- J' ft 1 v . t i . ; f THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 192f SE7E1TU 3 F inancial; arid! Commercial COTTON STOCKS- p GRAIN NTEW YORK, Sept. 16. There were further declines in the cotton market tndav. with December .contracts selling 0rv to 19 00 and closing at that level, compared with 19.52 31 the close . yes t. r.ia-v. The general market closed easy at a net decline of 62 to 67 points,mak inc losses of about 200 to 28S points a compared with the high prices touched on the storm news of last Sat- The market opened steady at a de-J r ine oi iu id ou puuno uu tasier iaie cp hies from Liverpool, scattering liqui dation and southern selling. There were rallies ol some 15 . or 20 "points shortly after the call on rumors of low private condition, figures including re ports from New Orleans that an asso ciation of growers made it only 38.5, indicating a crop of 6,400,000. There was also some buying on bullish spot advices from the southwest, but the bulge met increased offerings with the market soon becoming nervous and un settled. Breaks of 48 to 68 points from last night's closing figures were check ed by covering early in the afternoon. Otherwise, there appeared to be very little demand, however, and the failure of unfavorable crop figures to stimu late more buying probably encouraged the afternoon selling. Much of the pressure was attributed to the liquida tion of scattering commission house ac counts and increased southern selling a-so was reported on the late break to is. 67 for October and 18.85 for Jan uary. These prices were within 30 to f;n points of the lowest touched since the advance on the end-August bureau culminated at 21.75 for Januarv con tracts on September 7. Reports from the groods trade indicating that buyers were unwilling to place contracts for forward deliveries of goods at higher prices were considered one of the fac tors on the decline. The day's weather map was considered favorable and re ports of improving conditions In north and northwest Texas were received during: the day. Futures: High. Low. Oct 19.20 18.67 Pec 19.40 19.00 Jan 19.30 18.65 .Mar 19.22 18.80 May 19.05 18.87 Close. 18.67 19.00 . 18.85 18.80 18.65 XEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 16. Selling out of long contracts, mixed with hedge selling ana offerings from traders who figured that the market was due for a prolonged downward reaction, kept cotton depressed from the opening to the close today. Last prlcces were the lowest, showing losses of 64 to 71 points. October closing at 18.44 cents a pound and May at 18.15. It was an active session, but there was an ab sence of the aggressive support the market has been getting in many ses sions of the recent past. The weakness of Liverpool ws the main cause of the lower open'ns and in the early tradine prices lost about $2 a bale. Frequent small recoveries punctuated the trading, but after most or them there were sags, whici carried prices into new low grounds for th day. Heaviest selling came in The last half hour of trading and muci of it appeared to be inspired by a private bureau report on condition of 41.7 per cent of normal which, it was claimed. Included the damage done to the Texas crop by the storm of last week. This, It was considered, reflected only nor mal deterioration. The weather over the belt was con sidered highly favorable for pick-ng, being warm and dry. and this :ea U. some selling. After the middle of the day reports of easier spot markets In the south increased offerings. Spots here were- 50 points lower, which re duced middling to 19.00 cents. About the only really strong upturn of the day occurred toward noon, following: a private bureau report, placing the con dition of the crop at 38.5 and the in dicated yield at only 6,400,000 bales. Futures: High. Low. Close. Oct 18.99 18.44 18.44 Dec 19.12 18.64 18.64 Jan . .. 