Star Classified Ads Bring Results TRY THEM They are the Little Ads with the Big Story TAR G NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE—Call 51 and Ask for Classified Department—Phone 51—NOW TAKEN BY 'TELEPHONE! AD Help Wanted (1) IF YOU ARE looking ror Iielp of any kind, there la no better way to get good, intelligent employes than by using The Star’s Classified section. It Is read. Phone 51 and ask for Classified Dei^artmenta __ DO YOU WANT A BIGGER JOB- ^ can help you negotiate a suitable connection. Executives' Em', .oy.nent Agency, Charlotte, N. C WANTED—To hear from qualified teachers open for engagement for next scholastic year. Box 166, belma, N. C. —News Soys to Jell 3-page C01OJC Heart’s American. Uee Gordon Bros., 17 Princes* St.; phone WANTED—Everybody to have their shoes repaired hv the Ideal Shoe Repair, 25 N. Seeom. it.; phone 129S-J, Agents-Salesmen Wanted (2) WANTED—You cun get honest, Intelli gent agents and salesmen by using The Star’s Classified ads. They’re read. Mall or phone copy to classified deport wANTED—Three educated, local men, neat appearance, for special selling work; nays $5.00 per order; experience not necessary; state if present em ployed, and full narticulars of self. Ad dress r. O. Box 1203, Wilmington, N. WANTED—A few good insurance salesmen, who know they can de liver the roods, and are not afraid of a commission contract. We've got the goods. If you can deliver them, c-une on. Star Insurance Agency, »0o (,ar roll Bldg., Wilmington, N. C. Situations Wanted C3) WANTED—Position as salesman, pre ferably Eastern Carolina; can furnish references. T. H. Sellers, Southport. Box 142. BUSINESS MEN who need employes . .u»e this section. Kincieiu, micmgcm employes looking for a position adver tise here. Phone, brinjs or mail your nds. to The Star’s Classified Dept. Business Opportunities (4) DRUG STORE for sale in a live town. We will sell our drug store, including all drugs- and fixtures, etc. It goes without saying that this store is lo cated in one of the best towns in east ern North Carolina, and a good man can make a real success with this busi ness. Address R. D. C., care Star. PEOPLE wishing to sell their busfnes lire brought in contact with people who want to buy in this section. It is read. Bring, mail or phone yonr nd. to The Star’s Calssifled Department. Wanted, Miscellaneous C5) WANTED—To buy good second-hand furniture; phone 1902-J. WANTED-—To buy a second-hand dresser, in .erood condition. A'lease answer "H,” care Star. WILLARD DRY Cleaning Co. Have it •team or French cleaning, alterations and repairing. Auto delivery. Phone 85D. 17 Prince*, just below the People** bank. 11-26-tf-o For Sale Miscellaneous (6) WOOD WOOD! WOOD!—Such nice wood! Pine, $200; oak and pine mixed, $2.25. Big loads and quick de livery. Call Williams’ Wood Yard Phone 940-J. FOR SALE—Machinery and supplies. All roads lead to our warehouses and machine shop, at Lingo. Ask your neighbors, mill man where is the best place to go. Save money, if you need something for your mill in machinery or supplies. Lingo Metal Works. RUBBER STAMPS manufactured on short notice; printing, ruling, bind ing; mail orders given prompt atten tion Carolina Printing & Stamp Co.. 8 Grace St.. Wilmington. N. C. fc-26-tfo FOR SALE—Concrete mixer, motor, circular saw bench, motor, grinder, electric drill. John Ramshaw, Hamlet. FOR SALE—Gentleman’s bed room suite; one double iron bed, chiffonier, library table and chair, russ; all first- i class condition. See same at Y. M. C. A. Sell cheap quick sale. MOTORCYCLE for sale; two cylinder Harley-Davidson motorcycle; in good running order; $75.00 cash. The Alad din Co.; telephone 69. FOR SALE—Sawmill with a Frick en gine and boiler complete; good con dition; near F. F. Dixon’s store. J. L. Rush, Council, N. C., R. F. D. 1. PHONOGRAPH records exchanged; your Victor-Columbia records safely exchanged by mail. Write for circular. Record Exchange, 566A Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR SALE, cheap, furniture for house and kitchen. Apply 810 Princess St. VEAL! VEAL! VEAL!—Very best veal roasts, 25c lb; good beef roasts, 15 to 25c lb; chickens, all sizes and prices, dressed to order. J. W. Batsijn Co.; phone 1397. CHICKENS! Chickens! Chickens!