1 by , Wllmlngton lans; , . . ;:-, u . ; i,:; V The f next Vnoted singer scheduled Us Alice rverlet," the "Belgian ; Queen of Spng." who comes May i, under the joint auspices of McGrathA Co., and the JRotary club, ' (S Dedal to Til. Ktmr.i Trinity College : Durham, May 3.- TrinltV COllptrn p.Mloil rninthar- bhm.h.. ful debating - season 4 Friday nl ght hyn aecasiveiy aereatlng Emory university in thelrst debate between the two In stitutions, held in Atlanta, when a unanimous decision of the judges was given in favor of the Trinity team. The question for debate was. the com pulsory arbitration ,of labor disputes in public service corporations.. ;Trlnlty was represented by H; v E. , Fisher, of Zebuloh; West, of Zara; and G. D. Harmon, of Moncure, Upholding the af firmative" , : Trinity's, other inter-collegiate de bate was with Swarthmore oollege and resulted in sa, unanimous decision, for the home team, composed of S. Hi. Hel ton, Jr.,-of Du.rham.;. Allen H. Gwyn, of Yanceyvllle; and H. J. Herring, of Bur gaw,x The question . debated .was the Tirlnrrlnla.' et lit MauA , Virtrk!' TrtnltV opposing', and ; S warthmore ; advocating ilb ..application to au American inauo ASKS FOR. POSTPONEMENT V, Constantinople, r May ' S-Entente powers ' have been- asked' by Damad Ferid,r grand visler. to' postpone ocdu pation ot'Thface until after the Turk ish delegation oan ? heard "by . the peace conference- in Paris. Four Greek divisions are . at Salonikf awaiting - or ders to advance into -Thrace. (Continued From Page One.) mander-ln-chlef pro tempore of the revolutionary t oxceis j in Mexico; today extended' aninvltatidri to foreign capi tal to 'enter Mexico if the revolution proves successful. ? - -1 Governor De Iol Huerta outlined the plans of the revolutionists and review ed ,the rerv'olutJlon. to date. He an nounced that an ultimate aim of the revolutionary . party is 'to establish prohibition and stop gambling -in Mexico. - Orders have been issued to stop the sale of liquor and gambling in all territory controlled by the revolu tionists;, he said. ' "Mexico invites and enjoys the vis its of foreigners." he said, "but we do not wish to make our country a place of dissipation." - : Concerning prohibition. Governor De La Huerta said: . "We . cannot expect prohibition in a day, nor the. end of gembllng, but-It is an end toward which we are striving. It vill come in Mexico as it did in the United States. We have ordered liquor selling (and gambling stopped inall .territory we' control. " It will be most rigidly enforced along ' the Internation al boundary because of the danger of the trafflo- to the relations between our country and the United States at this most critical time." ; " 1 Advance on Capital Next. ' Juarez, Mexico, May 4.-r'With" the virtually complete conquest of Chihua hua, the .next effort of the liberal con stitutionalist' party will be directed to an advance upon Mexico City, accord ing'i.o a-tatemnt issued ;,tpni ght by General. J. .-G Escobar.ncommahder-in'! chief of the ' Juarez district, who yes terday joined the revolutionist fprces "We do not expecvany bloodshed, at least until:-we rach 'the capital of the republic," '.General Escobar said. TWe expect ;that on the way south uarran na's soldiiers will realize the futility of resisting our sweeping- movement, and Will join our ranks,: as they haveidone elsewhere during the bloodless revolu tion. But It Is possible that; when we reach Mexico City itself there -will . be some show of fight,' wW how6Ver,.we feel confident will be..'?W1thout result,' BOARD OF MISSIONS TO MEET 7 Memphis, Tenn.. Majr '4.