TOE iSlORNING STAR. tWIlitflNCTON. N. C . MONfetAY, JUNE 7,' 1920. FIVE TRAVELERS EXPECT Uuniors Crack GREAT CONVENTION Attractive Program Arranged For Annual Meeting At, Charleston. A . attractive program has been ar rang?1 ; Out A Victory Win Swimfest At X- M. C. A. Over Intermediates And Hon net Boys By Good Score. ine annual (uiiisuuvii vi ' a nnnril. United Commercial T vers, which convenes in-Charles? J Friday. The cbmplete schedule "of vents follows: s H : V; Friday, June 11th, 1920. ;15 a m. Convention called to or-" Artillery hall, Wentworth street. , deQ.oQ a. m. Invocation.'' . ' Welcome address on behalf of city Bon John P. Grace, mayor. " : V Response, grand senior counselor of ,he Carolinas W. A. Whisnant. Greetinngs from Charleston chamber of commerce President J- Ross Hana- r'esponse by supreme junior coun Vselor of the United States W. B. Emerson. . , 10:30 a. m. Business session. , , -1:30 to 3 p. m. Recess. ' - v I 3 -oo P- m. Business session.' 6:30 to 8 p. m. Recess: : . . g OO p. m. Business session. ; 9 00 p. m.: Smoker at which business men of Charleston will be " invited. short addresses by Supreme Junior Counselor W. B. Emerson and R. M. Mixson, president South Carolina Cot ton association. Music, dancing, - vaude ville and refreshments. . ' ;. (Ladies are expected at this session.) Saturday, June 12th, 1920. o-OiV a. m. Business session., .' 9:?,n a. m. Memorial service. . Public invited. ' ., . ' .... .. 10:15 a. m. Formation of parade. ., 10:30 a. m. Parade to custom house wharf for boat trip around harbor and to port terminals. ' " ' ' '. i i;30 p. m. Return to custom ; house wharf. 3:00 p. m. Take ferry boat for Isle of Palms. . i , . 4:00 to 6:30 p. m. Surf . bathing, Tjeach sports, races and contests for handsome prizes. . . '. . 7:00 p. m. Fish fry and ' buffet lunch. ' . . 8:00 to 11:00 p. m. Grand ball on beach" pavilion. ' " . . Tickets for all of above to be given out at time of registering. ' Ladies' Program.-, ,1 All lady visitors are requested - to register and secure badges. Friday 10:00 a. m. Auto ride around city and vicinity. . - - . , , 4:30 p. m. Tea at Charleston niu seum.utos will leave Charleston ho tel 4 p. m. .''..' . . : . "' , : 7:30 p. m. Ladies complimentary performance, victory theatre. "Tickets will be given each lady at -time of "reg istering. ' .'-'.''.'. 9:00 p. m. All' lady ''visitors ept pected to be at . Artillery hall, "Went worth street, for the special entertainment. baturaay 11 a. m. Ladies join the parade at wharf for boat trip. '. ' - ' The Junior Business boy won first Dlace in the boy's division splashf est at the rr. M. C. A. Saturday - night, scoring is points. The Intermediates- won second place with, 14. and th Juniors, third with three. The Honnet proteges landed half a pqlnt. ' - Fred Haar took the Individual hon ors with ten points. There '. were 15 swimmers entered... v ,'-, v j v Summary of events foiloVs: lFifty yard, breast-stroke swim Hen ry Bremer first; . JCenncth . Loughlin second; Fred Haar, third. . : i - One hundred yard go-as-you-please swim Joe Loughlin first; Fred Haar second; Kenneth Loughlin third. Plunge for ?t distance! Fred v Haar 35 feet 2 Inches, first: Rock Casteen 32 feet, second; M. Ha,ll 30 feet, third. Under-water : swim Walter - Penny 60 feet, first;' A. Arnold 48 feet;' Fred Haar 48 feet; Rock Casteen 48' feetf 1a Haar7 48 feet.: :i' ''"'.;"" s " '-'--' SEABOARD BEGINS . DAYLIGHT. SERVICE " '.: , : v - -.t: "-" Between Wilmington; Charlotte And Rutherford ton ; Travel-1 . ing Mert Jubilant. Life Of Baby Is Saved J$y Unusual Operatiphj At James WcrfK&r Hospitpl CLASS IS CONFIRMED, AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Bishop Darst Approves Decision Of Mr. Gribbin. Before confirming the class presented to him last night; St. John's church, the Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst. D. D.i bishop - of East Carolina, ; preached a forceful and appealing , sermon on the text "Launch Out Into the Deer." Bishop Darst called upon the church to leave the shallow ' water where human effort unaided cannot so.lve . the per; plexing problems of the day, but heed ing the divine command to launch out Into , the . deep,; with a tflner ; faith," a more compelling love, and a yhigher spirit of service accomplish that whfch the world needs and God expects. 