8 V. THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921.' ELiSVEN inanci al a nidi Go mmercial 1 : 1 i i. COTTON ton vr 1 untv, piu 'xiib coil left held comparatively steady dur 111 a.rlv tradinsr. but th rn. rf! 0f the late English news to show v improvement in labor i conditions J an unsettling feature and prices v , .' under increased offerings toward hUvsold off from 12.55 to 12.32 and at the lowest with the general r.nno of 28 to 40 points. The Live t1 .1.1.. uirA wnk. RurmoRrtlv Pm r.f increased nervousness ove It f I S M. - - f hoi conditions but the market , here ,r.ffl steady at a aecnne oi oniy " " et r as 1 fl- corporation has approved appll jTtif.ns for a loan of n- to finance exnorts ;ln,Vi, ' bales to various f oreign . coun . ...r o icn hflv hAfl noma ioji t buy in on renprts that slnae !,1V a good business had been done i , -."i to n soods for export to India. Ill 1 ...I A.mnt anA Ta1 coa' nnlnta china Til" ic . " ' rr", ' support was by no means active ?I,ribio F.nglish news, and the mar . j nn ii v wrtrVcpd lower. k'3.f'iii" became a little more active ' ' i 7,, rinsp. when southern hedo !"!' more in evidence than earlier i v nreure from Wall street sources -hirl may have been connected with i Uettled sentiment in the stock "hPr to 12.77 and last prices were th nlet of the day on nearly all posi n" m-u., noniuii rpnnrt showine 437. o.tn-tlei consumed in this country ..... ,nnth nf March aerainst 575.- - inst year was a shade .under the ,.,..a!;t but was not consiaerea an Xrtant influence on the day's mar mhlox from Liveroool , . I I 1 O 1- . - Vi that Manchester trade prospects . lrs active. The gossip is tnat tn -niiof. hales of cotton mentioned ii u-nii war finance corpora f,v financing are to be shipped by onP of tne soutnern co-operuve umi-i-ptine organizations. Ke..Vo.. Hi eh. Low. Close ,V!r 1201 11.76 x 11,76 " 12.65 12.31 x 12.31 ZUpr 1818 12-8 12.79 number .. 13.51 13.23 13.23 EW ORLEANS COTTON F.W ORLEANS. April 14. Declines rnifd in the cotton market today from rmcu - . . 1 . - uu 11.. ..1. opening 10 me ciooc whu-luo we. npriod in the last half hour of the rta- when the trading months were ?i tn sr. noints under tne close 01 yes- ipniay with May down to 11.40. Last nriee were at losses of 30 to 84 points wilh May at 11.43. The unfavorable whr.i 5ituation in Great Britain was the .main influence working, .against On th opening some little selling came from those traders who bpught late yesterday on tne rumors tnat tne British eoal strike . had been settled. Further selling was encouraged' by the poet Liverpool market and by the'die- aptaintinEr showine or tne census ou ivr.; report for March on American mills, placfng consumption at 437,933 bal'f, which was about ,40,000 bales under general expectations. The.mar ket was steadied at the decline by a' legrams from Liverpool saying that Manchester was doing a Better dusi n?s and reporting sisrns that-the boy cott in India against British goods wi'.s breaking up Small recoveries were made' from time to time,-biit- noneef them lasted. Some. of these small upturns were due to the continued rain over the belt, moisture being regarded as detrimental in most sections. From Texas there were continued ac counts of planting being held up by wet soil and in some important Bee lion? of the state it was said that pbnting probably could not be re sumed for a week or 10 days. , Future?: Hlsrh. Low. Close. Mav 11.67 11.40 11.43 hiiv .. 