—/Jack Sullivan has returned to Mt. St. Joseph's college. Baltimore. after spending the holidays with relatives. Circle .No. 1, of Fifth Avenue Meth odist church, will meet this afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of R. T. Pres »on, 106 North Fourth street. . There Will be no meeting of the Par-. Snt-Teachers’ association of the Isaac Bear school this afternoon, on account Of Illness prevalent among the families of students. * • • The” Gibbons club will hold its regu lar monthly meeting tonight at the Ff. of C. hall at S o’clock. All members sj-e earnestly requested to be in at tendance. After the meeting there will be card playing. , Friends of Miss Laura Parsley will be glad to learn that she is able to be out after- a week's illness. Miss Pars ley expects to be able to resume her duties as society editor of the Star in a few days. ^ • ■ Edmund Alexander of New Bern ar rived in the city yesterday and will remain here several days on business., # • • Business and social meeting of Lydia Yates Bible class will be conducted this evening at S o’clock. * » « . Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cherry, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cherry, Jit, have returned from ail extended trip, after Visiting friends* in Jacksonville -and Bt. Augustine, Fla. Colonel Taylor Speaks to Tileston Students The program’ for public safety week ut the Tileston school was opened by an informal, ad'dress delivered by Col. Walker Taylor at the regular chapel hoHift yesterday, colonel Taylor spoke to the boys and girls on the duty they owe to themselves and their country and the necessity of* preserving their physical fitness if they are in any way to live up to the demands made upon them by the circumstances with which they must inevitably come in contact in the future. “You boys and girls are the most valuable assets of this city, because it is you who will determine its fate in the days fo come. You do not be long to yourself, but to your commu nity and nation. Some of you will occupy important positions and all of you will have seme necessary purpose.” l.e told them. For this reason, as well as for more personal considerations, he uiged that during the coming week the school children of Wilmington devote their attention to the means best calculated preserve their own safety- In this way, he stated, it is/ honed that by ex cessive caution during one wee-, hab its of thought ai d action of the sanest ic:nd may be establish^! which will carry over into the rest cf the year. Several other talks along the same line have been planned fur the school week in ordrr that the children may be taught to realize the value of the work attempted. CREAM “ i WILMINGTON ICE CREAM I COMPANY I (4-10 Princess St. Phones gS4-B8(> If you are suffering from skin trouble and have tried various treatments: with- ; out success don't be discouraged, Ointment and Resinol Soap bring speedy relief from eczema and other itching or embarrassing eruptions, and usually succeed in making the skin„ clear and healthy again. $ Your druggist carries Realnol Ointment and Resinol Soap. Try them! k Real Drug Store JEhritmfcm’a . DISPaimABLE Wit'S STOttK j PURE DRUGS In our entirr stock of Drugs you will find only the highest grade and purest Drugs possible to secure. GREEN’S DRUG STORE J.0& Market St. -s- Telephone 101 SHORTHAND AFFORDS FINE OPPORTUNITIES Offers Foothold to More Re munerative Employment in Business World Most people who Study shorthand do so because of the opportunity it af fords of earning a livelihood. It is ab solutely true that in no other direction I can a young man or woman so readily obtain a foothold on the ladder which leads to business success. Shorthand, like the telephone, the telegraph, and the trans-continental express, lias be come one of the indispensable mediums of modern business. It is sometimes said that letters are "the silent sales men of the business world.” By means of letters the American business man reaches out to the uttermost parts of the earth and gets business in every city, in every town and village, to which the mails are oarried. me SlWlU^iaynci lO ill uiuy with the executive who directs busi ness affairs. Practically every busi ness transaction requires the dictation of correspondence, reports, statistics, and so on. The stenographer sets at first hand all the faotors which enter Into the making of business decisions and thus has an unparalleled opportu nity to study the motives