19.00 13.52 18.52 Mar. 18.85 18.35 18.35 May 18.67 18.15 18.15 NEW YORK, Sept. 16. Professional traders again were in undisputed con trol of the stock market todayK pjijt the bullish or constructive members, of that party encountered frequen.t opposition from the short' interests. Dealings were much lighter than on "Wednesday, when a new hlgh record for several months was reached. The movement, however, '.embrae-!' almost as many issues, including many former favorites, notably U. S. -'Steel wnich was among the leaders, throughout. There were no developments of out standing importance, dealings being based mainly on increasing signs of re laxation in the money market. Call loans eased from 5 to 4 per cent on the exchange at noon, with abundant, outside offerings at 4 oer cent. Pools were most active in equipments, steels, motors and oils, the latter,, how ever, - being most vulnerable to pres sure. Gross gains of 1 102 points were much impaired or entirely can celled in the obvious profit-taking of the last hour. , The feature of an otherwise confus ing foreign exchange market was a rally of about 6 points in marks. Aside from the absence of pressure in the remittances no explanation was obtain able. Sterling was firm, but francs hov ered near their recent low quotation, other continental rates showing fur ther irregularity. Liberty issues imparted additional strength to the bond market, all but the 3s gaining from 20 to 70 points on the day. Rails also continued to improve, but the foreign group showed mixed gains and losses. Total sales! (par value), $15,250,000. NEW YORK STOCK LIST i- High.Low DAILY COTTON TABLE Port Movement New Orleans Middling 19.00; receipts 2,715; exports 1,345; sales 1,856; stock 397.009. Galveston Middling 20.00; receipts 7,013; exports 23,960; sales 348; stock 270.192. Mobile Middling 18.00; receipts 846; exports 4,415; stock 13.760. Savannah Middling 19.00; receipts 4.575; exports 11,112; sales 200; stock 136.218. Charleston -Middling 19.00; receipts 62; stock 194,235. "Wilmington Middling 18.50;, receipts 693; stock 32.237. Texas City Receipts 2,736; stock 16.103. Norfolk Middling 18.50; receipts 754; Eales 338; stock 8.4.385. Baltimore Receipts 343; stock 6.930. Boston Middling 19.70: stock 7.315. Philadelphia Receipts 188; stock 3.238. New York Middling 19.20; stock 147.524. Minor ports Receipts 577; . exports 475; stock 2,358. Total today Receipts 21,302; exports 41.307; stock 1.311,269. Total for week Receipts 149,610; ex ports 127,949. Total for eeason-T-Receipts 649,988; exports 640,931. Interior Movement Houston Middling 15F.10; receipts 1, 899; shipments' 8,265; sales 7,961; stock 204.257. Memphis Middling 19.50; receipts 1, 642; shipments 2,866; sales 1,600; stock 213,236. Augusta Middling 18.75; receipts 2, 8H4; shipments 942; .sales 106; stock 107.035. St. Louis Middling 20.00: receipts 7, 76; shipments 4,576; stock 19,788. Atlanta Middling 19.25. Little Rock Middling 19.5Q; receipts 658; shipments 802; sales 1,450; stock 81.919. Dallas 'Middling 18.20; sales 5,579. Montgomery Middling 18.50; sales 460. ' Total today Receipts 10,669;, ship ments 17,451; stock 576,235. NEW YORK MONEY NEW YORK, Sept. 16. 'Prime mer cantile paper 56; exchange irregu lar; sterling 60-day bills 'and commer cial 60-day bills on banks 3.66; com mercial 60-day 'bills 8.66, demand 8-7014, cables 3.70; francs, demand 7014, cables 7.01; Belgian francs, de mand 6.93, cables- .94; guilders, de mand 31t40, cables 31.46; lire, demand 4 24, cables 4.24; marks, demand 93, cables 95; Greece, demand 5.40; Sweden demand 21.50; Norway, demand 12.80; Argentine, demand 80.50; Brazilian, de mand 12.62; Montreal, 10 13-14 per cent discount. Government bonds strong; railroad bonds firm; Tim loans steady,' 60 days, 90 days, 5ft percent, 6 months, 5 per cent: call money steady, high 5, low 4. ruling rate 6. closing bid 4. offered at 5, .last . loan . 