Report of the Condition of BANK OF COMMERCE ~ WILMIIYGTON, N. C. ii the Clone of Business, Dec. 29, 1922; RESOURCES: j.rtans and discounts.1313,983.44 m “ ' 722.66 overdrafts unsecured AH other stocks, Hw&ds and mortgages . Furniture ahd fixtures. C: i -11 in vault and net ,imounts due from banks, bankers and trust com-1 j.anies i... Checks for clearing j:\pense (less undivided profits) .. 1,100.00 8,953.70 128,093.98 .258.77 8,961.10 TOTAL .. .... .34*2,078.65 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in __$100,000.00 Deposits..... 362,073.65 TOTAL ....’...$462,073.65 \ January 11, 1923. i*T ATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP NEW HANOyER. 1, Robert 'Strange, cashier of the ahove-namei) bank, do solemnly swear that- the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ROBERT STRANGE. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of January, 1923. LESLIE R. HUMMELL. ffotary Public. Correct—Attest: JOHN R. HANBY, HERBERT McCLAMMY, R. L. HENLEY, . Directors. Report of the Condition of HOME SAVINGS BANK WILMINGTON, X. C. At the Close of Business, Dec. 29, 1922. RESOURCES: Loanu and discounts . Demand loans . United States bands and lib erty bonds . All other stocks, bonds and mortgages . Furniture and fixtures. Cash in vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust com panies . Checks for clearing . $563,157.88 67,000.00 44.850.00 11.710.00 5,906.59 51,365.87 8,354.66 TOTAL .$751,645.00 LIABILITIES: Capital stock, paid in .$ (>0,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid . 14,297.00 Cashier’s checks outstand ing ... 943.33 (vrtified checks .:. . . . 10.00 lime certificates of deposit, due on or after 30 days... 125,271.89 Savings deposits. 561,122.78 TOTAL .$751,645.00 ST ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. T, J. F. Roache, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that 1 ho above statement is true to the best of nvy knowledge and bel’ef. J. F. ROACHE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of January, 1923. CHARLES S. GRAINGER, Notary Public. (jlv commission expires January 2. 1924.) Correct—Attest; WM„ E. PERDEW. C. VAN LEUVEN, J. W. YATES. Directors. Report of the Condition of THE LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK 2», 1922. WILMINCTOS, N. C. t( the Close of Bnslness, Dec. RESOURCES:' I .n;ins and discounts .$197,1139.17 1 i. iiiand loans . 6'2?R'S i ivor drafts unsecured ...... United States bonds and lib . rtv bonds .. • • ■ All other stocks, bonds and mortgages .••■•••••• 8’a4‘.70 550.35 450.00 Banking houses... $12,403.93 2,821.6® Furniture-fixtures.. cash in vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust com panies ... i ash items held over hours . 15.225.58 24 40,595.61 459.85 t TOTAL ....$269,768.26 LIABILITIES: capital stock paid in.$ 2?’Snn'n«. Surplus fund ■.. • • • l,00«.0d Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes ..•••••••••••••* 1,780.06 1 hvidends unpaid .. • ■ • 3-°° X0 counted3... !S: 5.000.00 Bills payable . 3M00-OO Savings deposits .... TOTAL .-• • $269,768.26 ST \TE OP NORTH CAROLINA . COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. I. j. C. Rourk, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tne best of my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROURK. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to befpre.tne, this 11th day of January, 1923. H. C. COOPER, Notary Public, i t rrcct—Attest: J. W. BROOKB. h C. E. HOOPER. U. A. UNDERWOOD, Directors. • .*>. . I $10,000 Violin Miss Matilda Fultz of Middleport, O.. is shown here admiring the Stradlvarlus which its owner. John' B. Downing Jr. has lust Insured :for $10,000 Downing’s father , “The- Flddlin Pilot." tmmortalized !®y Mark Twain, gave it to him. I SUIT SKIRTS SIX OR SEVEN j INCHES OFF GROUND | Skirts of all tailored garments, I whether of the three-piece costume, or of the skirt and jacket suit, range in | length from six to seven inches off the ground, are of medium width, and are flat at the back' with marked movement across the front, or at one side. Circular apron tunics, sun pleated or laid in wide box pleats, fine knife pleated tunics, and incrustcd godet panels used either at one or at both sides, or run across the entire front of the skirt, are rhuch empha sized. Spiral tier effects and wrapped styles In which the closing is at the side of the front also stand our among the styies favored. Although the skirt of even length at the bottom takes precedence, skirts in irregular line ither longer at one side than the other, or again long at the front and short across- the sides and black,'are represented, while scal loped hems are featured in skirts both for street and house wear.