-rThe general board of missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, wiir hold the first-session of its annua! meeting' here tomorrow morning. The meeting will probably last through the remainder of the week. " ' : , i BET - BUILDING DEDICATED ! Harrigate, Tenn- May 4. The i Best Engineer; building, the gift of Dr. W. Best, of New York, to Lilncoln Memo rial university,5 was dedicated here to day." .A pr. Leonard Waldo, of v New York, and Miss Jane Addams, of Chi cago, were among? the speakers at to day's closing' exercises of the univer sity. T-'1. Gardner Ready For Scrimmage Wrestling Match7 of Season is Expected at Academy of Music . . .Tonight When Londos Tackles Pink Gardner. " LAPM ARKS FALL UHDE8;BAMMER V IN MODERN ERA Washington-Clay Tavern To Go Friday, Making Way For - 'New Structure The stage is set for the wrestling bout of the season at the Academy of Music tonight .when Pink Gardner and Young Londos hook up in a fin ish match, with the deadly toe hold barred. - v . -v . - . ; The ' barring of ! this deadly grip will place Londos and . Gardner on a par. They are of equal strength, '. their . weight, is practically the .same, and" both are of the rushing j aggressive type that never slows up. ' . But Pink ia a shark at the toe hold game, and Liondjoe' pedal extremities are his vulnerable' spots. . ; ? If Jjondos Is safe- in the knowledge that hie feet ' are safe he will give Gardner a riih ' for his money. Pi nk - is scheduled i to land in Wil mington at. noon today for, his first visit - in more than three years. H.e comes fresh from hl crashing victory over Frits Hanson at Charlotte a week agio and primedfox-the battle of his life;' . . : . , .- The demand for ' seats at4 this en counter has-been thr greatest ::' in re cent ; week and v one . of the " biggest crowd that: ever -atended a - wrestling? match in " Wilmington - is expected to seo the battle.. v. -. - t' NEWSPAPERS COME HIGH, j KnoxviUe,' Tenn., May 4. In'. conse quence of, its inabdllty to secure news print paper.. the Loudon, County Recorw of Doudon.'-Tenn., is being printed . on letter head bond' this week,- purchased at 17 l-l cen.tr per pduhd. ior little more than one-half cent, per sheet. The pa-, per will print 3,000 copies.; ; - DODSON TELLS THE HORROR OF GALOMEL you Don't Need to Sicken, Gripe, - ;or Salivate Yourself to J Start Liver Read our ads relative to business op portunity at auolion FrfyMfyJtn and attend the sale;-O. -T. WAllace & KILLED WIT AJT AXE Boclc-rood, Tennessee, May 4-Jake WhAtmata. . thirty-five, -was - killed by blows -with an axe at his home near La Follette. Tennessee', '8undayi and hla father, eventy-five years bid, is in -Jail at -Jaci sboro, held without bail ; and charged with the killing. According-to reports received here, young Whitmaii was lea ling' over and lacing his shoes when si ruck, - ' . ' .You're btUous, sluggish constipated. You feel headachy, your stomach may be sour, your breath bad. ' your 'skin sallow and you believe you need. Mle, dangerous calomel to start liver and bowels... : t,.-v; . . : v - Here's my gukranted ! Ask your drug gist for a bottle of Dodson's liver Tone and; take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn t start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without :griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. . -Take calemeltoday Jrand tomorrow yow wiU feel weak and sick and nau seated. Don't lose a day. Take a spoonful of . harmless, vegetable Dod son's I4ver Tone tonight and. wake -up feeling splendid. It is perfectly harm less. vso give It to your children any time. Itcan't salivate. (adv. With' the vision of a million dollar hotel before them, and the; capital in sightt for "that structure In th'e present- Jay industrial and commercial city of Wilmington, there will be keener in terest than ever in the auction sale of the Adrian property at the - southeast corner of Front and Dock streets, next Saturday morning at 10:29 o'clock; Im mediately will follow the" sale of the Wessell and Fales properties in the 6ame block, on the east side of Front street between Dock, and Orange Btreets. . This Saturday ' sale - of 'downtown property in the business section' of Wilmington has been extensively ad vertised and speculation is rife all over the city as to-the price per front foot this valuable property will bring. That interest Is so keen that everybody at the sale will be given a chance to make a guess and try their luck at" a 120 gold piece ? for- the one. who guesses nearest, to the price to be paid . i Bidders for Wilmington property in dicate that they realize that this is a new Wilmington with an industrial P?2rE2i1.whfcn runs "P tono't less than $16,000,000 a year, while manufactured P??d,ut 'here will be around $50,000, 00Q in. value for the year. The guesses as to the nrice at h sncMnn necessarily will have ta be based jipCn l vuiier.concepuon or tne Wilmington whiehwithin a few years hasbecome the seatof a great steel shipbuilding Industry and which has been picked put by three of the "Big Five" for the location of immense fertilizer, plants and Jarge meat distributing . houses. It will have to .be kept in mind-that a big concern like the American Ai cultural-Chemical company, the AI din company, the Regal ' Sack ti pany and other newcomer, industn are among the big outside cones which have been attracted, first last, to the .expanding city of Wita! ton. 1 , In order to have a correct Ides the value of this South Front itH property, so as to makei a $20 guw tne saie, one nas to recollect th Cape Fear ocean gateway Is on!; stone's throw from it and that mill: of dollars of commerce nasse on: sea in sight of one standing atFn and Dock streets. Within a block it four jobbing houses; last yean several million dollars' : worth of ri certes. Hardware and dry goods, j me city s retail traae is last encriw: ing southward alonar Front utree!. -Wllmingtmi's-140,000.000 ot-tiM resources are piled up within i blocks of the . DroDertvi to -be told 10:80 o'clock next Saturday. Guesa spectators, bidders and bnycrs wiE there in the great throng- that is termined to keep pace with Wilmi ton's go-ahead gait.Adv. SHOW MARKED CORDIALITY TOWARDS UMTED STAT3 Caracas, yenezuela, Jtay 3.-11 cordiality .toward the United u: featured the message of Dr. "Man Hustlllos, provisional president to Venezuelan congress, t&day. Ho nounced that Venezuela had been mitted to the league of nation fore "on .the - generous initiative of rrf dentrWllson," and referred to this as a ''supremely ; important act. A ROMANCE that ''rJ searches, deep into human hearts. "See "Male and Female" "Felt Like Eating' Mcm M From Fart Ziron. iVJ, T WIFE land Id after a hard sprinp;; ;; on t the farm, were " tired and , run down' says Mr. E. B. Mulkey, of Route 1, Acworth, Gav- "We neither felt " welL; I knew my blood was "bad,, as I had little boils on the back of - my neck, i ; "We felt we needed a, builder. We had heard of n Ziron and thought it .must, be what we needed.: It ; certainly T was. .We took it faithfully, and after a week or sucK" aniatter ve' be gan to feel better. My. wife felt like cooking and I sure felt like eating. - I" (' Jt r VZiron sure -did us good. . It made us both feel stronger i j . it., .r-ii ...rtrlr Will1' Detier ior me ia" IrnnWR IS 'some w on a farm. My boils began V; ii v incf at- W1- ary up, x-nougH j" they seemed worse. ; : "We are" much better and highly, recommend Ziron, ji -e if cure fliu giaaiy uu u 101 i "-r - Ziron is a saf e, reliaDi - iron to mtoina n-nri for men ana - cuuui ait. : ezs1 1 take ; and contains no forming drugs. Ask your druggist or Voit adelP jton lenses sign ston- l-ham fcile IhviU (anta le K Wing kttan SO Iumb;i lenvi Lrtan krlot It tries fgusti fiiirh ing n h Irhai lltor eig atol N ii vll 8. SThe een! rha Edn kith iPen Id o Imln bac Iver P lery IThe Sh fcnv: Wi latu ho a re fdo it ( ,t ltd ITh hni lale Pa low IroV in: t( t: hl fin. al WU P ay 5 Inc 1 Ke Mi a. 8 ---- j

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