The record - breaking sensational comedy. ‘'Shuffle Along," which took _\r\v York Boston and Chicago by slorm. and registered an emphatic hit during its ensageraents in all cities, ai,(] veill be the attraction at the Vic toria Theatre on next Monday night. T)l0 hook is bv Miller and Lyles, and : IS a real plot and amazingly funny comedy in the story of “Shuffle Along,” while the score and lyi-los are by Sissle j.kI Blake, and have.a wealth of com ely and charms that promise to rival ,1: oopularity all music of recent years. There are more delightful eong num and alluring music in “Shuffle ,\ i ng" than »in any other production of its kind, and they are given so fast a!,,l furious by the most dazzling, das'h !!iC, dancing "bronze” chorus that you deft get time to think, and the audi ence simply rise- to- their- feet- In a craving for more. Blanch Thompson, America’s most popular negro, pj-ijna-donna, has the title role. ••BRAWN OF THE NORTH” In the new Laurence Trimble-Jane uurfin production, “Brawn of the North," a First National attraction tarring -'Slrongheart,” the wonder .log, who became the pet of the world Sunshine Laundry Damp Wash Ser vice. Call 172.— Adv. Sour Stomach Best Relieved l>y Chewing a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet—No Water Needed—Carry Them Loose In Tour Pocket. What the average person needs in tain nay and age is the balanced str.m sweetener that he can take at any time, at any place and set relief right away. This effect is had with one or two Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. No matter what you eat or drink, if the stomach sours, gets gassy, seems to bloat and press against the heart, if it belches and heartburn makes you mis vrahle. try these tablets. The moment they reach the stomach they neutralize the acids, they give the stomach the al kaline effect it is craving far and thus von soon feel good, the stomach is set ilod and the faults of indigestion are thus corrected. You may now eat pie, sausage, pickles, if you get a in cent box of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tab lets today at any drug store.—Adv. by his marvelous portrayal in “The Silent Call/’ Laurence Trimble has suc ceeded again in startling- audiences. Situations that would require the very best artistry from human actors are given to Strongheart in “Brawn of the North/’ and the manner in which Mr. Trimble has succeeded in having him portray his role, appears a refu tation of scientists’ contention that dogs cannot think or reason. In the picture he is a dog of almost dual personality—in one flash savage ly fighting attacking wolves, and, in the next, gently caressing a helpless infant lost in the open snows. Strongs heart’s every mood is shown together with a series of emotions which he ex presses with his face and by gesture. On more than one occasion, when a fight between Strongheart and the lead er of the pack was being photographed. Mr. Trimble was called upon to use all his persuasive power to convince Strongheart all he wanted for picture purposes was a badly beaten wolf and not a dead one. “Brawn of the North’* is at fthe Grand for the last times today. LOIS WILSON IN “BROAD DAYLIGHT” Utilizing in many situations actual police and underworld atmosphere. “Broad daylight” comes to the Royal Theater today, heralded as an authen tic document of criminal life. It is a Universal photoplay of the all star t£pe, directed by Irving Cum mings. The playere in it include Lois Wilson, prominent leading woman. Jack Mulhall. leading man of many more such specials, and Ralph Lewis, re membered for several characterizations like the one in “The Conquering Pow er/’ in which he was the despicable miser, Grandet. That story of “Broad Daylight” was written by two men of Los Angeles who studied crooks for many years be fore they -took up writing for the screen. Harvey Gates and George W. Pyper are both men of wide