THE MORNING STAR. WILSHNGTON. N. cj FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920. TWO t Uf S SEGUniTIES HURT DY RELIEF MEASURES, SAYSTREASURY HEAD Refers Particularly to Soldiers Bonus and War Finance Board Resolution. . ' WASINGTON. DecraSC-T-Maket prices of liberty bonds and 'other government securities were said .today by Secretary I Houston ' to be suffering: as a result of te continued discussion of the soldiers' bonus and the various legislative meas ures for the relief of the farmers, such as the revival .of the War Finance cor poratiorf.'. ? ; .. '.. sX;X " r---C-- '? Enactment into law of either of these propositions; the' treasury "secretary, de clared, would necessitate flotation by the government of a loan,' which, won 1 add to the amount of sovernment 'securities- npw outstanding and cause a reaction on the. market for government . bondsr .X:;X V .. .'-V ' ' '-. rX Necessity of a bond issue to finance a soldiers' '. bonnsr- Mr. Houston said,, is readily understood : but At would 1 be J . equally, necessary, for.-the government to borrow in order to enable the War Finance corporation, to "function. ' .'The "corporation, he said, has about I370.000.0QO in book credits against the treasury, but o resume its activities It would have either- to issue bonds of Its own to obtain funds or call upon the, treasury for.itsJDalance, in which case the treasury forced tp issue certificates of indebtedness in order to raise the- money. . c - - The "secretary - also said he was op posed to the various proposals for ex tending credit to foreign nations on the basis of government funds, the admin istration having decided there should be an end to-foreign loans. Discussing sales tax to provide government revenues, ; a subject now under consideration by the house ways and ; means t committee, the secretary declared himself opposed to a general sales tax on the "ground ' that it was contrary to theory 'of progressive tax ation. He added, however, that he fav ored a- selected sales vtax applicable to certain classes of articles not neces saries which , he said, would keep the burden of the tax from those unable to pay. hardly be ' anything "closer to his in- j teresttnan mflj priae in me uominaiu JO,l V TW U1V11 11 " A' w formation of the federal reserve system and the care he. exercised; in selecting for its members men of high character and ability. . -,..tXy'X' '''-. T -v The - federal preserve; system ! is one of the great "monuments of President Wilson's "administration; It.- was his earnest v wish '. to make- the board' as free from politics as V? the . supreme court is. The fact that , the present bill, 'apart from the degree of ..merit it' has,.as X tainted wlthi the, iwishf on the part '.of some senators- tr intimidate the federal ; reserve board; , to - compel the' board to j abandon an ' action based upon "their conception of sound govern ment finance; to, intimidate' the board Into taking action dictated to some eXf tent" by political considerations, and; to make the board "' subservient . to - what ever may happen to" be the momentary temper of congress all this Constitutes the sort of thiris that is .likely t in fluence President Wjlsoh X against the measure. & " ''$:' ,.--. t r If ?he Should veto iCthe efforts r to override, Tiia vetof, will - constitute one of the most interesting episodes of the present sesslon'TheV, vote oh the nriffin&l 'bill.' both in the senate and in fthe house, seemed to indicate that there might be sufficient strengtn to over ride the u presidents c veto.; - In the senate the Vote passing- the bill .was 47 to 16 and in the house 212 to. 61. ASHEVILLE'S CHRISTMAS ---LIQUOR STOCK IS LOW 01dTimers Have Much Diffi culty Obtaining Holiday Supply ' WANING CRIME . EPIDE30C REPORTED IN NEW YORK . Intensified Effort of Authorities Shows1 Effect , .-;. HERRICK HAS INNING HARDIN AS 6 ADVISER Counsel tl'Said ltot ilave Ben Based? On Observations X MARiO.-'Q peace and -Ainerlcan-! iu'sss'codltrpnlsief 4 foremost. again .r today in President-, elect Haf'ding;conaUatl6ns v here about Jtkrtpoil& s r.