—pry Goods Economist. COTTONSEED OIL,. NEW YORK, Jan. 11.—Cottonseed oil was firm, closing at a net advance of 9 to 13 points. Higher lard and cotton and the hardening trend in crude brought about considerable short cov ering and there was also some under ing of trades between May lard and Oil. Sales 20,700 barrels, tenders 200 barrels. Prime crude 9.50 to 9.75; prime summer yellow spot 10.70 bid; January 10.75; March 11.00; May 11.19, all bid. Report of the Condition of CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY WILMINGTOJV, jY. C. At the Close of Business, Dee. 20* 1022. KB SOURCES: Loa,ns and discounts ■■.$550,897.98 j Demand loans . 9,580.00 j Overdrafts unsecured . 208.54 ! United States bonds And lib erty bonds . 548.98 All other stocks, bonds and mortgages .,. . 3,100.00 Furniture and fixtures. 8,524.73 Cash in vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust com panies . 43,189.46 Cash items ‘ held over 24 hours . 175.84 j Checks for clearing. 2,062.15 TOTAL ..$618,287.68 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid In.$ Surplus fund . Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid . Dividends unpaid . Deposits due banks, bankers trust companies . Deposits subject to check . . Demand certificates of de posit . | Cashier’s checks outstand ing . Certified checks . Time certificates of deposit, due on or after 30 days... Savings deposits .• • 50.000. 00 60.000. 00 1,387.95 325.S0 15,698.89 202,959.10 6.340.00 3,334.17 155.08 53,846.39 235,240.60 TOTAL .-$618,287.68 December 29. 1922. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. I C. J. LeOrand, cashier bf the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J C. J. LeORAND. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Uth day of Jam.ary,D?3MBB Notary Public. ,(My commission expires September 16, 1923.) Correct—Attest: R. E. WILLIAMS, W. I. BAXTER. J. HAUGHTON JAMES, Directors. r Statement of Condition of The Murchison National Bank of Wilmington, N. C. ' At the Close of Business December 29, 1922 RESOURCES Loans and discounts *. •••.. • -$ 9,252,952.19 Customers' liability acceptances ,.(• « ? . . i. • • y • • • *•_* : U. S. bonds.. • • Bank building . Bonds and other securities . •. •> • • • • Cash and due by banks ... • • */• 190,000.00 800,650.00 375,000'0Q 94,000.00' V 3,977,703.79 TOTAL Iv -■ .$14,690,305.98 •y \ **: LIABILITIES vr . ' Capital stock ... • ; v Surplus and Ret profits ♦. i'i • V? • • • • v * * * ^^.69 Reserved for'taaaj % • • • - * * Circulation .. aUw • • • • • • v^w,OW.OO circulation •. * »> > wru ■».? 190.000.00 Acceptances .•••••... *'* * ’' . arTK «7„ K Rediscounts n-ith federal resm-e _bank; ; ■ 4 Dep°sit».. News of Markets—Cotton-Money-Grain-Stocks COTTON NEW TORE, Jan. 11.—High record! prices for the season were established j in the' cotton market today. People who had delaped buying or had sold In anticipation that the occupation of the Ruhr valley Ify the French would have a depressing effect, were evident ly alarmeti by the readiness with which recent offerings had been absorbed and continued steadiness • otj Liverpool. A sharp opening advanfie met a good deal of realizing but it was taken on moderate setback and- the highest prices of the day and season were touched late in the afternoon when 'May sold at 27.40, or 58 points net ’higher. That delivery closed at 27.37, with the general market closing strong at a net advance of 46 to 50 , points. The market opened steady at an ad vance of 5 to- 8 points. Stop orders j were uncovered which soon sent the market up to 27.00 for March and 27.20 for May. After their , execution the j market showed'some uncertainty. There was considerable realinzlng and probably a little scattered South ern hedging, and rather a reactionary feeling appeared to be' growing in some quarters. The volume of business ! tapered off materially on setbacks of 10 or 15 points, however, and the mar : ket firmed up again during the aft i ernoon on reports that the buying lim its of the trade were being advanced, ! and that the higher prices had met no ’ increase in Southern spot offerings. These teports combined with the I comparatively small volume of