12.12 11.57 11.88 u.her 12.59 12.32 12X3 December 12.89 12.62 12.62 . DAILY COTTOI TABLE Port Movement V i New Orleans 'Middling 11.00; re ceipts 2.R96: exports 6,367; sales 348; stock 400,372. Galveston Middling 11.35; receipts ',"91: sales 395; stock 312,494. Mobile Middling: 10.37; receipts 83; Btock 17,018. 1 . Savannah Middling 11.50; receipts 1,216. stock 152.971. Charleston Receipts 101; stock 247,- Wilmington Middling 10.50; receipts 1'S stock 30,954. Texas City Stock 9,962. Norfolk Middling 11.25; receipts 602; sal's 366; stock 100,158 . Rrltimore Stock 8,261. Bcston Middling 12.20; receipts 232; stock 10,700. . Philadelphia Middling 12.25; . stock "New York Middling 12.00; stock 125.010. . Minor ports Receipts. 500; exports lflf- stock 2,070. Total today Receipts 12,799; exports W7; stock 1,418,435. Total for week Receipts 83,974; ex- Total for season Receipts 5,133,499; ."ports 3.SS7.420. ' . Interior MovemeVit Houston Middling 10.65; receipts 7, ':' shipments 8,654; sales 3,901; stock' Memphis Middling 11.25;, receipts 1, "W" shipments 2,513; stock 355,516; . I'Kusta Middling 11.50;- . receipts iir:e5o pments i-823: sales 18?;fstock St. UtiiB-MJddllng 11.50; receipts '4: sck 30,575. Atlanta Middling 1L05. fisc C Rock Middling 10.50; receipts shipments 610; sales 350; Btock P"11" Middling 10.25; sales 8, ntgomcry Middling 1X.50; 578. sales Total today Receipts 12,888; ship- "ts 16,032; stock 941,328 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK rrr.-Af,- APrfl 14- Cattle: linesMy t0 15c higher; top -tef 'rs and hifers. 9.50; top .er steers 59;. hniir s nofvio t. Beef top year- top heavy a; bulk 8.00 g 9.75; butch I p Kfrmlr IO , n r i t i . t, ""US steadv to.25n hlvhar: hullc some export demand for ihe r Pho "7 ick st..n',? ,ra'ves, stockers and feeders "50- , velers to packers.around 257 75 8 and fee'ier8 largely. 8(,;."s: Op s: Opening steady, to 16c lower, 1 1 K nrp PEtf,,..!.- , S .i.lK"li s averasre: som hld off the ig steady to strong, with Vn- . We aVt- op 9 35 for 138-pound average; irahi. ft-J0 J 15c higher; bulk de- rliPnePrr': Ktpady to 25c higher; handy C 1 ton i;.w nng most; wooled. lambs , , V oUlk 9-009.86; shorn top Wn 'k ?,00 9.00; good 110-pound r'ole,i 5pariings 7.00; choice heavy 0u- f )Vf thers 6.25; best shorn ewes .5o' r ft"ality 65-pound feeder lambs ftiAR AND COFFEE ; ; HnoV'B:: April 14. Raw surar fin? 'J r"flned dull at 7.65 to" 8c r.n anulated. - . s 814 to 9c. - STOCKS lutiit, April l4.The stock market resumed its reactionary course today, rails, steels and affiliated" ls uea affaln displaying pronounced weak nesa at net recessions of 1 to 4 points. ummoauy markets, especially grains. ?Jr were unsetUecJ. tlcS Zhl& hav.e rvefi more par r: ' " weeK to depress general economic conditions were a-aln iHCS2?' Th Britlrh latoor conflict f " ursep nnaneial requirements rern. .Vi" rttIiraa ana industrial con weakil-YJ?0' n8w lements of iViVA 'Ft. directing their " f "i 10 tne snares of. com panies Whose futlirA rivMonl ii0K,,wk doubtful because of poor earnings. Conspicuous features of the broader . j att? eraoraced a number of high- 2iaTn ?ac,I"c' Delaware ana Hudson ti?f VLmJnA Nashville. , Among we-cTucibir.S Generfl laSSffii .Btrt f PulIman- an T,?usa,ra' tobaecos, utilities and finally TLf i8 and ,,ftor8 also save way. Lowest quotations of the session were .ue in me last nour. Supporting or aers then were negligible at Taest, j nervous, tonp. nrpvaiiino- at tv, Neither the money market nor for eign exchange figured to any nereeri- tftnt in the day's operations. ume runds were unaltered, nut international remitrj.nA firmer the Italian, rate making iurtnerNmarked