TWO v -, ... WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. G, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1921. WILSON TO REMAIN SILENT ON TREATIES TRAItf ROBBER'S WIFE GREETS HIM IN PRISON Sets Lead For Friends As To New Pact (Special to The Star.) WASHINGTON, Dec 14 JPormer President Wilson has let it be known that he desires his friends in the sen ate to withhold any final opinion on the armament conference agreements until they are all on the table. He has indicated that snap judgment would be unwise and improper at this time.. His mind is open on the subject. " It was strongly suggested to the friends j of the ex-president that they follow his . example and refrain form passing judgment until every detail available is before them. This is underatpod to mean that Air. "Wilson would not follow the course of Senator Lodge on the Versailles treaty and begin to create prejudice against those who frame the limitation of armament conference treaties. Senator Glass, of Virginia, who cast the deciding vote making Senator Un derwood leader of the senate, is now ready to support some other man for that important post. If-, Mr. Under wood Is ousted, Senator Simmons will be asked to take his place. The Demo crats did not want Mr. Underwood to accept the place on the armament con ference delegation. They think that it ties his hands. The storm now gather ing in the Democrat camp may pass over without much of a blow, but it looks rather angry now. " Mr. Wilson's attitude ma-y allay the troubled feelings of Democrat senators. UPPER HOUSE PASSES EJECTMENT BILL WITH THREE VOTES MARGIN If ' jj II ' ffpjft" ''4831 j- "B GIVE TESTIMONY TO ? BHOWiEASTiiAKE WAS HOME DURING MURDER EeEssved CARTER'S IVER tContinued fronr.Page One) at the East&ke honJeXV Miss Knox had toidrher that Mrs. Eastlake had been j later" went to summon Eastlake.' who h Y cani relish yTJUrtMals Without fcaX had cone to the deck- . i of upsetting your liver. The witness said he returned witn wsmuywrmuv iiasuake, i and testmea. uie wiier nau . iwtjrwu wu u asked; on the 'way upip'was MiSs Knox . there Tf I told him she was, said Car-; rothers. j Carrothers then described what he ; termed Eastiake's anuarent lack of in- ! teret in searching for the murderer of j his wife, and the . witneas explained how the defendant had spread two overcoats before him to show they were free from bloodstain. The wit- neas was stopped at this oi y stipulation is made that any legatee Judge C unn, n;d"' J ; i 6onteSting the will shall forfeit his tion made by Itfr. Butzner, counsel for j , - . the defense. The witness also testified j cs as to several conversat.ons he said he , - had with Miss Knox on the morning Of WIRELESS RECEIVER SHAPED the killing He identified articles of LIKE HUMAN . EAR wearing apparel belonging: to Miss! Using the human ear as a model, a Knox and stated he had seen her and ! remarkable wireleaa receiver has re Eastlake together oh. "several occasions. 1 cently been designed According to ,Mr Tarrothers told further of having I an illustrated aticle in the January seen "Miss Knox searched lv several , Popular Mechanics Magazine, a small women at the ,UgStlon of Eastlake reproducfflimilar to that of phono- o L L him that Miss turns the electrical energ into , , -.v " souna. Tne sound cnamber:is made or HOC 1.1 UVDC. - Carter's little Ivan Ptllo. Foul accumu- 3 lauuuo mat w poison the vl blood are ex pelled from the bowels and headache. dizziness and sallow skin are relieved. Small Pill Small Dote Small Prion rU,.u1Y,I1K me - in the shape of the human ear. The Kenney, Hugh Gpyt. a worker at the. im of thft amDlifvini, tvne. or,,, ("Continued from Page One) Saturday when it adopted a resolution today agreeing that no new bills would be Introduced in that body after the morning, and the senate has turned down a bunch of proposals from Its members to cbeck the flow of roll call bills but it will be ready to adjourn as soon as the "house finishes its w9rk. The senate has been making better time than the house, and its work is "up to date," the flurry of Monday night is passing and what Senator Mendenhall. of Guiltoro, terms "torn folery" is being checked, so that only the constitutional convention bill re mains before the general assembly now a a possible trouble maker. Fo- instance, the senate bill reduc ing the rersonal property tax exemp tion from 5300 to $100 has been kill ed, failing to survive a house com ir,c Representative ui Near bill to abolish the state de primary did not get anv-where with i-srnnr. the women and the farmers aeainst it. The new ejectment bill, over which senate battled last night, is doomed even if Senator Long succeeds in getting it through the sen ate upon reconsideration. House mem bers and some of the senators declare the lower body has been proving a "stop watch" for the upper body dur ing the session, referring in these re marks to the exemption bill and the ejectment bill. Representative Connor, of Wilson, introduced in the house this morn ing a bill amending the mandamus section of the public school law pro viding for a jury trial in all legal battles over the rate of taxes coun ties must levy for the operation of schools for the ix months term. The bill will go through