liquida I tion encountered above the 7 «ent level : for May seemed to encourage more ag gressive support during the afternoon when January sold up to -26.118 and ! March 27.23, or about 45 to 53 points ! net higher on the general list. Com mission houses with Wall street and western concerns were reported active buyers late in the day, and prices closed within 2 or 3 points of the best. ; Manchester cables reported an increas ed inquiry for cloths from India. Re i ports from thel ocal cotton goods mar ket said the advance in raw cotton had I not stimulated the demand as- yet but i that prices were very firm. High Low Close January.26.95 26.56 26.95 March .27.23 26.75 27.20 May .27.40 26.93 27.37 July .!.27.09 26.65 27.07 October.25.39 24.94 25.35 NEW ORLEANS COTTON, NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 11.—The news was generally favorable in the cotton today or was construed that way, and prices made new high record levels for the season, March rose to 26.92 and Octiber, the only active new crop po sition reached 24.96. Ae these levels prices were 47 to 49 points higher than the closing quotations of yesterday. Greatest strength was shown in the late trading and the close was very steady at net advances on the day of 43 to 47 points, March closing at 26.88 and October at 24.96, the top of the market for that month. In the spot department prices gained 12 points on the day which carried middling to the new high record price of 27 cents a pound. , On the opening a conservative view of foreign political developments was takeiu-comment being especially favor able regardjng events connected with the near eastern situation. Early gains amounted to 28 to 35 points after which enough releasing was done by recent buyers to cause recessions of 15 to IS points. Around, noon the tone steadied again and in the afternoon the market became very active and strong. Back of the late advance were re ports that exporters Were in the local spot market and claims of a better £pot demand all around, especially in Texas markets. The strength toward the close was set down by some brok ers as being due to expectations of highly figures in the weekly statistical statement -tomorrow. . High Sy.. | October .24.96 Low \CloS« 26.37 ' 26.81 26.46 26. SS 28.50 26.90 26.30 26.70 24.65 24.96 DAILY COTTON TABLE. Port Movement. New Orleans: Middling 27.00; receipts 7,544: sales 1,604; stock 240^405. Galveston: Middling 27.25; receipts 4,865; sales 628; stock 867,129. '- Mobile: Middling 26.50; receipts 52; sales 15; stock 10,005. Savannah: Middling 27.30; receipts 6B2; sales 1,504; stock 73,769. - Charleston: Receipts 620; stock 62, 78Wilmington: Middling 27.00; receipts 113; stock 31,578. ■ Texas City: Stock 22,367. Norfolk: Middling 27.25; receipts 1, 019; sales 1,95(1; stock 103,886. • Baltimore: Stock 2,812. ' Boston: Middling 26.75; stock 7,900. Philadelphia: Stock 6,32a. New York: Middling 27.20; exports 663; stock 71,569. Minor ports: Receipts 650; exports 550; stock 8,205. _ , Total today: Receipts 15,415; exports 1,21S» stock 1,008,131. . Total for week: Receipts 102,819; ex ports 92,915. , ... ... Total for season: Receipts 4,238,938; exports 2,916,400. * Interior Movement. Houston; Middling 27.20; receipts 3, 781; shipments 31,415; sales 1,198; stock 342 933 Memphis: Middling 27.25: receipts 8, 887; shipments 11,042; sales 4,300; stock 169 398 Augusta: Middling 27.31; receipts 279; shipments 535; sales 63; stock 71,333. St. Louis: Middling 27.00; receipts 849: shipments 8,824; stock 20,238. Atlanta: Middling 27.25. Little Rock: Middling 26.75; receipts 1,254: shipments 553; sales 727; stock 57.653. , . ... Dallas; Middling 26.45; sales 3,064. Montgomery: Middling 26.50; sales 8<Total today: Receipts 17,678; ship ments 19,369; stock 661,550. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, Jan. 11.