art Confirming to the heaviness of stocks numerous railway bonds tended down ward, especially convertible in an ao T.IK erty bo.nds were mainly lowt but in ternationsl were inclined to further im provement. Total sales, par value, v 1 c fO,l NEW YORK STOCK LIST Am. Beet Sugar Am. Can . . .... Am. Car and Fdry. . Am. Hide and L., pfd. Am. Interna. Corp. . Am. Locomotive Am,-, Linseed b Am. Smelt, and Ref. Am. Sugar Am. Sumatra Tobacco Am. Tel. And Tel Am. Woolen Anaconda Copper . . Atchison .. Atl. Coast Line ... . : Atl., Gulf and "West I. Baldwin Locomotive .. B. and O. Bethlehem Steel "B" Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motors ... .. Chesa. and Ohio . '. C, Mil. and St. Paul .. C.f R. I. and Pac -Chino Copper Coca Cola Colo. Fuel and Lron . Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Erie .. General Electric General Motors Q. Northern, nfd. . . . Gulf States Steel Illinois Central Inspiration Copper . . . Int. Mer. Marine, pfd. International Nickel '. International Paper b Kennecott Xlopper : . . L. and N Mexican Petroleum . . Miami Copper Middle States Oil Mluale Steel Missouri Pacific New York Central . . . N. Y N. H. and Hart. Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific ..... Okla. Prod, and Ref. Pan-Am. Petroleum . . Pennsylvania Pitts, and W. Va Pure Oil Ray Con. Copper Reading IHlgh 88 28H 122 42H 41H 84 39 90 73 H 105 72 38 79 78 3644 84 33 54 111 33 78V4 58 24 25 22 26 29 71 82 20 11 134 13 67 29 87 33 50 15 - 19 97 138 ,19 4 A 14" 26 17 67 16 70 3 68 S3 24 34 ' 12 Low C1om 18 97 136 19 13 26 16 67 16 93 68 3 67 32 24 83 124 . .1 67! 66l 66 Keriogie steel ni , 1 ... 24 Rep,. Iron and Steel ..I 60 58l 58 Royal Dutch, N. Y. ... 61 I 59 59 St. Louis and S. Fran.! 20.19 19 Reaboard Air Line ...I 5l 5J 5 S. Air Line.p fd hi ... j ... 9 Shell Trans, and Trad. I 40 I 40 j 40 ' Sinclair Oil and Ref.. I 23l 23 23 Sloss-Shef. Steel and.I.I 39 I 38 38 Southern Pacific I 72 72 72 Southern Railwav 19 19V.I 19 A Southern Railway, pfd.l 65! $5 55 Std Oil of N. J.. pfd. I108I108I108 ftudebaker Corp. Tennessee Copper . Texas Co Teotas and Pacific . . Tobacco Products . , Transcon. Oil Union Pacific TTnited Fruit TT. R. Food Products IT.' S. Ind. Alcohol . U. S Retail Stores . TT. S. Rubber U. R. Steel U. R. Steel, pfd. . . . TTtch Copper ...... Vanadium Corp. . . . Virginia Caro. Chem. Western Union . . . . W'house Electric . . WJllys-Overland . . Gen. Asphalt Invincible Oil 77 I 75 75 8 7 7 41l41 I 41 19 I 19 I 19 48 47 I 47 12 j 101 11 114!112!113 ' ...1104 I103!103 ..I 21l 201 20 ..I 66 I 65! 65 ..I 49 48 48 ..I 73 72l 72 ..! 80 79! 79 . .!in9H09!l09 . .! 50 60 50 ..! 29 I 2R 28 1 .1 29! 29l 29 ..I 91!v90 I 90 ..! 4lMf 4 ..I .8 I -7) -7 60 58 69H ..b Total sales, 678,200. 59 NEW YORK BONDS U. R 2s, registered . . . U. S. 2s, coupon U, S. 4s, registered ... U. S. 4s, coupon . Panama 3s. registered Panama 3s, coupon . ; b Am. Smelting and Refining 5s .. . Am. Tel. and Tel. cv. 6s Atchison gen. 4s Atlantic Coast L,ine 1st 4 Baltimore and Ohio cv. 4s .... Bethlehem Steel ref. 5s Central of Georgia con. 5s . . ..d Central eLather 5s .......... . . . Chesapeake and Ohio cv. 5s ... . .. Chicago, B. ana wumcy joint s Chicae-o. Mil. and St. P. cv. 4s. Chicago, R. ir and Pac. Ry. ref. 4s City of, Paris-6s Colorado and soutnern rer. Denver and Rio Grande con. 4s b Dominion of Canada 5s (1931) Erio gen.' 4' . . . . .......... Illinois Central' ref. 4s ......... In t ' eMr. Marine s Kansas City Southern ref. 5s. .... . T.4o-e.tt unci Mvern 5s ......... b Xoulsvllle and Nashville nn'. 