notice to contributors Telephone calls for the society ed itor should be made between the hours of 12 noon and ‘i i>. m- and 6 p. m. and 7 p. m. Call 51 and ash for social editor. Mrs. Boyden Sparks, and two little daughters, Betty and Dorothy, of New York, arrived Thursday tor a visit to the former’s mother, J^rs, Cuthbert Martin. * * * Prarsa LI-1Vl« k Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock, at the manse of the Grace II. E. church, Miss Rosalie I.ovick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W Eovick. of I*hoe nix. became the bride of Mr. Oscar Pearsall. .Ir.. the ceremony being per formed by the pastor, the Rev. W. A. Stanbury. in the presence of a few friends and relatives. The bride wore a becoming traveling suit of navy blue ami modish spring hat -with accessories to match. Her bouquet was of brides roses, and she was attended by Miss Florence Jones, as maid of honor. Victor Pearsall acted as best man. Following the cere mony, a wedding supper was given at the home of the bridegroom's father. Mr. Oscar Pearsall, at East Wilming ^ The young couple left for a trip to They will make their home (fit East Wilmington. Mr. Pearsall be long traffic manager of the Pearsall (company. Mrs. Oeorgo Rountree and daughteis. Meta Rountree and Mrs. Sidney I'MacMillan, wilt leave today for New ’York to spend several days. Mrs. Rountree and .Miss Rountree sailing ,m February 7th on the Mauratania for : three months tour abroad. STiorrcr for Min* Sunder* S\HTHFIEIX>. Jan. ol.—The hand lf;r,,ne new homo of Congressman and Mi* K. \Y. Con was thrown open to members of the Brirlgo Hub and a few others recentlv when 'Mrs. Pou de i ip lit fully entertained in honor of Miss 5;arah Sanders, whose engagement to ?lr. William Bailey .Bines, of Raleigh. wa« recently announced. The draw ing-room. /living room and dining room were thrown together and spring flowers gave the needed touch to com ■jilcle & perfect setting for the nine tables placed for bidder. Bridge was piaved for some time, the bichest score being made by Mrs. K. E. Wrieht. Mrs. Troy Myatt was presented the bnoby. At the close of tb*' "ante the hostess served delicious refreshments-; consisting °f creamed chicken, sliced tomatoes, saltines and hot tea. \ Just before the guests were ready to take their departure the door bell rang and a messenger boy delivered an ex press package to Miss Sarah Sanders, the honoree. It was found to contain lovely towels, the gifts of those pres ent. After watching Miss Sanders open the package and after admiring the r^ts. the guests departed. Those present from out of town •were*. Mrs. James Pou, Jr.. Mrs. J. It. Bailey, Mrs. J. H. Pou and Mrs. George Ro£r Pou. of Raleigh: Mrs. B. R. Adams and Miss Florence Adams, of Four Oaks: Mrs. Marlon Reams, of Durham, and Miss Linda Hoskins, of Charlotte. »wton-( )t3»* Card# Invitations reading as follows have T-een issued: "Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Xew lon request th» honor of your presence! at the marriage of their daughter.) Gornelia. to Mr. Otis W. Capps, on Thursday evening. February eight, at ve'gbt o'clock, at the f'humh of the Good Shepherd. Protestant Episcopal.” j FT. T. Kinney, of Scranton. renna.. I arr ved in the city Thursday, having been called on account of the critical illness of Mrs. Kinney, who is here on n visit to her mother. 'Mrs. M. H. Quince. Mrs. Kinney is suffering from : an attack of influenza-pneumonia and her condition was reported yesterday as unchanged. Dr. O. C. Beard, who for the past three weeks has been a natient at the' .Tames Walker Memorial hospital, has recovered sufficiently to return to his ' home at Atkinson. ! Oyster Konst for Guild Mrs. .1. Lawrence Sprunt delightfully : entertained the members of Bt. Mary’s guild of St. James* c hurch yesterday ! at a luncheon and oyster roast at j Cazaux. at Masonbaro. The party, i *“ -- Grove's Testeless Chill Tonic Destroys Malarial Germs in the Blood. eoc Iwish Icouldwe^r a low neck dress*' Why spend time'wishing that ernp tion did not show on your back and arms, when Resino! Ointment will doubtless clear it away entirely? Apply freely fceforaj?etlring and cover with a •oft cloth. In the mowing yon will be surprised to note how much of the eoreneas, roughness and angry loofl has disappeared. Retinol Soap for the akin and