with the educa tional bill, validating previous school tax rates and raising the maximum authorized rate from 30 to 3a cents thereby insuring in the opinion of Representatives, positive settlement of school disputes and acting as a bar rier against possible future difficulties. Heretofore, disputes of this character were heard before the superior court, judge in chambers, going from him directly to the supreme court. The house put a stop to efforts to have the daisy adopted as the official state flower, a bill introduced by Rep resentative Ross containing- this pro vision having been defeated on a viva voce vote. On hearing that her husband, Roy Gardner, train robber and escaped convict, had been recaptured, Mrs. Dollj- Gardner hurried from her home in San Francisco to greet Gardner in the prison at Phoenix Ariz. The bars prevented any more intimate greeting than a handclasp between Gardner and his faithful wife. The photo shows Gardner, his wife and United States Marshal Joe Dilliam. Hong Kong, Britain9 s Pride of East "Hong Kong, show colony of Great Britain in the Orient, and world port where celebrities and foreign war craft arrive so frequently that the din of of ficial salutes- is almost constantly ech oing from the granite peaks, is next to the oldest and In many ways the nodel foreign-owned community in China," says one of the bulletins issued by the National Geographic society in regard garden, several churches, and numer ous educational institutions, including Hong Keng university, whose technical courses have won it a high reputation. Pine homes, which from the water seem to rise gnat-like from the lower levels, bt which are actually surrounded by fovely gardens, markthis altitude and. m VALERA AND TWO OTHER DELEGATES IN RUMPUS OVER TREATY (Continued From Page l. that it rejects the invitation to enter the Irish Free State. Lloyd George Reports LONDON, Dec. 14. (By the Asso ciated Press). Contrasted strikingly with Britain's roj-al pomp and splen dor displayed in the house of Lords at noon today was the scene in the house of commons a few hours later when, without ceremony, but with evi dent consciousness of power and in fluence, tho members heard the prime minister render an account of his stewardship and the government's part in the Irish settlement. For an hour and three quarters Mr. Lloyd George spoke to crowded benches and jammed galleries. The only-touch of color in the ancient legislative chamber was the brilliant red coated uniform of Col. Sir Samuel Hoara, who moved the reply to the speech from the throne. Tell of Procenre It was not an oration like that of October 31, when the premier, having been challenged presented to the coun try the alternatives of war or negotia tions with Ireland, and won the day by a '"decision overwhelming favoring the government's policy; his role today was of one simply narrating the prob .lems faced by the delegates, with a description of the way they were hand led. Early in his address he silenced those inclined to interrupt him. When an Ulster member Interrogated . him on "allegiance," Mr. Lloyd George hav ing said that the status of Ireland was that of a free state, with alle giance to the king, he turned and fac ed the Ulsterite, and declared empha tically: "Yes, allegiance to the king, and swearing allegiance to the king.-' He then asked the member to refrain from interruptions as his task of ex position was difficult and one wh'h he disliked. The prime minister was deeply im. preasive as he came near the end, when in slow tones and solemn manner he drew a pieture yof the British Imperial war cabinet, at which a vacant chair was waiting for Ireland, and looked fUTtUre hen Ehud's fears .71-22 S?-JrUW anxi". and Eng land s victory Ireland's joy. 't.B'U8e ct th Prnt low value f (tha German mark, hundreds of Bel rUBg, Frenchmen and Hollanders are uyln up nearly the entire German wine. output of 1921 ' lllian ference on limitation of armaments "Contrary to popular belief, there -is no city of Hong Konc," continues the bulletin. "That well known name .be longs to an island of 32 square miles extent which lies off the south coast of China, and has been applied as well to the wonderful harbor between the island and the mainland. The city of half a million inhabitants which is the capital of the island and the colony is officially Victoria. But the name is seldom heard. To the islanders the beautiful terraced town is merely 'the city. Social Slfmb Are Hill Climb "The city reveals the stratification due to wealth and social position in a striking way. Aside from a cable tram way which carries the visitor to 'The Peak, 1,200 feet above the gelatine pond harbor with its toy ships from many ands. the common means of reaching the higher levels is in chairs to the eastern possessions of countries it is here that'the governor of Hong io 1113 .iiiniai resilience. Pfak of Social Alps "But evenihere there;, are too many homes to make any group distinctive and it is the governor's summer villa high up on a small plateau near the top of the peak from which wireless signals are sent that is the real height of social Alps. Around the island there runs a fine motor road 22 miles long, which carries the visitor away from the world-famed harbor and its booming salutes. Ten square miles of excellent anchorage make this the parking place for many a typhoon tossed ship in the storm season and sampans bob about on the water in a way that reveals the ancestry of the present boatsmen and reminds one of the time when this splendid city and port was an almost barren island with tiny fishing villages strung along its shores. Recently there has been de veloped a beautiful resort at Repluze ' can be heard at a distance of 100 ft, with this instrument. ianigreen provinfr.spuon 0.