4s.. Missouri Kan. and Texas .ists Missouri -Pso. gen.- '4s. . . ; i New York' Central deb: 6s ...... Norfolk and Western cv. 6s. . . . . . Korthertn PSX!iflC 4S . . . . . . . Pennsylvania gen.. 5s Daaittnff cren. 4s ..... Republic Iron and Steel Ss (1940) 84 St. Louis and San Fran. adj. ..... 62 .b 99 .b 99 .b 104 .bw 104 .b . 79 78 76 99 76 l-76 65 32 83 89 81 98 63 66 97 73 63 -89 39 74 86- 74 83 81 58 rs 88 100 7R 86 78 n.'a Hoard Air Lin adj. 5s ,. Southern Bell Tel. 5 s .. . . . . . . . . Southern Pacific cv. 5s ......,i..d Southern Raijway 6s . ..... ...... Rovtnern ;auwKy Pfc. - ... . . Tekas and Paclflo 1st, .d Union Pacific 4s TT. K. of G..-B. and 1 5s,(1937) TT. S. Steel 6s .... - ilraJnia aCro. Chemical 6s ..... Wabash l"t WHson ana co. cr.: es . ., 31 81 H 88 83 57 78 ; 79 84 95 99 84 844. GRAIN CHICAGO, April 14. For the .first time in quite a while buying Dower fin th grain markets broadened some what j today and liquidation gave evi dence of having perhaps spent its force.! Al! deliveries of wheat and corn after touching new low' record prices for the season, rallied to above yester day's ; finish. Wheat, however, failed to hold he advance and closed eak; 1 to lc net lower. Corn gained to net and oats a shade to . Provisions lost 17 to 35 cents. wneat Open. High. Low. Close. May July .... Com May . . . July ... Sept. .. Oats May ... July ... Sept;.: .. Pork July ... Lard May ... July... Ribs May i. . . July ... 1.22 1.07 .55 .68 61 .35 36 .37 L23 1.19 1.21 1.07 1.05 1.05 .56 .54 .55 .69 -.58 .59 .62. .60 .61 .35 .34 .35 .36 86 .36 .38 .37 .37 15.50 16.30 15.30 9.77 10.17 8.80 9.22 9.60 10.00 8.65 9.05 9.62 10.02 8.65 9.07 SOUTHERN STOCKS (Quoted by R. a. Dickson and Company. Gastonla. N. C Greenville. 8. C. Acme Spinning, Co , Aileen Mills , American. Spinning Co. Am. Yarn and Proc. Co. Anderson Cotton Mills Arlington Cotton Mills Aragon Cotton Mills (S. C), Arcade Cotton Mills , Arrow Mills Augusta Factory , Belton Cotton Mills , Beaumont Mfg. Co. , Bibb Mfg. Co Broad River Mills Brogon Mills Brown Mfg. Co , Clara Mfg. Co Clifton Mfg. Co , Cabarrus Cotton Mills Chadwick-Hoskins Co. par 9' Chadwick-Hoskins Co., pfd.. Chiquola Mfg. Co. Calhoun Mills ; cannon Mfg. Co. Clovpr Afllln Cash Mills y. Climax Spinning Co Crcent Spinning Co. . Columbus Mfg. Co. (Ga.) Consolidated Textile Converse, D.-E. Co. . Decatoh Cotton Mills ... Dixon Mills Drayton Mills I Dresden Cotton Mills ... uunean Mills Dunean Mills,- pfd Durham Hosiery, pfd . . Durham Hosiery ,"B" ... Eastern Mfg. Co mastslde Mfg. Co. Eagle and Phenix (Ga.) iunra Mrg. Co Enterprise Mfg. Co. (Ga.) . . Erwin Cotton Mills Co. ..... Erwin Cotton Mills Co., pfd. Flint Mfg. Co Gaffney Mfg. Co Gibson Mfg. Co Globe Yarn Mills (N. C.) ... Grace Cotton M1H Co Gray Mfg. Co Gflenwood Cotton Mills Gluck Mills Greenwood Cotton mills . . . . , Gi'endel Mills Hamrick Mills Hanes, P. H.. Knitting Co. . , Hanes, P. H. Knit. Co., pfd... Hillside Cotton Mills (Ga.) ., Imperial Yarn Mill (N. C.) ., Inman Mills Jennings Cotton Mill Judson Mills Judson MlHs, pfd King, Jno. P.,- Mfg. Co Lancaster Cotton Mills Limestone - Mills , . Lola Mfg. Co. Locke -Cotton Mills Co. ...... Laurens Cotton Mills Majestic Mfg. Co. .' Marlboro Cotton Mills Mills Mill Monarch Mills (S. C.) Mollohon Mfg. Co Myers Mill Myrtle Mills i National Yarn Mills Newberry Cotton Mills Ninety Six Cotton Mill . . Norcott Mills Co Orr Cotton Mills . . Osceola Mills v Parkdale Mills Pacolet Mfg. Co Pacolet Mfg. Co., pfd. Pelzer Mfg. Co Piedmont Mfg. Co. (S. C.) Panola Cotton Mills .., Poe, F. W., Mfg. Co Poinsett Mills Ranlo Mfg. Co Rex Spinning Co. ..... Rex. Spinning Co., pfd. ...... Ridge Mites .... Riverside Ivlills (par $12.50).. Riverside and Dan River Rowan Cotton Mills Co , Rockyface Spinning Co , RhyneHouser Mfg. Co. Saxon Mills Seminole Cotton Mills Co. . . Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga,) Spartan Mills .. ;.. Sterling Spinning Co Superior Yarn Mills Toxaway Mills (par S25.6-0).. Union-Buffalo Mills Union-Buffalo Mills.' 1st pfd. Union-Buffalo Mills, 2d pfd.. Vlctor-Monaghan Co. ; . Victor-Monaghan Co., pfd. .. Victory Yarn Mills Co. ..... Ware Shoals Mfg. Co. Watts Mills Watts Mills, 1st pfd. Wlnget Yarn Mlllc Co Wiscassett Mills Co. WlUlmston Mills : Woodslde Cotton Mills Woodside Cotton Mills, pfd.. Woodruff Cotton Mills ...... Bid Ask 67 i 73 . .. 59 .. 300 . 120 136 .. 105 . .. 301 .. 250 . . 116 . .. 140 49 58 .. 115 225 250 199 160 . .. 110 , 275 .. .. 121 83 89 170 .. i ..10 . . 100 . .-. 275 , .. 250 185 .. .. 125 .. .30 j . . 125 . 68, 72 .. 201 19 21 ... 90 400 .. . . 101 68 .. . 210 251 . . 115 .. 85 85 91 25 32 . . Ill 85 60 130 190 .. 126 100 126 299 301 . 101 10J . . 260 68 74 . 176 50 61 .. 74 .. 390 .. 159 .. 190 190 .. 15 .. . . 161 12 IS 97 101 250 .. .. 175 76 .. 210 251 250 300 82 93 -. 190 225 .. ..161 105 121 124 128 79 90 . . 175 46 61 .. 300 .. 125 . . 200 75 85 120 136 . . 151 .. 205 220 . . 250 .. .. 110 .. 251 .. 146 . . 190 90 .. .. 120 . . 140 .. 200 .. 115 :. 140 .. 96 . . 130 90 96 75 81 7 9 270 310 69 75 .. 81 74 81 .. 100 . . 101 . . 70 106 115 69 7i . . 100 17 21 . . 40 75 79 28 31 71 74 95 100 .. Si . . 201 . - 116 . . 88 .. 76 210 240 .. . . 120 74 77 .. 300 WILMINGTON MARKETS SPntlTS OF TintPENTlNE N. D. ROSIN N. T. TAR $3 and 14c. VIRGIN N. JD. 1 YELLOW JDIP it. X. HARD N. D. COTTON" WILMINGTON Middling 10.50. PRODUCE! MARKET CORN-r-11.16 to $1.60. BEEF Dull, 10c to 14c VEAL Dull. 12c to 16c. PIG PORK Dull, L10c to 12c BACON (.N C.) Hams 28c to 30c. dull; sides and shoulders, 20c to 23c, dull. CAKE TALLOW So. BEESWAX 20c, dull. HIDES 4C WOOL No market. HENS 90C to $1.25. LARGE FALL CHICKS 75c to $1. SMALL SPRING CHICKS 60o to 66c. EGGS 28 to 80c. BUTTER Dull, 35o. POTATOES $3.00 to $3.25. SWEET POTATOES i to $1.25. CABBAGE $2.50 to $3.00 petj.00. APPLES $8 to $9 per bbl WILMINGTON PEANTT MARKET (Reported by J. 8. Fun chess as Co.) White Spanish." farmers' stock, new crop, primes, per bushel. 30 pounds. 85a. North Carolina, larmerj stock, new crop, primes,' per bushel. 28 pounds, 60c Virginia Runners, farmers' stock, new crop, primes,, per bushel, 22 pounds, 80c. Virginia Jumbos, rarmers' stock, new crop, primes, per bushel, 2 pounds, $1.00. TO PROBE REPAIR WORK OF ' TWO BIG RAILROAD LINES WASHINGTON, April 14. First pub lic hearings on the contention of rail road., shopmen's unions that, carriers pary excessive prices to, outside shops for repair work will be held April 18 at Philadelphia with regard to the, Pennsylvania lines and in New York May . 9 with regard to the A'ew York Central, it Is announced by the Inter state Commerce commission. The machinists .and other unions have charged that the railroads were endeavoring to break up the unions by having repair work done outside at shops whose directorates were inter-" .locked with those of banks and rail roads. ,. TO FAR EAST FOR INCOME TAX CHANGHAI, April 13. -Salvatore Romano, representins the internal' revenue department of the United States government, left Shanghai for America- in February after a tour Of investigation in the far east devoted to income tax matter. He is the first agent of the department who has visited the "far east officially.