— Spring chickens, all sizes; dressed hens, any size; very best of beef, veal and pork; fancy celery and tomatoes. J. w" Batson Co., 108 S. Front Street; phone 1397. REAL COMFORT in a hurry, when you make a fire with our Kiln Dried Blocks; $2.00 per load delivered west of Tenth street or north of Castle; $2.60 beyond. For prompt service, phone 321 Hilton Lumber Co. FOR SALE—Grocers ice show case, cigar case, candy case, triplicate mir rors, hat case. John Ramshaw, Hamlet. WE HAVE oak, ash, pine, black jack, lightwood; all dry; our carts hold 1-4 of a cord, standard measure. ■Wil mington Wood and Fuel Co.; phone 2167, For Sale Miscellaneous (6) FRYING CHICKENS, fat and plump; Barred Rock and R. I. Red hatching eggs. 2207 Barnett avenue; phone No. 1469-J.. __ FOR SALE—We have another lot ol Vacuum bottles at 9Sc each. Keept liquids hot 24 hours, cold 48 hours, jusi as satisfactory as a ten dollar bottu would.. Phone 192 or 193, Halls Drug Store. 5th and*!Castle. WOODSTOCK Typewriter, brand new $18.50, L. C. Smith Premier, new $65.00, Chas. Finklestien. Front ar,,. Market street. WOOD FOR SALE—$7.00 cord, 4 ft. oj stove length; phone 1797-W; one half cord least delivered. PEOPLE who want to sell something advertise in this classification. Peo ple who want to buy read it. AutomeSfles (7! FOR SALE—Six cylinder Mitchell, $7u0 John Ramshaw, Hamlet. SAVE 25 to 75 per cent on auto parts New and used parts for all cars ana trucks; good used parts half price cl new ones; send old parts for duplier. tion. VVhitton Auto Wrecking Co., Co lumbia, S. C. BUYERS AND SELLERS of automo biles advertise in this section. Theii ads, are read and cars are easily and quickly sold. FOR SAL!.—Buick roadster, Reo tour ing car Dodge touring car, Aubut:; "Beauty-Six,” Oakland touring, Kco speed wa.’cn; all at right prices. T. D Finer, 14 and 16 Market St.; phone No 2163. SECOND-HAND parts for all oars; sat isfaction guaranteed or money re funded. W. D. MacMillan, Jr., Fif*. > wrietit Sts Phone 213. Poultry, Eggs, Livestock (8) BABY CHICKS—White Leghorns of exceptional value. Also good Barred Rocks. Ask for information and prices. Hess Hatchery and Leghorn Farm. Harrisonburg. Va. HERE is a clasiUcation where people can dispose of their ponltry, eggs and livestock. There are 30,000 readers of The Star’s classified sectiou daily) 50 per cent more on Sundnys. MAKE YOUR chickens lay more eggs by feeding meat rations—ground bones—fresh daily. C. E. Collins, Front and Orange Sts., or Sunset Park. BABY CHICKS—From National Trap nested Layers. Barred Plymouth Rocks, S. C. Rhode Island Reds, S. C. White Leghorns, Mottled Anconas, 98 per cent safe delivery guaranteed. Catalogue and price list free. National Hatchery Co., Winston-Salem. N. C FOR SALE—A good, gentle mule; phone 1627-W or 523-W. Seeds and Plants (9) RARE GLADIOLUS and dahlia roo:». A mixture of gorgeous blooming, rare and new sorta of gladiolus; loo for $3.00, cr 30 for Jl.Oo. Also a choice tollection of cut f.owers. all kinds; luu for $2.00. or 4G ror $1.00, choice cdllection of dahlia roots; 10 for $1.00; all prepaid. R. J. Gibbons, Ml. Hol'y, N. J. SEED POTATOES, Crimson clover, Vel vet beans, onion sets; various seeds for sale, any quantity. See Bear Pro duce Co., Corner Nutt and Grace Sts. FOP, SALE—100,000 Missionary straw berry plants; $2.00 per 1,000; casli with order, or C. O. D. Macon Cave naugh, Rose Hill, N. C. Lost and Found (10) LOST AXD FOUND article* are easily and quickly returned to the owner through this seel Ion. Everyone rends this classification, tvhlch means 30,000 people who are daily looking; for your lost article. LOST—Between Princess and Queen. on Fourth, tire on rim; return to 317 Queen and receive reward. FOUND—Pair eyeglasses, Thursday. Jan. 25, in entrance to Murchison building; owner can obtain same by calling at Star office and paying for this ad. For Rent— Rooms, Rouses til) FOR REX'"—Photo gallery, X’o. 116 Market St.; rent reasonable; posses sion given at once. Eduard Ahrens, care Ahrens Bros. 12-19-tfc FOR RENT—Large, nicely furnished bed room, adjoining bath; hot and cold water; suitable for one or two gentlemen; use of telephone; located in desirable neighborhood with private family; board available nearby. Apply 806 Orange. FOR RENT.—Two furnished rooms with private porch; also two rooms unfurnished. All conveniences. 