-lt Js claimed -that a telegraph message time said he shared -his house at that place with the Eastlake family, testi fied to having seen Miss Knox and Eastlake together on several occasions there alone. When sharing his house with the Eastlakes, the witness said, they appeared to get along harmoniously. LEAVES THREE FRIENDS BIG SUM I WILL NEW YORK, Dec. 14. Bequests of 5230,000 to three friends are made in the will of Rooert B. Hawley. former president of the Cuban-American Sugar company, "in token of my respect, af fection and appreciation of their kind ness in giving me a home and other wise befriending me in my loneliness in a-great city." Mr. Hawley died No vember 28. &? The sum of flftO.OOO is left vto Arthur G. and Leila : Sprague Learned and $10,000 to their eon, Bruce. In addi tion, the executors are instructed to set aside as a trust fund 1,000 shares of Central Aguirre Sugar company stock, valued at $1207000, and to pay the income to Bruce until he reaches the age of 21, at which time the prin cipal will be turned over to him. Two erand sons, Hawley Oaks and John C. Oaks, Jr., sons of army officers in Norfolk, Va., are made the bene ficiaries of a $200,000 trust fund. The prandsons also will eventually receive the principal of another trust fund of $112,000 and will share the residue of the estate in ecual shares. The Salvation Armv and the Y. W. C. A. of Galveston, Texas, are each be queathed $25,000 as a memorial to tne deceased's daughter, bue iaw iey ASKSsFOR RECEIVER MIAMlT Fla.. Dec. 14. Mrs. Ida Marie OUerlin, wife of former Deputy United States Marshal Adam O. Oberlin of the Miami -district, who disappeared on November 16, filed a bill of complaint today in the circuit court asking- that a receiver be appointed to take charge of his property. BRAVES GO TO FLORIDA ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Dec. 14.r The Boston Braves will train here next spring, jt was announced, today in. a telegram fronv. George Grant, president of the club. The "red" census in Europe is estl mated as .2,800,000. Siui ire Relief ZOR INPJGESTIOM 5s TIOHj) TS J? 6 Bell-ans Hot wafer Sure Relief 25 and 75$ Packages Everywhere 9 ...... t-;...;,.. ' - .. ' ..i .. . flSCfcT155 Kff I Wf 1W iThereifcrno better 6 --WKK XEiMTO wrapper than the sUk- Wm S.hade.grown. ? 3Plb You'll find both per. , WglP ' 'Pti&dtoive the ; distinctive character G. H. P. CIGAR CO, he - Distributor STRAUSS CIGAR CO. Richmond, Va. -? The carried by two or four coolies. Mo- Bay, on the ocean side" of Hong Konsr . , , . , . ' UlH.J . 1 A 1 . , tor roads are being extended so that twentieth century power can be used to some extent, but most of the streets and stairways, which are cut in the varied facade of the hillside with its island, where the permanent societv plays golf with transient tourists for whom the links were constructed. "Across from Hong Kong, on the Chinese mainland, is Kovloon. and buildings of many types of architecture. J back from this. the . terminus of the are open only to foot traffic. In the railway to Canton "Which -will ulti- teamy heat of Hong: Kong, hill climb ing is not counted as a sport by Anglo Saxons, so that many of the 15.C00 for eigners mount the steep slopes in chairs carried by yellow men. "However much the American objects to paying 3 cents or more a mile for transportation, such a rate is very low compared with., that charged by four chair bearers, and in Hong Kong the chairmen have advanced their rates to a degree which would make the mately link Hong Kpng with Peking. Is the New Territory comprising about 300 square miles ceded to England for 99 years in 1898, . when concession hunting in China was at its height." INGROWN TOE NAIL y , t ? How to Toufchen Skin so Nail Turns Out Itself APFIR3I DECISION" AGAINST COMMISSI?) ' A fw drop of "Outgro" upon the kin surrounding tha ingrowing nail reduces Inflammattpxiand pain and s touKher.s the tender, sensitive skin un- fiaili'that it can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns COAL E PHONE T8 BUrLIJERS SUPPLIES W. B. THORPE & CO. puTJlic utilities profiteers. The higher the climb, the higher the cost; and the social climbers of Hong Kong fix their level according to their pocketbooks. "Along the teeming wharves, where the local Canton and China coast boats tie up, the tine and cry of the dock workers alike proclaim the Chinese. A restricted portion of the water front is quite foreign and here one may ob serve the skipper of a fleet motor launch tossing his compatriot sampan oarsmen In powerful waves. But on both sidee of this restricted area of modern buildings and world famed trade names, the Chinese extend in im posing masses. Their picturesque shops bear ornamental sign