... : V: . m , v. 4, , THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, ISSf. Financial and Commercial " - II h ' ' ll !l ,.r- COTTON NEW YORK, Aug. 31. There was a ,-trv sensational oreaK in tno cotton market right after the opening tliis roornine; January sold off to 15.80 with ii the first 15 minutes of trading, or a full cent below yesterday's closing Quo tation, and other months showed losses ranging from 85 to 98 points. Sharp rallies followed but were not fully maintained with January closing at If. 25 and witn the general market clos ine steady at a net decline of 52 to 73 coints. Liverpool was a little .better than due if anything and the market here opened rteady at unchanged prices to a decline of 13 points, but quickly became ex ceedingly active and excited. The ef fort to liquidate long contracts after the rapid advances of the past two weeks and before the publication of the bureau, appeared to general and for a time the offerings were overwhelm ing:. October broke to 15.70 and December to 16.00 before sufficient buyers could be found to absorb the more urgent f ferings. A rally of some 45 to 55 points followed almost quiCKiy, wnicn carried December up to 16.55 and January to 1C.56. but this met a renewal of llqui dation, which carried prices back to within 15 or 20 points of the lows and the late fluctuations were nervbus an-i lrT here r were reports that Fall Rlvor mills were going on full time owing u the better demand for goods and ad vance in prices. Under these complaints local brokers attributed the break iXt.rft. to selling in an overbought nr. a morrow's offici iivancp in cotton gods migr.t r mnd for consumption. Two more private crop reports were j nnhiiBhod before the open- ng placing the condition at 55.1 and the indicated crop at 7.905.700 ba while the other, issued later in tne morning, placed the condition at only 45? the Towest figure so far mentioned. Port receipts today were 42.439. United State "port stocks 1.310.999; exports 20.99 8. making 377,9 87 so far this sea son against ibu,3J i. Hieh. Low October 16.60 December i'Vn January nn March .A. May . -7. 17.06 -hiefly to selling in an ovciuuu. r.arket. accompanied by apprehensions 5f increased spot offerings should to .,a.'. ftffipial crop figures fail to stimulate fresh buying and there was some talk around the ring that a fur- 15.70 16.00 15.90 16.20 16.20 Clos. 13.05 1.S2 16.25 16.15 13.59 XEW ORJUEAXS COTTOX NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 31. A violent decline resulted in the cotton market today from the large volume f liqui dation that came from the long side Momentarily, on the first call, there were advances of 10 to 15 points, which carried the stronger position to new high levels for the season but w thin 2 few minutes after a terrific . melting awav of values came about and before flTe end of the first hour of business Prices were 79 to 80 points down from fhe levels of yesterday's close and al most a cent a pound down from tne higher levels of the opening October traded up to 16.25 and then dropped to ir Jft The early slump was the widest fluc tuation of the day. the market getting seme steadiness from very low Pvte bureau reports on condition which brought in new buying orders, but no pronounced strength was on display and only partial recoveries were made. Towards the middle of the day pr-ces were only about 25 to SO points under yesterday's finals but later on they fell oft somewhat and on the close the lis. ehowed net losses on the session of 49 to 57 points, October winding up at 15The better opening wis caused by a higher Liverpool market than expected and the recovery from the first si amp o the day was due to a private bureau report on conditions of only 46.6 per cent of normal, the lowest condition estimate yet made Futures: High- Low. Close. October 16-25 15.30 lo.oo December ..... 