Star Classified Ads Bring Results TRY THEM They are the Little Ads with the Big Story NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE—Call 51 air! Ask for Classifi ed Department—Phone 51—NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE! Star Classified Ads Are Read Daily by More Than 30,000 People BEAD THEM 1 USE THEM! Help Wanted "'fflKfSS.gWt?? fc Waiters Company, Charlotte, «• u •I*' YOU ARE loo tuner wr »«*P •* ,:o-j intelligent employee tha» Y Ti. star’s cA»a»*«e ««»*»•*! nnd -It *« Department. _ _ WANTED—Good lumberman to look • after grading and shipping. Cutting larBely Pine. Want man capable su ■ perfntending planing mill. Dorchester Lumber Company, Badham, S. C. rwANTED—Women to do fancy wPr*i ' at home. Spare hours. Material fur nished Good pay. Stamped envelope * (brings' particulars. Underwood Art (Goods Company, Portsmouth, Ohio. rHTGH SCHOOL and college graduates sr -su-sras.. “■sr less train fare,' paid menthlv ^ from lit 800 to $2,400 guaranteed salary Piedmont Business College, Lynch burg, Wa. - ■ • _ BMPtOYMENT SERVICE , bureau 306 -Gar roll Building Handles all Classes of ‘‘Reliable Help,” Service that Satisfies” both employer and employe. We can place at once several insurance salesmen and salesladies. If you have the ability to sell, you will be given all the instruction necessary. This work of £ers a great future to the right persons. WANTED. WOMEN—Reliable, estab lished ilrm wants women to do fancy .work at llonte. Materials furnished. Stamped envelope brings particulars, j Florence Art Goods Co., Cambridge, -Ohio. . _ •WANTE±b-Youttg men learn the barber tr,ade. Best college In the | South. Jobs awaiting our graduates. Chatdotte Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. ^TYPISTS—Earn $25-100 weekly, spare time, copying authors' manuscripts. ■Write R. J- Carnes, authors,’ agent, (Tallapoosa, Ga. for particulars.__. COLORED MEN wanted to qualify for sleeping car and train porters. Ex perience unnecessary. Transportation furnished. Write T. McGaffrey, Supt., St. Louis. i '% ken WANTED for detective work. Ex * perience unnecessary. Write J. Qa jior, former government detective, St. Louis. ___, BE A DETECTIVE—$50-$100 weekly, travel over world; experience unnec essary. American Detective Agency, 631 Lucas, St. Louis. HELP • WANTED—I must have some help in securing a position as cook, j as I have just received notice that I will not-be needed after the Rose Cafe - iteria opens on Saturday. March 10. My it,former mistress is going to take the folks there to eat because the food will be better than what I can cook. "Mammy" “used to be a cook.” U. S. Government positions. $1140-$2300 - year. 'Men-women 13 up. Steady work. Paid vacation. Common educa tion sufficient. Influence unnecessam' List positions obtainable frefi. Write I immediately, Franklin Institute, Dept, j 303 W, Rochester, N. Y. , WANTED—News boys t; sell 8-page comic Hearst’s American. See Gordon Bros., 17 Princess St.; phone 745. 10-21-tfc m-M WANTED—Logging m%n with teams to , i0g pine timber by contract. Three ,year Job; also log cutters. White & Hamilton Lumber Co., Egypt, Ga. WANTED—Women to sew at home. Steady work for right parties; stamp for particulars. Address L. P. Trout, 417 piedmont. Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. I : GET GOVERNMENT Railway Mail, Postofflce, Clerical positions. Paying 31,400-$2,300. Men, women, experience . unnecessary. ^ Full particulars free. Write G. W. Robbins. Civil Service Ex pert, 100 Pope bldg.. Washington. D. C. WANTED.