newspaper experience, used to delving into the depths of darker social stars on news stories or in detective work. \ Even lesser details of picture mak ing are watched by Cummings in mak ing an all star picture of this calibre. He chose for his camera artist on “Broad Daylight’’ William Fildew, the •cinematographer associated with Tod frowning in the making of such Uni versal-Jewels sarring Priscilla Dean as “Under Two Flags.” “Broad Daylight” is promised to be not only a fast moving plot but a story with a definite meaning. “SHADOWS” TOMORROW Imagine spending two hours and a half dressing each morning before go ing to work in a laundry! That is exactly what Lon Chaney, i l. 'il ■' .1".-.■-■ '■ probably the most famous “character" player the screen ever has known, is doing: each day before setting- out for his round of washing, ironing and sprinkling clothes in the true Chinese fashion. But the laundry in which Chaney is employed is no ordinary “washee-wash ee” shop. On the contrary, it is a clev erly contrived structure that plays an important part in “Shadows,” the first Tom Forman production for Preferred Pictures, opening tomorow at the Grand theatre. “Itt the type of part X love," said Chaney as he pet to work in the diffi cult role. “Every new role presents new problems and this one presents more than the usual quota." “Shadows," in spite of its Oriental name, is an unusually gripping story of the New England, shores. It isf being presented with a remarkable cast of players that includes, in addition to Chaney, Harrison Ford, John Sainpolis, Marguerite de la Motte, Walter Long and Buddy Messenger. 1922 Ginning Exceeds Amount Previous Year Total of 850,911 Bales Ginned up to January 1 _, ! RALEIGH, Jan. 23.—Eight hundred j and fifty thousand, nine hundred and eleven running bales of cotton, or 110 per cent as compared with 1921, were ginned in North Carolina up to January 1. 1923, Frank Parker of the North Car olina and United States department of j agriculture, announced tonight in mak Stop Itching Eczema i Penetrating, ' Antiseptic Zemo | Will Help You ' Never mind how often you have j tried and failed, you can stop burning, I itchirxg Eczema quickly by* applying 1 Zemo furnished by any druggist for | 35c. Extra large bottle, $1.00. Heal ing begins the moment Zemo is ap plied. In a short time usually every j trace of Eczema, Tetter, Pimples, ' Rash, Blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use Zemo, : the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. [ When others fail it is the one depend- | able treatment for skin troubles of all j j kinds.—Adv. \ ing public the ginnings by counties ir the state. “This difference is explained on th£ ground that the acreage was increased about IS per cent for. the state as a whole,” he said, “the largest increase being in the northern, or border coun ties. whereas the southern or more se riously infested counties either were the same or reduced. “The yield followed much the line ol increase in acreage for the same rea son, excepting that in the coa-stal belt where weather conditions resulted ii. losses. “It is to be especially noted that Da vidson and Davie counties had over 20C per cent increase in the ginned bales Cowan, Iredell, Rutherford, Lincoln Orange, Durham, Warren, Wake, Vance Chatham, More, Northampton, Pasquo tank and some others had about 50 pej cent or more increase over the previous season. “Those counties showing the greatesl decrease were: Brunswick, which die not gin any cotton; Columbus, 12 pei cent; Bladen, 60 per cent; Greene, 6C per cent; Duplin, 73; Pender, 67; Ons low, 72; Lenoir, 68; Robeson, 72, and 11 others under 100 per cent from Iasi year. “The giniied figures lacked perhaps 80,000 bales of showing the ultimate amount for the season, according tc revised estimates. The government’s Monday, January 29 >ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY-' THROUGH ENORMOUS EXPENSE* HAVE SUCCESSrULir BOOKED THE. WORLD'S RECORD BREAKING MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS Left Section Only Reserved for "White People Prices 75c to $2.00 (Tax Extra) Tickets at Wilmington Talking Machine Company estimate of 852.000 bales production will run practically the same as the ginned figures, since the latter will average about 483 pounds, while the government bales run 500 pounds. The I 'ast year’s total ginned crop was 776. 