THE . MORNING STAR. WILMINGTON. N. MONDAY, JUNE T, 1920. ""' " "" " " '' ii :: ; siiion o3 Uaoira uUnn g ' w ;r , Corner Dawson and Tenth Streets Houses-ahd.'Tn Residence (Lots Six 213 Worth VIE EXERCISES HELD BY" : FAYETTEVILLE HIGH . v. president Brewer, Of Meredith College, , Delivers The Com mencement Addx ess, - (Special to The Star.) Fayetteville, June 6. Witji a com hiencement address by Dr. Charles E. Brewer, president of Meredith college. the graduating exercises of the Fay- etteville high school, were held In the school auditorium Friday night, when a class of twenty young men and wom en received their diplomas. The exer cises were largely attended despite un ' favorable weather -conditions. The valedictorian of .-.the cjags --.was. Miss Janie Huske and the salutatofi&n was Miss Mary Bethune. Diplomas, presented by John A. Oates, chairman of the board of trustees, were received by Rupert Harrison, Herbert' Judd, Lloyd Thompson, Preston Harris, Nor man Youngblood and Misses Mary Bethune, Stella Fortson, Ada Hall, Ida Lesaem, Verna Parker, Mamie Plum mer, Sarah Shaw, Selraa Vann, Mattie Jlae Burns, Frances Green, y Janie Huske, Frances Ledbetter, Jane Pope, Aileen Ramseur and Gladys Townsend. The Stedman English medals were presented by Mr. Oates to Preston Har ris, ot the s'eniorf class, and Miss Bert Smith, of the junior class. The trus lees' scholarship medal was . won by Frank Craven, of the freshman class. The Colonial Dames' prize for the best essay on American citizenship by a stu dent from any Cumberland . county school was presented to Oscar Parsley by Major E. R. McKethan, who related an interesting and amusing story of his graduation with the first class to finish the Fayetteville schools. Super intendent W. S. Snipes presented the county-wide spelling prize, won In competition at the county commence ment, to Miss Mary Bethune; the. award for the best essay on the his tory of Cumberland county to Miss Ida Lessem, and the Merchants' association prizes for essays on the advantages of enlistment in the United States army, to Oscar Parsley and Miss Eloise Sny der. Certificates from the commercial de partment of the school were presented by Rupert Harrison, Misses Mary Tolar, Virginia Kelly, Fannie Ahearn, Frances Ledbetter, Gladys Townsend, Mamie Plummer, Stella Fortson, Jane Pope, Verna Parker and Mattie Mae Burns. Dr. Brewer's address was an inspir ing discourse on "Crises" and a strong plea for conservatism in daily living. The program was opened with singing by. the high school glee club and pray er by Rev. Archer Boogher, arid was closed with the class song. The class day exercises were held in the morning, and were presided over by Rupert Harrison, the class presi dent. ' . AT WORK ON 'A MpWPB ! ' PI' .. W4mMWMmMsm rrrt - ft n ;w fe 4f ' -A lA i l.-.i . . Ass t, -m ei js? v 23 fM 11 4cr-4it m&ik WT52Z?2zsi&" & ' wiw "r 'j f ; . - A , I4r ... v . i 1 - immmJMmf v . iaaawm'T - -wt Carpenters getting Chicag Orfiseum to readies torM.' O.'Pl cphventioa "While the Renubliean leaders m Washington are trying to frame a platform that will ap peal to the voters, they have not sot ahead of Manazer Charles R. - .. . ' k : ' . i 'Sixth-' -Stls WALLACE VERY PROUD OF STRONG NEW BANK; Doors Opened Early On Morn L ing Of The First. ' v - t , 1 -.'i I . (Special to The Star.) j Wallace, June 5. The new institu tion, of which Wallace is, justly proud, the Farmers' Bank and ' Trust com pany, opened its doors for business on June 1st. There was a deposit of more than $75,000, by over a hundred.deposf tors. The new safe, which can be seen from the window, is attracting a igreat deal of attention It Is. the latest up-to-date Mosler Screw-door Manganese steel safe. This., bank was organized in March, with a paid in capital of $50,000, by over 200 stockholders. The popular officers are; presiOent, G. B. D. Parker; vice-pres., W.B. Drake, Ra