: v - - W - THE MOKNEKfG STAR. .WioimGTON. N. a, WEDNSPATOCTGSEK S7, isZSfa, two : BALKAN PEASANTS GET POOR MING How People Exist on Meagre ! . Food Mystery to Ameri-: can Vigors - BELGRADE, i Serbia! To the Ameri can visitor, accustomed to, the ordinary comforts of lif, it Is a constant, source of f wonderment how the - peasants and ...... ' ' ' . . . , . . poor ot the Balkans are anie to exist - ti.. -maao-rn fSnri thftv have. Corn vii- friic nvev v bread of poor r quality, supplementefl with eoat's cheese or ordinary leek or" onions, forms 'the diet of 'a ."large J part of the village population. slender regimen produces robust bodies, strong musfcles and rosy cheeks. The old adage thai bread is the staff of life finds its best proof here. iOn the whole, the poor or the Balkan ountries have an unusually hard lot In life. Their poverty i practically permanent. Their plignt seems to excite-little sympathy .from "those who are well off. There is a calloused ln dlfference to the suffering of tne poor which strikes an-American as almost heartless. In few if any of the JBal lean states does the government make any. provision for the care of the poor. This work in the past has been left largely to foreign relief agencies and private ' charitable organizations. i The eight-hpur working day so com mon in the United States is. unknow In the .rural districts . of the Balkans. The, peasant works from ounnse .until after dark. He is so bent and weather scarred that . he looks twice his-ago s after 30. In some cases he belongs to nomadic tribe?" and leads an existence - unknown.1 in "the country districts ox. America. At night one oftejti passes whple, wagon loads of them on the road going fro mtown to town. Every man Is asleep n the top of his load, and is . not disturbed by . thoughts 01 Durglars or highwaymen. The pheasant removes his hat, to every one better dressed than himself and gets his ox-cart off " the road tor every automobile that passes. He is a simple ' honest, home-loving . person with much homely virtue. The peasant women have enormous families of chil dren, about hadt of whom survive-ever survive, the rigors of child-life in the extreme conditions that prevail in the Balkans. UNIVERSITY FOR SCHOOL BEAUTY Plans Call for Imprpve ment of Groupds "" .- " (Special to The Star CHAPEL HILL, Oct. 26. Ugly school , buildings and bleak school grounds -will be: a thing of the past in North Carolina if the bureau of 'extension -of ... the .University- xf North Carolina has its way. The bureau has drganlzed a dlvisi6n 0f design '"and improvement ot 3cbool . grounds and has set to worfe to neip scnoois ail over the tate make the most of their surroundings. , At -'the head of the division will be Dr.?W. C. Coker,-Kenan professor of botany at the university and director of,- the university arborettfm. Miss - Eleanor Hoffman will serve as secre tary and field worker. . Dr. Coker has had experience, in beautification. The present arboretum at the university, by all odds the most beautiful section of the campus, is a monument to his work. A. few .years ago it was a swamp; now it is filled with rare trees, and shrubs, systematically-arranged, an object lesson "in what can be done very easily. The new Presbyterian church grounds in Chapel Hill are also partly his work. The division will issue a bulletin ' , which will contain more than twenty designs of actual and imaginary school grounds, together with photographs of illustrative plantings from .various, ' such as the university arboretum, pri- ... vate grounds, mills, community houses; also plan's of walks, arbors and other beautifying agencies. The text of the bulletin will consist of suggestions as to planting, descriptions of. trees, shrubs and flawers, alL picked out for various kinds of climates and parts of ' 'the state. Miss Hoffman, the field worker, will " be available, the bureau announces, for ' trips to communities or schools that (wish advice and suggestions for. de? ; sign. No charge will "be made foiuher work beyond the traveling expenses. The bulletin will be available to any- one. ' ' . . , The Tar Heel, student newspaper at the university, thinks that university . politics ought to come out in the open i and that there ought to be more po k lltlcal fights made after the fashion of real fights waged in the state and na ' tlon. Recently, the f reshmen waged the most widely advertised campaign - for class officers that the campus has seen In many years. Time waj and not so. many years ago, that a Tfreshman election meant a single meeting away off somewhere far from the sophomores and at that the meeting was apt to be raided by. upper classmen. But this yearthe. campus looked-on and laughed '.when the youngsters posted the town. ' with -signs, slogans and appeals for particular candidates. "A good politi cal campaign waged above-board is valuable in the iraining.it will fur- . nish, editorialized The ' Tar Heel. "What's better to test men than an v open contest of anygort?. That's all politics 1." ' - RUSSIA. RATIFIES PEACE ' LONDON, Oct. 26. Ratification of the ' preliminary peace treaty between - Po land and Bolshevik Russia was voted byithe All-Russian Soviet, according to a .wireless Message from Moscow. Instantly Beautify Your Complexion ' Thousands ' of girls and women ev erywhere