* Bank in the State? $100,000.00 Fireproof Building $4,000,000.00 ^DEPOSITS 16,000 DEPOSITORS 5 Original Capital $25,000.00 Present Capital $100,000.00 (Of Which $75,000 Han Been Increased From Earnings) Surplus $600,000 •P) ' ' STEET LINED Vaults Electric Burglar Alarm 1SBB RESOURCES .$122,842.10 . .$260,675.71 .$744,786.27 .$838,147.41 . $1,292,911.25 $1,905,347.53 - $ 2,360,035.90 $3,429,814.74 - $4,302,426,04 4,525,023.44 4,673,558.31 An Original $100 Share of Stock Now Worth Over - $3,000.00 —RTRTHDAf INTEREST QUARTER MARCH F1K&1— CWe invite the 16,000 patrons of this.great bankto to *“ -400 rcent "T m 34 yr ’and avit aWe at all tm.es for investment or emergency. •=• - • ' / . _ . A Record of Constructive Achievement ± *• AVV\^V/x v» - nrruMRPR 2rt 192^ i—-.OUNDED in 1888, the WILMINGTON SAVINGS Ik AND TRUST COMP ANY has stood for a progres i!» give conservative expansion—each step in our development having been made to give greater serv ice to our customers. From a small building at 108 princess street, since purchased by the bank, with de posits of $780,000, we moved to 110 Front street in 1903. Our present fine building was erected in 1911, and within a year-deposits increased from $1,316,682.24 to over $2,000,000*1 Steady growth has made additional window1 space imperative to accommodate our present 16,000 depositors vuth $4,000,000.00 to their credited the addition of a mezzanine floor, which has greatly increased our facilities. . ( ^ ' • 9 CThe WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND TRUST COM PANY is the oldest bank in Wilmington and the oldest and largest savings bank in North Carolina. So suc 1 cessfully has it been managed and so Wongly has it , been supported that hn original share of stock is worth at today’s market value over $3,000, and the fortunate owner now receives each year, free of all taxes, $132 in dividends on his $100 investment." OFFICERS: C. E. TAYLOR . H. WALTERS ... J. W. NORWOOD W. HULL MOORE .President Vice President Vice Preindent .Cashier ' DIRECTORS H. WALTERS Chairman of the Board, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company J. V. GRAINGER President, Murchison National Bank R. H. NORTHROP ' Real Estate H. C. BEAR Capitalist D. O’CONNOR , Retired Real Estate Broker JOHN D. BELLAMY, JR. Attorney.at-Law DANIEL H. PENTON Vice President, Independent Ice Company President, Springer coal'Company DONALD MacRAE , Capitalist LYMAN DELANO Executive Vice President, Atlantic Coast Line ^tallroad Company J. W. NORWOOD President, Norwood National Bank, Green ville, 8. C. Vice President, Wilmington Savings and . Trust Company T. F. DARDEN Assistant Secretary, Atlantic Const Line Railroad Company v C. E. TAYLOR ' President RESOURCES: LOANS ...'• .$3,531,395.61 Short time notes secured I by real estate mortgages, collaterals and indorse ments. \ liberty and other BONDS. 251,488.24 Including $126,000.00 State of North Carolina Bonds. City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Bonds. REAL ESTATE ...... 15,567.15 BANK BUILDING . .. r 50,000.00 INVESTED TRUST FUNDS. 208,757.34 Guardian and Trustee Funds invested accord ing to law. CASH IN VAULT AND DJJE FROM BANKS. \ 616,349.97 $4,673,558.31 TOTAL LIABILITIES: CAPITAL Oiriginally paid in.*25,000 From earinings (300 per cent stock d i v 1 - dend) .V “>.°00 $ 100,000.00 250,000.00 139,141.07 SURPLUS ..• ••• CURRENT PROFITS.. Earned in .the conduct of ■ our . business. In addi- * tion, over *364,000 has been paid in dividends to Stockholders, toget ft e r with a stock distribution of 300 per cent. DEPOSITORS’ INTER- • EST RESERVE - 75,000.00 UNEARNED (D I S - < • COUNT RESERVE.. 50,000.00 CONTINGENT R E - SERVE. 30,000.00 BANK BUILDING DE PRECIATION A C - COUNT . 49,999.99 REAL ESTATE RE SERVE . 14,999.99 TAX RESERVE ........ 6,000.00 DEPOSITS ... • 3,949,578.26 Belonging to over 16,000 satisfied savers, and being greater. in amount than \ individual deposits of any other North Carolina sav ings institution. TOTAL.....$4,673,558.31 TOTAL_:..$4,673,558.31 « Nothing Succeeds Like Success • — ^ Tihist Co. t \ The Wilmington \ 110 PRINCESS STREET