bid? cannot be excelled. Sold by all druggi&U* which included 41 members, left town at 1 o'clock and ujon arrive! at the sound delicious oysters, johnny bread, pickles, sandwiches and coffee were served. * * * Friends of Charles B. Newcomb will regrret to learn that he is confined to his home, suffering irom an attack of influenzt. Miss Ann Taliaferro and Miss Rosa lie Burbank, of Charlotte, who have been spending- the past several weeks here visiting friends, returned home this morning. * * * Kntre Nous Meets The Entre Nous society met this week with Mrs. .J- O. Brown, at her home at East* Wilmington. After the business session., the hostess served delicious refreshments^, Those attend ing were: Mrs. Ralph Brown. Mrs. Spurgeon Pruitt. Mrs. L. S. Andrews, Mrs. F. H. Coleman and Mrs. Brown. Will la inn- W oodn Wilmingtonians will be interested in the announcement of the marriage of Mrs. Frank L. Williams.. nee Miss Fan Lamb Houghton. daughter of Rev. Thomas Houghton./of Elizabeth City, and Mr. George Woods, of Edenton, which took place Wednesday, January 31st, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Justus Randolph, at Washington. N. C. They will make their home at Green field. Mr. Woods* home, near Edenton. THEATRICAL ••THE FLIRT” TOIJAY There is a new photoplay at the Grand theatre this week that will ap peal to every one. It is a film drama tization of Booth Tarkington's famous story. “The Flirt.” with which thou sands are familiar, as the hook was one of the best sellers of its period. This picture is especially recommended for: Girls like Cora who think that: Tt doesn't hurt to flirt if you don’t flirt to hurt. Fathers like John Madison, who are: Headed for the poorhouae with the family in high gear. Mothers like Mrs. Madison, who would: Rather do the work herself than fight about it. , “The Flirt” was Aimed at Universal City under the direction of Hobart Henley. It in offered bv Car| Laem mle as the year's most appealing blend of laughter and tears, and lives up to all Its advance notices. It boasts a real all-star cast, includ ing Eileen Percy as the Flirting Cora. Helen Jerome Eddy as the elder sis ter. George Nichols as the father. Lydia Knott as the mother. Buddy Messenger, the wonder-bov of the screen, as the pesky kid brother, and Nell Craig. Tom Kennedy. Harold Goodwin. Ll^yd Whitlock. Bert Roach, Edward Hearn. Dorothea Wolgeht and William Welsh in other roles. “HIS BRIDAL NIGHT” s A picture that will keep you smiling from start to ^finish.. with a star that will fascinate you and a storv that will thrill you. f’an be seen on today at the Royal theatre where Alice Brady. In “His Bridal Night," is playing. “HI** Bridal Night” is one of the liveliest little farces the screen has seen in some time. Miss Brady in the dividual role of Vi and Tiny Playfair, twins, reaches the zenith of her screen acting. Never has she done more nat ural or enthusiastic work. She is real, vivid, living. With her snontaneity and irresistible personality, her char acterization of Vi, the »ray. heartless little flirt, is superb And as Tiny, the demure, faithful soul, she is equally as splendid. Edward Earle and James Crane lend Miss Bradv excellent support, and Ken neth Webb, with bis splendid direc tion. has done hie share toward mak ing the picture the success it is. “OMAR THT5 TEXTMAKER” However staid and prosaic a person may appear on the surface, he or she succumbs to the fascination which the Orient holds for the Occidental. Oriental tales have been in vogue through all the centuries, increasing rather than receding, in popularity. “Omar the Tentmaker,” a First Na tional attraction starring Guy Batea Post and produced by Richard Walton Sunshine Laundry Damp Wash Ser vice. Call 172.—Adv. Full paid shares purchased- todav will earn dividends July 1. Carolina Building and Loan Association. I,. W. Moore, Secretary. Assets $980,000. 210 Princess.—Adv. Ah, love, could you and I nilh him conspire; To krump' the sorry scheme of thing;* entire; Would we not shat ter ft to twits and then — remould *♦. nearer to the heart's desire! OMAIt KHAYYAM Ndiina Eternal Flame V f|« t In <1 <*1111141 lit* It II41 ’.imH'IIK'IIM. thrill. i:i«h< r«*4*l» ev«*r to re memlitr. ti n II II ** COMINU TO THE GRAND A'HI XT THUIlHDiAK V ^cerrf* E-.FLIRT ' 4/r*n/eRS*trJei*t£L PtCToGG, Alt. *U. STARSASir \ [ __<1,1 ..»