'XXS' ; ,:'- -- ; ' ' ' ,' ' v .'THE IORNING STAE, WipiINGTON N. Cn TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1920, XX MlflW THE GREEN LINE 'SUB'SLOGAH ground ItaU System Solves Problem How To Handle H . Big Crowds." ; . York. Aug.16. The principle; of the green line!" used .success "Tby the management of New York's ully ... in vtirt!inir crowds at subway J transfer points has , been congf ! in a measure to Insure '.safety aapv arouna crowaea nar to "N?8... f a visible ''green line.' tors. device has been perfected however, a seeklng their Way into trbereDy weather can follow barr,f6ty a submerged and energized vf'the outer reaches of New York In rhpre deep water meets shoals. bar wins a marine passage. -7; way mown as An nel &as harbor and to the docks and In . Vionnel. This o.han . n anil uao v.. n a V. V a vpnnra Intn up tnruus " "io . v.. ani tn the docks and In the inner . .,dini, cable has been cnrL. ,r.Ariv Aauinned to take ,j Whins U' vr - - laid. it guiding powers can ffiow it through any kind of weather this c! fnllOW with the same degree of. assurance as wno seeKs to maica INDUSTRIAL RJGLATION . COURT VILt CONTINUE II 1' DANDERINE Activities Not Jeopardized , by. $7 Recent Kansas Decision!" ? i Topeka, Kan i Auk 16. ThA rterutnn of Judge; tt McCamlsh : upholding mouon : mat the Kansas .industrial relations court act is unconstitutional uecause -Ttte subject of said: provision is not clearly expressed ; in the tifle." uooo noi yet Jeopardize tha antivlttAa or legality of the cbur - according to Judge W. Li HugginsV presiding magla trate . of ;the court. 7 t r I 1 i -v y Members of the' court" and' Attorney General R. . J. Honkins. wha will snnei! the Wyandotte county -deoislon- to the ! supreme court, expressed themselves as confident that the law as enacted will stand the acid test before the high court. .- v; ' ' .r. '. :- : . , . --Judge : : McCamish contends 'that the title of the. law itself "is hot germane to : what: is expressed therein . relative to the oriminal features , of the court act; While the. court 4n itself has no criminal jurisdiction, it is obligated by the court act' to have violators jot the law prosecuted in any court' of r com petent ju ri sdlctlon. . ThisTni ght be in either, a state or federal court. : , " V The H case ' before " Judg McCamlflh was - that of a switchman arrested , on a charge of agitating a strike and en deavoring .. to - persuade others to quit '' l Doubles .Its Beauty. 2 v -. : V' . ! " ; -;; ' '"".-'"v''1 r"- 5T' rTH !i 3C can the Passensrand Centrai terminal .work-in an industry, recognized by the t0-.uL HPvice consists of a cable sixteen The device laid in the center of - the channel to1814"., ..inhnnes or llstenine de PeQ . WlA to the hull. Approaching av :. j 4,? ,Ues nfirc-ized with an al- lati ak w ;s a wthe cable can be heard for some distance, and the increasing or fcreas disiau- f th SOUnd. enables-the cb .W current from the shore. Ships advantage of it must b equip- ped ' vices - ..a nna waves emitted channel Tin to be steerea unm it. io ns.ui r snip i t is tvifl-n a aimtile matter the source, a- ." . K follow its course through the . .L-ni Htintla utorm nr', fop thirh would make the marking buoys visible or would tend to conf use. the warning noiea Ul ,-..w vi-tia markers. ' rable is but an additional pro- wtion for shipping entering American it supplements the radio com- Zss ' installed and " operated ; by tha pnmmunlcations service now in guccessiui use 'ub ' roast By the compass, ships can ascer tain "their exact position in any kind of weather, awiiuw pivwwuvu cum.j ..uh nut by the navy department is -a machine tor aeiermimug uc.i u. noi and proximity of other ships , through rPBdinss of sounds from -the. pro pellers reflected back from the bottom or nearby Doaies Pals S offer Beatinng.) (Soeoial to The St nr.) rolumbia. Aug. 16. The f hitting : pf I ftorir pnabled Columbl-a to defeat Char leston 7 to 6 here tms aiiernoon aiier the visitors had scored their runs in the ffrst two innmgs.