618 Castle street. For references phone 877. FOR RENT—Oarage, suitable for auto mobile or storage of furniture, down town. Phone 773. FOR NEAT room and wholesome table board, apply at 202 Walnut street— the home-like place in the city. FOR RENT—Two furnished bed rooms; across hall from bath; hot water; private family; 214 Red Cross; phone 1957. FOR RENT—Large front room; con venient to business district; reasonable rent; 408 N. Third St. FOR RENT—Four furnished rooms and bath to couple without children; pos session given March 1. Apply 216 N. Sixth St. FOR RENT—Room and board in pri vate home; good location; Sunday suppers served; phone,1170-J. COMPLETELY furnished bed rooms and kitchenette to business couple or bachelor; excellent location. Address “Rooms,”* care Star, CGet your copy ready now to reach 45,000 readers to morrow! The greatest advertising buy ever offered ad vertisers! €1 Phone us—we’ll come after your copy! And remember, “The more you tell, the more you sell!” The success of those who constantly read Star want ads is generally referred to as “luck” by those who do not! STAR CLASSIFIED ADS GIVE RESULTS Morning: Star Classified Ad* are urowfng dally, both In readers and ad vertisers! Why? BECAUSE— to both render and advertiser! READ THEM! USE THEM! DI TCI ¥ your copy as soon as possible KUOrl AND GUARANTEE CLASSIFICATION! Classified Ads Taken Over the Phone. (Call 51 and Ask for Classified Department) Telephone want ads- tc the STAR (phone 51), send them or mail them to the Classified Department. If you wish the STAR will WRITE YOUR ADS FOR YOU. Classified Ads taken over the phone between the hours of 9 a. m. and 7 p. m. Advertisers may have their answ ers addressed to a box number care of the STAR without extra charge. The ST'AR will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inser tion of any one advertisement. Ad vertisers should report any errors or discrepancies in their ads to the Classified Advertising Manager im mediately. The Star’ll Classified Render* Are More Than Double Any Other Wilmington Paper Use Star Classified Ad* If You Want Result a—They’re Read! 51—PHONE—51 I And Ask for Classified Department) CLASSIFIED AD RATES MINIMUM 25c Light-face type, 10c line. Black-face type, 15c line. Average 6 words to line. Blanked Space and Paragraphed Classified Ads, 15c Line READER RATES MINIMUM 50c Light-face type, 20c line. Black-face type, 30c line. Average 6 words to line. of copy, 10 per cent DISCOUNTS 3 consecutive days, without change of copy, 10 per cent 7 consecutive days, without change of copy, 15 per cent 30 or more consecutive days, with out change of copy, 25 per cent Obituary and Death Notices, Flat Rate of 75c Classification not guaranteed after 7 o’clock. Mailed ads for Sunday’s issue should reacn the STAR by Friday night. Far Rent. Rooms, nooses (11) FOR RENT—Store No. 217 Princess street, in Tide Water Power com pany's building. Ideal location for of- , flee or merchandising. Rent3 reason able. For particulars apply to Tide Water Power Co. JAMES & JAMES, INC., Rent List 6-room apartment, Second and Grace streets. 2010 Perry avenue, furnished. 418 South 16th street. 117 South 15th street. 208 Church street. 309 Dawson street. JAMES & JAMES. INC., Southern Building Phones 163 and 164 3 OR 4 ROOMS for rent; unfurnished; 302 S. Second St. FOR RENT—Newly furnished front room; reasonable; with or without board; phone 1040. Wanted, Rooms, mouses (12) THE QUICKEST, cheapest nnd easiest way to get a room or house Is by placing your ad. here! 30,000 headers | dally) 45,000 Sundays. Bring;, mail or phone your ad. to 51; ask for Classified ; department. Rsal Estate (14) j NOW IS the time to secure your beach j cottage for the coming season. Sec i our list before renting. James & James ! Inc.. Southern building; phone 163-16i j HERE is the way to dispose of your real estate) the cheap, easy way to | buy or sell, 1-5-lt dh j 1203 GRACE ST. is offered at reduced price account owner leaving city; possession on short notice. See James .& James, Inc.; phone 163. Real Estate (14)! MARKET STREET road. one-fourth mile from city, new C room bunga low, thoroughly modern; fornace, hard wood floors, etc. A-l construction and will stand rigid inspection, 'ot 65 by 850, with large pecan tree 'n front yar-d. Wo recommend this as an ideal suburban home and incidentally -v good investment. See James & James, Inc., Southern building. MUST SACHIFFICE MY HOME IN SUNSET PARK, BECAUSE I NEED THE MONEY. SEVEN ROOM BUNGALOW. AUI, MODERN CONVEN IENCES.