—Cattle: Receipts 9 000 active: beef steers Stockers, feed ers and desirable beef heifers unevenly stronger to 25 .cents higher; killing duality rather plain; top matured steers 11.85; weight 1,596 pounds; best yearlings 11.75 weight 1.086 pounds; several loads matured steers 11.50 to 1175- bulk beef steers 8.75 to 10.50; several loads short- ted westerns 8.10 to 8.60; beef cows, canners and cutters steady to strong; bulls largely 25 cents higher- veal calves- about-steady; bulk desirable canners S.OO- to 3.15; bulk de sirable bologna bulls 4.85 to 6.26; bulk beef heifers 6.50 to 7.75; bulk deslrabls breal calves 10.60 to 11.00. j. « Hogs: Receipts 5«,000; fully 10 high-. &r- closing dull; bulk 150 to 210 pounds iverage B.60 to 8.75; top 8.80; bulk, to 300 pound butchers 8.45 to' 8.65* . . . _ .4.1__ nnmsi 9luU At : 4a ft i wlghty packing sows dull 7.25 te 7.65; lesirable pigs mostly 8.25 to 8.60; hold over liberal. Sheep: Receipts 15,000; fat lambs steady; top 15.00 to. packers and shlp oers- bulk desirable fat Wooled lambs 14 25 to 14.75; clipped fed lambs 12.25 to'12 75; feeders active; bulk desirable feeding lambs 14.5a to 14.60: some held higher: fcobd ^00 ^©unA fed ysarllng wethers 11.50; sh'eep steady 'to shade tower; heavy fat ewes 5.00; lighted weight iip to .8.50 paid for one load strictly choice 11-0 pound ewes.. , NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. Jan. 11.—Call nioney Irm: high 4; low 4; ruling rate 4; clos ng 4;"offered at 4H; last loan 4; call bans against acceptances 3H; time oans steady; mixed collateral 60 to 90 lays 4 % to 4 %; four to six ‘ months 1% to 4%; rwpiraa commercial paper H4 to 4^ , • • ‘-/:s ^ -i. LIBERTY BOND PRICES NEW YORK, Jan. 11.—United States government bonds closing: Liberty 3 94s, 101.12; first 4s, 98.90; second 4s, 98.22 bid; first 494s, 98.74; second 494s, 98.34; third 4^4s, 99.02; fourth 494s, 98.74; uncalled victory 4 94s,' 100.24; United States govern ment 4 94s> 99.96. GRAIN CHICAGO, Jan.. 11.—Uneasiness over trans-Atlantic war possibilities as 'to the domestic winter crop outlook led to a fresh upturn today an the price of wheat. The market closed Srm, 1 cent to 194 net higher with May 1.2 0 94 to 1.2094 and July 1.1394 to 1.13 94. Corn gained % to 94. Oats gained 94 tfl 194. Provisions gained 7 to 12 cents. ,, WHEAT— Open High Low Kllose 1.19 94 1.12 94 1.08 94 .7294 .7294 .72 May July Sept. CORN— May July Sept. OATS— May July PORK LARD Jan. ..11.12 May ..11.45 RIBS— , Jan; ..11.00 May ..11.20 1.20% 113 94 1.09 94 1.19.94 1.1294 1.0894 0 1.2094 1.13 94 1.09 94 .7394 -7394 .72% .72 94 •72 94 .72 .72% .7294 .7294 . . .4594 . . .42 94 Nominal. .4694 .43 .451/4 ■42 94 •4594 ,42% 11.15 11.45j 11.10 • 11.37 11.15 11.45 11.10 11.20 11.00 11.15 11.10 11.15 SOUTHER A' aiLl. STnrK* Quoted by R. S. Dlduon and: Company Gajatonln, N. C^—Greenville, 9, V. Corrected January 5, 1023. dtocda ,HiQ I Alt Acme Spinning Co. .. Arcad'a MUj ... American Spinning Co. Am. Yarn and Froc. Co,. Am. Karn and Proo. Co. pfd. Anderson Cotton Mills . Arlington Cotton Mills .... Alagon Cotton Mills (S. C.) , Arcade Cotton Mills . Arrow Mills. Augusta Factory . Belton Mills . Belton Cotton Mills, pfd. Beaumont Mtg. Co. Bibb Mfg. Co.,. .Brcgon Mills . Clara Mfg. Co. Clifton Cotton Mills. Cabarrus Cotton Mills ..... Cabarrus Cotton Mills, pfu . Chadwick-Hos. Co., (.par $25.) Chadwick-Hos. Co., pfd .. Cliiquola Mfg. Co. ......... Chitjuola Mtg. Co., Prd.... Calboun Mills . Canning Mfg. Co... Clover Mills . Climax Spinning Co. Crescen Spinning Co. ...... Columbus Mfg. Co., (ua.) .. Converse, D. E, Co. Darlington Mfg, Co. D.xon Mills . Drayton Mills . Dresden Cotton Mills . Dunean Mills . Dunean Mills, pfd ... Durham Hosiery, pfd -- Durham Hosiery “B” ...... Eastern Mfg. Co.. JitUtfxv «*r<i a noenix (.Ufc.) «. Eflrd Mfg. Co. ............. Enterprise Mfg. Co. (Ga.) .. Edwin Cotton Mills Co. .... Edwin Cotton Mills Co. pfd Flint Mfg. Co. . Galffney Mfg. Co... Gibson Mfg. Co. ........... Globe Yarn Mills (N. C.) .. Gray Mfg. Co. ... • • • • • Greenwood Cotton Mills .. Gluck Mills -•■•••. Glenwood Cotton Mills Grendel Mills i: Grendel Mills, pfd. (par $o0) Gramtevilie Mfg. Ca. Hamrick Mills ......... • ■ t. Hanes. P. H.. Knitting Co. Hanes, P. H. Knitting Co. pfd Henrietta pfd ............ Hillside Cotton Mills (Ga.) Hunter Mfg. Co. 7 pet., pfd Inman Mills .. Inman Mills, pfd .......... Jennings Cotton Mills .... Judson Mills . . . J uiieon Mills pf d .. ■ . .. King, John P. Mfg. Co. Lancaster Cotton Mills .... Limestone Mills . Linford Mills . Lola Mfg Co. ••••••■•■. Locke Cottort Mills Co. Laurens Cotton Mills. Marlboro Cotton Mills .... Mills Mill . . .; Mills Mill P.fd •;•••*;. Monarch Mills (9. C.). Mollohn Mfg. Co. .. Musgrove Cotton Mills .... Myers Mills.-.«... Myrtle Mills .. National Yarn Mills . Newberry Cotton Mills .... Orr Cotton Mills .. Orr Cotton Mills, pfd . Pari ,ale Mills .. Pacolet Mfg. Co. .. Pacolet Mfg. Co., pfd. ...... Piedmont Mfg. Co., (S. C.) Pelzer Mfg. C9. • • • • Perfection Spinning Co. ... Poe, F. W. Mfg. Co. ponsette Mills .. Priscilla Spinning Co. Ranlo Mfg. Co. ^. Rex Spinning Co. .. Rex. Spinning Co., pfd .... Riverside Mills (par $12.50) Riverside and Dan River . . I verside and Dan River, pfd Rowan Cotton Mills Cf0. .. Roanoke Mills, 1st pfd ...... Roanoke Mills, 2nd pfd .