. V V THE MORNING STAXU XYIliliNGTON. XL O,M0NDAY, JUNE 7, 1920 ' i , - 1 TTrrz 5' 'I i f ;! 1 ',' Iff 1, 1 it it V v 1 t ...i: . . . . nr nririinici - . a . . : , , 1 1 t r - 1. is- . , lix ' - GOTOTOON FINDS ITSELF IN CHAOS No Candidate Or Manager Candidate Is Confident Of Winning. Of JS. T. ByMARKSUl-WVAX i - tii Star T (uopynsm Evening? Post.) e whn the PC rule, the .am. piece of ground ahld not be used rf or sweet r potato Slture two years in succession. Plant sweet Potatoes in rotation with other S farm crops-thls is one of the ?eynotes of success. They yield a fair crop on the so-called "worn out", to? hac?o lands and are especially .valuable ?or use in a rotation with these rops- The usual depth of plowing in pre paring land for corn will prove satis factory, for sweet potatoes. Local con ditions will determine -whether the high ridge, low ridge or level surface method of culture isr used. Many grow ers secure splendid results by -using a comparatively high' ridge. ,m i a t-ip-or it is best ,to I I II in.ll LC V A'TiTlfi"M(TiTtlmTll m -r- m s 1 s m m I Til Directory Wflmingtoii Dealers I news make the . ridges as ' ten js . that finally cam - - . , - . rtt merely here, it bUt of his absence from the con aWo passing "-- of the gether. V one would have su pposed that in- a new me wuu.u Ka- been stantly there wo-"" turn to. one chieftain tor " that an ancient : that an would have u- like the re- and Powerf"ir07awot.id have been publican party wou ambitious tudded here and there wiin d ,aind for tne t-- - .. men. trainee -- , But it ready instantly V" DUt a gener- P-er or Per- Bt is happening, so far as any thSfaeflnite'It all gSSJ fiU SnS VllTbalSS within the SfS two to rre ipon.th. . strength ebbs along a thowand miles of'Sfphone wire to a room i the Con- ?e7vVb7UrT. Coannecti cuu d Senator James Watson, of In- d1?"he eituatn here is chaotic as to leadership, so elso is ."V Sore definite. There is not a candidate who i confident of vinn'n;hr not a manager who is confident of win ning. There are men eled make nominating speeches who have not any confidence in the success of their candidates; there ere men sched uled to make nominating speeches who are spending the day in nmw " sion looking to the selection of a can didate other than fce one they repre eent. There is no candidate who is adding to the number of his delegates There ia nothing, definite; nothing that takes form. Under these circumstances your correspondent has a strong dis taste to share in the predictions that are so cpmmon. But it would be rea sonably safe to say these things. Somewhere in the early , ballots there is likely to be a tug of war between Wood and Lowden. In the deciding of that tug of war the delegates can be divided roughly into four groups. There are about 300 delegate who are, in. varying degrees, loyal to Wood. . There are about 250 delegates who are, in varrine deereea. loyal to Lowden. n.. r about 250 delegate who i-nmnnu what may roughly be called the 'balance of power, group. They are delegates unlnstructed, without nlMleea and without personal prefer ence. They come in little groups from arious states. They have been broneht together by a few of the old enard leaders who have an understand ing; the understanding is very .loose and intangible. It is not In favor of any candidate and goes no farther than merely an assent to act as a group under a common leadership. ' As the opening day of the convention ; ap proaches this group tends to grow in compactness and cohetiveness. It is increasingly reasonable to expect that this group will be able to exercise the balance of power. The fourth group of delegates consists of about 200 who are .entirely individual in their leanings and who are acting independently. In this tug of war between Wood and Lowden, the tendency will be for all to unite against Wood. The whole convention will become, for a few bal- ' lots,. Wood and anti-Wood. In this tug of war it is comparatively easy to fore see a time when Wood, with delegates j that he has and delegates that he may get out of the foffrth group, may reach as high as 400 or 420. It is possible but not easy, to see how he can get enough to nominate him, If the balance of power group remains steadfast against him. If Wood is prevented from winning, .the balance of - power group will turn to dark horses in place of Lowden. If they regard their situation as danger ous, they will name Lowden and be done with it. If they have sufficient confidence in their power they will probably pick another. Even this ten tative outline is so full of qualifications that one hesitates to set it down. To go farther than this would be to deal wholly in the field of eurmise. TRANSPLANTING IS BIG ITEM IN POTATO CROP fore planting to give the soil an appor tunity to become settled. A common method of making the ridges consists in marking the rows with a middle vvr or row marker r and then .. by mean- of a turning plow to throw two j - . ,w Certain types of disk ridging attachments .for riding cultivators can bs used to an advan tage in making the ridges. rpv, -nornl nfaftlPO 111 iniB.SLH.LC a to apply the fertilizer where the. ridge is to oe maae wnn " and then to make the ridge over the fertilizer. Heavy applications of fer niui at nlantine time have been known to kill the plants and for this j reason it is advisable to aistrmuie me fertilizer at least .ten days-before planting. " . A fertilizer formula cannot be recr ommended that will have general ap plication. Every grower should make' a study of the requirements of his soil and apply the fertilizer-that will give the best results. A complete fertilizer should-be used, the quantity depending entirely on local conditions. - CI-ASPED. HANDS," TS ORIGIN AlZ PRESENTED BAYLOR UNIVERSITY W. D. MacMILLAN, JR. Pfcotttee 345-2103 ; Packard : ' Buick Dodge Brothers, 105-107 North (Second Street., - PLATT AUTOMOTIVE CO. Paige" Sales' and Serrice Co. Apperson Eight ' Paige-Dort v Vim Trucks . Telefcma No. 2048 ' ' 14" Market , Street t WORTH-OVERLAND CO. SALES AND SERY1CJQ Overland Commerce Trucks 8-10 DMk It Phone 2163 It Miss Lillian Whiting, of - Boston.' Mass., has presented the English de partment of Baylor university the original caste :Of the '"Clasped iHands" made by the. noted American-sculptor, Miss Harriet Homer ri 1856. r -This not able piece of bronze' is taken from. .the hands of Robert and Elizabeth 'Barret Browning and is the nly work of its kind in theworld: - ltr iscomsidered very rare. -Another copy made at the j same time there were three- was sold ! for $5,000.'.. ...... . - . i " , '-1 The gift comes, from Miss Whiting as gift, most generous, to the Baylor t university collection of Browningana J wnlcn aireaay places T.nejsayior cin-r lection one - of the foremost" in the world. The gift was secured through Dr. A. J. Armstrong, head of the de partment of English. - ' ' The nassing of this great literary treasury into the" Browning-collection of " Baylor . will be. made at . a very n.ot able gathering on June 13th during the Diamond Jubilee week. The. speakers will Include Amy Lowell, : , Harriet Monroe, Edwin Markham. . Vachel Lindsay, and other great literary f men and womeii of America. " : HANOVER MOTOR CO. . Columbia, Grant and Hupmobile Grant Trucks W 12 Deck Street t Phone 833 Dlstrlbntora and service STUDEBAKER (VHrTE TRUCKS