-.v JEW YORlC J)ec.' 23. New .York's crime epidemic1 appeared to be waning rapidly: today ; before intensified police activity,, supported by drastic meas ures of, criminal court, judges. r Eighty-four " men. ' most of whom" previously had , been released 'on low bail, were sent to jail by judges In the oourt of. general sessions, when the amounts of the sureties were raised so high the prisoners could- not furnish them. , - " .Bail amountinK to ?150,000 was oi dered forfeited in the cases of 60 others who-failed to appear whenordered. jBail of one." prisoner, who, the' rec ords showed,, had been at liberty under a total . of $6,000 , on ; two separate charges, was ; increased to $35,000 by Judge . MClntyrewho declared if this wast ' forthcoming he would . raise the amount still higher; . "r ' f K 'Li Announcement :wasl midej that -onT Mdnday 500 men will be started, on a course of intensive -training, prepara tory to Joining - the regular police force. . , . ' ' Police stations were ordered by Com missioner Enrlght ' to report to head quarters complete records of all vio lators of the state or federal drug laws. The records will be turned 6verto the narcotic division as part of a new plan to check up all Urug addicts in the city, i-t - !' " ri".-- - Two -men were arrested, today after - detectives said thev had bought j$3 worth of drugs from them. Later the officers reported seizures " of $1,000 worth of drugs In a run by the . two. Few serious crimes were . reported todays .: - ' (Special 'to' The Star) , ASHEV1LLE.-- Dec . 53.--Christmks liquor is coming high in Asheville this year," much- higher, in -fact," thanit ever has-been. -This information from the nolice and county . officers comes after the most sensational raids con ducted here in years, when the .sheriffs department last week rounded up about thirty alleged bootleggers, every one of whom was : bound over to the higher court whenglven. preliminary examinations in police court. ; , i Old-timers who will awear thatthey cannot live withoutrwhiskey are weep-J ing and wailing for the want of some thing of a liquid nature that will stimulate and iavigorateTmt they are having the times of their oldlives in being able to dig , up something. Not a-drop of .whiskey has been , shipped into. Asheville by express or freight for more than six months, the officials say, 'and the post' office, here has a similar record, , with 'one exception. One Indi vidual mailed a quart- of liquor to a friend. He is now in the county ; jail finishing up a six months' sentence and fine which he was unable to payt Brought back here from Denver, Col., where he "was transferred when '' the detachment of mert. of the United States army general , hospital was removed from Oteen several months ago, Henry Halg. . a soldier of the medical corps," will have to stand trial here before the United States federal court on charges of ' robbing the post, office - at Axalea, the station dearest - the 6 big ( govern ment hospital. ' ; Telephone swearing is not a viola tion of law, Judge;"Vrells ruled in po lice court here.' The matter came up In the case of Carl " Gregory, clerk In a local hot el, who called tip the police over the telephone- a few -nighta ago Insisting ' that they t had a warrant for him; "When told that they had none, he proceeded, to "cuss" them out and was arrested. - Judge Wells ruled that toviolate thelaw the cursing must be done in a puDlic j?lace ahd tKat A tele phone booth iis'tenot a public place Cregory d6Ing'his,phoniiigffpm? a tJay station nearxtheidepot.' 1 4 tlon , The plan-: for tn association of, na tion he discussed withtrori, T; Her- rick, of Cleveland,:; who was American ambassador ranc of theorldwar and who has been suggested persistently; as n possible se lection j; for a similar f .bst under , the )jext President. '';-:'i;, .:?r V:X'' -. ; During the summer Mr.' Jlerrick made an extended tour abroad and his ad vice to Mr Harding-; on-ihe;peace prob lem; is understood.. to have been .based on information gathered in.conferences with leading Eurppean statesmen. . Business conditions, were taken jp by the President-elect; with Fred Up ham, r William Wrlgley - and Marshall Field, aU of Chicago, MrUpham. who is treasurer of -the Republican national committee, 'also discussed various"" or ganization questions lef t ove? from the campaign,1; - -t '- Othera who' saw'Mx, Harding during tha j day ; Included.