16.60 15.41 1.S6 January 16.58 15.67 15.90 March 16.5a lo.o 16.06 May .......... 16-75 15.90 15.15 DAILY COTTON TABLE Port Movement Orleans Middling 15.25; receipt 2.853; exports 8,329; sales 1.899; stock Galveston Middling 15.75; receipts 6.466; exports 420; sales mn; siock 254.275. Mobile Middling 14.75; receipts ei .tnrlf 18.136. Savannah Middling 15.75; receipts 1,118; Stock 128,336. Charleston Receipts 9; stock 195.r9.r Wilmington Middling 14.50; receipts 19; stock 27,643. Tas Oitv Stock 13.581. Norfolk Middling 15.00; receipts 327; stock 86,388. Baltimore Stock 650. Boston Middliirgl6.60; receipts 139 stock 9.900. Philadelphia Stock 5.067. New York Middling 16.05; stock 1 49.567. Minor ports Receipts 11,949"; exports 12.249; stock Z,84. Total today Receipts 23,437; exports 20.998: stock 1.301.992. Total for week Receipts 77.965; ex- mr.rts 67.682. Total for season Receipts 393,761; exports S78.615. Interior Nsrvment Houston Middling 16.74; receipts 6 6SS; shipments 19,713; sales 5,473; stock 202.532. Memphis Middling 15.00; receipts 1,527; shipments 2,274; sales 2,900; stock 228.465. Augusta Middling 16.00; receipts 944; shipments 26; sales 122; stock 91. 726 St Louis Middling 15.00; receipts 1, 688; shipments 2,315; sales 100; stock, 23 188. Atlanta Middling 15.10. Little Rock Middling 12.50; receipts 270: shipments 760; sales 525; stock 37 133 Dalias 'Middling 14.80; sales 3,620. Montgomery Middling 14.75; sales 17. Total today Receipts 11,017; ship jnents 25.088; stock 683,044. NEW YORK MONEY STOCKS GRAIN NEW YORK, Aug. 31. The stock market today forfeited a considerable part of Its recent substantial recovery. This was attributed to the absence of new. constructive forces, which pro voked a renewal of bearish aggros sions. ContraVy to promises held out vea- terday, the money market developed CHICAGO, Aug. 31. -Wheat made a firm finish on the Chicago board of trade here today. Houses with export connections took the surplus out of tha market on the break and later in thai 8:00 a. m. U. S. DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE WEATHER BUREAU. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 1, 1921 Meteoro ogical data for the 24 hoars 'ending at 8 p. m. yesterday. Humidity Record Dry Wet Relative buib bulb humidity temp. temp, per cent. session when the extent of export busi ness at the seaboard was given out, n i j. ne oniciai rate ror shorts started a covering movement wua ell nve pel II L ,LL!U- hich carried prices sharply higher. The close in wheat found prices 1 to 2 up; corn to 1 higher and oats lower to higher. " WHEAT Open. High, Popt. 1.3 9 Dec. . 1.21 Dec. LARD Sept. . Oct. .. RIBS Sept. . Oct. .53 .53 .33 .37 1.21 1.23. .53 .53 .33 37 .52 .52 .33' .36 this was increased to 5 per cent in tne nnai hour. There also w-aa a dis tinct contraction of time funds,' al though those rates were unaltered. Additional July statements of rail road earnings were mainly favorable, but investment transportations were UnresDonsive. esoec.ia.Llv the Hill rrnn. and leading coalers. Qtsjtr deferent C11- factors included a survey of sreneral sept, bualnenn onndltlnnii whirh ItKiimV.d that stabilisation of prices was still i-i OA.TS rroeress. esDeclallv .s aDtlvlnir to the I epu steel industry. Early stock market prices were Ir regular, the list becoming more reac tionary at mid-day. Later dealings were characterized by the erratic fluc tuation of Mexican petroleum, which finally closed at a slight recession, and the strength of Studebaker. United States Steel and independent shares of that class, as well as equip ments, secondary motors, shippi.iss, coppers and many speculative issues of Indefinite description, registersd irreg ular net declines. Acme Spinning Co Buying of British and French bills to ArrarUa mui. cover September maturities as well as I Aileen Mm. speculative accounts imparted variable American Spinning Co. . . strength to foreign exchanges. Do- Am. Yarn and Processing Co. mand sterling was 4 cents above it3 Anderson Cotton Mills recent low and guilders again were Arlington Cotton Mills conspicuously strong. Aragon Cotton Mills (S. C.) Liberty bonds were firmer and traa- Arcade Cotton Mills ing in Donas almost as a wnoie w.u- Arrow Mills Low. Close. 