Star Classified Ads Bring Results TRY THEM They are the Little Ads with the J^ig Story NOW TAKEN BT,TELEPHONE—Call 51 and Ask for Classified Department—Phone 61—NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE! Star Classified Ads Are Read Daily by More Than 30,000 People READ THEM! USE TH3M1 Real Estate (14) jit Delgado, oppoalts school, a nine room house and half acre of ground for {2300.00. Five hundred cash, bal ance like rent. W. A. McGIrt, Rooms' 2 and 3, Masonio Temple Bldg-. FOR SALE—-New bungalow with all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, located on 17th street, between Ann and Nun. Price very reasonable and easy tfrms. See Geo. B. Apple white, 204 Princess Street.' ■-i-r—---t FOR -SALE—SIx iroom cottage Iiy per feet condition, Orange street ''between Seventh and Eighth; garage on lot. H.' F. Wilder, agent. LARGE LOT. 70 by 210; and five room bungalow; all city conveniences and right at car line station; owner, forced to sell; price right. Address P. O. Boa 1091. • FOR SALE—Home in Audubon, . five room cottage, lot 70 by 280, less than i three thousand dollars. H. F. Wilder, Agent. _—v v _ . FOR SALE—Thoroughly modern new cottage, 707 South Fifth' ave., seven rooms, large lot. H. F. Wilder! agent. FOR SALE—Excellent new bungalow in Carolina Place,, one block from Market street. H. F. Wilder, agent. FOR SALE—Eight room' house on Dock street near Eighth, two baths, ar ranged for two families, large lot, ga rage. H. F. Wilder, agent. TEN PER CENT investment, net, for sale, good renting location, same ten ant past four years, small cash pay ment. H. F. Wilder, agent. FOR SALE—‘At a bargain, due to ne cessity, 5 room bungalow and large lot at Garden City, at -less than cost. Address P. O. Box 1091. WHISKEY CREEK. We have for-sale forty acres of land facing the hard road and Whiskey Creek, with six room house. Prirt $1500.00! ' Terms can be arranged. Geo. B. Applewhite, 204 Princees Street. FOR SALE OR RENT—Ten acre farm * on Castle Hayne Road, located at 8 miles part, this place being offered at a bargain and good terms. Gep. B. Applewhite, 204 Princess street. SEE OUR LIST before rentingj. We have several places for rent that were listed this' week. Geo. B. Applewhite, 204 Princess Street. - CASTLE HAYNE HIGHWAY—We are .; offering 100 acres of valuable unim proved land for sale. Price is less than the commercial value. -For price and terms, eee Geo. 'B.; Applewhite, 204 Princess Street. Farms; (15) FOR SALE—38b acre farm; 80' acres river bottom; 8 room house; stable; silo; barn; hen houses; family orchard; 88,00(1. Also good water power' mill, $4,000. R. R. Case, New Canton, Va. WANT TO HEAR. from owner having farm for sale; give particular's and lowest price. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls,. Wisconsin. . ' THIRTT-FOUR ACRES on Improved road. For quick Sale only $3,300. Pleasant home and porductive •’ farm amidst healthfuL surroundings, good neighbors, eager markets; near live railroad town; sohools, stores, chtfrches, etc.; 24 acres loam tillage, 10-cow pas ture, valuable ^woodland; 400 ' apple trees, 40 peach trees, ‘ pears, plums, (berries; attractive seven-room house, good barn, tenant house, poultry houses. Tos settle affairs only $3,300, part cash.' R. E.. Thompson, Biaden boro, N. C. FOR SALE—10 acre farm, with five room arid six room dwelling; out buildings; 75 chickens; mule,, wagon and harness; farm Implements; fruit trees and grapevines. We have good school with four teachers; 2 churches. 4 'stores and barber shop. Will sell all or a part. Address A. S. Kirby or phone 7519-J. PINE AND OAK cut to order; $2.00 and $2.60, delivered anywhere in the city. Phone 2177. Quick service. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER — Notary public, representative Literary Di gest, carbons and ribbons. Miss Me Laurin, Hotel Wilmington. your Business advertised »«» gets you more readers than you can get any other way. It puts your name, business and location before the publie , and. will give yon results; 1-5-lt dh -^— -—-* Hospital Circle Meeting. There will be a really important meeting of the Hospital circle'of the Kings Daughters and Sons at the home f Mrs. William Lattimer, 126 South Third street, Thursday morning-at 11 (•’clock, an dmembers are urged to at No remedy • . can cure all all* ments of the hu» ( man body, but V ^ ' an Immense i- •' number of peo- . pie suffer from \ ; ' aches, pains and dis ease symptoms when their real trouble is lack of iron -t in tiie blood. It is the iron in your blood that enables you to get the nourishment out of your food. Without ** iron your food merely passes through you with* . out doing you any good; yon s-. don’t get the strength out . of it. There is one univers ally known tonic that has helped thousands because ,/ it contains iron like the iron in fresh vegetables and like the iron in your blood, f. WUXATEDIRON is an eminent physician's i \ • best blood prescription, JV . standardized. It is recom mended for all anaemic and run-down conditions. It has helped thousands of others. It should help ' you. Ask for it at any , drugstore. H. K. Bellamy « a on. H. U Fentress. !ardn Pharmacee And %*>. Sasser.