proclaim DERWILLO the greatest beautlfier .yet discovered. It 'Instantly gives. th,e skin' that ;rosy wjiite appearance every normal woman craves. Over five ' hundred , thousand are using it . In place of face powder, as It stays on until you wash It off. It is so lifelike in appearance that it is .impossible to detect it, and it gives you: a youthful skin . "eyery one Just loves to touc." It Is especially recom mended as a protection to the skin, for ' shiny ' nose, - freckles, tan; blackheads and. sallow dark, rough skin. Try "it today on your face, neck, hands7 and ' arms.'; Yes, It's absolutely harmless, even on the most delicate skin. At all totiA. counters everywhere. ' (Adv.) . ! '&t, W Miss Catharine Mulqueen, the charm ing young . prima -ionna vh has the title r role In "Irene," coming: to the Acodemy of Mulc matinee and night Saturday, Oct. SQth. ENGLISH TAUGHT IN SERBIAN SCHOOLS Language, Now Made Compul sory Study in Advanced Studies in Country BELGRADE, Serbia, Oct. 26. -English is being introduced throughout the schools of -Serbia. It is now made a compulsory subject ( in the normal schools.' The first courses in English, which were inaugurated in Belgrade a year ago under an American teacher, Dr. James Wilde, of Chicago, have yielded such excellent results that the government has decided to make the language a part of the clrcula of all schools. Heretofore the dominating language of the Serbians, apart from their native tongue, has been German. The "Ger mans were quick to see the advan tages of introducing their larfguage as a means of acquainting the school children with the ways and customs of the German people. The pupils were given little chance of acquiring the things that go to mae up the life and culture of Anglo-Saxon civiliza tion. A very large proportion of Serbia's school teachers were killed in war, 800 having died during the Bulgarian oc cupation. Scores of school buildings were destroyed, and most of the school books printed in the Serbian language were deliberately confiscated and burn ed by the Bulgars. Even Bibles were carried off, the object of the Bulga rians being to displace all books, in the Serbian language with publications in their own tongue. ' Notwithstanding these disasters, out of 2,100 .schools in Serbia, nearly 2,000 have reopened. So great Is the thirst for education In Serbia that It is a common th-inar fnr cWMren In tVi! country districts to leave their homes before daybreak-and walk for several hours to reach school,-not returning home until late in the s evening. The school jbuildings, owing sto the ravages of , wAr,: ; often; are without ; "window pahesV heating desks, : books "and even writing material. -v. - So great is the shortage of teachers and the Influx of pupils that the for mer have to work from dawn until night, taking their classes in "re lays." . -f ' THINK BELGIAN BAG WON NEW YORK, Oct. 26. Officials of the Aerp Club-. of America today conceded that the Gordon Bennett international trophy for free balloons had been won by the Belgian entry "Belgica," piloted by two Belgian army 'officers," Lieuten ants De Muyter and Labrousse. ALL WRONG . 1 WAS HER LiVER Before Taking Black-Draught, Missouri fiady Was Troubled Wiih Constipation, -Head- ' ache and Bad Taste in Mouth. GRANDIN, Mo. Mrs. Susa Brooks, of this place, writes f ' "Some time , ago I was in a bad 'fix, with stomach and liver trouble. 1 did not feel good at any time. I was very constipated, and had headaches ftom this condition, and had, a continual hurting in my stomach, and "bad taste in the mouth. Could tell my liver was all wrong. 'I had known of Eflack-Draught, so decided to try it myself. I began with a large dose or doses, gradually getting to smaller doses. It regulated my bowels, relieved me of the hurting in my stomach,' cleaned off my liver and made me feel,.like a new person." If you get up In the morning feeling as tired as you did when you wept to bed achy, coated tongue, .bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion hen your liver has not done its full duty, and your system has absorbed the poisons which your liver should have taken away. - An occasional dose of Thedford's Black-Draught will help this inlportant organ to function properly. ' Get a package of The'dford's. Black Draught liver medicine today. , ' Druggist sell it, or can get it for you. (Adv.) ' ,- - . VocaL . ' ON Get Yours V Gree ASSERTS HARDING FAVORS SOVIET MOSCOW, ; Sept. 23 England, '.. by breaking: off negotiations ; . with '. 'Jje Kameneff, -the former Russian trade comfnissioner in London, ' has -lost , an opportunity to play ... the leading t rdle in world politics, says Karl Radek, rad-ical- leader." .. i.;: " . '"y "The political j sceptre has , fallen from the hands of Lloyd-George from the hands of England,", he -asserts in an article in the Isvestia. ,. .'