—Position by thoroughly ex perienced bookkeeper and clerk, where hours are from 10 a. m, to 5‘p. m.; commensurate with work done. Can uie typewriter. Experienced, care Star. WvANTED.—A good smart boy, nov afraid of work. ^Whitten? Motor Co.,, 208 Market street. ' , CLERKS, for Post’alTilai 1 Service and governmental departments, S120-S133 monthly. Experience Unnecessary. For free list positions now open, write M. Davis (former Civil Service examiner), 1307 Fleming Bldg., Washington, D. C. HELP WANTEDt—We require the ser vice^ pf a man or woman to do some special'advertising work in your lo cality. - Al* that is required is willing ness to • follow our instructions; no previous experience necessary. We can use yoUr spare, time if you are'.now employed- Write today and we will send ■ fuU particulars. Pelvo Medicine Co. (Agency Dept.), Memphis, Tenn. Agents & Salesmen Wanted (’2) WANTED—Salesman to sell cigars, $160 per month and‘expenses, paid weekly) Send stamp and particulars. Standard Cigar Co., High Point, N. C. MEN AND WOMEN—Make a dollar hour selling Aunt Mary’s Flavoring. Four ounce'bottle retails 35c. Work ers free samples. Rex Chemical Co., Salem, Va. ; < ' SALESMEN; new auto tube, seals its own punctures, fully guaranteed. Car owners buy on sight, when demonstra tion is shown. Harrison Mfg.-Co., Ham. mon,d.'Ind. SALESMAN—I want man willing to - work; neat appearance and good .habits The Jiouse is'the largest of its kind. A steady position and chance for managerial position to the man Who qualifies and can furnish good references. Address Box 111. ' ' ’/V . . Agents & Salesmen Wanted (2) rie and expenses to Introduce our guaranteed poultry and stock powders. Bigler Company,, X 133, Springfield, Illinois. *25.00 DAILY. Free raincoat, commis sions in advance. Take orders for cur Union made 33.75 raincoats. East ern Raincoat Co.,' manufacturers, 913 921 Roosevelt RFroad, Chicago. ESTABLISH YOUR own business. Work in spare time as our exclusive agent; lOOfamous home products, all orders referred to you. Dr. H. B. Blair Lab oratories, Lynchburg, Va._ , WE PAY $36.00 salary, 75c hour spare time or 35 per cent commission sell ing Guaranteed hosiery. Free samples to workers. Experience unnecessary. Ferfectwear Co. Dept. H-197, Darby, Pa. CIGAR SALESMAN—$125 per month and expenses. Experience unneces sary- send addressed stamped envelope for information. Royal Cigar Co., High Point, N! C. FRUIT TREE SALESMEN—Profitable, pleasant,1 steady ^work. Good side line for farmers, teachers and others. Permanent job for good workers. Write for terms. Concord Nurseries. Dep{. 147, Concord, Ga. WIDE-AWAKE MAN to take charge of our local trade; $6 to .$8 daily steady, no experience required; pay starts at once. Write today. American Products Co., 8258 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. ANTED—Agents selling direct to consumer. Fine line guaranteed 10ft. er cent leather army and navy shoes andy line new shoes, also army shirts, lankets, breeches and the best value i raincoats for the money. Hostlers isily earn $100 weekly. Write for full articulars. Southern Trading Co., partanburg, S. C. _ - SECURITY SALESMAN WANTED—A hig-h class salesman to ulace the stock of the Atlanta Financial Institu tion. Can furnish you nvith sufficient direct inquiries to keep you busy. Prop osition selling very fast. An unusual opportunity - for making big money. Write or wire immediately for partic ulars, 1019 Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. BIBLES AND MAPS always sell. Best lines, made. Amazing story Henry Ford. All