Prince St. , . . phone 1185 T. D. PINER 113 North : second Street P .j a cu International ' Traeka -Phone 1193 BALES AND SRRYICE Exide Batteries Accessories H. L. FENNELL . Ill Cheanut Street Phone 03 Newkirk Auto Sales Co. MOTOR CARS Republic Trucks SALES SERVICE 12 Market St. - - Phone lios JONES MOTOR SALES CO. "7 8A,LS AND SERVICE -208 Market St. i- Telephone 725 5 8Sr- MONROE p-?i8r 7, northrop & Moore i ymwiiTB . itn . service" FORDS NEW AND USED Delivered to anyone. Immediately, re-a-ardleu ot territory. Trem and Tnbee. Vulcanising Standard Gas' and . Oil FREE Air and Water. Open 7 a- m- C. SBUKSIETT ; 10 W. Zrd St. vTelephoae 67 Phone 992 BRISCOE service: : General Repairing a i k t j i 1 " iitlafc WOTAN SALES AGENCY Distributors for Phelps Farm Light and Power Co. . i-and National (Non-Storaa;e) Fresh Water -System Lock Box 1146 Second and .Princess Streets ..Wilmington. Ji. C. STEARN3-KNI6HT Silent SUding, ' Sleeve Valve - Motor Improves with age FRANK HERBST Phone 1554- W. HUFHAM & BORDEAUX, Inc Dealers for the AMERICAN Balanced Six Anto ind Deleo , Light Products. Repair tag and Supplies. 22 S. WATER ST. Telephone 2272 SUPPLIES, REPAIRS AND SERVICE .TO STEAM BOLLrWORM New Orleans", June a.--Thcplnk boll worm, more destructive to cotton than the boll weevil, is to be steamed." Poisoning 4ias failed to kill the pest but it is expected that steaming will do the 16b and make it "possible for oil mills to handle seed from infected territory. " ' i The decision was the outcome of a j conference here between superinten dents of cotton seed mills in Louisiana and other places where seed has been j purchased from areas known to be ln fected with the worm. - ; ' . Wilmington Storage Battery Co. mm. 3TOIAGE -aATTEKY H ma JACK ISETJ3R. Manager 114 N. 2nd St. t. aone 1685-W TUBES . . . TIRES j I " J. F. WALTERS VULCANIZING A PECIALTT , , Aecesaorles of All, Kinds,' Inelndtng . Genuine Ford Parts Gas' and . Oil FREE Air and Water IIS fi. 2nd St. - - - Phono 1193 If yott are bothered with ants, here is the exterminator that will get rid of them immediately -Barrett's Roachsault. . Sprinkle " Roachsanlt into the places where the ants are living and breeding. They won't last long after Roach sanlt once gets to them. Roachsault does the same thing to roaches, water-bues and other pests. , Try Barrett's Roachsanlt if you want ramzffa, Buy it at drag and grocery stores in 15.30 or 60 cent cans. ... Ask for it by name Barrett's Roachsault. W. D.;MacMILLAN, JR. ; rXFTH AND . WRIGHT , STREETS General AulomobUe . Repairing BATES PETTET, Superintendent Phones 111S-W EVEREADY STORAGE BATTERIES RE-CHARGING , ALL MAKES E. P. DUDLEY 14 If. 2nd St. st Telephone 270 AUTOMOTIVE Starting : Lighting i , Ignition GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED L W. McINTIRE No. 5 Does: Street HAYWOOD TIRE REPAIR STATION , Tires retrenched and rebuilt. Best air -pressure in Wilmington. Make your headquarters with us. ' Oils, greases, gasoline and accessories. Sunday seryice. Firsts stop in city. W. B. KLANDER & CO. 182 Market Street RABEY STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY 19 South Front Street -. V . - Phone 845 CITY TAXICAB COMPANY Pheaes 15 and IS - AUTOS FOR HIRE Cars Washed, Polished and Greased Storage 108-112 North Second Street , 7. : 1 1 Roachsanlt into the places where I I i . . , O I the ants are living and breeding. iT I ' I ' V'.fv,. 1 AUTOMOBILE ,' 1 J kTX Telephones 163-507 1 rSlTfjlDfHg I Office Of '. I 6 fJ?2 RTON BUILDING I Lv rS Sj&'J AND LOAN AS I I VS 8 " ' A.T I O If ; . , -' - 'f 1 1 1 r7'r-' Notary Pnhlie j 1111 I COMMERCIAL FURNITURE Office Desk and "Chairs'. Typewriter Deaka and Tables . . Filing; Cabinets, Card Index Cases, Globe-Wernicke : Book Casea' Dictaphones, Mimeographs Typewriter, Cheek Protectors, etc.'