1.18 1.21 1.20 1.22 53 .38 ,o7ii 11.52 11.67 8.95 9.02 11.40 11.55 8.80 S.90 11.52 11.67 8.95 9.02 SOUTHERN 3111.1, STOCKS Qjioted by R. 8. Dickson and Company Gnsfonla. N. J Greenville, S. C. Stock I Bid ened, with recoveries In some of tne Augusta Factory looal traction. Various railway con- I Belton Cotton Mi .1 200 104 t4 190 Mills vertibles rose from large fractions to Beaumont Mfer. Co 1 points. Sales (par value). $7,700,000. Bibb Mfg. Co. .. 120 I --o NEW YORK. STOCK MARKET Name. Brtgan Mills Clara Mfg. Co. .-. Chiton Mfsr. Co. . Cabarrus Cotton Mills Allied Chem. and Dye.l 37 Am. Beet Sugar b American Can 26 7, Am. Car and Fdry... Am. Hide and L. pfd Am. Inter. Corp Am. Locomotive American Linseed... Am. Smelt, and Ref. American Sugar i 61 Amer. Sumatra Tob.. 43 Am. Tel. and Tel 106 IHigh.lLow.jLast. Chadwick-HnsHna Co. par" (25 26 124 30 86 20 34 37 25 121 28 84 19 33 69 40 V 103 American Woolen Anaconda Copper Atchison Atlantic Coast Line..b AtL. Gulf and W. I. . Baldwin Locomotive. Baltimore and Ohio.. Bethlehem Steel "B". Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motors . . . Chesapeake and Ohio Chi., Mil. and S. P. . . Chi.. R. I. and P Coca Cola Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar .... Endicott-Johnson . . . Erie Famous Players-Lask General Asphalt 70 I 39 35 34 85 25 77 38 50 115 28 45 55 26 83 34 68 57 8 60 13 56 4o 23 75 37 49 114 27 13 53 25 32 34 67 55 3 59 13 53 13 General Electric 124I122 NEW YORK, Aug. SL Prime mer cantile paper at 6; exchange irregu lar: sterling 60-day Mils and remmer cial 60-dav bills on banks 3.68; com mercial 60-day bills 3.68, demand 3.72, cables 3.78; francs, demand 7.85. cables 7.86; Belgian francs, de mand 7.61, cables 7.62; guilders, de mand 31.72. cables 31-76; lires, demand 4.41, cables 4.42; marks, demand 1.15, cables 1.16; Greece, demand 5.63; Sweden, demand 23.63; Norway, demand 12.60; Argentine, demand 29.75; Brazil ian. demand 12.00; Montreal, 9.1S 1-6 per cent discount; government bonds firm, railroad bonds strong. Time loans eteady, 60 days, 90 days, eix months, E and 6 per cent; call money firmer, ruling rate 5. Loans against accept ances. 4. -i-H-iakO NAVAL, STORES MARKET JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Aug. 21. Tur pentine firm. 56; sales, 1.38; reelpbs. 7.S6; shipments. 1.62; stock, 26,213. Rosin firm; sales, 1.040; receipts, 2, 214; shipments. 600; stock, 178.652. Quote: B, D. 3.65; E, J,75; F, G. S.85; H. 3.90; I, 4.00; K. 4.10; M, 4.2504.25; 2 4.35O4.40; WG. 6.00 0 6,05i JTW, 5.65. General Motors Great Northern pfd... Gulf States Steel . . .b Illinois Central b Inspiration Copper.... Inter. Haarvester Int. Mer. Marine pfd.. International Paper... Invincible Oil Kelly-Springfield Tire. Kennecott Copper Louisville and Nash... Mexican Petroleum... Middle States Oil Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific New York Central.... N. Y.. N. H. and Hart.f Norfolk and West...b Northern Pacific Okla. Prood, and Refln Pacific Ofl Pan-American Petrol. Pennsylvania Pure Oil Reading ReD. Iron and Steel.. f Royal Dutch, N. Y St. L. and S. F Seaboard Air Line...b Seaboard Air Line pfd Sears Roebuck Shell Trans, and Trad. Sinclair Oil and Refln. Sloss-Shef. S. and I... Southern Pacific Southern Railway. . . . Southern Railway pfd Stand. Oil of N. J. pfd Studebaker Corp Tennessee Copper..... Texas Co Texas and Pacific... Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil.. Union Pacific United Fruit U. S. Food Prod U. S. Ind. Alch United Retail Stores.. United States Rubber. United States Steel U. S. Steel pfd Utah Copper Vanadium Corp Virginia Caro. Ch em. . Western Union Westlnghouse Elect... Willys-Overland 10 73 32 76 43 45 8 40 18 108 102 11 23 19 71 15 74 1 35 46 38 Z5 68 47 49 28 9 66 36 19 34 76 20 48 107 73 7 35 23 61 6 121 105 17 47 52 45 75 109 46 29 26 88 44 5 72 32 74 U 43 3 38 17 108 98 11 23 19 71 lo 72 1 35 44 38 23 67 16 48 22 '9' 63 36 18 3 75 19 44 106 69 7 34 23 60 6 121 104 16 44 51 44 7 109 45 8 25 83 43 C! 37 Chadwick-Hoirkins Co., pf(J XI i-uiyuuia -llg. -0 ., 26 Chiquola Mfg. Co. pfd 124 Calhoun Mills 48 Cannon Mfg. Co. .. 29 Clover Mills go Climax Spinning Co 19 Crescent Spinning Co 3 M-oiumous Mir. Co. (Ga.) . . . . iacoian motion Aims Converse. D. E. Co Darlington Mfg. Co Dixon Mills Drayton Mills ,'. Dresdon Mills Dunean Mills Dunean Mills pfd ; U i: nuoici ji iiiu, ........ ' " Tliipham Unci ..Tj. ' . iil01l.t J ........ Eastern Mfg. Co Eagle & Phenix (Ga.) Efird Mfg. Co Enterprise Mfg. Co. (Ga.)... Erwin Cotton Mills Co Erwin Cotton Mills Co. pfd.. on -4 42 106 69 34 85 85 210 60 100 99 160 6 Ask 73 47 300 68 275 220 115 135 0 12:00 p. m. .. 8:00 p. m. 78 92 82 74 78 78 85 53 83 Temperature: Maximum 94; mini mum 73; mean 84. Rainfall: For the day 0; since . ths first of the month to date 3.50. Sun rises 5:46; sun sets 6:38. Partly cloudy today and Friday; probably scattered thundershowers tu day; not much change In temperature. Wilmington . Masonboro . . Southport ...... 6:40 The Tides High water. Low water AM PM AM PM . 8:48 9:16 3:59 13 ... 6:25 6:54 12:32 12:19 7:09 12:47 10:04 FIRE INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS IS DESIRED State .Insurance Commissioner Writes Letter to School Of ficials and Teachers COTTON REGION BULLETIN For the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, Au- gust 31: , STATIONS Temperature: u 5 K si 4 em's) 5 bo ft) S3 a o a . ofl 8" Charlotte .....clear Goldsboro clear Greensboro . clearj T.umberton . . . clear 91 1' New Bern ciearl 230 Raleigh clearj 102 Weldon clear- 125; 'i0 186 94 113 10 72 32 9 5 32 74 2 n J I 2 108 100 11 23 23 71 15 92 73 1 35 Vi 44 3S 24 67 13 9 64 36 1S Total sales, 681,600 shares. NEW YORK BONDS 37 49 114 27 13 54 001 I 31 2 Gibson Mfg. Co , J5 Globe Yarn Mills (N. C.) 55 Grace Cotton Mill Co 3 Gray Mfg. Co , 59 Glenwood Cotton Mills 13 Gluck Mills 55 Greenwood Cotton Mills .... o vs Urendell Mills 123 Granita Mfg. Co Hamrick Mills Hanes, P. H. Knitting Co Hanes, P. H. Knitting Co. pfd Hillside Cotton Mills (Ga.).. Imperial Yarn Mill (N. C.) . . Inman Mills Inman Mills pfd Jennings Cotton Mill S Judson Mills Judson Mills Dfd iving, j no. f. Airg. Co Lancaster Cotton Mills . . . . Liirestone Mills Linford Mills1 " Lola Mfg. Co ' Locke Cotton Mills Co. .. .. Lauren's Cotton Mills .. .. Marlboro Cotton Mills .... Mills Mill ' Monarch Mills (S. C.) ' Mollohon Mfg. Co Myers Mill "' Myrtle Mills National Yarn Mill Newberry Cotton Mills .. Ninety Six Cotton Mill Norcott Cotton Mills 4X I Hrr Pnttnn IVfillo V.",i 23 I TaT-Vrrlnlo AJilla j" Pacolet Mfg. Co." ". ". ... .".. . . .' Facolet Mfg. Co Pelzer Mfg. Co Piedmont Mfg. Co. (S. C.) Perfection SDinninsr Co. 4 Pel ham Mills 75 Panola Cotton Mills 19 Poe. F. W. Mfg. Co 47 Poinsett Mills 10fi Ranlo Mfg. Co 72 Rex Spinning Co. 7 Rex Spinning Co 34Vs Ridge Mills 23 Riverside Mills, par 12.50.... 61 Riverside & Dan River 6 Rowan Cotton Mills Co 121 Rockyface Spinning Co 104 Rhyne-Houser Mfg. Co Saxon Mills Seminole Cotton Mills Co ... Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.) . . .' Spartan Mills . . Sterling Spinning Co Superior Yarn Mills Toxaway Mills, par $25 Union-Buffalo Mill Union Buffalo Mills 1st pfd. Union Buffalo Mills, 2nd pfd. Victor-Monaghan Co Victor-Monaghan Co., pfd.... Victory Yarn Mills Co Ware Shoals Mfg. Co Watts Mills Watts Mills 1st pfd Watts Mills. 