- SUBURBAN SCHEDULE J ' "TIDBJ WATER POWER COMPANY ; WlXter Park Seagate Wrlchta-rUle. Wrigfcts villa Beach and V- IatersaeJlat Palate . Learc Jtnimlmstn -P Wrtgmtarrtlle Lmti Wilmington Fr Bene PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET COTTONSEED OIL NEW YORK, April 14 Lack of crude offerings in the southeast, coupled. with buying tnat looKect like the south, brought about a covering movement in cottonseed oil today.. Leading months olosed 1 to 10 points net higher.. Sales 10.000 barrels. Prime crude 4.10: prime summer yellow, spot 5.75; May 605; July 6.64 and September 709, all hid.. . DRY GOODS MARKET r NEW YORK, April 14. Cotton eroods and yarns were, steadier today with sales lfgnt.Tnere was more demand for goods' for export. Rav silk was steady and men's wear and dress goods were quiet in first hands, with prices firm. Jobbers reported a continued de mand for small lots for quick shipment to retailers. ; JACKSONVILLE NATAL STORES JACKSONVILLE, Fla April 14. Turpentine strong;5051 ; sales 372; receipts 62; shipments 410; stock 17,- 404. . . ' i Rosin firm; sales 345; receipts 171: shipments 525;' stock 174,098. i Quote B, D.'E, F.i G, H, I, K, M, N,,WGr,WW. 5.00, (Reported by Rodger; Plnmmer and Company, Inc.) SPANISH (Farmer's Stock) market stronger, 80c to 86c per bushel. Old Spanish stock, 65c per bushel. VIRGINIAS (Farmer's Stock) market steady. Fancy Jumbo 6c per lb.; extra prime 4c per lb.; prime Sc per lb.;,shelling stock 2c to 3c per lb. . DAIILY COTTON LETTER (Furnished by" H. G. Latimer, Jr., 401 Southern Bldg.) NEW ORLEANS, April . 14. So far no success has been met within the efforts to avert the general strike in the British Isles set for 10 o'clock Friday night. Under the circumstances the market remains in an unsettled and depressed condition. The situation in England is considered grave and while the outlook appears pessimistic there Is the possibility of the threaten ed general strike being averted at the last hour. The immediate future of the market, therefore will likely depend mainly upon whether the walkout is averted or becomes a reality. If the strike takes place values are apt to exrl ence a further decline, perhaps a sharp advance if strike is averted. Returns to the census bureau com pared with last season show that 438, 000 tales of lint cotton were consumed in the United States during March versus 576,000 for 8 months against 3,167,000 against 4,231.000; that Ameri can mill stocks at close of March were 1.338,000 versus 1,864,000! in public storage and mills 6,573,000 versus 5. 094.000, while active spindles were 32, 105.000 compared with 34,698,000. Consumption returns for March'were a little less than estimated neverthe less were 42,000 larger than for Feb ruary of this year, indicating consump tion in America to 'be Increasing. While stocks in public storage are 1,995,000 larger than one year ago, mill stocks are 516,000 smaller than last year. Washington advises the approval of an application for a loan of $2,000,000 to southern banking interests for ex portation of 30,000 bales of cotton by the war finance corporation. London reports Manchester trade im proving and that the Indian boycott is breaking down. New York announces a good demand for cotton goods from the far east claiming 10,000 bales sold this week. Gold continues to arrive in large vol ume in New York. $4,700,000 reported having arrived from Germany today. H. AND B. BEER. Stocks and Bonds Will Buy or Sell for