$,... Rosemary, pfd ..... • • • • .. Rhyne-Houser Miff. CO. <«.•••» Seminole Cotton MU*® Co. Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.) . Spartan Mills ••••••;•. Sterling Spinning Co. Superior Yarn M.lls ......... .• Toxaway Mills (par $25.00) ., Union Buffalo Mills. Union Buffalo Mills, 1st pfd .. Union Buffalo Mills, 2nd pfd.. Victor-Monaghon Co. ........ Vlctor-Monaghon Co., pfd..,. Victory Yarn Mills Co.. Victory 8 per cent., pfd. Ware Shoals Mfg. Co. Watts Mills, lstpfd.... Watts Mills, 2nd Pfd . Wingate Yarn Mills Co. Wiscassett Mills Co....; WUllamston Mills .....,..... Woodside Cotton Mills ...... WoOdside Cotton Mills, pfd .. Woodruff Cotton Mills . | 106 220 124 265 118 103 105 130 200 251 2301_ .... 97 1221 126 641. 62_ sa 2401 ISO_ 1121 116 1011 1291 132 1301. 1021 106 15 102 204 831 150 12 98 170 122 195 130 93 113; 66 229 133 99 80 IS 90 18 104 ISO 126 211 132 97 235 137 86 21 96 HOl loj 1471_ 80 90 115_ 103| 108 165 94 63 250 91 105 62 210 115 132 .. 1901. 124,. 47 . 1201 130 140 15 104_ 106 225 100 110 100 229 100 180 225 140 92 95 160| 121 90 100 125 122 81 108 170 137 110 94 123 182 100 136 137 92 126 114 60 125 84 10% 16% 109 250 100 235 130 200 94 100 92 235 129 127 87 72 175 142 114 96 131 186 138 140 94 129 117 64 86 11% 81.0|... 102 104 103 ’ 98 105 102 57 183 126 98 36 55 90 4S 113 109 92 100, 170 85 94 73 150 130 135 89 160 104 111 100 101 100 107 61 165 10J 92 49% 115 96 100 81 141 91 170 foreign exchange. NEW YORK. Jan. 11.—Foreign ex changes irregular; quotations in cents: Great Britain, demand, 4.67% ;. cables 4.67%; 60-day bills on banks 4.66%; France, demand 0.66; cables 6.89%; Italy, demand 4.98%; cables 4.97; Bel gium, demand 6.82; cables 6.32%; Ger many," demand ,0097; cables .0096; Hol land; demand 39.67; cables, 39.71; Nor way, demand 18.67; Sweden, demand 26 94; Denmark, demand 29^3; Switzer land, demand 18.92; Spain, demand 15 74; Greece, demand 1.22; Poland, de mand .0062; Cisecho Slovakia, demand 2.87; Argentine, demand 87.87; Brazil, demand 11.50; Montreal '89 11-32. DRY GOOfl*-MARKET. NBW TORK, Jan. 11.—Cotton goodrf were more active in unfinished lines and in bleached cottons today. Job bers were buying again. Yarns ruled firm. Raw silk wus slightly easier in the lofcal markets. Burlaps were fair ly steady." Wool goods ruled firm. With more buying reported among staple goods iobbeis. Knit good* wjsra Steady. - : .. STOCKS NEW YORK, Jan. 11.—Stock price* continued ■ their rise-to higher ground in today’s market, which was featured by another series cT bullish demon strations- in special shares. Acvtual occupation of. Essen by the French troops caused further selling of French bonds, but good buying sup port, limited the losses to a point or less. Stock market trailers were still inclined to look upon the foreign ex changes as the true barometer of Eu ropean banking opinion on the repar ations situation. California Petroleum continued- as one of the market features, reaching another new record top at 80%, Cosden also reached a new tog on the move ment at 55%, buying being influenced by publication of statistics showing earnings of approximately $10 a share last year. Postum Cereals was run up to 126% on rumors of a stock divi dend distribution. Nash Motors furnished the widest fluctuation. Fisher Body was run up to 212%. Other strong specialties, most of them objects of pool operations-, were Loose Wiles Biscuit, Hartman Corporation, Woolworth, Kelsey Wheel and Mack Truck. Baldwin and Studebaker were 2 of the most active shares on the big board. United States Steel common closed % higher and Crucible 1, with the other independent steels showing only nomi nal changes. Reports that the St. Paul Railroad had sustained another deficit in 1922, and speculative uncertainty over the Delaware and Hudson Railroad divi dend had a restraining and depressing effect on trading in railroad shares. Demand sterling got up to $4.67%, or nearly 2 cents above yesterday’s close, but eased off to $4.67% in later dealings. French francs held steady around 6.90 while the Belgian and Italian rates showed little change. German marks sold at .0095 cents. South American exchanges were slight ly better. The Canadian dollar was at a discount of slightly less than % cent. Days’ total sales, 796,000. Twenty industrials averaged 98.12; net gain .83. ^ High 1922, 103,43; low 78.59. Twenty railroads averaged 84.59; net loss .26. High 1922, 93.99; low 73.43. NEW YORK STOCK iJST. Name. ~[High| Low Allied Chem. and Rye Am. Can. Am. Car and Foundry Am. H. and L., pfd .... Am. Inter. Corp. Am. Locomotive . .Am. Smelt, and K. Am. Sugar. Am. Tel. and. Tel. Am. Woolen .. Anaconda Copper Atchison... • Atl., Gulf and W. I. . . Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore and Ohio .. Bethlehem Steel "B” Canadian Pacific .. Central Leather . Chandler Motors .'.... Chesapeake and Ohio Chic., Mil. and St. P. .. Chic.. R. I. and P. Cooa Cola . Corn Products . Crucible Steel . Cuba Cane Sugar .... Endicott-Johnson .... Erie . Wamous P.-Lasky.... Gen. Asphalt. Gen. Electric. Gen. Motors.\ ■ . Great Northern pfd .. Gulf States Steel Inspiration Copper . .. Int. Mer. Marine pfd .. Inter. Paper . Invincible Oil.. • • Kelly-Springfield T. .. Kennecott Copper Middle StateN Oil - Midvale Steel . Missouri Pacific . N. York Central. N. Y„ N. H. and H. ... Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific . Okla. Prod, and R. ... Pacific Oil . Pan-Am. Petroleum .. Pennsylvania . Pure Oil . Reading .. Rep. Iron and Steel .. Royal Dutch, N. Y. St. L. and San Fran. .. S. A..L.-. Sears Roebuck . Shell Trans, and T. .. . Sin. Oil and Refining Southern Pacific . Southern Railway .. Southern Ry. pfd • • • ■ S. Oil of X. J-, pfd Studebaker Corp. . .v . Tennessee Copper Texas Co. Texas and Pacific .... Tobacco Products .... Transcontinental Oil Union Pacific . United Fruit . U. S. Ind. Alcohol U. Retail Stores .. U. S. Rubber . U. S. Steel ... U. S. Steel pfd. Utah Copper . Vanadium Corjj. Virginia Caro. Uhem. Western Union ....... W. Electric .. Willys-Overland . Chino Copper .. Miami Copper ....... Ray Connsolidated . . Reynolds Tob, ‘‘B” ... ■ 74% 83% 182% 11% 2 6 Vi 125% 55% 77% 128% 94% 49 V 100% 21% 135 y* 41% 63 143 % 33% 68% 73 21% 32 79% 127 69% 13% 91% 11 S9% 47 ■ 1S1 14% 74 79% 34% 44% 53 15% 49 36% 12% 28 16% 94 20% 110% 73% 2 47% 89 46% 28% 78 48% 51% 21% 5% 87% 38 34% 88 25% 65 117% 115% 12% 48% 21% 53% 12% 137% U54 67% 78% 57% 106%. 122% 64% 36% 28% 113 60% 8 26 % 27% 14% 48% 73% 80% 182 11% 26% 124 54% 77% 122% 94% 48% 100% 21% 132% 41% 62% 142 % 33 67% 72 20% 31% 78% 125% 68% 13% 88 % M0 % 86% 45% ISO 14% 73 % 78% 34 43% 51 15 47% 36 11% 27% 16% 93% 20% 110 73% 1% 46% 86% 46% 27% 77% 48 51% 21% 5% 87% 38 33% 87% 24% 64% 117 113% 11% 47% 20% 52% 12 136% 153% 65% 72% 56 ' 106% 121% 63% 36% 23% 110% 59% 7% 26 26% 13% 48 Last 74% 82% 182% 11% 26% 124% 55 % 77% 122% 94% 43% 100% 21% 135 - 41% 62% 143 ^ 33% 67% 72% 21% 32 79 127 : 69% 13% 89% 10% 89% 46% 181 14% 74 78% 34% 44% 52 15 48% 86% 12% 28 16% 93% 20% 110% 73% 47% 89 46% 28% 77% 48 51% 21% 6% S6% 38 34% 8* 26% 65 117 115% 11% : 48 21% 53% 12% 137 154 66% 73% 57% 106% 122% 64% 36% 23% 113 60 7% 26 27% 13% 48% NEW YORK COTTON LETTISH. NEW YORK. Jan. 11.—Today’s cotton market felt the influence of trade de mand pluB stop loss orders and buying for a rise, Frances invasion qf the Ruhr was taken in the beginning to be a probable bearish influence upon the price of cotton therefore it was felt that today’s market would be lower in consequence. Contrary to the unex pected demand set in from the megln ning first moderately on the influence of strong cables but chiefly on account or# trade buying from the opening of the market. Buying fate in the after noon indicated more of an action for speculative account. Consequently the character of buying that brought final quotations which were the highest may not be regarded as of a particularly healthy nature. However the impetus prices have received may have the ef fect of brining in strength overnight. But the advtince has been sharp and another trading level if not a^sharp reaction' may be anticipated should a further rise take place immediately. There la no doubt about the underly ing strensth of cotton from tae supply situation, but the market is called upon from time to time to digest trade and speculative operations, which may be expeoted just as much undel the pres ent condition of supplies as would be the case were Supplies larger. Domes tic dry goods markets reported good business continuing at unchanged prices. March Liverpool due Friday ORVIS BROTHERS AND COMPANY. JACKSONVILLE NAVAL, STORES. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Jan. 11.—Tur entfne Arm 1.45; sales ,601; receipts 62: shipments 160; stock 20,o40. Rosin firm; sales 1,350; receipts 673; hluments 2,290;- stock 191,349. ~ ' “*’4; K, 4.90; M, 5.36; mpiUWU ‘■’“n ' a ant f Quote: B to O, 4.87J4; —, — r, 5.70: WG, '5.95; WW, 5.76. ' COFFEE AND SUGAR. NEW YORK, Jan. 11.—Spot coffee lrm; Rio 7s ll% to 1194; Santos 4s l°Spot* sugar active, Cubas 5.34 for sentrifugai. Refined sugar unchanged i.90 for fine granulated. A J■ I 0. S. DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE WEATHER BUREAU Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 12, 1922. Meteorological data ror tne 21 hours ending at 8 p. m. yesterday.) Humidity Record Dry Wet Relative bulb bulb humidity temp. temp, per cent 8:00 a. m. 32 29 71 12:00 noon. 48 43 64 8:00 p. m. 52 48 71 Temperature: Maximum, 53; mini mum, 30: mean, 42. Rainfall: Total for the day, .00; total since first of the month, 1.0k. Sun rises .....7:18 a. m. Sun sets .5:22 p. m. Wilmington Masonboro Inlet ftihl TahSw High ..... 5:48 a.m. 6:09 p.m. 3:24 a.m. 3:42 p.m. ' Lon 12:36 a.m. 1:12 p.m. 9:62 a.m. 10;0S p.m. Stage of river at Fayetteville at S n. m. yesterday 12.6 feet. WRATH UR BUllE At R EPOltTS. ri'ATIOS.-r— Temperature: ' 2c ■ Asheville ... .pt cldyi Atlanta .;.clearl Birmingham . . .claarj Boston .cloudy Charleston .... .clear Charlotte . .. .-pt cldy Jacksonville ...clear Memphis .clear N. Orleans.clear Xew York ...cloudy Raleigh .clear Savannah.clear St. LiOui3 .clear Washington ...cldy NEW YORK BOYDS Foreign Bonds. Argentine 7s .■•••••• Domin. of Canada 5ViSr 1923 *• French Republic 7%s .. Kingdom of Belgium 7y,s .. .... Kingdom of Denmark 6s. Swiss Confederation Ss Un. King of G. B. and I. £>%», 1937 U. S. of"Brazil 8s U. S. of Mexico 5s Railway and Miscellaneons Bonds. American Agrlc. Chem. 7%s .... 103 American Smelt, and Ref. os American Sugar 6s American Tel. and Tel. cv. 6s Atchison gen. 4s..••••• Baltimore and Ohio cv. 4%s Bethlehem Steel ref os - Central of Georgia 6s --- Central Leather os ... Chesapeake and Ohio cv. 5s ... Chicago, B. ami Quincy ref. os . Chic., Mil. and St. P. cv. 4 As Chic., R. I. and Pac. ret. 4s . Chile Copper 6s . .. Colorado and Southern ref. 4 VI Denver and Rio Grande imp. os. Erie gen. 4s •■•••• • • • .. Goodyear Tire Ss, 1031 . Illinois Central ref. 4s. Int Mer. Marine 6s ••••••. Kalis. City Southern ret. 6s . .. Tiie'e'ott and Myers os ••••••*** LoufsviUe and Nash. ref. • Mo. Kan. and Tex., pr. lien. o. . Missouri Pac. gen. 4s .. . New York Central deb. $s . Norfolk and Western cv. os ... Northern Pacific 4s,. Pennsylvania gen. 5s . Reading sen. 4s ■■■' S't. L. and San Fran. id], bs • Seaboard Air LJne con. 6s. Southern Bell Tel. 6s .. Southern Pacific cv. 4s . Southern Railway 5s .. Souther.i Ranwi y « Vs-. Texas and Pacific Isl os ....... Union Paolflo 4s ...... U S. Steel os .. Virginia Caro.,Chem. 7y2s . Wabash 1st 5s ... Wilson and Co. . Seaboard Air Line 5s. Southern Railway 4s .... • 92 103 lie 59 79 98 101 99 9 5 100 63 87 75 .43 99 86 90 S8 9S 104 82 02 3 04 m S5 101 so 70 60 95 5-1 y« 301 96 91 103 93 98 102 2.4 84 % ! NEW YORK BONDS. NEW YORK, Jan. 11.—Chief Interest in today's bond market centered in the rapidity with tak£! $50,000,000 m new a™ ud Books were closed on the $3o.000, 000 issue of new Bell Jel OOO Pennsylvania 5s and the $13,87^.00(1 pslue of Baltimore and Ohio 5 per cent. eauiDme^t trust certificates. ^Further selling of French security took place on the New York stock ex change. Serbian 8s dropped to 63 H. Czecho Slovakian Ys, Mexico 5s and City of San Paulo 8s, Mexican 4s and Queensland fie moved upward. w Except for a drop of 18 cents on $100 in the first 414s, United States gov ernment bonds showed little changre. Uncalled victories gained 2 cents and the other active Issues lost 2 to 6 cents. Speculative railroad mortgages were inclined to sell off, loss of a point e,ac.^ being recorded in Hrie consolidated 4s and 7s and New Haven 7s and Fr#pne°cul7at'ive belief that Brooklyn Rapid Transit note holders would profit under the reorganization plan found express ih some good gams in that group. Chile Copper 6s made a new high and the 7s climbed more than 2 points while Cuba Cane convertible ,s Jnade up their 2 point loss of yesterday and International Cement 88 and Lonl lard Tobacco 7s gained a point each International Paper 6s, Series A and B, were week. ., Total sales,- par value / were $13, 028,000. ' _ gold-plated auto When you see a yellow-trimmed au tomobile on the streets, don’t think it has brass fittings. It may be the $25, 000 auto with gilt fittings, ifiade. by. an Indiana -firm. - ■ Shipping News, vessels in port. Sohr. City of Baltimore (Am.). 