STAR CLASSIFIED ADS NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE—Call 51 and Ask for Classified Department—Phone 51—NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE! Star Classified Ads Bring Results TRY THEM They are the Little Ads with the Big Story Star Classified Ads Are Read Daily by More Than 30,000 People READ THEM! USE THEM! Help Wanted U) WANTED—Young ^nen to learn the 'earner trade. Best college in the ■outih. Jobs awaiting our graduates. Charlotte B.arber College, Charlotte, :r c. IP YOU ARE looking for help of any kind, there is no better tvay to get good, intelligent employes than by Bstng The Star’s Classified section. It In read* Phone 51 and ask for Classified Department. DO YOU WANT A BIGGER JOB? We can help you negotiate a suitable connection. Executives’ Enr loy’.nent Agency, Charlotte, N. C MEN-WOMSN-GIRLS—J S v.r over. Get U. S. government jobs, month. Steady, short hours. Common education sufficient. Gist positions ob tainable, free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 305S, Roches ter, N. Y. WANTED—News boys to Jell 3-page ooiiiiO Heart’s American. See Gordon tiros.* 1? Princest' St.; phone 745. 10-21-tlc WANTED—Every boy in the city to , gather nails, glass, tin cans, etc.., in that “Stop That Puncture Campaign, S prizes to be given. Dive Oak Service Station, Seventh and Ann. Agents-Salesmen Wanted (2) WANTED—You can get honest, Intelli gent agents and salesmen by using The Star’s Classified ads. They’re rea l. 3Iiiil or phone copy to classified depart meo u YOUNG MAN 25 to 35 for specialty selling in eastern North Carolina Write B, care the Star, for information. WANTED—Salesman/ Will arrange salary And expenses with good man. Write Clyde-1/ Rubber Company. South Bend, Indiana. SITUATION. vYA-TTrJD 3 BUSINESS MEN who need employes . use this section. Efficient, intelligent employes fooki5G& for a position adver tise fiere. Phone, bring or mail your nds. to The Star’s Classified Dept. Business Opportunities (4) PEOPLE irisliing lo Hell their bosIncH are brouglit In contact with people who want to buy In this section. It is rend. Brins, innil or phone your ad. to The Star's Calssifled Department. FOR SALE—Small, up-tc -date hotel at Virginia Reach, Va. Address "Owner," Box 1184, Norfolk, Va. Wanted, Miscellaneous i 5) WILLARD DRY Cleaning Go. Have it eteam or French cleaning, alteraticms and repairing. Auto delivery. Phone 855. 17 Princ.^-3. just below the Peoples bank. 11-26-tf-/'. PEOPLE who wait miscellaneous items advertise in this classification. Peo ple wanting to sell something read it. COOKING RANGE wanted; in good condition. P. 0. Box 385. For Sale. Miscellaneous (6) STANDARD BOX ORANGES. 130 to 2C0 oranges, $2.50 f. o. b. Florida; stand ard box grapefruit, 36 to SO grapefruit, $2.50 f. o. b. Florida; shipment direct to custefmer from Florida growers; flat crate oranges. $1.50 f. o. b. Blackville; flat crate grapefruit, $1.50 f.. o. b. Blackville; cash with orfler. The Gro cery Shop, Blackville, S. C. PEOPLE who want to sell something advertise in this classification. Peo ple who waut to buy read it. RUBBER STAMPS manufactured on short notice;, rilias, bind ing; mail orders given prompt atten ■ lion Carolina Printing & Stamp Co., S Grace St.. Wilmington N. WOOD—If It is wood you want, call 2167. We have oak, pine, lightwood, any amount;. q-uicK delivery at the right prices. li.'CJ IV V L ( V. LU UlU^I > l?i.VV 11U $2.50, deliveied anywhere in the city, phone 2177. Quick service. FOR GOOD COAL, i>hone 173. Becker Coal and Builo'ers' Supply Co. FOR SALE—We have another lot of Vacuum bottles at 98r each. Keeps liquids hot £4 hours, cold 4S hours, just as satisfactory as ). ten dollar bottle would., rhone 192 or 193, Halls Drug Store, 5th and Castle. KILN DRIED BLOCKS for sale. The wood that makes a fire in a hurry. Buy one load and we know you'll buy an other; $2.00 per load, delivered west of 10th street or north of Castle; $2.50 beyond; phone 321. Hilton Lumber Company. FOR SALE—Five shares of stock in Fisheries Products Co. Mrs. L. B. 3exon, Sylvania, Ga. WOOD FOR SALE—$7.00 cord, 4 ft. or stove length; phone 1797 W; one Half cord least delivered. WANTED—To sell about seven million - feet of hardwood and pine timber, oftginal growth, one-c,uartery mile of railroad. Low. price. Southern Land ind Timber Co., Greenwood, S. C. WOODSTOCK Typewriter, brand new $18.50, L. C. Smith Premier, new (65.00. Chas. Finklestien. Front and Market street. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Reliable wood dealer, 15 rear* in wood business. If you want nice wood, the best on the market, call phone 940-J MUST SELL at once, small stock gro ceries, dry goods, shoes and notions, tecount ■ owner's death. Fine cash j*ade and the best location. If inter tsted act at once. William Brice, Ad ministrator, L. B. Brice Estate, WaL iace, N. C. > \ rOR SALE—Small stock groceries, dry goods, shoes, motions- Closing out iccount owner’s death. Everything jew. This is a rare opportunity for.a ' imall investment. ,If interested act at >nce.' William Erire, Administrator, '/•■ it. B. Brice Estate, Wallace, N. C. Automobiles (7) SAVE 25 to 75 per cent on auto parts. Ne v and used parts for all cars and trucks; good used parts half price of new ones; send old parts for duplica tion. Whit ton Auto Wrecking Co., Co lumbia, S. C. FOR SALE—Ford roadster, Oakland Six touring car, Auburn "Beauty Six,” Dodge touring, all at the right price. T. E. Piner, 14 Market street; phone 2163. FOR SALE — DODGE TOURING Cur, WITH GOOD TIRES ALL AROUND; ALSO EXTRA TIRE. A GOOD BARGAIN. SEE MR. AL BERTSON AT STAR OFFICE. PODGE and Overland cars for sale cheap. See Bear Produce Co., corner Nutt and Grace. WE DEFY competition, when radia tors leak; you can't beat our prices. We clean out cores and reuair leaks, guarantee radiator to give service; out of town auio owners, we pay ex press. Ship yoi.r radiators for repairs to W. B. Klander & Co., Wilmington, N. C. BUYERS AND SELLEKS of automo biles advertise in this section, Th^lt ads. are read and ears are easily and quickly sold. COUPE—Exceptional chance to buy buy FOKD COUPE in first class mechanical condition. It months old, a BARGAIN. Can arrange terms. Chip ley Universal Motor Co. Ask for Green. Poultry, Eggs*, Livestock (8) FOR SAGE—Rhode Island Red hatching efgs. I have seven pens mated up for this year. Eggs are $2, ?3 and *4 per setting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for mating list. Apply Chester B. Stev ens, 10 King Ave.. Florence, S. C. BABY CHICKS—From National Trap nested Layers. Barred Plymouth Rocks, S. C. Rhode Island Reds, S. C. White Leghorns, Mottled ' Anconas, 98 per cent safe delivery guaranteed. Catalogue and price list free. National Hatchery Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. l-l-60t-c HERE is a clnsiiica tion where people can dispose of their poultry, eggs and livestock. There are 30,000 readers of The Star's classified seetlou daily; 50 per cent more on Sundays, PAIR registered bitches; both well broken; all day hunters; as good as any man can1 wish for; proven brood bitches; bred to registered dogs. These pups well worth your while; $100 each. Neshoba Kennels, Neshoba, Tenn. MAKE YOUR chickens lay more eggs by feeding meat rations—ground bones—tresh daily. C. K. Collins, Front and Orange Sts., or Sunset Park. Seeds and Plants (9) SEED POTATOES—Onion sets; all va rieties seeds for sale; any quantity. Bear Produce & Mdse Co., Corner Nutt and Grace. * STRAWBERRY PLANTS—Send $2.50 for 50U Klondike, or $4.75 for 1.000. Plants ready now. Special prices on large orders. John Lightfoot, East Chattanooga, Tenn. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE—Stand ard varieties at $1.25 per 1,000; 10.000 and over, $1.00 per 1,000. Prompt ship ment weather permitting. Lewood Me Callum, Rowland, N. C 12-29-30t* FROST PROOF cabbage plants, the leading varieties; $1.25 per thousand; 5 thousand or more, 90 cts. per thou sand f. o. b. here; cash with order; all orders filled prompt. E. B. Commins, Meggetts, S. C. Lost and Found (10 .LOST—Crank to one of our Stewart trucks, somewhere on Market street, between Front and Seventeenth streets. The owner would like to have the crank, which is very much needed. We will also pay a reward for the delivery ot same to W end linger Baking Co. LOST AND FOUND articlcn are easily and quickly returned to the owner through this* section. Everyone rendn this classification, which means 30,(MM) people who are daily looking for your lost article. LOST—One black bitch with left front leg sewed up. Reward for any infor mation leading to recovery. Roberts Garage, 13th and Castle streets. • ROST—One crank for Chalmers auto; please phone 155 or 1796-W, and re ceive reward. 9 For Rent, Rooms, Houses (11) FOR REN'?'—Photo gallery, No. 116 "Market St.; rent reasonable; posses sion given at once. Eduard Ahrens, care Alirens Bros. * 12-19-tfc FOR RENT—Garage, suitable for auto mobile or storage of furniture; down town; phone 773. FOR RENT—Furnished room; hot and cold water; close in; phone 1175-J. FOR RENT—Nice room with modern conveniences, in heart of business section; 114 Grace St.; phone 1805-J. FOR RENT—Barge, nlcelv furnished bed room, adjoining bath; hot and cold water; suitable for one or two gentlemen; use of telephone; located in desirable neighborhood with private family; board available near by. Apply 806 Orange. (' FOR RENT—One office on second ffbor in Peterson & Rulfs Bldg; possession given Nov. 1. Apply at store. 10-29,11-1-Srn & Wed-tfc FOR RENT—February 1, desirable sev en-room house, good location, 525 per moDth. Telephone T913-W. after 6:30 p. m. FOR RENT.—Two furnished rooms with private porch; also two rooms unfurnished. All conveniences. 51S Castle street. For references ph<>ne 577. ■ II .. ■ I Prove That YouVe Ther< Y! 'OU want folks to come to your place of busi ness. flGot to have ’em, or there isn’t any business. How are you going about it? By blindfolding them and hoping that they will just naturally stumble in by accident. Or— By making the path’&s plain as you can. By telling them the business story that will unbandage their eyes and give them a chance to come straight and sure ? Which is more sensible? “To the man who never heard of you, you do not exist,” says George Batten. f To the person who never hears your business story, you’re not doing business, no matter how well he knows you personally. Show That You Exist! § " $ $ TELEPHONE your want ad's, to the STAR (phone 51, send them or mail them to the Classified Depart ment. If you wish STAR will write vour' ads. for you. Classified ads. taken ever *he phone between the hours c: * a. m. and 7 p. m. Advertisers may have their answers addressed to a box number care of the Star with out extra charge. The STAR will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion of any one adver- | tisement. Advertisers should report any errors of discrep ancies in their ads. to the Classified Advertising Mana ger immediately. Classification not guaran teed after 7 o'clock. Mailed ads. for Sunday’s issue should reach the STAR by Friday night. >1 — TELEPHONE — 51 And auk for ClaKKlfled Department. The little ads. with big mes sages. Give them a trial. Read them. Classified Ad. Rates Minimum 25c. Light-face type, 10c line. 13lack-face type, 15c line. Average 6 words to line. Blank Space and Paragraphed Classified Ads. 15c Line. Reader Rates Mlnimtim 50c Light-face type, 20c line. Black-face type, 30c line. Average 6 words to Ijne. Discounts Three consecutive days with out change of copy, 10 per cent. Seven consecutive days with out change t-f copy, 15 per cent. Thirty or more consecutive days without, change of copy, 