leigh; second, and aeting vice-president, Wf T.Crump; cashier, O. P. Banks., New land" comfortable' Quarters have been fitted tip' for a temporary home in what has been a store, between the postoffice and W. M. Rivenbark's auto company. On the opening morning of the bank, when Messrs. Crump and Banks opened the doors of the building, little D. E. Boney, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Boney, was the only per son to be'. seen- on the street, it being about "5 o'clock in the morning, .ready with the first deposit for the hew bank. . So eager was the little fellow for the. prize, ,a new greenback, that he had not ' risked being in a rush. Little D. E. Boney, Jr., is the grand eon and namesake of D. E. Boney, of this place, one of the oldest and most highly - esteemed - citizens- of- the com munity, having long ranked as one of the most prominent and successful business men of the vicinity. W. T. Crump, acting vice-presldent formerly of Wagram, and O. P. Banks, cashier, formerly of Charlotte, -are not new at the banking business, having both been in , this business for - several years, and what the Wallace people, and those of the surrounding commun ity hav seen and learned of these men, they are fully qualified for the great, position of responsibility -, and trust' which has been placed upon them. ' ' ; "MATFLOWEH HALL" Plymouth, Eng., Jine .. Foundation stones of a new memorial to be. called "The Mayflower Hall," which the Salvation- Army proposes, to -build on a site near 'the starting place of the Pil grim Fathers here are .to be laid on September 6. The ceremony will take place in Connection with the tercenten ary celebration of the sailing of the Pilgrims. . - . The stones, which are to be brought from Plymouth, Mass., will be laid by Ambassador Davis, Lady Astor, who is the member of parliament for the di vision, and General Booth. v v . The cost of tbe scheme is 25,fl00 pounds. ' - . " ' The coal mined in Japan varies from the - hardest anthracite to peat but the quality is V3ually inferior to that of the American product. REPUBLICAN PtATFORMIN CTICAGO JIall of Fth Chicago Col?3eum, who has more, than nity carpen ters at !wdrk Cat .the. Coliseum building. - J" Sectetaryr-Henlcx vipf th Renublican xoiwentioAvom- Free rbri; aa An It DEFEAT ADMITTED BY C. L. ABENETHY Concedes Brihson Victory In i ;Third District: And Pledges His Support. r J ' (Special to The Star.) . Newber? June 7. Hon. Charles L. Abernethy' today jssued the' following statement: "To the democrats of Third congres sional district: ' . ' ., "It seems from the meagre returns which have come in from $he district that my. opponent has been "nominattd. The heavy rainsv which -kept so many farmers away from the pollsr the light vote and the appeal of my opponent's friends to give him another term ac counts; for the resent. "No man has ever lrved-who has more loyal aid true friends than I, and no man appreciates them more. My loyaH ty and "fidelity to the democratic party are unshaken and I will support' th nominee ofthe democratic party and my opponent in the election and hereby request my friends to do so. To those who opposed me in the primary, I have' nothing but the kindliest feeling, as every man hac the rightto support whom he pleases. "To those loyal friends who stood by me 1 extend my elncerest thanks. T shall ever be ready to aid any of them whenever I can." . ... .. - OFFENSIVE GAINS STRENGTH. ' Warsaw, June. 6. (By the Associated Press.) The Polish northern counter offensive is gaining momentum, the boisheviki being driven eastward all along . the, line, according to a. com munique given out by the war office flate today. . ..' On one sector, it says, the Poles advanced twenty kilometers in a day. The heaviest fighting is reported northwest, of Bortsov, where the boisheviki- are endeavoring to. break the Polish