- "Trade negotiations wth. Soviet Rus sia .fcould have reprBented ,for Eng. land a victory'over. Trench and Ameri can ' imperialism oyer French Impe rialism because- . French 'creditors would have been 6bliged- to allow- the gold,, which the French capitalists con sider their property to . pass Into Eng4 lish coffers; over American imperial ism, because the English gpvernment would receive supplies and raw. mate rials not under the control of Ameri can monopolies, 'To realize'this -victory. It was nec- fessary to establish political peace wltn soviet Russia. , -Nv "The breaking off of diplomatic Keep Your Blood Pure - ) Nature Will Do the Rest Did you know" that ninety per cent of all . human ailments .depend upon the condition' of your blood? . Nature gives her warnings in various unmistakable jways, so that when the appetite falls, and you become weak and listless and a general run-down condition seems to take possession of the whole body, It is-an unfailing sign that impurities will, steadily accumu late .until your general health will be seriously affected. - You should recog nize the importance," therefore, of very promptly cleansing out the system, and keeping the fbloodV supply pure and ro bust." ' ' . SPECIAL V Introducing THE ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER" We are going to put JUST twelve ."ROYALS" in homes In Wil mington at a price they will never sell for again, merely to intro duce them. This machine - is endorsed by .'Good Housekeeping' In stitute" and 1b fully guaranteed. You will never Tegret . being one of the lucky twelve,. Phone us for details, and demonstration. ' City Electric Company 206 Princess Street ' Phone 995 Warners' Safe A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1877 Warner' Safe Kidney-and Liver Remedy. Warner's Safe Rkenmatle Remedy ' r -Warner's: Safe Asthma Remedy Warner's Safe Pills fke; Reliable Family aiedlcines WARNER'S SAItf REMEDIES CO.. Dept. Rochester, N. Y. Sample Sent on Receipt of 10 Cents ' s For Sale by Elvlngton's Pharmacy Dollar Day Special For Wednesday Only $1.25 Roxford undershirts or drawers.;... $1.00 $1.25 dress shirts .$L00 5 collars at 25c .......... . . . .$1.00 $1.30 and $1.15 Phoenix silk : socks . . . ...... f ........ . $1.00 3-soft collars at 40c . . . .... . . . . $1.00 2 pair Holeproof socks.at 60c. . .$1.00 $2.50 and $3.00 children's velvet : " hats . .....$1.50 These specials are for one day only. Don't forget our 20 per cent reduction on men's and children's." clothing.; J; M. Solky 6b Co. One Price Clothiers North Front St. .V - V . Gems -From Irene COLUMBIA RECORDS Now As Our Supply Is; Limited in s Drag COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AND RECORDS negotjifonsameiis tBattn'4pitical initiative passes ito tne nanus ui France, . which is openly supporting Wrangel," Radek continued., 'Simul taneously, theRepublican party of the United V States; and -Its presidential candidate, Harding, have declared In favor of the recognition of Soviet Rus sia, demonstrating that Anie'rlcan capi tal Intend to put England in the sec ond "place :-by beginning jtrade relations with Russia and cutting off England's only non-American source of oil sup ply.":." : " ' Radek concludes w the article by say ing that the action of th6;Brltish gov ernment was induced -ot. so much by the defects of the redvarmy as by. the victories pf the Communist idea in London and Warsaw, ', ""The English gpvernment has concluded; that we are too strong : to. fee further strengthened by) bffleial recognition and diplomatic pourparlers,.' and it is too weak - to tolerate, in London political represen tatlves of Soviet Russia,1 .he added. . ; "The voice of Soviet Russia has been stifled tnr London, but It will be heard not Only Jn London, but among the mil lions of workers in the east." For this purpose, no remedy ''can equal S. S. S.; the fine old blood purifier that has been in constant use fbrmore than fifty. years. Being made from the roots and - herhs" of ; the forests, ItMs purely vegetable, and contains no min eral substance. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your drug store today, and note how promptly it builds up the appetite and gives new strength and vitality. Write for free literature and medical advice to Chief Medical Adviser, 830 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. (Adv.) SPECIAL Warner's ,8afip Nervine (Constipation and Biliousness) Store 3 (HllITO 4 m 3 I. ..... . . wi -- f - I ' i.i ., i 'JAaTv1e; ' - - - ' ' I! U U H U II tl II II 11 11 II II U U lULjy II II II II II II H II I' Hn-iHM A. 7 W. S. J.05-107 N. 1 1 $3.00 Values Wearever Combination Hot Water Bottle and Syringe, $2.00. 3 bottles Indian Blood Purifier, $2.00. 1 Ink Pencil, $2.00. $1.50 Values 3 packages Chor-E-Denta Tooth' Paste, $1.00. 4 packages Kolynos Tooth Paste, $1.00. 3 Bottles Sanitary Fluid, $1.00 1 $5.00 Values 5 lbs. Assorted Ghocolates, $5. 1 Aikeh-Lamber Fountain Pen, $5.00. - on s YOUfLL You'll buy - it again ' once you ' have4 tried .Won Favor by Its Flavor Jas.G.Gill Co.,lnc. Norfolk, Va. I Ictvstiiv vuu vim uuumugu Eiivinsrt Qneen's Blend COFFEE 4 BOOR SEDAN The four doors have more than ever endeared -the Sedan to those feminine members, of the family to whom, convenience means so much. They alsoxappreciate the high quality of the genuine mohair velvet used in upholstering. The srasoline consumption, is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. Di MacMillan, Jr. MOTOR CARS V G. MacMILLAN, Sales Manager Second Street Telephone No . 2103 ENJOY IT V For sale at all aroeers. l s M.....;..1.,!r 11 ' "nhmfc . Fvervbo bUUUlO IU 'IIWUUIIU IIUUU " ( i i r. iiiihi.. .i mi. it urituni i i iimimi r - tV I i 'imiP'ws ri ODAlv. 'TITTLE BILLnf 101 Princess Street Wilzxangton, n. J , . V ' t