25 per cent. The Star’s Classified readers are more than double any other Wilmington paper. Use Star Classified ads. if you want results—they’re read. a " l & THE S\ME COI RTESY A\D SERVICE OX CLASSIFIED ADS AS YOU GE*T OX A FULL PAGE DISPLAY AD Jnnt Call 51 and Explain What Yon Want—We'll Do the Re«t! For Rent— Rooms, Rouses (11) FOR KENT—To couple, two connecting room:-, large porch, small packing I room, with gas, lights and water; suit able for light housekeeping. Apply a! 104 Church street. JAMES & JAMES, INC.. RENT LIST 208 Church street, S rooms, ?40: Garden City, 5 rooms, $30. 1406 Castle street, E rooms, $18. 300 Dawson street. 5 rooms. $16. Southern' Building;, Phone 163 FOR RENT—To refined couple, two comfortably furnished rooms for light housekeeping; lights, hot water, gas ot oil cook stove; $18 per month. Phone 1618-W. Wanted Rooms, Houses (12) WANTED fo rent or lease small farrr in New Hanover. Answer A. B. C. care Star. WANTED—Unfurnished room, conveni ent to bath; private family preferred by refined business woman. Address R. B,, care Star. THE QUICKEST, cheapest and easiest way to get a rooig ob house Is by placing your ad. heret 30,000 readers daily! 45,000 Sundays. Bring, mnll or phone your nd. to 51 f nsk tor Classified department. SMALL FURNISHED apartment for couple ' without children. Address J. O. W., care Star. WANTED—-Two or three-room furnish ed apartment for light housekeeping at once. Phone 1910-L2. Room and Board (|3) TABLE boarders wanted. Close in, Private family. Call Phone 1157. Real Estate X14) HERE fa the way to diapose of your real estate; the cheap, easy way to buy or sell. dh CAROLINA, BEACH Road; 7 1-2 mileg from city, we have 6-room bungalow with 1 Oacres land, 5 acres in cultiva, tion, for sale at) a lot^price; immediate possession or present, owner will lease from buyer. James & James. Inc.; phone 163. 307-09 DAWSON ST. can be bought at investment price; the rent will pay for the property. James & James, IncN Southern Bid*.; phone 163. ^ ;■ • Farms (15) FARM FOR. RENT OR FOR SALE—173 acres; also team and utensils, if need ed, for cash or part .crop. R. J. Ration. Burga*', N. C. Farms (15) --- FOR SALE AT ONCE—Modern country home in A-l condition, on 35-acre farm; land best in the state. Located fourteen miles from Wilmington, on Charlotte highway. Only 1-4 mile of S. A. La. dcnot. Address Mrs. M- D. Gaylord, 211 South Sixth street, Wil mington, N. C. Special Notices (16) AWNINGS AND TENTS made to order; upholstering; furniture repaired; auto lopping. No job too large or too small. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. G. King, 301 S. Front St. Phone 411. 2-21-tfc SECURE SUBSCRIBERS to the new series of the Orton B. & L. and se cure a free scholarship in the Interna tional Correspondence schools. Details at our office, Southern Bldg. Most sub scriptions win. IT WILD PAT YOU to see the bargains at the U. S. Army Goods Stqre, No. 20 Market street, in steel and canvas cots and mattresses, heavy wool cloth ing, overalls, raincoats, trunks, bags, suitcases, saddles, garbage and ash cans, fireless cookers, tents and can vas goods of all kinds. Also hundreds of other useful articles. TWENTY-TWO YEARS experience en ables us to warrant satisfaction in repairing your shoes. Gummer Bros., 18 North Second street. FREE! FREE! FREE! Free! Free! Scholarship in International Corre spondence school to person securing most subscribers to the Orton B., & L; Association's new series. Details at office in Southern Bldg. GRADE “A” MILK, handled entirely by efficient, careful white help and delivered fresh every flay, 18c quart. Leading physicians especially recom inend it7 for infants. H. C. Mason & Son; phone 4302. CAROLINA FURNITURE CO., home of modern furniture; bed room suites, s'.oves, ranges; Gold Seal congoleum rugs and iR or - coverings. 