Vilna defense. General Bilsud ski witnessed the opening of the pres ent offensive which is designed princi pally to oust the bolsheviks from, the territory gained since May 18. TREATY BOOSTS THE BALTIC. " The Baltic has new importance by reason of the Changes brought by the war. An official British statement says it "is no longer merely a shallow strip ..of ..water leading to Petrograd and Finland, and dividing the German empire from a distant' and somewhat vaguely comprehensive Scandinavia, but, a, northern Mediterranean, wash ing the coasts of nearly as many different,-and Independent countries as the t nineteen Mediterranean, countries capable of exporting the most valuable raw products and of absorbing an ev er, increasing quantity of finished ma terials,",. ; - ' . and (inset)' Secretary Henley t F fo xwvrk at preparing the big convention hall isv going forward most satiaf ae torUy. u The . above photo . shows Henlev hard at work at his desk. Ppiizesi Easy s STAR BUSINESS LOCALS ANB-eeat per word w aevea coacecatlve diseonat. ti CASH with oiider -;'"J: NO 'ADVERTISEMENTS TA&N APTfeR 8 O'CLOCK ON. SATURDAYS; 10 O'CLOCK WEEK DAYS V, HlLP WANTED (Uule and Female) WANTED Experienced " shingle and lath operator to take charge of ma chines. Give age, experience and salary expected. Giles-Bay Lumber Co., Florence, S. C 6-6-3t WHY NOT COME IN THE ARM Y ? , Three square meals a day, clothing, increased pay and an education or' in struction in any trade. Can enlist for any station in the United . States the Philippines, Hawaii ? or Manama. . See recruiting officer at lobby- of i Orton hotel, .6r at Fort Caswell Transporta tion furnished by government boat; or steamer "Wilmington." . 6-lt-dh. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted We have an opening for ft trictly-flrst-- class Experienced "repair -man, J o ' Others need apply; reasonable work ing hours and good wages. MacMil lan's. Fifth: and Wright Sts. 6-6-lt WANTED- By a recently "arrived fam ily, which is ready to pay "good - wages, a good cook with references. Apply 416 Princess- street. WANTED Ten Bricklayers at" John sonville, S. C, Monday, June 14th fifteen dollars .: day if . you are a worker. Write A. L. Barben Lum berton, N. C- - - j-7-4t- STENOGRAPHER WANTED Salary $50; Underwood machine. Apply in' cwn ' handwriting' with references. p, O. Box 37, : - 1 ., ; .';..V.v6-6-2t. WANTED Learn grading and stapling. Great cotton market. Oldest cotton ' school. Short time completes.,' Great opportunities. Act now. Memphis Business College, Memphis, Tenn. ....... . ... ... .... e-e-it WANTED--Young , man for clerical work. - Moderate salary to begin but good chance for advancement. Ad dress ift own; handwriting, stating1 experiende and' salary expected. ' F. Y. J-, care Star. ? 6-6-tf LOST AND VODND LOST A pocketbook at United Cigar Store with contents. - Finder please, return'to the address belowf if mail ed sender will: receive regard. N. Sabillo, S. Fort Pitt Bridge, catte Alexander Sprunt;,Inc.- 6-5 4t LOST Ladies black purse in Grace Street Methodist church containing two dollars In bills and change. Fia- der please call 1450-J and receive re v ward. J j-7-lt- FOUND-SeeA Irish ..piotaloes,. chuff ers , field, peas, dried aprJes. onions, lem ons, Florida cabbage and Oranges, Winesap apples, eating Irish potatoes, and - salt mullets. Favor me with your orders. C. D. Gilbert. P. O. Box 718, Wilmington. N. C a-18-tf , -' I I I I I III!- - WANTEDS MISCELLANEOUS . WANTED An experienced cook a,nd dish-washer; pay good salary. Apply at Star Cafe, 209 North Front St. i -'..