SHIPMAN CABBIES PRINTERS’ FIGHT INTO LEGISLATURE Bill Introduced Directs House and Senate Committee to Make Investigation - Star'* Bureau* ;il2 Tucker Bui Id ini?. By BROCK BARNEY RALEIGH, Jan. 10.—Printing Com missioner M. L. Shipman threw his fight with the local printing house of, Edwards & Broughton into the general assembly today when he had a bill in troduced in both houses directing the bouse and senate committees on print ing to investigate the state’s con tractual relations » with the printing company. , . . ... . . Mr. Shipman declares his bill is to anticipate the alleged plans of Dr. Charles Lee Smith, president of the Edwards & Broughton company, to bring about a legislative airing of the controversy over the reprinting of su preme court reports which had the at tention of the state some weeks ago. < The Shipman bill, introduced in the senate by Woltz, of Gaston, reeds as follows, setting forth- briefly allega tions made against the department -of printing by Edwards & Broughton and asking the general assembly to in vestigate them fully: “Whereas the Edwards & Broughton Printing company, one of the five con tractors for state printing, in a letter to the state printing commission, has charged that 'the office of the com missioner of labor and printing has not endeavored to co-operate with us, but on the contrary lias indicated an attitude towards our work which has caused us serious embarrassment ; has Intimated that the department of labor and printing is attempting its super vision contrary to the terms of the laws'; that ‘such work as has been al loted to us has been small in amount and alloted under such conditions as to make it unprofitable, vexatious and embarrassing’, and . 1 “Whereas, the department of labor and printing has called upon the said contractor, the Edwards & Brought® printing company, for a lull of partic- ( nlars to which demand the said con tractor has replied f am advised by my attorneys that a bill of particulars is entirely out of order'; therefore, be It •'Resolved by the house of repre sentatives, the senate concurring. “That the committee on printing of the house of representatives and tne committee on printing of the senate, be and they are hereby directed to jointlv institute an investigation into the administration of the state print ing contract by the department of la bor and printing, the work of all con tractors and the dealings of the de partment with . contractors; that the, Edwards & Broughton Printing com pany be required to file with the joint committee herein named and also with the department of labor and printing.; in writing, a verified record of every statement, allegation, or insinuation said contractor lias made or will now make of unfairness, partiality, or Im proper conduct at any time on the par Lnv member of the. department of labor ami printing m then with said contractor or affecting h.s . contract, together-with 1!ho names of all persons to whom saul contractor has made any such statement, allega tion. or insinuation as aforesaid. “That jjthe committee herein named also investigate and report on any im proper «r unethical conduct on the part of any state official or employe iP„ connection with the state printing Both the senate and the house con fined their sessions to 30 minutes to dav, the new bills being few. Gov ernor Morrison’s appointment of An drew M. Kestler, of Morganton. as ..he new highway commissioner, succeed ing John C. McBeo, was confined by the senate In executive session. When the house .adjourned today it was in honor of Representative Rufe Doughton, its veteran leader, who is celebrating his 66th birthday. During his more than a quarter of a century of service in the house. Representative • Boughton has sat two terms as speaker. He also presided over the senate for two terms as lieutenant governor. He has the outstanding record of the state’s assemblymen in point of years and in the conspicuousness to his serv ice. ' Auto Hits Monument, Topples it Off Base The monument to New Hanover s war dead, unveiled last summer Thirteenth and Market streets, was hurled from its base yesterday after noon when struck by an automobile belonging: to Col, Walker Taylor. The machine skidded while attempt ing to avoid a heavy motor truck ap proaching from the opposite direction, and the rear of the car struck the monument with terrific force. Although the heavy column was top pled completely off its base, the auto mobile was but slightly damaged. Damages to the monument will be paid, it was announced'fast night. Sure Relief FOR INDYGESTION inDlGCSTION) ( * C.FHTS 6 Qell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25 22.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to...>-$18.00 25.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to. 20.00 27.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to.. 22.00 30.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to .'..24.00 32.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to .. 26.00 35.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to..28.00 40.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to. 32.00, 42.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to ...34.00 45.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to ...36.00 All Boys’ Suits 20% Off No Charges for Alterations All Winter Underwear 15% Off When You Buy at This Dependable Store You Buy for Less MARKS, Inc. “Cash But Less” J. K. Taylor, Manager Orton Hotel Building official as a satisfactory clear Indica tion of American opinion, although ut tered before the detailed French plan was disclosed. Withdrawal of the troops, after publication of that plan and also after American efforts to point a road to the avoidance of force In Germany had not been taken up In any way by the French government apparently is to be taken as speciflcaUy applying American disapproval to the French scheme. NEW YORK, Jan. 10.—The trans port St. Mlhiel will sail for Europe at noon Friday to bring back the Ameri can troops on the Rhine whose recall was ordered today by President Hard ing, it was announced late this after I noon. Colonel- Louts H. Bash, at the army transport base in Brooklyn, said the vessel had been ordered to said for a : German port, not yet designated. I Work of stocking the St. Mihiel im mediately was begun. Captain Oliver, of the St. Mihiel said | it would take 13 or 14 days to make the voyage across. | The St. Mihiel, built at Log Island and commissioned three years ago, is one of the best of the army transports. She is equipped to carry about 1,100 officers and men oomfortably. Army transports officers said the vessel could be fully provisioned and coaled' in 24 hours. COUGH 7YyPIS0’S Astonishingly quick relief* A syrup—different from all others'* pleasant—no up set stomach—no opiates. 35c and 60c everywhere, g What’s Your Most Regular Habit? READING the Morning #tar —and it is a most commendable habit, too, for it pro vides profitable diversion and informs you of current events of local, national and international importance. And it is your duty as a good American citizen to inter est yourself in politic and economic events. Subscription rate $7.00 a year Wttmtwjfcm JMnnmtg 8>twc Phone 51—Circulation Department—Phone 51"