good books. Signs, pictures, etc. Liberal terms. Huse Sales <-o„ Atlanta, Ga. HOUSE DRESSES, *12 dozen. Sells for $2 each. Write for free catalog, or send ?1 for sample. Economy Sales Co., Dept. 20, Boston. Mass._ SALES WOMEN—House to house work through local dealer. Genteel and permanent employment, $24 a week an vj Classified Ads Light-face type, 10c per line. > Black-face type, 15c per line.. (6 words to line) Reader Rates 8 Light-face type, 20c per line. , Black-face type, 30c per line. (6 words to 'line) WILMINGTON NEWS Classified Ads Light-face type, 6c per line. Black-face type, 9c per line. ( 6 words to line) Reader Rates Light-fade type, 12o .per line. > Black-face type, 18 per line. (6 words to line) Blank spaced and para graphed ads, 9c per line. Combination Rate (Both Paper* Combined Daily) Classified Ads Light-face type, 16c per line. Black-face type, 20c per) line. * ,(6 words to line) Reader Rates Light-face type, 30c per line. Black-face type, 45c per line. (6 words to line) Blank spaced and para graphed ads, 20c per line. Discounts (Applying to All of the Above Rates) Three or more consecutive insertions, 10 per cent. Seven or more consecutive insertions. 16 per cent. Thirty or more consecutive insertions. 26c per cent, i .- - - . .—r ■ ■ ■ ■ *--r ' For Sale, Miscellaneous ( 6) i_ _i WHITE Colonial mantels with ivory tiles; oak mantels and mahogany mantels; fireplace tiles; bath room white tiles; brass andirons and tend ers. J. F. McVey, 224 S. Front St. FOR SALE—Three Saxaphones, E flat alto E flat baritone and <' melody. Terms to responsible parties. All in struments standard make and now. Box 11 or phone 1350-W. - ■ ■-* FOR SALE—One wardrobe, one steel spring; cot, two mattresses, one large upholstered chair, one large floor rug, one small table, one desk.. Mast be sold at once. Reason'for selling party leav ing city. Call at 415 South 4th street.' city. . .. ■■■■■ v v RED BLISS, Irish Cobier seed potatoes. , Onion sets, J.0,000 Wakefield cabbage plants, red and black Valentine, Boun tiful, s.tringless Green Pod, Kentucky Wonder seed beans. Adam’s Early Trucker’s . Favorite "seed corn. r Bulk sweet peas, nasturtium. ' flower seed. •W p,' Roudabush, 23 So.- Front. -X FOR SALE—Established drug business. Will sell at sacrifice on account ill health. , Smith’s Drug Store. 1020-Mar ket,street. 5® iS'i; ’’ ■' ' ’ „ ... For Sale, Miscellaneous (6) WANTED—To sell 25 hives ■ of bees •part, patented hives. R. C. JJixon, Wallace, N. C. ' 'X FOR SALE—Gas stove in ^grood condi tion, cheap. Rhone 693*J. ' FOR SALE—One Royal typewriter in perfect order. Price ?4Q cash. L. B. G., care Star. f>1 -i--■' 1 --- FOR SALE—Set Scott’s Waverly novels —12 books, 60c per book. T. M. Young, Mocksville, N. C. SCUPPERNONG VINE PLANTS for sale; bis healthy strong rooted vines; 25c apiece, $2.50 a dozen. J. W- Wind ers, Castle 1 RUBBER STAMPS manufactured oil short notice; printing, ruling, bind ing; mail orders given prompt atten tion. Carolina Printing & Stamp Co., 8 Grace St., Wilmington, N, C. , MAPLE ROCKERS, $2.98 up;Wild ma ple porch chairs, just received. The ideal .chair for the porch this summer. Buy now before the price . increases and the supply is gone. People’s- Fur niture Co., 213 N. Front and 24 South Front street. , 1 • „ ' A , . w ■ M * v For Sale—Miscellaneous (6) SALE—ARMY SHOES—SAXE We have just bought a tremendous stock ot Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct. Price $2.75. These shoes are 100 per cent solid lea ther with heavy double soles sewed and nailed. The uppers are