-' Mrs.. .Harriet Ta'yiqr Upton of Warren,' Ohib vice-chairman Of the Republican"; national -committee, and Harry;M. Paugherty.vof Columbus, a member of the Republican campaign comm!ttee.v: n;';:-,-..,, : r. ? t y Former President Taft' is .to come to Marion tomorrow- in response eo Mr, Hardinsf a.-, invitation to discuss .' the peace association plan and other Bub jects. Althongn ran advocate 'of fthe Veraaf lles'-'Hagtier' Mrr Taft has indi cated' that he will supportany other prajtlcatlJlattT'toprombte f peace : and he' is counted on to contribute partifcu- lariy : to' the proposal? for an: interna tional courts "" GEORGIA" BANlElitBIIEr - "$ECOD COURT 1NMXO ATL.ANTA;rGk.-rDec. 23.---the deorgia -court f appeals today" declined to grant a new trial r for William : B. , Green, forme.vieeipreaidentof the Fairburn Banking company, whof was convictad lastsprlng '6f emb'exzlement' and '.sen tenced to "five Tears' Imprisonment: ; Green was vice - president of the bankwKen Its buirdlng'was' burned in the fall of "im - He w in the building at the time, and latersaid that robbers entered the?" bank, bounds and gagged him. looted the safe and' then set fire t6 the trucut-e.-f Aid .-audit 'Of Greens' books was said to place Green's short age In ther neighborhood of $100,000. K Mrs. KatTierine..Bradstreet, vsho was jointly indicted with Green on the em bezzlement charge,-4 was , found not guilty, when she was tried a few weeks after- Green's conviction. - x ACTION OF PRESIDENT. ON FINANCE BOARD BILL BOY INSTANTLY KILLED r IN GINNERY ACCIDENT Neck Is Broken By Contact With. Largd Belt n C ; r rSjMMTlnl to The tr - a J WARSAW Dec. 23. Jesse i Tucker, twelve-year-old s6h of Mr. and Mrs. Dude Tucker, was killed instantly at the Best cotton gin Wednesday af ter rcon at a o'clock. The boy was em ployed at the gin ane in some' way ap proached, too near th belt, when-he was caught in it, having his leg -amputated at' the knee, and his neck broken before the machinery 'couldlbe stoppca. . :. . - ... .. f - ' ' .' .(Continued from Page One) when h,e said that it was wholly a case of the senate "passing the buck" to the federal reserve board. Senator Glass added, "we ought to expunge this sec tion". '.It does no credit to the senate." Nevertheless, the senate passed the bill by. a vote of 47 to 16. Thereupon, in the house we had the rather unusual spectacle of that body' taking the con servative .side of an issue on which the senate had taken the merely pop ular side. r - - The house dropped the objectionable Section 2 and passed Section 1 alone. Later, In conference, the senate' agreed to the action of the house, and as tha . now lies on President Wilson's desk it provides merely for the revival of the 1 War Finance corporation. . "Tkree Reason, for Veto The practically overwhermlnff belief here is that President Wilson will veto the bill.. To do otherwise would be to override the action of his secretary of the treasury and disagree witir the K?K!Uy S L1 Ad:! ferment in the famHy buriaTVround. The Warsaw tobacco market closed last Friday for the Christmas holidays. and will Teopen about the 11th of Jan uary; While .prices have been consid erably lower than last, season, they nave comparea iavoraoiy with, those paid on other. markets, .and-a good-bit of the weed hag been marketed, wtih probably-better prices for that part of the crop yet unsold. SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN V" V . FACES-OPERATING ' TABLE WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Physicians aitenaing senator cnamoerlain of Ore gon, who haa been ill i in a hospital here since early in the 'week decided late today that an-operation would oe iieccosar. ine operaiion will- D.per formed, t was said, either tomorrow or. Saturday. HAZEL CHARLES montauub, pec. Z3-Little Hazel Charles, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, U. FvCharles of Montague, died yesterday afternoon at d'o'clock. Funeral, services were held today with might not be decisive, but there is the additional .ground- that this measure whatever merit it .may have aa .an emergency