WHAT? Five Hundred Dollars In CASH Two Hundred Dollars In CASH Two Hundred Dollars In CASH Two Hundred Dollars In CASH Two Hundred Dollars In CASH One Hundred Dollars In CASH One Hundred Dollars In CASH One Hundred Dollars In CASH One Hundred Dollars In CASH Four Fifty Dollars In CASH / 20 Per Cent Cash Commissions to All Active Non-Prize Winners NEW PACKARD TOUR ING CAR Value $2,685.00 NEW HUPJMOBILE SEDAN Value $1,825.00 NEW NASH SEDAN Value $1,625.00 NEW DODGE SEDAN Value $1,570.00 WHY? HOW! CTo increase the circulation power and prestige of the Star and News, these newspapers will distribute to the people of Wilmington and vicinity, the fol lowing prizes: C Every active participant in the Wilmington Star arid New's big- campaign receives either a cash award or one of the four automobiles. , C The person receiving the highest number of votes in the campaign will have his or her choice of all four cars. "e CThen the highest candidates in the remaining districts will have their choice of the remaining three cars, according to their respective position in the campaign. ' CThen the next highest perspn over all four districts will receive the $500.00. prize. , CThen the next four highest persons in all four districts will receive $200.00 each. i • CThen the next four highest persons in the four districts will receive $100.00 each. » CThen the next four highest persons in all four districts will receive $50.00 each. ■ ' CA11 other active contestants wfio do not receive a cash prize or an automo bile will be awarded 20 per cent on all subscriptions, according to the rules of the campaign. VOTES C Votes in the gift distribution are secured in two ways. First, by clipping the coupons which appear in each issue of the Star and News. Each coupon counts for 100 votes now for the person whose name is written thereon, when sent to the office of the Star. Candidates may have their friends save or send in these coupons for them. C Second, the other, and faster way to get votes is by securing new and re newal subscriptions to the Star and News. On each subscription turned in a certain number of votes are issued according to the vote schedule which ap pears on another page. ONE OF THE PRIZES PACKARD TOURING CAR, Valpe $2,685.00 TO CANDIDATES C Contestants are not restricted to their own districts in the matter of secur ing subscriptions or coupons. They may secure their votes any place. CThe best time to secure coupons and subscriptions is right now at the start of the campaign for the reason that they count for many more votes than later. Cl This gift distribution is only a spare time opportunity and no contestant is asked or required to devote more than their spare moments. CTo enter and share in the distribution of gifts all that is required is the send ing in of the nomination blank which appears elsewhere in this issue, properly filled in, to the Campaign Department of the Star. , CThe $14,000 gift distribution headquarters are located in Star building. The headquarters are open daily from 8 o’clock a. m. until 9 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving nominations, votes, etc., and to give information and to answer questions relative to the distribution. The Telephone Number is 51. ONE OF THE PRIZES Now istbe Time ACT SEND THIS BLANK IN TO-DAY 51—TELEPHONE—SI I” NOMINATION BLANK In the Star and News “Everybody Wins” Campaign I hereby enter and cast 5,000 votes for— MISS, MR. or MRS. .......... ADDRESS ..... as a candidate in The Star and News “Everybody Wins” Prize Distribution. NOTE r^Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nominated. 51—TELEPHONE—51