. .., ":.'.' - ,'" "EVERYTHING -FOR THE ; "OFFICE" C. WYates Co. Market Street ? MANHATTAN CO., Inc Represents Strong-eat Companies For Automobile Insurance See Us for " Public Liability, Prop erty Damage, Collision, Fire, and Theft Protection. We make v our . , Own Adjustments 112 Princess St. Phone 162 or 1220 ROBERT R. CHRISTIE, Manatcer L. P. DAVIS, Asst. Manager DAVIS DRY CLEANING CO. Palm Beach and Kool Kloth Suits, .cleaned - . . . 4 ............... . .S1.00 Suits, steam pressed .1 -50e - - . . 200 N. 7th Street Phone 312 4 TMiHAMn1 th and Castle I QyiOPS Telephone 1010 Onslow, county ilTC , hams , Onslow county sides Xnfi and shoulders Sliefe':.. -. 50C 'j hdm-. ,Best1 ROC butter ww.u .. r . .... ; " (, Our prices are the nest , ... Careless Setting Often Proves1 Serious Handicap. successful commercial growers of sweet potatoes claim that" careful transplanting of well grown , plants is one of the secrets of success with this crop. Careless setting often damages the crop very materially by the loss uf a stand and the slow weak growth that follows. The secret of good transplant ing, depends upon putting the plants deep into the soil with the roots of the plant in close contact with moist earth and then firmly pressing the . soil to the plant. . Several hours. before the plants are drawn fhe bed should be thoroughly watered. In pulling plants, hold . tho. seed potato down with one hand while the slips are being 'removed- Onlv fn0ienehChoSK Zilhr. i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiit" w - - v --p v a us a v a ansj slips being left for a later drawing. "Puddling" the roots by dipping them In a batter made of elav and water I Will help to save the vitality of the! 5 . piams. racK tne plants in baskets, with the roots in one direction' and the i basket covered to prevent wilting. .Water to Settle Soil. After the plants have - been pulled, ; water the bed to settle the soli. ; When slips are not set after a rain. i many growers be.lleve that the "plants .... win get a quicker start if they are wa tered. Transplanting. ..: machines that automatically water each plant as it is , eet can be used .to advantage in setting -targe areas.,;'-;. - -i. :'.-:., 7: Plants are generally set 8 s inches , apart in rows 8 . feet' apart with 9.680 plants to an acre. For the early crop. plants may be set after all danger of S frost has passed, but. for the storage crop . settings made: from the' 25th of May until the middle pt June generally I give the best results. : . ' . - I Sweet potatoes thrive on ' a moder ately fertile sandy , loam which 7 does ; not contain an excess of organic mat- "' ' .' r J. E. LEWIS & S ON Cor. 4th . and : Princess St. - Automobile Painting and Trimnilng. Top Building and Repairing Track Bodies to Order Phone 898-J "FAIR TWO IN 0NEw. Agents For PORTAGE. MOHAWK and FIRE STONE TIRES Fabric and Cord s Foil line of Accessories. Guaran teed Vulcanising and Tire Repair ing. Gas and Oil 4th and Bladen Sts. Phone 738 AUTO REPAIRING . R. W. , MONTGOMERY .. t GASOLINE, OIL .and STTPPLIES 8th and Princess Sts Phone 2250 ' vc WILMINGTON, N. C v L. R. Schijibben . Transfer . -i Heavy hanlinglocal and ; long distance.- Hay rides a specialty. Careful handling . of your furniture' our first consideration, v ' - PHONE 1845. City Transfer Co. 114 Princess Street We use two trucks. See us about your Furniture moving and General Hauling. "-, ...... Claim r Checks given for your baggage.