Cash Liberty- Bonds Bank Stocks Tobacco Stocks Railroad Stocks Have a few thousand dollars' worth of Liberty Bonds that I can deliverat once in small or large amounts. Frank Thornton. Fayetteville, N. C. CITY ELECTRIC CO. 208 Prtncetf St. Phone 995 APPLIANCES t MAZDA LAMPS WIRING t SUPPLIES Yon carefully nelect you Deetor Wk not your DragglstT He's your Inst cheek to the men th - "DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE" 1JT N. Front St. Phones 11-182 LIBERTY BONO PRICES NEW YORK, April 14. Liberty boncj quotations: 3s 90.10; first 4s 87.58; second 414 s 87.40; third 4s 90.70; fourth 4s 87.62; victory 97.64. CORNKR coNoWkwStfc Telephones 133-183 Warm Weather Specials Blatx and Mascot Ginger Ale, Grape Juice, Virginia Dare Nonalcoholic Wine, Lemon Jolcet jDalora Green field Chocolates, Crashed Fruits, Etc., Etc. Bear vProdace and Merchan dise Company Wholesale Only) Cor. Nntt and Grace Streets Phones 453 453 A Prosperous and Happy New Year to All! The Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York the first Ameri can life insurance company an nounces for 1921 a substantial In crease In dividends to policyholders. The eompany'3 policies are also modern in every respect, including a superior dlcabilUy provision. For information -hs to 'policies, ad dress nearest representative, or A. B. CROOM, JR. Manager Wllnlngton District 301 Southern Building Wilmington, North Carolina Spring Jewelry A ; Suggestions Dainty Designs, Charming for Spring Wear Because of Their Simplicity Each creation offered harmonizes with the smartness of your spring wardrobe The variety is large and va ried and the prices are pleasingly modest. Geo, W. Huggins Go. JEWELERS WATCHMAKER? 105 Market Street V 6:60 A. M. 7:10 A, M. g 8:00 A. M. 8:10 A. M. 9:80 A. M. 10:00 A. M, 11:80 A. IL 1:05 P. M, 2:00 P. M. 3:10 P. M. :00 P. M. 1:29 p. M. t 4:00 P. M. 4:39 P. M. 1:00 P. M, ' 1:30 P. M, 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 1:16 P. M. 8:16 P. M. 9:16 P. M. 10:16 P. M. 11 ;l P. M. 6:60 A. M. 7:10 A. M. 8:30 A. J&. t 9:30 A. M. i0:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 1:06 P. 3d. 1:00 P. M. 1:30 P. M. 1:00 P. Jd. 8:30 P. M. t 4:00 P. M. 4:30 P. M. 6:00 P. Mi 6:80 P. M. 6:10. P. M. 6:0 P. AL 7:15 P. 14. 8:15 rP. M, 9:16 P. M. Hll:15 P. M. Iyav Bojh wnnUngtoTS J6:00 A. 14. M:3S A. M.' 7:05 A. M. i7:36 A. Ii. :16 A. 1&, 10:lfi A. 2J. 10:45 A. 14. - 11:16 P. M. 1:4ft P. M. 1:45 P. M. 8:15 p. U. , 1:46 P. 14. 4:16 P. 14. f P.-'M. 6:16 P. 14. 6:46 P. ; 14, :25 P. M. :66 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 7:66 P. 14. 8:10 P. M. 8:40 P. M. WrlghuiTlIla For . WIlnUnstM - 88:10 Am i 6:60 A. f 7:10 A. 7:60 A. I 8:80 8:18 10:18 10:65 11:25 14. 14. 14. 14. A. 14. Am 14. A. 14. A. 14. P. IX. 1:66 P. 14. :& p. m 3:1C P. 14. 8:66 P. 14. 4:36 P, 14. t 4:66 P. 14. 8:18 P. M. 8:66 P. 14. 8:16 P. 14. 7M6 P. M. 7:rt P. 14. 8:05 P. 14. 8:46 P. M. 9:48 P. M. 10:46 P. 14. 11:46 P. 14. 1 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. PROM NTATinv -..-J'llif-oai' connects at WrightsvilU'on special request to transpor tation office. Phone No. 1701. jThis car will go through to beach on special request t transports tlon office. Daily except Sunday. f Saturdays and Sundays only. ISundays only. t Teint scneauie uallr Except Sun any. Freight Depot open daily except. Sundays fron. 1:00 to 8:00 P. 14, STATE SECURITIES COMPANY INVESTMENT BANKERS STOCKS : BONDS : INVESTMENT SECURITIES R. L. HENLEY, President 903 Murchison Bank Building Telephone 290 STOCKS and BONDS