4 The bishop also expressed his per sonal and official appreciation of the decision of the rector of St. John's to remain in the diocese instead of ac cepting the pastorate recently extend ed him elsewhere. . . . . ' xy: . What Is "considered , & more or " less unusual operation .'was- performed re cently at the James Walker hospital when a 'safety pin that was swallowed by an Infant baby and' which lodged in the throat near the hear was pushed down into the stomach- and removed,. ", The child Ms the nine-months-old daughter of Mr..r and .Mrs.! Chapell, of this city and it is understood that while the little girFwas being held in the arms of its mother it f detached a safety pin from the 'motner's waist and swallowed it. v"r'-X -'"v -.;' - ;' . Noticing, .that the ; child. gagged .at times and finding but. four pins in her waist when she was positive that, she ! had placed five there, Mrs.. Chapell car- Yesterday; marked ' the ' inauguration by the. Seaboard Air . Line of the new "day-light" schedule between Wilming ton, Charlotte and Rutherf ordton, which, is also going to give good serv ice between this city, and Raleigh. This schedule is substantially the same one that he Carolina Central operated about twenty years ago. Train No. 31 left Wilmington yester day . morning at 8 . a. in,., ' arrived in Charlotte at -3:30 p. m. and Ruther fordtonat 7 rm; last night:' Train No. 34 arrived iffVilmington at 5:40 p. m. yesterday ; afternoon, : having j left ' Rutherfordfon at ,6:30 a. m. and Char lotte at .10:1.0 a., m. , . Passengers may: leave Wilmington in the morning at 8 'o'clock and arrive at Raleigh ' at 4:48 p. , rh... or may leave Raleigh Jn the morning at 8:45 and arrive in, Wilmington at 5:40 p. m. The adding of these trains by the Seaboard will in no wise change, the present ; schedules' of the other trains operated between Wilmington and Cranmer And Ricaud For Judffe- -vx. u w w ..... ' OiUUlUVUM service. . ' - ' , ' . ' Gilchrist :. McCormick, of this city, with others has -conducted a fight for this service in ? and out , of . Wilming ton , for a number of years" and they are Indeed proud to finally get it. ' It' is understood that the new trains will be of a great' benefit to the -traveling public, ; especially the traveling men. : ;;;'::.. ' ried the baby to a physician who' took X-ray "pictures and located the pin - in the throat about .the evel of the heart., ' Knowing hat it would be too danger ous to perform an operation where the pin had lodged, an Instrument was In serted into the . throat - and the .' pin moved into the stomach. Then another physician performed an operation and removed the pin. - . Following, the optration the Infant suffered - two hemorhage s --which caused the. lotss of considerable blood and two transfusions were made, the blood being' given, by its uncle. Reports , from the hospital last night were to the effect that the little one is getting along very . well and can ' now be' considered almost out of danger. " i GODWIN TO RUN OVER WITH LYON . AS HIS OPPONENT ship Uncertain Either Man I May Be The Winner. . COURT CLERKS TO ' "MEET IN MOUNTAIN v TOWN NEXT MONTH Number Of Interesting Address es And Discussions Are On. The Program. ' - To Serve ! To Please ! To Satisfy ! , This bank strives to meet the individual ideas and' ideals of the customer in a broad-minded, appreciative sense of its duty to be constructive as well as progressive in the daily routine of business. ' , The whole spirit of the bank is to serve as 4 it would like to be served if our positions were reversed. i '-'a LET US SERVE YOU! The Peoples Savings Bank Corner Front and Princess Streets v.. , . . .. ... .... ..... - ... .. - : : . i:-: - - A CKoice Irivestmfeiit OFFICER INSPECTS FIELD AT AUDUBON Colonel Clagette Cooks Over Ground. Hay FIREMEN ARE . PLANNING., FOR BIG, CONVENTION Annual