603 North Fourth St. Phone 1902-J. YOUR BUSINESS advertised here gets ’ yon more readers than yon can get any other way. It puts yonr name, business and location before the public and will give'yoa results. 1-5-lt dh STARTING Monday, January 22, we Willi, put on free a pair of rubber heels with every pair of ladies’ or men’s half, solies. United Shoe Repair Shop, 402 N. Front St.-; phone 812-W. “WE FURNISH, anything lor your of flee needs—ruled forms, stationary, advertising blotters, lithographing, Multigraphing. printing, engraving, leather advertising novelties. Harriss Printing and Advertising Co., Wil uiiagtdn, N. C." ,. . . 10-8-tf*o Special Notices r (16) WHERE CAN I GET SERVICE? At the O’Berry Hotel News Co. Sodas, smokes, magazines and papers. 1-1-tfc AUCTldN SALE—Bankrupt stock ot Southern Sales Store, 103 Princess street, Wilmington, N. C., consisting of jewelry, luggage and sporting goods, fixtures and accounts, will be sold at public auction .to the highest bidder for cash, on Friday, Feb. 2. 1023. at 11 A. M. Inventory and stock may be in spected by communicating’ with the un dersigned. Louis Goodman, Temporary Receiver, BENEFIT DdjJCE— Wednesday eve ning, January 24, 1923, 9 to 12 o’clock. At Knights of Columbus Hail, opposite City Hall, 107 N. 3d street. Good music, refreshments and dancing. Admission 50 cents. * NINTH & MARKET CASH GROCERY. Phone 2342-J—Specials for Wednes day and Thursday: New Rivpr oysters, 50c a quart; country eggs, 45c. Prompt delivery. J. W. Smith, manager. WOOD! WOOD!—For sale; pine wood, bone dry, and oak wood, delivered| anywhere in the city; phone 942-W. Legal Notices • (17) State of North Carolina County of New Hanover By virtue of a ifower of sale con tained in a certain deed of mortgage made and executed by W. E. Jones and his wife, Eva Jones, and A. L. Jones and his wife, O, E. Jones, to the under signed on the 4th day of March, 1921, which said mortgage is duly recorded on the records of New Hanover county, in Book No. 122, at page No. 23, the undersigned will, on Monday the 5th day of February, 1923, at 12 o’clock m., at the court house door of said New Hanover county, offer for sale, at pub lic auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described land and premises, situate, lying and being in Masonboro township, county of New Hanover and state of North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at A. G. Call’s corner at the creek (Whiskey Creek), being the southeast corner at the water fence; running thence northeastwardly 240 poles to Benjamin Farrow's corner in the centre of three pines; thence with said Farrow's line south 35 degrees west 240 poles to said creek, to low water mark; thence up said creek to the first station, containing 37 1-2 acres, more or less. Dated this the 2nd clay of January, 1923. PROGRESSIVE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Mortgagee. 1-3, 10. 17. 24-4tc NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ESTATE Under the authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Holsey Williams and wife, Sarah Wil liams, on the 12th day of May, 1921, and recorded in Book 130, Page 147, of New Hanover county, Registry, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said mortgage deed the undersigned will on the ninth da^y of February, 1923, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House door of New Han over county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain tract, or lot of land, situated, lying and being in the city of Wil mington, county of New Hanover, state of North Carolina, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning in the northern line of Swann street at a point one hundred nineteen (119) feet westwardly from the northwestern intersection of Swann street, running thence westwardly along the northern line of Swann street thirty-one (31) feet to the eastern line of James street; thence northwardly along the eastern line of James street and parallel