THE MORNING STAB, WILMINGTON." "N; 1 .', SUNDAY,: SEPTEMBER :12,r192V SEVENTEEN nil M A MIHAf 1 I A UV U UUIIUU ii is i i . v 1 " i -m - iii ii .-m n IN ACE OF TITLE v iMHS.IN SIBERIA " . " ! ' 1 ' . TTniontown Tomorrow; Offers of Far Eastern Will tjivc imm""1 , iv6 WftKi ocuiement Are Honors of 1920 .Declined ' .. -1 cri-.-. - Ralpe De Palma dodged . VHRKHNE-TJDmSK ' Siberia. Rep- 111! "Sm riuck Jinx for the : first time resentative8 of the , far eastern republic . - ! rerten tl v , notsMi.k.j i . . . . von the 55U-mll Eleijn """"-""'eu uere nave Deen -unci ti ai" - - Jm . . -v. tt'ste , v,,,Hin hi KDeftdv Bniint VUBtrated in their efforts to make race sCross .... finish in three hours nin ' -a'e mmiary com- ' I mand in Siberia hv ifni and niiy-ioui , Btcunus an I . -w-m ma e of 9.5 miles per hour. Overv "un. mem jexcept as con- warinsr fans cheered him to vie- WB inita, according l1u0r J to , a statement by A. krasnotcbe- ,3 . n A vi t I xillU&O kCi til TIP TPmin IP Pe raima . tne Th Associate, Press cor' V , , by one minute and, seven w,,Pa.rleys; Wfre br6ken off When h fins11 " t , 3" I th Russians insisted that: th an. ,onds. of neffotiationa ahnnlri 4mh,.;. . DnpsenDerc aiier : ni nvinsr i . . cv.D cu .J f I 1 71 .1 - W w BBiri rA t . i a j.. . ...m-maie ":r"?"" v. sum an intfemntinai . tne tu"' Z T. 1 or nla KaOW ..iiii.. -. .,.nh5 Ufimiu me oi-wv. nua iivi- j iv.i . , , r : - .. - ' ' n - nlotH r KA. n Mil rnrri'a '"i jr vuo.uuus BUUUIU De s a""-" ...w. . . .ni4.i . .. .. Eddie O'Donnell took fifth i.ujr Busjwnaea wnu6 negotla lice. , .1 iliHOrtS Of th fay aatA.n .....kii. i. w . n- thniit a tnn . . .. I- t.cuiji iciaiious WILn Tna enLuC , .,;. JapaMSB even at the. nf our. acwuuo . iau i vu" I ..m a . " ' ' by the late spencer vvishart Ti "- a .xonows: ,rii in - V: k. l .11 laos and track rVTorda. f?n?er .teMTn,,t soverlgn right. " w fc--" . . ' rT1 hArl . Vv. ' T" - - ..-or in d ? ...V.v.irinz four miles mo . barleys between the Japanese mili- i1J1"7;r:ii Inderson in his St,,t tary mission and a mission of ihe far ,houriii - wi.fc,,.. i eastern republic were' besrun on m in1"".- if i sAnndu fnl "- me Bnaiioiy uongota. hetween th Itioes, ia.K 9Qt, nri antv. vi. about 70. miles west of .Chita. ThA on:": 'J ..H.r.'sno tr.iT,t v Japanese mission, headed bv Colo. lln Tne v.. - rorj " - v,nq airoiiriv ntr-rAA I u uoowii, . presented three demands ion Je jt'" . . nnTYW..,, ,o v. ... . . "7 ' his seasc 1 f -1 .' 1 111 UUOlkluil .v VV" ill V V 1 1 V 1 . , - ?! lbzu snouia ne win :,t 7, 7 -'"s"cu wear, ui inua -r i . . . x . o miiBg in aTTPTlT on nnfnll.,. bt ln,ont rwr. ir, rr, a, .. armed -forces; that free trananortatinn The sinu' --- anfi p.ornmi1.i!ltnn. k ,vh.i..j "nhiie Association oi America crmm- - " COLau"1,cu Vhrio for 1020 is as follows count- nat the Japanse have representation a ot TRifl-in fUrtnti erauway manasrement. "5 p0,ini Tnmmv Milton 920. Jim. r "The Russians replied that the soviet Chevrolet . p,i r army had notvnroeresserl hcvnnH 3y Murpny . a wi left bank of the Selenea river, rmnrh. ind Miunn r Paimn wst of Lake Baikal) and that , Irnlontown vw" . .Qmri. w . question of their return wost nf t v ' Flein race was probably the aiKai must be taken up by Japan rK r.t in) !d, ' -i , . . I JflnartPII miHrOMT r,n-mn A I oil i . fnrnoti stoD was maae in mo i . j wiuuiohu m oiueria : ii T line iwl . . c i i - xi. The mo r.o,i BVr ,a!i with soviet Russia. Ijiost rem ,!.(. I "The .far eastern MnnMifl miinn an) countijr - nronosed that th miiwoir in t.i -v.t iiooje rc". e. rndrt xV I and Stretensk districts be consirtrri lilso flmsneu. -Z within the anhre nf .flaV" , HZ for Oil. gasoiiiio urea, auu i iviiivo . vi mo : : 1 4... I race On the second lap CJaston i uum n agreement" re entire .fnfta mtha to thA BltR K- erarding Japanese evacuation- could b IClievroiei o - u .tii. I reached: and .that thrmmh . Unce of a cioggea BAOu , - ,.