Star Classified Ads Bring Results TRY THEM They are the Little Ads with the Big Story STAR CLASSIFIED ADS NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE—Call 51 and Ask for Classified Department—Phone 51—NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE! Star Classified Ads Are Read Daily by More Than 30,000 People READ THEM! USE THEM! ft US’— Help Wanted (1) LADY bookkeeper wanted; either part or full time; state experience and salary. Address Star. Box W-l. WANTED—News Soys to Jell 5-pa*e comic Heart’s American. See Gordon tiros.. 17 Princess St.; phone 7J*-_n_Mo IT YOU ARE loakiiK for help of sny kind, there is no better way to Set good, intelligent employes than by using The Star’s Classified section. It is read. Phone 51 and malt for Classified Department. _ m F.\’ desiring to ^et in touch with leading oil companies who employ men in Mexico. South America, Persia, Rumania, Africa, India, Russia, other countries, write—send self addressed stamped envelope for reply. Tulsa In formation Co., 208 1-2 South Main St., Tulsa, Okla. WANTED AT ONCE—Good man to lo cate in Jacksonville. N. C.. and han dle Singer sewing machines for the county of Onslow. This is one of the best territories in eastern North Caro lina. You have three sources to draw business from, water, farming and railroading. Party must have rig to travel with and we will furnish the machines. Singer Sewing Machine Co., J. M. Batson, Manager, New Bern, N. C. WASTED Immediately, several .edu cated Christian men. Presbyterians preferred, for high grade field wwrk In connection with n college. Sales expe rience desired but not absolutely es sential. Salary JZOOjOO per month aad expenses. Give experience and refer ences. Box D. C. C- care Star. BRICKLAYERS—Plenty of work; open season; *1.25 per hour, 44 1-2 hours per week; union men only. Address Fulton Brick Works, Richmond, Va. . Wr ANTED—Experienced cashier-book keeper, lady preferred. Box 816, City. ■WANTED—An experienced stenogra pher with knowledge of filing. “Y. C.," care Star. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites C. S. Everett to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur's “Lorna Doone.” Call at Star offlefe for tree ticket. Agents-Salesmen Wan tea (2) WASTED—Ton can get honest, Intelli gent agent* and salesmen by using The Star’s Classified ads. They’re read, i Mall or phone eopy to classified depart nient. j FRUIT TREE SALESMEN—Profitable. pleasant, steady work; good side line tor farmers, teachers and others; per manent Job for good workers. Write lor terms. Concord Nurseries, Dept. 14T, Concord, Ga. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites W. F. Etue to • be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur's "Lorna Doone." Call at Star office for free ticket. SITUATION WA7TTED 3 »__ HOOK KEEPER—Young 'married man, 15 years’ experience, 8 years lumber business, now employed, desires to make change account of moving to Wilmington. Start work about Feb ruary 1st. Address me box 479 Ma rion, S. O., or in care of Star office. WANTED—Position; had 15 years ex perience wholesale and retail grocery business; gilt references; correspond ence solicited; salary no object; satis faction or resignation. Address reply, iroceryman, care Star, City. BUSINESS MEN who need employe* . use this section. Efficient, Intelligent employes looking for n position adver tise here. Phone, bring or mall yonr nds. to The Star’s Classified Dept. WANTED—Position in mercantile bus iness by man with 20 years experi ence; willing to accept anything rea sonable and honest. "Position.” 508 South Second street. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the • Star Invites M. C. Darby to he its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur’s ‘ILorna Doone." Call at Star office for free ticket. Business Opportunities (4) PEOPLE wishing to sell their bnslnes are brought In contact with people who want to bny In this section. It 1* read. ' Bring, mall or phone yonr ad. to The Star’s Colsslfled Department. FOR SALE—Retail butcher business in best town eastern Carolina ;ten thou sand inhabitants; doing good business; reason for sale, going in packing busi ness established 30 years. Apply to Box 290. care Morning Star. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites F. Croom to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur’s “Lorna Doone.” Call at Star office for free ticket. Wanted, Miscellaneous (3) WILLARD DRT Cleaning Co. Have It •team or French cleaning, alteration! and repairing. Auto delivery. Phone S5B, 17 Princess. lust below the People* bank. 11-26-tf-n -------» — PEOPLE who won miscellaneous Items advertise in this classification. Peo ple wanting to sell something read It. WANTED—A boiler, two or four h. p. in good condition. Write, with price, Clenwood Dairy, East Wilmington. - THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites E.' M. Blackwood to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur’s "Lorna Doone.” Call at Star office for free ticket. WANTED—BO tons soda. 100 tons 16 per cent acid, SO toils kainit, calcium arsenic for 400 acres; and to sell and rent 3 good farms, located near Rose boro, Clinton and Duke. J. G. Layton, Dunn. N. C, ‘ \ For Sale Miscellaneous (6) STANDARD BOX ORANGES, 160 to 200 oruifds, $2.50 f. o. b. Florida; stand ard box grapefruit, 36 to SO grapefruit, $2.50 f. o. b. Florida; shipment direct to customer from Florida growers; flat crate oranges, $1.50 f. o. b. Blackville; flat crate grapefruit, $1.50 f. o. b. Blackville; cash with order. The Gro cery Shop, BlackviUe, S. C. PEOPLE who want to sell something advertise la this classification. Peo ple who want to hay read It. SPECIAL OFFER FOR TODAY—500 pieces of Val lace, 50c for a dozen yards; many pieces worth double the price. C. H. Fore & Co. RUBBER STAMPS manufactured oa short notice; printing, ruling, bind ing; mail orders given prompt atten tion. Carolina Printing A Stamp Co., g Grace St- Wilmington, N. O. 9-26-tfc MACKEREL, — Fancy large Spanish mackerel; fancy spotted trout. New River trout, New River oystera. Myrtle Grove oystera, Norfolk oystera. These ! are positively the best stock we have had this season. R. C. Fergus; phone 1637. GOLD FISH and Canary Birds; large variety in stock; all kinds of fish and bird supplies for sale at C. H. Borne mann's Store, Seventh and Orange Sts. WOOD—If It is wood you want, call 2167. We have oak, pine, lightwood, any amount; quick delivery at the right prices. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Reliable wood deil’er, 15 years in wood business. If you want nice wood, the best on the market, call phone 940-J FOR SALE—The best shoe repair work, service and satisfaction in town; shoes called for and delivered and work done at the right price. Ideal Shoe repair, 25 N. Second, phone 1295-J. WOOD FOR SALE—$7.00 cord; 4 ft. or stove length; phone 1797-W; one-half cord least delivered. FOR SALE—300 dozen mullet roe. Or ders solicited. Samuel Bear, ^r., and Sons. WANTED—We want you to know that we are the best and cheapest place y> buy machinery. Also, that we will buy, at a fair price, ^ny machinery that you may have idle and wish to sell. Fifteen years of fair dealing is why we lead. Lingo Met^i Works. Plant at Lingo, on the Beit Line railroad tracks. EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! Nice lot country eggs and some nice spring chickens. J. F. Tripp. 