- LARGE LOT. WILL SELL FOR 31,000.00 LESS THAN IT COS'! ME. THIS IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN A HOME EVER OFFERED YOU. ADDRESS BOX 21, CITY. A REAL BARGAIN at Carolina Place. Brand new six-room bungalow; lot 66x113. Two five-room bungalows; lot* 40 x 125; on easy terms. Call at oui office and inspect the list of property we have for sale. W. A. Mcftirt, Ma sonic Temple Bldg.; phone 154. Personals , (20) SUITABLE compensation will be paid for information as to the present whereabouts of J. V. Bailey, formerly of 324 South Fourth street. Address replies to No. 10, care this paper. Farms (15) AUCTION—Monday, Feb. 5. 1 o'clock; four 10-acre farms, also household and farm utensils, to hlgrhest bidder; Frank Leveck’s Farm, Castle Hayne road, 6 miles Wilmington. Tern.*, fourth cash. R. O. Hanson, Auctioneer. Special Notices (16) IT WILL. PAY YOU to see the bargains at the U. S. Army Goods Store, No. 20 Market street, in steel and canvas cots and mattresses, heavy wool cloth ing, overalls, raincoats, trunks, bags, suitcases, saddles, garbage and ash cans, fireless cookers, tents and can vas goods of all kinds. Also hundreds of other useful articles. TWENTY-TWO YEARS experience en ables us to warrant satisfaction in repairing your shoes. Gummer Bros, IS North Second street. A WARNING CAUTION—Do not de liver any articles to be cleaned, pressed, dyed or altered by us unless the caller has our check for your work. Enterprise Dry Cleaning Company, 20 N. Second St.; phone 717. PHONE Benton & McKeithan’s Delica tessen for all kinds of fruits ano groceries; fresh shipment of snap beans and strawberries; all other fresh vegetables received daily. WOOD! WOOD!—For sale; pine wood, bone dry, and oak wood, delivered anywhere in the city; phone 942-W. AWNINGS AND TENTS made to order; upholstering; furniture repaired; auto topping. No job too large or too small. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. G. King, 301 S. Front St. Phone 411. 2-21-tfo DR. HIMIHIA HINDU ASTROUOGIST Of East India, the World's noted medi um, clairvoyant and astrologlst, sitting 111 his great supreme power reading human life, tells your life story from the stars. Remember, the stars will guide you through life. If you're wor ried, troubled or discouraged, send the date of your birth, 25 cents to cover mailing expense. I will send horoscope of importance to you. Must send self addressed envelope. Address DR. W. E. HIMIHIA Lock Box 1088. Savannah. Ga. YOUR BUSINESS advertised here get* yon more render* than you can get any other way. It put* your name, business and location before the public and will give you result*. 1-5-lt dh “WHi FURNISH anythingxfor 7our of fice need*—ruled form*, stationery, advertising blotters, lithographing. Multigraphing, printing, engraving, leather advertising novelties. Harris* Printing and Advertising Co.. WU mington, N. C." 10-8-tf-o PINE AND OAK cut to order; 12.00 and 82.50, delivered anywhere in the city. Phone 2177. Quick service. MONE1 TO iiEXD 25 MONEY TO LEND—Unlimited amount Quick money, long .time, 88.000.small est loan, improved .real estate* only. Franklin Ins. * Realty Co., Loulaburg. N. C. lC-28-tfo MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgage real estate, 6 per cent Interest. J. G. Wright St Son. 124 Princess street. Obituary NORTHROP—Entered into rest on the evening of February 2, Mary Wright Northrop, beloved wife of Robert H. Northrop. Funeral from residence, 510 Dock, 3:30 p. m., Sunday. CHARMING HOSTESS AT FRENCH RESORT WAS A GERMAN SPY Officer of Army Secret Service Tells How Clever Woman Was Trapped and Executed Early in the summer of 1918, in telligence officers of the American army iwere confronted with the alarming fact that Germany had definite and detailed information about a number of American divisions and their loca tion. “German officers on capture boasted of the ease with which their country learned of the movements of the American artny, and the most deplora ble thing about it all was that their information was so remarkable accu rate,” writes Ma1. C. E. Russell in Mc Clure’s Magazine for February. Major Russell, of the American in telligence service, was intrusted with the rather broad duty of stopping the “leaki” which had resulted in the death of thousands of American soldiers, fighting against the enemy who had the advantage of advance information. His investigations took him to L i \.