—r* *,JV.' • ■■ '.i-.ysi : ' Special Notices (16) WE BUT AND SELL all kind* of sec ond^ hand furniture. Highest cash prices paid. Np. 7 South Second street. 1—:---H PLEATING! PLEATING I PLEATING 1 . Tou can now get all kinds of pleat ing pnd alterations, if necessary, done at 419 North Fifth street, over Payne's Drug Store. ' SPECIAL—Men’s half soles, >1.26; la dies*,. $1.00; children’s, 75b. Work called for and delivered. Star Shoe Re pair, 28 South Second. HAVE TOUR' hemstitching and picot ing done at Putch’s department store, 10c per yard. 'In the above pen-jpicture by Artist gatterfield, you see a fur-clad travel er jn the northern , Yukon. He bps fanned hie dogs and is motionless on hisPsledg\ filled with an infinite awe asVe watches the auroa borealis. The «ght formation in the picture is known the “Corona." Jn a twinkling it 2S,i chan^ to "the dancer*" "the eearcwfghtf” * "the sheet” or “the rip PlThe °matn1 ori 'the sledge wonder* What makee the northern lights^ . No ■nientiet Is' certain. Some thin t it is electrical phenomena, others believe t is due to reflectionof sunlight on ' polar ice., : The scientist can not even fully de fine color, light or electricity, though they understand how these curious things operate and how, they are con veyed to our minds. Itfor can- the Scientists tell us the inner secret of the snow that surrounds the northern traveler. -They say that snow is water crystallized at a certain low temperature., What is water? Oxygen and hyrdogen, answer the Scientists. They are' silent when' you ask-, “What are hydrogen and oxygen?” . ■Sian is an explorer, seeking final truth. ' His knowledge gets just so far, then runs jnto an impenetrable wall. We observe the processes by which millions of things happen, but can not see behind the veil. ' * Education is the process of' in creasing our conception of our stupen dous ignorance—of - teaching us the infinite extent. of what we do know and neVer can, this side of the grave. Legal Notices (17) UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S SALE Eastern District of North Carolina. By virture of an order of sale issued out of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Car olina, on the 27th day of February, 1923, notice is hereby fflveg/that I will sell by piiblio auction, for cash, on Thursday, the 8th day of March, 1923, at 12 o’clock M., at the Custom House In Wilmington, North Carolina, the steamer "Menhaden." A more definite description may be obtained by refer ring to the libel filed in the. United States District Court at Wilmington.' North Carolina, on the 27 th' day of February, 1923, Steamer “Menhaden.” Her engines, boilers, machinery, boats, tackle, apparel, appurtenances,' 'and furniture, as she, now lies. ' R. W. WARDt United States Marshal. By W. W.'UTLEY. Chief Deputy United States Marshal. LegaLNotices (17) 25c SHARES OPEN MARCH 3, matur ing 3100.00 each in a little over six years; 60c shares open April 7, matur ing 3100.00 each in three .and a half years. Practice eoonomy for a while. Get the habit of having a little weekly or "monthly through the Building and Loan. It is hard to start, but easy to keep up. Make an effort to start in one of the above series now open at W. P, ' Fletcher’s Real Estate office, 108 Chestnut street. . Home/ Building and Loan Association. W. P. Fletcher, secJ retary and treasurer; D. D. Boylan, President; Herbert McClammy, Attor ney; J. H. Niggel, vice-president. ’ ~ - 3 J TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office or the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C., March 1, 1928.—No tice is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against “The Com: nffercial National Bank of Wilmington,” North Carolina, that the same must be presented -to C. I<. Williams, Receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they nay be disallowed. D. R. Crlsslnger, Comptroller of the Currency. DISSOLUTION NOTICE The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between the undersigned under the firm name and style of Brown & Little ton has been this day dissolved by mu tual consent. ■ All debts'due said, co-partnership are' payable to J. F. Littleton, and all debts dtys by the same will be paid by the said J. F. Littleton. This February 10, 1923. A. A. BROWN, 3. T. LITTLETON. USE STAR WANT ADS ———■— -—f— Legal Notices 417) MONITION' In tie United States District Court, For the E. District of N. C. Brawdfoot Iron Works vs. Norwegian Steamship, Kalfarli,' etc., Jn Admi ral! ty. 0 •: - In obedience to a Warrant of Seiz ure to me directed, in the above en titled cause, I have seized and taken in to my possession the following-de scribed: The Norwegian steamship, Kalfarli, etc., her' tackle, apparel fur niture, and machinery for the causes set forth in the libel now; pending in the