- . . WANTED Fifteen . cars shavings or sawdust a week. Advise price and shipping point. .Independent Ice Co. 6-2-7t WANTED A' few more women and girls for work In shirt factory. Ex perience not necessary. Good hours and good pay. Address Box '344, or call Okeh Shirt Co., 1311 South Third St., Wilmington, N. C. J3-7t WANTED4-To "buy "or rent property suitable for garage. Box-1085, Wil mington, NC T f . J ; ' r 6-5-7tr. WANTED Cash register. State make and advise lowest casn price. Cash " Register,- care Star. - ; 6-6-3t POtt SALE! MISCELLANEOUS DON'T FORGET the big Sale of slightly 'used sewing machines. nowgoing on at. 109. South 2nd. street. Some real : bargains. . All this week, -r 6-6-7t : WANTEPYOu- to call Af.' 109 .South 2nd street and see the wonderful bar gains in slightly used Singer " liia i chines,. . Let' me-repair- yourv machine; Phone 1909. , 6-6-7t-' eE?mS; i 4. 4 i V. eJik imaertioa. mialmnm char are S5 uaertioiia or more. 25 per cent it tt .SITUATIONS WANTED ' ,& (Male, and Female) v LADY -' desires light "office work. '' Can use typewriter. "8. D. E.," care. Star. '': ' - 6-5-4t WANTED Job by white Joy age 16 j one. who is willing to worki Phone FOR RENT. FOR RENT An apartment furnished! two rooms bath and kitchenette;, desirably located. See "M. C Darby. ' .-y.r ' ' e-3-tf PRIVATE GARAGE on tJNorth , Second vi street Phone 1199-J. ; -5t2t: FOR RENT Tent space at Wrlghts ville Beach, N. C. near Lumina. Ap ply Captain Van Dyke, Wrlghtsvllle Beach, N. C . m27-80t FOR REVr Cottage attent city rear, . of Lumina, Wrlghtsvllle Beach. See ' E. C. Hudson, Tide Water Power Co. e- ' 6-7-it . ; -" ' -- -' - FOR RENTr-Large bedroom on . first floor. All modern conveniences. . Suitable for gentlemen or man and wife.' Apply at 322 S.' 5th St. j-7-lt FOR RENT Furnished two nice rooms for light housekeeping. 501 S. FifthJ Phone 1482-J. ' - - ; 6-7-lt FOR RENT Room in modeftt home, all conveniences, lavatory in room, gentlemen only. "Private Residence," care Star. '-; 6-7-Jt REAL ESTATE AUDUBON LOTS More ponies are needed for , growing rJ Wilmington. Audubon lots offer the moat advan tages .per dollar. 'Hugh MacRaV- .& Compajiy, Murchlson building." TIMBER FOR SALE by owner; - sfxj , million feet; original growth; 66 per cent short leaf pine; 5 .per tent Tong leaf pine; 15 per cent gum; 10 per cent ash: balance cypress, oak, pop lar, and maple. In Northv Carolina,, near A. C. L. R. R., north of iWll-' mingtgn. Price $60,000, Address;, Box 3-E, care of Morning Star. Wil- mingtoni N. p. 6-3-6t FOR SALE Elegant home, desiraMy located . at 610 Market . St.f Parquet floors and all modern improvements, ' including ' furnace. Will alsq - sell y furniture, pictures and":; statuary x to . party who Will buy house. iFor . par 1 ticulars apply to Mr. JM. Solky. r T; . . ; . 6-7-3t;i TWO CHOICE LOTS af Carolina for ; Immediate ' sale. Make your best Of fer on one or both, W. ELawsdn care New York Times, New York, N. Y. .; v '6-7-7tt OLEANDER The - - suburb :beauti f ul ; " situated 'between- the .nrotibs'ed" PrAs- ,' f byterian school 'and . the "f CounCry club. Large lots. All conveniences, Tiwewater Power Company, 1004 Murchi son Building, phone' 841V - MANUFACTURING SITE near th city for ' sale. ; Situated . just -beyond, ctty limits, on improved i roadway, with water and rail facilities. Splendid lo cation for wholesale, houses- .-.'P. Q. ' MoOre. . . - , , ' ' j62t ' 11 ' in. " MANUFACTURING .SITE near, the city for sale. Situated just, beyond' city limits, on.Jmproved roadway,, with -water and, rail facilities. Splendid lo. cation for wholesale houses. - JP. Q. r Moore.", ; -'.r , 3t FOR SALE MIS CKLLANEOUS FOR SALJBJ One registered Durporsow; weight 200 Ibs.-five Duroc months, old;, three Duroc ". pigs-: five months old. J. T. Morriss, tft.?enter . Cafe. :' - j6-2t FOR SALE-r-One six-.y earmold horse mule; weight .1,000 lbs. Good farm . animal. J. R. . Morrissr- at -.- Center Cafe. 56"-2t FOR SALEr-One of the bestirrocejey businesses' in the city. -s Stdre .relets for $20 a month; 908 , Ni. Fourth St. : v ' v. , -c. .i l-7-lt-' FOR SALE Sixteen foot MUlIfn's- st4el boat," 2 H. P;' Ferrd with clutch. Ad - dress "Mullins." care Star.