2nd pfd Winget Yarn Mills Co. ...... Wiscassett Mills Co 400 80 73 95 210 fcl 75 20 70 125 100 100 100 58 160 6 100 &5 160 100 150 12 97 250 9 :9 90 210 200 S4 125 175 145 100 80 53 104 105 125 150 250 "si i;5 105 10 100 190 195 - 101 73 275 440 '"76 "73 230 90 ' ")s2 SO 160 111 125 276 200 61 1 65 70 300 114 92 130 195 161 18 100 275 1C0 ii '225 245 97M 97 96 94 94 99 72 72 72 I. .00 .00 .00 00 74 trace 74 I .00 69 -.00 Averages, 95.1; 71.8. SUMMARY FOR COTTON REGION NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 31. Tempera tures are slightly below normal in the northeastern districts and seasonal or slightly lower elsewhere. Light to moderate showers occurr2d in Arkansas, extreme eastern Texa3, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and lo cally in southern Georgia and West ern Florida. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT 16 44 51 44 75 109 io 29 25 S3 43 5 92 99 110 00 80 92 '6 250 81 70 "98 47 100 71 74 23 150 20 ' S3 106 "87 250 130 40 163 '360 90 Abilene clear Asheville ....cloudy Atlanta cloudy Augusta clear Birmingham ....rain Boston '. clear Charleston ....clear Charlotte clear Chicago clear Galveston ...ptciay Jacksonville ...clear Memphis cloudy Mobile cloudy Montgomery ...cldy New Orleans ....rain New York clearj Oklahoma . . . pt cldy Palestine ptcldy Pittsburgh ...ptcldy Raleigh cloudy Savannah clear Shreveport ....clear! St. Louis clear Washington ...clean 84 68 .00 86 64 .00 90 72 .00 94 72 .00 92 70 .00 76 74 .00 92 74 .00 96 72 .00 80 72 .00 84 76 . .00 88 76 .00 86 72 .10 88 72 .80 94 72 .00 86 76 .62 84 76 .00 88 68 .04 88 6S .00 84 70 .12 98 74 .00 94 74 .00 86 70 00 90 72 .00 92 70 .00 Tr 2 importance of makir 7 thorough inspection of school build n?s, to see if firo hazards have developed during the summer vacation period is stressed in letters received by loeal school au thorities andteachere from Insurance Commissioner Stacey W. Wade. At tention is called to the fact $hat 10 per cent of all the accidental deaths in the nation come from fires, and that 85 per cent of the fires are caused by carelessness. Those charged with the responsibil ity lor -the caro of the children during the five or more hours theyj are in school each day should be sure that everything haa ' beeni done to Insure their safety, the Insurance commis sioner declared in his letter. All fire hazards should be removed, the heat ing apparatus should be inspected and exits and fire escapes put in the proper shape. "If these things are not done and a child should lose its life In a school fire, the responsibility Is directly on the sholders of those' responsible izr making the inspection. This Includes the-' teachers, the janitors and the school board" according to the opinion of the commissioner. Likewise, it is held, the parents of the children are responsible to the extent that every parent should Insist on these Inspec tions being made before they allow their children to enter school. The department believes the respoa sibility rests with double force on the school authorities, for the state re quires the children to attend school, and it should see that the school is properly safe. Mr. Wade urges the teachers and superintendents of schools to have fire drills for the children at least twice a month, but calls atten tion to the fact that fire drills will do little srood if the doors do not open outside, or the fire escapes and exits are closed so that they cannot be open ed quickly In case of fires. The insurance department would like to see fire prevention courses put in all schools and colleges. He believes that such courses would serve the doubi-3 purpose of helping prevent school fires, and fo would help educate the pub lic In fire prevention. In this respect the schools have a double responsibil ity. If these courses were Installed the result in less fire waste would be seen in a short time. STOCKS