£i IICIC UUHU1 cub officers were sent to recuperate from wounds at a Red Cross y>spital there. Biarritz was so close to the Spanish border, and the harvest of information so promising', that the German secret service had sent Its best soles into the town. True, most of these had been driven out by the activity of the Amer ican and French secret service; Amer ican officers warned not to talk with strangers and above all not to discuss anything- pertaining to our army. But still the information leaked out in great volumes, and when Major Russell went to Biarritz the situation was desperate. In a few weeks he had found the spy and gathered evidence for conviction, and one morning airing squad exacted the penalty. The spy was a woman. Mrs. Powell (which is not her real name) had been a charming hostess to the wounded American soldiers. They made her a confidant and her sym pathy led them to disclose important Information. She audaciously used her unsuspecting victims to send the In formation they had given her to con federates who relayed it to Germany! ! For Sale—Special 6- and Impound Karo Syrup. 10 bbls. King^ Molasses. 100 bbls. Diamond Crystal Salt. Get Oiir Price* Quick D. L. Gore Company Legal Notices (17) FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage executed by E. A. Falmgren and wife to the Peo ples Savings Bank, which said mort gage is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover county, North Carolina, in Book No. 118 at page 423, the note secured by said, mortgage, the said mortgage, the lands therein conveyed and all rights there in described having been duly assign ed, transferred and conveyed to the un dersigned, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said mortgage and the power of sale in said mortgage having become aboslute, the undersigned will on Monday, the 5th day of March, 1923, at 12 o’clock, m., at the Court House door of the county of New Hanover, sell, at public auc tion, for cash to the highest bidder all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the city of Wilmington, county of New Hanover and state of North Carolina and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northern line of Market street 65 1-2 feet east from the eastern line of Tenth street and running thence N. 4 degrees 15 minutes W. 101 feet, thence northeast at an internal angle of 104.25 degrees, 36 1-2 feet, thence north an external angle of 104.35 degrees, 58.3 feet, thence northeastwardly at an internal angle of 98 degrees, 10 feet, thence south and parallel with Tenth street, 170 feet to the northern line of Market street and along said line of Market street west wards 45 feet to the beginning, the same being a part of lots 3, 4 and 5 in block 174, according to the official plan of the aforesaid City of Wilmington. This the 1st day of February, 1923. WILLIAM STRUTHERS, Assignee of Mortgagee. CALDWELL COUNTY AND THE DAIRY BUSINESS The Jersey Bulletin and Dairy World, published in Indianapolis, Ind., carried the following item of the re cent pure-bred Jersey sale in Caldwell county: “Through the efforts of County Agent D. W. M. Roberts and the banks of Lenoir, 21 registered Jerseys, same being the entire herd of J. W. Robin son of Catawba county, were purchased and sold at auction on December 9, 1922. The Jerseys were purchased with the idea of holding the auction and standing a loss, if necessary, so as to put more dairy cattle in Caldwell county. The sale was conducted by Prof. R. H. Ruffner, secretary of the North Carolina Jersey Cattle club, and professor of animal husbandry at the State college at Raleigh. Instead of being a loss to the instigators of this sale, a total profit of $350 was realiz ed, and many of the buyers of these Jersey cattle have expressed a desire to have another sale held very soon.” Last week there was a series of dairy meetings held throughout Cald well county, conducted by J. A. Arey and A. C. Kimvey, all of which were largely attended. Caldwell county will be heard from, in a few years in the dairy business.