Meeting Will Be Held In Fayetteville This Season. Fire Chief Charles Schnibben, 'a member of the executive committee of the North Carolina State Firemen's as sociation, has returned from-Fayette-etteville where the committee met and selected Fayetteville as the place of the annual convention in August. . The executive committee is compos ed of Chief Schnibben, Chief Farmer, Raleigh; Chief Miller, Concord; Chief Wood, Asheville and Chief Boyden, Salisbury. . This committee, together with a spe cial committee composed of Messrs. Wallace, Charlotte; Brockwell, Ra leigh, and Overton, of Greenville, met at the call of President J.- D. McNeill, of Fayetteville, and a number of de tails of the coming meet were ' ar ranged. Probably most important thing con sidered was to do with the entrance of motor driven fire apparatus in the con tests. Everything points to a very large attendance to the meet in August. Ev ery fire department in the state is a member of the association and practi cally every one will have representa tives present. DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION ARE READY Carr And Bellamy Will Go To 'Frisco About June 20th. Sun Shines; Now Eflvington Is an apothecary and does business on Front street. . v ? - . . : ... He finds it necessary to maintain a bicycle delivery business an-d In this connection has utilized the services of several small pickanlnies. " - One of these afoementioned pickanln nies recently quit rather suddenly, and with him,' it Is alleged, went $6.15 be longing to the store. ,.. . r Mr.' Elvington sought out'the young ster yesterday, corralled him and car ried him to his mother; . an honest auntei who was properly horrified ' at the conduct of her offspring,. The pill merchant asked that she reimburse him for his loss and. the: matter would be dropped, .' v H ; 2 : The mother countered with a propo sition that the boy be allowed' to work out his indebtedness, to which Mr. El vington reluctantly agreed, on the wo man's promise that she would Bee that her son went, straight.. , ' :, v Saturday the kid quit suddenly again and this time two bicycles . likewise disappeared. ; ' :. . . . J Again the druggist sought the boy, again he forind him,' but this, " time he landed him in durance , vile instead of his mother's cabin. ,V Colonel Clagette, United States avia tion corps, who Is to have charge of the squadron of aeros that Is to be sta tioned at Audubon field during'.the tar get practice at Fort .Caswell, spent two hours :; inspecting the landing, field, at Audubon ami stated : that the half - dozen aeroplanes and the fifty odd men would arrive here in a few days. Colonel Clagette new herefrom Canp Jackson, S. C, yesterday; arriving about 2:80 o'clock and left on the re-' turn flight shortly after 4 o'clock -The officer was brougnt over by ; a young aviation officer. At the field at Audubon, Colonel Clagette made a, very minute Inspec tion and hie only recommendation was that water connections be arranged for, As soon as, the men and the flying machines . arrive here arrangements will be made .with the commanding officer at Fort Caswell as to the date the target practice is to begin and the machines will fly to and from the fort each day. . ,,., It was announced at Fort Caswell yesterday afternoon .that General Bar rett, commanding . the southeastern de partment, with headquarters in Charleston. S C.,- will come . to: observe the target, practice.), v, MID-WEST DELEGATES TO MAKE REPORTS TODAY Meeting Will Be Held In Cham ber Tonight. in a f " and John D- Beiiamy. both L C,,ty wh0 at tne rec6nt tate t morratlc convention, were appoinfc- gate? to the national demo crat,,, convention to be held in Cali jnia the latter part of the month. -' 'rave IOr Man ko nnlcnn 4 ."U .1 her delegates from this sU Pecial car about the 20th. trie state convention Mr. Carr JJ appointed a delegate at large from 1, late anrt Mr- Bellamy was ap Jnted a delegate from the Sixth dis- oarr stata yesterday that the for iv 0lina delation would leave .r tne Pa.ific coast either from H.a- TL? vn chmond- Va- and that in J