- ... . Charleston ... .,..330 500 000 6. 8- 5 miumbia ....013 100 101 7 11V1 industrial relationsc&urt as one faeces- sary ta the public welfare. " "Even though - the supremeV court should knock tout .' the sectton of the law pertaining to the Wyandotte case, it ' still would have nlen-ty of L'teeth left to be effective in such jcases," riald Fred S." Jackson,- former attorney gen eral, now attorney for the industrial court. "The . point at issue . is a mere technicality.;; Should it be necessary, the legislature could ; by : , amendment remodel the title of the law, but I an ticipate that , the law will stand the test in; every-.respect.'r.'r :;r.; r . irv . .-. i - Crackers Win.' and Lose. ; Little Rock; Ark- Aug.. 16. Atlanta and Iiittle'Roc"k divided a, double head er here today, the visitors taking the firs game 2 to 0, an Xdttle.Rock the second. 13 to 8. , in me : seconu biuj Atlanta secured only- three-runa from 11 hits, while lattle Rock scored 18 runs off 16 hits. Score: v " First srame. .v, - Atlanta . ; . . , V t . .000 011 000 I J S- 0X Little Rock ...... .ooo ooo ouu u. : Sheehau and Mills ; Hengevewt .. ana Brottem. J - Second eame;- Atlanta ....... V.. OQO: 012 000- S 11 8 Little Rock ..003 v40:04x 18 16- 8 Markle, Lankenau and Hager; Mills, Robinson and Brottem . Ml few cents buys "Danderlne, After an application of "Danderine" you can not. find a fallen hair, or any! dandruff. besides every hair shows new life. Vigor, brightness more color and thick- ' ' 8partta Cop Easily. ' w w i (Special to The Star.) Charlotte, Aff-' H.1- Stoward was master of the Hornets today while God frey, a local recruit, was easy Spar tanburar winning 8 to 0. , f5nore -. i- X R. H. E. SDartanbure ."1 .7. .t10 322 100-fr ;' 8 :A 0 ...;000 000 000 0 V O Charlotte"... Townsend and Von Kolnek;, Whit- I Stoward ; and" Wells; ' Godfrey and ney, Kelly, Goslm ana wenaeu. t , -. jarsnaii. , . Unable to DoAnything North Carolina Man, . After 18' Months of Weakness, Took Ziron and Now Can Work, y IF TOTJ have been sick and 'need strength, take Ziron Iron Tonic Do not forget the importance of plenty of fresh air. Exercise- Without over-doing it. Eat pure, .wholesome food. v V "' : ' - - Ziron will help to build up the system by enriching the blood, renew your ap petite, help tone up the nerves, and help you to overcome the weakened condition that results fronv sicknesB. operations, and debilitating losses of various kinds. " ' '1 have been in a run-down condition for eighteen months, caused -by--the flu'," writes Mr. J. R. Thomas, of Battle round N. C. "It left me with stomach trouble.- I did not , have an appetite. Nothlne seemed t6 helu me.. , 1 "A friend of - mine told 'me to try Z,iron. wnicn x aio, ana nave- waen three bottles. . I was not- ableto do .nvthine before I beiran takifig Ziron, and now I -can work almost all day. ?i have recommended it highly." . Ziron is a combination of pure,: me dicinal iron salts, and other valuable tonic Ingredients, the names of which are printed on the bottle, so that you ana your aoctor may . Know - or wnai Ziron' is composed - Ziron Iron Tonic Is sold by druggists under a money-back guarantee. . Try it. (Adv.) DEATH' v Aches, 1 pains, nervbosness, difti culty in urinating, ' often mean serious . . 