- jB-27t FOR1 SALE Heavy draft i hOrs'e, buit ' able for farm "work. ' WilL ell rea sonably. Samuel -Bear,5".' Sr.;f Sons, 311 Norta Front ttreet. ; J4-7t Phone FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Large mule and good - i heavy work harness.". The Aladdin ' Co -..v ' ' 6-6-3t KIMOKthd 1 must order. Great car . 5 bon remover. Money back guaran--?;jtee.; Perfectly harmless. Price, SI V.per ban. Call-M. D. Bright, No. 809 North 5th., , 6-6-2t7 FOR SALE Field or cow peas suitable for planting; also velvet beans; send .-.brders to Samuel Bear, Sr., & Sons, Wilmington,. N. C. m25-14t FOR SALE Green cabbage, new and ; . old Irish vpbtatoes, Florida cukes, to .' matoes, salt' mulletts. lemons, eggs, chickens . and field peas. -, Phone or ' mail' yourV orders. C. D. Gilbert. V v .' 6-22-tf ? - ' V . ; FOR SALE Gas boat, - 80 feet long, 6 1-2 feet beam, double ended, Palm r er engine, 24-h. p., four-cylinders, y also diving equipment. Will sell with ' boat) or separate. In guaranteed con dition. Apply American. Cafe, 406 North Front" Street. 5-lt-tf PIANOSjP.uA.YER Pianos and Columbia ..; Grafonolas for sale oneasy terms. All lnstrumehts guaranteeed. Pianos for - rent. Full line Gibson Mandolins and . Guitar's on terms. A. H. Yopp Piano ,' Co., 209 Princess. m-28 tf AWNINGS, AWNINGS I make them to fit your building and to keep out the eun. My prices are the' lowest and workmanship guaranteed. . C. - M. Littleton. ' Phone 1247-. , 6-lT7t FOR SALE Light colored Jersey cow; -..'-tjfree- years old; will weigh about 600 lbs. Heifer calf, two weeks old, very gentle, and easy milker, will give - three gallons or more good, rich milk per day.'; Price, including calf, $125. I have other cows giving from three .totour gallons. Write , for descrip tion and prices. Will guarantee satis faction. Reference, Merchants and Farmers Bank. L.- S. -Olive, Apex, .f N. C: , , .. , - ' 6-5-3t ONE MAJESTIC Range (wood) for sale ' Phone 1546. , -',"' - 6-5-tf FOR SALE I have twenty-eight Ewe sheep and two bucks for sale. Will , be sold7 quick at a bargain. Can' be 'Seen -at W. M. Holland's, Market St. road,' three mile post. , R. F.. D., Box 90. 6-5-3t VACATION TIME is near. See our line -vofj Hartman wardrobe cushion " top . trunks; also Indestructo, Neverbreak . and' elber 'wardrobes. Full line of -hand bags and suit. cases at reason able ,;pricesY' . See Chas. Finkelstein "Front and Market Sts., Phone 642. v.. ,, 6-1-tf FOR SALE Brand new six-saw irdh frame lath machine and bolter; a real lath maker. . Price only $385.00 de livered. Oliyer Carter. Phone afl95 .Wilmlngtoh, 1m. C. 6-l-7f DOGS Pointers, ' setters and hounds, trained 'doga and pups State 'wants ' to-f Dixie Kennels, Winston-Salem, N. C. 6-l-9t' FOR feALE Scripps-Booth five-passen- ger car, 1919 model; has been run less than 2,000 miles. Address Box :-45, City.-.. ...j ' i j5-7f FQIt SALE r AUTOMOBILES FOR .: SALE Chalcers; '. 1919 model. touring car; perfect condition. P. O. Box' 615, .City. . . - ml9-tf AUTOMOBILE OWNER, why be out of ; the use of , your car when you can : . have it " repaired promptly "and at a reasonable cost - at Highsmith GA rage v Phone $92, Fourth Street Bridge. -i- "; ' j4-7t FOR SALE Dodge touring car, in r good condition; Just repainted; $85 ..Address P, O..Box 11J3. ... j23t FOIt SALE Ford roadster; good tires, good condition; -cheap, j. r. Morris, ' at ''Center" Cafe. ' .' - J6-2t FOR SALE Dodge touring car in govu condition. Call at- Liemt's garage, corner Princess and Fourth streets. - ':. '. ' 6-6-2t ONE BIG SIX BUICK fbr sale cheap.; Can be seen at Walters' garage, 2nd ; street. 6-6-3t WANTEDiV. rt RENT WAlfTED Room - with .or " without f board with private family by. young -j lady.' Address 205 Red Cross St. ;.?:-- - - . - .. 