which actuate business men. Unfortunately few stenographers realize the tremendous possibilities In herent in their work. The vast major ity are content to do that work in a routine way day after day. They are quite satisfied to do just enough to "get by.” Right there lies the great big opportunity for the alert and ener getic young man or woman who is about to undertake the study of short hand. Modern business training courses organized to meet modern business requirements are available. Rowe Shorthand—The Modern System —has put success within the reach of all young people; it has made possible a larger measure of success for those who are willing to put forth the time and effort which will raise them above the plane of mediocrity. Rowe Shorthand has just been intro duced at the Motte Business college, of this city. This action on the part of those responsible for the management of the institution demonstrates their constant desire to keep the Motte Busi ness college in the front rank of mod ern business training schools. Sunshine Laundry Damp Wash Ser vice. Call 172.—Adv. \S\TAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLD ERS THE BANK OF COMMERCE, WILMINGTON, N. C. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Commerce, for the- purpose of electing a board of directors and for any other business that may come before the meeting will be held on the 10th day of January, 1923, at 3 o'clock in the Directqrs’ room of the Bank, 106 North Front street. ROBERT STRANGE. 1-1-ltc • Cashier. Laxative I from ®uininek tablets The first and original Cold and Grip Tablet, the merit of which is recog nized by all civilized nations. Be sure you get BROMO mmmt The genuine bears this signature Price 30a . . .■■ ■ A TRIBUTE TO REV. EDGAR TUFTS ‘Faithful unto .Heath" Is the -record of the life of ,cne of God’s noblemen, the Rev. Edgar Tufts, of Banners Elk, North Carolina, who died Saturday morning, December 6th. His fatal ill ness was doubtless contracted through exposure to cold and contagion In min istering tn the people to whom he ded icated his life, as pastor and teacher, friend and counsellor. His idea of duty was revealed in his answer to the question of a fellow stu dent as they were leaving the seminary for their respective fields of service. His -friends, knowing he had calls to several attractive places, asket? why he had chosen Banners Elk, then con sidered one of the worst places in North Carolina. His answer was prompt and characteristic: "That is the rea son I am going there." .His choice has been fully justified by the change wrought through his unfaltering devo tion to his purpose, to make the bad good, and the good better. Without a church building o? school house, he preached wherever he could gather a little congregation and taught a few children arouhd. his study fire, on winter evenings. His kindness and tact quickly won the. confidence and Inenusiiip of his immediate neighbors and later the support and co-operation of friends in this and other states. This small beginning has grown into the Banners Elk Presbyterian church, Lees-McRae institute, witn graaea ana high school departments, Grace hospi tal, and Grandfather orphanage. The church has an active and grow ing membership,' which for some years has worshipped in a beautiful and ar tistic building of native stone, erected by native workmen—a building that could not be erected in a city for less than thirty or forty thousand dollars The Lees-McRae institute, • until re cently housed In three wooden build ings, has already sent out more than a thousand girls, some of them making Christian homes as wives and mothers, some serving as teachers and trained nurses. These wooden buildings are being replaced by larger permanent stone buildings, one already completed and Mr. Tufts had the joy of knowing that the ground was broken for the second before his death. The wooden Grace hospital building is now being replaced by a substantial, well-equipped brick building. This hospital, though handicapped by lack of space and equipment, has nobly met a great need in a large and scattered I community, and this new building with its complete equipment will enable Dr. Tate and his assistants to render a larger service to an even larger terri tory. Grandfather orphanage has grown : from a small house, accommodating a dozen children, to a large plant com I prising buys’ and girls' dormitories, (school and industrial buildings, and a baby cottage. Under the superinten dency of Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb, with their efficient helpers, these buildings house a happy family of more than 50 children of school age, and the baby cottage will care for about twenty ba bies. The orphanage farm contributes largely to the support of orphanage and schools. The electric light plant, MEDIUM BROWN HAIK looks best of all after a Golden Glint Shampoo.