Probability they would be Joined by w state delegations en route and "mae .into a special train. v- arr will carry Mrs. Carr with Cm t!le tr,p and 11 lB understood b ur. Kellamy will be accompanied ""veral members of his family. BRITISHSCHOONER HERE WITH MOLASSES CARGO Martha Parsnna TToa' VolnanU .i.uU T UJLViCtUi. , Lot Of Sweets On Board. Th, Je British schcooner Martha Par- frZ n . arrlvea !n port yester a car ,Brirtetown, Barbados, . with WeL r,ola3ses signed to the city Molasses company, of this ilaffitt. is consigned to C D. ParSm,is . the maiden voyage of the ""arks tv, American port, and thoon.. I Second tlme 120 that: a HinirtJ 8 ntred the port -of Wili toewiH. I'd other sailing. craft was of I,, n and also carried a cai Beli.,..molafiyeH. She was the -Emm tr8s w.hich Put into port in dis- Part of Vi drwi aiter : jettisoning Inc. r nn.;.5a.rn is 'terri r-naidt a new boat, and is at Halifax. N. S. Wr r.A.raro ere in WI most valuable nt months. The report of the 'Wilmington dele gates of the Five Ports association, who recently returned .from the mid west tour, will be made at' a meeting at the chamber of commerce this even ing at 8 o'clock, and Is expected to be f great interest to. every line ot dusi ness In the city. ; '. " Secretary James H. Cowan, of the chamber, is particularly anxious to have every business man-in 'attendance and issues a cordial invitation to them It is expected that the report will carry many live suggestions with it and one particularly that is vital to the future development of the port of Wilmington. " u. , : . NEW FURNITURE CONCERN ON SOUTH FRONT STREET G. F. Hunt Is Head Of Concern. Capitalized At $100,000. "2 :. G. F. Hunt, who has been in the fur niture business in this city for the past sixteen years, has Yecently opened a new business at No, 30? South, Front street. It will be located at-, this stand until 'October 1st:, after that It will occupy No. 24 South Front street The v People's Furniture company is the name of the new concern and has toeen chartered with Mr. Hunt presi dent and sreneral manager; J. P, Vourht. I. C. Loftln and C. K. Council, stockholders. . The company :. Is capl talized at 1100.000. V The building at No. 24 South Front street is owned. by. the icompany, J;.1 -:.-' ' . ' r SOUTHPORT RETAINS . ' Southport will remain the county seat of Brunswick, according to ad vices received last night. , Although eliminated in the first election held to decide this question, incomplete returns from , Saturday's primary Indicate that neither of : the other ;4 two oontenders, Bolivia and Supply," poUed the . necessary ma jority" f qualified voters to win the honor.. . .;. "- ? ' This ;ieave the county . capitol at Southport by default. . . Major ,W. N. Harris, clerk Of the su perior court -of . New Hanover" county, has lust .received the program, of the third annual session ef the Association Of Superior Court " Clerks of " North Hs will no doubt Homer ; Lyon 'and Hannibal - K- God win will -un over for congress in the Sixth district,' according to ; late and more complete returns. .t"lbv'CX'-'T . Lyon is still leading the ticket, bv a plurality of approximately 1,200 -votesJ .',li. i vWiV m nifhn B i-.r' o4t ' ...n Carolina,, which is to be hela in Hfen-y down by late returns . from Robeson, Cumberland and Harnett-counties.. Robeson, counted In the Lybn column Saturday night was swung over to -Godwin with the tabulation of com plete returns. f , V - ' it In the race for the judgeship in the Eighth district E. H. Cranmer, Incum bent, and Addison-G. Rioaud, of Wil mington, , are running neck and neck with the final" ; outcome exceedingly doubtful. ; " - ' ".,' .'