-'.,.:.' , A. H. SIMMONS. . A ccessovtiesMud To Those Who Are ating Complete Line of Replacement Parts - - -:;.':F6rl?ora'GjaW Our Gas and Oil Service to the Best i r,. itf JooHiGOini ISfllQlCO t- - TC3 5 North Third StreetTelephone 508 1- ii Buying New Cars i Why don't you let us equip your new ear with, an extra tire, for the extra tire is not. included, the original equipment and purchase price. We can save you money oh your tires. We handle only standard lines; built np to quality, not down to a price- Call around and get our free service; you. will always find someone at the front -to examine your tires and advise you correctly iin regards to minor ' injuries. -We are grateful for the patronage we have received for .the short time we have been in business; there must be a; just cause for same,. If we haye a dissatisfied customer .we are ready- to sat isfy hlm Ask the majority of auto owners . about-us. Our vul- . canizing department is second: to none in this vicinity. Out-of-town ' orders solicited. We will appreciate your -buslnes"sr"ROAT SERVICE, " :' Statement Of Condition Of Airieiicaii Bank & Trust Co . At Close Of Business May 4th, 1920 ; RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . . . ; ... 1 . i . . .. . Liberty Bonds and Other Securities . . Real Esta,te . . . . , . . ..... . . . Furniture and Fixtures ; . . . . ; i . . . . . . Cash and Due from Banks ............ $2,886,344.24 368,874.29 49,450.27 ' 27,922.58 515,747.25 Total ........ . . . v LIABILITIES Capital, Surplus Profits Bills Payable Dividends Unpaid Acceptances and Re-discounts Deposits- Banks , 853,467.87 Individuals .j : . . 2,094,645.81 2,948,338.63 $3,848,338.63 $ 246,976.50 200,000.00 271.00 452,977.45 Tota1, - .$3,848,338 Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals Solicited ; Commercial Savings Trusts : : ' OFFICERS " THOS. El COOPER ... ... . President 1 MILTON CALDER ...... ... . . . ;,Vice President ROBT. L. HENLEY .Vice President CHAS. E. BETHEA Cashier E. FRED BANCK .Assistant Cashier QJ i il Paste Liquids-Powdered Prepared Wax t ' ' , , . m-' ' : ' For all around the house, every room needs the brighten ing: touch of Johnson's Prepared Wax, it, will renew furni ture, woddwork, floors and linoleum, preserve the original finish and give your home the bright well groomed appear ance. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. tMiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilHiiiniiiiUHiluiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiimniin I A. C. Edwards & Company I 1 Stocks. Bonds, Investments, Etc. I E 72 Trust Buildings-Telephone 2285 -Wilmington, N. C a s 106 Ifortk 8eeon2 Street. 'Telepkene 780 A. CASH FOR YOUR I LIBERTY BONDS 1 SEE US 1 You get the Cash the minute you give us the bondis You don't I haye to wait 1 German City Bonds For Immediate Delivery And At Reasonable Prices ' Office'Hoiirs: 8:30 to 1:30; 2:30 .to 6:30 Watch Our List Of Securities From Time To Time ' A. C7 Edwards, Mgr. j ffliiiiiiuiiiiuimuiiHiu What to Teach Children It is weir to teach children the Three R's Reading, . 'Riting and !Rithmetic. It is well to teach children morals and manners. v But it is quite as essential also to teach children thrift, for economical independence is the mosjt favorable condition to sound character. . ' a Let edch child have his: Savings Account. This Bank is at your service. Liberty Savings Bank 110 South Front Street j;b.mccabe&co. - CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ; P.O. Box 1243 ' 60T Murchlsos BaiWlB 5 F. J. SULLIVAN & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (Ut ) Audits-InvestigationsSystemizing V ' P. 0 Box 1188, Wilmington, N. C. a . iui5 Murcmson mnK J5uuaiiis liruiiiiiiiiiHiHiiuiuiuiiiiiiinimim ' K . 1 ' 1 - . ' - . - -' " - ' It: t