•••« i uiuk i oday. 1 TuUv, its author, which is coming to j the Grand theatre on Monday, la a story of the Persia of old, when that I country was conceded to be the cen I ter of civilization, the home of ro mance. luxury and adventure. The central figure is Omar the Tentmaker, j whose fame has descended to us and ! whose Rubaiyat Is still classed as a I masterpiece of literature and phil osop hy. Around this cap it vat ingr personage Mr. Tullv lias woven a drarra that is irresistible in its appeal to the lovers of tales of the Orient, and Mr. Post gives us a characterization of Omar that has been characterized a histri onic masterpiece. •‘RIP VAX WINKI.F." “Rip Van .Winkle," the newest llod klnson release, which opened last night at the Victoria theatre,, where It will fulfill a two-dav eneagement. is a picture which will certainly delight every typo of theatregoer, for it con tains every single element that makes for success. ,-.v , . There Is comedy, clean, fast-moving, side-splitting, and tense drama'to hold you engrossed. The choice of Players was a singularly fortunate one, for each artist is admirably suited to his or her role. I Thomas Jefferson as "Rip,” gives a masterful performance—one which en titles him to a place beelde Jo seph Dowling—“The. Miracle Man" of Illustrious'memory.—-or Frahk J3a con. of "Lightnln’ ” fame. And his supporting cast.* whi-clt includes Milla Davenport, Pietro Sosiso. Francis Car penter—the child actor—Max Asher and Daisy RobinAon « almost equally gifted. As tile whole tborid knows. "Rin Van Winkle" was written by Washington Irving For many years "Joe” Jeffer son played it upon the. stage and now Thomas Jefferson, his son, under the masterful direction of Ward Lascelle, has given the screen a characterization which will long endure. Oread credit is due Mr. Jefferson for his splendid work. Ward l-asceile, 'who produced and directed the picture, and the Hod kinson organization, who released It. “ARE YOU A MASOXT" “Are You a Mason?", to be presented by the Plckert Stock company at the Academy of Music, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, of next week for the benefit of the Sepa Grotto band, is one f^hite teeth f flfl Pinkfirmeums/ U Fmgnantbnath! ” This is truly a compute dental treatment—'/-*'# cleansers. Their combined action results in ’white teeth, counteraction of destruc tive acids formed by fermenting food bits in un brush able crevices, a Bterdenintr of rums, sweeteninr of the breath, inviforation of the entire mouth. Complete Denial Treatment" ggpitFn.' Liquid Antiseptic-25^ Tooth Paste-25* of the greatest fnrce coni<Mlle« ever written. If you are In the habit of giving' your wife "going' to lodge" f°r an excuae. don’t bring1 her, ius ehe will learn your secrets. "Are You a Mason?" Is full of fun from beginning to end. It Is a howl. Reserve cl seats go on sale at Elvlng ton’s drug store today. ‘‘THE ROSARY’^ PI.EASKN "The Rosary was presented at the Academy of Music by the Plckert Stock*company to a comfortably tilled house, last night, and was Indeed, thor oughly enjoyed. It Is a play that is full of comedy and love and one that will appeal to everybody that likes good. clean shows. "The Rosarv" will be presented at a matinee thi/i after noon at 3:SO and again tonight at 8:30. Seats now on sale at Elvinston’s drug store. K.KOU.OOO INJECTS 1 LONDON. Jan. 31.—The keeper of the natural history museum here says ho ha? In the entomological department soecimens of 3.500,000 insects, includ ing cooties. 60c shares, maturing three and one half j’ears. now open. Carolina Build ing and Loan Association, R. W. Mooro, Secretary.—*Adv. « Prepare for the future tov securing shares in our new series. Now open. Orton B. & L. Association.—Adv. A Raw, Sore Throat Eases Quickly When You Ap ply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won’t blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster.- Just spread it on with your fingers. Tt penetrates to the sore spot with a. gen tle tingle, loosenB the congestion and draws out the sorness and pain. Musterole is a clfan, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief from sore throat, bron chitis. tonsilitls, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or points, sprains, sore muscles, bruls'es. chilblains, frosted feet, colds on the chest. Keep it handy for instant use. 35c and 6f>c, jars and tubes: hospital size. $3.00. Better Than Mustard Plaster. A Mole On Her Ankle... Strrd the Day on “His Bridal Night” s»« Starring Alice Brady Today at 11, 12:30. 