— Adv. With 22 Pound Gain M. F. Cook Declares Tanlac Completely Overcame Stom ach Trouble of Several Years Standing Health Returns to Belwood Citize ! - "Tanlac built me up twenty-two pounds, gave me good health in. place of misery, and 1 am glad of the chance to tell how thankful I am.” declared M. F. Cook, a well-known farmer and mica miner of Belwood, N. C. “My stomach got out of order sev eral years aeo and just kept getting ■worse till I was mighty badly run down. Everything I ate disagreed with me and I got so I was afraid of food, and had no appetite. Sour stomach, gas and dizziness made my troubles a hundred times worse. I had splitting headaches one right after another, and never could get a good night’s sleep. "Soon as I started on Tanlac I began to get better. Now I have an appetite I can hardly ’satisfy, sleep like a log and feel so good all over I can do as much work as any man. I can’t rec ommend tanlac too strongly.” Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Over 35-million bottles sold.—Adv. Don't Catch Keep all the membranes of nose, throat, lungs healthy and free from germs by breathing HYOMEI. It kills germs. Don’t have colds, catarrh—just —breathe Each member of the family should have and use a HYOMEI outfit of hard rubber inhaler, liquid, gauze, direc tions, etc. Pleasant, effective. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. Sold by all druggists. the grist and lumber mills, all serve the community, as well as the schools, church, hospital and orphanage. Mr, Tufts' enthusiasm for service was infectious, and drew to him a porps of teachers and other helpers, of mis sionary spirit, on salaries less than half paid for similar service elsewhere, thus enabling him to offer educational opportunities at V6ry low cost. This great cahtructive work, built up out of nothing under his direction, will be his permanent monument. But his best memorial is in the hearts and lives of those whom he has served, and those who have served with him. His genefous and active guidance and co operation were fully recognized and WHISKEY FOR BAD COLDS BETTER New Elixir, Called Aspiroftal, Medicated With Latest Scien tific Remedies, Used and En dorsed by European and American Army Surgeons to Cut Short a Cold or Cough Due to Cold and Prevent Com plications Every Druggist in U. S. Instruc ted to Refund Price While You Wait at Counter if You Cannot Feel Relief Coming Within Two Minutes Delightful Taste, Immediate Re lief, Quick Warm-UR The sensation in the drug trade is Aspironal, the quick-acting cold and cough reliever, authoritatively guaran teed by the laboratories; tested, ap proved and most enthusiastically en dorsed by the highest authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rve or any other cold remedy they have ever tried. All drug stores are now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so step into the nearest drug store, hand the clerk half a dollar for a bottle of As pironal and tell him to serve you two teaspoonfuls. With your watch in your hand, take the drink at one swal low and call for your'money back in two minutes if you cannot feel relief coming within the time limit. Don’t be bashful, for all druggists Invite you and expect you to try it. Everybody"s doing it. Take the remainder of the bottle home to your wife and babies, for As pironal is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most agreeable cold and cough remedy for infants and children, as well as for adults.