-,"-,- rK?S. " ,t .n much t:me to clear tnat tnc I " wmmumtuu do esiaDiisn- mu -- , t i i ea eastwara. Indianapolis winner ws " .. -v. .., The Elgin race a ... .r .... i.uiioiau9 lufiiatiiu -unon tihti Eiutsule tne . , ine ree-ardinir th f, ...i..-'. u... LCe naS a- uccic oig iviixi- i " . " v .-v. oima- i . . aii im hk a ttt rtrv i & w n . l linp when its bearing on tne jacveiop- " cease Icance wiicii v . . Ion all rVnn t a ihot v - .n. m.. ic! ri.r,i,- inr.h niston dia- tions assum the aspect of an inter. lament engines, with but six cubic national conference insteaa of parleys .i ... . . ?n i ueiweeii lwij mnirnrv rnmrnonio (inches more a spiaceuieui 'i I, (, - - - . ",m hmke all track and lap rec- : Mar 25 the parleys were inter lain . , .4 I runtii htMntii Tononn.. n.:v. 4. I. .j. 1,0 fnr tne course uy muiura ui I wia.a.coo widiku lu I r cubic inches displacement, V but ciscuss the situation west of Chita wwent through the 250-mile grinds l0?1: stating, that they were not autho- ,., 1 .inaU OTlcrlTiA n.M 111 ST TTl Tl T . . I -vw mvi WltnOUl .- I ..- T..T.4. XT--- 44 . t. ( i , v" 4i.i aanKj tuiieiiuiL gem a SIDELIGHTS OX ELGIN RACES ' memorandum to General Oi expressing J1 .. 3 J1Z J I Oil Tn r(oA that 41 T . i . ni,. nnrc in tne Jliiem roau race uiur-i""' 1110 oauauese mission was L. J.j ioir iin-c that has turned vie-I not empowered to , treat with the Rn. liorv into defeat for Ralph De Palma sian mission and repeating the offer for the many months, thereaten the wai - tne . pre-aiii railways be con- lootiular Italian driver. iuere temporarily.; within the Jap I''1"' ..i. . 414. 1 -a TB in)l4M n'IA...... 41 i . Ibroken all previous recorus ior . one i iuiu..iiS j.bvvcicisu njms in Icircuit of the eight-miie course oy . uory s wr, me saK6 oj peace. ...ah eannnnM i i , a oivuiiiiK. i I'd til cvtuiiuv) 4- - Fallot left the ground on "Airplano SUGGESTIOXKOR TIXU3D BUSI fcnr and swerved off the road. ' I . .: , ; NESS MEN snpptators expected to see tne car, i Uvelinz at an 80-mile clip, crash into I The . ancient " and -honorable trame I, fpnoe. but by a splendid, exhibition I called "horseshoe Ditchintr" k driving De Palma brougnt tne car and "Quoits" in England, is having a tick on tne roaa saiery , win. out uo revival. A eastern paper says the game Seconds loss of time. fhas been general in the west this vear. witn countv contests in roitia ntntAn l Joe Thomas rave a fine exhibition 0 I - Tn Ohio homo-hoA Tfthino- has pluck when he started the Elgin-raco I com4 a popular sport at county fairs, in the Revere after having wrecked for several vears rnnfnta for .h lie car In a bad spill on Hairpin turn Btate championship have been held at k few days before. Despite lacerations th9 0nio state faira gold medal m severe snocs, inom award nearly as big as a horseshoe .v.. Pnrora f nr SAVr!l.l Inns, bllt IOUIM1 I . . . :":'" " ' T r n I naving Deen dragged around tor a year utJ? .,, 8 " or two by a Gallipolis barber. u lum Ally. I The InoYnonelvn enninmsnr frr. ,v yuaucu me xvccxo "-4- . ,,,,all- hnrrnvl frnm th. T,or Tiro o onoot Ans riiJi-iif inn or fiTivmc - . . w . ... ..v.. sina ccuoaiivuoi cAiuvibivii y .-.-t. , . . 11 . . -the right-angle turn nearest the r"lllJ"?S Iranflstand. passing De Palma, by tak- If? T Bttc Iskm hmi.