2. 3:30, 5, 6:30, 8 and 0:30 ROYAL ACADEMY PICKERT STOCK COMPANY Present tt “THE ROSARY” THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Matinee Saturday BOO Seat* Referred for Matinee MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Rig Benefit Performance for SEPA GROTTO “ARE YOU A MASON?” Ad mins ion t Night .25c, 35c, S5o Matinee .10c. 20c, 35c (Including Wnr Tax) Children, at Matinee, Any Seat, Except 200 Reserved Saturday Performances Begin Night ...8i«0 Matinee .. • ® ^ Reserved Seats at Elvington * Drag Store “Confess !” "Cora, you must tej 1 me the truth! What have you done? T£ll me everything now!" ■ She herself could stand abuse, insult, humiliation, but her loved ones—they must not suffer! Lashed into a frenzy by the; near tragedy caused by her shal low sister. Laura the beaten, was now wielding the whip. A powerful, dramatic scene in this masterpiece of American life. THE FLIRT” AN EIGHT-REEL UNIVERSAL SUPER-PRODUCTION BOOTH. TARK'INGTON’S 6 fe Today at 11, 1, 15:45, 4:30, 0:15,v 8 and 9*40 Matinee* 150c -1- Mght» 35c . '• - ■ . • X •• v ' : SEVERE PAINS AND SO' WEAK Florida Lady Says She Suffered Greatly, But Found That Car* dui Helped Her, and She Got “Stout and Well.” Dady, Fla.—"For a long time I had trouble each month, and suffered a great deal, evidently some womanly weakness," says Mrs. E. E. Pagett, who resides here on Route 1. "I would have veiV severe pains down on each side and across my back, and feel so weak I would have to lie_,down, and then have a bad headache. I knew there was trouble somewhere and with all the doctoring I had done, 1 didn't get relief. Teas and such did not reach my trouble, so I decided to / take Cardui. “1 found as the time came around, the pain was less, but I kept on till 1 took six bottles. T am stout and well . . . and give Cardui all the praise.” Thousands of other women praise Cardui, for beneficial results. Cardui is a mild, harmless, vegeta- ] ble tonic medicine, found valuable In the treatment of many common wo manly ailments. Tf you suffer as many women do. don’t let your troubles run on without doing anything for your self. Take Cardui. Since it has helped so many, Cardui may be of valuable assistance to you in regaining your health. j - c Take - . $CARDUI J The Woman’sTonic S Full paid shares purchased today will earn dividends July 1. Carolina Building- an 1 Loan Association. L. W. Moore. Secretary. Assets $980,000. 210 Princess.—Adv. New series Orton B. Sc L. Association growing daily. Make it swell! Get yoiir shares today!—Adv. A Real Drug Store lElutttgtfln’a dependable drug stork BUY RARE GLADIOLA BULBS NOW! A mixture of gorgeous blooming new kind's; 100 for $3, or 30 for $1; also a ehoice collection of cut flower sorts, 100 for 52, or 40 for *1, postpaid. R. GIBBONS MOUNT HOLLY. N. J. PURE DRUGS In our entirr stock of Drugs you will find only th^ highest grade and purest Drugs possible to secure. GREEN’S DRUG STORE 100 Market St. -Telephone 101 FOR DRUGS Miller’s Pharmacy Opposite Grand Telephone No. 405. Contains Purified Mutton Tallow White and Will Not Stain ATTEND it is WHITE SALE TODAY WHERE SMART STYLES MEET MODERATE PRICES .J r 1 ' — --—' "*» j SATURDAY SPECIALS ! I ROYAL BAKERY I Home-made pound, whole cake . Assorted layer cake, each .-....... I/ady fingers and maca roons. dozen . Jelly arid cinnamon buns, dozen . 60c 60c 20c 20c Telephone 546 Real bread, per loaf Twist bread, per loaf .... Rye bread, per loaf ..., Milk rolls, per dozen .. 10c 12c f 2g 10c We Deliver! NOT A But One of U KID” PICTURE ! the Greatest Heart Interest Comedy-Dramas of the Year! lAfard Lascelle Thomas Jefferson // in RIP VAN WINKLE Today at 3:30 and 8:30 Children .10c Adults... 25c VICTORIA ' ' '*■ March Delineator BROWN’S <$Iarch Patterns | _i March Butterick Patterns and Publications Have Arrived New Spring Goods Arriving in Every department We have just received a shipment of the newest in Neck- f wear; also many new notions, Handbags, Neck- f : laces and many other new things \ A. D. Brown Company New Goods In Every Department / ' " f £

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