411 Nun street; phone No. 1525-W. U. S. ARMY GOODS STORE for bar gains—New, extra heavy, all wool gray blankets, steel cots, mattresses for cots, single and double beds, rain coats, hob nail shoes overcoats, wool shirts, canvas, truck covers, wool un derwear, hats, dish pans, meat clean ers, butcher knives. Visit the store and see for yourself. U. S. Army Goods Stores, 20 Market St. OYSTERS TODAY—Yew River and Myrtle Grove oysters j quick delivery) phone 930. A. L. King, 3rd Stall, Front Street Market. IF IT’S WOOD, call 786. J. O. Brown, THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites Adolph Ahrens to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur’s "Lorna Doone.” Call at Star office for free ticket. FOR SALE—Hotel and restaurant equipment; tables, chairs, coffee urns. Ice boxes, mirrors, show cases, and all fixtures. ’’Everything must go;” 206 N. Front. PINE AND OAK cut to order; $2.00 and $2.50, delivered anywhere in the city. Phone 2177. Quick service. FOR SALE—Lucretia Dewberry plants at $10 per 1,000; booking orders now for February delivery. W. L. Everett, Rennert, N. C. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites Mrs J. C. Wagner, Sr., to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur's “Lorna Doone." Call at Star office for free ticket. CHICKENS! Chickens! Chickens—Call J. W. Batson; dressed and alive, all sizes; very best beef, veal and country pig pork; fancy lettuce and tomatoes; selected oysters; phone 1397; 10R South Front St. What for dinner today? Phone 452 Benton & Mc.Keithan—they have all kinds of good things to eat—vegeta bles, groceries, fruits and delicatessen. Have you tried our Philadelphia scrap per? Thank you. IF YOU WANT tobacco and cigars cheap go to Tobacco Bargain House. Get our prices; 27 S. Front. WHITE enamel double b*d, Springs. mattress, two pillows, one chair, tTowl arrt pitcher, and two sheets. Pick up your bed and walk for $20.00; 206 N. Front. See "Tuck” Farris. Automobiles (7) DODGE HALF-TON delivery truck at auction, 12 o’clock noon Saturday; engine In good condition; has never been overhauled; highest bidder gets It. Futchs, is S. Front Si, R. O. Han son, Auctioneer. Dl'VBIM AND SELLERS of automo biles advertise In this section. Their ads. ore read and cars are easily and quickly sold. WE HAVE two good used Ford sedans that are complete In every way. Wc are not asking a high price for them. You should see and drive them before yon buy i 9300,00 Is ' the price each) terms. 'Ask Murrell to show them. Chlpleya Universal Motor Co. HOW ABOUT a light delivery truck that has been used live months? This Is a covered Ford truck with starter, demountable rims, cord tires and shock nbsorbers) this truck Is a dandy* price 9250.00b Don’t overlook this one. Ask for Murrell. Chlpleys Universal Motor Cs i . —--—-— Horning Star Classified Ada are growing dally, both In readers and advertisers! Whyf BECAUSE!— STAR CLASSIFIED ADS GIVE RESULTS to both reader and advertiser! READ THEM! 11 USE THEM! Attention! It’s now time to prepare your; copy for the Morning Star’s Classified Pages so as to reach - 45,000 READERS In Tomorrow’s Issue YOUR COPY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND GUARANTEE CLASSIFICATION Classified Ads Taken Over the Phone. (Call 51 and ask for Classified Department) r RUSH Telephone want ads to the STAR (phone 61), send them or mall them to the Classified Department. If you wish the STAR will WRITE YOUR ADS FOR YOU. Classified Ads taken over the phone between the hours of 9 a. m. and 7 p. m. Advertisers may have their answers addressed to a box number care of the STAR without extra charge. The STAR will not be responsible for more than one incorrect lnsfJ" tion of any one advertisement. Ad vertisers should report any errors or discrepancies in their ads to the Classified Advertising Manager im mediately. The Star’s Classified Readers Are More Than Doable Any Other Wilmington Paper lae Star Classified Ads If Yon W'ant Results—They’re Read: SI—PHONE—51 (And Ask for Classified Department) I CLASSIFIED AD RATES MIVIMOI 25c Light-face type, 10c line. Black-face type, 15c line. Average 6 words to line. Blanked Space and Paragraphed Classified Ads, 15c Line READER RATES MINIMUM 50c Light-face type, 20e line. Black-face type, 30c line. Average 6 words to line. of copy, 10 per cent DISCOUNTS 3 consecutive days, without change of copy, 10 per cent 7 consecutive days, without change of copy, 13 per cent | 30 or more consecutive days, with out change of copy, 35 per