of heavy tail chrome leather with bellows ton gue, thereby making them waterproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we advise you to order at once to in sure your order being filled. The sizes are: 6 to 11 all widths; Pay Postman on receipt of goods or -send money order. Money refunded is shoes are not satisfactory. The U. S. Stores Co., 1441 Broadway, Ijlew York City. FOR SALE—One Ice box, 8 by 10; one Toledo scale, almost new; phohe 2354 if interested. ' < ■ - FOR SALE—Vulcan gas stove, 4 burn ers and oven; burners in excellent shajJe; price $3.60. 1410 Pock St. FOR SALE—175 Buckeye incubator; I cost $52 in April of 1922. Sell low price for $25; hatched 86 chicks from 102 eggs. 104 Delgado, Wilmington. PORCH CHAIRS—They are here; tfie prices $2.98 up; buy now and save money; on display at > both stores, Peoples Furniture Co., 213 N. Front and 24 S. Front St. FOR SALE—One invalid rolling chair at a bargain price. Apply*at Peoples Furniture Co., 24 South Front street. Phone 881. FOR SALE—4-biirner gas range, prac tically new; half price; phone 1852-W or call at 129 South Eighth St. WOOD! WOOD!—For sale; pine wood, bone dry, and oak wood, delivered anywhere in the city. Phone 942-W. POINTERS—One year and a half old_; work fine; owner leaving city; $25. takes the pair. Phone 2243. PEOPLE who want to aelf^ something advertise In this classification. Peo ple who want to buy tend it. ANOTHER shipment of Pear Peach and Pecan tjees; plant now. Will Rehder, Florist. , ' SAVE 20 PER CENT to 75 per cent cn Auto Parte. Beamings and gears of all kinds, axle and propellor shafts, valves, piston pins, Universal joints, carbure ! tors. New and used parts for all cars and trucks. Send old parts for dupli cation. Big bargains in new and used trucks from 1 to 5 tone. Whitton Auto Wrecking Co.. Columbia, S. C. MACHINE SHOP REPAIRS—Lathe, drill pipe machine work, broken'au tomobile fly wheels repaired better than new. Costs less. Cylinders re bored and reground, new pistons and rings fitted. Scored fcylinders repaired without boring or grinding. Patented process. Automobile and gas engine repairs of all kinds. Experienced me chanics. E. H. Schulken, 112 South Second street. Phone 767-W. FOR SALE—Cheap, No. 10 Royal type writer, in good condition, just pre viously overhauled. P. O. Box 600, Wilmington. | WOOD FOR SALE—47.00 cord, 4 feet or stove length; phone 1797-W; one half cord least delivered. Automobiles * (7) FOR SALE—5-Passenger Buiclc in good condition; looks like new. Phone 1658-W. A REAL BARGAIN - Hudson Super-Stx In good condition wttk Great and body" In the beat ot condi tion, Positively ohe ot the beat automobile bargain*, ottered In the past year. With the first 5404MM) ' taking this “plum/’ Get In i touch with owner jtmmedi ' ately, at Star Office after 6 p. m. o’clock. Ask for' “Happy” Corbett. HAVE' YOUR MOTOR SENT TO US WE WILL MAKE IT GOOD AS NEW . Every cylinder1 is bound to wear out or round in time. Often it is badly scored,, and in either case you put m new pistons and rings every day, but it won’t do any good, for round rings, regardless of their design, positively cannot be" made to fit-an oval hole: Gas will leak by the pistons, there will pe a continual pumping ’ of oil, fouling of the spark plugs, causing the engine tp skip, splutter, and spit. It won’t pick up in-traffic, knocks, labors on the hills, Smokes and consumes quantities of gas or oil. THERE IS BUT ONE REMEDY ■ Your cylinders must “be made per fectly round again. That’s our busi ness. We finish them as they were originally, In