and however great the -need of the farmers who are intended to be benefited,, nevefthless is the opening step toward a course which will be a constant temptation for years to come, the temptation that .plagued our his tory for 20. j&ears following the Civil war, the temptation to try. to remedy hard! conditions Ith.easy-money. A revived War PJ nance , corporation can onlyget the money to finance, its operations by , selling c bonds to Uhe public This (would occur :t at a time when, as Secretary Houston' says, the treasury is already under the necessity of selling half a. billion dollars In bonds to the pjiblic, or . the . purpose of paying current accounts. ' No one could follow, the I testimony at the hearings, or the debates in the senate without being favorably m pressed by the. reasoning of-Secretary Houston .and Qoveronr Harding and less favorably impressed by the attitude of some of ; the advocates bf the meas nre ; For V example,. Senator Harris of Georgia, Jn casting his .vote . for the 1 measure, said: "I will say that if th friends of the farmers In this body ( wlH.oin ..with me,, we will not allow uonnnneo any .memoef ,of . the i6 jeaerai reaerye, board who 'has been against helpingr the farming' Interest .of th country in "times, of such dis tress, and, we will not : wait -for their . resignation." ;-v-r:' :T: y ' '-'.",--a H is thls'sorf of threat which! will . probably . influence "President ' Wtlnrtn 19 EGGS A DAY FROM ; 3 HENS, IN WINTER BIr. Ilonr It ens Increased Every ' Jay. - rua In EaiUjr Td . We baie tt-fhivktsn and hadn't had jn egg all wiuter.v. In Are days aftei iccuing von pung,, we got 4 to o eggs dy$ in three weeks, we were getting 10 to a. a cay; in nve weeks we got 15 eggsa oay.; jonn unni, io2, Cherry Valley. Pa. - Mr.' Duni started - giring Don Sung-; la ; January, in zero weather. He now keep his hens busy In win. rrtf "sin, ter when hens usually loaf. ii it fj tin .a t trim v.pisri, .nikn Here's our ofTr: -vr--; r . ...-. - Give year hens Don 6nng and watch re snltsfor one raonthf If you 'don't find that profit beiides, simply tell os and your money will be cheerfully refunded. . ' Don Sung .(Chinese for egg-laying) i a scientific tonic and conditioner. It is easily given in tho j t eed, improTea the hen's ceaun ana "inaes aer stronger and more actlTe. It tones up the egg-laying -organs, and gets the eggs, no matter how cold or wet the. weather. - -;v;,-- -;--v ;:-";:;. . Don Sung can be obtained proniptly from your drogglat or poultry remedy dealer, or send $1.04 (includes war tax) for a pack are by mall prefald Burrell-puf get Co In view of the fact that the report of our price ihvesti- Rations' WteheIin 15o:Uf'i"iiJi:rilIfll:;.iirtt afa fiivino ? thft ;fipiirM'-hub.l Ushed as'followis tfi :;':?::?.: vX1-'? ; X:-XXj: -i all' : 'iu KickuuOJkd. i 09 .60,'. r.,' iceler5v..per::talk,,3 or '.'.'..fty.85.;: 'a' coffee j .. i ''.. -27 - . '. . " 's baked -beans . . . .i . . --.10..;,. '-,'.' V, ..-?, - , . -la ' X Sugar, best ' granulated . . . . . . . iillsb,uryflburl2'po Gold Mdalf flotrrl&pound:bags-.' ' Brookfield "butter" 'IX Xf . . rlEcesh; cotrntry. pnttet:'i:ri' AUO DUjtieiV y V ?' 1-"V" -vTi ' a i--Xv ''f f.Blocki butter.. t 'it "i-'i" Xh 'X-.Xy l lXX $2 v Best it ... Cabbage Arbuckie Campbell :- Tomatoes'-. . w V- ' ".'i'.s.i'.:. . .10".:.. !it, Pineapple . Tv ,-'-..; T . . i . . ..V -.25 ,.1-. Creanx.. corn X ... .10 X;'X j Hershey's iipOiUttd-tin cocoa:4,.1il..'.a& i; Hershey'8;r,po4ind,cake chocolate ilxX. ..20 ,' -;' Wesson oil pints f ? -'. - i ..s " XXxf?3to X0$X Smoked , government .bacon .. : i. . .1i . .20 ' .22 Sliced bacon .,".'., . . . .1 . . .t. L.25 , .Z5 Best sliced breakfast bacon . . . . . I . .V--.36 40 '"Smoked sugar-cured arid Picnic hamsn ;2i ,' STIced "ham, i "" '"j --..SS ,; "Pure- lard .V . . . . ; 7A"i ,2X"riXX i . .'' .20 . ..Compound lard' ei vi'1 i-lf.i'-ivi 'iK't i"...j;-l-. Klngan's pure lard, .1-pound carton 4 l:gQ'-j . Sirloin steak ...'.'.?. ' -to - Porterhouse- ateak . ;.-. .V T. .25. . " Hound steak . . v . . v . . .-; . . : .20 X "Chuck steak " . . . , ......... . . . . m i 4;. " .18 : Hamburger steak....... . . . . . r . . .', .20 Stowing beef . . . .v; . . : .. .. iXl.X.,. &Xrttft XU -., Veal cutlets -V-... j ' ..... ... :i. fy "Veal breast .iv . ;.... .. Veal loin or rib, chops . 