U. S. District Court for the E Dis trict of N. C., at Wilmington, N. C. I hereby give notice to all persons claim ing the said described steamship, or knowing or having anything to say whf the same should not be con demned and forfeited, and the proceeds thereof distributed according to the prayer of the libel, that they be and appear .before the said Court, to be held in and. for the E District of N. C., at the United States Court Rqfcm. in the fcity of Wilmington, on the 14th day of March, 1928, at- 11 o’clock on the forenoon of that»day, if the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, other wise od the next1 day of Jurisdiction thereafter, then and-- there to interpose a claim for the same, and to make their allegations in that behalf. ' : R. W. WARD, U. S. ^Marshal, E. Dist. of N. C. i By SAMUEL LILLY,; Deputy. t-“-—“— -- " » Have Curly, Wavy Hair, Like “Nature’s Own” X ■ V*_:_, | Women who have trouble keeping their hair in curl, or of securing' the j desired wavy effect, should try the new silmerine method. In no other way can they acquire such pretty waves and curls, having all tihe appearance of “Nature’s own.” And the hair, instead of being singed, ragged or dead look ing, has such a lively lustre and whole - - some beauty. When combed out it is; nice and fluffy. If one will get a bottle • of plain liquid silmerine at any drug store and follow the accompanying di- j rections; she will be simply delighted with the result. This product is per fectly harmless and there is nothing sticky, greasy or unpleasant about it— adv. / MARLY POLICE NEWS Police headquarters this morning re ported the arrest of “two negro ladies, drunk on the highway,” and the arrest by Lieut. A. L. Kelly, A. C. L. police, of Asa Smith, carrying concealed weap ons, a .44 that wasn’t loaded. yv MONEVTO LEXi> ti V10NB7 TO JjEND—Unlimited' tmounv quick money, ions; time, $3,000 small est loan, improved real estate only. Franklin In*. & Real— Co., Loulsburg, M. C. 10-28-tfo Struthers & Wells On Perry avenue, Carolina Place, ve lave a nice five-room cottage,> this place can he bought for a small cash payment, balance like rent. On Third street between Wright & Vteares we have a new four-room cot tage with bath and electric lights.'-Thia place can be bought’ for less than 13000.00, a small cash payment will turn the deal, balance like rent. On the' corner of 17th and Princess dice cottage in excellent condition, rerms can be made to suit purchaser. Carolina Court between 17th Street ind Turnpike we have a modern six^ room bungalow, all conveniences, house In excellent condition, an ideal loca tion for anyone looking for a moder itely priced home. On Red Cross Street between Third and Fourth nice two-story eight- room home, an ideal location for a railroad man. On Wrightsville Turnpike about two miles from the city, we have a 12-acre tract of land, partly cleared, small Iwelling On property. This place can be bought for part cash, balance -on time. ^ On Fourth Street not far from Chest nut we have a modern eight room borne, heating plant, this pla^e is mod ern in every way and is 4n. excellent" pondition. Call in ^nd let us tell you ib6ut this place. Struthers & 'WMls Real*Estate and InsurtVce Agency 210 Trincess Street. Phone 472. i‘ Read Stair Want Ads Champion Lynch Prepares For All Contenders Joe Lynoh on His Trusty Steed,, "Pen Wee” Kaiser. Shadows of Carl , Tremairie and Johnny Curtin are haunting Champion Bantamweight Joe Lynch. Lynch shortly will/be qalled upon to meet the winner of the Tremalne Curtln bout. Tremaine because of a previous victory over Curtin Is the favorite. For a' year Lynch had dodged the Tremaine Issue. A victory over Cur tin will insure Tremaine a champion ship bout. \ • ATHLETIC GOODS See our new line of Tennis Rackets , and Tennis Goods; Baseball Supplies for 1923 Season Golf Clubs, Golf Bags and Balls that are better^and cheaper We re-string Tennis Rackets Satisfaction guaranteed | Wortham $ Book and Stationery Store | in Your Town? And what’s goinj* on in your county, in North Caro' Ena, in the United States, and beyond? : The first requirement lor a keen interest in fife—for happiness, therefore,—is a knowledge of events in your own world and the world outside. / -v There is one way, and one only, to get this knowledge. V *:=• Your own local newspaper first, of course, but others too if you can possibly afford them. ^ •: . r v i , '■ ■■ ' And remember that Xvhen you read newspapers you get not only news but also the fruit of the world’s wis dean. For newspapers record die words" syd the work of the greatest doctors and lawyers, the greatest scien tists, scholars, preachers and phikjsophers,;the greatest bankers, Oierchants and statesmen! ' ■; " They are all talking to you—through the press. / X Read the newspapers and especially your home paper. ■r For rate* or other Information consult local newspaper or write to the Secretary of tk Worth rnwnlma Press Association. 'tOQ. N. CL "Vv '• 'l'---- )■,, ■ & •; U > V .•