4; call loans against acceptances J 5, ruling rate 5. - :. ' . : i NAVAL STORES MARKET JACKSONVILLE, Fla."; :Sept. 1. Tur pentine firm; sales lgSnrecelpts 67; shipments 1; -stock H.tft. ' Rosin firm; sales 761; receipt 1,569; shipments 1,370; stock 171,665. Quote: BD 4.10; E 4.25; F 440; GH 4 50; I 4.6O; K 4.70; M 4.75;, N 4.80; WG ?55.35; WW 5.85.- . ' , -v - Allied Chem. and Dye Am. Beet Sugar American Can Am. Car and'Fdry.... Am. Hide and L. pfd.. Am. Inter. Corp...... Am. Locomo Am. Linseed Am. Smelt, and Ref . . Am. Sugar Am. Sumatra Tobacco. Am. Tel. and TeL Am. - Woolen Anaconda Copper Atchison Atlantic Coast Line.. Atl., Gulf and W. I... Baldwin Locomotive.. Baltimore and Ohio... Beth. Steel "B" . . . Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motors Chesapeake and Ohio. Chi., Mil. and St. P. . . Chi., R. I. and P Coca Cola Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Endicott-Johnson .... Erie Famous Players-Lask. General Asphalt General Electric General Motors Great Northern pfd... Gulf States Steel Illinois Central Inspiration Copper . . . Inter. Harvester Int. Mer. Marine fd... Inter. Paper Invincible Oil Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tire Kennecott Copper Louis, and Nashville.. Mexi. Petroleum Middle States Oil Midvale Steel; Missouri Pacific N. Y. Central N. Y..N. H. and Hartf. Norfolk and Westernb Northern Pacific Okla. Prod, and Ref., Pacific Oil Pan-Ameri. Petrol.... Pennsylvania Pure Oil Reading Rep. Iron and Steel.. Royal Dutch, N. Y.... St. L. and S. F Seaboard A Line pfd.b SeaboarrTA.Ir Lme...b Sears Roebuck Shell Tr. and Trad..b Sinclair Oil and Ref Sloss-Sheffield Southern Pacific . . . Southern Pacific. Southern Ry South. Ry. pfd Stand. Oil of N. J., pfd Studebaker Corp. . . Tennessee Copper... .b Texas Co Texas and Pacific ... . Tobacco Products.... Transcontinental Oil. Union Pacific United Fruit U. S. Food Products.. U. S. Ind. Alcohol.'.. United Retail Stores. United States Rubber U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd Utah Copper Vanadium Corp. ex-dlv Vireinia Caro. Chem Western Union b West. Electric Willys-Overland . . . 41 30 27 129 51 S2H 91 24 37 64 45 108 76 38 85 28 91 89 56 113 28 47 66 26 34 35 75 63 8 65 13 57 53 126 10 76 40 95 34 81 46 50 8 43 20 117 12 26 20 lit 78 2 35 53 38 24 72 54 49 24 41 30 27 127 51 31 90 22 36 63 42 107 75 38 85 27 88 38 63 112 28 46 56 26 33 34 74 61 8 64 13 55 51 126 75 38 95 33 80 45 49 8 41 19i 114 12 23 19 71 14 77 1 85 50 88 24 70 51 48 23 70 20 39 777; 21 21 48 ; 107! 77 36 23 10 120 108' 16 49 54 50 79 109 50 34 29 44 69 26V 39 77 20 20 48 107 75 35 .22 '68 7 120 108 14 47 53 48 77 109 49 32 29 44 6 Last. "41 30 27 127 51 31 90 24 36 63 44 108 75 38 85 86 28 89 38 55 112 28 47 56 26 33 35 " T4 62 8 65 13 56 51 126 10 76 40 95 34 80 45 50 8 42 20 108 115 12 26 1 71 14 95 77 2 35 52 38 24 71 53 48 23 93 5 69 35 20 39 77 21 21 48 107 .76 8 35 22 69 7 120 108 14 48 54 49 79 109 49 33 29 83 44 6 Total sales, 525,100 shares. NEW YORK BONDS U. S. 2s registered U. S. 2s, coupon U. S. 4s, registered U. S. 4s, coupon . . , Panama 3s. registered Panama 3s, coupon .....b Am. Smelt, and Ref. 5s. . . .j. Amer. TeL and Tel. cv. 6s. Atchison sen. 4s- ... Ss. . Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4s.. . Baltimore and Ohio cv. 4s . Bethlehem Steel rer. 5s 8b .b 100 .b 100 .b 104 .b 104 .b 75 75 77 100 k 78 80 .b 71 Central of Georgia Cons. 5s Central Leather 5s Chesapeake and Ohio cv. 6s.. Chi- Mil. and St. P. cv. 4s.. Chi- R. I. and Pac. Ry- ref. 4s City of Paris 6s fnin n nd South, ref 4 s . . . . Denver and Rio Gr. consol. 4s;.. Dominion of Canada 5s (1931)...- Erie gen. 4s -. Illinois Central ref. 4s ........... Int Mer. Marine 6s . . . . . Kansas City South, ref. 5s Liggett and Myers 5s .,. . Louis, and Nash. un. 4s b Miss., Kan. and Tex. Is 4s....... Missouri Pacific gen. 4 s N. Y. Central aeo. ts.. .... TJorfolk and Western dv. 6s Northern Pacific 4s ............. Pennsylvania gen. 5s Reading gen. 4s . . . . . Rep. Iron and Steel 5s (1940).... StL. and S. F. adJ. 6s ; . Seaboard Air Line adj. 5s ... . . . . . Southern Bell Tel. 5s ......... . . Southern Pacific cv. 5s ......... b Southern Railway 6s . . . i . . . South. Railway gen. 4s , Texas and Pacific 1st 6 gfodiWs'aH:: U. S. Steel 5 i ."; :v i Virginia Caro. Chemical. 6s .... .v wihuiin 1st os .........-' Wilson and Co, cv. 6s 87 .. 0 ..' 75 .. 66 . . 70 .99;i5-16 . - 77 y r, 90 . . 43 78 HA 4 78- 86 33 ,63 64 93 b. 103 77 89 76 86 69 26 83 A o t 7 S6 59 80 , 82 -89 95 92 88 82 - - SEA ISLAND COTTON trr iwwiH: a.. Sept. 16. -Sea Isl 1-Li-. luroir-t eteadv.- . Extra -'.-choice. 97040? sales 79T receipts, -1:. shipments CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Wheat devel oped a little strength today,- helped by word that a new German credit was be ing arranged. The market closed un settled at the same as yesterday's fin ish to cent higher, with December 1.25 to 1.25 and May 1.33 to 1.33. Corn 'finished, unchanged to lower, and oats unchanged at higher. In provisions there were net gains of 2 to 20 cents. Wheat Open, Dec 1.27 May 1.31 Corn Dec .53 May 58. Oats Dec 39 May 43 Pork - Sept. . , Lard Oct 10.70 10.90 Jan .9.45 9.57 Rlbs Oct 7.6 7.62 Jan 8.05 8.15 High. 1.29 1.33 .5-3 .58 .39 .43 Low. 1.26 1.31 .53 .58 .38 .43 10.70 9.47 -7.60 8.05 Close. 1.29 1.33 -53 .58 .39 .43 17.90. 10.87 9.55 7.62 8.15 U. S. DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE WEATHER BUREAU Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 17, 192L, Meteoro ogical data for the 24 hours entli&g at 8 p. m. yesterday, i' Humidity Record Dry Wet Relative bmb bulb humidity temp, temp- per cnt. 8:00 a. m 76 71 80 12:12 p. m . 89 76 "54 ,8:00 p. m. 80 . -76 83 Temperature: Maximum. ".tSI:- mini mum 73; mean 82. Rainfall: For the day 0; since the first of the month-.to date, 0.59. " - p,-' Sun rises 5:57; sun sets. 6:16. Generally fair today and Sunday. SOUTHERN MILL STOCKS Quoted By R. S. Uickon and Company Gastonia, N. C, Greenville, S. C Quotations Sept. 16 Stock j Bid Acme Spinning Co. Arcadia Mills .. .. .. Aileen Mills American Spinning Co Am. Yarn and Proc. Co Anderson Cotton Mills Arlington Cotton Mills Aragon Cotton Mills (S. C... Arcade Cotton Mills Arrow Mills Augusta Factory Belton Cotton Mills Beaumont Mfg. Co Bibb Mfg. Go Brogon Mills Clara Mfg. Co -Clifton Mfg. Co Cabarrus Cotton Mills Chadwick-Hoskins (par $25). Chadwick-HoEklns Co.. nfd.. Chiquola Mfg. Co Chiquola Mfg. Co., pfd Calhoun Mills Cannon Mfg. Co Clover Mills T. Climax Spinning Co Crescent Spinning Co Columbus Mfr. Co. (Ga.).... Converse, D. E. Co. Dacotah Cotton Mills Darlington Mfg. Co. Dixon Mills Drayton Mills Dresdon Mills Dunean Mills Dunean Mills, pfd Durham Hosiery pfd Uurnam .Hosiery "W Eastern Mfg. Co Eagle & Phenix (Ga.) Efird Mfg. Co Enterprise Mfg. Co. (Ga.) Krwin cotton Mills Co Erwin Cotton Mills Co. nfd... Flint Mfg. Co. Gaffney Mfg. Co Gibson Mfg. Co Globe Yarn Mills (N. C.) Grace Cotton Mill Co Gray Mfg. Co Glenwood Cotton Mills Gluck Mills Greenwood Mills Grendel Mifls Graniteville Mfg. Ca.,.;.., tlamrick Mills .. .... Hanes. P. H. Knitting: Co...'