REMNANTS AND LEFT-OVERS CONTINUES ALL -INVENTORY SALE THIS WEEK—SIX MORE DAYS REMNANTS AND . LEFT-OVERS Men’s and fioys Clothing Values you’ve it)anted for years 2 Discount on Jill Men’s and J$°ys Suits and Jill Overcoats To the man who appreciates the utmost in quality—this sale is for him. Here are Suits and Overcoats that combine the best in style, the best in fabrics and the best in workmanship, at a 25 per cent discount. This mere announcement should .be sufficient inducement to bring the crowd. SHOES! JiSacrifice of «#// J^adies’ fine Jfigh Jop Shoes High top shoes of the finest American make in brown, tan and black; newest shapes and leathers. Thq most sensational reduo tion in high-grade shoes known in this sec tion in years. We must make room for our big spring stock now in transit. So you get these left over high top numbers at about half price. We have divided them into just FOUR BIG LOTS Men’s Shoes Go Under Hammer, Too, In This Sale! The biggest shoe-buying opportunity for men this city has ever .known. Re member, Efird’s prices are marked low to start with! Now we offer a flat distount of 20 per cent on all men’s shoes in this sale. GROUP No. 1 “Imperial,” “Kneeland,’’ “Craddock,” which formerly sold from $7.00 to $10.00, at. GROUP No. 2 “Craddock,” “Pullman” shoes which former ly sold up to $5.93, gg GROUP No. 3 • “Southern Bell” and “Pullman” "high >top .$2.95 GROUP No. 4 “Pullman” growing girls and school shoes, values up to $3.95, C A at. shoes, values up to ' $4.98, at All Winter Pumps and Ox fords Included In This After-Inventory Sale of Shoes For example: We will sell one big lot of ladies’ one-strap black kid pumps with rub ber heels at, per pair. $1.45 Odds and Ends Coun ter $1.95 Low and high shoes, ladies’ and children's patent leather, kid and calf leath ers. Your choice ... $1.95 REMNANTS MAIN FLOOR Two Big Double Counters at the Right as You Enter the Store. You Will Find Cfhe (greatest Display of Remnants £ver Jhom in Wilmington We have picked through our big Dry Goods stock and relieved it of all short pieces, odd lengths and left-over yard goods —Fine Serges —Tricotine —Novelty Skirting —Shepherd Checks —Colored Wool Flannel —All Kinds of Silks —Cotton Goods —Percale —French Ginghams —Domestic Ginghams —Outings —Flannels, Etc. t We have been working night and day assembling this mass of yard goods. / They are already bundled and tied, with yard age and prices plainly marked for quick selection BE ON HAND EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION * EQUITABLE MEMBERS SAflFORD VISITORS Entertained By Frank S. Cul lon, Representative in Lee Capital SANFORD, Jan. 13.—About sixty members of the Equitable Life As surance society, of New York, en joyed the hospitality . of Frank S. Cullom, the local representative for this section, at a banquet given in the Sanford hotel Wednesday night. ATr. Cullom acted as toastmaster, Ilarrv T. Adams, of Raleigh, the agency manager of the Equitable for the Eastern half of North Carolina, Gilbert T. Stephenson, of Raleigh, and Prof. J. A. Campbell, of Bulk’s Creek, made the principal after dinner speeches. Mr. Adams, - in a very forceful way, gave the fundamental principles underlying all insurance business. Mr. Stephenson followed with a striking. address on “The Circle of Dove,” in which he showed that insurance and many other pro gressive movements had their incep tion in the impulse of lave. This he illustrated very forcibly in the life of Mabel Hubbard; who recently died in Washington City. As a girl she was,.stone deaf. Alexander Graham Pell met her, loved her and married her. It was out of hfs study of ’■honetics with a view to helping his wife to hear that the invention of the telephone came. Other speakers of the evening were ■T. <\ Williams, of. Wilmington, Joe I-. Melver, of Buekhorn, Revs. R. C. Msd Walter M. CfUmlore, T. L- Riddle hid J. W. Cunningham. A very In arty vote of thanks wras extended Mr. i ullom and the visiting speakers :nr a most delightful evening. MEDIUM BROWN HAIK loolcs best of all after a Golden Glint Shampoo.