000 equivalent 500 pound bales, or S03, 000 running bales,” he said. XEW FOWL CROSS BETWEEN TURKEY AND CHICKEN A new development in the poultry industry is the production of a fowl that is a cross between a turkey and a chicken. This hybrid, according to an illustrated article in the February MUSICIAN OUT OF TUNE “Gas pressure In my stomach some times diatresseJ me so that I coull not think. I-played out of tune an 1 twic:* lost my position. No medicine h ''pod me and I became disheartened. 1 Another rmisi* iar advised me to t rv Mayr s Wonderful Remedy, and I am now en joying- the best of health.” It is a simple, harmless preparation that he moves the catarrhal mucus from the in testinal tract and allays the inflama tion which causes practically all.stom ach, liver and intestinal ailments, in cluding appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Druggists .-everywhere.—Adv. ACADEMY PICKERT STOCK COMPANY COMING MONDAY, TUESDAY and W EDNEHDAY (Matinee Wednesday) The Best Yet “GETTING GERTIE’S GARTER” THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS LENA RIVERS (Special Saturday Matinee for / Children) Admission i Night .25c, 35c, 55c Matinee .10c, 2«c, 35c (Including Tax) Children at matinee, any seat, 10c Performances Begin Night ...8:30 Matinee .3j30 Reserved Seats nt, Elvlngton’a Drug Store ’opular Mechanics Magazine, has been tropagated for four years by a Cali ornia breeder^ He has called the owls ".turkens,” and has now quite a arge flock of them. The male bird las a gobbler neck and other resem ilances to a turkey. The female has a urkey head, but otherwise looks like a | hicken. In color they are genefally ed, and when full grown, wdlgh 9 to 4 pounds. Many pink flowers can be turned rreen by exposure to ammonia fumes, >nd blue flowers turn pink, exposed to icids. SHADOWS The Greatest Story Ever Told in I Motion Picture*—Grand Tomorrow. | He Married a Beautiful Stranger! At the end of an eventful, excit ing- day—a day and night tilled with adventure, throbbing with romance—teeming- with mad. ui<l believable thrills. i Cari luerpffil* AH ALL STAR CAST headed Vy _ Ml8 WlLS©8t JACKMUUtAU. RALPH lswjs Quoad. Today at 11, 12:80, 2, 3:30, 5, 0:30, W. 0:30. ROYAL Matinee 15c. Ni'ahts 20c CO I) A THY STORE Til'S AFTERNOON For Colds, Grip or Influenza md as Preventive, take Laxative BRO HO QUININE Tablets. The box bears :he signature of E. W. Grove. (Be jure you get BROMO.) 30c.—Adv. r— ■ — 1 I You’ll Hold Your Breath a | Hundred Times on Strong heart’s Trail of Thrills! In very truth the snowland'i sreat pNt picture—of mother love and; dog devotion; big in drama; bigger atili in sheer surprises. , Made ’midst the wolf packs, at risk of life—but worth the price! You iHlteis ft treat if you let this get by, folks. Today at 11, 1, 2*45, 4*30, 0sl5, 8, 9:40 Matinees 20c. Mffhts 35c HKRR’S thrills: CHARLES HUTCHISON The M|lc a Minute Stunt King: in “SPEED" II3k Grentext Sc*fit*L PATHE REVIEW Also a great Two Reel Christie Comedy, ' “LET ’ER RUN” i ■f HUMMELL & PERRY INSURANCE All Lines Orton Bldg. Phone 390. Kiwanian A. F. Perry GEO. W. HUGGINS COMPANY JEWELERS “Gifts That Last” 105 Market St. Kiwanian H. A. Huggins BONEY & HARPER MILLING COMPANY Manufacturers and Distrilm tors of DIAMOND “B” GRITS and MEAL H. E. BONEY Kiwanian Ask Your Grocer for Them The Bank of Commerce Commercial Savings ROBT. STRANGE, Cashier Kiwanian W. A. McGIRT I REAL ESTATE AND | INSURANCE Masonic Temple