and BONDS COTTON, GRAIN and PROyjSIONS. H. G. Latimer, Jr. H ember Hew Orleama Coxttm Exeki Direct privatewlres to New Orleans. New Tork, Cnte&ga and all principal points' Orders solicited for future delivery in Cotton, Grabs, .'revisions. Cottonseed OIL Coffee and Sugar - Securities bought and sold for cash, or carried on ' conservative margin tig Correspondent, Bu A B. Beer. 401 SOUTHERN MZ7XUDIXQ New Orleans, La. Zvlanaaa 23s J. B. McCabe & CO. Established 1912 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS P. O. Box 1243. .607 ttmrcklson BaUdlag WILMINGTON, N. C. CYPRESS SHINGLES For economy and durability as vrell as efficiency and beauty of roof, our shingles have no equal. Sold In any quantity at the Koch Shingle . Mills, Hilton. W. W. KOCH Telephone 846-J Shipping News IN PORT Nfssoquogue ' (Am.), aVaiting Sch. orders. St Gen. M. I. Ludgington (Am.), 600 tons, Newport Shipbuilding So. St. 6en. D. H.' Rucker (Am.), 600 tons, Newport Shipbuilding Co. St. Gen. George Gibson (Am.), 600 tons, Newport Shipbuilding Co St. Saxon (Am.), 2,663 tons. Capt. 110 I Nelson. Seaboard terminads, then Na- l63,vassa Guarro company terminals; cargo Sch. Herbert A. Rawlings (Am.), Capt. Higbee, 1,100 tons, consigned to C. D. Maffitt and Co.. fertiliser mate rials for American Agricultural Chemi cal Co Tanker Polarine, 2,389 tons, Capt. Frederick Williams; Standard Oil com pany. ARRIVED. Tanker Polarine, 2,389 tons. Captr Frederick Williams; Standard Oil company. MRS. ANNIE BT7RWELL BURIED (Special to The Star) GOLDSBORO, Aug 31. The remains of Mrs. "Annie T. Burwell, aged 93, a well known and highly respected lady of Goldsboro, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Geich, at Salem, Va., Monday afternoon, arrived here last night, and the funeral took place this morning at 10 o'clock from the First Presbyterian church. The burial was at Willow Dale cemetery by the side of her husband, H. W. Bur well. The Goldsboro chamber of commerce and the tobacco association is busy getting ready for the opening of the Goldsboro tobacco market next Tues day, September 6. Tomorrow morning 50 or more automobiles loaded with advertising matter, in charge of hust ling citizens, will visit all parts of the adjoining counties advertising the Goldsboro' market. DRY GOODS MARKET Your Drug Store Miller's Pharmacy Opposite Grand Theater Telephone 495 Prompt Delivery "Best o' Luck" and "Rylles" The best line of Writing Tab lets on the market; also Pens, Pencils and Pen Points. See us before buying your school supplies. STERNBERGER & CO. 10 Grace Street Telephone 703 If Xt'm Wood We Make It Ctood jAJABS WHITE & fiQ CARPENTER! See 17s for Screen, Cabinet Making and Reaatra 702 Fifth Avenue Telephone 223 MR. PROCRASTINATING PROSPECTj If you can't save at least 10 per cent of your earnings NOW, how can your family liv with a loss of 100 per cent of all your earnings when you are taken from , them? Buying Life Insurance is a privi lege which some day you might be denied. Quit gambling and see DAVID S. OLIVER tife Insurance Service 005-606 Murf chlson Building- Phone 840 67 29 73 95 136 225 00 '67 125 135 130 96 104 11.5 83 95 190 110 91 86 "n 8 2t5 76 76 100 110 52 103 73 87 27 6f C2 75 8 72 175 110 82 91 72 103 C9 200 NEW YORK COTTON LETTER IT. S. 2s, registered .....b 1004 U S. 2s, coupon b 100 U. S. 4s, registered b 104 Williamston Mills TJ. S. 4s, coupon b 10i Woodside Cotton Mills ... Panama 8S. registered b 75A4 Woodside Cotton Mills Dfd Manama as. coupon ,...o 75 Woodruff cotton Mills Am. smelt, ana ter. 5s 7 Am. Tel and Tel. cv. 6s 100 Atchison gen. 4s . 77 Atlantic coast i-ine ist 4s t 7334 NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Today's sui- raiumore ana unio cv. s.. ... 