COTTON, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS H. G. Latimer, Jr. Member New Orleans Cotton Exchange Direct private wires to Kw Orleans. New Tork, Chicago and all principal points. Orders solicited for future delivery in Cotton. Grain. Provisions. Cottonseed Oil, Coffee and Sugar. Securities bought and sold for cash, or carried on conservative margin. Correspondent, H. and B. Beer. 401 SOUTHERN BUILDING New Orleans, La. PHONE 239 DOLLAR SPECIALS $ $ $ $ KOSCH'S DEPARTMENT STORE All Cars Transfer Over Herel Have you thought of the danger oi driving with out complete li ability protection? Telephone us and we will cover you. JAMES & JAMES Telephones 507-163 BOYS, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? . An Iver-Johnson Bicycle will be re duced $1.00 per day until sold. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO, 209 Market Street . TELEPHONE 862 W Munroe V AND COMPANY PURNITU R,E 18 S. Front St. Tour Money's Worth Always Arrival and Depaxtnre of Train WILMINGTON. N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE - Effective March X, 1921 All Trains Daily When Not Otherwise Designated Depart. ' ; , : " Arrive. -i:40 A.M... Raleigh & North. 1:30 A.M. Sleeper to Raleigh open 10:00 P., M. 6-3J A.M....outh & West... 12:10 A.M. Sieepfir to Columbia open 10:00 P. ai. V45 AJt... .North. . .T6:06 P.M. ' parloi- Car to Norfolk g-30 'A.M. FayetteviUe. . ...oo P.M. 3:00 P.M....-ew Bern. v... 12:50 P.M. a:30 South & West.. .1.00 P.M. eepers to Col- Augusta, Atlanta rfiio P.M. ..FayetteviUe r.tH:0S A.M. i-i'-iO p.M......Southiort....5tl:00 100 p.m--j No"n 9:46 A?M. iieeoers to Washington and Norfolk -iDaily. except Sunday.- J Arrives 9-45 a. m, Saturdays. 'Daily to Ral lieti but doesvnot run, north of Oolds horo on Sundays. TTuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. v "or information Phone 160 SEABOARD AIR LINE - Efiectlvc November 8, 1820 Dally Arrive 4-20 A.M.. .. .Charlotte 12:50 A.M. Sleeper to Charlotte open 10 P. M. ' 8-00 A.M.. ."Wil. to- Ruth'ton. .5:40 P.M. 3:40 PM- - 1:10 P.M. Parlor Car to Charlotte For Information Phone 178 Rtt AN OPERATOR OB A LINOTYPE. INTERTYF'e OR MONOTYPE MACHINE . Good pay, educational, pleasant work for men and women. Course is short and least expensive schooling you aa obtain, v (Typewriter operators 4xcei at once.) Address Typesetting Depu Georgia-Alabama riusiness CoUege, Macon, Ga tor full Information about American . and southern " Newspaper Publishers Typesetting 8chooL Adr. Your Boy Wants A CROWN MOTORBIKE Cash or Weekly Payments Wilmington Cycle Co. 215 Market Street - Phone 526 DOWN WITH THE ANTS! KILL 'EM QUICK! "Thunderbolt" HAS ARRIVED AT LAST J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY Second and Princess Sts. A Coal That Exceeds Pennsylvania Anthracite in value. Other soft coal of equal Quality. Try us. Phone 2321-W. Becker Coal and Builders' Supply Company Castle, Queen . and ' Surry Sts. L. W. MOORE Buys, Sells and Rents' REAL ESTATE 205 Princess Wv L. DOUGLAS 'ipij I 605 North Fourth SL . C ' I If ' W. L. DOUGLASS .' ifciSl'l Ii 1 1' i CI 1 i mm i ,H ! f ii 1 '1 I .11 4 i'M pm mm mi v '':) r xV, www i C". J I. Kr. . it b. Hill II iii! ii? I I' 1' fit ,: 'Vi mi -.tf Ml , 1 Li!'; Iii"'! II;! ! ii i Hi Hi ii n 1 :?!' IS i 11 1 tt,VV: : l illllfl,':1' ii' m n Ilffijifl m m- 11?. 3t; mi bit M m I; . i.il : t 'ji : .:i1 :) l MJ! ' 6" t r V -&L N .s-tf; rj.',-t:,.i fit'- ;:h li-M'l:hf-'!'P villi . ... - ? .V. ' H . , J -x - v.- .-"'' !'! ; Pi i - j l! r . It V v - e. 4 i ' A

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