fact ehey are better than new for they are seasoned and will stay pht. We ’use the same machine for doing this work a^ the Pierce-At> row, Locomobile, Packard, and othet .manufacturers of equal standing use. Come over to our shop and watch us do it or get us on the telephone and let Us tell'/you .about it. ' , BROADF0OT IRONWORKS. Used Car*. For Sale. We have a few n»*i car* to sell at attractive price*—term* if desired. See them now) we are1 aot going to keep them. All cam Ur good condition. Vail on tu 'for demonstration, k Ton doh’t like them, don’t bay. McMillan and Mar»h , barn, 112 No. Second St., phone 52. SECOND-HAND parts for all cars; Sat isfaction . guaranteed or money re funded." W. D. MacMillan, Jr., Fifth and Wright Sts. Phone 213. DODGE - TOURING, Oakland touring, Buick six, 5-pass, touring; your pick for $258. “Auburn Beauty Six.’’ T. D. Finer, 14-16 Market street, Phone 2168. I WILL SELL my Stearns-Knight five passenger touring car at a low price or trade for a smaller car of equal value. Phone 1544-J. - WILL EXCHANGE Oakland C-34 tour ing body for roadster body. Would pay difference for better bodv. Address “Oakland/' care Star^ Automobiles (7) HUDSON SUPER-SIX seven passenger, ■ touring car, good tires and in good mechanical condition. Plenty c f pep and dependable. Will sell Cheap. "Happy” Corbett at Star office s fter 6 p. m. 3-4 TON STEWART Truck, l^i-4 ton See Reo Speed wagon; 1 ton R« public truck. See T. D. Piner, 14 and 16 Market street. Phone 2168. price. All at the right Poultry, Eggs ^nd Livestock (8) BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOB HATCHING FROM SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND BEDS OF RUALITYi SEEING IS BELIEVING AND THOSE WHO CAN, ABE INVITED TO COME AND LOOK MY BIRDS OVER. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN ESPECIAL ATTEN TION. G. A. BISHOP. PHONE 824-3. WINTER PARK EGGS—Buff Orpington Chickens, Indian Runner Ducks $1.25 for fifteen, ?6.00 per hundred. Delivered. E. L. Green, Clarkton, N. C. FOR SALE—Buckeye incubator, capac ity 110 eggs, in perfect, condition. Phone 1860-W. _ ^ BARRED ROCKS. “Holterman’s Aris tocrats,” first pen- cock three times a blue ribbon winner, twice at state fair. His cockerels won first and 2nd at Wil mington, 1st at county fair, 2nd . at Mebane, 4th at Raleigh. Now mated with 10 selected* hens. Sgg3. $3-00 per 16. Second pen headed by a Thompson Ringlet from prize wining stock. Eggs 62.50 per 15. 3 dark cockerels each; 1 dark cockerel J3.00. Jan. hatch ed R. I. Ried pullets, '75c, Jessie G. Thompson. Chadbourn. N. C. FOR SALE—Pure bred Kinglett Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels at *5 each, pairs $9. trios for *12.50; all delivered. Poole Farm, Smithfield, N. C. HERE to a cl unification where people can dispose of their poultry, eggs and livestock. There are 30,000 readers ol The Star’s classified section dally; 50 pntcnt mine on Sundays. POR SALE—Purebred S. C. Buff Orp Ingtpncockerels from Madison Square Garden prize winners, at *5.00 each; pair *9; trios for *12.50; all de livered. Poole Farm. Smithfield. N. C. EGGS FOR HATCHING—PURE BRED SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES. PRODUCE EXTRAORDINARILY LARGE CHICKENS. EXCELLENT LAYERS AND GOOD SETTERS, $2.50 FOR SETTING OF, 15 EGGS. GUAR ANTEED TO HATCH. APPLY 200 NORTH THIRTEENTH ST. MORN INGS, OR PHONE 1393-J. J ,' . ■ THOMPSON’S strain Kinglet Barred Plymouth Rock eggs at *2.00 for 16; 50 for *6.00; 100 for *10.00, post paid, Poole Farm, Smithfield, N. CX COOK’S STRAIN S. C. Buff Orpington eggs, *2.00 for 15; 50 for *6.00; 100 for *10.00, post paid. Poole Farm, Smithfield. N. C. EGGS FOR SALE—Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns,, *i.00 per set ting. M. A. Saunders, Burgaw. N. C. FOR SALE—Full stock Rhode Island Red eggs, for setting. Mrs. T. C. Morris, phone 469-2. , —-,---!