with Fifth street, fifty two (52) feet; thence eastwardly, par allel with Swann street thirty-one (31) feet; thence southwardly, parallel with Fifth' street, fifty-two (52) feet to the beginning, being a part of East middle lot 5, block 323, according to the official plan of the city of Wil mington; together with a right of way or easement in, over and through an alley adjoining this lot on the north, and being eight (S) feet wide measur ed along James street, by sixty-two (62) feet deep. This 8th day of January, 1923. WEEKS & COX, Attorneys. MONET* TO sLETw 25 J’ONEY TO LEND—Unlimited amoun'i guiel^ money, long time, $3,000 small est "loan, improved real estate only. Franklin Ins. & Kealty Uo., Louisburg. N. C. 10-26-tfc Harding Recovers But Remains in Seclusion ■WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.—President Harding-, declared by his personal physician, Brig-Gen. C. E. Sawyer, vir tually to have recovered from the at tack of grippe which he contracted more than a week ago, remained in seclusion today at tho white house to rest. The usual Tuesday cabinet meet jng was cancelled as was also the scheduled meeting with newspaper correspondents. Nc official papers were sent to the white house for presidential .action, and no visitors were permitted to see Mr. Harding. It had been indicated yesterday that the President would be back' at his desk today. Di^. Sawyer said, however, that he could not tell at this time when the President would be permitted to re turn to the executive offices. The .President, he explained, has had no rest for more than 9. year and on account of the strain "would naturally feel any, after effects of the grippe. It is Dr. Sawyer’s desire that the President have as mdeh rest as possible for aft long a time as his patience will permit. Mrs.. Harding "has . adandoned her wheel chair and is now permitted to go about the various rooms at the white house. She even has gone .down stairs to dinner on ■ several occasions. She spends considerable time in the com panionship of her husband. TRADE WITH --your NEIGHBORHOOD =STORE= He’s nearer you—your friend—and can give you service and quality As another service to users of MORNING- STAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, we will now accept advertising from neigh borhood stores of any kind for this clumn. This column should be a boon to the pro prietors of the neighborhood stores as people will read this column to see what Is offered them by their nearby stores. PROPRIETORS—Cafll 51, and ask for the Classified Advertising De partment and get an explanation Neighborhood Stores SMITH FURNITURE CO., 617 Castle St., dealers in all grades of furniture, household goods, stoves, ranges, mat tings, carpets; agents for New Perfec tion oil cook stoves. DAVIS & CO.. 705 Castle St.—Ready to-wear, dry goods, notions, shoes. The same goods for less money. IP IT'S GROCERIES—PHONE 955 THAT’S TIENCKEN'S Pure lard, 15c; best whole rice, 6c; starch, 10c, 2 for 15c; good ground cof fee, 20c; Karo syrup, 2 for 25c; toilet paper, 5c, 6 for 25c; California black j eye peas, 10c lb; large red onions, 10c j qt.;■ lightwood, 5c. Come bv and get i a package of easy-make cocoa pudding., it’s free. For groceries call H. M. Tieticken, Fourth and Castle Sts. THIS WEEK ONLY—Karo Syrup. l'Oc; Dutch Cleanser, 8c; 2-lb. can tomatoes, 10c; Campbells Pork and Beans, 10c. Kaminsky Grocery Store, 4th and Brunswick. Phone 824-WT. Obituary DIED—Mrs. Addle Keal, or T025 South Third street, Wilmington, In Raleigh, X. C., Sunday. Remains were taken to her cld home in Southport, N. C.. where funeral servicer .were held yesterday at Methodist church. She was survived by two sons. E. T. Keal, of this city, ami E. H. Keal, of New York; one daughter, Mrs. R. T. Woodside, of Southport, one sister, Mrs. D. S. Bender, Wilmington, and one brother, Capt. J. A. Burris, Waco, N. C. NATIVE ARMENIANS TO BE HEARD HERE Will Appear Before Wilmington Congregations Next Sun day Morning At least two Armenian s;..,, vl . have themselves been thnor_- j ,v> rors of the Turkish misrule- t - ' cution of Christians, will ' fore Wilmington t:ongrf-;ui’(‘:, J ‘ ^ i'' day to g'ive first hand acwmr.t ,<•' ditions in the near east, \< w nounced today by Rev. ,i. \ v,n', ^ county chairman of the n,.;./ ,t ‘Ui* lief. More speakers will t... before/Sunday. • — a.l These speakers will :ir 1|; nection with' the camp.i great humanitarian orgain{ xv,.'