386 tons (in distress). C. D. Aiafiitt and company. - — - . Schr, Fred W. FUrlow (Am.). Cap tain "Mitdh'ell; loading steel at Carolina shipyard; consigned to C. D. 1/affitt and company. Str. Aquarius. (Am.); Capt. Taylor, with 5,000 tone potash salts, discharg ing, at, Seaboard .terminals; consigned to Heide and company. Wilmington Markets NAVAL STORES. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—Nothin* do ing. ROSIN—Nothing doing. PINE' TAR—-Per gallon 15c. PINE TAR—in country pine b^re'.f CRUDE TURPENTINE—Virgin and yellow dip 55.35; scrape 51.25. PRODUCE. CORN—51.10 %. BEEF—6c to 8c. VEAL—'la to 9c. PIG POR|.—Small pjgs 12c to 13c; large 10c to 11c. BACON—(N. C.)-—Hams 30o to 35c.j sides and shoulders. 18c to 20c. CAKE TALLQW—6o. BKESWAX—-20c. , * HIDES—5c to. 6c. . EUGS—Country 3oq to 37c. YOUNG CHICKENS—25c to 2So lb.J hens 22c; roosters 18c to 20c. lb. BUTTER-—No sales. . IRISH POTATOES—No. 1, 52-75 to 52.00 bag. SWEET POTATOES—19 to 500. CABBAGE—2c to 2 (i0. PEANUTS,. Prices nald producer: Nortn Carolina—New crop, $1.50. Virginia—New crop $1.00. Virginia Jumbos, $1.05. Spanish—New crop, $1.70. PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Rodgers, Plumber & Co., Incorporated ) Spanish, farmers' si tele. Market firm, $^.05 per bushel. Virginias, Farmers it.'Jk. .Market firm. Fancy Jumboes—6%o to 7%o per lb. Prime Jumboes—6c to 6 14 per lb. Virginia Runners—First grade 6a _ per lb. Virginia Runners—Second grade 5V4c per lb. _ Shelling Stock—4 Ms to Per lb. FEDERAL RESERVE STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—Combined resources and liabilities of the 12 fed eral reserve banks at the close of bus iness January 10, were reported to night by the federal reserve board in thousands of 'dollars a* follows: RESOURCES! Gold and gold certificates ....$ 281,300 Gold settlement Ttmd, federal reserve board . 543,338 , Total gold banks ..$ 824,63S Gold witt F. R. agents. 2,186,194 Gold redemption fund .. .... 51,87,3 Total gold reserves .$3,063,705 Reserves other than gold .... 124,509 Tbtal reserves.... Non-reserve cash . Bills Discountedl Secured by U. S. government obligations... Other bills discounted . Bills bought in open market.. $3,187,214 92,16.5 $ 281,996 230,053 225,760 Total bills on hand .$ V. S. bonds and notes. U. S. certificates of indebted ness . . ... .. Municipal warrants . 737,809 175,709 332,467 24 Total earning assets . B&nk premises .. ..' . Five per cent. redemption fund against F. R. bank Uncollected items . All other resources '. $1,241,009 52,451 911 606,541 14,945 Total resources .$5,193,255 LIABILITIES: Capital paid in ..$ Surplus . 218,00J Deposits: ' Government". ...... -- • •*,' « *?« Member banks reserve acct.. 1,960,346 Other deposits .. ... bZ.&Al Total deposits . 2,019,876 F. R. notes in actual circula tion .,. 2,312,674 F. R. notes in circulation not liabilities... Deferred -availability items.. o31,667 All other liabilities. 10,J’is Total liabilities . ..:.$5,193,255 Ratio of total reserves to deposit and F. R. note liabilities combined 73.6 rjer 'cent. HARDWARE BLAKE- BROWN CO. j 29 Princess Street ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Phone 232 For Sale—Special Abruzzi and Southern Tested Seed Rye $1.50 Per Bushel, sub ject to stock D. L. GORE CO. RED CROSS MATTRESSES •JOL.D BY W. MUNROE & CO. FURNITURE 15 S. Front St. ICfrOl STr?**’*' Worth Alwn-v* Tax Exempt Preferred Stocks Paying from 7% to 8% We offer, subject to sale, and recommend the following High-grade, Tax-free, Preferred Stocks: Hunter MfK. and Commission Co., 7 Per Cent Preferred, at 10# and - fltoneratte* Mills Co., T Per Cent Preferred, at 10® and Interest. ' Rosemary Mfg. Co., 7% Per, Cent Preferred, nt 101 and interest. • Tide "Water Power'Co*-8 Per Cent Preferrod, nt 100. • • ■ ' ■_ We are- prepored to buy or sell Government Bonds, all issues; also Standard'Oil of tfew York, of Nebraska, of Indiana,opd of New Jersey; also Vacuum Oil. None of these stocks will ms handled on margin, but on a strictly cash basis. C. P. BOLLES & CO. Telephone No. 26 606 Murchison Bldg.,

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