-1-S QUALITY BABY CHICKS, eggs, twenty varieties. Guaranteed quiek live de livery. Lowest prices. Cyphers Incu bators, Brooders. Catalogs free. South ern Hatchery. North S. C. BAfiY CHICKS: Hillvlew-Ferris strains White Leghorns. Best obtainable. Bred for high egg production and standard quality, r Prices low consider ing high quality^ Special price for de livery during March *16.00 per hundred to nearby ^counties. Agents for Buck eye Incubators and Brooders. All sizes Famous Blue Flame Brooders in stock at factory prices. Hbward Farm, Dunn, N. C. ~ Seeds and Plants (9) RAKE, NEW GLADIOLUS bulbs, a mixture of goregous blooming new rare kinds. 100 for 33.00 or 30 for 31.00 and a. great surprise mixture 100 for .32.00 or 40.for 31.00 postpaid. R. J. Gibbins, Mt. Holly, N.: J. LAST CALL FOR Giadiola Bulbs. Sur prise. mixture of all rare novelties. Large bulbs 100 for 33, or 30 for 31;, second ^ size 100 for 32, or 40 for 31; | lahlia bulbs, all colors, 12 for $1. Post! paid. R. P. Gibbins, Mt. Holly, N. J. Lost (10) LOST AND FOUND articles are easily and quickly rttorae^ to the owner through this section. Everyone reads this classification, which means 90,000 people who are telly looking for your lost article. LOST on Chestnut Street between See on# an* Third or on Third street be tween'Chestnut and Princess a Shrine pin. Finder-please'le&v® . at Star of fice. ~ "■ ■ ; ;■ .. * LOST—Dark brown fur neckpiece. Finder return to Orton hotei and re solve reward. .' ' ... ' LOST—One track jack between ihis city and Acme. Finder please phone L89.0 or write A. T. Toler, 1002 N. Fifth 3t.j and receive reward. ■ > . . _. i POUND—Young pointer ^ dog, female; owner may get same by identifying md paying me for my trouble and this id. Phone 1609-W. • ' V——r—b——■ 4 < ». For Rent* Rooms & Houses (11) POR RENT—Nicely furnished room, near bath; hot' water; in private Pome; desirable locatibn, 2 blocks from postofflce; phone 773. i ---»---— / ..—:_. POR EDNT—Large, nicely furnished bed room, adjoining’ bath; hot and sold water; suitable for one or two jentlemen; use of telephone; located in iesirable neighborhood with private lamily; board available nearby. Apply !06 Orange. - . POR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, , 412, Pripcess St. Phone 529-J. ; , '— -- 1■ I POR RENT,—110 Orange' street Suita ble for boarding house. See M. C Darby Co. ' ’ For Rent, Rooms & Houses (ij FURNISHED bed 'room acros a C* from bath; hot water, private ily, use of phone. Gentlemen only !| Red Cross St. Phone 1957. ’ -® FOR RENT.—Two nice largn^H ing rooms, nicely- furnished trJr .^l housekeeping, hot and cold water, e l 307 South 2nd or Phone 1157.' 11 FOR RENT—Th,ree 0r four unfurnisj ed rooms for light housekeeping, el Ann street. , DESIRABLE upstairs apartment oil rooms and private bath; also iaJ back porch. Rent reasonable. el Dock street, phone 1169. WE PAT $200 monthly salary, turnj< FOR RENT—-Nicely furnished frtr| bed room to two business ladies, Ann' St. FOB RENT—Bed room, winter and summer, suitable for 0jj Or two gentlemen; convenient to buifi ness section. Phone 18T6-W. FOR RENT—One large bed ro0il| southern exposure; steam heat; pji vate bath; fbur blocks from postofsj.' Phone 1263-J. FOR . RENT—Two