.''t starts in New Hanpver , (' !l week. New Hanover’s ;s ^-’ni‘ " which will feed, clothe ami 250 little orphans of An.ton'.uii u heroes and Christian manyrs wh0 dependent on this county for their liv .< All funds received over this amount will be used to help feed tm rt.fUfr from Smyrna now in Thrac**. 1 Dr. S. K. Emurian, a Pr,-S|,y(t..rj.; minister, of Norfolk. Ya.. v. j|i Y,e. , ! of the speakers. Nazareth A Itoy,,^,' a practicing- attorney of <'»«:umi.ia s* C., will be the other. Mr. I••*' mother and sister were deported hYf,,,.* his eyes and carried either to the or a Turkish harem. It is practically certain that Dr. Isaac Yunan.. of York, and his son. Mr. Join- Annan. ,,f Charlotte, will also spoak. Mr. Sullivan has made arransrpmpnts with Col. George H. Ha’iamy. statft chairman of the^near east relief to s. these and other speakers to Wilming ton Sunday. Mr. Sullivan, Jesse F. Roaohe.. onuntv treasurer, and all ministers of Wiu mington are receiving finals for tin** great Christian cause this \v. « k \;, Sullivan points out that for . wry sent in, the life of one child win h.j saved for a month—$60 a year. Xonli Carolina is raising $ this year under the direction of Col. Rolkuny and Josephus Daniels, honorary state chair man. CATARRH of BLADDER Guard Your Health Affords Utmost Protection PREVENTIVE for MEN Large Tube 35c. Kit (4 s) si All Druggists or San-Y-Kit Drpt. A 92 Beekman St., New York Write for Circular FOR SALE! 2',000 kegs Wire Nails. 500 kegs Cut Finish Nails. 2 cars Wire Fencing. 3,000 sacks Domestic Salt. 2 cars Sorv-Us Flour. 300 cases Gold Bar Canned Fruits D. L. gore co. ■■ UUmtttfltfltt f&nrmug §>tar Bible Distribution COUPON Two distinct styles of this wonderful Book of Books have been adopted for this great newspaper Bible distribution. One is the far-famed Red Letter Bible (Christ’s sayings printed m red for immediate identification), and the Plain Print Bible for those who can spare but a nominal sum. Only Three Coupons Clip this coupon and two others and present or mail them to this paper with the sum set opposite either style, and come into possession of your Book of Books at once. I Style B—Plain Print Bible, flush j limp black seal grain textile leather ] cover, red edges, medium large type, strong and durable, no _ | three coupons and only. Z/Ol* Style A—Red Letter Bible, over lapping limp black leather covers, red edges, round corners, gold let tering, large, clear print, d* 1 QQ three coupons and only v _ Send amount for Style A 6r Style B, with three IVlHll Uraers . of , these coupons, and include 13 cents additional for postage, packing and insurance. / A Chance for Every Reader to Get a New Bible BBBBBBBBBEHBnBBHBBHBflfiBBBBHEBBBBB r 1 Statement of Condition of The Murchison National'Bank of Wilmington, N. C. At the Close of Business December 29, 1922 RESOURCES Loans and discounts........$ 9,252,952.19 Customers' liability acceptances ........ 190,000.00 U. S. bonds ... 800,650.00 Bank building ..... 875,000.00 Bonds and other securities.. 94,000.00 Cash and due by banks.. 3,977,703.79 ’ TOTAL .-.$14,690,305.98 LIABILITIES Capital stock ..$ 1*000,000.00 Surplus, and net profits. 1,138,267.69 Reserved for taxes.... 65,293.11 Circulation .,. 615,000.00 Acceptances .. 190,000.00 Rediscounts with federal reserve bank...: 575,773.55 Deposits ..... • 11,005,971.63 TOTAL ...:..V. .$14,690,305.98