cent Obituary and Death Notices, Flat Rate of 75c Classification not guaranteed after 7 o’clock. Mailed ads for Sunday’s issue should reacn the STAR by Friday night. Automobiles (7) SAVE 25 to 75 per cent on auto parts. New and used parts for all cars and trucks; good used parts half price of new ones; send old parts for duplica tion. Whitton Auto Wrecking Co., Co lumbia, S. C. DODGE HALF-TON delivery truck at auction, 12 o’clock noon Saturday; engine in good condition; has never been overhauled; highest bidder gets it. Futchs,’2S S. Front St., It. O. Han son, Auctioneer. FORD COUPE—Complete in everyway; runs like new and looks good; yon will be surprised at the price. Be sore to see it today. This oar will sell to day. Ask for Mnrrell. Chlpleys Uni versal Motor Co. FOR SALE—One Stearns 4 passenger; in excellent condition; priced low, and terms if desired. Can be seen at Ma Millan & Jlarshburn’s. Leon An drews. MacMILLAN & MARSHBDRN’S USED CAR LIST 2 Dodge Brothers touring cars. 1 Dodge Brothers screen wagon. 1 Reo roadster. 1 Hudson speedster. • These care are all in good running condition and prices run from $200.00 to 1550.00. Terms if desired. 112 N. Second St.; phone 52. Poultry, Eggs, Livestock (8) BABY CHICKS—From National Trap nested Layers. Barred Plymouth Rocks, S. C. Rhode Island Reds, S. C. White Leghorns, Mottled Anconas, 98 per cent safe delivery guaranteed. Catalogue and price list free. National Hatchery Co., Winston-Salem. N. C. l-l-80t-c HERE: Is a cloiilflc;»ion where people con dispose of their poultry, eggs and livestock. There are 30,000 readers of The Star’s classified section daily! 50 per cent more on Sundays, FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Gordon set ter, 20 months old; retriever: no bad habits; satisfaction guaranteed; reason, no time to hunt. First check for 135 gets her. C. E. Hlnoon, Whiteville, N. C. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star i.nviter Wm. Struthers to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneu'’e "Lorna Doone.” Call at Star office for free ticket. FOR SALE—At bargain, or would ex change for a good milk cow, one good, gentle horee and rubber tire buggy and harness. Apply to F. P. Lamb, 520 McRae St.; phone 1180-W or 426-J. Seeds and Plants (9) CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE—Stand ard varieties at $1.25 per 1,000; 10,000 and over, $1.00 per 1,000. Prompt ship ment weather permitting. Lewood Me Call'um, Rowland, N. C 12-29-30t* LETTUCE, carrot seeds, other varie ties, onion sets, for sale any quan tity. Bear Produce Oo.i 301 Nutt street, 12-15-30to * THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites A; M. Reinholf to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice, Tourneur's "Lorna Doone ’’ Call at Star office for free ticket. Lost and Found (10) LOST AND FOUND articles ore easily and quickly returned to the owner through this sec! Ion. Everyone reads this classification, .which means 90,000 people who ore dally looking for yarn lost article. •■ »■ ! LOST—Phl Gamma Delta fraternity pin; name J. El Nash engraved on hack; reward If returned 611 6. Third St., or Star. Lost ana Found (10) THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites Mrs. W. F. Powell to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur’s "Lorna Doone.” Call at Star office for free ticket. For Rent, /Rooms, Houses (11) FOR RENT—Photo gallery. No. 116 Market St.; rent reasonable; posses sion given at once. Eduard Ahrens, care Ahrens Bros. 12-19-tfo ! FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room; next to bath; hot water; private home in desirable location, two blocks from poetofflce; phone 773. 12-31-tfdh TENANTS quickly secured for your rooms or houses by advertising here. Use it and *il that room or house. Bring, mail or phone your ad. This type 15c per line. FOR RENT—Three nice rooms furnish ed or unfurnished, for light house keeping. Can be seen Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 522 Dock St. FOR RENT—One room completely fur nished for housekeeping. Phone 2312, 510 S. Front St. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites Mrs. J. H. Sexton to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur’a "Lorna Doone.” Call at Star office for free ticket FOR RENT—208 Church St.; 8 rooms and bath. James & James, Inc., Southern Bldg.; phone 163. FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment; five rooms and bath. Apply H. M. Tiencken, 402 Castle St.; phone 955. THKIilS umumisnea rooms ior xem xor light housekeeping; next to bath; lights and water furnished; 122.50 per month. Call 309 S. Second St. FOR RENT'—3 nice, clean rooms, un furnished. Apply 414 Dock St. FOR RENT—Furnished bed room; next to.bath; hot water; private famijy; 214 Red Cross; phone 1957; gentlemen only. FOR RENT:—Comfortably furnished apartment; first floor; all conven iences; stove heated; in center of city; references. L. S., care Star. FOR RENT—2 or* more furnished rooms; all modern conveniences; 518 Castle St.; phone 877. Wanted,. Rooms, Homes (12) THE QUICKEST, cheapest and easiest way to get a room or house is by placing; your ad. herej 30,000 readers daily! 43,000 Sundays. Bring, mall or phone ■ your ad. to 31; ask for Classified department. WANTED—Three unfurnished rooms with modern conveniences, north of Nun and west of Ninth. Phone 1683. Room and Board (I§) REFINED gentleman wants comfort able room and board, with private family; state terms. Address N. P„ Star Office. FOR COMFORTABLE ROOMS and wholesome table board, apply at 202 Walnut street. The home-like place in the city. Real Estate (14) HERE Is'the way to dispose of yonr real estate! the cheap, easy way to buy or sell. 1-6-lt dh 8350.00 CASH, balance 550.00 month, will buy that comfortable 6-room bungalow. 1203 Grace street; owner leaving town; will make , attractive price for aulpk . sale. See James & James, Inc., Southern Bldg.; phone 163. Real Estate (14) 2010 WOOLCOTT AVE.; 5 rooms and bath; can be occupied Immediately; reduced price for quick sale. James & James, Inc., Agents, Southern Bldg.; phone 163. 307-09 DAWSON ST. can be bought on rent terms. James & James. Inc., Southern Bldg. WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND—The old At lantic View hotel property; an ideal place for a homo or business hotel or garage; sale or lease :u a reasonable price; correspondence solicited; also 10 'arge lots within tv> or three Dlocks of the station. L. L. Hanby, 106 N. Front St. 6100.00 CASH, ‘with little more than rental of house, will buy 1003 Ann St.; 12 per cent investment. See James & James, Inc.; phones 163 and 164. THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of the Star invites L. S. Mixon, Jr., to be its guest at the Grand Theatre to see Maurice Tourneur’s "Lorna Doone.” Call at Star office for free ticket. Special Notices (16) AWNINGS AND TENTS made to order; upholstering; furniture repaired; auto topping. No Job too large or too small. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. G. King, 301 S. Front St. Phone 411. 2-21-tfo “WS FURNISH anything Tor 7©ur of fice needs—ruled forms, stationery, advertising blotters, lithographing. Multigraphing, printing. engraving, leather advertising novelties. Harrlss Printing and Advertising Co., Wil mington, N. C.” 10-8-tf-e SUBSCRIBE NOW to the new stock Mechanics Home Ass’n. 'Walker Taylor, Pree.; Wm. Struthers, Jr., Sec’y., 210 Princess. 1-4-lBtc YOUR BUSINESS advertised here gets 70a more renders than you can get any other way. It puts your name, business and location before the public and will give you results. 1-5-lt dll WHERE CAN I GET SERVICE? At the O’Berry Hotel News Co. Sodas, smokes, magazines and papers. 1-1-tfc wood: WOOD!