connecting room! furnished for liirht housekeeping " couple without children, 314 Red FOR RENT—Four unfurnished ruuij also garage, to couple without chil dren, 1206 South Fourth. Phone ss3-il two large connecting rooms uniuj nished for light housekeeping lights and gas; rent reasonable, tjj ply 806 Grace street. GARAGE FOR RENT at 1922 ChestrJ street. Rhone 1860-W. FOR RENT*—Two furnished rooms fl light housekeeping, joining ija:f with gas range and sink in kitchen, ■, party without children, 422 South Fill street. FOR RENT — Completely ■ furnish cottage five rooms and bath, modt conveniences, large lot with garag ?30 per month. Apply 616 South Fro Phone 975-W. FOR RENT CHEAP—Large front room, hot and cold water, close : Phone 852-J.' FOR RENT—Store No. 18 North h street. For Rent home* 10 rooms X 114 south 2nd. See M. C. Darby Co. FOR RENT—Cottage 126 Lpmina ai completely furnished. See Jl. Darby Co. « FOR RENT—"The Pines”,- and 4 acre! • of land. For Rent house at Eaf Wilmington, with, garden space. scf M. C. Darby Co. ' stairs, street. Phone 11-99-W' 313 N. -S FOR RENT—916 Market St., unfur, ntshed lower apartment, all mtxier; conveniences. ‘Newly papered. Ap ply after 1 p. m. FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooitiS . down stairs. ■ Apply 410 North Four"! prf call 2165. , ■-> R RENT—Cottage No. 110 Wrights! ille Beach, for rent. This cottas! is, in good repair. Supplied with sal electric lights, water; in fact, wif tyasry convenience that a beaen oil tage should have. Situated within I block- of- station,, one Oceanic Hotel, tl McL. Green, No. 10 Odd Fellows' Bid! Phone 2184. Wanted, Rooms & Rouses (121 THE OUICKEST, cheapest and eusicij way to get a room of house is l placing your ad. here; 30,000 readtn dally; 48,000 Sundays, Bring, mail « phone your ad. to Sli Mk for Classified department. . WANTED—By young married coup!-. 1 room and, kitchenette; state price ij first communication, X. B. Y.. carf Star. ~ \ .WANTED—Two refined business laj dies want nicely furnished room wtc private family, close in. Address "Bu; iness,” care Star. WANTED—To rent a house with got yard in good neighborhood at a rea sonable price. Answer "Wanted," car Star, . Business Places 13* A FOR SENT—Offices Garrell Buildins. at |12.50 monthly and up. Reasons ble alterations to fit your requirement! at your disposal. Entire building reno vated.. First class service through^ Apply on premises. FOR RENT—Photo gallery. No. H'l Market St.; rent reasonable; posses! sion giv'en at once. Eduard AhrewjS care Ahrens Bros. . l2-i9-tf| .CAN ^ACCOMMODATE ;pne gentleman tlT rodm and board. wit! Real Estate 613 Chestnu: (14) ■ REAL ESTATE. If you want to buy, sell, or rein, us. We feel sure''we can 'please y we are in the business for business H. McL. GREEN & U> Real and Sales Ay • 10 Odd Fellows Bulldipg. Phone 2184. - ■-- ‘-1_ - ■■ ■ : ‘ 1203 Grace St. can be bought a* a duced price upon small cas.i ivy '>'■ iVyell built house,-six rooms. Jan’1' James, Inc., Southern Bldg., phone id FIVE ROOM buhsalow, Highwood lot 70 x 250, for sale. Small ea.ii> l’a!' iment, balance less -than i>30.0 Prl month. James & James, Southern BUS Phone. 163. ' FOR SADE*-&tore and dwelling ply 920 No. 7th. SOME OF THE REST Timber Land j’; the state for sale. Tracts varv size from one million to ten mill‘JI feet. W.: A. ,McGlrt.,Rooms 2 ami •'! -'ia' sonic Temple Bldg. , ‘ ^ WE HAVE some.of the finest hum**;* Wilmington listed for sale; price f»; ribs from $6,000.00 to $20,000. All on easy, terms. W. A. McGirt, H00* <2 and 3, Masonic Temple.