. J Hanes, p. i. K.nitttne Co. pfd. Hillside Cotton Mills (Ga.) . . Imperial Yarn Mill (N. C.).... Inman Mills Inman Mills pfd. Jennings Cotton Mill Judson Mills Judson Mills pfd King, Jno. P. Mfg. Co Lancaster Cotton Mills . . . . . . Limestone Mills Linford Mills Lola Mfg. Co. . . .- Locke Cotton Mills Laurens Cotton Mills Marlboro Cotton Mills Mills Mill Monarch Mills (S. C.) Mollohon Mfg. Co Myers Mill Myrtle Mills .. National Yarn Mill Newberry Cotton Mills ...... Ninety Six Cotton Mi.l Norcott Cotton Mills .. Orr Cotton Mills Orr Cotton Mills, pfd Paarkdale Mills Pacolet Mfg. CO Pacolet pfd Pelzer Mfg. Co Piedmont Mfg. Co. (S. C.) Perfection Spinning Co. .... Pelham Mills Panola Cotton Mills. Poe, F. W. Mfg. Co Poinsett Mills -1 Ranlo Mfg. - Co Rex Spinning Co Rex Spinning Co. pfd. Ridge Mills Riverside Mills (par $12.50).. Riverside and Dan River .... Rowan Cotton Millsr Co Rockyface Spinning Co. .... Rhyne-Houser Mfg. Co Saxon Mills Seminole Cotton Mills Co. . . Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.) .... Spartan Mills Sterling Spinning Co Superior Yarn Mills . . . Toxaway Mills (par $25)..... Union-Buffalo Mills Union Buffalo Mills 1st pfd. Union Buffalo Mills, 2nd pfd. . Victor-Monaghan Co Victor-Monagham Co. pfd. .. Victory Yarn Mills Co Ware Shoals Mfg. Co Watts Mills WattB Mills 1st pfd. Watts Mills, 2nd pfd. Wlnget Yarn Mills Co Wiscassett Mills Co. -Willlamston Mills-..-. Woodslde Cotton Mills Woodslde Cotton Mills pfd. . . . Woodruff Cotton Mills s ...... 80 114 68 190 42 210 93 73 110 125 170 10 130 72 186 110 122 83 88 400 3 00 45 S10 85 99 71 175 63 110 98 150 iso 140 ?7 250 "80 90 210 245 89 130 175 145 89 Ask 0 80 20 95 125 1141 126 55 800 120 72 275 215 3.15 150 50 100 230 102 130 " 'l2 100 190 boo 122 "85 ns '436 ,95 "63 230 92 90 85 30 105 180 105 95 72 105 105 125 115 150 250 114 87 115 145 95 115 125 89 105 S9 '74 8 245 81 70 105 9 112 83 85 80 72 37 94 96 "75 150 74 225 215 99 72 125 98 276 101 190 70 85 300 115 135 200 ln5 13 100 275 176 85 225 265 150 225 165 91 100 105 76 250 i61 81 130 140 3:0 120 140 160 125 ' 91 95 85 110 95 115 86 92 80 256 a SO 100 "bi 120 86 100 32 25 '39 95 . 85 171 110 82 95 85 105 73 200 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Cattle: Receipts 4 000' mostly steaay; duik weaK 10 lower- top yearling steers and heifers, in ftft. fhur . head . of prime yearllnsrs. Tnft; bulk beef steers, 6.75 9.00; bulk fat cows and heifers, 4.256.50; bulk bologna , bulls, . 4.25 4.75 .bulk vealer calves, $i3.aw(8' j-s.uv. - Hoes: Receipts 15,000; 10 to 25 high er than yesterday's average; packing and heavy mixed up most; closing firm; moderate holdover; top 8.65; bulk of lights and .light . butchers. 8.20 8.50; bulk packing sows, 6.75 7.10; pigs atpa.dv. bulk desirable, 7.25 7.75. Sheep: Receipts 11,000; fat lambs cfcnvfv to 15 hieher; fat sheep and feed er grades firm; top natives -10.00; bulk '9 60grs.7 5; ouws o.uuiyo.ou; uesira.oie easterns 10.25; top fat ewes 5:00; bukl 4 00 4.75r desirable feeder- lambs 7.25 S7.50.t -. -. -, ..-' DRY GOODS MARKET NEW YORK," Sept 16; Selling agents today advanced, prices on jbrown and finished goods. The advances, ranging from 10 to au per cem over last quo mHnTiH. ,. were due to the sharp rise in cotton this, month.. - Yarns were quiet but" firm on a Dasis 01 o cents ror 10's southern frame cones. Woolen e-noda were aulet. . Burlaps were active Silk's were quiet with a better business reported . on . noveiues. The" Tldee ' ' -' High water.. 'Low water AM PM AM PM Wilmington .... 9:46 10:Q4 4:57 5:21 Masonboro 6:45 7:39 1:31 1:49 Southport .. 