-ht .viintaM. for on the " 8U clubs. Its rivalries are keen liack stretch the amilintr Italian "atei- and so interesting that almost any ' - - I i t ; ti H on" his sneedv Ballot and Dassd neignDornooa. uruan or rural, win iur the Revere n.s if it had bean anchored, nisn scores oi spectators on warm sum The confession of evil works is the mer afternoons, seated in shady places. JSrst beginning of good works. Augus-I who ought to be at work. Me. HAS REASON FOR ASKING WOMEN TO The rules of the game are simple and easily, enforced. ;To promote . a sport which generations gone . enjoyed, and which affords exercise and real sport at a minimum expense, we quote- the ml as. with the auVrtrestion that countrv VOTE FOR HUSBAND- clubs will find it amusing for those not Distance between pegs Forty ..feet. Dimensions of shoe The limit is seven . and .; one-half . inches long and seven inches thick. . Weight of shoes Limit two pounds four ounces.,;. . ' f: , :. ' Length of caulks Not more than three-fourths of an inch. -..stance between ODenings Three and one-half inches, inside measure raent ' ' ' : Height of . pegs Eight , inches, and peg not to be mora than one men in diameter. ' ' r Scoring No shoe ; more . than eight inches from the peg shall count. If a tilaV'-r throws two lingers and a play er following 1 tORS " loth. the original player gets credit, for one ringer. , If a player throws aAnnger.ana a pmyer t ollowine pitches a leaner, , tne man throwing the ringer gets ono point. Oma4ia Bee. Mrs. Aaron S. WaHrin Mrs. A c S?' Ohio' of the Prohi- comTf th? wmen voters of the y snoQid recognize her aaa- Oops 4V . "lv,uc caiiuiuttve. xib Mvi he,.1fa"llly washing.: Mrs. , atkins hke her husband, has long iibitir? ACUVe worker . in . the pro gnon ranVa vmttn. t tv. . . x.. 1 ii)in n-f nn m a4vv.wm She was Miss. Lad ICS use en 1 ir.-po-ii io ;' v ; fe and always depend 'tar0 B0li at "''rut? stores. - Do no Ktm "vvit" others;- save -ilsap laro . "ll- icr 4eiiet .ina r !flW t Iree- Address -National Don'ii ti Jovr material in a poor dye. Each pack age of Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple that any, woman can diamond-dye : a new nch, color into oia gswui, draperies, coverings, every thing, whrtheT wool,Mjk. ? 4-ti np mixed sroods- UXIGXI, WW wvm w , t ' . TViiiTniWi1 " f DvebV no otiier kind then perfect results are guaranteed even if you have-Bever';dyed be- Card-rlo ricn ctuo. .uiiiiyHw -. Q i V , .. f ; .. T.?$h:t "'': J THE FRANKLI A TOTORISTS are turning to the Franklin Sedan in large numbers because they are convinced that it does what a car should do. 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50 slower yearly depreciation (Natiinal Awragtt) ' ' . Taken together, these results indicate the greatest automobile efficiency. Taken separately; they are the best evidence of an other kind of-efficiency, even more important. ) 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline also means Easy Control Light weight and less friction make the Franklin roll more easily than any other car. Easyrolling light weight not only uses less gasoline, but is safer and easier to start, to stop, and to guide. Comfort 2, ,12,500 miles , to the set of tires .proves The Franklin does not pound otit tires. Neither does it jolt nor jar its riders."- Comfort and tire economy depend upon the same thing flexibility in which the Franklin stands, alone. 3 50 slower yearly depreciation indicates Depreciation is the best gauge of car reliability. Franklin quality of materials and kincl of construc tion give less trouble and require fewer repairs over a longer life. , Reliability Complete demonstration at any tithe 'Ffankiin iliitaobil Sales Co. i.i; Distributors , WILMINGTON : RALEIGH : GREENSBORO 1U Chestnut Street , HENRY--BjI. WARE, Local Manager Telephone ko. 95 - 5 s THJl-l.irA. ilTn-nlT-liT Cnl no nn rl Qomnpa ; ' WlNSTON-SAIfEM .v ..- t r K . .. V.'f ill. lITRTlti.4K irn... . .'. Trr. ""'"w, jiiuwauKee, wis.

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