7J den break in cotton showed r.leariv hi.t Bethlehem Steel ref. 5s 83 the technical position of the market Central or txeorgia cons. 5S n 83 had been weakened bv eliminating Central Leather 5s 87 U the short interest. Stop loss orders ChesapeaKe ana onio cv. ss R2 were uncovered and until fresh huvmr Chi., Mil. and St. P. cv. 4s appeared there seemed almost a state cnu . 1. ana rac. tiy. rer. s. . . us of demoralization. After partial recov City of Paris 6s 99 15-16 erv the market steadied somewhat hit Colorado ana soutn. rer. l-zs. Denver and Rio Grande cons. 4s. Dominion of Canada 5s (1981) Erie gen. 4s 7G was very nervous for the rest of the 65 '4 j session. Violent fluctuations -after tho 90 I publication of the bureau tomorrow 1J4. soem croDable. The week-l-p- weathe-.. Illinois Central ref. 4s 78 report was as bullish as expected and Int. Mer. Marine 6s 77 H a report that all Fall River mills would K. C. Southern ref. 6s 76 start full time Thursday was pointed 11 to as an indication or better general 8'J consuming demand. Nevertheless most CI of the market opinions are that lone 5.1 I profits should be accepted and then an 92 opportunity awaited to see what the next move will be. ORVIS BROS. AND CO. WILMINGTON MARKETS SPIRITS N. D. ROSIN IV D. TAR $2.50, 8 cents. CRUDE 3.25, $2.75, $2.00. cok:-; 90c. BEEF Dull, 80 to 10c. VEAIi 10c to I60, dull. PIG PORK No demand. BACON (N. C.) Hams 33c; sides and shoulders. 18o to 20a CAKE TALLOW No market. BEESWAX 13c to 20c. HIDES 3o lb. WOOL No market. HENS 75c to fl.00. LARGE FALL CHICKS 75 S$1. SMALL SPRING CHICKS 25c to EOc. EGGS 33c to 35c. BUTTER 25C. dull. POTATOES 75c to $1.00. CABBAGE 40c to $1 doa. APPLES $11 to $12 per bbL PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Rodgers. Plummer and Company, Inc.) Spanish, farmers' stock Market firm, 95c to $1.00 per bushel. Virginias, farmers' stock Market steady. Fancy JumbO, 6 to oc per ju. Extra Prime, 5 to 5xr per lb. Prime, 4 to 5c per lb. Shelling stock, 4c to 4c per lb. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK NEW YORK. Aug. 31. Cotton goods and cotton yarns markets were less ac tive today. Prices were revised upward on many finished lines to meet the re cent advances in unfinished clofiis. Silks were quiet. Wool garments lag ged among- cutters, due to the hesita tion of retailers.. Burlaps were steady, j Fall-knit goods were in better demand LIBERTY BOND PRICES -JUST RECEIVED: Two Cars Serv-Us Flour, One Car Sugarine Horse, Dairy and Hog Feeds, One Car Diamond Crystal Table Salt, One Car Fish Kegs, One Car Rosen Seed Rye, tested. D. L. GORE COMPANY WILMINGTON, N. C. WE HAVE 'EMI IRONIZED YEAST and PYRO-ZENE J. Hicks Bunting: Drug Company Second and Princess NEW TORK, Aug. 31. Liberty bonds closed: 3s, 87.56; second 48, 87 SO; third 4s, 91.86; fourth 4s, S7.S0; Victory 4S, 98.72. ...b 103 COTTONSEED OIL Liggett and Myers 5s b Louisville and Nasnviue un. 4S. Missouri, Kan. and Tex. 1st 4s. Missouri Pacific gen. 4s N T. Central deb. 6s Norfolk and Western cv. 6s. Northern Pacific 4s , Pennsylvania gen. 5s .. 87 Reading gen. 4s 75 14 Renub. iron ana steei os (i40) d 84 Rt. L. and S. F. adj. 6s 68 NEW YORK. Aus. 31. There wn a Seaboard Air Line adj. 5s b 26 '. break of 20 to 24 points in cottonseed Southern Bell Tel. 6s 83 oil early in the day on the decline ;n Southern Pacific cv. 5s 94 I cotton and lard, but the market sub- Southern Railway 6s f 4 I sequently steadied up in anticipation of Southern Railway gen. 4s 58 a bullish cotton government report to- Texas and Pacinc 1st 5s.. 7S I morrow, ana closing bids were only 3 Union Pacific 4s 81 to 7 points net lower. Sales, 11,000 ar- U. K. of G. B. and I. 5s (1937).. 88 rels. Tenders nil. Prime crude. 700 TJ. S. Steel 6s 94 salees; prime summer yellow spot. 8.75 VirginiaCaro. Chemical 5s Dl I 9.00. September closed 8.74; October, Wabash 1st 5s 87 f-87; December ,8.73; January, 8.7'; Wilson and Co. or. s , , r jLrr auj March. 