J. A. TAYLOR ; , | WHOLESALE GROCERIES j Kiwanian J. D. UAYLOR i ' Tide Water Power Company Electric Light and Power Electric Railway Gas Kiwanian E. E. Kilburn Tuttle’s Pharmacy < Incorporated) “WE BUILD” Health, by Carefully Filling Prescriptions 1520 Market Street Phone 183 . B. M. TUTTLE, Kiwanian i HOWARD & WELLS AMUSEMENT CO. Good Amusements Harry S. Allen, Kiwanian. PEOPLE’S MARKET 10 South Seventeenth St. KIWANIAN W. P. McGLAUGHON C. C. CHADBOURN REAL ESTATE BROKER Room No. 8 Phone 496 Masonic Temple Folders and Guides, Tranfer Cases and Filing Supplies NORTHAMS BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE J. M. JAMES, Kiwanian. Riding the Saw? A young college man took his vacation working in the Maine woods. He was put at one end of a cross-cut saw cut ting trees into saw log lengths. Two hours of the work al most broke his back. The huge woodsman on the other end of the saw at length paused for a moment and said, “Young feller, I don’t mind yer ridin’ on that end of the saw but for the love of Mike stop lettin’ your feet drag the ground!” In every organization a certain number of men ride the saw, allowing the organization to carry them along with it. This must of necessity be true in a world where a few will always lead and many will always follow. Neither Kiwanis nor any other good organization resents these men “riding on the saw.” But wTe all resent the fellow who lets' his feet drag the ground. The man who says there is a “gang” running his club, but never attempts to join the “gang” and help them or join the opposition and throw out the “gang,” is letting his Kiwanis feet drag. The man who says his club is just a knife and fork organ ization and never accomplishes anything for the good of the town and yet never gets up and tells the club about it or suggests anything for the club to start, is letting his feet drag. The man who insists on talking to his neighbor when the speaker has the floor, who interpolates supposedly witty re marks when other men are talking, who always comes to the lunch 15 minutes late, who never brings his wife to the ' ladies’ affair, who— But why multiply instances? You know most of the fel lows who are letting their feet drag in your club. But are you sure you know them all ? Have you ever paused to con sider whether you might be one yourself ?—Kiwanis Mag azine. fire and liability INSURANCE Kiwanians WALKER TAYLOR, JR. IDEAL LAUNDRY “House of Sanitation” Service and Quality P. B. HARRAH Kiwanian FRIENDLY CAFETERIA “The House by the Side of the Road.” Ill Chestnut St. J. C. Pretlow, Kiwanian ATLANTIC TOBACCO COMPANY (Wholesale) Kiwanians J.N. ALEXIUS CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. ON DEPOSITS Front and Chestnut Streets CLARK-LYNCH LUMBER COMPANY Kiv/anis Motto: ’‘We Build” Our Motto: “Build Now—With Clark Lynrh Lumber” K-iwanian Herbert A. Lynch Watch the Window of our Flower Shop, in Elving ton’s Drug Store, Bullock Building. LUCY B MOORE Florist FREDERICK J. MOORE Kiwanian. DA VIDS. OLIVER District Manager New England Mutual Life Insurance Company ol Boston Chartered in 1835 605-606 Murchison Bank Bldg. Telephone No. 840 Thompson-Bem ard Company INSURANCE in All Its Branches—Except Life 112 Princess St.—Phone 162 Kiwanian R. v. Christie Boylan & Hancock SHOES 7 North Front Street Kiwanian E, T. HANCOCK e HUGHES SALES AND SERVICE CO. “Where Service is z Pleasure" Kiwanians J. B. Hughes—J. W. Hughes MACMILLAN AND ' MARSHBURN Dodge ,Bn)thers Motor Vehicles S. G. MacMillan, Kiwanian W. B. THORPE AND COMPANY COAL Genera! Builder? Supplies W. B THORPE, Kiwanian ELECTRIC MAINTEN ANCE CO. J. C, IIOBBS, Jr., Kiwanian Kiwanian EDWARD C. CRAFT, C. P. A. Established 1918 Auditing-Systematizing Income Tax 5-6 Masonic Temcie Phones 2324-7526-J MACMILLAN AND CAMERON. Kelly Tires—Vesta Batteries. “Thru Service We Grow” B. B. CAMERON, Kiwanian

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