7:37 7:54 1:46 2:04 WEATHER .BUREAU REPORT. STATIONS Temperature: u A3 Abilene ...clear Asheville clear Atlanta clear Augusta clear Biirmlnarham .ptcldy Boston clear Charleston . cleaiH Charlotte .clear Chicago cloudy Galveston ciear Jacksonville ...clear Memphis clear Mobile ptcldy Montgomery ...clear New Orleans . .ciear New York ...cloudy Oklahoma clear Palestine clear Pittsburgh ...cloudy Savannah clear Shreveport clear St. Louis clear Washington ..cloudy 0 5 F.5 55 i3i3 & 92 70 .00 88 58 .00 92 70 .00 92 68 .00 96 72 .00 74 56 .00 90 J 74 .00 92 70 .00 76 66 .26 86 80 .00 8S 70 .00 94 74 .00 92 70 .00 94 74 1.36 90 76 .00. 74 62 .00 94 70- .00 92 72 .00 78 62 .00 92 70 .00 94 74 .00 90 74 .00 80 66 .00 Shipping News IN "PORT Sch. Nissoquosua (Am.), awaiting orders. . St. Gen. , jy. H." F.u'cker (Am ), 600 tons, Newport pfcivbuildlng. Co. St. Gen. Ge'r. Gibson Am.), 600 tons,.. Newport Si ipjuUding Co. HESTER'S WEEK1V CO TTON STATE-JIEXT (Comparisons are to actual dates not to close of corresponding weeks.) In thousand bales In sight for week 232 In sight same seven days last year 172 In sight for the month 468 In sight same date last year...... 356 In sight for season .1085 In sight same date year ......x.. 665 Port receipts for season .......... 695 Port receipts same date last year. 332 Overland to Mills ami Can for seas 149 do- same date last year - - -. 51 Southern mill takings for .season. 362 do same-date last year - 292 Int. stock, excess Sept. 1 (minus) ,.v 121 do last year (minus) 11 Foreign exports for week. ........ 128 do same seven days last year...; 83 do for season 641 do same date last year '242i Nor. Spin, takings and Can. for wk 34 . -do same seven days last year... 23 do-for season 200 ..do-to same date last year ..... 115 Statement of Spinners' Takings for Am erican Cotton Throughout the World This week 231 Same seven, days last year ...... 147 Total since Aug. 1 1535 Same date last year . . 989 Statement of World's Visible Supply Tottal visible this week 6358 Total visible last week ... 5384 Total visible same date last year. 4209 Of this total American this week,. 8557 Of this total American last week. 8556 Of this total American last year.. 2430 All other kinds this week.... 1801 AW other kinds last week...... 1828 All other kinds last year 1779 Visible in U. S. this week 2167 Visible this date last year 1448 Visible in other countries this wk. 3191 Visible this date last year ....... 2761 NEW YORK COTTON LETTER WILMINGTON MARKET COTTON 18 c. SPIRITS N. D. ROSIN i. D. TAR 2.60, 10 cents. CRUDE 3.25, $2.50. $2.00. CORN 75c to 80c. BEEF Dull, 6c to 10c. VEAL 8c to 16c, dull. PIG PORK No demand. BACON (N. C.) Hams 33c to 15c: sides and shoulders 20c. CAKB TALLOW No market., BEESWAX 18c to 20c. HIDES 2c lb., dull. WOOL No market. HENS 75c to $1.00. LARGE FALL CHICKS 75 80c. SPRING CHICKS 30c to 65 0. EGGS 36c to 37c. BUTTER 25c, dulL IRISH POTATOES No. 1, $1:50 bu. SWEET POTATOES $1.00. CABBAGE 3c to 4c pound. PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. (Reported ..by Rodger, Plummer and Company, Inc.) Spanish, jfarmera' stock Market firm, 95e-to -$4.00 per bushel. Virginias,tt-arnersV-, stock Market steady. . - s-, , - ... Fancy Jumbo, -6-to 6c per lb. Extra Prime, 5 to 6 c per lb. Prime, 4 to-5c per lb.. Shelling stock, 4c to 4c per lb. S.Va1r:. AND COFFEE NEW YOK, Sept. 16. Ra' sugar unchanged; refined unchanged at 5.60 to 5.65 for fine graulated. Spot coffee unchanged, r: r NEW YORK, Sept. 16. Further weakness in the price of cotton on, the futures exchange can be attributed to technical conditions. As must be ex pected during the movement of the crop there ts moderate to heavy selling of hedges daily against spots bought in the south. Aside from this on a mar ket which has fallen over 2 cents per pound in a few days, disappointed longs naturally