1 . V i XX.XJ. Lamb chops ..'i-.... .. ;. .' Chuck roast . , . . ...... .s. . y . . . . . t- Rump- roast . ..,..:;'.', 4 ' Rlbdtit;vvxi.ri-'.'. Dressed chickens Aii-porK sausage . . . .-j Liver; pudding':' t f ivv . .' :1 - Wilmington.' ," ' LOO-" - ;;;'oo''' ':;v r ; ' '.70 -.75 . -!:-v'---0.:.r"-:- .3q .20. ,25 .20 .25 .38- .40, Vivv:.' J 2B. ""'": ns .is . . . 1 ... - ; .60 .28 .80 , - Klngan's all-pork sausage ; Bread, 18 ounces 12 ounces .10 -SPECIAL COmTlTTEE KIWANIS GLUB Hs"j: .vi ::' . j Iff 1 I I I v , if H u : ! ! Ill ' ! I II - 1 Sfi D. C. JURY CONSIDERS CASE OF NICKY ; ARXSTEIX WASHINGTON, ? Dec. . 23. A. iury of the District of Columbia supreme court tonight' was considering -testimony - pro duced at the trial of Jules W. (Nicky) Arnstein, and three others, indicted for conspiring; to bring into ithe 'Dis trict securities involved lit the. $5,000 000 Wall street bond thefts :of 'a year ago.', - V V- The; Casej.oCT-ArnsteIn and thethree others, -David-W. Sullivan, Norman S.: Bowles and .W. W. Easterday, was sub mitted to the Jury at three o'clock thia afternoon, and at ten o'clock . tonight. after, ""seven hours of .deliberations,. justice ijouia preoiaing in me case,. ordered 'the Jurors locked tip for the night" ' - . - . Mother's Friend Vot Rxpectaat Jlether Used by Three Generations Write for Booklet o : Motherhood ' and Baby.' Fieo -;.'--....- Bradfield Regulator Co Dept. S-D pi , - Atlaata, Ga. - , . 4Colaa)bla Eldg., Indlanapolla,- Ind. - Butter Tallt Owinp; to the decrease ' in this product we have cut the price of our special Table: But ter. If you have never tried this, we would be gla(J tphave you do so. We get it in f resH by express every other day; assuring you that you axh get ting it fresh everyvtime. Spe cial per pound 1 60c ' '4 - 4"-V'"t Granulated sugar, pound illioc 1 ' . '.f : 3 v- Fresh eggs all have been candled and-all are good: Per dozens s. nrj. 68c .. If ice! large No. 1 Irish pota toes, rer.pecjk ' -v. c . -t 50 c .Ribboit hams. - small average 4 to 6 pounds ; every, one guaranteed. Per pounds XX si'XfX- Slf ESSMarshburn 35c jIjii "'I'P 1 i j i fTke PlumeCTPuvWIV:,?Soal Our Budget PlanWUl Do Uy . . So Xonie in today and ask how? -There's still time to geta" New Edison for Christmas, and make the family,, supremely .' happy. X)ur Budget-Plain requires only a small Christmas.out- J lay; It distributes the; bal ancethrougHi 1921& in such 4 . a way that you'll never feel :x r" " :- "v h the payments. " -' . . ' "4 - . . : . Just a few of the leading styles left;,; Select yours McGRATB CO 213 PRINCESS STREET TEUjIPHOXB No, 77T. r- N.. Jacobi Hardware Go. Citizens Bank ana Trast Gdinpahy SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS AND IS PREPARED TO CARE FOR IT ON SAVINGS 0 ACCOUNTS X'r' ;.-rj i?.. - . nnouhcing The! Opening Of THE BOSTONKANDY KITCHEN " . -,- -.4-1 i Second aM"PrInce& T -j-2.r;,-'7'' .' ----- - w : Full itneiof Selected Fruit and : Choice -'.i-r: v's'.' Confectionery y' zJ-y-X ; -Nothirig Better For Christmas Gil Gifts Than - r l 0S S.Fresh supply Straight' irom the. factory, and at prices to suityoiir pocketbook. j -; ; ....... ' :Hpigars7 "Canjdy Varidi, Perfumery, oing fast. Don't t rwaitUntil th LlJ . Hic&Buntirig Drug Company - i-Vi:Xrn s,Kcj .;;t.-;4M:.Stcond and. Prlneeaa-: Street : ".. '''-r-k'-'Wt 'e''H.:-?5'.7--'; v ;'.'' -' -. . ... ' : ... GlinEfiPtJBLIC ACCOUNTANTS :l5:i'l3Sa;5: ;'4'tv i wKMifcrchUoa Balldlaa jw'Hy-'-v:::"-?'!';- ?T!ie Grocer That$ : tower j , In Price" i Telephone 385 35 S. Second ::C' 111 - v LST:" NURN 1. : .-,pr ,i" ---'I ''':''-; 4: V: yMmxxmxm -.;? . FOR CHRISTMAS NOW1 uXWr- VAvf-',-; 'J'--' ':'". -'' "-'i'.- i;t';:V:::-J::'''';" i.;6r'"-:j"' ''! "'- X.;-iJ4".',f''"'l.-'--'; 4 aecona and Market Streets i "- '.;- .j ' "-; -' EE' V .1 i : X--cfXj- -'if :t TV. '' .- J . n.j-.-,tr.:.. Phones 230 and 231 w'M,oi-;frOtt':. the .blll,-There can K 1 ' ' ii . ..' . - I- ' "' in. . ri il ' ' i rmr-rr gjggSgjSSSSSS - : . -.. ... - . , ... .. .. ... ... y . .., . V p, --,;.;.;.'

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