6-7-it ANNOUNCEMENTS ANY ONE' Going away' for summer, . wishing ;t6 put then-furnished house " or apartment In care of TAltablA ham I. people who cannot pay high rent, but air guarantee . .Dest treatment, 1. wrjte . "Sincere." care Star. J-7-lt-- ... t - '- , . , , t . 1705-J ANNOUNCEMENTS YOU ARE missing a lot ofi Informa tion by not reading the Literary ' .Digest , each week. Gordon Bros., news dealers, 17 Princesj Street, phone 745. f28-tt I , We have moved our loca tion from, Front and Wright streets to Eighth and Woosteiv streets. All kinds of cabinet work, turned work. Screena a specialty. Roderick ' &. Land, Phone 1991-J. 6-2-7t KODAK FINISHiNG First-class work and fine service. tend your next or ders to Box 748, Little Billle, 101l-2 Princess St., WUmington, N. C. V - 6-2-7t SAVE . $25.00 by enrolling with us 'for a combined commercial course on or before June 15th. The Motte Buqlnew College.- v-&- . - ',-4.7 SAVB tlB.OO by enrolling with us be--'for-June I6th fora course in short -. : hand and typewriting or bookkeep -ing. - The Motte Business College, i ' ' . j4-7t ATTENTION,; LADIES We carry the famous Chas.'K. Fox line of pumps and oxfords, and find we : are oter stocked -for this late. For next 115 days we will sell all pmpa and Ox fords, both kid-ana patent, at 20 pec cent discount; all sizes and lasts. . Come early, and get fit. L. W. DaAris V & Co., 18 South Front St. 6-80-7t . ATTENTION! For your, picnic' lunches let us prepare your sandwiches with our delicious meats and cheese. 'At Neuwirth's Delicatessen, 70'J' N.V4, phone 818-J. ' 6-57t WHY NOT NOW? If you intend to take a business course you can save $15,00 t6 $25.00 by enrolling with Us before June 15th. The Motte Business Col lege. -.' ' - ' J4r7t NOTICE We have moved our locatfon from front and Wright streets Ho . Eighth' and Wooster streets. .'All kinds of cabinet work, turned wcjrlw and screens a specialty. Roderick; Ss Land, Phone 1991-J. , . m2677t IF YOU HAVE $100 or $10,000 and want to invest in a non-taxable cer tificate with semi-annual dividends, see Carolina Building and Loan As sociation, E. T. Taylor, presidents L. W. Moore, aecretary-treasurer. :1 .:. 8-16-26t BIG 20 per cent, discount sale of ?all spring and summer suits for men and all pumps and oxfords for men And women now going on at L.' W. Davis & Co No. 18 South Front St. mSOvJt 20 PER CENT, discount sale on meri"a . spring and summer suits and pumps and oxfords for men and women only lasts .15 days, at L. W. Davis & Co., No. 18 Market St. m307t CUT PRICES. iue to the late spring, we . find ourselves very much over-. ; stocked with men's spring and- sum mer suits and shoes.. For the next 15 ' days we will sell spring -and summer suits and low-quartered shoes at; 20 T per cent, discount;,' Come early and ; get choice. L. W. Davis )& Co., IS South Front St.' r ' m30-7t YES If you have two hands Prof. Branning will teac,h you te barber trade. Good wages. Chain of. shops. Position .guaranteed. Atlanta Barper College, 14 E. Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. . 6-7-lt KODAK; FltMSWe've 'got .'em, Ko dak . finishing, we "do It. Send your, orders to Box 748. Little Billie, lOlVa' .Princess St., Wilmington,, N. C- .v-:.".V!i- '' i 8-7-2t NOTICE All ... members ' of George Washington Council, No.. 67, Jr. O. U. A. M., are requested to assemble' at Third and Princess Sunday, June . 6th, foV the purpose of attending church services in a body. " Visiting brothers Invited. ' . ' 6-7-lt (fTDOROTHY NEWTON of Patersonr'Netfr jersey, uaij jvirs. ietcner, teiepnone 1759-J, 204 Wrlghtsvllle aye. j-T-lt- Money bee)c withmt aueatiaa If HUNT'S 8atv fails la the treatment oflTCH, KCZEMA, . RINO WORM. TBTTEX eri etbcrt chine kta diifiaa. Try J, Hick Banting: Drag Co. ATARRH Pof head or throat , catarrh . tfy the . vapor treatment. . -YOUR B00Y6UARD--3OI'. 60I.2Q USE M STAR ;MTS sr. r . --1 ' . V,. ' ' V ';.' 1 1 -i 1 t I

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