. , "... '', ', - Ricaud carried New; Hanover safely, but Cranmer supporters claim Bruns wick 'for their candidate by an equal majority. Reports from Brunswick and Columbus last night say neither candidate has i a decided 'advantage i in these two counties. ' , ' With ' Bladen ' and Brunswick untabu- lated The vote for-congress now. stands . REGISTERED AT OCEANIC Guests registered at the Oceanlo hotel -for the week end include: J S. Bussy, Greenville, S. C.; W.vH. rKlnney, Raleigh; Mr. and Mr. .W. R, - Jamee, Philadelphia; J. N. Tide, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs.',. Robert , Cotterlln. Lexington. Ky.j O. E. Burton. Atlanta, and Cap tain -w. P. Mason, of, the S. S. Arcadia.' T ADVERTISERS TO MEET Asheville, June ' 6. The community advertisement department of the Asso ciated Advertising Clubs of the World will .meet here Monday morning for their annual convention, the sessions to be held at; the board of trade for two days. ' ;".''-'- - County ' ' ' New Hanover Columbus ,ff ; . . i Cumberland, Robeson ' Harnett .r . - Total .... Lyon Godwin Shaw 834 1,434 rl77 1,837 i 50 549 234 ,' -658 2,08.8 V 1,000 674.1.. 49 879 S97 150 4,332 429 2,254 dersonville, July 7-8. attend the cession. Following is the program - Wednesday Morning, July 7 ? . 11:00 Association called .to order by the president. ' , ' . - 11 :'0 Annual address, Hon. Tios. S. Rollins, of Asheville bar.' 12:30 Reading of minutes; enroll ment of members, t , s . . ' ' 1 Wednesday Afternoon . 3:30 Report of comm'.ttaes. . 4:00 Address, "Duties of Clerk to His People," ' W. S. 'Stephens, clerk Johnston county. ' " ; -: -.; ' Wednesday - Xlht : 8:30 Address, ; "Juvenile ' Court." Judge James Hoge Ricks, Richmond, Va. : ' -; ; : ' ...... . ' , ? Thursday Morning, Jnly S v : " '''' 10:00 Address "Wills," Judga C; M. Page', clerk Henderson county. ; , . 11:00 Round . s table ' discussion, "Juvenile Work,"; conducted: by. S. M. Gary, clerk Halifax- county. ' ' 12:0O Miscellaneous .business: elec tion of, officers; adjournment. ' ) 3:00 Social features and sightseeing. - Office . . W. H. Young, .president Durham The 4 per cent certificates of deposit of this company bearing interest from date of deposit; backed , by $600,000 capital anq surplus ana $4,uuu,uuu uquiu assets. The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company 110 Princess Street OLDEST AND LARGEST JORTH CAROLINA SAVINGS ; ' " - "w BANK'.. . 'sit COLLECTIVE BARGAINING -; ) Bnt the employer and shop rliaJrmanij 7 . It the unions. The manufacturers . have, - IS ROCHESTER REMEDY their price commodities and -tlme-studyi - men rand the unions , retain their locaU . business agents. ; : . ,.f. '.p' "; ;' The plan had Its - conception as that:' . result of a threat of the workers to gon . on strike. In its adoption the manufac-! - turers obtained the advice of Dr. Meyetfl .i Adopted As Solution Of Labor Problems. f ' of approxirnately 200, Bladen returned j county; Jno. H. -Cathey, vice-president, i Stv of 600 tor ? Lyon, while I Buncombe county LA. A. McDonald, sec- " m f . l OAT' Q W 4 C11 Wi-k II n w M, Is also conceaea to lyon j ,y ,7 " - " . i; , r . uuucuj ana rrognim iemmiuee Tne abOTA Tinman nffipun onH w -c Brunswick by a majority. BLADEN STREET CHURCH ) J-; SERVICES SUCCESSFUL, Several ..1 New JMembers :Apply For Fellowship. In" Church. Speoial services will be held at Bladen Street Methodist rfshurch thi8 evening for the purpose of receiving persons who have joined " that church during the series of sermons that i have been conducted by the pastor, the Rev. E. C. Sell. " ' Three persons made application, for membership in the church last night following an unusually good -sermon preached 'by the Rev. Mr. Sell. . The subject of the sermon was "What Am I Waiting For?" , Vv--. - ; There was a large .congregation, in attendance at the service last night and the music was unusually good. Franklin county; D. W. Bradsher, Per son county; M. W. Gantt. Guilford eouotyv-; y ; v k TO DIRECT. MUSIC. Bert G. Jones, of this cijty, - has ac cepted an invitation to direct the mu-' sic of the state .Convention of the Christian Endeav.orers to e held at Win ter'Park, Fla., next .week. Mr. Jones will also fill engagements at Mbnte veide and New Orleans, La., before re turning. ! - - - SUPERIOR COURT TODAY. Superior court will convene here this morning for a one week session for the trial of criminal cases. Judge O. H. Guion 1 will preside. It is er pected that - the negroes driving auto mobiles that caused the death -of three other negroes recently will be tried at this session. v Rochester, NT Y., June 6. Collective bargaining is the . method adopted by the clothing industry In Rochester to solve its Jabor problems.. Manufactur ers declare that it has been so successful-here that, the National Industrial, Federation- of Clothing Manufacturers has beent formed to deal.with a nation al organization of the' workers.