liquidate. It is this latter force which has proven to be the bal ance of power and put the market low er. The bullish fundamentals remain unchanged. One' of the chief pointers in this direction is the forwarding of 54,000 ales from Liverpool to Manches ter spinners during the week. It will be recalled that week after week early in the year these same spinnrs were receiving only 15.000 to 25,000 balea weekly. The American Cotton asso ciation is credited with having pub lished a condition report of 38.5 per cent and calculated the crop at 6,400,000 bales. The remainder of longs neces sarily will have to be patient if profit's are to be realized on purchases higher up. But unless all signs fail a very bullish condition report by the govern ment October 3 may be exoected and by or before that time another stam pede . of buying should develop. ORVIS BROS. AND CO. COTTONSEED OIL STOCKS and BONDS COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS I - - H. G. Latimer, Jr. i aremher New Orlea Cotton Bxehe . Direct private wires to New Orleans. New York, Chicago and all principal point .era solicited Tor future delivery In Cotton, Grain. ProvUlaai. Cottonseed Oil. Coffee and Bugar-- Securities bought and eold for cash, or carried on conservative margin t Correspondent. ST. A D. Beer, 401 aoUTfrBTO VJSVDTSQ New Orleans. Lav Telephone 238 J. B. McCabe & CO. -Vi' CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS P. O. Box 1243. WILMINGTON. N. C. .607 VarcJUeom Bnills CYPRESS SHINGLES For economy and durability as well as efficiency 'and beauty of roof, our shingle have no equal. Sold la any quantity at the Koch Shingle Mills. Hilton. W. W. KOCH Telephone 346-J. . :. NEW YORK. SeptT 16. Cottonseed oil made some response early to the decline- in cotton, but subsequently firmed up through short covering on the advance in lard and scarcity of crude offerings. Closing bids were 12 to 18 points net higher. Prime crude 8.00; prime summer yellow spot 10.00; October 10.03; December 9.65; March 9.78, all bid. THE PHARMACEUTICAL POET Don't Indulare in storms of anger, Coarse abuse is so ill-bred. Frantic wrath brings listleas languor, Shattered nerves are things to dread. Don't seek steel for tonsilitis, If you can the lance abjure. Don't- neglect acute gastritis, Send for Wood's Great Peppermint Cure. An advertisement In the Auckland (New Zealand) Weeklv News. TELEPHONE US No. 495 Millar's Pharmacy Opposite Grand Theater QUALITY PROMPT SERVICE Agency, Crane's Chocolates In All the World No Sweets Like These BUSINESS AND PARTNER SHIP INSURANCE Saves to the surviving members the management and control of business. Insures the most valuable asset of anv business the human dynamo brains,, foresight, energy, personality, powerx to plan, build and execute. For detailed information consult THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK A. B. CROOM, Jr. Manager Wilmington District 301 Southern Buildinn Wilrolngrton, North Carolina i"motor vehicle OWNERS I I will welcome an opportunity to give your service problems my best personal attention. HAYES D. PETTIT, Service Manager JOHNSON MOTORS COMPANY 5-T North Third Street Convenient Central Service ' 1 aJ : : . A "If It's Wood- We Make It Goodj WHITE & SojsT CARPENTERS .', See Vm tor Screens, Cabinet Making and Repair 702 Fifth Avenue Telephone 223 WE HAVE 'EM! IRONIZED YEAST and PYRO-ZENE J. Hicks Bunting Drug Company; , Second and Princess Tonight at LUMINA Excellent Music toy Grainger's Dance Orchestra T T . f Run Down Early This Afternoon and Take a OOt I Dip In the Surf THE HARVEST MOOiN SHINES OVER THE WATER TONIGHT IN ALL ITS GLORY Make Your Plaits Now to Spend Sunday Where Heat Can be Forgotten -at Lumina JUST RECEIVED: One car of Red Seed Oats, tested. One car of Rosen Seed Rye, tested. One car Wire Nails. One car jof Wire JPence. One car of ServJUs- Fl&ur. One car of Diamond; Crystal Table Salt. - . Plenty of Salt in whlte sacks in stock. f D. L. GORE COMPANY WILMINGTON, N. C. Arrival and Departure o Train . WILMINGTON. N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Effective September 5. 