'disorders. :The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, Madder and nric add troubles 1A1 -X. bring quick relief and often ward off Ceadly diseases. - Known as th national remedy of Holland for mors than - 200 years. All. druggists, v In three .. sizes. Leek far tatf mm GeU Md.l M mmy bi mma aecept no iwmtiMi iiiiiifi A X EVERYBODY agrees that : it is generally desirable i for merchant dise to be graded. : A good pnnciple that often comes out at ' the wrong end for the car ownter the ;man with the iipketoiibis niin the tire bills to pay v.is " :-X""X-xx 'i'-Xxx. x'. ; v -x. He feels that tiie ecoh standard and let the tire iiser choose his own size When the oldest and largest rubber mariurac- turirig concern in the world focuses all its re sources upon one-grade, one quality, it makes one client and that is the whole public. This single ideal is vis- Have lontf, Flow- Inrf. Soft Strafcht Hair dllsteninfl, soft, allky,; Ion's hair brings- out your hidden beauty, ghe you "pep, enap and at- tracttveness. X'X- -x- - HEROLIN WMACTMa DRESSING does all thlsior your hair bettef than anything else. Ffeds the - - -. m seals, atoos aanaruTT ana lien ' . " . . ... M. Ihg. Straignten outwo KinKieai hair. Not sticky or gummy. M EN can easily brush their hair back smooth by using HeroIIn. Sent for 25o by MAIL (stamps or coin;. Agents, wanted. Write to HEROLIN MEDICINE CO. ififefi YOU can save .priee of frpmVfoiir p! seven inner tubes this year.:" s:x-''i&yx. u ' :': Put this money in your pocket by fitting out with : lee Puncture-Proof Tires extra heavy, finely nwde " ' ; tires, road-proofed with" the three patent disc-layers,; y a distinctive Lee feature, ' absolutely impuncturable i v". yet pHant and "ixktiaiii Your saving irl tubes alone will bring dorwn thev ' cost of Lee Puncture-Proofs to about that of ordinary " : ures. .... wmwmm Put Lee Puncture-Proofs on your car. x:"?xx .x't Know, in advance, exactly what your "tire and tub DUis will be for the next twelve months. p -:;kjxf& In addition -you save time, temper and the an-; noyance of changing tires on ih&rbad. 1 i.X-. 'XX XXX'-'t''-"' QuinlivSQuinUvari 106 N: Second St.', Wilmington, N; C- mm .?... n 51 ibJ. y I!2)i ft, it , 4 . . . Cord f ior Botolc r; 'Puncte-Etoof;, ..'v.'.:.V-:.'- 'V'V'-' "y omy should be personal x 4ble in any U. S. Tire contract with the Hre-user. factory, at any U. S. dis- Not a transaction with his car, whether it'ibe big or small v;, ? i ' v t Reasoning tires in human terms instead of trade custom has written this ; policy for the United States Rubber Cpm? ,pany - tlild all tires ten one teibutihg branch, in any U; Se dealer store Seeing that the tire-user gets his economy mileage along with an unlimited guarantee. Policies" are harder to make than tirese ' ' . Probably the deepest reason why demand keeps al ways ahead ' of the number of. tires the U.' S makers can supply , ' . UntSsd.S :x:x mm k a. .- .di s... . v . -i(v mr-m . st n- ier uompaBiy flfty-thra , factorial . -' Ths oldest and targest Rubber OrgaaiTation tn the WoTl Two hundred and ' Otirty-five Branches ,'. , .; ),"-. :,:.?..: if. j--. - ? v .... - - ... .. . .- - -r- - ,- - ... ; ..- -,. . ,: . . , ......... : ....... '' : - " -. i " .. .-. ' i , .v-t - ; -. .. ..; ' -' ,- - -. - ' . . . . - 1(1 . " . -.. ' I - , 4 - , . v . f . , - vM 5v i - ' : v.. , - . . . i. i.X. - - 1 - T " ' - S 4 ' ' fc Sdrvice Station foKlJmtedS m ft lf taices i ire AttV'JL - I ! . - - I I n I I " i 113 North Second Street V '5"' . . - , A" - - , Ph6ne 1193 - . - , - - 'r i - X - - , .-n ,

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