- In :,a time when strikes have been frequent in other - industries there has been peace Jn this" industry here, except in ne plant which" Is 'not a party to the agreement' between the employers and workers." ' ' ', .'"' - . . Shoe manufacturers: of -Rochester have adopted the plan and ended a strike by an agreement similar to that in the clothing trade. . Under' these . agreements, the strike and lockout are believed, to have been eliminated and the open shop prevails. i The union Relinquished its claim for a gers, representing the employers, says that the Union suffered no loss by doing so but that on the contrary the num ber of clothing workerB organized has increased, from 50. per. cent of the total employed to 90 or 95 per cent. i. As the collective bargaining plan operates here, the more general agree ments between the workers and em ployers are- made by a local joint board composed of . representatives of the clothing manufacturers; and the work ers.. Working conditions are formu lated by a labor adjustment board com posed of representatives of both sidesi Its decisions become the laws of the industry. Appeals can be ' taken to. a court presided over by a Impartial judge whose decisions are, accepted by both sides, as final. In the shopg labor managers, repre- ester, who has been ' teaching method! of service management, j ii : WAJLTCCVITES TO MEET. Members of the New Hanover Fishing; club will gather at the courthouse' thi evening at 8 o'clock for a smoker and!, S. better aqualntanceshlp ' meeting; Prizes wUl 'be presented and the seaj son's prize list will be read. Every) member of the dub is urged to bring si, lady. V '-.'. ' r v i DRUGS If you want your Prescript tions filled by a Registered Druggist and delivered1 promptly, phone ' i Hail's Drug Store , Fifth and Castle K v CARD OK THANKS. We - wish to thank our many friends for, the kindness shown us in the re cent death of our 'little girl, and also for the beautiful floral designs. MR, and MRS. H. M. PRINCE, r (Advertisement.) Auction Sales Selling Farm Lands, City Property and! Personal Property E. A. Moffitt Realty Company - Cerro Gordo. X. C ' .--. . i .1 .'."... : R. O. Hanson, Auctioneer 213 . Jfomth Sixth Street Wilmington, N. O. Telephone 1TOB-J At; Rheumatism is -.completely washed out of the system h the celebrated Shivar Mineral water, ros itlvery ? guaranteed by money-back ' offer Tastes fine; costs a trifle. Delivered any where Vr onr "Wilmington Agoats, QkkooI Candy Go. "Phone them. . In a Wonderful Sale Tuesday and Wednesday k $37.50 Values For'. . This is another evidence of our strong buying power. Our New York buyers jare always on the alert, for good merchandise at the lowest possible pricesK We are glad indeed; to of f er our customer these special values and to share in these savings with us. Our salesladies sa they are won derful ahdvwe believe when you see these dresses you will agree with them. Handsome sport dresses, satin blouse effects, full plaited crepe de chine skirts with wide girdles and tassels, aind little touches that , make them in a class by themselves. : 1 - ' And here is just what .women like to bear us pay-o.:-twokaBke,;i these new.spprt; dresses. . , ; t . i , .; - To make this salf more interesting for all, we added from our regular stock of fine georgette arid taffeta dresses that formerly sold at $34.50 to; $37.50 j arid will be included, at the Sale Price ; ; x : :. " : ; Expert .Corset Fitting 2nd Floor ( . " kf If It z. .W i(. 2J7) MS i' Mr f J w,",ylTV" ii i im70- . , m . .i . i ' m r Mmr. s m m m mm r m.. vv ss i w m - ." " i t . k t We Like Your : Mail Orders li i i l V ( M

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