121. AU Trains Daily When Not Otherwise Designated 'iOA-M-Raleigh & Nortt. l:M55fc Sleeper to Raleigh open 10:00 P-M. 6:30 AM... South & West.. 11:40 P.M. Sleeper to Columbia open lOOOP.M. 7 45 A.M. North 6:05 P.M. 8 30 A.M. ...Fayetteville ...8:00 P.M. 8 00 P.M.... New Bern ' 12:50 P.M. 3-30 P.lt. 'south & West.. .1:00 P.M. Sleeper to Atlanta i..,n pm . .Fayetteville . -tl0:15 A.M -:So VM....... North 9:46 A.M. sieeners to Washington and Norfolk Daily to Raleigh, but does not run to Richmond and Norfolk- on Sunday. Tim Thur. and Sat. only. Tudor fniormatton. Phone 160 SEABOARD AIR LINE Effective May 1. 1831 n.nart. Daily. Arrive. ?!o.W... Charlotte ....12:50 AJSL Sleeter to Charlotte open 10:0C I PJL S:00 1m..W11. to Rth'ton..6:45 P.M. 8 -S0 PM 150 'parlor Car to Charlotte Fo information, Phoae 1T8 J SUBURBAN SCHEDULE TIDEWATER POWER ' CO. , ' In: effect Tuesday, September 6, 1921. ; ' Lt., Wilmlugton. f 6:25 A. M. 4:30 P. M. 6:55 A. M. 5:00 P. M. J 7:25 A. M.' 6:35 P. M. 8:30 A. M. 6:10 P. M. 10.00 A. M. x I 6:40 P. M. 11:30 A. M. -- J 7:10 P. M. 1:05 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 1:30 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 3:00 P. M. - 11:00P. M. 3:30 P. M. 12:00 Midnight 4:00 P. M. . . . - - Lt. Beaeh w I 6:00 Al M. . 4:15 P. M. ' 6:40. A. M. 4:45 P. M. J 7:10 A. M. - 5:15 P. M. 7:40 A. M. 5:45 P. M. ,J 8:15 A M. . l 6:20 P. M. 8:15 A. M. 6:55 P. M. 10:45 A. M. , f 7:20 P. M. 12:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 2:15 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 10:15 P. M. ' . ' 3:15 P. M... :. 11:15 P.M. 3:45 P. M. 11:45 P. 'M. Saturday and Sunday only. . ; fl Daily except Sunday. . . i ' - Saturday, only., . . Special Schedule for Sunday Cars leave. "Center" every 30 min utes from 8:30 A. M. till 8:00 P. M-, and leave "'Beach'' every 30 minutes from 8:15 A. M. till 8:15 P. M. Freight Schedule v (Dally Except Sundays) Leave Ninth and Orange streets 19:30 A. 8:30 jP. M. Leave Beach 11:45 A. '-M.. 4:15 p. m. . " ' - : ) r Sunday Leave Ninth and Orange streets,. 11 A. M. N -. . Leave Beach 12:45 P. M. ; . Freight office open : 10 1 A. M. . to HAM. , . W D. MacMillan, Jr. PACKARD ;; BUICK I 105-107 N. Second St. W. D. MacMILL AN, JR. Fifth and Wright Streets General Autoihobile Repairing J. C. GRUMBINE, Superintendent Phone 201T-W For Economy, Convenience, Health and Pleasure. See our line of new and used machines. Cash or Weekly Payments. Wilmington Cycle Co. 215 Market St Phone 526. tVW. LASSITER Distributor Briscoe and Mitchell 114 N. Second St. Telephone IS Big Reduction In Bicycles Buy one now and economize QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO, 209 Market Street TfiLKPHONB 603 CITY ELECTRIC CO. 206 Princes! . St. Phone" M$ APPLIANCES I MAZDA LAMPS. WUUNG 8UFPUUBS , . W. Munroe AP COMPANT FURNITURE 15 S. Front St. Tovr Money's Worth Always T7BEAL SHOE REPAIR I Prompt and Effleieat Service At Lowest - Coat TRY US . 25 WO. . SECOND ST." Phone 1205-J ' Mail Orders Promptly four $mtb8 Will Meet You at Ellington's 1 Fountain SPRVICEv AND : SATISFJICTION- Prescriptions Filled .Only by ' Registered ' Druggists at i Afiy and All Times J Opposite Postoffice V USE THE STAR MTS rX Mr III ft IV. f i I- 9 Y 1 f Ji s 1 . i Hi ft Vi U If 8 f 1 i I 11 hi i I!' 3 h ' 1 L r !: M ' it' . ('.. i i ... -1 t'' S t , N i! i y 1