boards in black and gold lettering or horizon tally lettered signs in English bearing cognomens strange and ambiguous enough to supply the Jokesmiths of the west with comedy for years to come. Streeta Ran Into Stairway "Back from the water, but parallel to it, runs Dee Voeux Road and Queen's Road, the main business thoroughfares flanking which is a fairly level section of the city. But back a few blocks, steep stairways close the ends of most of the transverse streets and the hid den automobile roads twist and turn like a railway track trying to make the grade that tops a continental di vide. "Suddenly one realizes that he has left the region where the Chinese are inhabitants and entered the rarifled at mosphere of a superior social world Quiet has displaced the babel of strange voices which cause the busi ness section to hum and buzz with life. The same effect that is accom plished in most cities of moving out is here attained by moving up. The res idential section looks down upon the business center, which in Hong .Kong is really not a. business center at all, but a business level. "Here one finds a "beautiful botanical Ft V RfinrK RiRKi.r.v RALEIGH, Dec. 14 The suprem. naturally outward almost overnight. zechuan chair coolies regard them as court dprision in nmin inci.,,, a r. ehiroiodist. How- ed by T. E. Robins and others against Tr, anyone can buy from tne the Brunswick county commissioners to (tore a tiny TeottJe -containing dJrnf enjoin them from the sale of bonds f or j jons. (Adv.) me erection or a mgn scnooi ouuaing in Lockwoods Folly township. The court agreed with the lower court that the act authorizing the creation of Supply school district and the issuance of bonds for the erection of the school specified that the building should be located in the Supply district. SEARCH IS FRUITLESS TAMPA, Fla., Dec 14. Search for a local contractor named Holley in con nection with advices from Athens, Ga., today that Marion J. Wall-is, former soldier, said he had received a let ter saying a son of such a contractor was killed at Camp Wheeler, Ga., in 1918, was unsuccessful. Three Holley's listed in the city directory disclaimed any knowledge of the alleged occurrence. DontHide Your Face Nothing u more annoying and to c people more disgusting thao I eruption j i These dufigunng Hemuhej are oftra d by local disorders of the uuit I require medical Occasional applications of ointmrao I loBon do not correct rbes croubia J7 vxa-, ra OICATEO is especially good for the correction of skin disorders. The rich, delightful lather ef Hunt's Medicated Soap carries with it the healing medicine most needed by the skin, allowing the medicine to reach into all he tiny pores, searching out and de stroying disease germs which cause pim ples, blackheads and other fecial biemtslMS, J. Hicka Banting Drug Company Calomel Good but Treacherous Next Dose mav Salivate, Shock Diver or Attack Bones Bayer on Genuine Aspirin say "Bayer" Warning! Unless you see the Same "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by. physicians , for twenty. -one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told t the Bayer pack age for Colds, HeaJaehe, Neuralgia, i-. ' ' ' . Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lum bago and for Pain. All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of Aspirin in handy tin boxes of , .12. and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of , Monoaceticacid estr of Salicylicacid. Tou know what calomel is. It's mer- cury; Quicksilver. Calomel is dan- 1 gerous. It orashes Into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. . Calomel attacks- the bones and should never be put into your system- i If you feel bilious, headachy, consti- j pated and all knocked out, just go to ' your druggist and. get a bottle of Dod- j son's Liver Tone for-a few cents which ' is a harmless vegetable substitute fori dangerous calomeL Take a spoonful and If It doesn't start your liver and ! straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without mak ing you sick, you just go back and gel your money. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next, day; it loses you a dayi work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feel great. ! No salts necessary. Give it to tha children because it is perfectly harm- j" Tgiaa auu taxi nut. aauTw, "O, familytaiy?S5,hours of ease, uncertain, coy and hard to please Give everybody a pair of comfortable, good-looking Slippers for Christmas, and the truck is turned. Making the family's feet happy is the enviable mission of this store and we are well equippedvfor the task. Comfortable feet make better dispositions and happier homes. Let us help. MEN'StSLIPPERS 98c t0 $2.48 WOMEN'S SLIPPERS 98c to $1.98 CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS 98ct$1.45 Fired. w iSo Fiiidba, 128-130 S. Front St. Phone 800 f. ' '" ' mi " ' -.--gl ' II H. L AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES, TIRES and ACCESSORIES TO BE. SOLD, AT AUC FOR THE HIGH DOLLAR TION - i FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DECEMBER 16 AND 17 SALE STAR1S 10: F. W. PETFFER, Auctioneer o a. i 2-) k itri is ; : : ' f . . . - - s in H!. L V-.--.T-...

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