8.95. all bid. CHICAGO, Aug. 31. Cattle: Receipts 11,000; better grade beef steers steady; others 15 to 25 lower; top yearlings 10.65; ten head 10.75; bulk beef steers 6.759.75; she stock and bulls steady; bulkfat cows and heifers 4.506.50; canners and ciatters, 2.75 3.50; bologna bulls, largely 3.25 3.75; beef bulls 4.75 5.75; veal calves, 50 cents higher: bulk 12.00(3)12.75; stockers and feeders strong; bulk 5.506.50. . Hogs: Receipts 16,000, mostly i5 to 50 lower than yesterday's average; bet ter grades off most; close weak; some heavy butchers closing 75 lower; hold over, moderate; top 9.65 early, 9.50 late; bulk light and light butchers 9.15 9. 60; bulk packing sows 6.75(5)7.10; pigs 50 to 75 lower; desirable 7.50 8.25. Sheep: Receipts 27,000; lambs steady to 25 lower; top natives to city butch ers, 8.50; packer top, 8.00 ; culls, 4 50-g: 5.00; top westerns, 8.50; bulk around 8.00; sheep almost unsalable; ;op iwts tc nackers 3.50; otners down to '.uo; feeder lambs steady; natives 6.00' 7.00. Labor Day Excursion to Southport, Fort Caswell and the Sea Steamer Wilmington will leave Foot of Orange Street 10:00 . A. M. Monday Leaving Southport on Return Trip at 3:30 FARE $1.00 ROUND TRIP Arrival and Departure of Trains WILMINGTON. N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Effective July 11, 1921 All Trains Daily When Not Otherwise Designated Ilrnan'. Arrive. 3:40 A.M.. Raleigh & North. 1:30 A.M. Sleeper to Raleigh open 10:00 P.M. 6:30 A.M... South & West.. 11:40 P.M. Sleeper to Columbia open 10:00 P.M. 7:45 A.M North 6:05 P.M. 8:30 A.M.. . .Fayetteville. . . 6:00 P.M. 3:00 PW New Bern. . . .tl2:50 P.M. 3:30 P.tt... South & West.. 1:00 PiM. Sleepers to Atlanta and Asheville t6:30 P.M. ..Fayetteville ..tl0:15 A.M. 7:30 P.M... New Bern.Exc. . 810:15 A.M. 7:00 P.M North...... 9:45 A.M. Sleepers to Washington and Norfolk Daily to Raleigh, but does not run to Richmond and Norfolk on Sundays. tDaily except Sunday. SSur.day cnly. itue., Thur. and Sat.' only. For Information, Phone 1GO SEABOARD AIR LINE Effective May 1, 1921 Depart. Daily. Arrive. 4:20 AM Charlotte ....12:50 A.M. Sleeper to Charlotte open 10:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M..W11. to Ruth'ton. . 5:45 P.M. J:60 P.M. 1:10 P.M. Through Sleeper to Atlanta, Parlor Car to Charlotte For Information, Phone 178 For Economy, Convenience Health and Pleasure. See our line of new and used machines. Cash or Weekly Payments. Wilmington Cycle Co. 215 Market St. Phone 526. C, W. LASSITER Distributor Briscoe and Mitchell 114 N. Second St. Telephone is Big Reduction In Bicycles Buy one now and economize QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO, 209 Market Street TELEPHONE! 603 ESCORT CIGARS 5c 5 in foil package, 25c "Equal to your money" IiE ROT MYERS COMPANY, Makers Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. Distributors SUGAR AND COFFEE NEW TORK, Aug. 31. Raw sugar unchanged; refined lower at 5.90 for fine srranulated. Spot coffee firm; Rio 7s 7 : Santos MUTUK VHJlilUiiifi UWJNJEKS I will welcome an opportunity to give your service problems my best personal attention. HAYES D. PETTIT, Service Manager JOHNSON MOTORS COMPANY 5-7 North Third Street Convenient Central Service Wi. D. MacMillan, Jr. Phones 345-2103 PACKARD ;; BUICK 105-107 N. Second St. W. D. MacMILLAN, JR. Fifth and Wright Streets General Automobile v Repairing J. C. GRUMBINE, Superintendent Phone 201 7-W W. Muiiroe AND COMPANY FURNITURE 15 8. Front St. Tour Money's Worth Alwaya JOSE THE STAR WMTS TT DEAL . SHOE REPAIR Prompt and Efficient Service At Loweit Coat TRY US 25 NO. SECOND ST. Phone 1295-J Mail Orders Promptly FlUed CITY ELECTRIC CO. 2QV Prince St. phena OH APPLIANCES I MAZDA LAUPI WIRING to SUPPLIES four Wxxmbx Will Meet You at Elvington'a Fountain SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Prescriptions Filled Only by; Registered Druggists at : Any and All Times 4 Opposite Postoffice Read Star Classified Ads