—Adv. appr aciated by his associates* and1 the memory of his devoted and unselfish life will be a constant stimulus to them to continue his splendid constructive work. A FRIEND. January 8, 1922. BEST FOB. HEADACHE - AND NEURALGIA Every dosq is com pounded just as your doctor’s prescription— accurately by registered druggists. It is abso lutely harmless and is guaranteed. Take ho substitute. B.C.S«medyCo. Durh»m,N£, BREAK A COLD AS YOUSLEEP Don’t Drug Yourself — Just Breathe a Cold Away. Relief from coldB and grip misery comes at once. Ease for feverish, aching head. Tight, sore chest, is loosened. Stuffed-up air passages opened, choking mucus checked, nose stops running, pain goes. Sterling Vapor-Eze is the quickest, safest relief for bad colds in head and chest, because it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and breaks up the congestion on which colds feed. Get from your druggist a 25-cent Jar of Sterling of Vapor-Eze. Apply a little on the chest and throat at bedtime. Then, as you sleep, the healing, germ destroying, antiseptic vapor enters every air passage, penetrates right, down to where the cold is lodged and breaks it up. Sterling Vapor-Eze , is absolutely harmless. Mother, use it for the chil* dren's colds. Remember, the «ost is only a tew cents. Be sure to get the genuine, with the naihe Sterling on every jar.—adv. 25c Brings a Spring Style Parade Into Your Home It is no ordinary parade of spring fashions. For it means not only seeing style, but being able to have it. These are styles parading on the pages of the New Mc Call Quarterly! Think of it! Five hundred styles, any of which you can make for a very small cost. Our very low priced Dress Goods make your savings real, when styles in the New McCall Printed Pattern, the easiest pattern of all, are used. The McCall Quarterly is brand new, just off the press and gives you the last word in the new fashions. The Spring McCall Quarterly, 25c Contains Purified f Mutton Tallow CRU-MO 6 a -A. ill. L White and Will Not Stain You will find a very complete line of Piece Goods dis played on the first floor for today’s shoppers. No mat ter what your needs are, this store will gladly serve you. This display not only’consists of many beautiful de signs, but the prices placed on the goods will convince anyone who knows that we mean what we say when we tell you that we are in business to save you money. HOMESPUN TWEEDS 56-inch homespun tweed in many rich patterns, some of these pieces sold as high as $2.75 per yard. Today s piece goods special, per ^1 fik GREAT YALUES IN SHEETING 36-inch Beechwood light weight sheeting, per yard. 36-inch Merlock R. P. sheet ing, good weight, per yard. ‘36-inch fine Sea sheeting, per yard. 36-inch Pepper ell, Bridge port sheeting, per yard. 12k . sheet 15c Island 17c Bridge 22c 5-4 brown sheeting, per yard. 6-4 brown sheeting, per yard. 8-4 brown sheeting, , per yard .•••••• 9- 4 brown sheeting, per yard ........ 10- 4 brown sheeting, per yard ...... 59c 65c BARGAIN TABLE On the first floor is located our bargain table. It is well worth a visit any day. Tomorrow it will hold sev eral unusually good values. - CHILDREN’S HOSE All sizes and in white and black. These are good values at 35c and 50c, and have been sold at these prices all the season. Special tomorrow, | 1 Q» per'pair...—... Ladies’ cotton hose in white and black, 1 Oc good values, per pair Remember to ask for “H. and S.” Green Trading Stamps. They will save you money. Visit the Premium Parlor on the Second Floor , (Futchi’jfebartment Btm ■ I .Ml Tm> 11. l M'-L x'i ■ 4 4 ■M JlM ■M-M-irV.L.M -■!-\T3TTW WHERE SMART STYLES MEET MODERATE PRICES 9-11 NORTH FRONT STREET THOSE TWINGES OF RHEUMATISM ARE LESSENED In many medical text-books you will find salicylic acid rated an ab solute specific for attacking the piin of rheumatism. Salicylio bold U taken In Its »*it form In TIN GLE'S LAXO ASPIRIN. This add content of TINGLE S Tjrfl ASPIRIN distends the tiny capillary blood vessels. It re lieves and relaxes them and In duces a healthful perspiration. It Is this that alleviates and In many eases stops the pain. A digeetant also found la TIN GLUTS LAXQ ASPIRIN prevent* the stomach from being upset. A third Ingredient, a laxative, com pletes the effective attack on the, pain hy ridding the body of poi sonous wastes, which when re-i talned in the body, are usually the; real cause of the trguble. Thus only 1& TINGLE’S LAXO< ASPIRIN does one And the three! the improved aspirin with thi three points: —its aosoroea easily —It relieves pain qulckl> —It's a gentle laxative TINGLE’S LAXO ASPIRIN Ask Your Druggist fot the "Three Point Box" Therapeutic Research Laboratories. Washjngtga, D, C, February T>t> fWXTKJiC* February Delineators 11IV V J VV JL^I O Patterns} Butterick Patterns and Publications for February are Here SET YOUR FEBRUARY DELINEATOR today; J v t ^ NEW SPRING DRESS FABRICS ARE ARRIVING _ A. D. Brown Company J. B. McCABE & CO. Hstabllakaft WU» CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Poatoffice Box 1243 1107 MurciUon Building WILMJKGTOX, NORTH CAROLINA >