—Gastonia Gazette. RADE WITH your NEIGHBORHOOD STORE = He’s nearer you-y„1Ir frie„d_and can give you service and _ quality As another service to user, of MORNING STAR CLASSIC!! n ADVERTISING. we will ninv aceept advertising from nH„h_ borhood stores of any kind "for this eiumn. This columa should be a boon to the pro prietors of the neighborhood stores as people will read this column to see what is ottered them by their nearby stores. PROPRIETORS—Cali 51, and tTT for the Classified Advertising n" partment and get an explanation" Neighborhood Stores DAVIS & CO.. 705 Castle St_ to-wear, dry (roods, notions, shosi The same goods for less money ' CAROLINA FURNITURE CO.. honieTf modern furniture; bed room suite, s'-oves, ranges; Gold Seal congoleu.'.J rug-e and (Vor coverings. 603 NorP Fourth St. Phone 1902-j. IF IT'S GROCERIES, PHONE THAT’S T1EXCKE.VS Pure lard, 15c; best whole rW washing powder. Re. 6 for 2Se; ton,( paper, 5c, 6 for 25c; lightwood. n; starch, 10c, 2 for 15 c; good Krn;lnj coffee. 20c; macaroni, 10c. ?, f„r Phono us—we have it, or can get it fr,.i you. H. M. Tiencken, Fourth and Cas. tie Sts. Warsaw Quints Beat Rose Hill Two Gaines (Special to the Star) WARSAW, Feb. 2.—The basketba'l quints of the Warsaw high school feated the Rose IIill teams in tv. > games Thursday afternoon at Kn^ Hill. The girls’ score was 26 to .1, Ellen Anderson and Sallie F'aisnn Re; were the stars. In the boys’ g:um th 1 score was 36 to in, and Henry Mass*. I sey starred for Warsaw. This ic tt* I second time the Warsawites have T. - i feated the Rose Hill teams, having \\< \ both games here a week or two asm NO CHICKENS FOR HIM. LONDON, Jan. 31.—Thomas 80. advertised for a wife. Replies fre.-n women and girls of all apes evr : whelmed him. He selected a widow «J 70. They’re married now. Children Are Royally Entertained On United States Steamships Children’s Party on S. S. America. New York by day, in every way, ocean travel is being made more comfortable, more attention is being given to the amuse ment of passengers aboard the big, modern steamers. This is particular ly so aboard the vessels of the United States Lines,‘where entertainment of a decidedly varied nature in both so cial and athletic form is provided, not only for adults, but for children. Until recently, parents contemplat ing a trip abroad oft times hesitated be cause little Willie or Susie either had to be left with relatives, or taken along to be amused while aboard ship 'at the expense of Papa or Mama s pleasure. That is not so nowadays, hbwever, for parents can now sail for Europe with their offspring, knowing that sricial care will be taken of the kiddies on ship board in every way. Consequently on the vessels of the Vnited States Lines, the number of children passengers is steadily increas ing. ; Stewards and stewardesses aboard these liners are specially detailed to look out for the wants of the young sters aad take great pleasure in their work. m ' -The America has a special child ren’s playroom, where games of every description are played, under the di rection of a steward who is an artist in amusing children of every age. Spe cial dances are held there every trip, with the ship's orchestra in attend-! (Mice.. V - • J Naturally with the children being amused in this manner their parents are able to enjoy the voyage to trie fullest. It is not likely, however, hut they get any more pleasure out o. * than the kiddies, who, back hn:n again, have something to talk auo for months to come. The “President Harding” features a children’s dining room and the terest taken by Chief Steward Lynn, in satisfying the palates an = ■ going appetites of his young cha b > is -vast. It is a very ill child >ni . who misses a meal while aboard vessel. . . Lynn always has at least one sPec‘a dinner party every trip and i = a youngster is so fortunate as to " , birthday while at sea, he or s.-~ > guest of honor. For these occasions the dirin? ™om Is specially decorated. Souvei - s specially aecoraicu. , at every plate and a arl ap, pealing dinner is served, w cards bearing the name of hostess and those of the 1 ■ . , guests. These are always treasured by the youngsters. Deserts and pastries are ^ odd molds which make them _ good to be eaten—though they ’‘jnent are and the affair takes a PJ«e_ place in each child’s mind as thing to be always remembered.. It is smalt wonder that Lynn is «' It is small wonaer mm C|a,]S yarded as a cross between Santa ^ tnd the king of entertameis king oi Cilicia—-- - n ihildren after they have :he goodies he provides in J enabling fairyland

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