— irJv. URIC ACID Does NOT Stop Rheumatism! Furthermore. I claim that Uric Acid a NATURAE and NECESSARY cson 1 rvrxrl_t Vlfl t it. IS fOUHd a na rlJJtAL ana in^ ^ inif-nt of the blood—that it is found the body of every new-born babe z, lit without it we could not live. wunoui ic we . irimge statement? Yes—to you per ;ips, because you have always been 1M differently. 'd differently. But my book, The Inner Mysteries Rheumatism, just published, tells u the real truth about Rheumatism. •IIs what actually DOES cause it an *w it is now being successfully eated in all its different forms and ages by entirely new;, advanced i< ntifio methods. , . The writing of this unusual book is result of my twenty years study, : penmentation and research in v‘*ase and I want tfvery 11 GUM ATI SM. NEURITIS, SCIATICA GUT etc, no matter in what form o •w chronic to read it.: There.fore, 1 ugh valuable, I will gladly sepd i" complete story only of t^1®, ? solutely free if you will send y idress or that of any sufferer you y know, ])lainly written, to H. P. CLEARWATER, P*. _ iish-h Water St., HalloweU, Maine Mrs. Huske Returns to National Capital Star Bureau. BY H. E. C. BRYANT Mrs. Clement Wright Huske, who has been making her home in Ashe ville, for the past four years, has re turned to Washington to live. She was accompanied by her daughters and son-in-law, Mrs. Alice Dunn and Capt. and Mrs. G. G. Reiniger. Capt. Reineger being transfered here t:o the war department. Mrs. R. A. Dunn has returned to Charlotte aft^r a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Gilmer Breni,zer in their new home in Georgetown. Former Representative John H. Small and Mrs. Small have recently purchased a colonial home in George town and entertained a family party during the holidays having their chil dren and grandchildren. Major and Mrs. H. C. Neblett and John Small Neblett, Major and Mrs. John Stuart Gaul and John Stuart Gaul, Jr., with them. They hkve as guests this week Mrs. John G. Blount, Mrs. John' T. I Hoyt, Mrs. Frank H. Short and Miss Mamie Burbank, of Washington, N. C., and Mr. Thos. P. Wharton, of Char lotte. Mrs. Small will entertain at cards Wednesday afternoon in honor of her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bates Warren And daughter, Miss Dorothy Warren, have gone to Florida for a two months , StMiss Mary Hagley Ross, of Char lotte, has entered the National Cathe dral school. | The older a man gets, the youunger he wishes he was. | -* . HEALING CREAM IS QUICK RELIEF | FOR HEAD COLDS i Colds and catarrh yield like magic to soothing, healing antiseptic cream that penetrates through every air pas sage and relieves swollen, inflamed membranes of nose and throat. Your j clogged nostrils open right up and ' you can breathe freely. Hawking and ! snuffling stop. Don’t stay stuffed up ! and miserable. ! Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream | Balm from your druggist. Apply a i little in the nostrils and get instant j relief. Millions endorse this remedy known for more -than fifty years. —Adv. Was a Good Judge of Liquor ' “Since a young man I had a liking for liquor and was considered a pret ty good judge of it at one time, but • constant drinking gave me stomach 1 trouble which became chronic. My \ stomach would have been a valuable addition to a gas factory. Doctors did \ not seem to relieve me. One day my druggist got me to try Mayr’s Wonder ful Remedy, and I am now as good | as new.” It is a simple, harmless' pre paration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and ! allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver andN in- j “testinal ailments, including appeqdi i citis. One dose will convince or money refunded.—Adv. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND DONT KNOW IT !,. \ j Blost people do not realise the alarm increase and remarkable prevalency of 'kidney disease. While kidney disor ders are the most common diseases that prevail, they are almost the last recog nised by patient and physicians, who content themselves with doctoring the L treets, while the original disease un I "roilnes the system, ! Vour other organs may need atten , __but yonr kidneys shonld have at tention first because their work Is most important. If you feel that; your kidneys are the cause of your sickness or run down condition commence taking Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, the great klduey, liver and bladder medicine, because as soon ns your kidneys begin to Improve they will help all the other organs to health. ' A Trial Will Convince Anyone Thousands of people have testified that the mild and Immediate effect of SPECIAL NOTE—You may obtain enclosing 10 cents to Dr. Kilmer & < the opportunity to.prove the. remarks also send you a book of valuable.Info sands of grateful letters received f found Swamp-Root to be .jus, the rer troubles. The value and success of , readers are advised to send for a sar Co Blnshlmtonl N. T. When writ!: per.—(adv.) Swamp-Root is soon realized,-and that It stands the highest for it3 remark able results in distressing cases. Symptoms of Kidney Trouble Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything, but if you suffer from an noying bladdfer troubles, frequently passing water night and day, smarting or in Ration, in passing, brick-dust or sedimtnt, headaone, bacaache, lame back, heart disturbance aue to badjcid ,ney trouble, uric acid rheumatism, lumbago, may be loss of ftesh or sallow complexion, kidney ' *~ble in its worst form maj be stealing, upon yen. Swamp-Root Is Pleasant to Take If you t-e already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchasfe the regular medium and large size .bottles a' all drug stores, a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by ;o., Binghamton, N.-Y. This gives you >le merit of this medicine. They will rmation, containing many, of the thou -orm men and women who say they iedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder jwamp-Root are so well known that our lple elze'bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & ig be sure and mention this pa . -Sr ' ' .'-'l. 1 ' * . . ,, ^ CLOSING OUT SALE WE HAVE A NUMBER OF LINES WHICH WE WISH TO CLOSE OUT. PRICES MADE ON THIS MERCHANDISE SHOULD CLOSE THEM OUT IN A FEW DAYS 38c 20c 20c $9.75 $14.00 60c Gold band Nippon china, cups and saucers, for.'.... (A set of 6 for $2.25) 35c Blue Dragon Japanese cup and saucers for. Plain white dinner plates, special....1 50-piece dinner set, sold for $16.50. Close out price, pnly. 50-piece Gold Band dinner set, sold for $20.00. Close out price.. ALL OPEN STOCK CHINA, 25 PER CENT OFF! ONE-FOURTH OFF ON ALL CUT GLASS! $2.00 and $2.50 reed clothes baskets, l&rge size. To close out at - • only. $1.25 full size feather bed pillows. Special to close out :.*. $2.00 large size feather bed pillows. Special to close out.. $1.00 camp stools. To close out at only ..... $1.25 camp chairs. To close out at only .... SPECIALS! SPECIALS! $6.90 and $$.00 cotton filled comforts. To dose out ..• $1.00 baby blankets, blue or pink. Special ...... $1.50 98c $1.48 50c ... 65c $10.00 oval rag rugs. To close out ..... $4.50 75c $7.50 Boudoir lamps, silk shades, mahogany stand. Special... Mahogany serving traps for. $3.50 metal waste baskets, suitable for home or office. Special, each. $20.00 library lamp for..... $22.50 library lamp \ at.. • • .. $30.00 library lamp for... $27.50 library lamp for... $2.50 98c ... $2:00 $15.00 $17.50 $22.50 $20.00 (Every one of these a big bargain) Choice of aiiy floor lamp to close out To close out.. $7.50 pottery umbrella stands. > To close out .4. $20.00 jardineres and stand. To close* out... $22.50 . $4.75 $14.75 WE OFFER OUR STOCK OF 10 CEDAR CHESTS AT PRICES THAT SHOULD SELL THEM IN ONE DAY. SOLD FOR $25.00 TO $50.00. NOW . $15.00T0 $30:00 $2.00 mahogany nut bowls. To close out. 75c oak tabarets. for.. $100 tabarets. for.....'. $2.00 tall oak tabarets. To close out... ■ i $1.00 49c 79c $1.49 CHILDREN’S WOODEN CRIBS, KIDDY KOOPS 'AND BASSINETS AT ONE HALF PRICE! C. W. POLVOGT CO.