—For sale; pine wood, bohe dry, and oak wood, delivered anywhere in the city; phone 942-W. TWENTY-TWO YEARS experience en ables us to warrant satisfaction in repairing your shoes. Gummer Bros., 18 North Second street. TOMORROW morning call at office of Thomas H. Wright, Secretary 6f the Co-o pern five Building & Loan Associa tion, and get your book for shares in the new 50c series now open. This is a quick action series. Shores mature in three and one-half years and each share pays 5100.00. .Absolutely safe— Co-operative Building A Loan Associa tion Is 25 years old and never yet lost a dollar—this is known to be the easi est, surest, best way ever invented to: save money and get ahead. Everyone can Join, men, women and children. Remember to call at Wright’s office, 124 Princess street, and get your building and loan book. Thomas H, Wright, Secretary. SUITS Customed Tailored right here; * $20.00 up. All kinds altering, remod eling, repairing; 20 years experience. Let us serve you the . better way. Peoples Tailoring Co., SOS N. Fourth; phone 1645-J. ALL PROPERTY of the Wilmington Motor Service company I ’r sale. In ventory may be inspected :;t my office. Bids solicited for all' or part. I. C. Wright, Receiver, 313 Southern Bldg. CAROLINA FURNITURE CO., home of modern, furniture; bed room suites, stoves, ranges; Gold Seal congoleum ruga and floor coverings. • 603 North Fourth St. Phone 19b2-J. ' | Special Notices I ABSOLUTELY FREE—Our Compound Bicycle Delivery Is maintained for I yon. It costs no more to have yonr drug store needs delivered than it does to go out for them. Call us day or j night Phones 192 & 193. Hall's Drue | Store, Fifth Ss Castle Sts. 11-8-tfc SILK LAMP SHADES made to order; experienced. Apply Miss Wylde Flower, Wilmington Talking Machine Co., Second anl Market Sts. U. C. T. ATTENTION! — The regular meeting of Cape Fear Council will be held this (Saturday) evening. Jan. 13, at 8 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. Brothers visiting the city are invited to attend. Fraternally, W. C. Smith, Sec’y. Legal Notices (17) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Henderson Cole, deceased, late of New Hanover county. North Carolina, this is to notify a)l persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of December, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 22nd day of December. 1922. MBS. MAGGIE B. COLE, Administratrix. NATHAN COLE. Attorney. 12-23, 30—1-6, MONET1 TO LEND « MONEY TO' LEND—Unlimited amount quick money, long time, 63,000 small est loan, improved real estate only. Franklin Ins. tt Realty Co., Louisburg. N. C. 10-26-tfc ODD FELLOWS STAGE JOINT INSTALLATION Deputy Grand Master H. H. Hail Directs Induction For Four Lodges. Joint installation exercises were held last night for the induction of elective; and appointive officers for the ensuing •year, by the four Odd Fellow lodges of the city, as follows.' Cape Fear lodge N. 2, Orion lodge No. 67, Hanover j lodge No. 145 and Wilmington lodge No. li}9, I. O. O. F. Deputy Grand Master H. H. Hall, acting as grand master, and assisted by the following past grands, conduct- | ed the exercises: W. H. Baden, C. F. | Williams, W. B. Duncan, Fred B. Rice, j D. F. Barnes, C. W. Craig and W. L. i Smith. ] The following officers were installed: Noble grands, J. H. Haskett, W. D. Jones, and R. H. Northrop; vice grands, W. L. Sheffield, D. H. Davis and W. J. Meredith: recording and financial sec retaries, John E. Wood, James T. Reily, J. S. Canady, W. C. Smith and A. F. Walton; treasurers, W. H. How ell, W. H. Yopp and J. F. Littleton. A large number of Odd Fellows at tended the exercises, which, heretofore, have been conducted by the individual lodges, this being the first joint instal lation of officers by the Wilmington Odd Fellow lodges. Short talks were made by a number of members, and an enjoyable musical program was rendered. Delightful re freshments were served, and a smoker was afterwards held. Evorybody in attendance declared the occasion enjoyable. W. B. Bevill Dies; Funeral For Today William Bevill, 64 years old, died yesterday morning at 5 o’clock, in James Walker Memorial hosjlital. many friends will regret to learn. He was a resident of Wintir Park. His wife survives. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 o’clock', in Winter Park Baptist church, of which he was a member. The obsequies will be con ducted by the Rev. Dr. John Jeter Hurt, pastor First Baptist church, assisted by the Rev. N. M. Fleming, and the Rev. I C. N. Philips. Interment will be made in Winter Park cemetery. Pallbearers will be H. B. Shaw, D. P. High, H. O. Thomas. Z. E. Milton, C. S. Lewis and W. H. Alderman. > Prexy of North , Hera In his worldngclothes ft Dr. Charles E. Bunnell, president jot the "farthest north college," the Alaska Agricultural College awl {School ofjMlnes near F&trtfenks, Alaska. This college of the north, opened only a. few months ago, is ■rowing ranidbe-' iVorld Hiker W. H. Henrick, home anywher*, recently arrived in Washington after a year-and-a-half hike around the world. He started out wit’r $100 and ended with $400. By worked as a miner, sailor, an finally aa a Santa Clans. Brigade Juniors Play Two Splendid Garner Company D, juniors of the Boys’ bri gade, played two good games yester day afternoon, the Cubs winning from the Lions, 38 to 18, and the Beavers taking the Wild Cats measures, u to 11. The first game was between the Cubs and Lions. The Cubs took the lea: early in the game arid retained h un til the whistle blew ending the gam-. Stars for the Cubs, S. Brittian, with n points; Brinkley, 8; and Taylor, $. For the Lions, Davis, Beale and Wo \i played' best. The second game was between tli*j Wild Cats and Beavers, and it was a well played game. Both teams play.-i good bali, but the Beavers were better shots. Stars for Beavers, Capra1: Reinhold and Creel; for the Wild rats-, Captain Jewell was the star, making every point for his team. Toole Takes Crack At New Draft Laws NEW YORK, Jan. 12.—John Conway Toole, president of the International league, jumped in the thick of the ma jor-minor draft controversy today, v.iu a statement charging that "defendei - of the one-sided legislation recent ' passed by the National and American leagues,” either were ignorant, avert being misquoted or were trying to de ceive the public as to the action on the increased optional player limit, taken by the Minor Leagues’ association at Louisville.” “By one-sided legislation," Mr. Toole referred to the joint major league de cision increasing the option player limit from eight to 15 and attaching the draft string to all players released to minor leagfle clubs after January 10. The majors have . defended tnis move on the ground that the minor violated the joint agreement of 11LI by refusing to consider the optional player increase at their last meeting. 1 KAHN (Subject*to change without notice) Published by The Star for the benefit of the traveling public, without remuneration from the railroads. At Wilmington, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Effective January 1, 1023 Depart Arrirt *3:40 A.M. .Raleigh & North. *1:00 A..U. Sleeper to Raleigh Open 10 P M 6:30 A.M.. .South & West.. .11:40 P.M. Sleeper to Columbia Open 10 P.JL 8:16 A.M. North ...... 6:05 P.M. S :30 A.M_ Fayetteville ...S :00 P-M. 3:00 P.M.New Bern.12:40 P M. 3:30 P.M South & West.. 13.30 P.M Sleeper to Atlanta. 8:30 P.M. Southport .... 7 30 A li ft :30P.M... Fayetteville . .fll:05A. «• 7:00 P.M.. Nbrth . 9:45 AM. Sleepers to Washington and NorlJi* •Daily to Goldsboro, but does not run to Richmond and Norfolk on Sunday* tTuesday, Thursday. Saturday only For Information. Phone 100. SEABOARD AIR LINE EffeetiTe November 12, 1022. Depart Dally Arrlto 4:00 A.M..Charlotte.18:15 A.*. Sleeper to Charlotte open 10 y. os 8:10 A.M... WH.-Ruthfrdtn ...6:35 F-M 3:40 P.M. Charlotte -13:30 ■ Parlor Car to Charlotte. For lartker information phone l"s . Transfer—Day or Night Sen Ice CITY TAXICAB COMPAM Phone 15 LewisL. Merritt CIVIL ENGINEER No. 30 Odd Fellows’ Building Wilmington, N. C. L — COAL ZS B1HU>£38’ S1VPMB1 W. B, THORPE & CO. i ' '• —

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